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Return to an Order of the House of Representatives dated 18th August, 1893 Ordered, " That it be the duty of the Clerk of this House to lay upon the table at the commencement of each session a list of all periodical returns or statements which are by law or by resolution of this House required to be laid before the House, with a note of the time within which they should be so produced."—(Hon. Sir J. Hall.)


List of Returns or Statements required by Law or by Resolution of the House to be laid before the House showing Time within which they should be so produced


Note. —Regulations under Acts and other Returns or Statements not strictly " periodical" are included Returns or Statements. Pursuant to Time from Commencement of Session within which they should be produced. Accident Insurance Companies Act, Statements deposited under Agricultural and Pastoral Societies, Reports and Balance-sheets of Agricultural Workers' Act, Regulations under .. Agriculture (Emergency Powers) Act, Regulations under Aircraft Services (vide Transport Licensing). Air Department, Report of .. Air Force Act, Regulations under Air Navigation Act, Regulations under Akaroa High School, Report and Accounts of .. Ammunition-supply, Contracts and Leases in connection with Annual Holidays Act, Regulations under Apiaries Act, Regulations under Appropriation Account Appropriation Account, Remarks of Audit Office on Ashburton High School, Report and Accounts of Auckland College and Grammar School, Report and Accounts of Accident Insurance Companies Act, 1908, sec. 6 Agricultural and Pastoral Societies Act, 1908, sec. 12 Agricultural Workers' Act, 1936, sec. 23 Agriculture (Emergency Powers) Act, 1934, sec. 27 Air Department Act, 1937, sec. 7 .. Air Force Act, 1937, sec. 19 Air Navigation Act, 1931, sec. 11 .. Akaroa High School Act, 1881, sec. 16 Defence Act, 1909, sec. 87 .. Annual Holidays Act, 1944, sec 15 Apiaries Act, 1927, sec. 16 Public Revenues Act, 1926, sees. 86 and 88 Public Revenues Act, 1926, sec. 88 Ashburton High School Act, 1878, sec. 8 Auckland Grammar School Act, 1899, sec. 10 No time stated. No time stated. Production permissive. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, within fourteen days from making. Twenty-eight days. If Parliament sitting, twenty-eight days after making thereof. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days from making. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days from making. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days from gazetting. No time stated. Twenty - one days. If Parliament sitting, twenty - one days from execution. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days from making. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days from gazetting. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. To be laid on table with Appropriation Account. No time stated. No time stated.



Auckland University College, Report and AcAuckland University College Act, 1882, sees. 18 One month. If Parliament sitting, counts of and 25; also New Zealand University one month from receipt. Amendment Act, 1926, sec. 22, and sec. 6 of Amendment Act, 1929 Auctioneers Act, Regulations under Auctioneers Act, 1928, sec. 43 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days from making. Bank of New Zealand and Banking Act, ConBank of New Zealand and Banking Act, 1895, No time stated. tracts under sec. 37 Bank of New Zealand, Balance- sheet, &c., of .. Bank of New Zealand and Banking Act Ten days. If Parliament sitting, as Amendment Act, 1898, sec. 24 soon as available. Bank of New Zealand : Report Bank of New Zealand Act, 1945, sec. 15 Ten days. If Parliament sitting, as soon as available. Births and Deaths of Maoris, Regulations and Births and Deaths Registration Act, 1924, Twenty-eight days. If Parliament Orders in Council relative to Registration of sec. 60 sitting, twenty-eight days after making. (Stands referred to Maori Affairs Committee.) Board of Trade Act, Regulations under Board of Trade Act, 1919, sec. 27 .. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after gazetting. Broadcasting Act, Regulations under Broadcasting Act, 1936, sec. 19 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after receipt. Broadcasting Service : Report and Accounts .. Broadcasting Act, 1936, sec. 18 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after receipt. Bush Workers Act, Regulations under Bush Workers Act, 1945, sec. 18 . . Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, within fourteen days after making. Canterbury Agricultural College: Report and Canterbury Agricultural College Act, 1930, No time stated. Accounts sec. 36 Canterbury College : Accounts and Reports .. Canterbury College and Canterbury AgriculTen days. Forthwith if Parliament tural College Act, 1896, sec. 41; also New sitting. Zealand University Amendment Act, 1926, sec. 22, and sec. 6 of Amendment Act, 1929 Canterbury Provincial Buildings Board, Audited Canterbury Provincial Buildings Vesting Act, No time stated. Accounts of 1928, sec. 12 Carriage by Air Act, Regulations under Carriage by Air Act, 1940, sec. 4 .. As soon as may be after making. Carter Observatory Board, Annual Report and A nnATlTlT.C! Carter Observatory Act, 1938, sec. 27 No time stated. xivtu 11.11 lo Centennial (vide New Zealand Centennial). Charitable Institutions, Reports on .. Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, Twenty-one days. If Parliament sit1926, sec. 100 ting, twenty-one days after receipt. Cheviot Estate: Statement of Goods received Land Act, 1924, sec. 345 Ten days. at and shipped from Port Robinson Cinematograph Films Act, Regulations under .. Cinematograph Films Act, 1928, sec. 43; Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, Finance Act, 1930, sec. 51 fourteen days from making. Civil Service (vide Public Service). ' x


List of Returns or Statements required by Law or Resolution to be laid before the House—continued


Returns or Statements. Pursuant to Time from Commencement of Session within which they should be produced. Clerks of Works Act, Regulations under Clerks of Works Act, 1944, sec. 47 (3) Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after making. Ooal-mines (vide State Coal-mines). Coal-mining Leases, Assignments, Transfers, Coal-mines Act, 1925, sec. 27 One month. If Parliament sitting, Amalgamations, or Consolidations of within one month of consent. Coinage Act: Proclamations and Orders in Coinage Act, 1933, sec. 10 One month. If Parliament sitting, Council within one month after issue. Copyright Act, Orders in Council under Copyright Act, 1913, sec. 29 As soon as may be after making. County Councils' Accounts, Reports on Special Counties Act, 1920, sec. 144 . . Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten Audit of days from receipt. County Councils' Balance-sheets Counties Act, 1920, sec. 142 Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days after receipt. Crimes Act, Rules under Crimes Act, 1908, sec. 354 Twenty days. If Parliament sitting, Customs Act, 1913, Orders in Council under twenty days from publication. Customs Act, 1913, sees. 46, 47, and 303 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after making. Customs Amendment Act, 1921, Orders in Customs Amendment Act, 1921, s lec. 31 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitCouncil under ting, fourteen days after gazetting. Dairy Industry Act, Accounts, Reports, &c., Dairy Industry Act, 1908, sec. 46 Thirty days. If Parliament sitting, under thirty days after close of financial Deeds Registration Act, Regulations under Deeds Registration Act, 1908, sec. 53 y68ii» Fourteen days. If Parliament sitDefence Act, Regulations under ting, when approved. Defence Amendment Act, 1910, sec. 15 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days from gazetting. Defence Canteen Board: Report and Accounts Defence Canteen Emergency Regulations No time stated. 1939, Reg. 4(8) Dentists Act, Regulations under Dentists Act, 1936, sec. 37 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, within fourteen days after Departmental Accounts and Balance-sheets Finance Act, 1932, sec. 57 making. No time stated. Diplomatic Privileges Extension Act: Orders in Diplomatic Privileges Extension Act, 1945, Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, Council granting immunities and privileges sec. 3 within fourteen days after making. Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act: Annual Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act, 1915, Thirty days. If Parliament sitting, Report sec. 14; Discharged Soldiers Settlement thirty days after receipt. Amendment Act, 1916, sec. 5 : Discharged Soldiers Settlement Amendment Act, 1923, * sec. 17



Earthquake and War Damage Act, Regulations Earthquake and War Damage Act, 1944, Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, under sec. 26 (5) fourteen days after making. Earthquake and War Damage Commission, Earthquake and War Damage Act, 1944, Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, Annual Report and Statements of Account sec. 23 fourteen days after receipt. East Coast Native Trust Lands: Balance- Native Purposes Act, 1931, sec. 40 .. As early as possible. (Stands referred sheet and Statement of Accounts to Maori Affairs Committee.) Education Department, Report and Accounts of Education Act, 1914, sec. 163 .. .. One month. If Parliament sitting, one month from receipt. Education Regulations .. .. .. Education Act, 1914, sec. 161 .. As soon after gazetting as possible. Education Reserves, Proposed .. .. Land Act, 1924, sec. 362 .. .. No time stated. Education Reserves, Provisional .. .. Education Reserves Act, 1928, sec. 7 .. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after publication. Election Petitions Court, Rules and Orders of .. Electoral Act, 1927, sec. 205 .. .. Three weeks. If Parliament sitting, three weeks after making. Electoral Amendment Act, Regulations under.. Electoral Amendment Act, 1940, sec. 5 As soon as may be after making. Electoral Amendment Act: Commission's Report Electoral Amendment Act, 1945, sec. 6 .. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days after receipt. Electrical Motive Power, Reports on Feasi- Public Works Act, 1928, sec. 317 .. As soon as practicable, bility of utilizing Waterways for Electricity Act: Report and Accounts .. Electricity Act, 1945, sec. 21 .. .. One month. If Parliament sitting, within one month after receipt by Minister. Emergency Expenditure Account .. .. Public Revenues Act, 1926, sec. 59 .. Ten days. Emergency Regulations Act, Regulations under Emergency Regulations Act, 1939, sec. 3 .. As soon as may be after making. Employment Act, Regulations under .. Employment Act, 1945, sec. 8. .. .. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after making. Employment Act: Report and Accounts .. Employment Act, 1945, sec. 9 .. .. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after receipt. Exhibitions, Reports of Proceedings of, with Exhibitions Act, 1910, sec. 11 .. .. No time stated. Regulations and By-laws made Explosive and Dangerous Goods Act, Regula- Explosive and Dangerous Goods Act, 1908, Fourteen days. If Parliament sittions under sec. 15 ting, fourteen days after publication. Explosive and Dangerous Goods Act, Regula- Explosive and Dangerous Goods Amendment Fourteen days. If Parliament sittions under Act, 1920, sec. 21 ting, fourteen days after receipt. Factories, Annual Report of Minister on .. Factories Act, 1946, sec. 99 .. .. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after making. Fertilizers Act, Regulations under .. .. Fertilizers Act, 1927, sec. 28 .. .. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days after publication. Fire Boards, Balance-sheet and Statement of Fire Brigades Act, 1926, sec. 59 -. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten Accounts of days after receipt. Footwear, Manufacture and Sale of, Regulations Footwear Regulation Act, 1913, sec. 8 .. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after gazetting. Forests, Annual Report on .. .. .. Forests Act, 1921-22, sec. 64 .. .. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, within fourteen days.


List of Returns or Statements required by Law or Resolution to be laid before the House—continued


Returns or Statements. Pursuant to Time from Commencement of Session withta which they should be produced. Friendly Societies' Regulations Friendly Societies Act, 1909, sec. 103 Six weeks. If Parliament sitting, within six weeks from making. Friendly Societies, Report of Registrar of Friendly Societies Act, 1909, sec. 9 No time stated. Gisborne High School, Report and Accounts of Gisborne High School Act, 1885, sec. 16 No time stated. Government Accident Insurance: BalanceGovernment Accident Insurance Act, 1908, Fourteen days. Forthwith if Parliasheet and Report sec. 22 ment sitting. Government Accident Insurance Department: Government Accident Insurance Act, 1908, Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, Deficiency Certificate sec. 15 fourteen days from issue of moneys. Government Accident Insurance Department: Government Accident Insurance Act, 1908, Ten days. (To be referred to SesRegulations sec. 30 sional Committee.) Government Accident Insurance Department: Government Accident Insurance Act, 1908, Fourteen days. If Parliament sitStatement relative to Sinking Fund sec. 9 ting, fourteen days from close of financial year. Government Departments Accounts and BalanceFinance Act, 1932, sec. 57 No time stated. OJLLtJtJuCi Government Life Insurance Department, Annual Government Life Insurance Act, 1908, sec. 35 On or before 1st April. If Parliament Report and Accounts of sitting, fourteen days. Government Life Insurance Department: ReGovernment Life Insurance Act, 1908, sec. 40 No time stated. port of Actuary on Surplus Profits to be divided Government Life Insurance Department, Government Life Insurance Act, 1908, sec. 38 Fourteen days. Forthwith if ParliaTriennial Report of Actuary on financial ment sitting. condition of Government Life Insurance Department: Government Life Insurance Act, 1908, sec. 38 Fourteen days. Forthwith if ParliaTriennial Statement of Life-assuranoe and ment sitting. Annuity Business Government Railways Amendment Act, 1936, Government Railways : Audited Balance-sheet As soon as practicable. and Accounts, and Report sec. 9 Government Railways Superannuation Fund: Government Railways Act, 1926, sec. 124 Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten Balance-sheet and Accounts days after completion of audit. Government Railways Superannuation Fund, Finance Act (No. 2), 1935, sec. 25 .. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, Report on Actuarial Examination of within ten days after receipt. Government Railways Superannuation Fund, Government Railways Act, 1926, sec. 119 .. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten Reports relative to any deficiency in days from receipt. Greymouth High School, Report and Accounts of Greymouth High School Act, 1883, sec. 16 .. No time stated. Harbour Boards' Accounts Harbours Act, 1923, sec. 100 Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from receipt. Hauraki Plains Act, Reports on Administration Hauraki Plains Act, 1926, sec. 20 .. Thirty days. of, with Statement of Accounts



Hawke's Bay Earthquake Act, Regulations Hawke's Bay Earthquake Act, 1931, sec. 66 Fourteen days. If Parliament situnder ting, fourteen days after gazetting. Health Act, Regulations under Health Act, 1920, sec. 133 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after receipt. Hokitika High School, Report and Accounts of Hokitika High School Act, 1883, sec. 8 No time stated. Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act: Hospitals and 'Charitable Institutions Act, Twenty- one days. If Parliament sit-Director-General's Report 1926, sec. 100 ting, twenty-one days from receipt. Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, Twenty-one days. If Parliament sitOrders in Council under 1926, sec. 155 ting, twenty - one days from gazetting. Housing (vide Native Housing). Housing Act: Statement of Accounts with CertiHousing Act, 1919, sec. 28 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitficate of Audit Office ting, fourteen days after date of certificate. Housing Improvement Act, Regulations under Housing Improvement Act, 1945, sec. 38 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, within fourteen days after making. Immigration Restriction Act, Regulations under Immigration Restriction Act, 1908, sec. 44 .. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from publication. Industrial and Provident Societies Act, RegulaIndustrial and Provident Societies Act, 1908, Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten tions under sec. 22 days after approval. Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, ReIndustrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, Fourteen days. If Parliament sitgulations under 1925, sec. 160 ting, fourteen days from gazetting. Industrial Societies : Reports and Accounts .. Industrial Societies Act, 1908, sec. 12 ., No time stated. Production perIndustrial Efficiency Act, Regulations under .. Industrial Efficiency Act, 1936, sec. 26 missive. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, within fourteen days after making. Invercargill Licensing Trust, Annual Report, Invercargill Licensing Trust Act, 1944, sec. 28 No time stated. Balance-sheet and Statement of Accounts Industrial Unions: Return of Number of Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, Thirty days. Members in each Union 1925, sec. 17 Kauri-gum Industry : Report and Statement of Kauri-gum Industry Amendment Act, 1914, Thirty days. If Parliament sitting, Accounts sec. 5 thirty days after receipt. King George the Fifth Memorial Fund Board, King George the Fifth Memorial Fund Act, No time stated. Annual Report and Accounts 1938, sec. 19 King George the Fifth Memorial Fund Act, King George the Fifth Memorial Fund Act, Fourteen days. If Parliament sitRegulations under 1938, sec. 21 ting, within fourteen days after making. Labour Department, Reports of Labour Department Act, 1908, sec. 12 Fourteen days. Labour Disputes Investigation Act, Regulations Labour Disputes Investigation Act, 191<j, Fourteen days. If Parliament situnder sec. 24 ting, fourteen days after gazetting. Land Act, Regulations under Land Act, 1924, sec. 4 c. Thirty days. If Parliament sitting, thirty days from making. Land Act, Regulations under, relative to Land Act, 1924, sec, 185 No time stated. (To be referred to Residence Conditions Lands Committee.)


List of Returns or Statements required by Law or Resolution to be laid before the House— continued


Returns or Statements. Pursuant to Time from commencement of Session within which they should be produced. Land Act: Report on Areas of Crown Land set Land Act, 1924, sec. 223 Thirty days. If Parliament sitting, apart for Special Settlement thirty days after receipt. Land Act: Reports re Aggregation of Private T.nnH Land Act, 1924, sec. 381 Thirty days. JJwliU Land Agents Act, Regulations under Land Agents Act, 1921-22, sec. 34 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, within fourteen days. Land and Income Tax Amendment Act: List of Land and Income Tax Amendment Act, 1945, „ "1 o No time stated. tax evaders Land for Settlements Act, Transactions under sec. ly Land for Settlements Act, 1925, sec. 109 Twenty days. If Parliament sitting, twenty days from close of financial Land Settlement Finance Act, Revenue Land Settlement Finance Act, 1909, sec. 31 .. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten Accounts and Balance-sheets under days from receipt. Lands, Promotion of Settlement of Undeveloped Crown Land Laws Amendment Act, 1929, sec. 10 .. With annual report of Department. Legislature : Contracts by Crown for Acquisition Electoral Act, 1927, sec. 15 Thirty days. If Parliament sitting, of Land from Member or Candidate within thirty days from receipt. Legislature : Reports as to Member being of Electoral Act, 1927, sec. 24 Forthwith if report in the affirmative. unsound mind Legislature : Reports of Representation ComElectoral Act, 1927, sec. 12 Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten missions days from receipt. Liabilities of Government Departments Public Revenues Act, 1926, sec. 46 Ten days from first sitting after receipt by Treasury. Life Insurance Companies, Statements and Life Insurance Act, 1908, sec. 33 .. No time stated. Abstracts of Reports of Linen Flax Corporation Act, Report, BalanceLinen Flax Corporation Act, 1945, sec. 18 .. No time stated. sheet, &c., of Linen Flax Corporation Act, Regulations under Linen Flax Corporation Act, 1945, sec. 25 .. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, within fourteen days after making. Local Authorities Superannuation Fund : StateLocal Authorities Superannuation Act, 1908, Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ment of Revenue and Balance-sheet sec. 13 within ten days of receipt. Local Authorities Superannuation Fund: Local Authorities Superannuation Act, 1908, Ten days. If Parliament sitting, Triennial Report of Actuarysec. 14 within ten days after receipt. Local Bodies' Loans : Annual Report Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, sec. 92 Fourteen days. Local Government Commission Act, Regulations Local Government Commission Act, 1946, Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, under sec. 28 within fourteen days after making. Local Government Commission, Annual report of Local Government Commission Act, 1946, No time stated. sec. 27



Local Railways Act, By-laws made pursuant to Local Railways Act, 1914, sec. 75 .. .. i Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from publication. Main Highways Board : Report and Accounts Main Highways Act, 1922, sec. 24 One month. If Parliament sitting, one month after presentation to Minister. Maoris, Births and Deaths of (vide Births and Deaths of Maoris). Maori Purposes Fund Act: Annual Report, Balance-sheet, &c. Maori Purposes Fund Act, 1934-35, sec. 14 .. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, within fourteen days after annual meeting of Board. Maori Purposes Fund Act, Regulations under .. Maori Purposes Fund Act, 1934-35, sec. 15 .. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after gazetting. Marketing Act, Regulations under Primary Products Marketing Act, 1936, sec. 15 Twenty-eight days. If Parliament sitting, within twenty-eight days after making. Marketing Department: Annual Report and Accounts of Primary Products Marketing Act, 1936, sec. 14 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, within fourteen days of receipt. Marlborough High School, Report and Accounts of Massey Agricultural College: Report and Marlborough High School Act, 1899, sec. 11 No time stated. Massey Agricultural College Act, 1926, sec. 24 No time stated. Accounts Master and Apprentice Act, Regulations under Master and Apprentice Act, 1920, sec. 10 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after gazetting. Meat Act, Regulations under Meat Act, 1939, sec. 71 .. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, within fourteen days after making. Mental Defectives : Annual Report by DirectorMental Defectives Act, 1911, sec. 78 ; Mental Fourteen days. Forthwith if ParliaGeneral Defectives Amendment Act, 1928, sec. 25 ment sitting. Milk Act, Regulations under Milk Act, 1944, sec. 117 .. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, within fourteen days after making. Milk Council, Annual Report of Central Milk Act, 1944, sec. 112 .. One month. If Parliament sitting, within one month after receipt by Minister. Mining Act, Amounts paid as Compensation Mining Act, 1926, sec. 138 Twenty days. under Mining Regulations Mining Act, 1926, sec. 429 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, twenty-eight days from gazetting. (Stands referred to Goldfields and Mines Committee.) Monopoly Prevention Act, Report of Board constituted under Monopoly Prevention Act, 1908, sec. 11 Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days after presentation to Minister. Mortgagors and Lessees Rehabilitation Act, Mortgagors and Lessees Rehabilitation Act, Twenty-eight days. If Parliament Regulations under 1936,sec. 83 sitting, within twenty-eight days after making. Motor-vehicles Act, Regulations under Motor-vehicles Act, 1924, sec. 36 .. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after gazetting.


List of Returns or Statements required by Law or Resolution to be laid before the House— continued


Returns or Statements. Pursuant to Time from Commencement of Session within which they should be produced. Municipal Corporations, Balance-sheets of Municipal Corporations Act, 1933. -(Clause 40 Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten of Regulations, 30th August, 1921) days after presentation to Minister. Municipal Corporations Act, Regulations under Statutes Amendment Act, 1944, sec. 45 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, Part XXV of within fourteen days after making, Napier High School, Report and Accounts of.. Napier High School Act, 1882, sec. 23 No time stated. Nassella Tussock Act, Regulations under Nassella Tussock Act, 1946, sec. 86 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, within fourteen days after making. National Art Gallery and Dominion Museum, National Art Gallery and Dominion Museum Fourteen days. If Parliament sitAnnual Report and Accounts Amendment Act, 1936, sec. 11 ting, within fourteen days after receipt. National Development Loans Account, StateNational Development Loans Act, 1941, sec. 5 Ten days. ment of Sums transferred from National Endowment Lands, Report on Land Act, 1924, sec. 302 Thirty days. If Parliament sitting, within thirty days after receipt by Minister. National Patriotic Fund Board: Report and Patriotic Purposes Emergency Regulations No time stated. Accounts 1939, Reg. 21 (3) National Provident Fund : Actuary's Report.. National Provident Fund Act, 1926, sec. 73 Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from receipt. National Provident Fund: Report of Board, National Provident Fund Act, 1926, sec. 72 Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten together with Accounts and Statements days after receipt. National Provident Fund: Statement of National Provident Fund Act, 1926, sec. 74 Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten Amounts paid in by Government days from payment. Native Housing Act, Statement of Accounts Native Housing Act, 1935, sec. 15; Native Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, under Housing Amendment Act 1938, sec. 32 forthwith on receipt by Minister. Native Housing Fund, Special: Statement of Native Housing Amendment Act, 1938, sec. 18 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, Accounts of forthwith on receipt by Minister. Native Petitions, Reports and Recommendations Native Purposes Act, 1933, sec. 27 As early as possible. (Stands referred of Native Land Court in the matter of certain to Maori Affairs Committee.) Native Petitions, Reports and Recommendations Native Purposes Act, 1936, sec. 13 As early as possible. (Stands referred of Native Land Court in the matter of certain to Maori Affairs Committee.) Native Petitions, Reports and Recommendations Native Purposes Act, 1937, sec. 16 As early as possible. (Stands referred of Native Land Court in the matter of certain to Maori Affairs Committee.) Native Petitions, Reports and Recommendations Native Purposes Act, 1938, sec. 23 As early as possible. (Stands referred of Native Land Court in the matter of certain to Maori Affairs Committee.) Native Petitions, Reports and Recommendations Native Purposes Act, 1939, sec. 18 As early as possible. (Stands referred of Native Land Court in the matter of certain to Maori Affairs Committee.) Native Petitions, Reports and Recommendations Native Purposes Act, 1940, sec. 11 As early as possible. (Stands referred of Native Land Court in the matter of certain to Maori Affairs Committee.)



Native Petitions, Reports and Recommendations Native Purposes Act, 1941, sec. 18 .. As early as possible. (Stands referred of Native Land Court in the matter of certain to Maori Affairs Committee.) Native Petitions, Report and Recommendation Native Purposes Act, 1942, sec. 10 As early as possible. (Stands referred of Native Land Court in the matter of a certain to Maori Affairs Committee.) Native Petitions, Reports and Recommendations Native Purposes Act, 1943, sec. 19 .. As early as possible. (Stands referred of Native Land Court in the matter of certain to Maori Affairs Committee.) Native Petitions, Reports and Recommenda- Native Purposes Act, 1944, sec. 13 .. As early as possible. (Stands referred tions of Native Land Court in the matter Of to Maori Affairs Committee.) certain Native Petitions, Report and Recommendation Native Purposes Act, 1945, sec. 9 .. .. As early as possible. (Stands referred of Native Land Court in the matter of certain to Maori Affairs Committee.) Native Petitions, Report and Recommendation Native Purposes Act, 1946, sec. 18 As early as possible. (Stands referred of Native Land Court in the matter of certain to Maori Affairs Committee.) Native Trustee: Balance-sheet, Accounts, and Native Trustee Act, 1930, sec. 48 .. .. Fourteen days. Forthwith if ParliaController and Auditor-General's Report ment sitting. Nauru and Ocean Islands Phosphates Accounts Finance Act, 1920, sec. 15 .. .. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, within fourteen days from receipt. Naval Defence Act, Regulations under .. Naval Defence Act, 1913, sec. 25 ; Naval Fourteen days. If Parliament sitDefence Amendment Act, 1922, sec. 5 ting, fourteen days after gazetting. New Plymouth High School, Report and Ac- New Plymouth High School Act, 1889, sec. 13 No time stated, counts of New Zealand Centennial Act, Regulations under New Zealand Centennial Act, 1938, sec. 23 .. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, within fourteen days. New Zealand Council for Educational Research, New Zealand Council for Educational Research No time stated. Report and Accounts of Act, 1945, sec. 20 New Zealand Geographic Board Act, Regulations New Zealand Geographic Board Act, 1940, Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, under sec. 19 within fourteen days after making. New Zealand National Airways Act: Report, New Zealand National Airways Act, 1945, No time stated. Balance-sheet, &c. sec. 29 New Zealand National Airways Act, Regulations New Zealand National Airways Act, 1945, Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, under sec. 34 within fourteen days after making. New Zealand University: Report, Accounts, New Zealand University Amendment Act, 1926, No time stated, and Statutes sec. 22, and sec. 6 of Amendment Act, 1929 Orchard and Garden Diseases Act, Regulations Orchard and Garden Diseases Act, 1928, Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, under sec. 22 fourteen days from making. Otago Boys' and Girls' High Schools, Report and Otago Boys' and Girls' High Schools Act, 1877, No time stated. Accounts of sec. 8 Otago University, Reports and Accounts of .. New Zealand University Amendment Act, 1926, No time stated. sec. 22, and sec. 6 of Amendment Act, 1929 Passports Act, Regulations under .. .. Passports Act, 1946, sec. 12 .. .. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, within fourteen days after making. Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks: Annual Patents, Designs, and Trade - marks Act, No time stated. Report and Accounts 1921-22, sec. 128 Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks : Regula- Patents, Designs, and Trade - marks Act, As soon as practicable, tions under 1921-22, sec. 138


List of Returns or Statements required by Law or Resolution to be laid before the House— continued


Returns or Statements. Pursuant to Time from Commencement of Session within which they should be produced. Petroleum Act, Regulations under Petroleum Act, 1937, sec. 42 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, within fourteen days after making. (Stands referred to Goldfields and Mines Committee.) Pharmacy Act, Regulations under Pharmacy Act, 1939, sec. 45 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting. within fourteen days after making. Physical Welfare and Recreation Act, Report Physical Welfare and Recreation Act, 1937, Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, and Statement of Grants sec. 17 within fourteen days of receipt. Poisons Act, Regulations and Orders in Council Poisons Act, 1934, sec. 35 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, under fourteen days after gazetting. Police Provident Fund (vide Public Service). Port Robinson, Statement of Goods received at Land Act, 1924, sec. 345 Ten days. and shipped from ' Post and Telegraph Regulations ' Post and Telegraph Act, 1928, sees. 145, 162, Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, and 233 fourteen days after gazetting. Post Office Account: Balance-sheets, State- ' Post and Telegraph Act, 1928, sec. 98 As soon as practicable. ments of Accounts, and Report Post Office Investment Certificates: Advance Post and Telegraph Act, 1928, sec. 105 No time stated. to meet Deficiency Post Office Savings-bank : Report on Deficiency Post and Telegraph Act, 1928, sec. 80 No time stated. in Funds Prisoners Detention Act, Regulations under .. Prisoners Detention Act, 1916, sec. 7 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after publication. Public Account, Quarterly Abstracts and Annual Public Revenues Act, 1926, sees. 85 and 88.. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament Statement of Revenue and Expenditure of the sitting. Public Account: Remarks by Audit Office on Public Revenues Act, 1926, sec. 88 To be laid on Table with abstract of Abstract of Revenue and Expenditure or revenue and expenditure. Public Accounts Public Accounts: Report of Controller and Public Revenues Act, 1926, sec. 89 [ Within fourteen days after the public Auditor- General accounts have been laid before Parliament. Public Account, Transfers of Balances of Public Revenues Act, 1926, sec. 61 Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days after transfer. Public Debt (vide Repayment of Public Debt). Public Revenues Act: Determination of Audit Public Revenues Act, 1926, sec. 18 Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament Disputes by Governor-General in Council or sitting. Opinion of Attorney-General thereon Public Revenues Act, Regulations under Public Revenues Act, 1926, sec. 3 .. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days after gazetting.



Public Safety Conservation : Emergency ReguPublic Safety Conservation Act, 1932, sec. 3 . As soon as may be after making. lations Public Safety Conservation: Proclamations of Public Safety Conservation Act, 1932, sec. 2.. Eourteen days. Forthwith if ParliaEmergency ment sitting. Public Securities, Memoranda, Reports, and Orders Public Revenues Act, 1926, sec. 103 Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament in Council relative to Transmission, &c., of sitting. Public Securities, Return of .. Public Revenues Act, 1926, sec. 107 Thirty days, or as soon thereafter as practicable. Public Securities held in England, Telegrams and Public Revenues Act, 1926, sec. 104 Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament Orders in Council x'elative to sitting. Public Service Act, Regulations under Public Service Act, 1912, sec. 34 .. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting. fourteen days after publication. Public Service Commission, Report of Public Service Act, 1912, sec. 15; Public Twenty-one days. Service Amendment Act, 1927, sec. 6; Public Service Amendment Act, 1946 , sec. 6 Public Service Commission, Statement relative Public Service Act, 1912, sec. 10; Public Seven days. If Parliament sitting, to Suspension of Members of Service Amendment Act, 1946, sec. 6 .. seven days after suspension. Public Service, Return of Temporary Officers in Public Service Act, 1912, sec. 45 .. Forthwith after making. DUG Public Service Superannuation: Report of Public Service Superannuation Act, 1927, Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten Board, together with Accounts and Statements sec. 48 days after receipt. Public Service Superannuation Act, Actuary's Public Service Superannuation Act, 1927, Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten Report under sec. 49 days after receipt. Public Service Superannuation: Actuary's Public Service Superannuation Act, 1927, Ten days. If Parliament sitting, Triennial Report sec. Ill within ten days of receipt. Public Service Superannuation Eunds : AddiPublic Service Superannuation Act, 1927, Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten tional Amounts paid into Eunds by Governsees. 50 and 112 days after payment. ment Public Service Superannuation: Report of Public Service Superannuation Act, 1927, Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten Teachers' Superannuation Board, together with sec. 110 days after receipt. Accounts and Statements (vide also Teachers) Public Trust Office : Annual Report Public Trust Office Amendment Act, 1913, Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten sec. 47 days after receipt. Public Trust Office, Balance-sheet of Public Trust Office Amendment Act, 1921-22, Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sec. 27 sitting. Public Trust Office, Regulations of .. Public Trust Office Act, 1908, sec. 63 Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Public Trust Office: Unclaimed Lands vested Public Trust Office Act, 1908, sec. 85 Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament in Public Trustee sitting. Public Works Act, Regulations under Public Works Act, 1928, sec. 4 Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten Public Works Estimates Public Works Act, 1928, sec. 7 days from issue. As soon as convenient. Public Works : Certificates of Auditor- General Public Works Act, 1928, sec. 8 As soon as convenient. on above Public Works : Statement of Works carried out Public Works Act, 1928, sec. 8 As soon as convenient. and Expenditure thereon


List of Returns or Statements required by Law or Resolution to be laid before the House— continued


Returns or Statements. Pursuant to Time from Commencement of Session within which they should be produced. Quarries Act, Regulations under Quarries Act, 1944, sec. 27 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, within fourteen days after making. Railway By-laws Government Railways Act, 1926, sec. 12 Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from publication. Railway Property Leases, Particulars of Government Railways Act, 1926, sec. 48 Ten days. Railways Accounts, Monthly Government Railways Act, 1926, sec. 41 No time stated. Railways, Balance-sheet and Accounts and Annual Report (vide Government Railways.) Railways, Private, Agreements with, for InterGovernment Railways Act, 1926, sec. 55 Ten days. If Parliament sitting. change of Traffic within twenty days of making. Railways Superannuation Fund : Balance-sheet Government Railways Act, 1926, sec. 124 .. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten and Accounts days after completion of audit. Railways Superannuation Fund, Reports of any Government Railways Act, 1926, sec. 119 .. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten Deficiency in days after receipt. Railways: Terms and Conditions of Leases of Government Railways Act, 1926, sec. 43 Thirty days before calling for tenders. Railways (vide also Government Railways) Rangiora High School, Report and Accounts of Rangiora High School Act, 1881, sec. 16 No time stated. Rangitaiki Land Drainage Act, Reports and Rangitaiki Land Drainage Act, 1910, sec. 10 Thirty days. Accounts under Rehabilitation Act, Regulations under Rehabilitation Act, 1941, sec. 19 .. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, within fourteen days of making. Rehabilitation Board, Annual Report Rehabilitation Act, 1941, sec. 17 One month. If Parliament sitting, within one month after receipt by Minister. Repayment of the Public Debt: Accounts, Repayment of the Public Debt Act, 1925, Twenty-eight days. If Parliament Proceedings of Commission, and Controller sec. 14 sitting, twenty-eight days after and Auditor-General's Certificate receipt. Representation Commissions, Reports of Electoral Act, 1927, sec. 12 Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from receipt. Reserve Bank of New Zealand, Accounts of .. Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act, 1933, Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, sec. 38 fourteen days after receipt. Reserve Bank of New Zealand, Annual Report Reserve Bank of New Zealand Amendment Fourteeen days. If Parliament sitting, Act, 1936, sec. 20 fourteen days after receipt. Reserve Bank of New Zealand Amendment Reserve Bank of New Zealand Amendment Twenty-eight days. If Parliament Act, Regulations under Act, 1936, sec. 10 sitting, within twenty-eight days after making. Reserves, Change of Purpose of and Revocation Public Reserves, Domains, and National No time stated. of Reservation : Notice of Governor-General's Parks Act, 1928, sees. 7 and 41 intention to effect in certain cases



Returns required by Act or Resolution to be Order of the House of 18th August, 1893 Commencement of session. laid upon the Table (Hon. Sir J. Hall) Road Board Accounts, Keports on Special Audit Road Boards Act, 1908, sec. 104 .. , , Ten days after first sitting after of receipt. Roads, Orders in Council or Proclamations Public Works Act, 1928, sec. 149 .. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, stopping, or altering course of within ten days of issue. Royal Society of New Zealand, Rules and Royal Society of New Zealand Act, 1933, Twenty - one days. Forthwith if Transactions of sec. 14 Parliament sitting. Rural Intermediate Credit Act, Regulations Rural Intermediate Credit Amendment Act, Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting. under 1946, sec. 10 within fourteen days of making. Rural Intermediate Credit Board: Report, Rural Intermediate Credit Act, 1927, sees. 38 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitAccounts, and Report of Controller and and 76, and sec. 10 of Amendment Act, 1929 ting, within fourteen days after Auditor- General receipt. Sale of Food and Drugs A.ct, Regulations under Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1908, sec. : 28 .. Twenty-one days. If Parliament sit- % ting, twenty-one days after gazetSales Tax : Orders in Council Sales Tax Act, 1932-33, sec. 72 .. ting. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after making. Savings-banks Regulations Savings-banks Act, 1908, sec. 69 .. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days from date. Scenery Preservation Act, Statements under .. Scenery Preservation Act, 1908, sec. 17 Twenty-one days. School of Agriculture, Annual Report and School of Agriculture Act, 1937, sec. 21 No time stated. Statement of Accounts Securities (vide Public Securities). Seeds Importation Act, Regulations under Seeds Importation Act, 1927, sec. 8 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after gazetting. Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, Twenty-eight days. If Parliament sitRegulations under 1943, sec. 67 ting, twenty-eight days from making. Shearers 5 Accommodation Act, Regulations under Shearers' Accommodation Act, 1919, sec. 11 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after gazetting. Shipping and Seamen Act: Exemptions by Shipping and Seamen Amendment Act, 1909, No time stated. Minister sec. 57 Shipping and Seamen (Safety and Load Line Shipping and Seamen (Safety and Load Line Fourteen days. If Parliament sitConventions) Act, Regulations under Conventions) Act, 1935, sec. 4 ting, fourteen days after publication. Shops and Offices Amendment Act, Regulations Shops and Offices Amendment Act, 1946, Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, under sec. 4 within fourteen days of making. Social Hygiene Act, Regulations tinder Social Hygiene Act, 1917, sec. 15 .. Thirty days. If Parliament sitting. thirty days after gazetting. Social Security Act, Regulations under Social Security Act, 1938, sec. 140.. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days from making. Social Security, Annual Reports Social Security Act, 1938, sec. 141 .. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after receipt by Minister. Soil Conservation and Rivers Control Act, Soil Conservation and Rivers Control . Act, Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting Regulations under 1941, sec. 167 fourteen days from making.


List of Returns or Statements required by Law or Resolution to be laid before the House— continued


Upturns or SHtpmpnta Pursuant to Time from Commencement of Session within Ileturns or statements. Pursuant to which they shollld be produced . Southland Boys' and Girls' High Schools, Re- Southland Boys' and Girls' High Schools Act, No time stated, port and Accounts of 1877, sec. S State Advances Corporation Act, 1934-35, and State Advances Corporation Act, 1936, sec. 44 Twenty-eight days. If Parliament amendments, Regulations under sitting, within twenty-eight days after making. State Advances Corporation of New Zealand, State Advances Corporation Act, 1934-35, Fourteen days. If Parliament sitAccounts of, and Report sec. 43; State Advances Corporation Act, ting, within fourteen days of receipt 1936, sec. 42 by Minister of Finance. State Coal-mines : Balance-sheet, Statement of Coal-mines Act, 1925, sec. 184 .. As soon as possible. Accounts, and Report State Fire Insurance Office, Balance - sheet, State Fire Insurance Act, 1908, sec. 36 .. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, Statement of Accounts, and Report of forthwith on preparation. State Fire Insurance Office, Regulations of .. State Fire Insurance Act, 1908, sec. 45 .. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from gazetting. State Fire Insurance, Recommendatibn of Board State Fire Insurance Act, 1908, sec. 22 .. No time stated, for Discontinuance of State Fire Insurance : Requisitions for raising State Fire Insurance Act, 1908, sec. 24 As soon as practicable. Supplementary Capital State Fire Insurance : Sinking Fund Accretions State Fire Insurance Act, 1908, sec. 28 .. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, and Investments fourteen days after close of financial year. State Forests : Annual Report .. .. Forests Act, 1921-22, see. 64 .. .. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days from receipt by Minister. State Forests, Lands proposed to be withdrawn Forests Act, 1921-22, sec. 19 .. .. No time stated, from State Supply of Electrical Energy: Report, State Supply of Electrical Energy Act, 1917, During session first ensuing after Accounts, and Engineers' Certificate sees. 6 and 15 close of financial year. Stock Act, Regulations under .. .. Stock Act, 1908, sec. 3 .. .. .. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days from making. Stock Act, Returns under .. .. .. Stock Act, 1908, sec. 46 .. .. .. Twenty-one days. If Parliament sitting, twenty-one days after close of financial year. Stock Condemned and Slaughtered, Return of Stock Act, 1908, seo. 46 .. .. .. Twenty - one days. If Parliament sitting, twenty-one days after 31st March. Stock-foods Act, Regulations under .. .. Stock-foods Act, 1946, sec. 24 .. .. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, within fourteen days after making.


?—H. 13


Stock-remedies Act, Regulations under .. Stock-remedies Act, 1934, sec. 21 .. .. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days after gazetting. Superannuation (vide Local Authorities, Public Service, Railways, Teachers). Surveyors Act, Regulations under .. .. Surveyors Act, 1938, sec. 40 .. .. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days from making. Swamp Drainage Act, Report and Statement of Swamp Drainage Act, 1915, sec. 13 .. Within thirty days after commenceAccounts under ment of next ensuing session. Teachers' Superannuation: Triennial Actuarial Public Service Superannuation Act, 1927, Ten days. If Parliament sitting, Report sec. Ill within ten days of receipt. Teachers' Superannuation Board: Accounts and Public Service Superannuation Act, 1927, Ten days. If Parliament sitting, Statements, accompanied by Report of Board sec. 110 within ten days after receipt by Minister. Teachers' Superannuation Fund, Additional Public Service Superannuation Act, 1927, Ten days. If Parliament sitting, Payments into, out of Consolidated Fund sec. 112 within ten days of payment. Telegraph Regulations (vide Post and Telegraph Post and Telegraph Act, 1928, sec. 162 .. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, Regulations) fourteen days after gazetting. Thermal Springs District Act, Orders in Council Thermal Springs District Act, 1910, sec. 4 .. As soon as practicable after making, under Tobacco-growing Industry Act, Regulations Tobacco-growing Industry Act, 1935, sec. 26.. Twenty-eight days. If Parliament under sitting, twenty-eight days after publication. Town-planning Act, Regulations under .. Town-planning Act, 1926, sec. 35, and sec. 17 Thirty-one days. of Amendment Act, 1929 Trade-unions, Annual Report of Registrar of .. Trade-unions Act, 1908, sec. 16 .. One month. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Trade-union Regulations .. .. .. Trade-unions Act, 1908, sec. 31 .. .. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, within ten days from approval. Transport Licensing Act, Regulations under .. Transport Licensing Act, 1931, sec. 60 .. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after gazetting. Transport Licensing (Commercial Aircraft Ser- Transport Licensing (Commercial Aircraft Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, vices) Act, Regulations under Services) Act, 1934, sec. 29 fourteen days after gazetting. Treasury Regulations .. .. .. Public Revenues Act, 1926, sec. 3 .. Ten days. Unauthorized Expenditure Account .. .. Public Revenues Act, 1926, sees. 51 and 58 Ten days. Unclaimed Lands vested in Public Trustee, Public Trust Office Act, 1908, sec. 85 .. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament Triennial List of sitting. United Nations Act, Regulations under .. United Nations Act, 1946, sec. 2 .. .. As soon as may be after making. University, New Zealand (vide New Zealand). Valuation of Land (vide Government Valuation of Land). Veterinary Services Act, Regulations under .. Veterinary Services Act, 1946, sec. 31 .. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, within fourteen days after making. Veterinary Services Council, Annual Report and Veterinary Services Act, 1946, sec. 30 No time stated. Statement of Accounts


H. N. Dollimore, 27th June, 1947. Clerk of the House of Representatives Approximate Cost of Paper—Preparation, not given ; printing (478 copies) £32. 10s.

By Authority : E. V. Paxil, Government Printer, Wellington. —1947,

Price 9d.]


List of Returns or Statements required by Law or Resolution to be laid before the House— continued

Returns or Statements. Pursuant to Time from Commencement of Session within which they should be produced. Victoria College, Report and Accounts of Waimate High School, Report and Accounts of Waitaki High School, Report and Accounts of Wanganui High School, Report and Accounts of War Pensions Act, Regulations under War Pensions and Allowances (Mercantile Marine) Act, Regulations under Water-power and Electrical Energy, Reports on Weights and Measures Act, Regulations under Whaling Industry: Regulations Whangarei High School, Report and Accounts of Wool Disposal Act: Report and Accounts Wool Disposal Act, Regulations under Victoria College Act, 1905, sec. 44 ; also New Zealand University Amendment Act, 1926, sec. 22, and sec. 6 of Amendment Act, 1929 Waimate High School Act, 1883, sec. 16 Waitaki High School Act, 1878, sec. 8 Wanganui High School Act, 1878, sec. 7 War Pensions Act, 1943, sec. 82 .. War Pensions and Allowances (Mercantile Marine) Act, 1940, sec. 11 Public Works Act, 1928, sec. 317 Weights and Measures Act, 1925, sec. 39 Whaling Industry Act, 1935, sec. 16 Whangarei High School Act, 1878, sec. 8 Wool Disposal Act, 1945, sec. 24 Wool Disposal Act, 1945, sec. 25 Ten days. On receipt from Council if Parliament sitting. No time stated. No time stated. No time stated. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, within fourteen days after making. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, within fourteen days after making. As soon as practicable. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after gazetting. Twenty-eight days. If Parliament sitting, within twenty-eight days after making. No time stated. No time stated. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, within fourteen days after making.

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LIST OF RETURNS OR STATEMENTS REQUIRED BY LAW OR RESOLUTION TO BE LAID BEFORE THE HOUSE, Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1947 Session I, H-13

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LIST OF RETURNS OR STATEMENTS REQUIRED BY LAW OR RESOLUTION TO BE LAID BEFORE THE HOUSE Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1947 Session I, H-13

LIST OF RETURNS OR STATEMENTS REQUIRED BY LAW OR RESOLUTION TO BE LAID BEFORE THE HOUSE Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1947 Session I, H-13

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