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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency

Department of Lands and Survey, Wellington, 30th June, 1947. Sir, — I have the honour to submit the annual report on the settlement of Crown lands for the year ended 31st March, 1947, together with particulars of operations under the Small Farms Act, 1932-33, the Land Laws Amendment Act, 1929, and the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943. I have, &c., D. M. Greig, Under-Secretary. The Hon. the Minister of Lands.


GENERAL REVIEW The acquisition and development of land for the settlement of returned servicemen have been major activities of the Department during the past year. There has also been a substantial increase in the volume of work arising as a result of operations under the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943. Details of operations under these headings are given in later sections of this report. Returns from the various land districts indicate that, in spite of shortage of labour and insufficient supplies of fertilizer and fencing-materials, Crown tenants generally have had a satisfactory year. Where tenants are located on the harder types of country the lack of ample supplies of fertilizer is very noticeable and production is beginning to suffer. A Royal Commission was appointed during the year to inquire into and report on claims preferred by members of the Maori race touching certain lands known as surplus lands of the Crown. Inquiries by the Commission are proceeding. As at 31st March, 1947, the tenants on the books of the Department numbered 34,693, occupying a total area of approximately 17,402,616 acres.


LEGISLATION The Statutes Amendment Act, 1946 Various amendments of the Land Act, 1924, are contained in sections 40 to 44 of the Statutes Amendment Act, 1946. Section 40 amends section 107 of the Land Act by providing that the acquisition of any particular land may be authorized by Order in Council, notwithstanding the restrictions imposed by the latter section. Experience has shown the limitation of the area that may be held by any person (5,000 acres of third-class land and correspondingly lesser areas of second- and first-class land) to be too rigid, but it will now be possible to deal with cases that arise from time to time where it would be desirable and in the public interest to allow some modification of the area restrictions. Section 41 contains special provisions for the disposal of town, suburban, and village lands for residential purposes, and its effect generally is to bring the law relating to the sale or leasing of residential allotments into accord with present-day requirements. Section 42 gives to lessees and licensees of town, suburban, and village lands the same right to apply for revaluation as has been enjoyed by lessees of rural land for many years. . Section 43 extends to the wives of servicemen or discharged servicemen the privileges of preference at ballots and facilities for selection without competition, previously limited to discharged servicemen and the widows of servicemen or discharged servicemen. Section 44 provides for the sale (either for cash or on deferred payments) of Crown land without competition to discharged servicemen or the wives or widows of servicemen or discharged servicemen. The Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Amendment Act, 1946 This measure contains seventeen sections. Some of them are designed to improve the working of the original Act, and can fairly be described as being of a more or less machinery nature. There are, however, some important provisions which call for mention. Sections 2 to 7 enact as law, though with some changes, the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Emergency Regulations 1946, which were issued under the Emergency Regulations Act, 1939, on the 12th June, 1946, for the purpose of enforcing a stricter measure of control over sales of land and other transactions requiring the consent of the Land Sales Court, and which were sometimes referred to as the " Black Market " Regulations. The regulation gave to any person who had paid an amount in excess of the price approved by the Court the right to sue for its recovery as a debt due to him by the person who received the payment. This provision has been deleted, and in its place section ,4 of the new Act provides that, under certain circumstances, excess consideration may be recovered as a fine, the whole or any part of which may, by Magisterial order, be awarded to the purchaser. Section 8 provides that Part 111 of the Act, relating to the control of sales and leases of land, shall apply to contracts for the sale of personal property or the execution of any works or the erection of any building, the object being to ensure that contracts or agreements linked in any way with transactions in respect of the sale or lease of property are to be regarded as integral parts of these transactions and thus subject to control. Section 9 provides that a Land Sales Committee when dealing with a transaction may treat as part of the consideration any money already paid or agreed to be paid as rent or as a premium for the granting of a lease or option. If in any such case an order of consent is issued, that order may be made subject to the condition that any part of the rental or premium payments shall be deemed to have been paid or agreed to be paid as part of the consideration. The Committee must be perfectly satisfied that excessive rental or other payments have been made before those payments can be treated as part of the consideration for the transaction. Section 10 gives the police power to inspect or to demand the production of books, records, &c., in any case where there is reason to suspect an offence against Part 111 of the Act, and for that purpose to enter any building or office. The powers of entry and search are not to be exercised except under the authority of a warrant granted by a Magistrate.



The Land Subdivision in Counties Act, 1946 This is an Act of twenty-two sections amending the Land Act, 1924, with respect to the subdivision of land outside boroughs and town districts. It is referred to in some little detail in the annual report on surveys (C-1a).

RECEIPTS The receipts for the year from all sources totalled £3,249,531. The receipts for the previous year totalled £2,445,659. Details are as follows :

POSTPONEMENTS, REMISSIONS AND ARREARS OF RENT AND INTEREST Rents and interest the payment of which, remained postponed at 31st March, 1947, amounted to £5,895. Arrears of rent and interest (including arrears in respect of the current half-yearly charge) totalled £131,716 while remissions for the year totalled £11,308. THE SERVICEMEN'S SETTLEMENT AND LAND SALES ACT, 1943 This report gives an account of the operations under this Act for the third complete year. Applications Applications numbered 46,995, showing an increase of 3,096 over the figures for the previous year. Urban properties accounted for 40,348 applications, while those made in respect of rural land amounted to 6,647. Despacch op Work In spite of the increased number of applications received, it will be noted from the return appended that the number disposed of is only 43 fewer than the numbers received during the year, a fact which indicates that not only the Committees, but also all those concerned with the administration of the Act, have made a good effort to cope with the increased volume of work. In the report for the year ended 31st March, 1946, there was mention of the tendency for prices between the contracting parties to become higher. In that year the amount by which contract prices was reduced was £1,593,404. During the current year the reductions total £2,525,564. Appeals It is now, happily, possible to say that appeals are up to date. Never at any time is there a substantial number of decisions outstanding, a fact which is favourably commented on by counsel for the parties and others concerned in sales. During the year 342 appeals were filed; in addition, there were some awaiting hearing. Of these, 33 were allowed in full, 128 allowed in part, 96 dismissed, 114 withdrawn and 35 referred back to Committee. There were 406 disposed of and 34 remain to be dealt with.


Year ended I Year ended Heading. 31st March, 1947. 31st March, 1946. Rents, royalties, and interest £ 906,133 £ 890,577 Rates and miscellaneous receipts from drainage 39,843 34,276 areas Administration charges, fees, and other 110,165 97,094 departmental receipts Sales of land, improvements, repayment of 1,228,114 666,169 advances, &c. Farming receipts from development schemes 955,787 748,367 Miscellaneous 9,489 9,176 3,249,531 2,445,659


Land Sales Court On 29th April, 1946, Frederick William Ongley, Esquire, was appointed an additional Judge of tlie Land Sales Court. On 21st June, 1946, the Honourable Mr. Justice Finlay tendered his resignation as a Judge of the Land Sales Court. On 26th June, 1946, Kendrick Gee Archer, Esquire, was appointed to be a Judge of the Land Sales Court. The Exercise op Crown Rights under Part II and Part 111 (Section 51) op the Act As the number of sales direct to discharged servicemen is still large, the provisions of section 51 have not been operated to any great extent. As will be observed from the figures given later in this report, Part II of the Act has been used to a greater degree than in previous years, and this has resulted in many voluntary and compulsory acquisitions of both larger and smaller blocks. Excess Consideration paid and received in Contravention op the Act In an attempt further to tighten up the penal clauses of the Act designed to prevent what have colloquially become known as " black market " payments, the principal Act of 1943 was further amended during the year. In consequence, there have been more successful prosecutions of those who have passed " black market " money, and others are pending.

Return of Applications for the Year ended 31st March, 1947


Registry. Brought forward from Previous Year. Received. Granted without Hearing. Granted after Hearing. Granted subject to Conditions Refused or Withdrawn. 1 Total 1 finalized. Action incomplete. Farm lands — Auckland 223 1,485 785 86 560 125 1,556 152 Hamilton 172 1,151 776 85 170 133 1,164 159 Gisborne 15 183 137 11 26 15 189 9 Napier 38 343 234 5 74 29 342 39 New Plymouth 67 457 340 14 76 38 468 56 Wellington 24 548 345 • 26 101 44 516 56 Blenheim 9 109 58 4 38 4 104 14 Nelson 35 336 223 2 88 30 343 28 Hokitika 1 49 40 8 1 49 1 Christchurch 80 853 561 30 216 55 862 71 Dunedin 103 500 285 8 155 59 507 96 Invercargill 60 633 403 • 8 132 51 594 99 Totals 827 6,647 4,187 277 1,646 584 6,694 780 Other lands— Auckland 1,003 9,918 6,002 717 3,049 284 10,052 869 Hamilton 407 3,985 2,747 242 798 231 4,018 374 Gisborne 32 778 631 15 131 10 787 23 Napier 232 2,047 1,383 12 586 110 2,091 188 New Plymouth 107 1,643 1,149 18 367 76 1,610 140 Wellington 969 8,227 5,266 144 2,459 426 8,295 901 Blenheim 26 539 269 35 212 15 531 34 Nelson 113 1,140 701 5 380 47 1,133 120 Hokitika 36 454 297 6 137 16 456 34 Christchurch 539 6,262 3,054 105 2,631 175 5,965 836 Dunedin 361 3,600 2,010 20 1,315 235 3,580 381 Invercargill 147 1,755 1,077 16 576 71 1,740 162 Totals Grand totals .. 3,972 40,348 24,586 1,335 12,641 1,696 40,258 4,062 4,799 46,995 28,773 1,612 14,287 2,280 46,952 4,842


Reductions in Consideration directed by Land Sales Committees for Year ended 31st March, 1947

Return of Appeals filed between 1st April, 1946, and 31st March, 1947

LAND-DEYELOPMENT AND SETTLEMENT OF EX-SERVICEMEN During the year ended 31st March, 1947, 102,021 acres were purchased by voluntary negotiations, 27,419 acres capable of subdivision were acquired pursuant to section 51 of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, 26,316* acres were acquired -compulsorily under Part II of that Act, and 7,603 acres comprising 39 single units were acquired in terms of section 51 of the Act.

* This figure does not include 21 properties aggregating 33,464 acres in respect of which notice of intention to take under the provisions of Part II of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, had been issued as at 31st March, 1947.


Farm Land. Other Land. Totals. T> * i itegistry. Number. Amount. Number. Amount. Number. Amount. £ ! £ £ Auckland 403 200,881 2,404 438,117 2,807 638,998 Hamilton 70 50,370 309 59,279 379 109,649 •Gisborne 26 11,313 131 11,355 157 22,668 Napier 73 27,220 586 60,945 659 88,165 New Plymouth 70 33,177 367 58,786 437 91,963 Wellington 122 74,757 2,966 615,060 3,088 689,817 Blenheim 38 12,086 212 20,697 250 32,783 Nelson 83 20,052 368 57,978 451 78,030 Hokitika .. 8 1,556 137 14,491 145 16,047 Ohristehurch 209 80,433 2,582 353,136 2,791 433,569 Dunedin 137 41,316 1,309 193,532 1,446 234,848 Invercargill 77 37,136 274 51,891 351 89,027 Totals 1,316 590,297 11,645 1,935,267 12,961 2,525,565

Registry. Number brought forward from Previous Year. Number lodged. Dismissed. Allowed in Part. Allowed in Full. Withdrawn. Referred back to Committee. Total Number Disposed of. Number remaining to be dealt with. Auckland 41 101 24 51 7 46 ! 5 133 9 Hamilton 14 62 27 17 11 14 2 71 5 Gisborne 3 2 1 3 Napier 3 24 8 5 3 7 1 24 *3 New Plymouth 2 14 4 6 6 16 Wellington 35 62 20 33 4 15 17 89 8 Blenheim 4 2 2 2 Nelson 1 8 1 3 2 2 8 1 Hokitika 7 1 3 4 3 •Christchureh 1 29 5 6 4 10 4 29 1 Dunedin 1 19* 1 5 8 4 18 2 Invercargill 9 3 2 4 9 Totals 98 342 96 128 33 114 35 406 34


The total area acquired specifically for the settlement of ex-servicemen as at 31st March, 1947, is as follows : Acres. Purchased by negotiation .. .. .. .. 320,257 Acquired : Section 51 of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943 — Subdividable properties .. .. .. .. 59,000 Single-unit .. .. .. .. .. 26,095 Acquired : Part II of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943 .. .. .. .. .. 36,767 Total .. .. .. .. .. 442,119 As at 31st March, 1947, 691 ex-servicemen had been established on 204,665 acres either on permanent tenure or on a wages or other similar basis with the promise of a permanent tenure upon completion of the development programme. The number of ex-servicemen established in the various districts is as follows : Land District. Number. Land District. Number. North Auckland .. .. 53 Nelson .. 10 Auckland .. .. 220 Westland Hawke's Bay .. .. 56 Canterbury .. .. 83 Gisborne .. .. 32 Otago .. 18 Taranaki .. .. 53 Southland .. .. 35 Wellington .. .. 103 Marlborough .. 28 Total .. 691 The figures given above do not include ex-servicemen who have been assisted by way of rehabilitation loans to purchase established farms on their own account. As will be seen from the remarks by the officers in charge of development operations in the various districts, given later in this report, progress continues to be hampered by the unprecedented demand for the materials which are essential to extensive landdevelopment operations. Difficulties in the procurement of fencing-wire, water-piping, farm machinery, and building-materials has in many instances caused delay in completing the development of certain sections, and in other cases the Department has been compelled to defer operations on a number of blocks, which will require extensive development before they can be made fit for settlement. It is pleasing to report, .however,. that during the past year the supply position in respect of fertilizer improved sufficiently to enable the Department to effect improvement to pastures on many of the blocks being prepared for settlement by ex-servicemen. As development of the sections on the blocks is completed, sections are made available for selection by ex-servicemen, and this policy will continue to be followed. Comments by the officers in charge of operations in the various districts giving information concerning the development and settlement of the blocks during the year are as follows : Superintendent of Land Development, Auckland During the year a further fifteen properties totalling 7,887 acres, were taken over in this district for development for settlement by ex-servicemen. This brought the number of development blocks capable of early settlement to thirty-nine and the area to 21,568 acres. It is estimated that these properties will subdivide into 158 sections,, of which seventy-two are occupied by ex-servicemen, and it is anticipated that a like number will be settled during the coming year. In addition to the above 21,568 acres, there are under the control of this office twenty-four blocks totalling 142,085 acres, on which large-scale operations will be necessary extending over a period of several years before settlement can be considered. Thirty-four ex-servicemen are in occupation of sections - on the long-term development blocks, and a further thirty-eight men should be settled next year.



The lack of adequate supplies of fertilizer again prevented progress being made •on the purely development blocks, and in most areas the pastures have suffered. Production was higher than in the previous drought year, but generally the effects of the drought were apparent during the year in both stock and pastures. Awaroa (Locality : Kuawai). —Area, 287 acres. Possession date, Ist February, 1945. Subdivision, three dairy-farms. The buildings are completed, but the pastures are so badly deteriorated and infested with tall fescue that settlement cannot be finalized, and in the meantime ex-servicemen are employed on wages, with the promise of sections, to complete the development programme. The water-supply difficulty has not yet been solved satisfactorily and a winter run-off area has still to be acquired before this block can be settled. Bradleys (Locality: Te Kopuru). —Area, 1,249 acres. Possession date, 15th January, 1941. Subdivision not yet finalized. Some 1,150 acres are under development, and approximately 450 acres are now in permanent grass. Increased fertilizer allocation has made further progress possible and also assisted in the maintenance of existing pastures. Last season's experiment of harrowing and sowing 50 acres of undeveloped sandy country gave fair results, and a further 250 acres are receiving similar treatment. At present 110 acres are in crops, and another 100 acres are to be cultivated and grassed next year. As very little new fencing can be undertaken owing to lack of wire, grassing has occupied the main development plan. Test bores for water failed, and a comprehensive engineering survey is planned to improve the supply, which is inadequate. Brooldands (Locality: Papakura). —Area, 378 acres. Possession date, Ist February, 1945. Subdivision, two dairy farms and one mixed farm. One of the dairy sections was allotted in September, 1945, and charges have been fixed on this section. The other two farms were allotted at the commencement of the 1946-47 season on a wages basis. The necessary buildings and other improvements on these two sections will be completed and charges fixed at the commencement of the 1947-48 season. Bruntwood (Locality : Bruntwood). —Area, 166 acres. Possession date, Ist June, 1945. Subdivision, two dairy-farms. New buildings were erected, a water-supply installed, and fences erected and repaired. After a short period on wages, two exservicemen took over on fixed charges as from Ist September, 1946. Edgecumbe (Locality: Edgecumbe).—Area, 7,308 acres. Possession date, Bth August, 1936. Subdivision not yet finalized. There has been little alteration on this block. Dry conditions resulted in a good clearing up of fern and roughage, and paspalum has been sown on a portion as a trial to determine if it will establish and hold up the ash on the hilly country. An area of 25 acres has been sown in lucerne —the dry weather adversely affected the take, but it is expected to improve. When materials are available, the water-supply on the block will be extended and will make a better control of fern, &c., possible without undue work for live-stock. Orini (Part Edgecumbe Block). —This block has improved under the dry conditions and it has continued to be used in conjunction with Edgecumbe for fattening the older bullocks and cull female stock. Fairview (Locality : Waimana). —Area, 1,978 acres. Possession date, 15th June, 1945. Subdivision, two dairy and three sheep farms. The dairy herd milked on shares gave good returns, as this area did not suffer severely from the dry weather. A good clearing of fern has been obtained with the steers and wethers carried. Internal and boundary fences have been repaired and have made the crushing possible, but more of this work is necessary. A farm road has been formed in preparation for transport of manure, and crushing will continue. This block will respond to top-dressing when available. Galatea (Locality: Murupara).—Area, 24,993 acres. Possession date, 1931. Subdivision not yet finally planned. Eleven sections, each averaging approximately 150 acres, were allotted on wages during the year to ex-servicemen, and charges were fixed on two sections which were occupied on wages pending completion of their develops ment. Building progress has been slow owing to material shortages, but contra ctfor the erection of another five houses have been let and these may be completed in time



for the 1947-48 season. A further fifteen sections should be ready for the following: season. Development mainly confined to sowing of lucerne, 400 acres ; swede crops,. 200 acres ; and permanent pasture, 300 acres (excellent strikes were obtained on all areas); boundary and subdivisional fencing for new sections ; water-supplies and piggeries. An area of approximately 200 acres of the Kopuriki Block was ploughed and planted with swedes. Although the season was very dry, pastures remained in good order, due to extra top growth obtained by lighter sheep-stocking. In spite of the dry season, dairy returns were good, due mainly to lucerne stands. Dairying is now on a very sound basis in this area. Glorit (Locality : Kaipara Harbour). —This area of tidal mud flats is under development, by the Public Works Department. Little work has been carried out during recent years,, the sown pastures being grazed by this Department. Hapuakohe (Locality : Te Hoe). —Area, 400 acres. Possession date, Ist July, 1945. Subdivision, four dairy-farms. Two ex-servicemen weje settled at the commencement of the 1945-46 season, and following the completion of the access road, water-supply, and buildings the remaining two sections were allotted on Ist September, 1946, completing the settlement of this block. Hillcrest (Locality : Waikiekie). —Area, 661 acres. Possession date, Ist June, 1944. Subdivision not yet finalized. Approximately 180 acres are grassed, and a start hasbeen made with the cultivation of a further 80-100 acres of the poorer scrub country, which will be left fallow for twelve months before grassing can be carried out with any degree of success. A herd of ninety cows milked on share produced 17,000 lb. of butterfat. Much of this block is poor-quality land of a clay-gum nature and will take considerable time to develop to a sufficient stage for settlement. Kaitaia (Locality: Kaitaia). —Area, 2,305 acres. Possession date, 10th April,. 1934. Subdivision not finally planned. The conditions experienced during the past year have been arduous and disappointing, as for the second summer in succession fires have swept the area, causing considerable damage to shelter-belts, fences, and bridges. Owing to continuous consolidation, the grass paddocks are becoming too rough to enable a mower to be used and it is difficult to control the vigorous growth of paspalum. Kapiro (Locality : Kerikeri). Area, 60 acres. Possession date, 1938. An experimental area of 47 acres in the ironstone belt near Kerikeri was sown in grass in 1939-40. This area has been regularly top-dressed and grazed with dairy stock. Pasture establishment has been satisfactory and dairy returns are considered reasonable. KaraJca (Locality : Karaka). —Area, 220 acres. Possession date, 30th November, 1944. Subdivision, two dairy-farms. Both units were allotted on a wages basis in March, 1946, the successful applicants being employed on development work till 30th June, 1946, when charges were fixed and the ex-servicemen took over. Two new dwellings and other necessary farm buildings, water-supply, and subdivisional fencing were completed. KatiJcati (Locality : Tauranga).—Area, 473 acres. Possession date, 25th October, 1946. Subdivision not finalized. There are approximately 70 acres of good grass,, and hay has been saved on this area. The working-up and grassing of the balance will be undertaken as soon as possible, and it is probable that three dairying sections will be obtained. An area of approximately 30 acres has been cultivated and sown in grass. Kiwitahi (Locality : Morrinsville). —Area, 223 acres. Possession date, 31st May,. 1946. Subdivision, two dairy-farms. After a short period on wages, an ex-serviceman took over one section on Ist September, 1946. The necessary improvements, including the erection of buildings, fences, and water-supply, are being undertaken on the remaining section, and it is expected that it will be balloted before the commencement of the 1947-48 season. Komakorau (Locality: Gordonton). —Area, 734 acres. Possession date, Ist February, 1945. Subdivision, six dairy-farms. In addition to cultivation work, watersupply, and fencing, new buildings were necessary on five sections. Three sections were settled on fixed charges on Ist September, 1946, and one was balloted on wages in November. The remaining two will be taken over by ex-servicemen for the 1947-48 season.



KopuriJci (Locality: Part Galatea). —Area, 2,800 acres. Possession date, 30th April, 1945. Subdivision, twenty dairy-farms. This area is being farmed in conjunction with the Galatea Estate. Kumi (Locality: Awanui). —Area, 258 acres. Possession date, 30th September, 194-6. Subdivision, two dairy-farms. Renovations have been carried out to fences and drains, but further work of this nature is still necessary and the water-supply requires to be improved. Arrangements are under way for the construction of the buildings. When these are finished the sections will be allocated, but it is doubtful if they will be ready for the 1947-48 season. Kuranui (Locality: Morrinsville). —Area, 860 acres. Possession date, 31st .January, 1947. Subdivision, two dairy and two sheep farms. A considerable amount of deferred maintenance work is necessary and settlement will probably not be possible until 1949. Meanwhile a scheme of subdivision has been prepared and development work is proceeding. Lake View (Locality: Ahipara).—Area, 796 acres, 1 rood 37 perches. Possession •date, Ist June, 1945. Subdivision, two dairy-farms—tentative. An area of 255 acres has been subdivided into two dairy-farms. Of the balance, 266 acres to the south of the block is not suitable for ex-servicemen settlement, while 275 acres to the north of the Pukepoto Drain is not being developed in the meantime owing to difficulties of road access and inadequate supply of fertilizer and materials. The two dairy-farms were balloted at the beginning of the 1946-47 season and the successful applicants have dairied, one on a wages basis and one under a share-milking agreement. All buildings, water-supply, and other necessary improvements have been completed on the two dairy-farms, and charges will be fixed as from the commencement of the 1947-48 season. Mahuta (Locality : Dargaville).—Area, 423 acres. Posssession date, 24th October, 1946. Subdivision not yet finalized. Attention has been given to the maintenance of fences, top-dressing, and general renovation of pastures. The land is on the west coast, and of the total area some 200 acres is sandy country which will be excluded from the subdivision and eventually planted in trees. This block will provide two dairy-farms, but it is hoped that additional land can be purchased, as provision of an adequate watersupply will be difficult and costly. Mamaranui (Locality: Dargaville).—Area, 959 acres. Possession date, Ist May, 1945. Subdivision, four farms. The access road has now been formed and is being fenced, while the fencing of the watershed reserve (120 acres of bush) has been finished. Contracts have been let for new buildings, and the settlement of three sections can proceed as soon as these have been completed and the water-supply is ready. Mangawai (Locality : Mangawai).—Area, 1,862 acres. Possession date, 7th July, 1935. Subdivision, eight dairy-farms. Contracts for all the necessary buildings have been let and fair progress made. As electric power will not be available until the end ■of this year, these sections cannot be settled before the 1947-48 season. Development consisted of levelling and regrassing of approximately 100 acres of permanent pasture which was burnt out during summer fires and the re-erection of boundary and sub divisional fences burnt by the fires. Maraetai (Locality : Maraetai).—Area, 5,000 acres. Possession date, Ist August, 1946. Subdivision not yet planned. Development of this block, which is situated across the Waikato River twenty-eight miles south of Tokoroa Township, is being carried out with the primary object of supplying farm produce to the township to be established in connection with the hydro-electric works at Mangakino. The whole of the area is within the pumice belt and is unimproved land covered with manuka scrub, light bush, and tussock. In September, 1946, contracts were let for the clearing of scrub and ploughing and cultivating of about 1,200 acres south of the river. The scrub was crushed by means of heavy rollers especially designed for the work. All the cultivation work •on this 1,200 acres was completed by the beginning of March, 1947, and the whole area was then sown with grass seed and fertilizer before the end of that month. In addition to the above work, a further 1,500 acres of medium to heavy scrub and light bush has been crushed ready for burning off and cultivation operations next season. Owing to



the shortage of fencing-wire it is possible to only ring fence the area. Workmen's huts have been erected, a large store-shed built, and approximately 190 chains of roading formed. Matanuku (Locality : Tokoroa). —Area, 3,279 acres. Possession date 3rd May, 1940. Subdivision, twenty farms. The ex-serviceman who was milking on wages last season has been granted his lease, and two other ex-servicemen who have been milking on wages will be granted their leases in time for the coming season. It is anticipated that a further eight sections on this block will be available for lease in the 1947-48 season, the buildings being well under way. Seven sections on this block were settled during 1945-46. Matarawa (Locality : Tokoroa). —Area, 334 acres. Possession date Ist March,, 1945. Subdivision, three farms. Matarawa (Homestead). —Area, 160 acres. Possession date, 29th July, 1946. Subdivision not finalized. Both these areas are grazed in conjunction with Matanuku, and it is anticipated they will be ready for settlement in time for the 1947-48 season. Maungakawa (Locality: Cambridge). —Area, 958 acres. Possession date, 31st October, 1946. Subdivision not yet finalized. As yet a' plan of subdivision has not been finalized and the property will be farmed with Romney sheep and fat cattle possibly for three or four years, which period is necessary to catch up on deferred maintenance and bring the pastures to a condition where the property can be farmed economically in smaller units. Maungatapu (Locality : Morrinsville). —Area, 455 acres. Possession date, 31st May, 1946. Subdivision, five dairy-farms. One section was balloted and the successful applicant milked on wages during the season. He will be allotted the section on fixed charges from Ist July next. Development work on the balance of the area is proceeding. An access road has been formed and metalled and farm buildings are being erected. The date of the ballot for these four sections depends on the progress made with the erection of the buildings. Mihi (Locality: Reporoa). —Area, 24,935 acres. Possession date, Ist August, 1938. Subdivision not yet finalized. There has been very slow recovery from drought on the higher portions of these blocks. The balance of the pastures are in good condition. Approximately 30 acres have been sown in lucerne and a good strike obtained. All work on this block is now being done by this Department. Intensive development work on this area must await improvement in the materials supply position. Motutapu (Locality : Hauraki Gulf). —Area, 3,606 acres. Subdivision not intended. Work on this area consisted of cultivating and sowing 90 acres of crop area into permanent pasture and 50 acres into lucerne. A further 150 acres cultivated and sown in swedes, barley, and chou moellier. An excellent strike of lucerne has- been obtained. Control of heavily infested ratstail pastures has been maintained by heavy stocking with cattle, with good results. The low manure allocation has not allowed of top-dressing other than the crops and new pasture. Fencing consisted of the dismantling and re-erection 76 chains. Control of gorse and noxious weeds was maintained by grubbing. Ngwtuwera (Location : Tokoroa). —Area, 1,301 acres. Possession date, 3rd March, 1941. Subdivision not finalized. This block has been grazed in conjunction with Matanuku, but no development work has been possible owing to the shortage of fertilizer and other materials. Last year's swede area of 25 acres has been grassed and a fresh area of 22 acres is now in swedes. Okahukura (Locality : Wellsford). —Area, 9,041 acres. Possession date, sth March, 1945. Subdivision (tentatively planned), twenty-three dairy and five sheep farms. Large-scale development has not been possible owing to the shortage of fencing-wire and fertilizer, and except areas required for seasonal crops no new land has been broken in. The homestead building was rebuilt and general repairs carried out to the other station buildings. A pig-proof fence was completed around the southern part of the block and stock losses from pig-worrying were reduced considerably. A drag-line dredge is required to carry out the reconstruction of the main outlet drain.



Onewhero (Locality : Onewhero). —Area, 600 acres. Possession, date, 16th April, 1945. Subdivision, one sheep-farm. New fences were erected and repairs effected and an area was regrassed during the time the property was grazed by the Department. Owing to periodic flooding of the flats it was decided to ballot the property as a single unit, and the successful applicant took over on fixed charges on Ist May, 1946. Ongo View (Locality : Ohinewai). —Area, 711 acres. Possession date, 17th April, 1945. Subdivision, two sheep-farms. This property was farmed by the Department until certain improvements, including the erection of buildings, were completed. The successful applicants at the ballot took over on fixed charges on 29th April, 1946. OtaTciri (Locality : Otakiri).—Area, 412 acres. Possession date, Ist June, 1945. Subdivision, four dairy-farms. Two sections were settled during 1945-46, and following a period on wages two other ex-servicemen have been granted leases, thus completing the settlement of this block. Ototoa (Locality : Helensville). —Area, 1,611 acres. Possession date, Ist February, 1941. Subdivision, nine dairy-farms. Two sections were settled on fixed charges at the beginning of the 1945-46 season, and development work having been completed during the past year, charges have been fixed on the remaining seven sections, which have also now been settled, thus completing settlement of the block. Paratu (Locality: Walton). —Area, 2,029 acres. Possession date, 15th October, 1943. Subdivision, sixteen mixed farms. Development work on buildings, drains, and fences has progressed, but until a drag-line becomes available it will not be possible to proceed with the final draining, clearing, and regrassing of the swamp area. Some 400 acres have been cropped and laid in permanent grass. The formation and metalling of the roads through the block and the erection of bridges has been delayed through shortage of labour. One section was milked on wages this season, and provided progress on buildings is maintained it should be possible to ballot seven sections in the coming year. Pouarua (Locality: Hauraki Plains). —Area, 12,147 acres. Possession date 10th October, 1937. Subdivision not yet planned. Part of the grassed area of 6,000 acres has reverted to swamp and the area now stocked amounts to about 5,000 acres. Due to the better season experienced, the area is now showing signs of progress, and continuous improvement in its condition can be seen. The experiments being conducted by the Animal Research Division of the Department of Agriculture are still proceeding. The success achieved by the application of bluestone to combat copper deficiency is now well known and further experiments are in progress. The policy of taking in winter grazing of dairy cattle from settlers on the Hauraki Plains was continued during the year. Kerepeehi (Part Pouarua block). —Of the total area of 1,590 acres, 188 acres have been leased, but the leases are being terminated on 30th April, 1947. The balance of the area has been grassed with the exception of about 150 acres, which is still in scrub and pussy-willow. The block is being steadily improved with careful stocking, and the pastures will improve rapidly when men are available to carry out greater fence and drain improvements. The work is now mostly confined to maintenance and improvement of drains, fences, water-supply, pastures, and general care of live-stock. When building and fencing materials become available it should be possible to prepare two 90-acres sections for settlement by ex-servicemen during the next year. One section on this block has been selected by the Animal Research Division for the purpose of conducting experiments in copper deficiency on peat lands. The whole area is topdressed annually with 20 lb. of bluestone per .acre. Puketurua (Locality : Putaruru). —Area, 540 acres. Possession date, 14th April, 1946. Subdivision, three farms. This block has been grazed with dry stock and settlement will not be possible until development work, including water-supply, fencing, regrassing, and the erection of buildings, is completed. Putiki (Locality : Edgeeumbe). —Area, 1,549 acres. Possession date, 28th June, 1946. Subdivision, fourteen dairy-farms. Seven ex-servicemen, each with a promise of an undefined section, have been share-milking over the whole area during the 1946-47 .season, and the production of butterfat has been maintained. Seven new dwellings and



also farm buildings are in course of erection, but judging from progress made to date it appears likely that it will be necessary to renew the share-milking agreements for a further season. Other development work carried out includes the installation of watersupplies, fencing, and regrassing. Puriri (Locality : Kaitaia). —Area, 1,403 acres. Possession date, 6th November,. 1933. Subdivision not yet finalized. No new development work was carried out during the year, operations being confined to general farming of the block. Erratic weather conditions over the past two years made farming difficult as, following a check to the pastures in the drought of 1945-46 and their recovery in the autumn, the grass received another severe set-back last summer. All the heavy stock was removed, and it is hoped that the pastures will recover with autumn rains. RerewhaJcaitu (Locality: Rotorua). —Area, 12,067 acres. Possession date, Ist February, 1945. Subdivision not yet planned. Last year's swede areas of approximately 70 acres have been grassed and a further area of 70 acres has been sown in swedes. A large dam has been constructed to enable water to be pumped to a reservoir and gravitated to troughs, while the only other work possible was fencing and building renovations. Owing to dry conditions and insufficient fertilizer, the ewe flock has been reduced. Riverside (Locality: Tangowahine).—Area, 3,967 acres. Possession date, Ist February, 1946. Subdivision not yet finalized. The programme of development has been confined to making up large arrears in maintenance, particularly of fences, which are in a bad state. When increased fertilizer is available, action will be taken to check reversion to scrub, and renewal of run-out pastures will receive attention. About 200 acres of easy scrub country is under the first stages of cultivation, but this block is a long-term development proposition. Ruawaro (Locality : Ruawaro). —Area, 562 acres. Possession date, 31st May, 1946. Subdivision, four dairy-farms. Four ex-servicemen were established with charges fixed at the beginning of the current dairy season. All necessary farm buildings, community water-supply, and other necessary improvements have been completed, but work on the access road is still proceeding and the metalling will be completed shortly. A new bridge on the access road is to be erected. Tauhei (Locality : Tauhei). —Area, 200 acres. Possession date, 27th June, 1945. Subdivision, two dairy-farms. Pending completion of the improvements, a share-milker has been engaged milking one herd during the present season. The buildings have been finished, but the pastures which were swept by fire last year require to be renewed. It will be necessary for one section to be farmed by the Department for another year, but the other section will be balloted for the 1947-48 season. Te Hoe (Locality : Ohinewai). —Area, 284 acres. Possession date, Ist November, 1945. Subdivision, two dairy-farms. The renewing of the pastures and the erection of farm buildings is progressing and it is expected to ballot both sections for the 1947-48 season. Te Mimi (Locality : Morrinsville). —Area, 788 acres. Possession date, 31st May, 1946. Subdivision, six dairy-farms." During the season three ex-servicemen, each with a promise of an undefined section, have been share-milking on this property. Development work necessary includes the erection of new buildings, renovations to existing buildings, fencing, access roading, farm tracks, and the installation of a watersupply. This work is under way, and provided it is sufficiently far advanced within the next two months a ballot for the three remaining sections will be held. Te Teko (Locality : Edgecumbe).—Area, 399 acres. Possession date, 31st May, 1946. Subdivision, four dairy-farms. One section was disposed of last year and one ex-serviceman has been milking on wages during the present season. It is anticipated that the remaining two sections will be balloted for the 1947-48 season. Thompson's (Locality: Kaihere). —Area, 102 acres. Possession date, 24th November, 1944. Subdivision, one dairy-farm. The buildings on this section were completed before the start of the dairy season, and in June last an " A " grade exserviceman took possession of the house and commenced milking a herd of forty-eight



heifers in August. Production for the year has been good, 8,564 lb. of butterfat being produced up to 31st March, 1947, as well as thirty-four bobby-calves and thirteen fat pigs. Development work is still required in the swamp portion in the way of stumping, logging up, burning, and heavy harrowing of blackberry. TiJcoJcopu (Locality: Helensville): —Area, 4,600 acres. Possession date, 9th February, 1945. Subdivision (provisional), seven dairy and six sheep farms. Approximately 140 chains of new fencing has been erected, while the existing fences, which were in a very bad state of disrepair, have been renovated. A total of 150 acres of reverted grass land have been cleared and cultivated and sown in crops and a further 200 acres ploughed and cultivated and sown in permanent grasses. Good results have been obtained from pasture renovation over some 300 acres of inferior grass areas. Existing permanent grass areas will be further improved when heavier annual top-dressing is possible. Eighty chains of new drains were dug and renovations to existing buildings were carried out. Three bores were sunk and good water obtained. One sheep section will be balloted for possession in 1948, but further development work is necessary before the other sections, both dairy and sheep, are ready for settlement. Tokoroa (Locality : Tokoroa). —Area, 5,201 acres. Possession date, 4th April, 1938. Subdivision not yet finalized. Last year's swede area has been grassed and a new area sown in swedes. There has been a very quick spread of broom at the entrance to this block, and this necessitated cutting, grubbing, and burning. The pastures have been reasonably well maintained with the available fertilizer allocation. WaiJcare (Locality: Te Kauwhata). —Area, 460 acres. Possession date, 31st October, 1946. Subdivision, five dairy-farms. An additional area of 45 acres is being purchased to complete the subdivision. The development programme includes 45 chains of new road formation, buildings, and water-supply, and it is hoped that settlement will take place in 1948. Waihite (Locality: Rotorua). —Area, 7,526 acres. Possession date, 10th October, 1938. Subdivision not yet planned. Little development work has been possible on this block, which includes Whirinaki, but the areas continue to be farmed and will respond well when more manure is available. Waikuku (Locality: Morrinsville). Area, 1,053 acres. Possession date, Ist April, 1946. Subdivision, ten dairy-farms. New dwellings and farm buildings were erected on three sections in time for ex-servicemen to obtain leases in September, 1946. Good progress has been made with the development of the balance of the area. New buildings are being erected, water-supplies installed, and the necessary roading and fencing is under way. It is anticipated that a further six sections will be ready for the 1947-48 season. The homestead block is being retained as a central depot for the Lower Waikato area in the meantime. WaipapaJcauri (Locality: Part Waipapakauri Aerodrome). —Area, 450 acres. Approximately 160 acres is used for dairying, while the balance is being grazed with run stock. The growth of pastures was satisfactory and 150 tons of hay was harvested. Of the 6 acres sown in maize, a good crop is now assured from about 3£.acres only, as the balance was attacked by caterpillars. Waitaha (Locality : Tauranga). Area, 168 acres. Possession date, 18th October, 1946. Subdivision, two dairy-farms. One ex-serviceman has been milking a herd on this block during the season and he will be allotted the homestead section. An extension of the water-supply, erection of buildings, and the formation of approximately 40 chains of road are necessary in preparing the balance of the area for settlement. Waitoa (Locality : Waitoa). Area, 752 acres. Possession date, April and June, 1945. Subdivision, nine dairy-farms. Four sections were settled on Ist September, 1945, and one on Ist July, 1946. Roading, fencing, draining, and the erection of buildings were effected on the back sections, three of which were balloted in November last. The successful applicants are being employed on wages until Ist July, 1947, when they will receive their leases. It is expected that the remaining section will be balloted shortly.



Whangapoua (Locality: Coromandel). Area, 21,055 acres. Possession date, Ist February, 1946. Subdivision not finally planned. Of the total area, some 2,000 acres of flat to undulating country will be developed by this Department and ultimately subdivided into dairy-farms, while the balance will be taken over by the State Forest Service. To date the main work has been confined to renovating existing buildings, repairing fences, and cleaning drains. A start has also been made with clearing portions of undeveloped country, the ploughing and cultivation of run-out grass areas for winter crops, and the re'sowing of approximately 296 acres with grass-seed. Considerable further development work is necessary before settlement can take place. Wharere Block (Locality : Bay of Plenty). Area, 4,941 acres. Possession date, 11th August, 1933. Subdivision not finally planned. Shortage of labour and machinery has affected the development programme on this block. The main drainage outlets are badly silted up and require reconditioning immediately, and although an excavator has been operating during the year it has been held up for long periods for overhaul. Some plant, is to be obtained on loan, but even with two machines it will be some years before the accumulated maintenance work can be overtaken. Much of the country has subsided to such a level that flood-pumping will have to be resorted to to keep it clear of water in the winter-time. The suction bay and building for one of these flood pumping-stations was installed dtiring the year near the junction of Waerenga Road and the Wharere Canal and two 5,500 gallons per minute pumps are on order. The men employed on this area have also been employed on the Waihi drainage works. Their work has been almost entirely confined to maintenance of drains, fences, pastures, and care of stock. During the year two sections aggregating 168 acres were allotted on fixed charges to two civilian occupiers who had been given promises of leases. Billings (Part Wharere Block). —No further development has been possible, and owing to shortage of feed in the winter it was necessary to graze a rough area of Hereford Park adjoining. The stock has come through satisfactorily, but fat-lamb returns are lighter owing to a bad season and insufficient top-dressing. Jensens (Part Wharere Block). —This property suffered severely from last season's drought, necessitating reduction of stock during the year. Lucerne has been shown on 15 acres, and the developed areas has been well controlled. Whenuanui (Locality : Ruawai). Area, 136 acres. Possession date, 30th August, 1946. Subdivision not yet finalized. When acquired this holding was in a very badly poached condition and suffering from arrears of maintenance, particularly drains. The result is that it will take time to get pastures back to normal. The total area is too small for two economic units even with a run-off, but negotiations are in progress for an additional 40 acres. At present this area is farmed in conjunction with Awaroa Block, where the stock require periodical spelling off the fescue pastures. Whitesides (Locality : Otakiri). —Area, 97 acres. Possession date, Ist June, 1945Subdivision, single unit. An ex-serviceman has been milking on wages during the season and it is expected that charges will be fixed from Ist July next. The development work, erection of buildings, fencing, and renovation of pastures has been practically completed. Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti As at 31st March, 1946, thirty-nine blocks, comprising 65,860 acres, were under the control of this office. During the past year seven properties, of 4,682 acres, were purchased, and 8,708 acres were alienated by settlement or reservation, leaving 61,384 acres (thirty-six blocks) still under development. During the year thirty-four ex-servicemen have been established on dairy-farms (3,985 acres) and ten ex-servicemen on sheep-farms (3,817 acres). These men were all selected by ballot, six having been employed on wages pending the fixing of charges on their sections. In addition, six small-farm civilian settlers were placed on dairy-farms aggregating 604 acres. Settlement was completed on seven blocks during the year—namely, Burns', Kakepuku, Konui, Mangaotaki, Tarata, Te Kowhai, and Whatawhata.



The current development programme is well in hand, although the shortage of fencing and building materials has delayed the offering of sections, but a further fourteen will be balloted shortly. Fifteen ex-servicemen who were successful in ballots held last year are at present in occupation of their sections on a wages basis. Twelve of these men will be established on permanent tenure at an early date. Also, six small-farm civilians settlers will take over their farms in July next. Arrangements have been made for an extension of the area controlled from Te Kuiti to take in the balance of the Raglan County and parts of the Waikato, Piako, and Matamata Counties. Arohena Block (4,130 acres), thirty miles east of Te Awamutu. Considerable improvement has been effected to the pastures during the past year, and with increasing supplies of manures the improvement will be maintained. Approximately 800 chains of fencing have been renewed, 280 acres sown in grass, and 140 acres in crops. The breeding-flock has been increased by 700 ewes. One small-farm settler is to be established on part of the block in July. Atua Block (balance, 207 acres), adjacent to the Arapuni Power-station. Subdivided into six dairy units, and houses, cow-sheds, and other farm buildings erected. A ballot was held in July, 1946, four sections being offered on fixed charges and on two the ex-servicemen to be employed on wages pending completion of the development of their sections. The community water-supply, a high pressure plant, has been extended, pastures were reconditioned, and subdivisional fencing completed. The ex-servicemen on wages (with bonus on dairy production) will receive permanent leases in July, thus completing the settlement of the block. Burns' Block (139 acres), in the Te Rau-a-moa district. Dairying operations were continued until the end of the 1945-46 season, when a small-farm settler was granted a lease of the block. Ellicott's Block (balance, 1,034 acres), ten miles east of Te Awamutu. General development of the remaining three sections has been continued during the year. Internal roading and fences have been extended, 100 acres sown in pasture, and 50 acres in crops. Ragwort is diminishing and the new pastures have improved considerably. One section is expected to be offered for selection in 1948. Foss' Block (438) acres), twenty miles east of Te Awamutu. Results are improving, but owing to the lack of manures pastures are slow in responding. Development is proceeding, and settlement is proposed in 1948 or 1949. Henderson's Block (balance, 575 acres), six miles east of Otorohanga. Work on the two dairy units was completed, houses were renovated, cow-sheds and other farm buildings erected, and a high-pressure water-supply serving both sections was installed. Two discharged servicemen selected by ballot were settled on fixed charges in July, 1946. Work on the balance of the block is continuing, the subdivision scheme providing three mixed farms. Kaeaea Block (1,639 acres) in the Aria district, twenty-six miles south of Te Kuiti. Owing to its swampy nature, this block came through the drought fairly well, although stock was required to be transferred from the block temporarily. Small areas were cropped and grassed during the year. Development of this block involves a long-term programme and settlement will not be possible for some time. Kairangi Block (balance, 354 acres) in the Maungatautari district, ten miles south of Cambridge. This block was originally part of the Waikato Land Settlement Society's scheme, and up to the beginning of the year sixteen civilian settlers had been established. During the year a ballot was held to select two ex-servicemen settlers to be settled on fixed charges and one to be employed on wages. A valuation will shortly be made for the purpose of fixing the charges of the wages man, and this will complete settlement of the block. One community water-supply was extended to serve the last section and a gravity supply installed to serve the two new settlers and one civilian settler.



Kakejpuku Block (286 acres), in the Te Kawa district, six miles south-west of Te Awamutu. Development work included the removal of one house to a new site and the erection of a cow-shed and other farm buildings. A pressure-pump-type water-supply was installed to serve both sections which were offered for selection by ballot, and the settlers took possession of their sections in July, 1946. ■ Karakariki Block (balance, 1,435 acres), on the west bank of the Waipa River, north of Whatawhata. This block is one of the three originally acquired from the Waikato Land Settlement Society, and to date fourteen settlers have been established. Development work on the remainder was confined to the erection of fences and reconditioning of pastures, which have suffered from the activities of grass-grub. Further settlement is not contemplated before 1950. Kohua Block (balance, 672 acres), in the Ngatamahine district, six miles east of Aria Township. An ex-serviceman selected by ballot was placed on a sheep-farm of 350 acres, and 72 acres was declared a scenic reserve. Yery little development has been effected during the year, but attention has been given to the maintenance of drains and fences. Konui Block (300 acres), on the main highway, three miles south of Hamilton. The erection of all buildings and installation of dairy equipment and water-supplies were completed, and four ex-servicemen chosen by ballot were established in July. An area of 57 acres was previously transferred to the Agriculture Department for use as a Soil Fertility Research Station. Langdon's Block (456 acres), located east from Te Awamutu, in the Pukeatua district. During the year, dairy herds have been milked by two civilians, of whom one will take over as an independent, settler in July next. The other section has suffered from the ravages of grass-grub, and in the interests of the occupier settlement has been deferred until next year. Both sections carry sheep for control purposes. Maihiihi Block (balance, 335 acres), located in the Maihiihi district, fifteen miles east of Otorohanga. Buildings for the small-farm settler are complete, but settlement has been deferred because the pastures are not up to standard and ragwort control is difficult. The occupier is milking a dairy herd on wages, with a dairy production bonus, and will probably take over this year. The water-supply serving an established settler has been extended to supply part of the block. Mangamahoe Block (balance, 442 acres), two miles west of Otorohanga. Good progress has been made with the clearing of gorse and heather, which is prevalent on the steep faces, and the grassing of these areas is in progress. The water-supply to the higher land has been improved. The usual maintenance of fences and pastures has been carried out. Plans for further settlement are under consideration and may be put into effect within two to three years. Mangaorino Block (832 acres), four miles north of Te Kuiti on the old Otorohanga Road. A wool-shed, surplus on another area, was transferred to the block and re-erected, and some renovations were made to the homestead. An area of scrub was burnt and sown in grass, and more pampas grass was planted. Owing to the shortage of fencing-materials, plans for bringing in further undeveloped land had to be postponed. Mangaotaki Block (1,611 acres), in the Mangaotaki district, west of Piopio. Three ex-servicemen were selected by ballot in July, 1946, to be employed on wages until development completed. During the year the fencing programme was completed, one new dwelling and store-sheds provided, and repairs effected to other buildings. Access roads to the higher areas were improved. Finally a ballot was held to determine the allotment of the sections. Mangati Block (641 acres) consists of two sub-blocks in the Pirongia district, southwest of Te Awamutu. Puketotara : Two dairy herds are being milked this season, one milker being a small-farm settler who is to be established this year. The other section is occupied by a bonus milker, and provided sufficient manure is available will be ready for settlement in 1948. Te Tahi: Progress has been made with the renovation of reverted pastures, enabling greater numbers of stock to be carried. A wool-shed was



-transferred from a block in the northern district and a sheep-dip constructed. A ram has been installed for the supply of water to the shed and dip. Early settlement is not •contemplated. Mapara Block (balance, 5,355 acres) twelve to sixteen miles south of Te Kuiti, on the Taumarunui Road. Very little development has been carried out, work being •confined mainly to the maintenance of existing fences and pastures. A small area previously in crops was sown in grass. A small-farm settler who was previously •employed on wages with a bonus on production was established on a dairy unit of 137 .acres. A reverted leasehold property adjoining the block was acquired and cultivated for crops. Ngatamahine Block (balance, 3,353 acres), seven miles east of Wairere Falls, on Kohua Road. Early in the year three ex-servicemen were selected and placed on sheep units at the southern end of the block. Yards, wool-shed, and dip were constructed at .a, central point, and are held by the settlers as tenants in common. Four civilian smallfarm settlers, previously on wages.with a dairy production bonus, were granted leases in July. All buildings and water-supplies required for this settlement programme have . been completed. New development was confined to a small amount of fencing, and sowing of grass on areas previously in crops. Further settlement is not proposed before 1950. Nilson's Block (604 acres), in an isolated position seven miles east of Waimiha. Block has been carrying dry stock only. Control of pastures has been difficult owing to the prevalence of ragwort and shortage of manures. The block is considered uneconomic as a unit, but may be farmed in conjunction with adjoining land. Steps are being taken to have the block disposed of to nearby settlers. Ohakune Block (1,087 acres), one mile east of Ohakune Junction. The block is .subdivided into five dairy units. During the year four dwellings, five cow-sheds, and •other farm buildings were completed, and two high-pressure water-supplies were installed. A ballot was held to select four ex-servicemen, who have since been employed on wages with a bonus on results, the fifth section being allotted to a civilian small-farm settler. Charges on all sections are to be fixed as from Ist July next. Oniao Block (777 acres), four miles south of Aria Township, on the Ohura Road. Accommodation for workmen has been improved during the year, but otherwise little •development has been done. Much of the fencing is in poor condition and requires •extensive reconditioning ; pastures and drainage require improvement. A new access road of 20 chains is being formed to replace the road through the Native land leased by the vendors but not taken over with the block. Plans for settlement are being prepared. Ojparure Block (1,939 acres), nine miles west of Te Kuiti, on the Marokopa Road. The development programme, estimated to take four years, includes erection of dwellings and other farm buildings, subdivisional fencing, and the improvement of existing pastures. Subdivision into five sheep-farms is intended. Piha Block (26 acres), on the main highway north of Te Kuiti. Used mainly as a holding paddock, but has been stocked for control purposes. No additional development has been done during the year. Piu Block (balance, 5,981 acres), an amalgamated block in the Mapiu district, twenty miles south of Te Kuiti. Progress has been made in bringing undeveloped areas into cultivation, but early settlement of developed areas is not yet contemplated. Pururu Block (balance, 2,187 acres), in the Rangitoto district, ten miles east of Te Kuiti. During the year two houses were removed from the settled portion and re-erected on new sites, one on the northern portion and one on Smith's sub-block. A considerable area was laid down in pasture and portion of the undeveloped area was .sown in temporary grass and crops ; fencing of these areas has been completed. One dairy unit and one sheep unit are to be offered for selection shortly, all buildings being complete and the dairy plant on order. Improvements to the community water-supply are in progress, including conversion to use electric power. The balance of the block will make four farms, and a bush area is to be reserved.



Raetihi BlocJc (balance, 2,049 acres), between Raetihi and Ohakune. In August last five ex-servicemen selected by ballot were established on mixed farms at the southern end of the block. Two houses on this area are still under construction; all other work is complete. Three dwellings, five cow-sheds, and other farm buildings were erected. A community water-supply serves the five dairy sections. Plans for settlement of the remainder of the block are in preparation; part will probably be offered for selection in 1950. Rangarangai Block (balance, 2,647 acres), on the Echolands Road, north-east of Taumarunui. One section of 367 acres was settled on fixed charges in May, 1946. A dairy herd was established on part of the southern area, and two ex-servicemen are employed as share-milkers. Three sheep sections are to be offered for selection in May next, and two dairy sections in July, when the share-milkers will also be permanently established. Four houses and three cow-sheds are under construction; roading and other work is in progress. Purchase of an area of Native land, 140 acres, formerly leased to one of the vendors, is under consideration. Rumbles Block (379 acres) is in the Pukeatua district, fourteen miles east.of Te Awamutu. Pastures on this block are improving and gorse is being kept under control. A cow-shed is under construction, and a bore will provide a water-supply. Dairying will be commenced next season, and the block will probably be settled in 1948. Tahaia Block (661 acres) consists of two areas, seven to nine miles south of Otorohanga. " Cooper's " area of 105 acres has been heavily stocked to control gorse, which is troublesome in the district. A small area previously in crops was sown in grass ; little other development work was done. The remaining 556 acres is undeveloped. An extensive development programme has had to be postponed on account of the shortage of fencing-materials. Tapuwae Block (3,328 acres) is pumice land, situated east of the Poro-o-tarao Tunnel on the Main Trunk Railway. Some maintenance work has been carried out, and the dry spell made possible the cultivation of a swamp area. The soil is mineraldeficient, the use of cobalt in manures and stock-licks being essential to maintain the stock in good health. Owing to the special management problems of this area and its isolated locality, settlement is not practicable at present. Tarata Block (188 acres), a two-unit dairy property, nine miles south of Te Awamutu. All improvements were completed early in the year, and a share-milker who was milking the dairy herd was allotted one section and an ex-serviceman selected by ballot placed on the other. Te Kowhai Block (balance, 303 acres), six miles north-west of Hamilton. The northern portion of the block, comprising three dairy sections, was allotted to exservicemen in July, 1946. Two dwellings, three cow-sheds, and other farm buildings were completed, and water-supplies installed. The other portion of the block, comprising one dairy unit of 111 acres, was disposed of during 1945-46. Vincent's Block (196 acres), five miles south of Otorohanga. Owing to weather conditions during the past season, pastures have deteriorated slightly. The district is infested with ragwort, which requires constant control. Repairs have been effected to fences and water-supply. Settlement as a single unit is proposed in 1948. Waihuka Block (2,539 acres), four miles south-west of Waimiha. Weather conditions during the past year have resulted in some deterioration of pastures, resulting in a slight reduction of carrying-capacity. Little development work has been possible, a small area only being sown in grass. This country is subject to a mineral deficiency and the use of cobalt in the form of manures and stock-licks is essential to maintain stock in good condition. Settlement will not be possible for some years. Waitangaru Block (balance, 10,384 acres), in the Mairoa district, eighteen to twenty-six miles west of Te Kuiti. Approximately one-fifth of the block is in native bush or is otherwise unsuitable for development, and a similar area reverted. The shortage of fertilizer, and weather conditions, have resulted in some weakening of pastures. Fencing-materials are required for maintenance and fencing cultivated areas, further development being hampered by the shortage. Control of pastures is difficult



owing to high, rainfall and prevalence of fern and ragwort. Settlement at tlie present time is not practicable without prejudicing further development and the control of poorer pastures. Eighty-two acres, mostly limestone outcrops, was included in an .adjoining scenic reserve. Watson's Block (1,051 acres), six miles west of Waitomo Caves. The developed portion has been maintained in good condition and will be made available for settlement by an ex-serviceman in the near future. The undeveloped portion of the block is in bush and will be reserved. Wharepapa Block (balance, 3,143 acres), acquired from the Waikato Land Settlement Society, is in the Wharepuhunga district, eighteen miles south-east of Te Awamutu. [Five civilian settlers have been established for some time, and this year nine of the remaining ten sections have been occupied on a wage basis, eight by ex-servicemen selected by ballot for the sheep-farms, and a small-farm settler who is milking on the bonus system. Practically all the development work is complete, and only a small amount of renovation remains to be done. It is intended to fix charges on five of the ex-servicemen's sections in June or July next, when the charges of the small-farm occupier on the dairy section will also be fixed. Pastures severely affected by last year's ■drought have been reconditioned by over-sowing, and are improving rapidly with increasing supplies of manures, and it is hoped in 1948 to fix charges on three more of the ex-servicemen's sheep units. The remaining unit will be settled about a year later. Whataroa BlocJc (balance, 577 acres), located ten miles west of Te Kuiti, on Troopers' Road. Seven dairy sections were allotted to ex-servicemen in June, 1946. Another -dairy unit is to. be offered for selection in June, 1947. Of the balance of the block, approximately 400 acres is swamp country which cannot be developed at the present time. Extensive drainage operations will be necessary, this work being under the control of the Mangapu Drainage Board. Whatauri Block (balance, 277 acres), twenty-two miles south-east of Te Awamutu. Two ex-servicemen who last year milked herds on wages with dairy production bonus had their charges fixed in July last. Preparation of the remaining two sections for settlement is well in hand, the work done during the year including fencing, grassing, and extension of the community water-supply, which also serves part of Wharepapa Block adjoining. Two cow-sheds and one dwelling are under construction, and will be complete in July next, when a ballot will be held to select two ex-servicemen. They will be employed for one year on wages with a dairy bonus, charges to be fixed in 1948. Whatawhata Block (301 acres), in the Whatawhata district, on the east bank of the Waipa River. The block was subdivided into three dairy-farms, which were allotted to ex-servicemen in July last. The road access to one section has been improved by the Public Works Department during the year. General Report on Position and Progress of Established Civilian Settlers Accounts for the civilian settlers established on the Kairangi, Karakariki, and Wharepapa Blocks, originally acquired from the Waikato Land Settlement Society, are kept at this office. Thirty-five accounts were open at the beginning of the year, but during the year four of the settlers sold their farms to returned servicemen financed by the State Advances Corporation, and one sold his section to a civilian who obtained financial assistance privately; all the sections are held on a restricted freehold tenure. Of the remaining thirty sections, one small one is to be merged with another small holding in the near future. Six of the settlers were unable to meet their half-yearly charges in October, 1946, owing to the unfavourable dairy season of 1945-46, but much more favourable conditions prevailed in the past autumn, and all arrears were paid on the Ist April, together with current charges. The accounts demonstrate that the remaining twenty-nine settlers are well established on small farms which are capable of producing a good income under sound management. Generally speaking, the control of ragwort is being tackled effectively by the settlers.



Commissioner of Crown Lands, North Auckland Araparera Farm Settlement (Locality: Helensville). —Area, 389 acres. Acquired,. 20th November, 1944. Subdivision, two dairy-farms. It was hoped to purchase an adjoining area to provide two dairying units independent of the undeveloped area, but this has not been possible. It is now intended to allot the improved areas as a single unit to the discharged serviceman who is on wages with promise of a section as from Ist July, 1947, and to develop the area of 209 acres, which will make an economic dairy farm when fully improved. A new water-supply has been installed on the improved area and the old cow-shed is being replaced by a new building. Dairying operations have been carried on since Ist July, 1945. Batten's Block (Locality : Waipu).—Area, 1,576 acres. Acquired, Ist March, 1938. Not subdivided. This block, which comprises sheep- and cattle-grazing country, is an abandoned discharged soldiers' settlement security formerly farmed under the Land Laws Amendment Act, 1929. A considerable amount of scrub-clearing and grassing is required to bring the property to full production, but it has not been possible to proceed with this work over the past few years owing to shortage of labour and manures. Satisfactory returns have been received from sheep-farming and grazing of run cattle. It is now intended to allot the area in its present partly improved condition to a suitable discharged serviceman. Matariki Farm Settlement (Locality : Whangarei).—Area, 334 acres. Acquired, Ist February, 1945. Subdivided, three dairy-farms. The necessary buildings have been erected and all fencing required has been completed. A water-supply is now being installed and the clearing of stone preparatory to grassing is proceeding. A large part of the block was covered with stones when it was taken over. A herd of about sixty cows has been milked since Ist July, 1945. Two discharged servicemen who have been allotted the subdivisions containing the partly improved area are working on the property on wages pending completion of the development programme. Ngamahanga Farm Settlement (Locality : Pakaraka). —Area, 325| acres. Acquired, 29th March, 1946. Subdivided, two dairy-farms. A new house and other buildings, including two cow-sheds, have been erected. A water-supply is being installed, and the two subdivisions will be allotted to discharged servicemen as from Ist July, 1947. The ex-serviceman manager of this property has the promise of a section. Purapura Farm Settlement (Locality: Puni). —Area, 151 acres. Acquired, 13th August, 1945. Single-unit dairy-farm. This property was allotted to a discharged serviceman as from Ist July, 1946. Riponui Farm Settlement (Locality : Whangarei).—Area, 301 acres. Acquired, 13th December, 1945. Subdivided, two dairy units. Two new cow-sheds have been erected, and barns and piggeries will be constructed shortly. A water-supply is being installed and subdivisional fencing is in course of erection. The Housing Construction Department has not yet been able to arrange for the erection of the new dwelling required. Dairying has been carried on since Ist July, 1946, simultaneously with sheep and cattle grazing, and it will be necessary to continue these operations during the 1947-48 season. One ex-serviceman is employed on wages with the promise of a section. Ruawai Block (Locality : Ruawai). —Area, 395 acres. Acquired, 25th September, 1944, and 31st May, 1945. Subdivided, three dairy-farms. Two houses and two cowsheds and other necessary buildings have been erected. A water-supply has been installed and subdivisional fencing erected. Charge will be fixed on Ist July, 1947, and the sections permanently allotted to the three ex-servicemen who have been working as sharemilkers since Ist July, 1945. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Auckland All development areas in this land district are controlled by the Superintendents of Land Development, Auckland and Te Kuiti. This season was a marked improvement on that of 1945-46, and this was evidenced in the increased returns of most small-farmers, and with the exception of a few of the



settlers there is no cause for worry. Holdings on the light pumice areas still present a problem, but, as mentioned in previous reports, this should be overcome when adequate top-dressing is available. Seven Oaks (Locality : Cambridge). —Area, 224 acres. Acquired, 20th December, 1945. Subdivided, two dairy-farms. This property did not require extensive development and the work necessary—erection of piggeries, renovations to dwellings and cowsheds, extension of water-supply, and erection of boundary fences —having been completed the sections were offered for selection by ballot and were selected by ex-servicemen in August, 1946. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Gtisborne Progress report on settlements acquired for ex-servicemen prior to 31st March, 1946 : Glenholme Farm Settlement (Locality: Opotiki).—Area, 2,165 acres. Acquired Ist June, 1945. Subdivided into six mixed dairy and sheep farms. All subdivisions were allotted to ex-servicemen on fixed charges in May, 1946. Whakamaru Farm Settlement (Locality : Opotiki).—Area, 400 acres. Acquired, 29th June, 1945. Subdivided into four mixed dairy and sheep farms, and all sections have been allotted to ex-servicemen on wages. It is expected that development will be completed within one year, when the ex-servicemen on wages will have their charges fixed. Painga Farm Settlement (Locality : Wairoa). —Area, 2,950 acres. Acquired 2nd July, 1945. An area of 570 acres of standing bush has been reserved for milling. When fully developed this property will subdivide into two good sheep-farms. At present the property is being managed by an ex-serviceman with the promise of a section. Kohanga Farm Settlement (Locality: Manatuke, near Gisborne). —Area, 30 acres. Acquired, 30th March, 1946. The area is rich flat land along the banks of the Te Arai River and has been acquired for training and settlement of four ex-servicemen for the purpose of growing sub-tropical fruits. The training of the men and development work will be completed early next year. Te Wera Farm Settlement (Locality: Matawai). —Area, 9,922 acres. Block was acquired in 1927, since when it has been developed and run as a sheep and cattle station. It is expected to subdivide into seven holdings for ex-servicemen. A civilian manager is in charge, and in February three undefined sections were balloted by ex-servicemen on wages. The following six properties have been acquired during the year for the settlement of ex-servicemen : Waikoko Farm Settlement (Locality: Waerenga-o-Kuri).—Area, 6,386 acres. Acquired 14th February, 1947. To be subdivided into nine sheep and cattle units. Managed by an ex-serviceman manager with the promise of a section, and three undefined sections have been balloted by ex-servicemen on wages. Hiwinui Farm Settlement (Locality : Here). —Area, 7,358 acres. Acquired, 28th February, 1947. To be subdivided into seven holdings. An ex-serviceman is manager with a promise of a section, and four undefined sections have been allotted to exservicemen on wages. Hihiroroa Farm Settlement (Locality : Here). —Area, 4,476 acres. Acquired 28th February, 1947. This block will eventually settle five ex-servicemen on sections carryingsheep and cattle. Present manager is an ex-serviceman with the promise of a section, and two ex-servicemen have been allotted undefined sections on wages. Mangapeka Farm Settlement (Locality : Tolaga Bay). —Area, 596 acres. Acquired, 15th September, 1946. This block is to be subdivided into six dairy-farms, but considerable development will be required before the property can be settled. Karewa Farm Settlement (Locality : Ruatoria). —Area, 1,780 acres. Acquired, Ist May, 1946. To be subdivided into two sheep and two dairy farms. At present managed by an ex-serviceman with the promise of a section. One other ex-serviceman is also on the block on wage basis.



St. Leger Farm Settlement (Locality: Hangaroa).—Area, 5,681 acres. Acquired, 4th June, 1946. To be subdivided into four sheep-farms, but extensive development is necessary before property can be settled. Commissioner op Crown Lands, Napier In the Hawke's Bay District the season was extremely favourable to wool growths giving a clip both brighter and heavier in yield than average, also the ensuing spring and summer were particularly favourable for fat-lamb production, being considered by the freezing trade one of the best on record. During the year the Totara Grove and Sandy Creek Farm Settlements were allotted to ex-servicemen. Ahuriri Lagoon (Locality : Napier). —Development was commenced in 1934. Of the area being farmed, 500 acres has been disposed of to the Napier Borough Council as an aerodrome, 90 acres allocated for the settlement of ex-servicemen graded for marketgardening, and 16 acres disposed of to the Disabled Servicemen's League as a vocational training centre. All sheep came off the shears in good heart, the clip being bright, above average, and topping the price for wether wool at the first Napier sale. Lambs did extremely well and many were got away off the mothers at satisfactory weights for the light nature of this country. The cape-barley harvest was good, and for the 65 acres harvested a yield of approximately 40 bushels to the acre was attained. Two paddocks totalling 51 acres were harvested for perennial rye-grass, of which 18 acres was maiden rye, and a good yield was obtained. The older established rye-grass of 33 acres showed a big proportion of weed growth, but the actual seed dressed was good and well up to standard in purity and germination. Sufficient seed was obtained for all pasture sowing on the Lagoon, 40 acres for another block, and leaving some 150 bushels to be held over for the 1948 pasture sowing. Crewan (Locality : Hastings).—Area, 1,475 acres. Acquired, 27th March, 1945. Subdivided, three sheep-farms. During the year two of the ex-servicemen who had been on wages since June, 1945, were permanently established following completion of the development programme. The third section, which was vacated by the ex-serviceman who had been on wages, will be balloted for selection by an ex-serviceman in May next. Gowrie (Locality : Waipukurau).—Area, 1,479 acres. Acquired, 11th February, 1946. Subdivided, three sheep-farms (tentative). The fencing programme has been delayed by the shortage of fencing-materials. The block has been top-dressed and 40 acres of chou moellier has been sown for winter feed, but the subdivision has been delayed by the negotiations for a portion of an adjoining property. These negotiations are proceeding satisfactorily and the subdivision should be finalized and the block settled early next year. HaJcowhai (Locality : Puketapu). —Area, 1,637 acres. Acquired, 28th March, 1945. Subdivided, three sheep-farms. Pastures on this block were of poor quality, being infested with ratstail, and cattle were grazed on the property to combat this and no ewes were carried for twelve months. This has greatly benefited the pastures, and the country should show better results with the ewes next season. Some 40 tons of superphosphate and 50 tons of lime were applied, and 120 acres have been laid down to permanent pasture and 40 acres of chou moellier sown for winter feed. It is anticipated the homestead section will be balloted for and disposed of in the near future. jHampden Farm Settlement (Locality : Tikokino). —Area, 932|- acres. Acquired, 4th February, 1947. Subdivisions, three sheep-farms (tentative). The country, which responds well to top-dressing and sowing in subterranean clover, should prove to be excellent fat-lamb-producing country. The property is watered by races from an irrigation scheme. Approximately 100 acres of gorse country near the river will require development. Hendley (Locality : Patoka). —Area, 4,398 acres. Acquired, Ist August, 1945. Subdivided, five sheep and cattle farms. This settlement was balloted in June, 1946, and five ex-servicemen are employed on wages. A top-dressing programme has been carried out and development is nearly completed, although the building programme suffered



from the shortage of materials. Two all-weather roads have been completed, also the fencing, except for abont 50 chains. For winter feed 120 acres of chou moellier has been sown. It is anticipated that charges will be fixed and the sections permanently allotted next June. Kaheka (Locality: Tutira). —Area, 10,505 acres. Acquired, Ist February, 1938. Not yet subdivided. This is a sheep and pasture run rising steeply to the centre, broken with gorges and carrying a heavy coverage of manuka scrub* on the inaccessible country at the back. A very small percentage of the whole is ploughable. In addition to the 40 acres of terrrace land ploughed out of lea last season since sown in rape and now in grass, a further 45 acres has been ploughed and sown down in chou moellier and swedes. A tender was accepted for the construction of a new wool-shed, shearers' quarters, and a dip. The shearers' quarters are almost completed and a start has been made with the wool-shed. Owing to the lack of fencing-wire the erection of some 108 chains of boundary fencing dependent upon making a unit available for ex-serviceman settlement has been delayed. A further 200 acres of reversionary scrub will be cleared shortly, and a large amount of the felled scrub has been burnt and surface sown. Kakariki (Locality : Kotemaori). —Area, 19,213 acres. Acquired, 1931. Not yet subdivided. A high hill-country station with a comparatively large area of ploughable land. The more inaccessible parts are broken by gorges and carry a heavy coverage of manuka scrub. Approximately 5,000 acres of this area does not carry stock. Development work has been confined to sowing a small acreage of permanent pasture and the cutting of a further area of reversionary scrub. Useful strikes of surface-sown grass have been obtained on the resultant burns. A more vigorous development programme has been limited by a lack of essential labour and materials. Kabbit infestation is bad and a heavy killing policy is being continued. Malcarini Farm Settlement (Locality: Hastings). —Area, 1,789 acres. Acquired 3rd March, 1947. Subdivision not decided. This is good country and should prove a good fat-lamb proposition. A water-supply will have to be provided, also new houses as well as implement-sheds, but roading and fencing should not prove costly as this block lends itself to easy subdivision. Some 103 acres of good-quality flat land situated at Twyford which was also acquired should make two good dairy-farms. Little development beyond building one dwelling and two cow-bails will be required, as there is an adequate water-supply and fencing is fair. Mount Cameron (Locality: Puketapu). —Area, 2,009 acres. Acquired, 19th August, 1946. Subdivided, three sheep-farms. The property is in the process of being subdivided, and house-sites for the sections have been selected. The extermination of rabbits is well in hand. The fencing is good, and the block will not require extensive development before it is offered for selection. Omajpere (Locality: Hastings).—Area, 2,807 acres. Acquired, Ist February, 1945. Subdivided, six sheep-farms. This settlement has been further developed on a large scale, 150 acres of river flat previously thickly covered with gorse has been cleared and cultivated and is now in permanent pasture. In addition, top-dressing, liming, and sowing in subterranean clover has been completed, and winter feed has been provided. Some six miles of. new fencing and approximately three miles of repair work has been carried out. Two extra water-supplies have been provided, and these, together with the existing water-supply, will prove a great benefit in drought seasons. The infestation by rabbits of this property has caused concern, but the pest is being controlled. All buildings have been completed, and it is expected that charges will be fixed shortly and permanent titles issued to the ex-servicemen, who are at present on wages. Oringi (Locality : Dannervirke). —Area, 348 acres. Acquired, 28th February, 1946. Subdivided, three dairy-farms. Except for the building programme, which has been commenced, the development on this block is practically completed. The extensive fencing programme is finished and 30 chains of internal roading have been completed. The water-supply scheme has been completed except for the connecting-up of the electric-power supply. At present, while awaiting balloting for dairying, the property has been utilized for fattening bullocks. These cattle have done exceptionally well and have helped to improve the pasture.



PuJceatua (Locality : Dannevirke). —Area, 4,151 acres. Acquired, 30th June, 1945, Subdivided, five sheep-farms. This block was balloted, and four ballotees commenced work on wages in June, 1946. Owing to the difficulty experienced in letting housing contracts, settlement of the block has been delayed. The fencing programme was held up for a time by the acute shortage of essential materials, but now supplies have come to hand the work is proceeding. The property has been top-dressed, but the country requires further top-dressing. Rawhiti (Locality: Napier).—Area, 2,144 acres. Acquired, 22nd February, 1946. Subdivided, three sheep-farms. Development of this property is proceeding, building proposals have been approved, and the survey for roading and subdivision is in progress. The internal fencing is good and only a small fencing programme will be necessary. Top-dressing was carried out and the block is looking exceptionally well. The disposal to ex-servicemen will be conditioned by the rate at which the houses and buildings can be erected. Salisbury (Locality: Maraekakaho). —Area, 1,500 acres. Acquired, 19th August, 1946. Subdivision, three sheep-farms. Parts of the property are light shingle country which responds to top-dressing and sowing in subterranean clover. It will need a fairly extensive water-supply scheme and a rather large fencing programme, as the existing fences are in a dilapidated state. Sixty acres have been laid down in permanent pasture and seventy acres have been sown in chou moellier for winter feed. Two new houses will be required and the existing homestead will require renovation. Taheke (Locality : Hastings).—Area, 3,522 acres. Acquired, sth March, 1945, and Ist October, 1945. Subdivided, nine sheep-farms. Development work has nearly been completed, the sowing of 40 acres of new grass will be finished within a few weeks, and this concludes the ploughing and pasture programme. The boundary fencing has been renewed and reconditioned, while internal fencing, including the new road boundary, will be completed shortly. The building programme, although affected by the shortage of materials, is nearly completed, and the two large water-supplies' have been installed and are operating satisfactorily. This block has been selected by ex-servicemen, who are working on wages with the promise of sections, and it is anticipated that charges will be fixed and the ballotees given title in the near future. Te Roto (Locality : Takapau).—Area, 1,404 acres. Acquired, sth June, 1945. Subdivided, four sheep-farms. Two sections were balloted on wages in June, 1946, and the remaining two sections will be balloted in the near future. During the year the property was heavily top-dressed and some 250 acres were sown in permanent grass. Fifty acres of chou moellier were sown for winter feed. Further stumping has been carried out, and a water-supply has been provided on the Paulsen Road area which will provide for domestic use as well as for stock on two sections. Fencing is nearing completion, as also is the building programme consisting of three houses and a wool-shed. It is anticipated charges will shortly be fixed on the two sections held on wages. Commissioner of Crown Lands, New Plymouth Development blocks in this district are nearly all under the control of the Superintendent of Land Development at Te Kuiti. During the year arrangements were finalized for the acquisition of seven properties comprising 3,163 acres which will subdivide into eighteen dairying and four sheep units. In some cases possession will not be obtained until later this year, but arrangements have been made for the improvement programme to be carried out in the meantime. The lands purchased are of first-class dairying-land with one or two mixed farms, and as they were fairly well improved the further improvements now required will be buildings, water-supplies, and extra fencing. Blocks in course of development by this office are : Ball Road, on Ball Road and Joll Road, four miles and a half from Patea. Area, 436 acres. Subdivided, five dairy-farms. Although possession is not expected before



the middle of June, 1947, the Department has been able to proceed with the development programme. Several wells sunk and good water obtained, and buildings are under way. Sections will be allotted later this year with herds either milked on wages or share-milked for one season. Fraser Road, on Fraser Road, four miles from Eltham. Area, acres. Singleunit dairy-farm. Although possession is not till Ist May, 1947, the buildings, yards, and water-supply are in hand. This area will be balloted later in the year. Manutahi, situated on Manutahi Road, seven miles from-Patea. Area, 491 acres. Acquired 31st May, 1946. Subdivided, six dairy-farms. Five new dwellings, six milkingsheds, and six implement-sheds were all completed and plants installed. Charges were fixed on all six units, which were selected on 27th June, 1946. Normanby, on Whenuku Road, off Norman Road, three miles from Normanby. Area, 174f acres. Will cut into two dairy units. Possession, Ist July, 1947. The Department has right to proceed with survey and improvement. Little development will be needed on this area, which can be disposed of on fixed charges next year. This year share-milkers will be employed. Peterson, situated seven miles from New Plymouth. Area, 248 acres. Acquired, Ist June, 1946. Subdivided, two dairy-farms. Water-supply installed and one new dwelling, cow-shed, and implement-shed erected. Allotted to two ex-servicemen on Ist July, 1946, on fixed charges. ToJcirima (being developed by Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti), situated at Tokirima, in the King-country. Area, 1,640 acres approximately. Subdivision, two sheep-farms and two dairy-farms (tentative). Possession will not be taken till 30th April, 1947. It is hoped to have this block settled next year. Waitoetoe, on Mokau Road, Waitoetoe, twenty-four miles from New Plymouth, Area, 151 acres. Acquired, 24th August, 1945. Subdivided, two dairy-farms. Improvements effected comprised one full range of buildings, fencing, roading, water-supply. Allotted to ex-servicemen on fixed charges as from Ist July, 1946. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Wellington At the beginning of the year twenty blocks, aggregating 28,144 acres and estimated to provide eighty-one economic units, were under development, and during the year a further seventeen blocks, aggregating 25,747 acres and estimated to provide a further fifty-six units, have been acquired. Of these units, twenty-two will be dairy, three will be small-fruit farms, and the balance fat-lamb and store-sheep - run-cattle propositions. Charges were fixed with respect to seven blocks and twenty-nine settlers established at the commencement of 1945-46 season. All the remainder of the blocks are being farmed by the Department pending completion of the development programme, and practically all labour is provided by ex-servicemen managers and Grade " A " exservicemen ballotees, who will be allotted their individual sections when sufficiently developed for charges to be fixed. Progress is still hampered by shortage of essential materials such as fencing-wire and posts, and the Department of Housing Construction has also experienced considerable difficulties in providing the necessary buildings. Awarua (Locality : Utiku) —Area, 1,977 acres. Purchased, 28th February, 1945. Subdivisions, four sheep-farms. Development programme has been completed and settlers were established on fixed charges in October, 1946. Awatea (Locality : Tinui, twenty-four miles east of Masterton). —Area, 3,196 acres. Purchased, 7th May, 1946. Subdivisions, two sheep-farms. Development comprises fencing, clearing, and cultivation. About 450 acres has been tractor disked, while a further 140 acres has been giant disked during the year. Development of this block has been delayed pending the result of negotiations for acquisition of adjoining land. Comprehensive development cannot be undertaken until a final decision is reached. Cherrybank (Locality : Wanganui). —Area, 384 acres. Purchased, 29th March, 1946. Subdivisions, three dairy and sheep units. When purchased was an almost derelict property which had mostly reverted to scrub, gorse, and other noxious weeds with variegated thistle prevalent and presenting a definite menace. Has been balloted, the



successful "A" Grade ex-servicemen being employed on a wages basis pending completion of development work. Two. new dwellings, cow-sheds, and implement-sheds have been erected, one house renovated, section boundary fences erected, and boundary fences renovated, and scrub-cutting and gorse-grubbing carried out. The Matarawa Stream has been cleared of willows and widened. Each unit is now milking a herd for town supply. Further draining and renovation to existing pastures are essential before charges are fixed next year. Hurepo (Locality : Linton). —Area, 1,361 acres. Acquired, 28th February, 1947. Subdivisions, two sheep and cattle units. An ex-serviceman manager has been appointed with right of a section, and the remaining unit balloted on wages. The development programme will be completed in time for settlers to be established on fixed charges on individual sections for 1948-49 season. Ihakara (Locality : Levin). —Area, 561 acres. Purchased, 31st May, 1946. Subdivisions, one dairy and one dairy with sheep. The sections have been balloted, and during the coming season a herd of seventy-five cows will be milked. Crushing the hill portion of property with heavy stock had good results, while a contract has been let for cutting scrub on 224 acres of hill. Charges will be fixed prior to 1948-49 season. Kahu (Locality : Mangaweka).—Area, 380 acres. Purchased, 30th June, 1940. Subdivision, single sheep and cattle unit. A new dwelling and stables have been erected and new fencing, sheep-yards, dam, and repairs to existing fencing completed. An "A " Grade ex-serviceman is working on wages. Negotiations are in hand for purchase of additional land for amalgamation with this section, and charges will be fixed as soon as this matter is completed. Kaimatarau (Locality : Rongotea).—Area, 309 acres. Purchased, 31st October* 1946. Subdivisions, five dairy-farms. Development work comprises buildings, fencingj draining, water-supplying, and roading. Manager is an "A " Grade ex-serviceman with promise of a section, and one undefined unit has been balloted on wages. Satisfactory progress is being made with development: contracts for four houses and three cow-sheds have been let and are under construction, fencing on three subdivisions is almost completed, and all main drains have been widened and deepened. Further internal fencing and draining is required, but property should be ready for final settlement prior to 1948 season. Karere (Locality : Longburn). —Area, 203 acres. Acquired, Ist July, 1946. Subdivisions, three dairy units. Development work completed comprises 230 chains new fencing, 96 chains fencing renewed, one new bore installed, one old bore recapped, 40 chains piping relaid, four concrete bridges built, 26 chains internal roading formed, and 40 chains drains widened and deepened. Eighteen acres sown in barley, which averaged 49 bushels per acre, has been sown in new grass. Completion of development entails building two new dwellings and farm buildings, internal fencing, and plug and tile draining. During the past season ninety cows were milked on a share-milking basis, and for the coming season it is proposed to establish a heifer herd for allocation between the prospective ex-servicemen. Manager is an "A " Grade ex-serviceman with promise of a section, and the remaining sections are to be balloted on wages prior to 1947-48 dairy season. Kawhatau (Locality : Manga weka). —Area, 1,554 acres. Purchased, 6th March, 1946. Subdivisions, two sheep units. Owing to the nature of the country subdivisional fencing has been particularly difficult. Development work completed consists of 150 chains new fencing, 32 chains boundary completely reconditioned, general repairs to all fences, one new dwelling, two implement-sheds, and water-supply. Homestead has been renovated. Sections have been balloted, and two "A " Grade ex-servicemen who are now on wages are to be established on fixed charges for the coming season. Kereru (Locality : Levin). —Area, 586 acres. Possession, 7th June, 1945. Subdivisions, six dairy and one mixed. Development programme has been completed, charges fixed, and seven settlers established on their sections at the commencement of 1946-47 dairy season.



Kotuku (Locality : Marton). —Area, 491 acres. Acquired, 30th November, 1945. Subdivisions, four dairy-farms. Three new houses, cow-sheds, and implement-sheds, have been erected, access roading completed and fenced, and 50 chains new internal fencing erected. The whole property is to be mole drained and outlets tiled ; this work is well in hand. Certain tile draining is to be undertaken. Pastures are in splendid order, and a dairy herd it to be established for the coming season to ascertain how this, country "stands up to dairying, and, if successful, " A " Grade ex-servicemen settlers will be established on the sections for commencement of 1948-49 season. A manager was appointed with right to an undefined section, and one other undefined section has been balloted on wages. Longridge (Locality: Masterton). —Area, 1,889 acres. Acquired, 31st Janaury, 1945. Subdivisions, four sheep-farms. Development of this block was completed and charges were fixed for settlers to take over their sections for 1946-47 season. Makirikiri (Location : Turakina). —Area, 1,188 acres. Purchased, 28th February, 1947. Subdivision, four fat-lamb and supplementary cropping units. Developmentincludes buildings, fencing, cultivation, water-supply, mole draining, and regrassing. A fairly extensive regrassing programme is necessary, as much of the existing pasture has deteriorated to inferior grasses. Gorse will require intensive eradication. Manager has-right to an undefined section, and action will be taken to ballot further units assoon as accommodation is available. Purchase of a further 251 acres is under negotiation. Milson (Locality : Palmerston North). —Area, 347 acres. Purchased, Ist October, 1945. Subdivisions, six dairy-farms. Fifty-eight acres has been taken over by the Disabled Servicemen's Re-establishment League, and five sections were balloted and allotted to "A " Grade ex-servicemen, who are on wages. Charges are to be fixed on the individual sections prior to next milking season. The development programme comprised erection of four new dwellings and cow-sheds, five implement-sheds, renovations to existing cottage, 318 chains new fencing, 218 chains fencing repaired, extension to water-supply, and a major tile draining scheme supervised and controlled by Massey College Staff. Morburn (Location: Masterton). —Area, 173 acres. Acquired 9th May, 1945. Subdivisions, two dairy and agricultural farming units. Development completed and charges were fixed and settlers established on their sections at commencement of last season. Morland (Location : Masterton). —Area, 3,515 acres. Purchased, 31st March, 1947. Subdivision, three sheep-farms. Purchase of adjoining land is being investigated, and, if successful, this will influence the subdivision and development programme. Nireaha (Location : Eketahuna). —Area, 197 acres. Purchased, 29th October, 1946. Subdivisions, two dairy-farms. Development, which included one new dwelling, cow-shed, and implement-shed, fencing, draining, water reticulation, and cultivation, has been completed. A manager with right to an undefined section was appointed, and the second section will be balloted and charges fixed on both units before commencement of 1947-48 season. Okajpea (Location : Hihitahi). —Area, 3,200 acres. Purchased, 28th February, 1947. Subdivision, six sheep units. An "A " Grade ex-serviceman is manager with right to an undefined section, and a further four units are being balloted, settlers to be employed on property on a wage basis pending completion of development programme. Four new dwellings will be required in addition to a considerable amount of subdivisional fencing, while water for stock will be supplied by construction of further dams. Opiki (Location : Opiki).—Area, 81 acres. Purchased, 15th May, 1946. Singleunit dairy-farm. When acquired, property was heavily infested with tall fescue and goat's rue. Improvements, comprising new dwelling, implement-shed, 65 chains new fencing, renewal and repairs to existing fences, 28 acres cultivation and regrassing, and formation and metalling of 22£ chains of access road, have been completed. Charges are to be fixed prior to commencement of 1947-48 season, and the exservicemen ballotee on wages will then be established.



Pakihikura (Location : Rewa). —Area, 2,024 acres. Purchased, 7th August, 1946. Subdivisions, three sheep-farms. The fence-line on Mangapipi Road has been completely renewed, most of the boundary fences need repairing, and further internal fencing will have to be erected. The Housing Construction Department is having difficulty in letting the contract for the new house. The whole property has been cleared of scrub during the winter and summer. Three ex-servicemen ballotees are employed on wages, and charges will be fixed prior to 1948-49 season. Paruwai (Location : Martinborough).—Area, 7,724 acres. Purchased, 4th March, 1946. Subdivisions, six sheep-farms. Development progress has been retarded on account of negotiations by Public Works Department regarding new roading requirements and availability of necessary heavy machinery. One new house is in course of construction, but the main building programme is dependent on completion of the road —further progress must be delayed until road-formation is finished. The sections will not be offered for ballot until housing accommodation is available for settlers, and final disposal is not anticipated for at least a year. Pokaka (Location : Moawhango, seven miles north-east of Taihape). —Area, 2,319 acres. Purchased, 20th February, 1947. Subdivisions, three sheep-farms. Three dwellings were purchased with the property and development will comprise fencing and some scrub-cutting. Settlement is anticipated in 1948 season. A manager appointed with right to an undefined section. Purakau (Location : Featherston). —Area, 1,140 acres. Purchased, 19th February, 1945. Subdivisions, nine dairy-farms. Development has been completed with the exception of certain fencing, which will be erected by June, 1947. The nine ex-service-men ballotees, who had been working on wages, were established on fixed charges on Ist October, 1946. Putara (Location : Eketahuna). —Area, 200 acres. Purchased, Ist August, 1945. Single dairy and sheep unit. Development having been completed, the ex-serviceman who had been employed on wages was established on fixed charges on Ist July, 1946. Rangitane (Location : Opiki). —Area, 259 acres. Purchased, 31st March, 1947. Subdivision, four dairy-farms. Possession of 129 acres was taken on 31st March, and possession will be taken of the balance at the end of present dairy season. The main development work will comprise erection of four new houses, cow-sheds, and implementsheds, provision of adequate internal and subdivisional fencing reticulation of watersupply, and some draining. A manager has been appointed with right to an undefined section, and a further ballot will be held when possession of the balance of property is taken and accommodation available. Final settlement depends on completion of the building programme, but it is anticipated that it will be effected in time for commencement of 1948-49 dairy season. Rata (Location : Rata). —Area, 632 acres. Purchased, 6th March, 1946. Subdivisions, seven dairy and one fat-lamb unit. The major development of this block has been held up pending completion of negotiations for purchase of 412 acres adjoining, but this land is included in above subdivisions. Roading and digging of main drains has had to be held in abeyance until the result of negotiations was known, but a considerable stumping and cultivation programme has been proceeded with. One hundred and sixty acres, half of which was in stumps and rushes, has been ploughed, and was sown in wheat and barley. An excellent yield was in view, but the storm in February flattened a good deal of the crops and difficulty was experienced in harvesting. There are no buildings on property, and the development programme includes provision of eight houses, seven cow-sheds, eight implement-sheds, 740 chains fencing, 400 chains drains, and a comprehensive water-supply scheme. A manager with right to an undefined section and three " A " Grade ex-servicemen ballotees of undefined sections are employed on wages pending completion of development. Raukawa (Location: Palmerston North). —Area, 190 acres. Purchased, 18th March, 1947. Subdivisions, two dairy-farms. A manager has been appointed with right to an undefined section, and a ballot for the remaining section will be held as soon as



accommodation is available. Development involves erection of farm buildings, fencing, -and cultivation, and settlement should be effected in time for commencement of 1948 season. Rongokokako (Location : Eketahuna). —Area, acres. Acquired, 20th July, 1945.' Subdivisions, two dairy-farms. The development programme has been completed, with the exception of rebuilding of one house, and charges were fixed and settlers established on their sections for the 1946-47 season. Ruamahanga (Location : Carterton). —Area, 2,340 acres. Purchased, 29th March, 1946. Subdivisions, seven sheep and two dairy-farms. Development included cultivation and sowing 78 acres wheat and 300 acres crops —rape, chou moellier, swedes, and oats. One dairy unit to be balloted on fixed charges for the coming season. A considerable area of scrub has been cut and fencing erected, but final development has been held up to some extent pending purchase of adjoining land, which will affect the final subdivision. Settlement of this block cannot be expected for at least a year. Tauroa (Locality: Pahiatua).—Area, 1,623 acres. Purchased, 28th February, 1947. Subdivisions, two sheep units. By negotiation, 1,454 acres was purchased, and 169 acres adjoining acquired under section 51. The development programme will ■comprise renovations to existing buildings, erection of subdivisional fencing, and general reconditioning of present fences. A manager has been appointed with right to an undefined section, and final establishment is anticipated for beginning of 1948-49 season. Tawanui (Locality : Kimbolton). —Area, 441 acres. Acquired, 29th March, 1946. ■Subdivisions, three dairy with sheep units. Necessary buildings have been erected and separate dairy herds established ready for settlers to take over their individual holdings for next season. Development work completed comprised erection of two houses, and three cow-sheds, formation and metalling access road, water reticulation, boundary fences repaired or renewed, and necessary subdivisional fencing erected. Te Maipi (Locality: Masterton). —Area, 2,724 acres. Purchased, 28th February, 1945. Subdivisions, three sheep-farms. Development of this block will be completed and ballotees, who have been working on wages, established on individual units prior to commencement of 1947-48 season. Three new houses and a community wool-shed have been erected, subdivisional fencing completed, and water-supply provided. Three implement-sheds will be erected prior to date for fixing charges. Tikitapu (Locality : Masterton). —Area, 4,774 acres. Purchased, 27th June, 1946. Subdivisions, four sheep-farms. Development operations have been delayed through shortage of fencing-wire and materials. The house and large wool-shed are to be reconstructed and salvaged materials used for construction of buildings required on the other subdivisions. A manager has been appointed with right to an undefined section, and a ballot will be held for three remaining units as soon as additional accommodation is .available. Turakina (Locality : Turakina). —Area, 251|- acres. Acquired, 18th April, 1946. Subdivisions, two dairy with sheep units. Development comprises building one house, cow-shed, and implement-shed, open and mole drainage, 245 chains fencing, and reticulation of water-supply. Work is well in hand,, but buildings, contracts for which were let some time ago, have not yet been started. About 6£ acres are to be allocated to the local Domain Board for recreational purposes. The two sections have been allotted -on wages, and final settlement is expected prior to 1948-49 season. Waiohine (Location : Greytown).—Area, 249 acres. Acquired, 27th June, 1946. Subdivisions, two dairy and three small-fruit units. An ex-serviceman, who had entered into an agreement to purchase the whole property, was allotted a single dairy unit without competition. Charges have also been fixed on the three small-fruit farms and allotment approved to three ex-servicemen graded " A " for this type of farming. Wainuioru (Location : Gladstone). —Area, 5,386 acres. Purchased, Ist March, 1946. Subdivisions, seven sheep-farms. An area of 647 acres adjoining Wainuioru was purchased in July, 1946, and amalgamated with this block. While progress has been maintained with the development programme, difficulties have arisen regarding roading to give access to the subdivisions, and until these have been settled it will not be possible



to proceed with buildings, which, comprise six new houses and implement-sheds and three wool-sheds. Boundary and subsivisional fencing are required, and progress depends on supplies of materials. A manager and four ex-servicemen ballotees are employed on wages basis and have the right to sections, which will be decided by lot when the development programme is completed. Charges cannot be fixed before 1948 season. The following blocks are at present farmed by the Department but have not been set aside for ex-servicemen settlement: — Ohakea (Locality : Ohakea). —Area, 194 acres. This area adjoins the R.N.Z.A.F. Station at Ohakea, and as it was not required by the Air Department the Lands and Survey Department was requested to farm it. Lack of accommodation has precluded dairying operations, and the property has been grazed with dry stock. Approximately 100 acres was sown in wheat and barley, and the yield has been good. Tangimoana (Locality : Tangimoana).— Area, 5,664 acres. Comprises extensive plantations, grazing-land, and sand-dunes, and an area being developed experimentally. The cultivated area is now 118 acres on which the grasses are holding well, notwithstanding the meagre allocation of fertilizer over the past few years. Development hasnecessarily been slow, but results so far indicate that further development of this country is fully justified and can be done successfully. A caretaker and one general hand are employed, their duties being mainly fire-prevention, destruction of rabbits, maintenance of fences and drains, and care of stock. Whareroa (Location : Paraparaumu). —Area, 1,476 acres. Grazing of dry stock is carried out on the major portion of the area, which was not acquired for ex-servicemen settlement, and with the exception of the 200 acres of hill country was a military zone during the war. A considerable amount of reconditioning has been necessary, and the work so far completed comprises 1,200 chains fencing (new and renewed), 400 chains drains cleared, 22 acres cropped, and major renovations to house and outbuildings. One hundred acres lupin and 12 acres heavy gorse have been grubbed. Water-supply has been supplemented and reticulated. An ex-serviceman is managing the block and is assisted by six ex-servicemen who are employed in reconstruction of fences, &c., and care of stock. A dairy herd has been established and is milked on a share-milking basis by an ex-serviceman for town milk-supply. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Blenheim To present date eighteen estates have been acquired for the settlement of ex-servicemen, totalling approximately 25,901 acres, and these will provide thirty-seven units. Seventeen have already been settled on fixed charges, eleven were settled on wages, but two men subsequently withdrew, leaving eleven units on hand. These should be balloted for on a wage basis during the year. A considerable number of properties have been under consideration, and negotiations for purchase have been almost finalized in the case of several, while Part II action has been gazetted in the case of two others. Most of this land will be suitable for sheep-farming, but one block is expected to cut into about three dairy units. Development work is proceeding as fast as possible, consistent with the supply of fertilizers, fencing-material, and building-supplies, while the labour position has been met by taking men on on a wage basis. A big difficulty is that of getting buildings erected within a reasonable time. Greenhills Farm Settlement, twenty miles from Kaikoura. Area, 4,909 acres. Purchased, 28th March, 1944. Subdivided, two sheep-farms. The work of regrassing,. renewing fencing, and erection of buildings has substantially progressed during the year, and the new dwelling and outbuildings are almost completed. For private reasons one of the two ex-servicemen employed on wages basis withdrew, and this section will be reballoted for during the year. Valleyfield Farm Settlement, twelve miles from Blenheim. Area, 2,505 acres. Purchased, 28th February, 1946. Subdivided, three sheep-farms. Three ex-servicemen are employed on wages, one of them acting as manager. Substantial progress was made with the erection of the new cottages, but work was held up for some time on account



of lack of fittings. The development programme is well advanced, and it is hoped to have charges fixed and sections disposed of on permanent tenure as from Ist July next. Elms Farm Settlement, three miles from Kaikoura, between Kowhai and Kahautara Hi vers. Area, 2,020 acres. Acquired, 15th August, 1945. Subdivided, one sheep and two dairy farms. Difficulty has been experienced in finalizing completion of the building programme, but this is now in hand, and it is hoped to fix charges on the two dairy units this year. Additional water-supplies have been put in hand and extra permanent pasture has been laid down. There are now no stock difficulties on the property. Draper's Property (Blenheim). —Area, 60 acres. Acquired, 1945. Single-unit dairy-farm. Charges were fixed and the area allotted on permanent tenure. Speed's Farm Settlement, at Koromiko, sixteen miles from Area, 797 acres. Purchased, 4th May, 1945. Subdivided one mixed and two dairy farms. Two ex-service-men are engaged on wages, each with the promise of a section. One set of buildings was completed during the year, and tenders have been invited for the balance of the buildings required. An extensive development scheme has been carried out: opening and clearing of drains, stumping, clearing rushes, deepening main stream through the property, laying down of additional pasture, and renewing and erecting fences. The property is showing marked signs of improvement, and probably charges will be fix e d for the 1948 season. Craigloclchart Farm Settlement, Waihopai Valley, twenty miles from Blenheim. Area, 7,915 acres. Acquired, 14th March, 1947. Subdivided, three sheep units. A recent acquisition, and development programme not yet started. Claverley Farm Settlement, on coast south of Kaikoura, adjoining the Conway RiverArea, 3,710 acres. Purchased, 17th March, 1947. Subdivided, four sheep-farms. A recent purchase, and development programme under consideration. Davidson's Block (Kaikoura). —Area, 54 acres. Acquired, October, 1946. Singleunit dairy-farm. Excellent hill country which can be allotted as soon as the necessary buildings completed. A. and P. Land (Blenheim). —Area, 42-| acres. Acquired, May, 1946. Charges fixed and area allotted on permanent tenure. Mudford's Property (Blenheim). —Area, 34 acres. Acquired, 26th November, 1946-First-class agriculture land on which no development work was undertaken. Charges fixed and area allotted to two ex-servicemen for asparagus-growing, small seeds, and agriculture. Molesworth.- —Area, 239,600 acres. Considerable progress has been made in controlling the rabbits and about 86,000 destroyed—nearly double last year's tally. A holding paddock of 1,200 acres in the Awatere has been completed, 220 chains of fencing in all, and the homestead renovated, and likewise some of the huts. A new cow byre and yards was erected near the homestead, and about 2,500 trees planted out, principally radiata and some Oregon pine. Improvements to the water-supply were also effected. Pastures continue to show improvement, and likewise the natural regeneration. Dr.'Allen, of the Scientific and Industrial Research Department, continues with the grassing experiments. A radio telephone was installed between the homesteads at Molesworth and Tarndale and has proved a decided acquisition for quick communication between the two places. The Fisheries Laboratory Research Officer conducted an investigation of the effects -on fresh-water-fish foods. It is proposed during the rehabilitation of Molesworth to make annual investigations by the mobile laboratory of the Marine Department. The stock came through the winter in fairly good condition and the calves were .about the best yet reared and the percentage better. The present herd comprises 1,345 breeding-cows, 326 heifers, 801 steers, 7 dairy stock, and 60 bulls. Sales totalled 387 and the price realized £5,474 2s. 6d., the steers averaging £l4 18s. 6d. and the cows £ll.



Commissioner op Crown Lands, Nelson The limited scope in the Nelson District for closer settlement is reflected in the purchases for the year. It was possible to acquire only two properties —one by negotiation, the other being taken under the provisions of section 51 of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943. Negotiations are proceeding for the purchase of two further blocks, with every prospect of success. The search for areas capable of subdivision is continuing, particular attention being given to land suited to the growing of tobacco. It is evident, however, that there is little prospect of securing any large areas of Grade 1 or 2 tobacco land —these are, in the main, intensively farmed at present —and the search has been extended to the heavier lands graded 3 and 4. Seven properties were acquired under the provisions of section 51 of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, and immediately disposed of to ex-service-men, one selected on renewable lease, the others deciding in favour of agreement for sale and purchase. Organ's Block (Westport). —Area, 698 acres. Development commenced, 1940. This area was set apart for development under the Small Farms Act in October, 1940, but results did not reach expectations, and in February, 1947, a decision was made to dispose of the block as a single unit under the provisions of the Land Act, 1924. The selector was an ex-serviceman. Pakihi Block (Westport).—Area, 1,594 acres. Development commenced, 1935. The development of this typical pakihi-country land was started in 1935 to test the possibilities of this class of land under actual farming conditions. The Cawthorn Institute acted in an advisory capacity. The results were not satisfactory, leading to a decision to discontinue the experiment, which nevertheless was fully justified, having regard to the extensive area of the pakihis. If a satisfactory means of developing and farming the areas could have been found, Westport and the dominion as a whole would have stood to gain. It cannot yet be said that the pakihis are useless from a farming point of view. The steady advance in agricultural science might produce a solution of the problem. In the meantime, use is being made of the pastures established and several tenancies have been granted. Four Rivers Farm Settlement (Murchison). —Area, 220 acres. Purchased, 31st August, 1946. Subdivided, two dairy-farms. Two prospective settlers are working the block under a share-milking agreement pending the completion of the extra buildingsnecessary. These are now in course of erection and the ex-servicemen should be able to start out on their own at the commencement of next season. Saxton Farm Settlement (Stoke). —Area, 76 acres. Acquired, 4th June, 1946. For subdivision into farmlets or workers' home sites. One unit of 4 acres has been disposed of to a disabled serviceman, who is establishing himself as a market-gardener. The grazing of the balance has been made available to two other ex-servicemen pending the erection of a new house and cow-shed. When these are completed a town-milk-supply unit will be established for an ex-serviceman until such time as conditions justify closer subdivision. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Hokitika Whitcombe Farm Settlement (Locality : Koiterangi).—Area, 351 acres. Date of possession, 2nd December, 1946. Subdivisions, three dairy-farms. When taken over the pastures on this property were poor, having been down for many years, and a programme of pasture renewal is being proceeded with. It will be necessary to construct two new dwellings. In the meantime the property is being worked by the Department and an " A Grade ex-serviceman is acting as farm-manager, assisted by a farm trainee. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Christchurch As at 31st March, 1947, there were thirty blocks under development totalling approximately 60,000 acres and estimated to provide 110 economic holdings (including 25 on Yaletta). During the year, twenty-one ex-servicemen were allotted units on permanent tenure, and a further twenty-six ex-servicemen are employed on wages with a right to permanent tenure when development programmes are completed.



Progress with erection of dwellings and farm buildings remains slow, and this is undoubtedly the principal bottle-neck retarding settlement in this district. Very few contractors can be induced to accept country work, particularly in South Canterbury, and the possibility of using rehabilitation carpentry trainees is being investigated. Only nine dwellings, two wool-sheds, two cow-sheds, and ten other farm buildings were fully completed during the year, but a further five dwellings and three cow-sheds are approaching completion. Fencing-wire is practically unobtainable, and the position grows increasingly serious with every new block purchased. Supplies of fertilizer were erratic, and lime-distribution difficulties resulted in some areas of pasture requiring to be sown without lime or not at all. The deficiency will be remedied by top-dressing. Acton (Locality : Ashburton). —Area, 550 acres. Part Ashton Block. Subdivided, one sheep-farm. This area, comprising the balance of the Ashton Block, was allotted to an ex-serviceman on fixed charges in August, 1946. Barkerjield (Locality : Hinds). Area, 1,922 acres. Acquired, March, 1947. Subdivisions not yet decided. This block comprises light plains land and is included in the Mayfield-Hinds irrigation scheme. Development in prospect comprises erection of buildings and fences, and establishment of irrigated pasture as soon as irrigation water is available. Under irrigation, five or six units should be possible. Broadfields (Locality: Prebbleton). —Area, 624 acres. Acquired, Bth October, 1940. Subdivisions, two mixed farms. A very good season has been experienced on this block, on which an area of 360 acres remains to be allotted. Returns from farming operations during the past year have been satisfactory and the development programme is well forward. Three hundred and sixty acres, comprising one mixed farm, will be ready for offering in May. Chambers Block (Locality : Methven). —Area, 485 acres. Acquired, Ist October, 1946. Subdivisions, two irrigation farms, after establishment of sufficient irrigated pasture. This block is within the Ashburton-Lyndhurst irrigation scheme. One discharged serviceman manager on wages with promise of permanent tenure is employed, and the remaining section will be offered on wages as soon as a satisfactory dwelling is available. Cheviot Hills (Locality : Cheviot). —Area, 5,001 acres. Acquired, 28th February, 1946. Subdivisions, four sheep, one dairy. Four ex-servicemen are on wages, and an endeavour is being made to allot on permanent tenure later in the year, although delay with the building programme may cause postponement. Two new houses and one new cow-shed are in course of erection, and a contract has recently been let for the balance of the building work comprising dismantling and re-erection of farm buildings on new sites. One hundred acres of new pasture was established. The fifth section will be offered for selection not later than autumn, 1948. Dromore Block (Locality : Ashburton). —Area, 665 acres. Acquired, 2nd December, 1941. Subdivision, one sheep-farm. An area of 139 acres which was undeveloped for many years has been broken up and a reasonable fallow has been obtained. After another year this block should be fully developed as an economic unit. It lies just outside the Ashburton-Lyndhurst irrigation scheme. Fighting Hills (Locality: Rakaia Gorge). —Area, 3,319 acres. Acquired, JulyAugust, 1946. Subdivisions, five sheep-farms. The building programme includes three new houses, two wool-sheds, two implement-sheds, and renovations to one existing dwelling and the camp quarters. The sections will be offered as soon as the new dwellings are completed. Henleys (Locality : Lincoln). —Area, 97 acres. Acquired, 15th May, 1946. Subdivisions, one dairy-farm. There are no buildings on this block, and it is necessary to erect a house, milking-shed, and store-shed. Wet weather resulted in wheat grown on this block being disappointing. An area of 50 acres of new pasture was established. Offering must await erection of buildings.

2—C 1



Holme Station (Locality : Timaru). —Area, 2,605 acres. Acquired, June, 1946. Subdivisions, six sheep and cropping farms. Eighty chains of new fencing was erected and 182 acres of new pasture established. Some 150 acres of wheat were grown with good yields. Three ex-servicemen are at present employed on wages, and the remaining three sections will be offered as soon as work is well under way on the building programme. Kenwyn (Locality : Waimate). —Area, 670 acres. Acquired, 28th March, 1946. Subdivisions, three sheep and cropping farms. This block suffered several heavy floods in the spring. New fencing erected totalled 106 chains, some five miles of overgrown gorse hedges were cut, and 22 acres of new pasture was established. Three exservicemen are employed on wages, and it is hoped to allot to them at an early date. Building-operations have not yet commenced. Kings (Locality : Timaru). —Area, 251 acres. Acquired, 18th September, 1946. Subdivision, one sheep and cropping farm. Forty acres of rape and grass have been sown and 70 acres have been limed. An Army hut is being moved here from Pine view Block and will be used by the manager when appointed. There are no other buildings, but it is hoped to let a building contract shortly, and the unit will be offered as soon as buildings are completed. Lauriston (Locality : Lauriston). —Area, 329 acres. Acquired, 2nd September, 1940. Subdivision, one sheep-farm. This property has been managed with a part-time overseer during the year. Development is complete, and allotment on permanent tenure in conjunction with other Crown leases adjoining should be made shortly. Levels Valley (Locality : Timaru). —Area, 674 acres. Acquired, 27th March, 1947. Subdivisions, two sheep and cropping farms. A start has been made ploughing for wheat. A discharged-serviceman manager is employed on wages, and the other section will be offered as soon as a dwelling is available. Lowry Hills (Cheviot). —Area, 6,416 acres. Acquired 18th April, 1945. Subdivided, three sheep-farms. Charges fixed on Ist April, 1946, and sections permanently allotted to the three ex-servicemen who had been on wages since June, 1945. Lowland Lees (Locality : Rangiora). —Area, 670 acres. Acquired, 12th March, 1946. Subdivisions, two sheep and cropping farms. A discharged-serviceman manager is employed on wages. Some 40 chains of new fencing has been erected and 30 chains of old fencing reconditioned. Apart from a further 25 chains of fencing and the erection of buildings for which a contract has been let, little further development is required before the block is settled. Lyndon (Locality : Waiau). —Area, 10,998 acres. Acquired, 27th March, 1947. Subdivisions, seven of various types. A big development programme will be required before settlement. Offering of a limited number of unspecified sections on wages should be made within the next few months. Mains (Locality : Dunsandel). —Area, 487 acres. Acquired, 16th April, 1945 and 10th July, 1945. Subdivisions, two dairy-farms and one sheep and cropping farm. The building programme was completed and the block was allotted to three ex-servicemen (who had been on wages) on fixed charges in September, 1946. Middlerigg (Locality: Dunsandel). —Area, 523 acres. Acquired, 2nd August, 1946. Subdivisions, four dairy-farms. Development involves building three new dwellings, three implement and store sheds, four milking-sheds, and renovations to existing buildings, and when this work is completed the subdivisions will be made available for selection by ex-servicemen. Montalto (Locality : Mayfield). —Area, 2,631 acres. Acquired, March 20th, 1947. Subdivisions, four sheep-farms. A discharged-serviceman manager has been appointed on wages. Two new dwellings are to be erected, and two undefined sections are being offered on wages and one section on permanent tenure.



Motunau (Locality : Motunau). —Area, 3,094 acres. Acquired, 20th January, 1941. Subdivisions, six sheep-farms. During the year three new houses have been completed, 400 chains of new subdivisional and boundary fencing erected, and the farm water-supply has been extended. The six subdivisions will be permanently settled very shortly. A contract has been let for the remainder of the building, programme, and it is hoped to have this completed at an early date. Mount Harris (Locality: Waihao Forks). —Area, 1,238 acres. Purchased 28th March, 1945. Subdivided, three, sheep and cropping farms. Development having been completed, the three ex-servicemen who had been on wages since June, 1945, were allotted permanent leases in October, 1946. Pineview (Locality : Mayfield).—Area, 4,438 acres. Acquired, March-April, 1945. Subdivisions, six sheep-farms. Three units were allotted on permanent tenure soon after purchase and another two sections were allotted to ex-servicemen during the year. The remaining section has also been selected and possession is to be taken shortly, thus completing the settlement of the block. The homestead dwelling and wool-shed have been renovated. Port Levy (Locality : Port Levy). —Area, 2,650 acres. Acquired, 29th March, 1946. Subdivisions, four sheep and cattle units. Allotted on permanent tenure to four exservicemen in February, 1947. A contract has been let for the building of one new house, shed, and alterations and renovations to existing buildings. Riverview (Locality : Ealing).—-Area, 540 acres. Purchased, Ist August, 1946. Subdivision not decided pending irrigation. A considerable area has been limed and 63 acres of new pasture sown. A discharged-serviceman manager is employed, but allotment will not be made until irrigation water from the Mayfield-Hinds irrigation scheme is available. Scotsburn (Locality : Geraldine). —Area, 2,632 acres. Acquired, 21st March, 1946. Subdivisions, three sheep-farms. A considerable area has been limed and new fences subdividing larger paddocks have been erected. The three settlers on wages on this holding should soon be allotted their sections. A sawmill has been operating on the property and most of the Pinus blown down in 1945 has been milled. The building programme is proceeding slowly. Spring Creek (Locality : Methven). —Area, 337 acres. Acquired, 2nd December, 1946. Subdivision indefinite. Seasonal farming only has been carried out so far, and an endeavour is being made to acquire a small area of adjoining land to make two units. One unit on wages will be offered shortly. Stormlea (Locality : Methven). —Area, 1,017| acres. Acquired, 30th October, 1946. Subdivisions, three sheep and cropping farms. Seasonal farming only has so far been carried out. Three ex-servicemen settlers are at present employed on wages with the promise of sections, and it is hoped to arrange permanent allotment next year. Templetons (Locality : Geraldine). —Area, 184 acres. Acquired, 14th June, 1943. Subdivision, one dairy-farm. A decided improvement is evident in the appearance of this property. Fences are mostly all rebuilt, trees have been planted, a fair area limed, and 56 acres of new grass sown. Tenders have been called for a cow-shed and piggery. When these are built, the block will be ready for offering. Tripp (Locality : Geraldine). —Area, 665 acres. Acquired, 20th May, 1940. Subdivision, one sheep and cropping farm. An area of 110 acres has been mole-drained, pipes being laid in low places. The carrying-capacity is steadily increasing and the block may ultimately provide two units. Early settlement is not contemplated. Valetta (Locality: Ashburton). —Area, 8,617 acres. Acquired, 1940-41. Subdivisions, ultimately twenty-five irrigated fat-lamb units. This block lies within the proposed Valetta-Tinwald irrigation scheme, but as this scheme is not a high-priority work some years are likely to elapse before irrigation water will be available and the block must in the meantime be carried on on a dry-farming basis. A telephone-lin«




linking four dwellings was erected during the year. An area of 245 acres of grass was sown, but pasture life is short on this light land in a low-rainfall area unless irrigation water can be used. Waikakahi (Locality: Waimate). —Area, 766 acres. Acquired, 22nd August, 1940. Subdivisions, five dairy-farms. Four new houses, cow-sheds, and implement-sheds have been completed, and the houses are occupied by ex-servicemen employed on wages. One dairy herd has been established and milking carried out most of the season. The erection of a milking-shed on the homestead section and the demolition of the surplus buildings is still to be carried out. Four sections should be available to the settlers on permanent tenure in the coming spring. Waratah (Locality: Fairlie). —Area, 4,743 acres. Acquired, 15th May, 1945. Subdivisions, two sheep-grazing farms. Further buildings are still necessary on this block. Two ex-servicemen are employed on wages, and it is hoped to allot on fixed charges both sections at an early date without waiting for completion of the building programme. A considerable area has been limed. Wingfield (Locality : Rakaia). —Area, 1,500 acres. Acquired, 20th March, 1945. Subdivisions, three sheep-farms. Two new dwellings have been erected and two sections have been offered on wages. With this extra labour and two tractors on the farm, progress should be more rapid. It is hoped to make a start sowing down next year, but owing to the depleted and twitch-infested state of the ground, allotment cannot be considered for at least two years. Winchmore (Locality: Ashburton). —Area, 3,375 acres. Acquired, 1944-47. Subdivisions not yet finalized. This block, within the Ashburton-Lyndhurst irrigation scheme, extends from Lauriston to Dromore. Three additional properties purchased have been added to the block during the year and an area of 762 acres was transferred to the Department of Agriculture. A total of 397 acres were levelled and border-dyked and 374 acres were sown down to border-dyked pasture, making approximately 760 acres of irrigated pasture and lucerne to date. The carrying-capacities of irrigated areas have been high. Throughout the summer 212 acres were irrigated regularly. Stock have done well, but require special attention while on irrigable pasture. Lambs have fattened slowly. Crops, in the main, were average. Development will possibly be slower next year, as most of the men now employed will be required for watering and sheep work next summer. Development can only continue as houses are built, and this problem is a pressing one. Three discharged servicemen are at present employed on wages, and more will be appointed as soon as dwellings are available for them. Present indications are that an area of 300 acres to 350 acres will provide an economic unit. Irrigation experiments with small areas of ridged crops —potatoes, swedes, and chou moellier —have been encouraging. Winchmore (Detached) (Locality : Ashburton). —Area, 299 acres. Acquired, Ist July, *1946. Subdivision, one irrigated fat-lamb unit. Previously part of Winchmore Irrigation Development Block, and has been used this year as a separate unit for costing and management information. It is now fully developed, except for more permanent fencing and head-gates. The outstanding crop under irrigation was lucerne, which, for a 10-acre crop, yielded over 5 tons per acre. Potatoes grown under irrigation methods promise well. As much valuable data is being secured on this unit, it will be some years yet before allotment on permanent tenure can be made to the discharged-serviceman manager. Experience so far tends to confirm the impression that the area required for an economic irrigated unit on Dunmore land will be in the vicinity of 300 acres. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Dunedin At the beginning of the year eleven blocks comprising 16,223 acres were under the control of this office, but by 31st March, 1947, the number of blocks totalled nineteen, aggregating 43,075 acres, and estimated to provide sixty units.



Apart from three blocks —Brookstead, Mayfield, and Papanui —where the charges were fixed and settlers established during the year, all the blocks are being farmed by the Department pending completion of necessary development programmes. Generally the properties acquired have been in varying stages of deterioration and considerable regrassing programmes have been undertaken. On three blocks the watersupply, although sufficient or nearly so for the blocks when run as large holdings, are insufficient or badly distributed when the blocks are subdivided. This has entailed considerable investigation, which is now leading to a solution of the problem in each case. Shortage of building and fencing materials and the difficulty experienced by the Housing Department in inducing builders to submit tenders for erection of farm dwellings and other buildings has had the effect of delaying ultimate settlement of the blocks. The shortage of suitable accommodation has also precluded the employment to any great extent of Grade " A " ex-servicemen on a wage basis. It is anticipated that six blocks subdivided into fifteen units will be settled on fixed charges early in the forth-coming season. The settlement of a further five blocks aggregating fourteen units must await the erection of buildings. The remaining eight blocks, which will subdivide into thirty-one units, require further development to bring the component units up to a stage at which a man could reasonably be expected to farm them successfully. Arclif (Locality : Clinton). —This block is in three portions, as follows : Arthurton : This block of 2,893 acres reverted to the Crown in 1940. Extensive pasture renewal and new buildings have been completed and it is intended to offer this block for ballot as two units in July next. Clifton : This property of 1,462 acres was formerly portion of Clifton Settlement. It was taken over by this Department in 1941 from two settlers who abandoned, leaving the property in a bad state. Since then considerable pasture renewal has been effected. It is expected that modern farming methods will demonstrate that this area can be subdivided into three units on which lambs can be fattened successfully, good crops grown, and pastures held in good condition for longer periods than has been the case in the past. Taumata : This block of 453 acres reverted to the Crown in 1941. Extensive renewal of pasture is well in hand and the block should be ready for ballot in July, 1948. Awamangu (Locality : Balclutha). —Area, 2,945 acres. Acquired, 18th August, 1944, and 10th April, 1945. Subdivisions, five sheep-farms. This block comprises undulating to hilly country suitable for fat-lamb production and agriculture. The building programme and extensive pasture renewal are practically complete. It is proposed to ballot the sections in time for the forthcoming season. Berwick (Locality : Berwick). —Area, 393 acres. Acquired, 2nd December, 1946. Subdivisions, three dairy-farms. This block comprises rich flat on the Taieri Plain near Berwick. Provision of buildings and extension of water reticulation is in hand. Brock Hill (Locality : Oamaru). —Area, 672 acres. Acquired, 17th December, 1945. Subdivisions, two mixed farms. This block comprises ssod sheep and agricultural ■country in the Oamaru district. The building programme is nearing completion and both units will be offered at an early date. Brookstead (Locality : Duntroon). —Area, 831 acres. Acquired, 31st March, 1945. Subdivided, one sheep and one mixed farm. Development was completed in April and the two sections were allotted to Grade " A " ex-servicemen at fixed charges. Clinton (Locality : Clinton). —Area, 625 acres. Acquired, 3rd April, 1946. Subdivided, two sheep-farms. This block, acquired in April, 1946, comprises 625 acres of easy undulating country near Clinton. It is suitable for fat-lamb production and



agriculture. Buildings and additional roading are practically completed and the block Avill be offered for settlement in July next. Goodwood (Locality : Palmerston). —Area, 1,720 acres. Acquired, 18th July, 1946. Subdivided, four sheep-farms. Practically all the pastures require renewal, fences are in very bad condition, as are also the two small cottages. The renewal of pastures has been commenced, but little progress has been made with fencing owing to shortage of materials, and the Housing Department has not received an acceptable tender for erection of houses. An old cottage was made habitable for a Grade "A " ex-serviceman manager and his wife. Extensive water reticulation is in hand. Invermay (Locality : Mosgiel). —Area, 1,262 acres. Acquired, 11th February, 1946. Subdivided, three dairy-farms and one sheep and agriculture unit. On the dairy-farms pasture renewal is well in hand. Apart from pasture renewal on the sheep-farm, the provision of necessary buildings is the main development work remaining to be done. Island Cliff (Locality : Ngapara).—Area, 2,504 acres. Acquired, 24th March, 1944. Subdivided, five sheep and agriculture farms. On this block the provision of an adequate water-supply for domestic and stock purposes has offered considerable difficulty. The problem has now been solved and a scheme of reticulation is in hand. Requisite buildings are still to be erected on three of the units and on completion of these the block will be ready for settlement. Water has already been provided for one unit which will be offered for settlement shortly. Maryhill (Locality : Berwick). —Area, 1,178 acres. Acquired, 15th August, 1946. Single-unit sheep-farm. It is intended to retain the area for another twelve months in order to complete the development programme. A Grade "A" ex-serviceman is employed as manager. Mayfield (Locality : Kaitangata).—Area, 120 acres. Acquired, 9th May, 1945. Single-unit dairy farm. Development was completed during the year and a Grade "A " ex-serviceman was settled on fixed charges. Moa Flat Doivns (Locality : Heriot). —Area, 15,036 acres. Acquired, 17th March, 1947. Subdivided, three sheep-farms and one farm suitable for fat-lamb production and cropping. This block has only recently been acquired and its development has only just been commenced. Moeraki (Locality : Hampden).—Area, 3,451 acres. Acquired, 28th March, 1947. Subdivided, ten sheep-farms (tentative). When provided with buildings, subdivisional fencing, fairly extensive renewal of pastures, and extension of existing water-supply, will provide attractive farms. Moyola (Locality : Heriot).—Area, 973 acres. Acquired, Ist May, 1946. Subdivided, twc/ sheep-farms. Pasture renewal is well advanced, but difficulty in getting a builder to complete the building programme is holding up ballot. An ex-serviceman is employed as manager with a promise of a section. Papanui (Locality : Dunedin). —Area, 1,082 acres. Development commenced, 1934. Subdivided, three sheep-farms. Development was completed and three settlers (two " A " Grade ex-servicemen and one civilian) were settled on 883 acres, and an area of some 199 acres has been retained. Rippleburn (Locality : Balclutha). —Area, 733 acres. Acquired, 31st July, 1945. Subdivided, two sheep-farms. Erection of buildings and renewal of pastures are in hand, and it is anticipated that this block should be ready for settlement in July, 1949. Taipo Hill (Locality : Kakanui). —Area, 468 acres. Acquired, Ist March, 1944. Subdivided, two sheep and cropping farms. These units are well watered by a stream and a small artificial reticulation scheme which has yet to be completed. The only obstacle to immediate settlement is the lack of dwellings, &c., on one of the units. Although tenders were called for the erection of these buildings, none were received.



Thorndale (Locality : Edievale). —Area, 1,766 acres. Acquired, 4th April, 1946. Subdivided, three sheep and cropping farms. A considerable area has been regrassed, and final allotment awaits completion of building programme. Difficulty is being experienced in obtaining a builder for this purpose. Viewmont (Locality : Waikaka). —Area, 1,175 acres. Acquired, 12th April, 1945. Subdivided, two sheep and cropping farms. Development has almost been completed and a new dwelling is in course of erection. When this is completed the block will be settled, one section to be balloted for and the other has been allotted to the Grade " A " ex-serviceman manager. Willowburn (Locality : Clinton). —Area, 4,658 acres. Acquired, 12th April, 1946. Subdivided, three sheep-farms. Settlement is held up pending erection of buildings and fences. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Invercargill During the year three additional properties were acquired and six ex-servicemen were permanently allotted holdings on three blocks. The three properties acquired ■comprise the Dacre and Southdown Farm Settlements and an area of 1,319 acres added to Kenilworth Farm Settlement. There are now ten blocks under development comprising 17,298 acres, which will subdivide into forty farms. On all but two of the blocks the staff consists mainly of Grade " A " ex-servicemen who have a promise of a section when development is complete. Provision of accommodation has been a difficult problem. The shortage of materials is hampering rapid development and threatens to delay settlement of some blocks. On many of the blocks, however, the pastures are run out and ample work is available in regrassing. Farming operations continue satisfactorily, but the season has been unfavourable. Wet, cold conditions prevailed in spring and early summer, resulting in serious delays in getting crops sown. Excessively dry conditions obtained from January onwards, resulting in retarded pastures and accentuating the shortage of fattening-feed. Harvestingconditions were excellent and good hay crops were produced which will help to offset the mediocre root crops. Anderson Gift Block (Locality : Dipton).—Area, 600 acres. Acquired, 15th April, 1942. Subdivisions, two sheep-farms. This block was permanently allotted to two Grade " A " ex-servicemen in September, 1946. Balfour (Locality: Balfour). —Area, 1,363 acres. Acquired 21st January, 1946. Subdivisions, three sheep-farms. Development work necessary consists principally of renewal of run-out pastures, fencing, draining, and buildings. Some 302 acres are under cultivation and 100 acres of permanent pasture have been sown. Permanent allotment to the three ex-servicemen who are working on wages is expected to take place in 1948. Dacre (Locality: Dacre). —Area, 634 acres. Acquired, 10th June, 1946. Subdivisions, two sheep-farms. Two Grade "A " ex-servicemen are on wages with promises of sections. Some 219 chains of channels were dug with an excavator and 85 acres of bush and scrub were cleared with a bulldozer followed by the plough. Buildings are in poor order and a new house and a new implement-shed are required, and the existing house and wool-shed need extensive renovations. Charges will be fixed in 1948. Eastern Bush (Locality : Orawia). —Area, 938 acres. Acquired, 14th December, 1945. Subdivisions, two sheep-farms. When acquired the whole property was in run-out pasture, of which approximately 300 acres have been put into cultivation. Two houses and a woodshed have been renovated and 70 chains of new fencing and two new implement-sheds erected. Permanent allotment'' is expected to be given to the two ex-servicemen who are working on wages in the autumn of 1948, provided sufficient fencing-wire becomes available to enable essential fencing to be completed.



Kenilworth (Locality : Pine Bush). —Area, 3,055 acres. Acquired, 20th. September, 1945, and Ist March, 1947. Subdivided, seven sheep-farms. This block originally consisted of 1,736 acres, but an adjoining area of 1,319 acres acquired in March, 1947 r was added. Development programme involves the complete renewal of pastures, drainage, fencing, access roading, and the erection of five new dwellings and implement-sheds. Shortage of fencing-wire threatens to hinder permanent allotment, but it is expected that two of the units will be allotted in 1948 and the remaining five in 1949 to the ex-servicemen who are doing the development work on wages. Menzies Ferry (Locality : Edendale). —-Area, 250 acres. Acquired, 14th June r 1944. Subdivisions, two dairy-farms. Permanent allotment took place in July, 1946,. to the two Grade " A " ex-servicemen who had been on wages during the development period. Robinhood (Locality : Mataura Island). —Area, 1,742 acres. Acquired, 10th Aprils 1945. Subdivisions, three sheep-farms. One section (553 acres) was permanently allotted in September, 194.5, leaving 1,209 acres, consisting of two units. Satisfactory progress has been made with the renewal of pastures, and there remains to be done fencing, draining, and the erection of a dwelling and two implement-sheds. Thirty chains of access road is also necessary. It is anticipated that a further section will be permanently allotted next year, shortage of materials having delayed the settlement of this section beyond the period originally planned. Ruahine (Locality: Pahia). —Area, 1,195 acres. Acquired, Ist March, 1946, Subdivisions, two sheep and cattle and one dairy farms. Extensive fencing, clearing, and drainage are necessary and will be commenced as soon as machinery is available. Pending the arrival of the machinery, operations have consisted chiefly of subsidiary drainage, clearing of gorse, splitting of fencing-posts, and the erection of new cattle-yards. This block necessitates a long-term development programme. Southdown (Locality : Mataura). —Area, 5,645 acres. Acquired, 31st March, 1947, Subdivisions, eleven sheep-farms. This block which has just been acquired, will be partly staffed by Grade "A " ex-servicemen selected by ballot. Development will consist mainly of fencing and housing. Permanent allotment is expected to take place after two years development. Spur Head (Locality : Edendale). —Area, 2,223 acres. Acquired, 31st March, 1941. Subdivisions, six sheep and cropping farms. This block is now in an advanced state of development and during the past year the area in pasture has been increased from 669 acres to 1,054 acres, with a further 296 acres in crops. Fifty chains of tracks were laid, and crossings were built over swampy areas, which will greatly assist control of stock. Some 221 chains of old fences were replaced or repaired. Four new houses have been planned for early erection. It is anticipated that this block will be settled in June,. 1949. Strathlane (Locality : Drummond). —Area, 440 acres. Acquired, 30th April, 1945, Subdivided, two sheep-farms. The preparation of this block is well advanced and permanent allotment to the two Grade " A " ex-servicemen employed on wages isexpected later this year. The main items of development outstanding are the erection of 40 chains of boundary fencing and the completion of one dwelling and an implementshed! Tysoe (Locality : Morton Mains). —Area, 669 acres. Acquired, Ist April, 1946. Subdivided, two sheep units. Two Grade "A " ex-servicemen have been developing the block and their charges will be fixed in the autumn of 1948. The main items of development are fencing, swamp drainage, and buildings. One new dwelling and two implement-sheds have been erected and one dwelling extensively repaired. Waimumu (Locality : Waimumu). —Area, 664 acres. Acquired, November, 1944, Subdivisions, two sheep-farms. The development of this block having been completed during the year, it was permanently allotted to the two Grade " A " ex-servicemen who had been working on wages.



STATISTICAL SCHEDULES AND TABLES Table A. —Contains particulars of the properties purchased by negotiation for the settlement of ex-servicemen and of which possession was taken during the period Ist April, 1946, to 31st March, 1947. Table B.—Contains particulars of the properties capable of subdivision into two or more units which were acquired under section 51 of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, during the period Ist April, 1946, to 31st March, 1947. Table C. —Contains particulars of the properties acquired under Part II of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, during the period Ist April, 1946, to 31st March, 1947. Table D. —Shows the total number of units and cost of acquisition of singleunit properties acquired under section 51 of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, during the period Ist April, 1946, to 31st March, 1947, and the properties acquired under this legislation from Ist April, 1944, to 31st March, 1947. Table E. —Contains details of the actual expenditure during the year under annual appropriations on the purchase of land and improvements and on development and farming operations. Corresponding figures for the previous year are included. Table F. —Shows the amount of profits and losses ascertained during the period Ist April, 1946, to 31st March, 1947, on the disposal of blocks. Statistical Schedules.—These schedules contain more particular detail and information in respect of the blocks at present under development. All the blocks, except the Molesworth Run (Marlborough), which is still subject to the Land Laws Amendment Act, 1929, are now subject to the Small Farms Act, 1932-33. Such blocks as have been specially purchased or acquired for the settlement of ex-servicemen have their names printed in bold type. The statistical data covers only areas which have actually been farmed and under development by the Department for a full year as at 31st March, 1947.



Table A.—Return of Properties purchased by Negotiation and Possession taken during Period 1st April, 1946, to 31st March, 1947


Name of Owner. Locality. New Name of Block. Area. Purchase-price. 1 Type of Farming. I Estimated Number of Subdivisions. R. Odium L. E. and J. C. Ambury A. E. p. £ s. d. Ruawai Whenuanui 60 136 0 0 00 30 . 637 5,800 0 0 0 0 \ Grazing /Dairy. . 2 R. J. Williamson H. Williamson j=Awanui Kumi 225 31 2 0 21 14 3,900 600 0 0 0 0 > Dairy.. J 2 R. K. W. G. Membery Patumahoe Patumahoe 140 2 01-7 8,332 5 7 Dairy 2 C. T. Harrigan Taumarunui .. Part Ran'ga516 3 00 4,909 2 6 Dairy and sheep G. A. Pearce rangai Putaruru Puketurua 544 1 30 11,977 12 6 Dairy and sheep 3 J. H. Furniss Huntly Ruawaro 567 2 39 17,032 6 3 Dairy 4 J. C. Grieve Edgecumbe .. Te Teko 399 2 00 13,183 10 0 Dairy 4 L. H. Larner Morrinsville . . Waikuku 1,053 0 07 44,754 0 0 Dairy 9 Maori owners Huntly Part Paratu .. 9 0 20 169 0 0 A. N. Gibbons Morrinsville .. Maungatapu .. 455 0 30 20,483 0 0 Dairy 5 P. Muirhead Cambridge Maungakawa . . 957 3 14-1 12,750 0 0 Sheep 2 Estate of B. Reed Waerenga Valley Waikare 460 1 31-8 18,417 19 0 Dairy 5 Oparure Freeholds, Ltd. Te Kuiti Oparure .. . 1,938 3 20 17,449 17 0 Sheep and cattle 5 A. I. Batty Morrinsville .. Kuranui 861 1 35 22,398 4 0 /Dairy \ Sheep 2 2 Taoroa Land Co. Ruatoria Karewa 1,780 0 00 26,700 0 0 5 / Dairy 2 Estate of W. Clarke Gisborne Kohanga 34 0 14 2,133 16 \ Sheep Small fruits 2 4 Viscount Doneraile Hangaroa St. Leger 5,681 0 00 24,000 0 0 Sheep 4 Estate of W. E. Harris Waerenga-o-kuri Waikoko 6,386 0 30-4 35,000 0 0 . Sheep and cattle 9 Estate of Knapp Wairoa Native Depart363 2 18 4,363 7 0 Purchased for Maori exPowdrell Bros. ment serviceman Maraekakaho .. Salisbury 1,500 1 15 19,504 9 5 Sheep 3 W. E. W. Ormond Hastings Mount Cameron 2,009 1 00 19,850 0 0 Sheep 3 Mrs. E. Jessop Wairoa Native Depart1,433 1 06 12,183 0 0 Purchased for Maori exMrs. E. M. Douglas ment serviceman Tikokino Hampden 932 2 00 17,717 10 0 Sheep 3 H. Bayley Kotemaori Part Kakariki 63 3 09 159 10 4 Addition to Kakariki Block Alderson Bros. Aria Oniao 772 2 10 9,342 0 0 Sheep and dairy 4 P. J. Campbell Manutahi Part Manutahi 50 1 36 2,019 0 0 Dairy (addition to Manutahi W. T. Petersen Farm Settlement) New Plymouth Petersen's 248 0 00 8,186 13 7 Dairy 2 Estate of A. J. Speedy I Masterton Awatea 3,195 0 00 21,000 0 0 Sheep 1 2



J. T. Hay .. .. .. Opiki .. Opiki .. 78 1 02- 1 3,130 10 0 Dairy .. .. .. 1 Estate of M. Maclean .. .. Levin .. Ihakara .. 561 3 21 , 12,000 0 0 } \ Mixed .. .. 1 Tikitapu Estates, Ltd., and others Mauriceville .. Part Tikitapu.. 4,194 1 36-6 31,000 0 0 Sheep .. .. .. 4 N. T. B. Beetham and others .. Masterton .. Part Wainuioru 643 0 00 10,311 0 0 Sheep .. Short and Sons, Ltd. .. .. Feilding .. j Pakihikura .. 2,024 1 00 31,375 17 6 Sheep.. .. .. 3 H. Studholme .. .. Eketahuna .. Nireaha .. 197 2 09-1 7,112 0 0 Dairy .. .. .. 2 F. R. Powell .. .. Shannon .. .. 26 1 24 ; 792 0 0 Addition to section 51 unit J.P.Duncan .. .. Rongotea .. Kaimatarau .. 309 0 00 j 14,523 0 0 Dairy .. .. .. 5 G. M. Lethbridge .. .. Makirikiri . . Part Makirilciri 300 0 00 7,800 0 0 Eat lamb .. . . 1 E. S. Schultze and E. N. Glasgow Makirikiri .. Part Makirikiri 888 0 00 22,200 0 0 Eat lamb .. .. 3 Sir H. H. Miller .. .. Pahiatua .. Part Tauroa .. 1,554 1 00 18,178 2 6 Sheep .. .. .. 2 Mrs. E. H. Studholme .. Taihape .. Okapea .. 3,196 3 39 49,553 8 0 Sheep .. .. .. 6 T. C. Lowry.. .. .. Taihape .. Pokaka .. 2,319 0 00 34,368 0 0 Sheep.. .. .. 3 E. H. Dagg .. .. .. Masterton .. Part Tikitapu 581 1 39 6,687 5 0 Addition to Tikitapu Earm Settlement Estate of 0. H. Beetham .. Masterton .. Morland .. 3,515 2 00 31,639 10 0 Sheep.. .. .. 3 Miss M. Dalziell .. .. Ashhurst .. Raukawa .. 190 1 35 11,000 0 0 Dairy .. .. .. 2 H. E. Eccles .. .. Kaikoura .. Claverley .. 3,663 3 11-7 32,974 8 6 Sheep .. .. .. 5 Bullen Estate .. .. Kaikoura .. .. 1,846 0 00 5,077 0 0 Purchased as an addition to m adjoining uneconomic section held by exserviceman A. Thomson and C. B. Hodgson Murchison .. Four Rivers .. 222 0 00 7,900 0 0 Dairy .. .. .. 2 H. M. Coulson .. .. Koiterangi .. Whitcombe .. 351 0 32 6,600 0 0 Dairy .. .. .. 3 A. T. Maidens .. . . Lauriston .. Part Winchmore 941 3 08-4 12,714 6 8 Sheep and crop. Addition 3 to Winchmore Farm Settlement A. S. Elworthy .. .. Parebra .. Holme .. 2,605 3 22 40,316 5 1 Sheep and crop. .. 6 J. C. Elworthy .. .. Pareora .. GulladufF .. 566 2 20 3,000 0 0 Sheep .. D. G. Macfarlane .. .. Hundalee .. Part Medina .. 3 3 38 47 17 0 Addition to Medina Farm Settlement J. J. Mulligan .. .. Lismore .. Part Pineview 0 2 28-5 6 15 8 Addition to Pineview Farm Settlement Selwyn Plantation Board • • 1 x» i • n •». ,,,• TT . nl f 417 0 15 1,927 2 6 1 Estate of F.M. Gerard .. Gorge Fighting Hills j 1 12 . 4 17 ; 679 19 0 }Sheep .. .. 3 Estate of W. E. Smith .. Lauriston .. Part Winchmore 266 3 15 2'935 5 8 Sheep and crop .. .. 1 A. R. G. Donaldson .. .. Ealing .. Riverview .. 542 2 25-5 5,000 0 0 Sheep .. .. .. 1 J. Boag .. .. .. Brookside .. Middlerig .. 522 3 35 18,455 7 9 Dairy .. .. .. 4 J. F. Smee .. .. .. Mayfield .. Part Pineview 7231 76189 Addition to Pineview Farm Settlement C. L. Orbell .. .. .. Pleasant Point Levels Valley 2 qq XI 781 18 0 / Sheep and crop .. 2 R.J.Anderson .. .. Mayfield .. Part Montalto 690 0 07 17 6 Sheep and crop .. .. 1 N.B.Morrow .. .. Mayfield .. Part Montalto 1,940 2 00 20,375 5 0 Sheep and crop . . .. 3



Table A.—Return of Properties purchased by Negotiation and Possession taken during Period 1st April, 1946, to 31st March, 1947— continued

Npw Nnmp of Estimated Name of Owner. Locality. -rwv Area. Purchase-price. Type of Farming. Number of iJJ0Ck - Subdivisions. A. B. p. £ s. d. G. H. Grigg .. .. .. Hinds .. Barkerfield .. 1,921 2 37 17,179 0 0 Sheep .. .. .. 3 J. L. Macfarlane .. .. Waiau .. Lyndon .. 10,997 2 25 47,151 9 4 Sheep .. .. .. 4 W.J.Roberts .. .. Clinton .. Clinton .. 625 0 24-2 9,000 0 0 Sheep and crop .. 2 Darling and Hudson .. .. Clinton .. Willowburn .. 4,657 3 35-2 15,138 8 0 Sheep .. .. .. 3 T.H.Howell .. .. Heriot .. Moyola .. 972 3 28 9,729 5 0 Sheep .. .. .. 2 A. M. Finnie .. .. Berwick .. Maryhill .. 1,178 2 04 4,700 0 0 Sheep .. .. .. 1 C.F.Lucas .. .. .. Tuapeka Mouth Cranleigh .. 1,903 0 36 15,328 0 0 Sheep .. .. .. 3 Estate of B. Throp .. .. Heriot .. .. 2,984 0 00 200 0 0* Addition to section 51 unit Estate of W. Philpott .. Dacre .. Tysoe .. 669 0 22 8,000 0 0 Sheep .. .. .. 2 Southland Frozen Meat and Titipua .. Southdown .. 5,645 0 00 64,919 0 0 Sheep .. .. .. 11 Produce Export Co., Ltd. Purchases, 1946-47 .. .. .. 102,021 0 13-6 1,080,880 6 0 * For lessee's interest.


Table B.—Return of Properties capable of Subdivision acquired under Section 51 of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, during the Period 1st April, 1946, to 31st March, 1947


1 Estimated Name of Owner. Locality. T!woT Area - Compensation. Type of Farming. Number of 01 ±510CK - 1 Subdivisions. A. R. P. £ s. d. L. L. Harding .. .. Dargaville .. Mahuta .. 423 1 02 3,850 0 0 Dairy .. .. .. 2 Matarawa Land Co. .. .. Tokoroa .. Part Matanuku 160 3 00 6,093 0 0 Added to Matanuku Farm 2 Settlement (dairy) Estate of B. H. A. Ridgway .. Cambridge .. Piko .. 703 1 03-9 13,149 0 0 Shjjep P. T. Keam .. .. .. Tauranga .. Waitaha .. 168 2 00 7,492 10 0 Dairy .. .. .. 2 N. E. Caldwell .. .. Katikati .. Katikati .. 473 0 00 3,490 0 0 Dairy .. .. .. 4 L.Miller .. .. .. Hastings .. Miller .. 22 2 35 3,200 0 0 Orchard .. .. 2 Van Asch .. .. .. Hastings .. .. 852 0 00 17,872 0 0 Sheep .. .. .. 2 B.B.Johnston .. .. Turakina .. Turakina .. 251 2 37 10,128 0 0 Dairy .. .. .. 2 L. N. Hoggard .. .. Greytown .. Waiohine .. 249 2 21-8 11,500 0 0 /Market gardens .. 3 H. Wingate .. .. .. Foxton .. Karere .. 203 0 10 14,769 0 0 Dairy .. .. .. 3 J. Mudford .. .. .. Blenheim .. .. 34 0 06 1,450 0 0 Asparagus .. .. 2 C. O. T. Rutherford .. .. Blenheim .. Craiglockhart 7,914 3 00 27,000 0 0 Sheep .. .. .. 3 C.T.Price .. .. .. Stoke ., Saxton .. 76 1 09 4,960 0 0 Town milk and workers' 1 homes B.R.Chambers .. .. Methven .. .. 484 3 00 12,302 10 0 Sheep and crop .. 2 Geo. Gerard .. .. .. Rakaia Gorge.. Snowdon .. 1,089 2 08 11,314 6 2 Sheep .. .. .. 2 W.J.Marshall .. .. Berwick .. Berwick .. 392 3 28 8,056 0 0 Dairy.. .. .. 3 Estate of B. Throp .. .. Heriot .. .. 12,051 3 23 25,000 0 0 Sheep.. .. .. 4 R. A. Voice .. .. .. Dacre .. Dacre .. 634 0 00 7,300 0 0 Sheep . . .. .. 2 F. Smith (Rangarangai Ltd.) .. Taumarunui .. Part Ranga- 1,232 3 28 7,397 11 0 Part Rangarangai Farm rangai Settlement Acquired, 1946-47 .. .. .. 27,419 0 11-7 196,323 17 2 .. ..


Table C.—Return of Properties acquired under Part II of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, during the Period 1st April, 1946, to 31st March, 1947


Name of Owner. Locality. New Name of Block. Area. Compensation. Type of Farming. Estimated Number of Subdivisions. 0. Shipherd .. Estate of J. T. Hawke Estate of J. D. Williamson Reeves Bros. Estate of T. C. Williamson Estate of A. McLean Mrs. S. A. Limpus G. A. and H. S. Turner Estate of W. W. Smith D. and W. E. Hampton E. M. Heyward-Madeley Estate of W. Jones New Zealand and Australian Land Co. Mount Fortune Pastoral Co. Macaulay Estate J. L. Gilkison Acquired, 1946-47 Pukekohe Morrinsville .. Rere Tolaga Bay .. Rere Hastings Wallingford . . Eltham Linton Methven Kaiapoi Palmerston Moeraki J Waimahaka .. Komiri Te Mimi Hiwinui Mangapeka .. Hihiroroa Makarini Fraser Road .. Hurepo Stormlea Goodwood r Moeraki Part Kenilworth A. B. P. 167 0 23 788 3 24 7,357 3 00 595 3 26 4,482 0 03 1,788 3 19-72 951 0 28 96 2 35 1,361 3 10 1,017 2 34 217 1 18 1,720 2 04-8 1,746 2 12 1,476 2 22 1,227 2 15 1,319 0 37-7 Not yet fixed £32,000 Not yet fixed Not yet fixed Not yet fixed Not yet fixed Not yet fixed ' Not yet fixed Not yet fixed £23,696 Not yet fixed Not yet fixed Not yet fixed Not yet fixed Not yet fixed Not yet fixed Dairy Dairy Sheep Dairy Sheep Sheep Sheep Dairy Sheep Sheep and crop Dairy and crop Sheep and crop .. |>Sheep Sheep 2 6 7 6 5 5 2 1 2 3 3 4 8 3 26,315 3 32-22


Table D.—Return showing number op Single-unit properties acquired under Section 51 of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, during the period Ist April, 1946, to 31 st March, 1947 Number of properties acquired during 1946-47 .. .. .. 39 Area of properties acquired during 1946-47 .. .. .. 7,603 acres. Compensation paid for properties acquired, 1946-47 .. .. £154,740 Total number of properties acquired, Ist April, 1944, to 31st March, 1947 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 149 Area of properties acquired, Ist April, 1944, to 31st March, 1947 .. 26,095 acres. Compensation paid on properties acquired, Ist April, 1944, to 31st March, 1947 .. .. .. .. .. .. £573,725

Table E.—Return of Actual Expenditure under Annual Appropriations on the Purchase of Land and Improvements and on Development and Farming Operations

Table F.—Return of Profits and Losses on Disposal of Blocks ascertained during the Period from 1st April, 1946, to 31st March, 1947

Note. —(i)i Profits and losses are ascertained only after a block has been fully disposed of and the accounts audited. Blocks partially settled are therefore excluded from this return. (ii) Subsidies were received from the Consolidated Fund and Employment Promotion Fund on labour on marginal lands. The profits and losses as disclosed above have been arrived at after taking credit for the subsidies shown in the final column.


Year ended 31st March, 1947. Total for Year ended Item. Vote Vote 31st March, " Small Farms " Land for Total. 1946. Development." Settlements." £ £ £ £ Acquisition of land and interests therein 1,480,875 20 1,480,895 1,780,377 Development operations— Chattels 116,757 193 116,950 119,024 Materials and services 717,084 892 717,976 336,315 Development wages 125,823 551 126,374 71,613 Farming operations-Live-stock 549,380 196 549,576 467,173 Seasonal expenditure 248,553 3,127 251,680 181,027 Seasonal wages .. .. . - 214,008 3,292 217,300 163,360 Totals 3,452,480 8,271 3,460,751 3,118,889

Blocks. District. Profit. Loss. Subsidies. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Hoe-o-Tainui Auckland .. 8,461 14 0 11,904 13 6 Algernon Hawke's Bay 98 2 7 Nil Parinui 1,028 10 3 532 11 0 Waihau .. -. - • 255 6 11 663 5 2 Brinklands Canterbury 5,059 9 10 3,166 8 4 Collier's Seed Farm Marlborough 531 10 4 Ml Puhipuhi .. * .. .. ,, 410 2 9 .. <• Nil Sedgemere „ 6,018 2 6 Nil Tuamarina ,, 1,387 15 4 Nil Warwick .. » — 1,035 17 1 Nil Totals 10,253 16 6 14,032 15 1 16,266 18 0




Superintendent of Land Particulars. 5/2 Q S5 ■5 > <1 J o « < & H p-J P < K ►J X O O « 1 0 so T3 s > K < < « pa H 1. Date of acquisition or Crown land set apart 1/2/45 15/1/41 1/2/45 8/8/36 15/6/45 2. Total area (acres) 287 1,249 377 7,308 1,978 3. Area not suitable for development (acres) 99 18 50 4. Area alienated for settlement, reserves, &c. (acres) 107 164 1 j 978 5. Balance under development (acres) '287 1^50 252 7,094 6. Condition of area under development (item 5) — 304 30 1,408 1,653 Undeveloped (acres) Permanent grass (acres) 257 450 200 5,372 265 Temporary grass (acres) 30 "91 123 Crops (acres) ' '22 160 60 Cultivated, but not in grass or crops (acres) 300 ' '31 Plantations (acres) ioo 5 219 Water-supplies : area reticulated (acres) 1 j 378 1,560 *271 Fencing (chains) 420 450 8,140 Drains (chains) 200 150 75 1,770 Dwellings (number) 3 1 2 3 2 Wool-sheds (number) 1 1 Cow-sheds (number) 3 6 2 2 1 Other farm buildings (number) 6 5 45 4 Bridges (number) 7 1 24 '400 Roads and farm tracks (chains) 20 5 65 409 7. Capital expenditure to date on land (item 2) — Land acquired, including Crown land set apart— 3,738 2,958 4,447 2,415 Unimproved (£) .. 2,900 Improvements (£) 3,307 5,933 6,027 790 12,106 Materials and expenses (£) .. 10,845 5,121 5,510 49,060 3,139 Labour (gross) (£) .. 836 1,263 168 30,834 656 Total expenditure (gross) (£) 17,888 16,055 14,663 85,131 18,316 Less subsidies on labour (£) 17,300 Net expenditure (£) 17,888 16,055 14,663 67,831 18,316 8. Capital charges on alienated land (item 4) (£) 4,600 1,142 9. Dairying on area under development (item 5) — 107 150 Area occupied (acres) Herds (number) 1 1 Cows milked (number) 50 100 21 Dry cows (number) Breeding-sows (number) 3 j 115 21,460 Butterfat sold (lb.) 10. Other farming on area under development (item 5) — 746 300 2,290 2,787 29 Breeding-ewes (number) 1^000 Dry sheep (number) 1,900 6 4,285 Breeding-cows and heifers (number) 44 'i66 38 1,069 144 Dry run cattle (number) 71 ' '22 969 250 Dry dairy stock (number) 152 83 32 Horses (number) 4 2 3 14 16,776 Wool produced (lb.) 4,477 14,931 346 32,121 Sheep sold (number) 853 797 539 6,897 689 Cattle sold (number) 36 168 201 1,297 211 Cash crops (type and quantity) .. 11. Receipts for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — 400 1,827 Butterfat (£) '847 Wool (£) .. Sheep—Cash sales (£) .. Transfers to other blocks (£) .. '247 1 18 1,007 '866 765 444 692 6,844 2,928 1,205 1,480 Cattle—Cash sales (£) '207 930 5,235 1,405 Transfers to other blocks (£) .. 1,084 8,351 1,962 Pigs (£) 45 198 Crops (£) .. Miscellaneous (£) • • • • • ■ 'isi 7 "25 "82 "37 12. Payments for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — 641 112 2,197 Sheep—Cash purchases (£) .. 4 ' 3,638 Transfers from other blocks (£) 1,768 313 '704 5,084 578 Cattle —Cash purchases (£) .. 196 43 178 824 Transfers from other blocks (£) 632 1,276 897 4,076 3,007 Farming-expenses —Materials and expenses (£) Labour (£) 681 312 889 836 382 241 6,583 3,176 1,435 363 Miscellaneous (£) .. 13. Labour employed (development and farming)— 15 2 Average for year (item 5) (number) 3 4 2 * Used for grazing area only.


(SMALL-FARMS ACT, 1932-33)


Development, Auckland. C W H < ►J <s o •c o 3 H in H n a SB cj 1 3 M o a Pi e3 M & < « o W < S o M £ K > W < O iz < PS < s < g '3 at s eg § & « P X < H < S K s g 1 1931 .24,993 3 j 682 51,311 1/6/44 661 11 '650 10/4/34 2,305 14 2,291 1938 60 ' '60 1/2/45 734 369 365 1/6/45 796 541 *255 1/5/45 959 959 7/7/35 1,862 622 1^240 3/5/40 3,279 1 j 149 2,130 1/8/38 24,935 3,733 21j 202 30/11/43 3,606 300 3^306 4,325 13,763 1,983 920 140 180 10,000 18,623 2,654 28 1 20 56 56 1,400 200 300 146 4 150 660 2 1 3 ' 10 1,129 501 633 4 24 .. '300 2,968 2,299 11 "ll 34 21 75 13 47 "i40 1 '365 365 865 194 6 6 9 2 21 255 *255 515 196 2 2 4 2 18 370 570 5 "l4 700 150 1 1 4 "lO 105 1,113 ' 22 450 2,883 2,454 1 1 8 12 674 8 2,034 "86 2 1,216 4,521 6 1 1 69 9 14,260 6,591 96 120 70 65 519 10,073 1,539 6 1 7 28 37 1,590 'iio 2,972 200 20 4 20 1,776 20 3 1 8 2 600 107,745 6,002 156,084 64,465 1,395 4,405 2,185 561 2,771 25 19,209 29,574 iji9i 205 7,043 10,747 21,447 1,448 2,758 3,605 7,214 616 2,238 6,495 1,375 389 466 28j 842 21,389 12,985 32,874 64,661 7,122 22,146 21,662 48,777 37,318 1,172 534,296 8,546 51,579 23,353 1,396 40,685 14,193 10,497 50,697 14,056 117,642 129,903 19,583 5,913 334,296 8,546 28,226 1,396 40,685 14,193 10,497 36,641 117,642 110,320 5,913 58,901 165 13,740 33,460 1,800 12 650 25 120 105,130 200 1 90 15 5 15,345 1,162 8 257 42 13 60,793 1^598 255 2 103 19 9 18,740 269 1 130 "l3 19,552t 112 1 70 6 11,426 6,200 6,500 1,100 1,560 1,075 QO 129,430 6,028 2,408 'ios '284 '225 5 "38 '299 i43 11 243 2 "37 28 271 3 1,558 3,638 213 *ii9 ' '32 6 'ioi 300 60 i.99 130 4 4,926 1,166 202 4 "l4 450 4 1,473 48 202 1,557 1,188 437 201 113 12 44,472 2.791 1,735 5,409 2,136 1,077 1,312 87 00 80,237 5,107 871 2,261 2,283 356 685 "21 48,640 3,116 104 8,375 7,473 3,999 781 10,048 12,725 1,193 1 j 037 1,254 i.68 i.33 5,495 339 30 585 129 166 661 1,581 2,535 3,106 148 1,644 '219 il7 *315 1,465 1 986 436 'i42 179 '684 2,023 t 3,109 2,496 5,713 4,971 9,437 45 837 9,337 3,329 3,363 487 8,979 90 "i82 4,195 6 188 724 '718 '324 ' *41 ' *16 ' 30 "21 "73 "i63 "93 435 11 j 049 2,812 12,206 8,195 6 60 "40 1,394 16 "80 3,947 7 135 2,063 2,506 1,214 461 '207 742 1,288 456 89 *13 **"577 549 2,472 1,472 655 374 2,621 3,567 9,823 1,869 2,046 1,034 14 298 4,056 7,864 4,291 646 '298 1,653 888 1,280 35 2 13 1 2 1 4 7 12 4 t £1,483, butterfat proceeds held in deposit.




Superintendent of Land Particulars. < M w < K 0 c8 5 X S3 & S3 £3 C3 r-j A H X < 5 1 u < K 0 < 0 85 0 a* AH 1. Date of acquisition or Crown lands set apart 9/7/33 3/3/41 5/3/45 15/10/43 10/10/37 2. Total area (acres) 180 1,301 9,041 2,029 12,147 3. Area not suitable for development (acres) 1,500 4. Area alienated for settlement, reserves, &c. (acres) ' 50 5. Balance under development (acres) "i80 1 j 301 7 j 541 2 j 029 12,097 6. Condition of area under development (item 5) — Undeveloped (acres) 90 947 6,466 100 4,957 Permanent grass (acres) 90 329 625 1,878 57 Temporary grass (acres) "25 'ioo ' '46 7,057 Crops (acres) Cultivated, but not in grass or crops (acres) 350 ' 26 Plantations (acres) 5 "Water-supplies : area reticulated (acres) ' 20 '400 206 4,558 Fencing (chains) 193 '775 2,505 2,490 10,322 Drains (chains) 400 377 16,934 Dwellings (number) 1 1 2 7 Wool-sheds (number) 1 1 1 Cow-sheds (number) 1 5 2 Other farm buildings (number) 1 1 8 13 8 Bridges (number) 1 3 686 Roads and farm tracks (chains) 250 1,350 7. Capital expenditure to date on land (item 2) — Land acquired, including Crown land set apart— 18,278 Unimproved (£) .. 90 3,564 10,963 7,603 Improvements (£) 1,720 14,037 19,490 2,972 Materials and expenses (£) .. 1*478 769 7,049 25,136 37,089 Labour (gross) (£) .. 1,045 240 2,203 2,682 71,122 Total expenditure (gross) (£) 2,613 6,293 34,252 65,586 118,786 Less subsidies on labour (£) 807 40,315 Net expenditure (£) 1,806 6,293 34,252 65,586 78,471 8. Capital charges on alienated land (item 4) (£) 305 9. Dairying on area under development (item 5) — 120 58 Area occupied (acres) Herds (number) .. . . 1 1 Cows milked (number) 37 44 Dry cows (number) 12 10 Breeding-sows (number) 5 j 924 3 8,989 Butterfat sold (lb.) 10. Other farming on area under development (item 5) — 5,458 Breeding-ewes (number) '257 3,109 2,057 Dry sheep (number) .. 836 1,768 3,362 Breeding-cows and heifers (number) 157 132 470 Dry run cattle (number) 97 217 2,643 Dry dairy stock (number) "l2 526 57 Horses (number) 11 11 Wool produced (lb.) 2 j 937 36,006 71,904 41,132 Sheep sold (number) 363 2,427 6,050 1,589 Cattle sold (number) 51 85 395 858 Cash crops (type and quantity) 11. Receipts for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — 173 796 Butterfat (£) Wool (£) .. Sheep—Cash sales (£) 219 2^059 1,482 2,213 913 1,200 8,074 2,712 Transfers to other blocks (£) .. 39 4 153 13|616 Cattle —Cash sales (£) '663 95 1,212 Transfers to other blocks (£) .. 1 4,827 80 Pigs (£) 54 118 Crops (£) .. Miscellaneous (£').. "82 ' '31 '"82 906 12. Payments for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — 353 59 206 Sheep—Cash purchases (£) .. Transfers from other blocks (£) '754 2,150 3,273 873 Cattle —Cash purchases (£) .. '663 3,040 7,087 Transfers from other blocks (£) 4,145 6,165 Farming-expenses —Materials and expenses (£) i30 285 1 j 657 3,339 2,159 Labour (£) 136 1,328 1,924 6,497 Miscellaneous (£) 13. Labour employed (development and farming)— 8 9 41 Average for year (item 5) (number) 1 * Represents area grazing by Department only.


(SMALL-FARMS ACT, 1932-33)—continued


Development, Auckland —continued. Puriri. P H < Ut < X & W » H K pa 0 c» PS w > s w X p < H W O X w EH GO « O PM S3 0 X H P CM O O tjtf H 0 0 0 H "3 P « P £ < £ S < O < £ 6/11/33 1,403 13 1,390 1/2/45 12,067 300 11j 767 1/2/46 3,967 200 3 j 767 27/6/45 200 200 l/n/45 284 "•284 24/11/44 102 '.i02 9/2/45 4,600 4^600 4/4/38 5,201 5^201 10/10/38 7,526 1,440 6^086 1/4/46 1,053 '300 753 '450* 14/4/45 752 381 371 177 1,163 50 1 j 748 1 10,682 770 188 121 6 217 2,263 1 500 3,000 ' '62 200 5 2 j 325 300 1 45 130 22 3 120 527 240 2 278 1 ' 90 265 63 1 10 52 40 ' 70 250 135 1 930 3,300 155 215 150 3,400 80 1 1 2,562 2,494 60 69 ' 16 570 3,208 544 2 3,825 2,187 ' 40 28 6 626 3,243 832 1 1 8 3 102 4 733 16 460 1,593 28 10 444 6 240 750 190 1 366 5 362 864 329 3 4 3 480 8 9 30 10 10 4 1 1 1 1 6 6 1. 13 i20 8 9 20 9 16 55 1 5 34 2 3 80 3,009 9,396 15,672 7,569 11,196 8,486 2,361 4,564 11,679 2,495 1,162 2,668 3,977 2,761 293 2,500 2,519 3,192 377 1 300 1,451 2,159 1,579 15,430 12,320 11,090 4,570 2,877 1,917 20,554 18,266 330 19,177 20,030 24,862 26,527 1,810 1,482 13,376 22,044 9,500 449 28,077 10,374 29,612 19,900 9,699 8,588 5,489 43,410 43,614 13,935 48,658 10,374 73,329 3,069 45,369y 17,703 29,612 19,900 9,699 8,588 5,489 43,410 29,679 38,284 73,329 3,069 45,369 39 100 1 78 9 6 17,635 102 1 42 15 3 8,564 13,920 854 160 1 99 3 16,749 19,790 '402 1,400 815 131 90 6 16,813 1,208 455 884 1,011 99 169 ' 11 20,140 2,164 760 2,144 1,869 290 530 3 34,637 1,453 356 ' '24 2 in "i5i 6 8,228 524 230 1 3,359 2,790 283 319 "l7 40,086 2,812 90 1,963 789 322 243 252 8 33,228 2,150 323 2,138 2,607 362 312 ' 14 38,763 2,378 390 7 369 157 280 4 6,365 3,920 930 i74 ' '20 2 "l5 ' 45 518 2 2 j534 1,493 1,122 1,447 '336 1,164 1 j 338 1,499 1,130 5 jie3 1,635 439 1,329 18 2,244 1,319 '868 2,862 89 611 921 2^082 647 ' 20 "76 2 * 673 2,083 990 5 929 ''774 1,934 2,582 408 3,045 lji86 1,780 1,537 2,347 1,236 64 337 55 2,631 9,912 5,416 102 1,428 "i27 1,336 119 219 '461 1,686 4,195 2,503 ' 29 ' '38 "20 "21 ' 69 ' '98 "76 ' 30 ' '80 io9 343 161 594 .1,377 1,201 500 4437 1,957 1,324 2,688 3,502 3,735 3,957 1,163 130 "22 997 988 43 519 1,618 7 700 902 439 "i33 262 ■ 280 222 84 132 69 3,902 1,636 390 650 175 2,187 4,021 1,821 368 114 44 1,271 3,047 1,275 357 2,723 6,299 9,207 1,463 648 "78 583 1,076 268 179 761 5,506 3,928 '224 3 5 4 1 2 3 7 5 4 4 2 "2




Particulars. Superintendent of Land Development, Auckland —continued. Superintendent < S> o Pm < O < tu 2 1 £ tn W Q 55 W H s £ 1 0 1 < 0 fr* < 1. Date of acquisition or Crown land set apart 2. Total area (acres) 3. Area not suitable for development (acres) 4. Area alienated for settlement, reserves, &c. (acres) 5. Balance under development (acres) 6. Condition of area under development (item 5)— Undeveloped (acres) Permanent grass (acres) Temporary grass (acres) Crdps (acres) Cultivated, but not in grass or crops (acres) Plantations (acres) Water-supplies : area reticulated (acres) Fencing (chains) Drains (chains) Dwellings (number) Wool-sheds (number) Cow-sheds (number) Other farm buildings (number) Bridges (number) Roads and farm tracks (chains) 7. Capital expenditure to date on land (item 2) — . Land acquired, including Crown land set apart— Unimproved (£) .. .. .. .. Improvements (£) Materials and expenses (£) .. Labour (gross) (£) .. Total expenditure (gross) (£) Less subsidies on labour (£) ... Net expenditure (£) 8. Capital charges on alienated land (item 4) (£) 9. Dairying on area under development (item 5) —• Area occupied (acres) Herds (number) Cows milked (number) Dry cows (number) Breeding-sows (number) Butterfat sold (lb.) 10. Other farming on area under development (item 5) — Breeding-ewes (number) Dry sheep (number) Breeding-cows and heifers (number) Dry run cattle (number) Dry dairy stock (number) Horses (number) Wool produced (lb.) Sheep sold (number) Cattle sold (number) Cash crops (type and quantity) 11. Receipts for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — Butterfat (£) .. Wool(£) .. Sheep—Cash sales (£) Transfers to other blocks (£) .. - .. Cattle —Cash sales (£) Transfers to other blocks (£) .. Pigs (£) Crops (£) .. Miscellaneous (£) .. 12. Payments for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — Sheep—Cash purchases (£) .. Transfers from other blocks (£) Cattle —Cash purchases (£) .. .. Transfers from other blocks (£) Farming-expenses—Materials and expenses (£) Labour (£) Miscellaneous (£) 13. Labour employed (development and farming)— Average for year (item 5) (number) 1/2/46 2,232 2^232 780 330 812 80 230 1 j 360 400 3 2 5 2 38 2,606 9,350 5,564 1,585 11/8/33 4,941 '488 4,453 1,944 1,469 1,000 35 5 1,885 8,556 4,033 3 1 2 8 80 90 3,684 1,280 37,490 32,845 1/6/45 97 "97 "90 7 "97 280 1 1 1 732 1,563 1,786 237 1933-40 4,130 980 3 j i50 1,049 1,976 "i25 '500 5,366 42 10 2 1 34 2 143 3,423 3,677 24,956 59,881 1945 618 '4ll 207 38 158 "ll i40 320 3 2 2 3,535 8,876 11,939 5,454 19,105 75,299 21,985 4,318 91,937 41,879 29,804 19,105 53,314 4,318 50,058 29,804 1,959 650 "i44 3 19,724 819 '909 692 147 ' 68 593 2,150 132 900 2,293 946 5 13,478 1^856 2,054 966 64 865 13 30,740 1,169 464 667 887 1,381 1,736 6,826 2,271 81 252 618 450 3,574 3,826 2,849 3,181 16 10 97 1 60 5 8,413 6 3 "10 609 6 50 7 '812 '303 1 3,382 3,487 134 334 ' 26 64,665 6,434 353 6,641 1,523 576 2,764 '249 570 1,436 74 360 1,816 3,259 8 17,153 207 2 69 9 6 11,074 i03 4 1 j034 874 850 66 419 447 2,930 5,812 121 'io9 422 2,169 2,979 339 540 211 2


(SMALL-FARMS ACT, 1932-33)—continued


(SMALL-FAKMS ACT, 1932-33)--continued of Land Development, Te Kuiti. *g 5 d J s 08 '§? 1 2 1 2 +3 o id m Js 1 cS 1 g 1 oS | T3 [3 tJO 3 c3 tuo § 03 Ml 3 H O PH W C3 M M M M 1 1 1 1933 1933 1935 1937-40 1938 1938 1935-38 1933 1936-37 1934-38 1939 1933-38 2,871 438 776 1,639 1,682 2,150 1,094 456 443 533 832 641 90 10 3 320 837 224 104 40 47 32 1,837 201 1^328 715 422 'ios 91 944 '428 572 1*319 354 598 448 *352 335 402 '785 *609 60 16 46 563 28 387 72 18 53 65 435 100 809 352 486 711 314 187 354 307 210 323 329 420 21 11 39 60 "56 27 "38 ' '45 12 "23 "22 14 28 "l2 "21 28 ' 19 "l2 2 1 2 5 2 1 50 364 898 100 "30 100 275 74 80 186 764 1,127 1 j 359 442 536 1^008 945 645 940 '794 1,376 40 709 1,013 30 401 170 117 48 169 3 1 1 1 1 . " 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 "l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 "10 4 7 7 " 7 2 7 3 3 7 4 10 2 3 2 1 1 "53 6 175 616 "80 '300 "50 4 105 155 "52 1,345 438 3,928 1,542 6,339 2,589 650 680 600 1,085 1,148 728 1,572 373 1,588 73 11,447 11,067 345 753 897 2,691 1,185 65 39,431 7,791 11,875 10,382 16,962 6,515 11,659 8,564 5,537 7,358 3,046 11,927 51,437 9,170 22,501 22,156 14,722 14,127 28,042 10,152 5,655 ' 12,788 3,711 12,243 93,785 17,772 39,892 34,153 49,470 34,298 40,696 20,149 12,689 23,922 9,090 24,963 34,002 6,509 15,063 15,309 4,919 4,296 19,674 6,935 3,757 9,012 2,461 7,809 59,783 11,263 24,829 18,844 44,551 30,002 21,022 13,214 8,932 14,910 6,629 17,154 31,233 7,600 27,608 16,411 4,892 2,090 1,615 352 75 200 2 1 2 70 30 75 3 4 7 6 3 4 11,048 4,440 11,572 778 902 675 1,056 649 601 403 229 809 576 . 715 522 398 755 775 143 i.23 508 16 14 373 577 33 101 95 67 69 32 27 30 61 220 47 45 96 28 "26 69 51 51 "50 4 123 1 45 "25 "94 2 100 5 7 4 9 6 5 7 7 6 5 6 10 13,991 10,055 14,578 22,112 8,722 2,704 8,857 3,265 3,060 12,110 9,015 8,250 3,645 80 1,381 1,145 1,524 2,780 1,189 2,203 910 803 612 428 1,876 157 131 78 174 115 114 58 51 117 845 333 882 1*254 "404 *512 '845 l|o31 "i71 l*i82 419 242 '379 *482 687 1,592 404 345 631 2,583 801 1,493 608 343 312 283 702 3,583 595 1,257 790 1,326 788 752 132 324 260 176 948 199 1,426 735 262 34 13 3 4 53 428 *733 74 550 467 342 446 538 488 724 80 110 15 57 *205 "36 "24 5 "37 "ll "52 ' 64 "30 "27 "50 1,376 229 95 126 ' 102 13 110 75 84 84 75 137 3,730 659 396 1,501 1,066 125 100 489 363 491 101 '238 33 38 287 60 233 "20 "33 306 1,381 286 1,308 7 172 '210 1,286 287 107 10 631 342 384 607 451 "257 145 856 293 291 524 '862 835 467 940 728 583 178 569 392 476 491 321 955 101 83 25 16 135 3 1 1 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 4




Superintendent of Land Particulars. g cS ft s c3 1 cS SD (25 M 2 <D B ■3 O < 3 0 1. ] >ate of acquisition or Crown lands set apart 2. Total area (acres) 3. Area not suitable for development (acres) 4. Area alienated for settlement, reserves, &c. (acres) 5. Balance under development (acres) 6. Condition of area under development (item 5) — Undeveloped (acres) .. .. .. Permanent grass (acres) Temporary grass (acres) Crops (acres) Cultivated, but not in grass or crops (acres) Plantations (acres) Water-supplies : area reticulated (acres) Fencing (chains) Drains (chains) Dwellings (number) Wool-sheds (number) Cow-sheds (number) .. .. Other farm buildings (number) Bridges (number) Roads and farm tracks (chains) 7. Capital expenditure to date on land (item 2) — Land acquired, including Crown land set apart— Unimproved (£) .. Improvements (£) Materials and expenses (£) .. Labour (gross) (£) .. 1936-45 5,690 420 335 4,935 2,328 2,293 '314 i60 3,305 1,193 7 1 ' 14 4 173 3,871 4,507 28,385 41,575 1934-43 4,661 1,002 1,308 2,351 833 1,408 30 75 5 120 4,532 1,665 9 1 5 19 6 180 5,637 8,702 44,106 101,239 1936 604 279 '325 '325 650 1 1 3 '400 169 540 836 2,051 1935-36 1,087 66 1 j 021 979 ' '30 "l2 358 2,092 48 5 7 7 155 3,138 2,364 18,544 74,147 1946 777 '777 254 478 ' 45 935 440 1 1 1 1,530 7,922 834 708 Total expenditure (gross) (£) Less subsidies on labour (£) 78,338 28,740 159,684 70,181 3,596 1,454 98,193 60,065 10,994 Net expenditure (£) 49,598 89,503 2,142 38,128 10,994 8. Capital charges on alienated land (item 4) (£) 9. Dairying on area under development (item 5) — Area occupied (acres) Herds (number) Cows milked (number) Dry cows (number) Breeding-sows (number) Butterfat sold (lb.) 10. Other farming on area under development (item 5) — Breeding-ewes (number) Dry sheep (number) Breeding-cows and heifers (number) Dry run cattle (number) Dry dairy stock (number) Horses (number) Wool produced (lb.) Sheep sold (number) Cattle sold (number) Cash crops (type and quantity) 11. Receipts for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — Butterfat (£) Wool (£) .. Sheep—Cash sales (£) Transfers to other blocks (£) .. Cattle —Cash sales (£) Transfers to other blocks (£) .. .. Pigs (£) Crops (£) .. Miscellaneous (£) : .. .. .. 12. Payments for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — Sheep—Cash purchases (£) .. .. .. Transfers from other blocks (£) Cattle —Cash purchases (£) .. Transfers from other blocks (£) Farming-expenses—Materials and expenses (£) Labour (£) Miscellaneous (£) .. 13. Labour employed (development and farming)— Average for year (item 5) (number) 6,495 1^347 2,400 4,305 179 363 13 44,130 2,540 169 165 1,577 2,045 997 1,442 252 51 i30 476 1,128 104 39 2,460 2,687 69 4 19,175. 4^695 2,577 3,568 222 380 57 27 42,068 7,144 711 642 3,880 5,827 2,862 3,426 2,671 191 '242 347 1,613 757 165 1,632 2,872 15 7 '497 52 69 3 7,919 1,100 96 "74 1,419 961 ' '26 19 1,137 4 710 74 346 1 400 5 135 20 14 17,753 940 1,035 "262 7 12,940 2,063 36 1,158. 1,279 1,600 681 44 368 '430 274 5 601 650 1,371 165 5 1,212 835 102 129 4 20,397 943 " '41 163 909 ' '23 21 2,423 106 1,082 369 622 63 1


(SMALL FARMS ACT, 1932-33)—continued


Development, Te Kuiti —continued. £ s 2 H g a 1 ►—< < O S5 < « < CS ss < 'i a 0 .g "3 ,£3 „o3 aJ & 3 H > oS ,5 '3 £ g Sp s ' 1936 26 4 22 1935-41 6,131 1,888 150 4,093 1936-37 3,045 699 858 1,488 1936-41 3,133 281 1,084 1,768 1946 3,014 '367 2,647 1936 379 106 273 1938 661 56 605 1938 3,328 28 3^300 1936 196 11 "i85 1938-41 2,539 248 2^291 1933-41 10,466 2,066 82 8,318 4 18 929 2,666 349 140 422 716 213 137 1/703 ' 45 244 2,320 ' 80 14 236 ' 21 518 29 40 18 ' 70 8 140 29 1,727 441 69 52 2,627 4,300 1,035 344 "i22 11 1 4 9 5j 701 578 9 1 ' 65 9 739 ' 50 3,826 6 1 2 7 115 ' 20 1,485 8 1 "l7 4 176 3 30 2,874 3 2 2 6 6 104 2 50 451 1 3 ' '20 195 57 1 3 7 260 3 1 ''ll '400 8 164 573 171 1 5 ' 80 2 391 1 1 9 1 129 "l2 658 14 3 4 14 4 1,091 107 '372 694 4,870 6,344 26,953 47,739 3,106 2,984 34,818 59,630 15,810 4,644 42,137 101,939 7,150 21,500 4,060 2,320 305 184 2,675 2,989 711 132 2,530 4,139' 3,114 16,098 8,519 19,787 490 387 3,475 3,642 1,216 730 11,048 24,509 5,133 8,689 48,189 85,749 1,173 471 85,906 33,243' 100,538 39,728 164,530 70,356 35,030 6,153 2,063 7,512 2,723 47,518 14,567 7,994 2,555 37,503 17,270 147,760 59,840 702 52,663 60,810 94,174 35,030 4,090 4,789 32,951 5,439 20,233 87,920 2,028 27,770 22,220 4,800 200 1 90 20 3 13,395 63 111 1 1 ' 54 2,603 5,774 145 284 ' 20 63,172 3,520 162 1,764 968 45 76 78 12 23,528 2,269 250 3,503 2,510 247 587 11 9 54,908 4,334 639 2,200 3,028 279 168 406 13 31,880 807 479 305 325 39 65 5 7,100 661 39 281 143 1 27 4 1,911 64 3,100 3,840 308 483 ' "l5 53,797 3,120 228 311 182 38 33 4 7,285 607 35 970 891 53 75 9 16,307 587 5,881 9,435 610 1,575 29 117,054 8,249 270 "34 490 4 j 555 3,408 1,378 436 484 *429 322 1,948 70 2,063 500 5,856 3 j 830 1,318 1,079 1,881 1,264 '494 2,644 115 "i34 525 49 10 114 155 20 58 1 2 j 574 484 2,874 754 1,127 '458 164 464 1 151 i77 829 10j 048 8,024 4,256 283 1,845 '230 "i28 i.50 ' '40 ' '29 ' '27 "94 "29 "58 i92 12 158 4 470 5 3 447 2,623 69 2,317 231 '340 342 1,244 1,386 48 253 124 109 2,388 1,295 1,811 2,293 3,494 4,099 3,918 976 1,626 242 68 106 37 504 194 315 '226 ' 10 201 124 318 "98 M33 2,669 8 56 239 '310 388 113 '442 782 861 2,183 292 2,318 3,838 3,848 6 3 5 3 1 1 5 1 2 6




Superintendent of Land Development, North Te Kuiti —continued. Particulars. 1 < 0 S K & i e3 c3 ft § ja < H < M < H < § £ £ is 1. Date of acquisition or Crown land set apart 1936-46 1938 1944 1944 1/3/38 2. Total area (acres) 1,051 3,676 1,256 566 1,576 3. Area not suitable for development (acres) 537 327 32 6 4. Area alienated for settlement, reserves, &c. (acres) 533 679 289 1 j 576 5. Balance under development (acres) '514 2,816 545 271 6. Condition of area under development (item 5) — 40 696 Undeveloped (acres) 210 299 331 Permanent grass (acres) 293 2,385 213 219 880 Temporary grass (acres) "ll "i20 ' "l2 Crops (acres) Cultivated, but not in grass or crops (acres) "l2 Plantations (acres) 1 Water-supplies : area reticulated (acres) "37 1,500 66 'ioo liieo Fencing (chains) 1,141 3,812 124 550 Drains (chains) 100 419 188 Dwellings (number) 1 10 1 1 2. Wool-sheds (number) 1 1 1 1 Cow-sheds (number) 1 Other farm buildings (number) 5 11 1 2 Bridges (number) 6 2 Roads and farm tracks (chains) 169 98 1 7. Capital expenditure to date on land (item 2) — Land acquired, including Crown land set apart1,300 1,185 Unimproved (£) .. 165 7,131 5,710 Improvements (£) 339 12,581 12,177 4,374 2,325 Materials and expenses (£) .. 4,104 35,106 21,540 9,946 930 Labour (gross) (£) .. 4,894 28,747 1,936 3,836 2,044 Total expenditure (gross) (£) 9,502 83,565 41,363 19,456 6,484 Less subsidies on labour (£) 3,435 16,382 1,078 Net expenditure (£) 6,067 67,183 41,363 19,456 5,406 S. Capital charges on alienated land (item 4) (£) 11,708 26,525 8,055 9. Dairying on area under development (item 5) — 120 Area occupied (acres) Herds (number) 1 Cows milked (number) 40 Dry cows (number) 2 Breeding-sows (number) 3 11795 Butterfat sold (lb.) 8,496 10. Other farming on area under development (item 5) — 249 798 Breeding-ewes (number) 678 4,733 Dry sheep (number) 566 2,381 "l2 94 317 Breeding-cows and heifers (number) 35 163 58 Dry run cattle (number) 35 714 "68 i50 71 Dry dairy stock (number) 44 159 Horses (number) 4 19 2 2 4 Wool produced (lb.) 9,058 39,878 5,053 312 7,783 Sheep sold (number) 686 3,635 3,198 932 623 Cattle sold (number) 114 431 780 611 54 Cash crops (type and quantity) 11. Receipts for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — 631 225 Butterfat (£) 1^042 Wool (£) .. '578 4.000 1^256 30 Sheep—Cash sales (£) 617 3,720 1,300 1,375 616 Transfers to other blocks (,&)■■ 494 2,422 Cattle —Cash sales (£) 1^027 956 5,281 1^461 Transfers to other blocks (£) .. 55 1,384 2,892 3,718 '344 Pigs (£) 96 219 62 Crops (£) .. Miscellaneous (£) .. .. "60 '232 7 "32 12. Payments for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5)— 70 717 2 87 71 Sheep—Cash purchases (£) .. Transfers from other blocks (£) 2,416 623 1,677 Cattle —Cash purchases (£) .. "29 55 147 38 Transfers from other blocks (£) 468 5,065 2,352 3,664 Farming-expenses—Materials and expenses (£) 285 1,307 886 818 356 Labour (£) 720 2,546 519 272 475 Miscellaneous (£) .. 245 223 12 13. Labour employed (development and farming)— 2 Average for year (item 5) (number) 1 7 1 1 * Capital exnenditure to date on land " reclamation expenditure on lagoon,' " included in item 7 above : labour, £128,191: net expenditure, £87,465. t Being erected. t Only part of clip sold up to


(SMALL-FARMS ACT, 1932-33)—continued


Auckland. Gisborne. Hawke's Bay, ARAPARERA. S3 K < Ei < 53 13 S5 O 2 < < & K g £ ID H < O g < 0. P K < E < X < K S < a < W 0 « » s 0 0 sc 5 3 ,c 03 1 M 5 "3 M — 20/11/44 389 '389 1/2/45 334 334 13/12/45 301 301 25/9/44 31/5/45 529 'i34 395 3/1/27 9,922 500 9^422 2/7/45 2,950 700 2^250 29/6/45 400 '400 30/3/46 34 "34 2/4/34 7,753 2,153 606 4,994 1/2/38 10,505 10^505 25/3/31 19,213 4,402 14j 811 209 160 20 i.80 400 110 1 1 2 4 ' '80 240 14 334 720 3 3 6 5 203 98 301 740 2 2 4 '*10 *287 108 '206 660 180 3 3 6 "50 1,179 8,200 3 "40 3^254 1 1 8 2 560 2^250 "l 1,900 1 1 1 'ioo 20 360 "20 '200 440 4 4 4 ' 34 "i50 1 2,920 1,582 340 140 ' 'l2 4,994 7,114 31,000 2 1 " 6 6 2,028 5,653 4,751 "95 6 20 1,899 15 3 It 1 3 1 240 6,408 8,339 "20 "44 73 5,753 60 8 1 1 11 3 155 980 2,420 538 70 3,340 4,988 4,444 773 800 3,600 853 100 3,530 4,881 7,447 1,054 39,453 27,468 5,208 13,743 15,571 "42 10,521 205 3,851 651 1,531 186 116,435 162,923 34,927 3,083 11,682 7,484 16,542 7,417 33,485 2,402 4,008 13,545 5,353 16,912 85,872 130 15,613 21,183 4,502 281,075 142,842 57,176 2,743 .81,486 5,752 4,008 13,545 5,353 16,912 85,742 15,613 21,183 4,502 138,233 54,433 75,734 3,230 8,135 180 1 75 4 12,670 334 1 40 20 6 5,050 301 1 60 4 10,260 395 3 150 " 5 18,300 5 1 10 5 400 1 60 8^233 17 "28 16 2 '585 38 178 411 3 1,073 290 13 ' '44 2 "22 § 5,433 3,649 1,079 941 1 OQ 96,048 3,524 175 2,223 1,978 286 212 5 8 38,077 2,113 99 474 37 135 6 1 5,992 1,013 59 li' 3,180 11,988 7 5 145,515 11,362 276 If 3,489 6,844 183 562 "16 9,346} 3,983 517 3,736 2,466 316 376 "37 51,274 4,281 220 1,034 "il8 "l39 407 '579 'i66 1,735 41 782 '265 276 27 731 73 883 i.69 594 71 66 4,175 1,620 1,598 2,361 '348 '983 2,474 325 "55 538 18 575 578 522 "33 '589 5 17,854 31 2,301 244 300 199 '771 5,625 236 5,408 254 "91 2,797 5,096 864 1,132 23 '238 '231 '292 495 8 451 542 344 519 805 8 3 676 1,319 276 647 39 409 600 318 346 276 1 j<314 3,145 193 "76 '657 1,039 67 1,086 240 lj033 591 '639 1,035 11,971 1,875 215 254 8,129 5,644 1,862 31 506 1,132 3,798 3,923 300 "63 4,235 2 2 2 3 6 3 2 4 J 14 5 8 materials expenses 31st March, 1947. , £70,822 § ; labour (gross) £144,834; total expenditure 1 15 tons hay. || Assorted vegetables. [gross), £215,656; less subsidies on IfBarley and asparagus.




Hawke's Particulars. <« < X $ o Jsfi o H O OS £> < W * s 3 * w « w a < m P < < H H Hi K 5/3/45 1. Date of acquisition or Crown lands set apart 28/3/45 5/6/45 30/6/45 22/2/46 1/10/45 2 Total area (acres) 1,637 1,404 4,150 2,144 3,522 3. Area not suitable for development (acres) 4. Area alienated for settlement, reserves, &c. (acres) 4 'i69 5. Balance under development (acres) 1 j 637 1,400 3,981 2 j i44 3^522 6. Condition of area under development (item 5) — Undeveloped (acres) 150 220 Permanent grass (acres) 1 j 470 M07 3,810 1,902 3',402 Temporary grass (acres) Crops (acres) ieo "289 ioo Cultivated, but not in grass or crops (acres) Plantations (acres) .. .. .. .. I 4 ' 21 22 ' "20 Water-supplies : area reticulated (acres) 200 400 100 700 Fencing (chains) Drains (chains) 1,148 1,200 2,500 1^340 2,727 10 250 500 Dwellings (number) 2 3 1 1 7 Wool-sheds (number) 1 1 1 1 1 Cow-sheds (number) 1 1 1 1 1 Other farm buildings (number) 5 5 16 7 20 Bridges (number) 1 3 1 Roads and farm tracks (chains) 14 20 80 100 120 7. Capital expenditure to date on land (item 2) — Land acquired, including Crown land set apart— Unimproved (£) .. 8,032 15,841 21,866 11,903 36,172 Improvements (£) 6,745 9,921 19,239 5,461 33,932 Materials and expenses (£) .. .. .. 2,739 2,866 613 46 16.529 Labour (gross) (£) . . 280 151 508 Total expenditure (gross) {£)■.. 17,796 28,628 41,869 17,410 87,141 Less subsidies on labour (£) Net expenditure (£) 17,796 28,628 41,869 17,410 87,141 8. Capital charges on alienated land (item 4) (£) .. 40 500 9. Dairying on area under development (item 5)— Area occupied (acres) .. -. .. Herds (number) .. .. .. Cows milked (number) .. .. Dry cows (number) Breeding-sows (number) Butterfat sold (lb.) 10. Other farming on area under development (item 5) — Breeding-ewes (number) 1,986 2,860 3,454 2,335 3,896 Dry sheep (number) 494 1,309 1,613 735 501 Breeding-cows and heifers (number) 87 86 328 60 476 Dry run cattle (number) 205 151 175 65 450 Dry dairy stock (number) Horses (number) 3 4 "ll "lO 6 Wool produced (lb.) 11,489 30,139 46,549 23,299 25,954 Sheep sold (number) 6,947 6,373 3,100 2,039 10,248 Cattle sold (number) 530 286 685 135 311 Cash crops (type and quantity) ** 11. Receipts for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — Butterfat (£) Wool (£) .. '815 l|783 2| 771 1,375 2^070 Sheep—Cash sales (£) .. .. ... 4,566 5,182 908 1,833 11,095 Transfers to other blocks (£) .. 4,542 4,117 2,880 394 3,693 Cattle —Cash sales (£) .. .. .. 115 305 1,773 Transfers to other blocks (£) .. .. 41545 1 j 911 4,350 433 2,320 Pigs (£) Crops (£) .. . . .. ■. • • i.98 Miscellaneous (£) .. .. .. .. ' 24 71 "95 ' 15 "256 12. Payments for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — Sheep—Cash purchases (£) .. .. .. 5,503 4,092 525 188 4,175 Transfers from other blocks (£) .. 4,166 4,814 495 669 3,586 Cattle —Cash purchases (£) .. 1,738 538 9 1,331 Transfers from other blocks (£) .. ... 1,715 1,915 1,850 '262 1,975 Farming-expenses—Materials and expenses (£) 2,521 2,293 2,385 936 3,368 Labour (£) 943 976 1,792 731 2,216 Miscellaneous (£) .. 13. Labour employed (development and farming)— Average for year (item 5) (number) 1 2 4 1 5 * Chainage completed not known. f Open drains only; tile draining not shown. 11 house cow. §: § 70 tons hay and 118 tons mangels. |||| 1,388 gallons milk. Till Wool proceeds not received


(SMALL-FARMS ACT, 1932-33)—continued


Bay—continued Wellington. HENDLEY. w 2 £ o o « « w CM < S o 3 2 S 0 X < n > K K w X 0 S SC < * P < H < X £ < X e> « 0 H O W X 0 09 ►J s < ! S < « <C BU < < « 1 1/8/45 4,398 i93 4,205 11/2/46 1,478 1^478 1/2/45 2,807 2 j 807 28/2/46 348 '348 29/3/46 384 25 '359 30/6/46 380 3 '377 6/3/46 1,554 100 1^454 30/11/45 491 '480 1/10/45 347 "58 289 4/3/46 7,724 200 7 524 6/3/46 637 10 8 619 150 3,930 8 1,409 30 2,634 '340 '352 '377 1^454 7 468 '278 7 j 522 461 ioo ' 60 ' '94 7 5 "ll 0 i58 ' 25 100 2,142 1 1 15 "i40 1 20 1,150 50 1 1 1 6 49 400 2,594 7 1 4 8 "iso 8 150 438 116 1 1 1 20 5S0 60 3 3 3 3 65 '385 1 1 2 3 ljio3 2 1 5 5 590 4 1 3 5 ' 22 *289 652 125t 5 5 6 1 31 ' "50 1,100 1 1 5 "lO 631 120 ( 4 38,168 4,004 3,685 244 14,050 9,682 961 19,193 22,090 18,677 160 1 j 302 154 13,502 7*,i21 1,059 3,735 1,650 2,403 786 9,142 8,860 2,692 807 10,541 6,535 6,814 293 13,840 14,001 14,318 1,257 26,000 36,334 654 1,155 15,467 4,940 2,009 844 46,101 24,693 60,120 1,456 21,682 8,574 21,501 24,183 43,416 64,143 23,260 46,101 24,693 60,120 1,456 21,682 8,574 21,501 24,183 43,416 64,143 23,260 500 9,400 359 289 1 130 14 87 5 i ' ' 13 if 54 j 880 5,348 1,162 235 240 ' 11 59,540 5,426 397 2,512 1.067 2 131 6 32,897 2,221 305 4,296 730 425 4 40,158 6,684 796 200 26 1 705 308 276 32 io7 7 2,767 590 2 tt 669 41 ' '88 1 '' 1,686 49 1,834 701 2 200 2 27,822 1,515 195 806 20 'ios 2 13,650 3,034 5 tt 242 ' 45 3 473 133 §§ 6,077 4,375 604 480 23 89,901 4,046 219 1,200 43 1 11 2 5,043 2,134 556 3 826 3,814 2,413 2^467 1,991 924 28 901 5,129 2,771 1,248 4,282 621 935 1^222 llll 162 674 3 35 '418 1,295 140 649 iif 1,600 13 2^828 i-if 2,386 1,666 i73 4,116 604 1,457 448 292*** 1,221 3,530 M41 iir 1,758 1,064 5 j 009 i65 ' 25 i82 ' 15 86 8 ' 39 '210 208 628 93 "io2 530 268 327 2 j 576 2,452 2,331 1 j 281 110 1,067 1,250 731 4,642 2,328 3,552 2,548 3,385 2,680 699 178 160 4 476 552 1,455 703 580 1,188 62 758 704 224 255 100 291 3,157 448 1,137 3,065 311 471 30 1,622 3,067 852 958 1,289 674 38 282 638 1,990 729 2,586 247 30 391 '224 '876 2,742 6 2,530 1,757 2,004 ■ 2,288 662 356 31 5 1 5 7 2 2 2 6 7 4 § 2 house cows, as at 31st March If 30,653 gallons milk. ** Wheat. 1, 1947. *** Part proceeds only. tt 2 tons hay. tt 41 tons hay.




W ellington—continued. Particulars. < o a c£ < H i-5 & & s 1 < S5 0 0 a S3 < < £ <3 s 1 a is < W £ « H * H 1. Date of acquisition or Crown land set apart 29/3/46 29/3/46 28/2/45 1/3/46 10/10/40 2. Total area (acres) 2,340 442 2,724 5,386 117 3. Area not suitable for development (acres) 50 100 150 4. Area alienated for settlement, reserves, &c. (acres) " 20 5. Balance under development (acres) 2 j 290 422 624 5,' 236 ix7 6. Condition of area under development (item 5) — Undeveloped (acres) Permanent grass (acres) 1^890 '404 2^624 5^234 "ii7 Temporary grass (acres) Crops (acres) 400 "l8 Cultivated, but not in grass or crops (acres) Plantations (acres) 3 2 Water-supplies : area reticulated (acres) 300 'ioo ' '95 Fencing (chains) 1^200 924 1,540 2,558 176 Drains (chains) 63 Dwellings (number) 2 2 "3 1 Wool-sheds (number) 1 1 1 1 Cow-sheds (number) 1 3 2 Other farm buildings (number) 2 3 "3 3 Bridges (number) Roads and farm tracks (chains) "10 ' 25 '262 'ioo 7. Capital expenditure to date on land (item 2) — Land acquired, including Crown land set apart— Unimproved (£) .. 19,050 6,902 13,915 39,140 59 Improvements (£) 11,955 9,090 9,354 23,220 181 Materials and expenses (£) .. 2,759 5,021 7,186 1,787 812 Labour (gross) (£) .. 411 375 912 334 368 Total expenditure (gross) (£) 34,175 21,388 31,367 64,481 1,420 Less subsidies on labour (£) 79 Net expenditure (£) 34,175 21,388 31,367 64,481 1,341 8. Capital charges on alienated land (item 4) (£) 400 9. Dairying on area under development (item 5) — Area occupied (acres) 200 Herds (number) 3 Cows milked (number) 70 * Dry cows (number) 11 Breeding-sows (number) 10 Butterfat sold (lb.) 11,552 10. Other farming on area under development (item 5) — Breeding-ewes (number) 1,869 621 2,207 4,604 Dry sheep (number) 3,132 158 80 1,485 4,041 Breeding-cows and heifers (number) 45 265 919 Dry run cattle (number) 69 1 121 16 ' 66 Dry dairy stock (number) 159 63 5 7 82 Horses (number) 3 4 5 11 Wool produced (lb.) 16,133 7,449 32,483 73,073 Sheep sold (number) 1,648 1,368 476 2,481 Cattle sold (number) 190 246 219 '706 crops (type and quantity) II IF 11. Receipts for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — Butterfat (£) 890 Wool (£) .. '874 f '622 5^303 Sheep—Cash sales (£) 2,042 1,498 110 683 Transfers to other blocks (£) .. 300 220 375 2,387 Cattle—Cash sales (£) 803 3 446 "447 Transfers to other blocks (£) .. 1,220 3,766 1,275 5,844 Pigs (£) 58 Crops (£) .. 83 'i26 Miscellaneous (£) "59 113 ' "l2 "51 20 12. Payments for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — Sheep—Cash purchases (£) .. 384 905 35 1,097 Transfers from other blocks (£) 4,575 1,037 75 300 Cattle—Cash purchases (£) .. 1,080 2,420 50 463 1^363 Transfers from other blocks (£) 2,996 3,894 40 110 3,635 Farming-expenses—Materials and expenses (£) 1,660 269 543 1,205 112 Labour (£) 585 614 677 1,525 57 Miscellaneous (£) 50 209 131 13. Labour employed (development and farming)— Average for year (item 5) (number) 4 3 3 5 1 * 3 house cows. + 4 house cows. i Milk. § Part clip only. II 7 tons hay and 167 sacks oats. it 2 tons chaff. §§ 330 bushels oats. 1111 l,821bushels oats. HH 1,451


(SMALL-FARMS ACT, 1932-33) —continued


Marlborough. Nelson. Canterbury. e3 1 ,5 £ CO £ z w a K o 09 S3 b3 a 03 Q H « CM m © ►J H s w ►J HI < > .g M l 1 3 3 PH m vA >1 a O > W w 0 W Pfi O S .0 « 0 S3 >*. % ss » w w W W ►J O Z < £ O ►J - :27/6/45 1,412 263 1^49 29/3/44 4,912 505 4 * 407 15/8/45 2,020 320 1^700 4/5/45 797 157 '640 1/3/46 2,504 311 2^93 1/1/40 239,624 90,124 149 j 500 11/9/35 1,594 200 53 1,341 28/2/46 5,001 100 4^901 2/12/41 665 665 28/3/46 670 55 615 12/3/46 670 '670 ljiis "23 13 296 2,640 630 3 , 1 2 14 3 65 1,551 2,637 "i72 35 12 2a76 1 1 9 ' 30 55 1,550 5 60 30 1*705 100 4 1 3 15 5 75 27 426 55 26 106 ljioo 440 2 2 3 126 1,674 103 141 149 2^ioo 3 1 1 9 5,400 143,974 8 106 12 ll|073 90 3 1 1 14 1^660 l|341 3 j 322 6,981 3 1 13 6 4^611 i70 i.20 2^930 1 1 1 ioo '256 '222 177 10 '944 1 4 '299 150 100 58 8 300 857 1 1 1 8 3 '403 65 160 42 968 200 1 • 6 4 63,232 3,436 4,432 4,342 3,980 1,217 9,996 5,985 3,144 543 4,232 2,875 3,781 2,951 11,717 5,864 4,850 299 19,000 4,250 4,820 2,686 831 1,678 13,883 29,837 30,053 10,036 1,286 134 2,450 420 1,645 288 16,298 2,486 679 94 12,961 3,865 286 11 71,415 439 13,971 19,668 13,839 22,730 30,756 1,510 46,229 28,231 41,509 4,803 19,557 17,123 70,976 13,971 19,668 13,839 22,730 29,246 17,998 41,509 4,803 19,557 17,123 390 328 1 37 5 400 1 32 13 800 1 86 11 6 21,068 'i 7^520 '837 '837 41 118 84 6 4,531 886 359 2,399 1,185 91 44 14 9,226§ 991 1 2,037 911 93 42 37 3 12,313 2,927 41 ** "30 5 '303 122 1,874 835 1 2 6,362 296 tt 'i66 1,661 1,368 ' '26 '389 2,583 1,018 101 30 2 43,317 1,558 8 tt 331 700 3 6 1 4,563 307 2 §§ 1,154 505 3 31 1 11,586 801 144 805 656 2 1 1,132 iiif nil 140 1,365 1,463 j.86 711§ 729 14 "32 487 846 3,328 ' 'lO 419 72 303 20 1,687 15 310 10 397 "68 ' 50 '398 363 202 74 '544 4,896 "65 1^919 'i42 97 67 3,738 226 1,515 137 "l3 227 "49 172 53 5 "68 17 '374 1,361 66 2,102 ' 43 1^685 403 34 1,678 327 1,571 2,803 1,607 729 44 264 "32 9 1,075 1,900 12 230 '969 14 1,039 1,479 44 "37 400 748 1,456 10 178 11 ' 'l0 1,545 1,117 18 170 "26 2,220 '205 9 163 *248 38 1,137 1,812 7 32 242 '913 727 2,530 807 1,890 432 1,405 1,012 8 816 655 29 l|021 695 6 6 4 6 3 13 4 2 3 2 -"39 tons mangels, gallons milk. If 18 tons hay. »* 2,293 bales hay and 15 b i Proceeds not received 31/3/47. ags oats. tt 93 sacks peas and




Can terbury— Particulars. 2S Z £ K E-c < < s != H H z « J H & > CO PL, w £- O a E-i O o s H ►J < £ S CO H > 28/3/45 1. Date of acquisition or Crown lands set apart 20/1/41 30/4/45 12/3/46 14/6/43 1940-41 2. Total area (acres) 3,094 4,438 2,632 184 8,617 3. Area not suitable for development (acres) 500 34 880 4. Area alienated for settlement, reserves, &c. (acres) 3,712 5. Balance under development (acres) 2^594 692 1^752 184 8 j 617 6. Condition of area under development (item 5) — Undeveloped (acres) 651 14 1,805 Permanent grass (acres) 1,490 '480 '807 64 900 Temporary grass (acres) .. .. .. 60 392 50 5,364 Crops (acres) .. .. .. .. 290 100 350 40 347 Cultivated, but not in grass or crops (acres) .. 100 41 178 12 153 Plantations (acres) .. . . .. .. 63 11 25 4 48 Water-supplies : area reticulated (acres) .. 2,594 692 1,000 184 Fencing (chains) 2,810 700 2,124 523 7,551 Drains (chains) 80 273 Dwellings (number) 6 1 2 1 0 Wool-sheds (number) 1 1 1 1 Cow-sheds (number) 1 1 1 5 Other farm buildings (number) 7 4 3 2 9 Bridges (number) 4 Roads and farm tracks (chains) 240 "24 ' 15 2 7. Capital expenditure to date on land (item 2) — Land acquired, including Crown land set apart— Unimproved (£) .. 22,790 25,127 16,536 928 23,586 Improvements (£) 4,100 9,962 3,999 792 4,796 Materials and expenses (£) .. 19,109 5,600 938 1,489 6,238 Labour (gross) (£) .. 2,969 442 125 1,040 2,072 Total expenditure (gross) (£) 48,968 41,131 21,598 4,249 36,692 Less subsidies on labour (£) Net expenditure (£) 48,968 41,131 21,598 4,249 36,692 8. Capital charges on alienated land (item 4) (£) 30,650 9. Dairying on area under development (item 5) — Area occupied (acres) Herds (number) Cows milked (number) Dry cows (number) Breeding-sows (number) Butterfat sold (lb.) 10. Other farming on area under development (item 5) — Breeding-ewes (number) 4,837 929 2,763 139 3,034 Dry sheep (number) 3,165 652 1,834 11 2,264 Breeding-cows and heifers (number) 8 3 2 14 16 Dry run cattle (number) 11 2 79 1 Dry dairy stock (number) 13 1 2 9 "l5 Horses (number) 12 4 2 5 5 Wool produced (lb.) 71,196 16,133 26,380 2,465 37,471 Sheep sold (number) ' 3,671 2,423 119 537 577 Cattle sold (number) 50 3 93 1 15 Cash crbps (type and quantity) * t t § 11. Receipts for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — Butterfat (£) Wool (£) .. .. .. 478 '492 '472 "lO '262 Sheep—Cash sales (£) 4,208 2,422 144 624 646 Transfers to other blocks (£) .. 1,015 570 39 49 45 Cattle —Cash sales (£) 1,069 9 1,163 5 37 Transfers to other blocks (£) .. 38 Pigs (£) Crops (£) .. 980 831 ' 92 223 Miscellaneous (£) 118 50 "62 19 136 12. Payments for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — Sheep—Cash purchases (£) .. 250 705 5.316 Transfers from other blocks (£) 104 '345 Cattle —Cash purchases (£) .. ' 14 1,185 103 Transfers from other blocks (£) 561 Farming-expenses—Materials and expenses (£) 1 j 539 1 j 577 1,756 '273 2^690 Labour (£) 2,305 1,176 1,274 390 1,936 Miscellaneous (£) .. 17 13. Labour employed (development and farming)— Average for year (item 5) (number) 5 4 3 1 6 * 3,031 bushels wheat. 1 1,709 bushels wheat, 18 tons hay, and 17 tons chaff. | 13 tons sacks potatoes. If 427 bushels oats and 81- tons hay. ** 510 bushels wheat, 2,: 156 bushels oats, 24 bushels oats. §§ 86 bushels wheat, 180 bushels oats, 40 tons hay, and 5 tons potatoes. llll 1,377 lb. ftt 329 sacks wheat, 115 sacks oats, 3 sacks brown-top, and 3 sacks potates. ttt 15,000 sacks wheat,


(SMALL FARMS ACT, 1932-33)—continued


continued. Otago. WAIKAKAHI. X < < « < is W K O S a o 55 % O ffiS Sg S5& O ►J s C5 Z $ 3 i 0 I* w | 3 Hi d. H O a; < IS < % < J £ * 0 0 K m 1 22/8/40 766 20 746 15/5/45 4,743 553 4^90 27/11/44 24/5/45 3,376 23 3^353 1/7/46 299 299 20/3/45 1,500 1^500 8/10/40 624 '264 360 2/9/40 329 •'.329 20/5/40 665 38 '627 1941 4,807 1,832 2 j 975 18/8/44 10/4/45 2,945 862 2^083 17/12/45 672 100 572 464 243 23 16 766 1,708 528 5 1 4 4 12 15 3 j 439 548 184 ' 19 200 3,265 2 1 1 6 8 889 946 123 555 788 52 3 ] 975 8 4 15 2 '227 ' 61 ''ll '435 1 1 5 815 125 317 225 18 1^425 3 1 3 30 194 40 50 41 5 '630 1 6 18 196 ' 67 36 12 650 1 2 300 192 82 42 11 627 1,135 334 3 1 1 4 1 10 1,365 1,312 '232 60 6 95 5 3 4 7 '200 919 814 345 4 3 7 iio 467 ios ioo 1,070 20 1 1 1 10 " 40 14,440 1,299 11,201 1,331 13,386 5,568 886 84 27,830 10,489 11,355 1,675 1,495 168 2,058 578 14,456 1,580 3,068 8 5,190 1,115 2,311 1,418 4,250 575 1,367 568 4,572 1,037 2,581 3,821 14,088 5,189 12,059 1,294 20,879 8,904 10,180 470 5,735 6,725 456 47 28,271 19,924 51,349 4,299 19,112 10,034 646 6,760 342 12,011 1,668 32,630 773 40,433 12,963 28,271 19,924 51,349 4,299 19,112 9,388 6,418 10,343 31,857 40,433 12,963 4,750 148 1 40 41 4^757 " 995 634 63 132 18 16,446 1,774 149 II 4,618 266 23 7 38,115 913 2,977 "4,221 16 15 7 3 29,515 1,625 6 ** 480 306 2 5 1 4^389 tt 1,522 768 4 2 4 2 18,229 864 it 464 308 1 2 1 4,551 640 §§ 302 541 1 1 427 6 III! 1,011 753 3 4 7 7 10,530 656 18 irir 3,518 3,471 ' '24 4 6 17,133 3,482 75 3,654 3.146 8 52 3 5 50,881 1,591 145 ttt 962 474 2 51 8 3 9,357 1,506 48 tit 383 141 1,772 933 1,526 118 ljil6 635 319 '844 * 1,777 958 18 "l7 '294 1,342 ' '32 '413 904 ' '38 551 65 5 36 '275 448 508 '204 2 j 559 5,835 868 1,035 2,774 2,038 536 655 2,180 17 868 98 113 i65 93 1 jo72 333 ' '77 1 "l9 31 300 134 ' "so 17 iso 61 78 568 216 46 966 1,597 1,817 1,966 406 1 j 061 1,666 930 2,817 30 303 4,129 2,530 24 1 j 048 9 473 211 38 183 "lO 1,442 1,015 12 'i65 '512 402 '210 '482 394 ' 54 '.589 759 2,735 668 1,925 486 3,020 2,385 69 610 163 1,085 3,095 1,396 1,183 474 14 803 1,049 858 5 4 7 1 3 1 1 2 6 4 3 chaff. § 157 bushels oats and 23£ toils chaff. II 2,013 bushels wheat, 338 bushels oats, and 660 5 tons hay, 3£ tons chaff, and 673 bushels rye-grass. ft 15£ tons hay. %% 43 bushels wheat and grass-seed. Ifif 19 tons hay and 286 bushels oats. *** 808 sacks wheat and 7,991 lb. brown-top. 825 bales wheat straw, and 150 bags chaff.




Otago—continued. Particulars. Pi fa 3 S5 « o INVERMA 0 Q '3 & 03 H « § Q. Z < iJ 00 Pi 05 ft « 1. Date of acquisition or Crown land set apart 3/4/46 11/2/46 24/3/44 1934 31/7/45 2. Total area (acres) 625 1,262 2,504 1,082 733 3. Area not suitable for development (acres) 35 575 600 159' 4. Area alienated for settlement, reserves, &c. (acres) '883 5. Balance under development (acres) '590 '687 1^904 199 '574 6. Condition of area under development (item 5) — Undeveloped (acres) 309 1,037 216Permanent grass (acres) *503 201 587 'i99 261 Temporary grass (acres) Crops (acres) "87 "75 "i20 "96Cultivated, but not in grass or crops (acres) 72 120 Plantations (acres) 30 40 1 Water-supplies : area reticulated (acres) 175 371 Fencing (chains) 990 900 2,690 '400 "840Drains (chains) 20 Dwellings (number) 2 1 5 1 1 Wool-sheds (number) 1 1 1 1 Cow-sheds (number) 1 1 3 1 1 Other farm buildings (number) 4 5 8 1 4 Bridges (number) Roads and farm tracks (chains) 220 "io7. Capital expenditure to date on land (item 2) — Land acquired, including Crown land set apart— Unimproved (£) .. 3,446 5,630 10,753 23,251 3,599 9,719 5,630 Improvements (£) 6,423 3,845 7,348 3,591 Materials and expenses (£) .. 231 492 4,256 1,160 Labour (gross) (£) .. 20 118 1,105 5,230 65 Total expenditure (gross) (£) 9,327 17,786 32,211 26,142 10,446 Less subsidies on labour (£) 4,030 Net expenditure (£) 9,327 17,786 32,211 22,112 10,446 8. Capital charges on alienated land (item 4) (£) 16,500 9. Dairying on area under development (item 5) — Area occupied (acres) Herds (number) Cows milked (number) Dry cows (number) Breeding-sows (number) Butterfat sold (lb.) 10. Other farming on area under development (item 5) — Breeding-ewes (number) 1,069 85 2,142 2,049 930Dry sheep (number) 936 390 1,155 Breeding-cows and heifers (number) 40 Dry run cattle (number) 1 ' '46 96 "44 6 Dry dairy stock (number) 4 4 2 2. Horses (number) 1 4 3 8 Wool produced (lb.) 5,309 31,715 3,328 Sheep sold (number) 545 1^071 1,404 643Cattle sold (number) 26 382 23 2. Cash crops (type and quantity) * t t 11. Receipts for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — Butterfat (£) Wool (£) .. *294 1^760 "93 '261 Sheep—Cash sales (£) 193 l|258 2,949 3,184 930 978 Transfers to other blocks (£) .. 328 152 Cattle—Cash sales (£) 8,430 351 1,114 l,25r Transfers to other blocks (£) .. '480 2,405 473 1,651 Pigs (£) Crops (£) .. "23 385 "48 Miscellaneous (£) .. "45 76 85 '236 56 12. Payments for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — 278 Sheep—Cash purchases (£) .. 2,862 657 52 44 Transfers from other blocks (£) 9 66 '607 Cattle—Cash purchases (£) .. 182 5,492 "29 "43 Transfers from other blocks (£) 448 2,429 186 635 20 Farming-expenses—Materials and expenses (£) 499 1,062 2,169 192 634 Labour (£) 392 936 1,426 269 742 Miscellaneous (£) .. 13. Labour employed (development and farming)— Average for year (item 5) (number) 2 4 4 1 3 * 1 sack brown-top and 12 sacks potatoes. t 388 sacks wheat. 1 3 sacls :s brown-top and 1 and 300 lb. fescue. ** 238 lb. brown-top, 730 bushels oats , and 930 bushels wheat. tt 60 bushelsbushels oats.


(SMALL-FARMS ACT, 1932-33)—continued

3—o 1


Southland. 3 5 S < H » ►J < Q 55 K O M H H Z O S £ w > « P 0 «! M X at P 05 65 « W H co < W X H K O ■s ►J £ H « O 0 O M S5 3 O at M g X < « 0 < H a « & 01 CO < ►J X E-i < K H CO w 0 co >< — 1/3/44 468 25 443 4/4/46 1,766 400 1^366 12/4/45 1,175 200 '975 21/1/46 1,363 l|363 14/12/45 938 '938 20/9/45 1,736 1 j 736 10/4/45 1,742 88 533 1,121 1/3/46 1,195 100 1 jo95 31/3/41 2,223 2^223 30/4/45 440 60 '380 1/4/46 669 '669 149 210 "84 M60 '200 100 777 "83 347 714 '302 514 124 "300 887 386 '463 546 298 '277 780 240 "70 865 1,004 50 296 '315 "65 85 454 'i30 "50 467 1 1 3 6 2^00 3 1 2 4 ' 15 ljioo 80 2 1 2 297 2 1 1 6 '972 278 2 1 2 4 ljilO 80 2 1 2 1 j 051 90 1 1 2 0 '820 145 1 1 2 8 445 2,087 816 2 1 3 12 O "700 2 1 1 4 '783 40 2 1 1 2 5 "40 80 "30 ' 29 4 ' '25 100 5 15 7,511 920 3,404 392 7,919 6,176 604 51 4,842 4,040 2,173 112 2,919 9,252 2,866 245 3,515 2,834 3,631 424 6,262 5,957 4,377 588 4,859 6,494 3,194 779 3,288 6,296 812 491 6,980 6,825 18,299 3,071 3,507 5,467 2,089 254 4,210 3,812 2,139 104 12,227 14,750 11,167 15,282 10,404 17,184 15,326 10,887 35,175 11,317 10,265 12,227 14,750 11,167 15,282 10,404 17,184 15,326 10,887 35,175 11,317 10,265 4,445 878 857 1 38 3 2 4,539 1,404 65 § 2,260 1,979 5 2 j 275 574 5 1,171 1,711 "54 2 1 6,337 896 48 II 1,953 1,433 1 5 23,865 1,380 1 11 687 462 2 4,838 16 29 ** 2,307 1,363 "96 2 3 22,089 629 10 tt 1,190 959 20 65 5 12,257 1,289 48 tt '678 31 31 4 7 268 3,351 1,942 1 54 9 6 26,550 2,277 207 1,281 712 1 1 11,224 2,083 §§' 1,382 1,080 2 17,718 480 '293 2,180 1 j 635 'il9 427 330 32 19 '442 1,554 '866 774 ' '78 1,429 605 7 "l2 20 '406 1 499 "82 15 '592 2,282 'i49 302 5 3 j 817 M67 3,167 35 4,129 330 2,523 243 '326 643 '503 42 '285 'i75 34 i36 64 "39 30 "l5 120 'i86 171 "78 '503 255 "59 'iso 146 1,541 '499 1,463 1,101 596 5,095 53 170 lji94 903 478 ' "l2 747 1,157 535 218 5 1 776 797 868 380 *345 1,060 398 1,587 '725 10 1,117 563 71 135 1^016 385 920 962 736 369 161 401 1,548 330 3,401 1,858 454 '826 528 2,477 779 10 286 1,505 476 2 3 2 3 2 5 2 2 ■8 2 2 bag rape seed, brown-top. § 432 sacks wheat and 186 sacks chaff. || 34 tons hay. it 869 bushels oats. §§ 1,150 bushels wheat and 1.020 bushels oa If 464 bushels oats ts. Illl 1,085


ADVANCES MADE TO CROWN TENANTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT AND STOCKING OF HOLDINGS Amounts advanced for the year ended 31st March, 1947 : For improvements .. .. .. .. .. £2,546 For stock .. . . .. .. .. .. £471 Number of Crown tenants to whom new advances made .. 31 Amount readvanced from sales of farm produce .. .. £4,936 DISCHARGED SOLDIERS SETTLEMENT ACT, 1915 The following particulars are supplied pursuant to section 14 of the Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act, 1915 : Total Area proclaimed since Inception of the Scheme Class of Land. Area (Acres). Ordinary Crown land .. .. .. .. 1,053,157 Land-for-settlements land .. .. .. .. 405,976 Cheviot Estate land .. .. .. .. 3,356 1,462,489 Proclamations have been issued revoking the setting-apart of 258,143 acres of Crown land and 108,419 acres of land-for-settlements land. From the inception of the soldier-settlement scheme in 1915 the total applications received number 15,181 and the allotments made number 4,114, covering a total area of 1,450,887 acres. The Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account was abolished by section 6 of the Finance Act, 1937.

EXPENDITURE Summary of Expenditure approved during the Year ended 31st March, 1947


Name of Vote or Account. Amount voted. Grpss Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1947. Gross Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1946. Voted Expenditure Vote, " Lands and Survey " — Subdivision I .. Subdivision II .. ' .. Subdivision III Total, vote " Lands and Survey " .. Vote, " Land for Settlements " Vote, " Small Farms Development " Total, voted expenditure Other Expenditure Land for Settlements Account: Expenditure from capital proceeds of sales of Crown lands Deposits Account expenditure and miscellaneous expenditure £ 645,775 " 133,352 41,800 £ 636,471 79,333 10,539 £ 512,822 79,167 10,895 820,927 73,285 5,858,700 726,343 49,234 3,516,744 602,884 47,850 3,168,722 6,752,912 4,292,321 184,212* 25,635 3,819,456 176,604 71,937 4,502,168 4,067,997 * Includes value of Crown lands transferred to Small Farms Account, £45,917, and interest on proceeds of sales of Crown lands under section 13 of the Land Laws Amendment Act, 1926, £127,439.


RETIREMENTS The retirement of Mr. R. Gr. Macmorran (Under-Secretary for Lands) became •effective as from 21st July, 1946. Mr. Macmorran joined the Lands and Survey Department as a survey cadet on the 28th March, 1904. In 1908 he passed the Surveyors' Board examination with credit, and in the same year was appointed as an Assistant Surveyor and transferred to Auckland. In 1911 he was promoted to the position of Assistant Land Drainage Engineer, and was placed in charge of drainage work on the Hauraki Plains, where he remained until his enlistment in 1916 with the New Zealand Expeditionary Forces. On returning from overseas in 1919 he resumed duties with the Land Drainage Branch, and had his headquarters in Auckland. In 1927 he was appointed Chief Drainage Engineer, and five years later assumed as well the position of Chief Surveyor for the combined North and South Auckland districts. There followed some particularly busy years, during which he took an active part in land-development work and small-farm-settlement activities. He was always a firm believer in the potentialities of the pumice lands of the North Island, and the steady progress Of land-settlement in that region owes a great deal to his practical methods and untiring energy. In 1938 he was appointed Assistant Under-Secretary for Lands, and in the following year succeeded the late Mr. W. Robertson as Permanent Head of the Department. As UnderSecretary and Land Purchase Controller he has been responsible for the purchase and •development of extensive areas dealt with by the Crown for the settlement of ex-service-men. Mr. T. Pound (Assistant Under-Secretary) also retired during the year. Joining the Department in 1902, Mr. Pound held the position of Chief Clerk and Receiver of Land Revenue in the district office, Invercargill, prior to his appointment as departmental Inspector in 1932. In 1937 he was appointed Second Assistant Under-Secretary, and his appointment as Assistant Under-Secretary followed in April, 1939. In addition to the above named, a number of other officers who have given excellent .service retired during the year. These included Mr. A. F. Waters, Commissioner of Crown Lands, New Plymouth (forty-three years' service); Mr. J. P. Lane, Commissioner of Crown Lands, Gisborne (forty-two years' service); Mr. R. C. Airey, Inspecting Draughtsman, Head Office (forty-seven years' service); Mr. H. C. Hulme, Chief Clerk and Receiver of Land Revenue, New Plymouth (forty-nine years' service) ; Mr. J. A. Chesney, Chief Clerk and Receiver of Land Revenue, Hokitika (forty-one years' service) ; Miss F. E. Woodhouse, Staff Clerk, Head Office (forty-five years' service); and Miss W. L. J. Mellsop, Clerk, Auckland (forty-two years' service). STAFF It is to the credit of all members of the Staff that the large increase in the work of the Department has been so efficiently performed. In submitting this report I would like to express my appreciation for their loyalty and co-operation during the period under review.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (753 copies), £235

By Authority: E. Y. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 947. Price Is. 6d.]


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DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY SETTLEMENT OF CROWN LANDS (ANNUAL REPORT ON), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1947 Session I, C-01

Word Count

DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY SETTLEMENT OF CROWN LANDS (ANNUAL REPORT ON) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1947 Session I, C-01

DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY SETTLEMENT OF CROWN LANDS (ANNUAL REPORT ON) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1947 Session I, C-01

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