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ACCIDENT INSURANCE— C.-2a, 5. ACCIDENTS— Mining and quarry, C -2, 15, 21, 22. Railway, D.-2, 35. ADVERTISING— Broadcasting Service, F.-3, 19. AGRICULTURAL CLUBS— E.-2, 5. AID TO BRITAIN— Gift parcels, F.-l, 10. APPRENTICES— Training, E.-2, 19. ARTS AND CRAFTS— E.-2, 4; G.-11, 1. AVIATION— Aerodromes : Construction, &c, D.-l, 11, 39. Air-mails, F.-l, 8. Rail and air booking, D.-2, 14. Surveys, C.-la, 10. BANKING AND CURRENCY— Post-office Sa\ings-bank, F.-l, 11, 19. BROADCASTING— Commercial activities, F.-3, 17. Development of New Zealand talent, F.-3, 12. Development of Service, F.-3, 1. Engineering Section, F.-3, 21. Finance, F.-3, 20. National Orchestra, F.-3, 13. New Zealand Broadcasting Service: Annual report, F.-3. New Zealand Listener, F.-3, 17. Overseas artists, F.-3, 15. Programmes, F.-3, 5. Public concerts introducing celebrity artists, F.-3, 14.

BR 3ADCASTWG— continued Radio services, Post and Telegraph Department, F.-l, 15, 18. Relations with overseas organizations, F.-3, 16. Special services and co-operation with other Government Departments, F.-3, 16. CHILD WELFARE. See under EDUCATION. DEFENCE— Works : Maintenance, &c, D.-l, 41. DRAINAGE OPERATIONS. See under LANDS. EAST COAST NATIVE TRUST LANDS. See under MAORI AFFAIRS. EDUCATION— Accrediting, E.-2, 15. Agricultural clubs, E.-2, 5. Apprentices : Training, E.-2, 19. Arts and crafts, E.-2, 4 ; G.-11, I. Broadcasting to schools, F.-3, 11. Buildings, E.-l, 2 ; E.-2, 20. Bursaries, E.-2, 16. Character training, E.-2, 2. Child-welfare, &c, E.-l, 10, 24. Annual report, E.-4. Classes : Size, E.-l, 17. Equipment, E.-2, 14. Examinations, E.-2, 15, 17. Experimentation, E.-2, 9. Finance, E.-l, 2, 25. Forestry, C.-3, 6, 17. Handicapped children, E.-2, 7. Health and temperance, E.-2, 3. Higher (University), E.-l, 9 ; E.-2, 15 ; E.-3, 5. Annual report, E.-7. Island territories, E.-l, 8. Leaving Certificates, E.-2, 15. Maori, E.-l, 8; G.-11, 1. Annual report, E.-3. Minister of: Report, E.-l. Motor training, E.-2, 18. Nelson Education Board, E.-2, 21.


EDUCATlON— continued Physical, E.-2, 3. Pre-schocl services, E.-l, 9. Primary and post-primary, E.-3, 3, 5. Annual report, E.-2. Rural, E.-l, 7. Schools, E.-l, 3, 5, 8 ; E.-2, 8, 10, 18. Carpentry training, D.-l, 52. Correspondence, E.-2, 8. District High, E.-2, 8. Intermediate, E.-2, 8. Mining, C.-2, 18. Tables, E.-l, 11-32; E.-2, 22-46 ; E.-3, 7-10 ; E.-7, 1-4. Teachers, E.-l, 2, 7 ; E.-2, 6, 12 ; E.-3, 2. Technical, E.-l, 21, 23. Text-books, E.-2, 5. United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, E.-l, 11. Vocational guidance, E.-l, 10. ELECTORAL— Maori and general elections and licensing polls, 1946, F.-l, 12. FINANCE— Education, E.-l, 2, 25. Government Superannuation Funds : Railways, D.-5. Lands — Drainage— Hauraki Plains, C.-8, 3. Rangitaiki, C.-11, 3. Swamp, C.-4, 1, 2. Settlement, C.-l, 3, 66;" C.-5, 1. Maori affairs, G.-3 ; G.-4 ; G.-9, 4, 12 ; G.-10, 2,20, 29, 32; G.-11, 2. Mining, C.-2, 1 ; C.-2a, 37, 42-51. Ministry of Works, D.-l, 5, 17, 27, 61. State Hydro-electric Department, D.— l, 2, 40. New Zealand Broadcasting Service, F.-3, 20. Post and Telegraph Department, F.-l, 2, 17. Railways, D.-2, 1, 6, 7, 18; 19-34, 38. Superannuation Fund, D.-5. State Forest Service, C.-3, 14, 16, 39, 52. FORESTRY— Fires, C.-3, 21 ; D.-l, 69. State Forest Service, C.-3. Timber, C.-3, 31, 41, 50, 51. GOLD AND SILVER MINING— C.-2, 2, 21. GOVERNMENT SUPERANNUATION FUNES— Railways, D.-5. GREAT BRITAIN— Aid to, F.-l, 10. HAURAKI PLAINS— Drainage operations, 0.-8. HEALTH— School-children, E.-2, 3.

HEKENUI WHAKARAKE— Report and recommendation on petition of, G.-6, HOUSING— C.-2, 19 ; C.-3, 14 ; D.-l, 7, 21, 25, 26, 40, 49 ; G.-10, 14. HYDRO-ELECTRICITY. See under MINISTRY OF WORKS. INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE— Commercial broadcasting, F.-3, 17. Timber trade, C.-3, 31, 50, 51. INFANT-LIFE PROTECTION. See under EDUCATION. IRRIGATION. See under MINISTRY OF WORKS. ISLAND TERRITORIES— Education, E.-l, 8. Surveys, C.-la, 12. KAPITI ISLAND— C.-6, 7. KAURI-GUM INDUSTRY— Report, C.-12. LABOUR— Apprentices : Training, E.-2, 19. LANDS— Acquisition : State Forest Service, C.-3, 11. Drainage— Hauraki Plains, C.-8. Rangitaiki, C.-11. Swamp, C.-4. Improvement, D.-l, 12, 40. Kauri-gum industry, C.-12. Maori— Development and settlement, G.-10. East Coast Native Trust, G.-3 ; G.-4 ; G.-10, 25. Public domains and national parks, C.-10. Scenery preservation, C.-6. SettlementCrown lands, C.-l. Land for Settlements Act, 1925, C.-5. Soil conservation and rivers control, D.-l, 12, 65. Surveys, C.-la. LOCAL AUTHORITIES— Services to by Ministry of Works, D.-l, 14. MAIN HIGHWAYS. See under MINISTRY OF WORKS. MAORI AFFAIRS— Arts and crafts, G.-11, 1. Department: Annual report, G.-9. District offices, G.-9, 5. Education, E.-l, 8, 21 ; G.-11, 1. Maori children : Annual report, E.-3. Finance, G.-9, 4, 12 ; G.-11, 2. Hekenui Whakarake : Petition, G.-6. Housing, G.-10, 14, 30, 31, 32.



MAORI AFFAlRS— continued Lands — Alienations, G.-9, 13. Development and settlement of Maori lands and provision of houses for Maoris : Statement, G.-10. East Coast Native Trust, G.-10, 25. Balance-sheet and statements of accounts for year ended 30th June, 1946, G.-3. Balance-sheet and statements of accounts for year ended 30th June, 1947, G.-3. Mangatu Blocks, Nos. 1, 3, and 4 Balance-sheet and statements of accounts for year ended 30th June, 1946, G.-4. Balance-sheet and statements of accounts for year ended 30th June, 1947, G.-4. Land Court business, G.-9, 14. Land purchase operations, G.-9, 15. Maori Interpreters Board of Examiners, G.-9, 4. Maori Purposes Fund Board: Report, G.-11. Maori Trustee, G.-9, 3 ; G.-10, 13. Maori welfare, G.-9, 2. Rehabilitation, G.-10, 20. Riri Piko, of Otewa : Petition, G.-6b. Rongowhakaata Pere and another: Petition, G.-6a. MARINE— Lighthouses and harbour-works, D.-l, 13, 39. MINING— Annual Mines statement, C.-2. CoalProduction, D.-l, 13, 38. Railways, D.-2, 2, 10. State coal-mines : Report, C.-2a. MINISTRY OF WORKS— Aerodromes, D.-l, 11, 39. Annual statement, D.-l. Coal-production, D.-l, 13, 38. Defence works, D.-l, 41. Finance, D.-l, 5, 17, 27, 61. Government works and the construction industry D.-l, 18. Housing, D.-l, 7, 21, 25, 26, 40, 49. Hydro-electricity, D.-l, 9, 33. State Hydro-electric Department: Annual Statement, D.-4. Irrigation and water-supply, D.-l, 12, 37, 38. Land improvements, D.-l, 12, 40. Lighthouses and harbour-works, D.-l, 13, 39. Main highways and roads, D.-l, 10, 41, 55, 61. Material: Supply, D.-l, 23. Plant and mechanical, D.-l, 13, 41. Public buildings, D.-l, 8, 21, 44. Public works— Policy, D.-l, 26. Workers' agreement, D.-l, 14. Railways-construction, D.-l, 10, 32. Regional planning, D.-l, 28. Services to local bodies, D.-l, 14. Soil conservation and rivers control, D.-l, 12, 65. Town-planning, D.-l, 28. Works : Progress and costs, D.-l, 27. MUSIC— National Orchestra, F.-3, 13.

NATIONAL ORCHESTRA— F.-3, 13. NATIONAL SAVINGS— F.-l, 7, 20. NEW ZEALAND BROADCASTING SERVICE— Annual report, F.-3. NEW ZEALAND LISTENER— F.-3, 17. PARLIAMENT— Parliamentary broadcasts, F.-3, 7. PETROL— Prospecting, &c, C.-2, 4. PHYSICAL WELFARE— School-children, E.-2, 3. POST AND TELEGRAPH— Buildings and land, F.-l, 6. Department: Annual report, F.-l. Finance, F.-l, 2, 17. Money-order and savings-bank services, F.-l, * 11, 19. Motor-vehicles, &c. : Registration, &c., F.-l, 5, 7. National savings, F.-l, 7, 20. Postal services, F.-l, 7, 18. Radio services, F.-l, 15. Staff, F.-l, 2. Stores, F.-l, 5. Telegraph services, F.-l, 11, 18. Telephone-exchange services, F.-l, 13. Welfare scheme, F.-l, 5. Workshops, F.-l, 5. PRICES— Timber, C.-3, 46. PUBLIC DOMAINS AND NATIONAL PARKS— Report, C.-10. PUBLIC WORKS. See MINISTRY OF WORKS. RADIO. See BROADCASTING. RAILWAYS— Accidents, D.-2, 35. Annual statement, D.-2. Coal, D.-2, 10. Construction, D.-l, 10, 32. Co-ordination of transport, D.-2, 12. Costs, D.-2, 2. Finance, D.-2, 1, 6, 7, 18, 19-34, 38. Locomotives — Fuel, D.-2, 8. Running costs and performances, D.-2, 38, 39. Mileage of lines and capital account, D.-2, 18, 19, Prospects, D.-2, 3. Rail and air booking, D.-2, 14. Road services, D.-2, 3. Rolling-stock, D.-2, 36. Staff, D.-2, 16, 35. Subsidiary services, D.-2, 8. Superannuation Fund, D.-5. Wagon supply and utilization, D.-2, 11, 36. Working results, D.-2, 5, (5.


RANGITAIKI LAND DRAINAGE— Report, C.-l 1. RAROTONGA— Sorvey, C.-la, 12. REGIONAL PLANNING— D.-l, 28. REHABILITATION— Carpentry training schools, D.-l, 52. Land-settlement, 0.-1, 2, 3, 5, 45, 47. Maoris, G.-10, 20. Schodl-teachers, E.-2, 6. RELIGION— Religious broadcasts, F.-3, 10. RIRI PIKO— Report and recommendation on petition of, G.-68. ROADS. See under MINISTRY OF WORKS. RONGOWHAKAATA PERE AND ANOTHER— Report and recommendation on petition of, G.-6a. SCENERY PRESERVATION— Report, C.-6. SCHOOLS. See under EDUCATION. SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH— Mining industry: Laboratory investigations, C.-2, 17. SERVICEMEN'S SETTLEMENT AND LAND SALES— C.-l, 2, 3, 5, 45, 47. SETTLEMENT OF CROWN LANDS. See under LANDS. SOCIAL SECURITY— Miners' benefits, C.-2, 20. SOIL CONSERVATION AND RIVERS CONTROL— D.-l, 12, 65. SPORTS AND RECREATION— Recreation in State forests, C.-3, 40. Sportir.g broadcasts, F.-3, 9.


STATE COAL-MINES. See under MINING. STATE FOREST SERVICE— Annual report, C.-3. STATE HYDRO-ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT— Annual report, D.-4. STORES— Post and Telegraph, F.-l, 5. SUBSIDIES— Mining, C.-2, 22. Railways Superannuation Fund, D.-5, 1. Rural reticulation, D.-4, 39. SURVEYS— Annual report, C.-l A. SWAMP DRAINAGE— Report, C.-4. TEACHERS. See under EDUCATION. TIMBER— Control, C.-3, 41. Imports and exports, C.-3, 50, 51. Prices, C.-3, 46. Production, &c, C.-3, 31, 46. Workers : Housing, C.-3, 41. TOWN-PLANNING— D.-l, 28. TRANSPORT— Motor training in schools, E.-2, 18. Motor-vehicles : Registration, &c, F.-l, 5. Railways, D.-2, 3, 12. UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC, AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION— E.-l, 11. UNIVERSITIES. See under EDUCATION. VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE. See under EDUCATION. WESTERN SAMOA— Survey, C.-la, 12. WOMEN— Women's session, Broadcasting Service, F.-3, 11.

By Authority: E. V. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington. —1948.



Vol. 11l 1947 [With loda] C-G 4

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Back Matter, Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1947 Session I

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Back Matter Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1947 Session I

Back Matter Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1947 Session I

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