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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Regulation 21 of the Patriotic Purposes Emergency Regulations 1939

The Hon. the Minister of Internal Affairs, Wellington. The National Patriotic Fund Board has the honour to present it seventh annual report and balance-sheet for the year ended 30th September, 1946. 1. Introduction The expenditure of patriotic moneys by the Board and its agents during the year showed a very substantial decrease on the four previous years. This was a natural corollary upon the return of a large number of Service personnel from overseas and the reduction in strength in New Zealand. The annual gross expenditure of the Board, since its inception, exclusive of expenditure by the Provincial Patriotic Councils, was as follows : £ 1939-40 .. .. .. .. 233,737 1940-41 .. .. .. .. 547,644 1941-42 .. .. .. .. 1,097,944 194-2-43 .. .. .. .. 1,601,725 1943-44 .. .. .. .. 1,857,281 1944-45 .. .. .. .. 1,868,962 1945-46 .. .. .. .. 995,684 £8,202,977

Gross cash receipts, again exclusive pf Provincial Patriotic Funds, for the same period were £9,492,075.


2. Summary op Receipts and Payments The following table shows the state of the Provincial and National Patriotic Funds as at Ist October, 1945, and receipts and payments during the year, and the funds held as at 30th September, 1946 :

National Patriotic Fund Board Balance as at Ist October, 1945 — £ Cash .. .. .. .. .. .. 626,295 Investments .. .. .. .. .. 447,175 £ 1,073,470 Receipts from all sources .. .. .. .. .. 1,211,312 2,284,782 Payments .. .. .. .. .. .. 995,684 Cash and investments as at 30th September, 1946 .. *£1,289,098 * Cash, £70,112 ; Investments, £1,218,986. 3. Work by Expending Agents General With the rapid reduction of the number of personnel in the Armed Forces, the work of the expending agents in the camps, air and naval stations in New Zealand was considerably reduced during the year. The Board provided the necessary funds spent on the conduct of the patriotic work in camps in New Zealand and overseas by the following expending agents : The Catholic War Services Fund Board The Church of England Military Affairs Committee J ™ T , The Salvation Army {-For combatant troops. The Y.M.C.A. * J The Joint Council of the Order of St. John and New Zealand Red Cross Society .. .. .. For sick and wounded:


Receipts. Payments. Provincial Patriotic Councils. Balance on Hand, 1st October, '1945 (including Investments). Received, 1945-46. Payments. Balance on Hand, 30th September, 1946 (including Investments). Northland Auckland Waikato Bay of Plenty East Coast Hawke's Bay Taranaki Wellington Marlborough Nelson Westland .. Canterbury Otago Southland £ 46,609 202,316 50,684 39,187 51,477 123,312 86,509 230,341 19,408 80,815 31,769 141,640 263,277 121,165 £ 9,546 33,259 20,457 6,982 9,114 11,623 9,311 107,121 3,371 6,102 7,354 62,453 28,628 10,115 £ 3,956 7,580 812 387 10,400 1,997 1,374 69,164 1,186 2,123 378 46,966 26,688 23,647 £ 52,199 227,995 70,329 45,782 50,191 132,938 94,446 268,298 21,593 84,794 38,745 157,127 265,217 107,633 Totals 1,488,509 325,436 196,658 1,617,287


As the work of the expending agents of the Board has been fully dealt with in previous reports it will be sufficient to mention briefly the work of each during the year under review. Catholic War Services Fund Board Due to the closing of camps, the two huts which were serviced by this organization at the commencement of the year closed. This concluded six years of unremitting service by the Catholic War Service Fund Board, and the Board desires to express its appreciation of the work of the organization and all those citizens associated with it during this period. Salvation Army War Purposes Board This organization also ceased work on behalf of the Board during the year, and the Board desires to pay a tribute to it and to all those who assisted in its work with the Armed Forces during some six years. Church of England Military Affairs Committee This Committee commenced the year with two huts and six Air Force chapels in New Zealand, one hut in Norfolk Island, one at Base Camp, Maadi, and two clubs in Italy. With the withdrawal of New Zealand Forces from Italy and the transfer of the Division to Japan, the huts in the Middle East closed in December, 1945. In Japan, Church Army staffs two recreation rooms. At the close of the year the Committee operated one hut and six chapels in New Zealand. Expenditure on Buffet, £2,785, and receipts, £2,915. Advances by the Board amounted to £6,000. Y.M.C.A. The Y.M.C.A, commenced the year operating thirty-nine huts, of which twentythree remained open at the 30th September, 1946. With the withdrawal of the New Zealand troops from the Middle East the huts in that area were closed. A number of Y.M.C.A. welfare workers proceeded to Japan with the New Zealand Division, and this phase of the work is dealt with later under the appropriate heading. Canteen sales of the Y.M.C.A. in New Zealand for the year were £42,777, and the net surplus £369. The Board advanced £ll,OOO. Joint Council of the Order of St. John and New Zealand Red Cross Society This organization is entrusted with the work of caring for the sick and wounded, and in this connection it operates the homes known as Evelyn Firth, Auckland; Mowai, Wellington ; Rannerdale, Christchurch ; and Montecello, Dunedin. The total receipts from all sources for the year amounted to £64,031, and of this amount £31,355 was received from the Board. Liquidation of medical fabrics, wool, tobacco, foodstuffs, &c., realized £21,070. An important phase of the work of the Council was the care and attention of internees from Singapore and the East whilst in New Zealand. Clothing supplied to these people cost £6,740, and general comforts £503. New Zealand Navy League War Council This Council continued its work of caring for Navy personnel.



Air Force Relations From the early days of the war this organization saw to the provision of amenities, woollen comforts, &c., for Air Force personnel. Although the cessation of hostilities meant a lessening demand for woollens, there was still a considerable amount of work in providing garments for personnel returning home and those attached to the K.N.Z.A.F. Squadron, Japan. New Zealand Lady Galway Patriotic Guild During the year this Guild sent overseas 556 cases of clothing, making a total of 8,709 cases since its inception. Overseas Seamen's Gift Committee This Committee ceased to be an expending agent of the Board on the 31st December, 1945. The organization, together with a similar one in Auckland associated with the Auckland Metropolitan Committee, had, since the early days of the war, provided personnel on overseas merchant ships with gift parcels,' woollen comforts, books, periodicals, and other ship-board amenities, mainly from patriotic funds. The Board desires to express its appreciation of the work of the Committee in this most important phase of the patriotic effort. Woollen Comforts f The work of providing woollen comforts for service personnel was concluded in 1946, and brought to a close a service which had done much to add to the comfort of New Zealand service personnel both overseas and in New Zealand. The huge volume of knitting done by the women of New Zealand is indicated in the table set out below, and a special tribute is due to them for this magnificent work, and also to Mrs. A. A. Stitchbury (Navy), Mrs. D. C. McKae (Army), and Miss Morice (Air Force), who supervised the distribution of the wool and the sorting and packing of the knitted garments.

Cumulative Return of Woollen Goods made and issued during the Period 1940 to September, 1946

4. Work Overseas Pacific The year under review saw the termination of the work of the Board in the forward areas and its limitation to Fiji and Norfolk Island. No. 1 Islands Group.—The supply of amenities to this area could not have been satisfactorily accomplished without the ready and practical assistance of Air Department in the provision of air freight. At peak, Air personnel were stationed on twenty-five


— Balaclavas. Gloves. Mittens. Pullovers. Scarves. Seaboot Stockings. Socks. i Miscellaneous. Army Air Force Relations Navy League Overseas (Army, Navy, and Air Force) Totals .. 29,881 49,474 32,232 249,511 > 913 7,595 5,928 8,270 29,636 58,705 26,747 168,573 4,775 81,059 20,203 30,569 70,152 68,540 26,514 202,562 5 8,725 4,274 64,154 13,530 29,129 73,906 1,720 14,664 6,633 17,465 361,098 22,706 283,661 136,606 367,768 13,004 180,719 40,482


islands, and these were required to be provided with a constant supply of all amenities and comforts. In October, 1945, owing to the sharp drop in the number of personnel in the area, Squadron Leader J. R. Herbert, the Board's Commissioner, who had been responsible for the organization and operation of the patriotic work there, returned to New Zealand, and the control then devolved upon Mr. Alister Dunn, Senior Y.M.C.A. Secretary. Much of the work in the latter stages was concerned with the disposal of assets, and in this connection sales were made to the Australian Forces and church missions. The outstanding success achieved in the provision of amenities and comforts to Air Force personnel was due largely to the efforts of Squadron Leader Herbert and also to the assistance rendered by Air Department. Fiji.—ln November, 1945, Captain J. K. B. Fountain, the Board's Commissioner with the New Zealand Forces in Fiji, returned to New Zealand, and the work of caring for the Service personnel became a matter for Y.M.C.A. with funds and supplies provided by the Board. Norfolk Island. —This area continued to be serviced by the Church Army Military Affairs Committee on behalf of the Board. United Kingdom Like other areas, many of the Service personnel had been repatriated. Nevertheless, there was still a considerable volume of work in connection with the repatriation of prisoners of war and also those Service personnel remaining in-England. The New Zealand Forces Club, which had been in operation at 4-6 Charing Cross Road, London, closed on the 31st December, 1945, after rendering a vary valuable service for five years, Middle East and Italy The year under review saw a gradual withdrawal of troops from Italy to Egypt, and, with the exception of the Division for Japan, their repatriation to New Zealand. Lowry Hut.—This hut, which was one of the best known in the Middle East, closed at the end of October, 1945. Realization of Assets.—Owing to the diversified nature of the patriotic property, its realization presented a very real problem. Goods were offered, firstly, to the British Army at current N.A.A.F.I. prices, and then to civilian buyers upon a competitive basis. Prices obtained were generally very satisfactory, and the sum of £350,000, approximately, has been realized. Colonel F. Waite, the Board's Commissioner in the Middle East, returned to New Zealand in 1945, and his duties there were assumed by Major K. R. Collins, who was repatriated to New Zealand in September, 1946. The Board desires to express its appreciation of the work of Colonel Waite, who had been its Commissioner in the Middle East since 1940, and of Major Collins for his part in the patriotic work in the area. Repatriation of Prisoners of War The few remaining prisoners of war returned to New Zealand from England during the year. Major S. C. Read, the Board's Commissioner in the United Kingdom, together with Mr. C. Cassels, Senior Y.M.C.A. Secretary, were responsible for the very efficient service rendered repatriated prisoners of war, and the Board desires to express its appreciation of the work of these two officers. Major Read returned to New Zealand in April, 1946.



India The work in this area continued under the able supervision of Mr. C. R. C. Gardiner, the Board's Honorary Commissioner there. Australia The Board's representatives in Sydney, Melbourne, and Perth continued to care for visiting personnel. This work was greatly increased owing to the large numbers of troops calling into Australian ports on their way home. Haeremai House, in Melbourne, which had fulfilled a valuable service as a hospitality centre for visiting Service personnel, closed on the 31st March, 1946. Japan With the New Zealand occupation Force which left the Middle East in January, 1946, went a fully equipped welfare service under the control of Mr. R. S. Knapp, Senior Y.M.C.A. Secretary, and National Patriotic Fund Board Commissioner. Sufficient sports equipment to last twelve months, canteen supplies, picture plants, and a variety of other items which would be necessary to establish a welfare service equal to that which had operated in the Middle East were taken. Conditions, however, were very different in Japan from those in the Middle East, mainly due to the fact that suitable buildings as recreation huts were not available, nor was furniture readily procurable. The various problems were surmounted, but it was some time before a satisfactory welfare service was established. No supplies were available locally; these were all obtained through the central purchasing agency for the British Commonwealth Occupational Forces. To supplement supplies, stocks of tea, sugar, and milk were forwarded from New Zealand when opportunity arose. Items of this nature were issued free to the troops. Apart from the moneys and stocks taken from the Middle East, the Board's expenditure on the Force up to the 30th September, 1946, amounted to £10,617. 5. Disposal of Assets Overseas. —With the exception of band instruments and equipment in remote localities such as the No. 1 Islands Group, all patriotic property was sold in the area in which it was located. The amounts realized exceeded £350,000. New Zealand. —The disposal of the Board's property in New Zealand was entrusted to a special Committee set up by the Board for the purpose. Some three hundred different types of items were handled, including huts, furniture, musical instruments, cinematograph-plants, ice-cream plants, and sports equipment of all types. The aim of the Committee was to afford all persons an opportunity to purchase, and to that end sales were effected by public auction and by tender in all parts of the Dominion. Prices generally were very satisfactory. The sum of £lBl,OOO was realized during the year. 6. Secretary During the year Mr. G. A. Hayden, who has been Secretary to the Board since its inception, and whose work has been of inestimable value to the patriotic effort of New Zealand, suffered a severe breakdown in health. The Board expresses the wish that he will soon be restored to full health. 7. Obituary The Board regrets to record the death during the year of one of its most valued members in the person of the Hon. Vincent Ward, M.L.C., C.8.E., who was also Honorary Secretary of the Wellington Provincial Patriotic Council. Mr. Ward had rendered outstanding service to the patriotic effort throughout the war years, and his loss was a grievous one.



8. Appreciation The Board again desires to express its appreciation for the co-operation and assistance given by the Provincial Patriotic Councils and their Committee and welfare organizations throughout New Zealand. It also wishes to thank its Commissioners and representatives overseas, and its expending agents in New Zealand and overseas. Thanks are also due to the Government Departments which assisted it in its work and to the Service Chiefs and to the press. The Board also desires to thank the voluntary workers and the public who subscribed the funds. Finally, the Board wishes to thank its office staff for the loyal and efficient service rendered, and the Government for meeting the office salaries and rent, and for assistance in other respects. \ For and on behalf of the National Patriotic Fund Board. A. H. Gibson, Acting Secretary-Treasurer.



NEW ZEALAND NATIONAL PATRIOTIC FUND BOARD Receipts and Payments Account, Ist October, 1945, to 30th September, 1946 Receipts £ Amounts received on deposit .. .. .. .. 1,558 Payments £ Interest on investments— £ Amounts on deposit paid over .. .. .. .. 10,189 General .. .. .. .. .. 10,518 Freight and cartage .. .. .. .. .. 11,427 Sick and wounded .. .. .. .. 11,140 New Zealand Forces Club, Middle East: Goods supplied 8,706 21,658 Supplies for Provincial Patriotic Councils and others .. 611 Recoveries of freight and cartage : Grant from Government.. 15,051 B.M. A. War Service Funds .. .. .. .. 2,571 Refunds of Customs duty and sales tax .. .. .. 14,279 Advances to expending agents overseas .. .. .. 687,742 New Zealand Forces Club, Middle East, for goods supplied . . 166,369 Advances to expending agents in New Zealand— Refunds of unexpended advances to agents . . .. 397,278 Lady Galway Guild .. .. .. .. .. 18 B.M.A. War Service Funds .. .. .. .. 907 Navy Department .. .. .. .. .. 76 Postal Tobacco Scheme: Sales and recoveries .. .. 1,612 Air Force Relations .. .. .. .. .. 608 Postal Chocolate Scheme: Sales .. .. .. 1,140 Navy League .. .. .. .. .. 251 Provincial Patriotic Councils: Quotas .. .. .. 35,216 Church of England Military Affairs Committee .. .. 5,555 Provincial Patriotic Councils and others: Payments for Catholic War Services Fund .. .. .. .. 3,892 supplies .. .. .. .. .. .. 46,674 Salvation Army .. .. .. .. .. 1,224 Expenses of UNRR A clothes drive recovered .. .. 4,867 Y.M.C.A. .. .. .. .. .. .. 62,880 Sales of huts, furniture, &c. .. .. .. .. 229,513 Joint Council (sick and wounded and prisoners of war) .. 58,857 Proceeds of sale of surplus prisoner of war food parcels .. 33,880 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. 337 Fairview Home, Auckland : Proceeds of sale .. .. 3,283 Comforts— Donations to be paid over to Provincial Patriotic Councils— Troops in New Zealand .. .. .. .. 879 Proceeds of patriotic race meetings .. .. .. 1,728 Overseas seamen .. .. .. .. .. 387 Proceeds of.Services sports meetings .. .. .. 1,409 Troops overseas .. .. .. .. .. 21,239 Donation by National Council of Reclamation of Waste .. 5,204 War Library Service .. .. .. .. .. 38 Donations .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,006 Wool .. .. .. .. .. .. 533 Proceeds of Gracie Fields concerts .. .. .. 20,730 Stock (for issue as required) .. .. .. .. 2,807 Donations .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,525 Grants, &c.— Hospital Fees, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 15,844 Patriotic organizations: overseas .. .. .. 2,501 Allied Nations Appeal: Receipts .. .. .. 236 Patriotic organizations in New Zealand .. .. .. 9,106 Helen Ross estate .. .. .. . . .. 150 Comforts for hospitals overseas, in New Zealand, and hospital Investments matured .. .. .. .. .. 235,000 ships .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,241 Government refund of salary of welfare workers .. .. 1,981 Refund of excess of New Zealand Government grant towards Receipts for buffets in New Zealand— cost of prisoner of war over expenditure .. .. .. 32,000 Y.M.C.A. .. .. .. .. .. .. 42,778 Advertising and publicity .. .. .. .. 180 Salvation Army .. .. .. .. .. 205 Allied Nations Appeal: Payments .. .. .. 12,135 Church of England Military Affairs Committee .. .. 2,915 Expenses of UNRRA clothes drive (recoverable) .. .. 2,666 Allied Services Club .. .. .. .. .. 6,570 Postal Tobacco Scheme : Purchases and expenses .. .. 561 Burwood Plastic Surgery .. .. .. .. 28 Postal Chocolate Scheme : Purchases and expenses .. 635 #


H —22A

Buffet and sundry receipt overseas— Donations, &c., paid over to Provincial Patriotic Councils .. 39,978 Pacific .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,429 Allied Services Club : . Purchases and expenses . . . . 9,869 India .. .. . . .. .. .. 918 Sundry expenses .. .. .. . . . . 926 England .. .. .. .. .. .. 9,278 Administration expenses .. .. .. .. 1,059 Mediterranean area .. .. .. .. .. 113,776 Amounts invested .. .. .. .. ~ 1,006,812 Miscellaneous receipts and recoveries .. .. .. 4,317 £1,446,312 £2,002,496 £ £ Cash on hand and in bank, Ist October, 1945 .. .. 363,039 Cash on hand and in bank, Ist October, 1946 .. .. 45,815 Cash in hands of agents, Ist October, 1945 .. .. 263,258 Cash in hands of agents, Ist October, 1946 ~ .. 24,298 £2,072,609 £2,072,609

2—H 22A



NEW ZEALAND NATIONAL PATRIOTIC FUND BOARD— continued Income and Expenditure Account, Ist October, 1945, to 30th September, 1946 Expenditure £ Income £ Comforts supplied: Troops overseas (less buffet and other Donations .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,005 receipts) .. .. .. .. .. .. 38,076 Interest on investments .. .. .. .. 26,542 Repatriated prisoners of war ...... . . 1,555 Customs duty and sales-tax recoveries .. ' .. . . 8,557 Overseas seamen, Merchant Navy, &c. .. .. .. 679 Government refunds of salaries of welfare workers .. 1,981 Troops in New Zealand (including maintenance of huts) .. 791 Government grant towards prisoners of war expenses .. 701 War Library Service .. . . .. .. . . 71 Freight and cartage : New Zealand Government grant . . 9,918 Allied Services Club (less buffet receipts) .. .. . . 2,304 Postal Tobacco Scheme : Sales, less purchases and expenses. . 22 Grants to patriotic organizations overseas . . .. . . 3,751 Proceeds of realization of assets . . . . . . .. 181,270 Grants to patriotic organizations in New Zealand .. .. 9,106 Miscellaneous receipts and recoveries .. .. .. 1,169 Expenditure by New Zealand agents— Air Force Relations .. .. .. .. .. 522 Navy League . . . . .. .. . . 156 Lady Galway Guild . . .. .. .. .. 18 Catholic War Services Fund .. 357 Church of England Military Affairs Committee .. .. 2,785 Salvation Army . . . . .. . . . . 813 Y.M.C.A. .. .. .. .. .. .. 19,080 Expenditure in New Zealand and overseas on sick and wounded and prisoners of war, including expenditure by Joint Council 1,320 Hospitals in New Zealand and overseas (less sundry recoveries) 50,772 Amounts irrecoverable, written off .. . . . . 150 Store and general expenses .. .. . . .. 196 Freight and cartage .. .. .. .. .. 10,334 Administration expenses . . .. .. .. 848 Surplus for year transferred to Accumulated Fund .. .. 89,481 £233,165 £233,165



MEW ZEALAND NATIONAL PATRIOTIC FUND BOARD— continued Balance-sheet as at 30th September, 1946 Liabilities £ Assets £ Accumulated funds for all purposes—- £ Convalescent homes and hospitals : Land, buildings, furniture, Balance Ist October, 1945 .. .. .. 933,418 and equipment .. .. .. .. .. 54,382 Add surplus from Income and Expenditure I Recreational huts in New Zealand (residual value) .. .. 8,607 Account for year ended 30th September, 1946 89,481 Launch, Rotorua .. .. .. .. .. 1,737 Balance 30th September, 1946 .. .. .. 1,022,899 Furniture and equipment— Sick and Wounded Reserve .. .. .. .. 400,000 Joint Council .. .. .. . . . . 915 Special funde— Offices and stores . . .. .. .. . . 1,233 B.M.A. War Services Fund . . .. .. .. 868 | Investments : New Zealand Government stock and local-body New Zealand Sheepowners Acknowledgment of Debt to j debentures— British Seamen .. .. .. .. .. 9,152 j General Fund .. .. .. .. .. 852,046 Helen Ross (deceased) estate .. .. .. .. 5,539 j Held against Sick and Wounded Reserve .. .. 363,015 Allied Nations Appeal .. .. .. .. 789 ! Held in trust .. .. .. .. .. 26 Miscellaneous deposits .. .. .. .. 1,225 Helen Ross (deceased) estate . . .. . . .. 3,900 Sundry creditors in New Zealand and overseas .. .. 5,833 Investments: First mortgage, Helen Ross (deceased) estate .. 782 Sundry debtors : New Zealand and overseas .. .. 47,456 Accrued interest . . .. .. .. . . 8,174 Stocks of comforts on hand . . .. .. . . 23,605 Remittances in transit .. .. .. .. .. 10,314 Cash in hand and in bank, 30th September, 1946 .. .. 45,815 Cash in hands of agents, 30th September, 1946 .. .. 24,298 £1,446,305 £1,446,305 Note.—Rent of premises and salaries of staff of the National Patriotic Fund Board are met from the Public Account. A. H. Gibson, Acting-Secretary. I hereby certify that the Receipts and Payments Account, Income and Expenditure Account, and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby.—J. P. Rutherford, Controller and Auditor-General. Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (638 copies), £2O

By Authority: E. Y. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington.— 1947. Price 6d .]


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NATIONAL PATRIOTIC FUND BOARD (REPORT OF) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30th SEPTEMBER, 1946, Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1947 Session I, H-22a

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NATIONAL PATRIOTIC FUND BOARD (REPORT OF) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30th SEPTEMBER, 1946 Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1947 Session I, H-22a

NATIONAL PATRIOTIC FUND BOARD (REPORT OF) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30th SEPTEMBER, 1946 Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1947 Session I, H-22a

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