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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Leave

By Authority: E. V. Paul, Government Printer. Wellington.—l 947.

CONTENTS Page Explanatory Note ~ .. .. .. 3 Trusteeship Agreement for the Territory of Western Samoa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 Annex : Mandate for the Administration of German Samoa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15


TRUSTEESHIP AGREEMENT FOR THE TERRITORY OF WESTERN SAMOA As APPROVED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY AT THE SIXTY - SECOND PLENARY MEETING OF ITS First Session on 13 December, 1946 EXPLANATORY NOTE Chapters XII and XIII of the Charter of the United Nations make provision for the establishment of an international trusteeship system for the administration and supervision of such territories as may be placed thereunder by subsequent individual agreements. Territories held under mandate are listed first in the various categories of territories to which the international trusteeship system may apply (Article 77). 2. The Government decided, in December, 1945, that the former Mandated Territory of Western Samoa should be placed under trusteeship, and this decision was communicated to the General Assembly of the United Nations by the Prime Minister at the first part of the First Session on 18 January, 1946. 1 A similar announcement was made by the New Zealand delegation to the final meeting of the Assembly of the League of Nations at Geneva in April, 1946. The New Zealand representative then stated that the New Zealand Government did not consider that the dissolution of the League of Nations would have the effect of diminishing New Zealand's obligations in respect of Western Samoa, or of increasing her rights in the Territory. 2 3. The Territory of Western Samoa has been administered in the past pursuant to a mandate which was offered to and accepted by New Zealand under the Treaty of Versailles, and the terms of which were confirmed and defined by the Council of the League of Nations on 17 December, 1920. The mandate imposed specific obligations upon the mandatory Power, notably to promote to the utmost the material and moral well-being and the social progress of the inhabitants, to prohibit slavery and forced labour, to control traffic in arms, to exclude alcoholic beverages, to permit freedom of worship and missionary activities, to refrain from building fortifications and military bases, and to submit an annual report to the League of Nations. 1 The relevant passage in the Prime Minister's speech before the General Assembly appears at page 11 in the report of the New Zealand delegation on the first part of the First Regular Session of the General Assembly held at London, 10 January-14 February, 1946 [Paper A.-2 (1946)]. 2 The text of the statement is reproduced as Appendix A to the report of the New Zealand delegation on the adjourned 20th Session and the 21st (Final) Session of the Assembly of the League of Nations held at Geneva 8-18 April, 1946, [Paper A.-5 (1946)].


4. Chapter XII of the United Nations Charter sets out in detail the method whereby any particular territory may be brought within the trusteeship system. Article 79 provides that the terms of trusteeship for each territory to be placed under the trusteeship system, including any alteration or amendment, shall be agreed upon by the States directly concerned, including the mandatory Power, in the case of territories held under mandate by a member of the United Nations. Article 85 provides that the General Assembly shall approve the terms of trusteeship" and their alteration or amendment, in the case of areas not designated as strategic. The interpretation of the phrase " States directly concerned " had not at that time (nor has it since) been the subject of agreement, but the Government considered that four States —Australia, France, United Kingdom, and the United States —- were, in any event, directly concerned in the terms of trusteeship for Western Samoa. Accordingly, the draft terms of trusteeship which were drawn up following the conclusion of the first part of the First Session of the General Assembly were transmitted to those States for comment as a first step in meeting the requirements of the United Nations Charter. In transmitting the draft, the Government made it clear that their action in regarding these four States as " directly concerned " in this instance was without prejudice to the ultimate interpretation of the phrase. 5. When comments were received from the other Governments, there followed a period of consultation and negotiation with a view to producing a draft acceptable to all. In considering amendments offered by the States regarded as directly concerned, the Government continued to adhere firmly to the main principles on which the initial draft was based —namely, that their willingness to place Western Samoa under trusteeship was contingent upon the negotiation of terms which would attain the objectives of the Charter, and would best serve the interests of the Samoan people. In addition, in the interests of simplicity, it was considered desirable that the terms should follow closely the form of the League of Nations mandate. 6. Although negotiations were still in progress when the second part of the First Session of the General Assembly opened in October, 1946, the Government decided that, since delay in the conclusion of a certain minimum number of trusteeship agreements would involve delay in the setting-up of the Trusteeship Council and the inauguration of the trusteeship system, the draft terms of trusteeship should be placed before the General Assembly for approval. At the same time, the draft terms were made known to the Samoans in order that they should have an opportunity of discussing them. 7. The draft agreement for Western Samoa was submitted to the Secretary-General of the United Nations on 28 October, 1946, and placed before the General Assembly for consideration and approval.


The Fourth (Trusteeship) Committee of the Assembly examined all draft agreements presented clause by clause, taking the New Zealand draft first. During consideration of the draft agreement for Western Samoa, therefore, many amendments were offered, which, although applying to the New Zealand draft, were directed primarily at other draft agreements. The General Assembly, in plenary meeting, eventually approved the draft agreement for Western Samoa by a vote of 41 in favour, 6 against, and 5 abstentions. In the text now printed, footnotes indicate the alterations, all of a relatively minor nature, which were accepted by the New Zealand delegation for inclusion in the original draft. 3 8. Although the trusteeship agreement for Western Samoa is based upon the terms of the mandate (the text of which is set out in the Annex), there are several important differences. These changes reflect the differences between the trusteeship provisions of the Charter of the United Nations and the provisions of the Covenant of the League of Nations relating to mandates. In the first place, the Charter lays greater stress upon the obligation, undertaken by the administering authority, to promote the political development of the inhabitants of the trust territory. Thus Article 76 of the Charter emphasizes as one of the basic objectives of the* trusteeship system the progressive development of the inhabitants of trust territories " towards selfgovernment or independence as may be appropriate to the particular cir.cumstances of each territory and its peoples, and the freely expressed wishes of the peoples concerned, . . . " This Article is quoted in full in the trusteeship agreement for Western Samoa (Article IV). The second noteworthy difference between the principles of the mandates system and those of trusteeship is dictated by the requirements of world security and introduces a change of great importance. The terms of the mandate precluded the establishment of fortifications or military and naval bases and also banned military training of natives for other than police purposes and the defence of the territory. Article 84 of the Charter, however, imposes upon the administering authority the duty of ensuring that the trust territory shall play its part in the maintenance of international peace and security, and authorizes it to make use of volunteer forces, facilities, and assistance from the trust territory in carrying out its security obligations, as well as for local defence and the maintenance "of local law and order. Article 76 (a) lays down the furtherance of " international peace and security " as a basic objective of the trusteeship system. This change is reflected in Article X of the trusteeship agreement now printed. The third important difference between the mandates and trusteeship systems is in the method of supervision. The Trusteeship Council, upon which New Zealand, as an 3 For a more detailed discussion of the proceedings in the Trusteeship Committee (and sub-committee) and the' General Assembly, see report of the New Zealand delegation on the second part of the First Regular Session of the General Assembly, 13 October-15 December, 1946 [Paper A.-2 (1947)].


administering authority, has a seat, is composed of members of the United Nations, and their individual delegates act as national representatives. Members of the Permanent Mandates Commission, however, were specially selected individuals exercising an independent judgment. The Trusteeship Council, furthermore, has two new powers not provided under the Covenant system. It has the right to " accept petitions and examine them in consultation with the administering authority"—that is to say, petitions need no longer be submitted through the mandatory Power. It also has the right of inspection through " periodic visits to the respective trust territories." TRUSTEESHIP AGREEMENT FOR THE TERRITORY OF WESTERN SAMOA As APPROVED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY AT THE SIXTY-SECOND PLENARY MEETING OF ITS First Session on 13 December, 1946 (Note : Footnotes indicate amendments made to the draft submitted by the New Zealand Government to the General Assembly.) WHEREAS the Territory of Western Samoa has been administered in accordance with Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations and pursuant to a mandate conferred upon His Britannic Majesty to be exercised on his behalf by the Government of New Zealand; [Article 75.] And whereas the Charter of the United Nations'signed at San Francisco on 26 June, 1945, provides for the establishment of an international trusteeship system for the administration and supervision of such territories as may be the subject of trusteeship agreements; [Article 77.] And whereas under the said Charter the international trusteeship system may be applied to territories now held under mandate ; And whereas the Government of New Zealand have indicated their willingness that the said international trusteeship system be applied to Western Samoa; And whereas the said Charter provides further that the terms of trusteeship are to be approved by the United Nations 1 ; 1 In the original draft submitted to the United Nations this clause read as follows : " And whereas the said Charter provides further that the terms of trusteeship are to be agreed upon by the States directly concerned, including the mandatory Power and approved by the General Assembly." It was agreed during the discussion of the phrase " States directly concerned " that the italicized portion should be deleted.


[Article 85.] Now, therefore, the General Assembly of the United Nations hereby resolves to approve the following terms of trusteeship for Western Samoa, in substitution for the terms of the aforesaid mandate 2 : Article I The territory to which this Agreement applies is the territory known as Western Samoa comprising the islands of Upolu, Savai'i, Manono, and Apolima, together with all other islands and rocks adjacent thereto. Article II The Government of New Zealand are hereby designated as the administering authority for Western Samoa. Article 111 The administering authority shall have full powers of administration, legislation and jurisdiction over the territory, subject to the provisions of this agreement, and of the Charter of the United Nations 3 , and may apply to the territory, subject to any modifications which the administering authority may consider desirable, such of the laws of New Zealand as may seem appropriate to local conditions and requirements. Article IV The administering authority undertakes to administer Western Samoa in such a manner as to achieve in that territory the basic objectives of the international trusteeship system, as expressed in Article 76 of the Charter of the United Nations, namely: " (a) To further international peace and security; " (b) To promote the political, economic, social and educational advancement of the inhabitants of the trust territories, and their progressive development towards self-government or independence as may be appropriate to the particular circumstances of each territory and its peoples and the freely expressed wishes of the peoples concerned, and as may be provided by the terms of each trusteeship agreement; "(c) To encourage respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language -or religion, and to encourage recognition of the inter-dependence of the peoples of the world; and "(d) To ensure equal treatment in social, economic, and commercial matters for all members of the United Nations and their nationals, and also equal treatment for the latter in the administration of justice, without prejudice to the attainment of the foregoing objectives and subject to the provisions of Article 80." 2 . The original draft contained the following additional words after " United Nations " in this clause : "in accordance with the terms of the said Charter having satisfied itself that the provisions of Article 79 of the Charter have been complied with." These words were deleted at the same time as those mentioned in footnote ( 1 ). 3 The original Article 111 contained the following words after " agreement " : "as an integral part of New Zealand." This phrase was deleted and replaced by the phrase " and of the Charter of the United Nations."


Article V The administering authority shall promote the development of free 4 political institutions suited to Western Samoa. To this end and as maybe appropriate to the particular circumstances of the territory and its peoples, the administering authority shall assure to the inhabitants of Western Samoa a progressively increasing share in the administrative and other services of the territory, shall develop the participation of the inhabitants of Western Samoa in advisory and legislative bodies and in the government of the territory, and shall take all other appropriate measures with a view to the political advancement of the inhabitants of Western Samoa in accordance with Article 76 (b) of the Charter of the United Nations. Article VI In pursuance of its undertaking to promote the social advancement of the inhabitants of the trust territory, and without in any way limiting its obligations thereunder, the administering authority shall: 1. Prohibit all forms of slavery and slave-trading ; 2. Prohibit all forms of forced or compulsory labour, except for essential public works and services as specifically authorized by the local administration and then only in times of public emergency, with adequate remuneration and adequate protection of the welfare of the workers ; 3. Control the traffic in arms and ammunition ; 4. Control, in the interest of the inhabitants, the manufacture, importation and distribution of intoxicating spirits and beverages ; and 5. Control the production, importation, manufacture, and distribution of opium and narcotic drugs. 5 Article VII The administering authority undertakes to apply in Western Samoa the provisions of any international conventions and recommendations as drawn up by the United Nations or its specialized agencies which are, in the opinion of the administering authority, appropriate to the needs and conditions of the trust territory, and conductive to the achievement of the basic objectives of the international trusteeship system. Article VIII In framing the laws to be applied in Western Samoa, the administering authority shall take into consideration Samoan customs and usages and shall respect the rights and safeguard the interests, both present and future, of the Samoan population. 4 The original draft was changed by the addition of the word "free." 5 Clause 5 is an additional undertaking which was not contained in the draft submitted to the United Nations.


In particular, the laws relating to the holding or transfer of land shall ensure that no native land may be transferred save with the prior consent of the competent public authority and that no right over native land in favour of any person not a Samoan may be created except with the same consent. Article IX The administering authority shall ensure in the territory freedom of conscience and the free exercise of all forms of worship, and shall allow missionaries, nationals of any State member of the United Nations, to enter into, travel and reside in the territory for the purpose of prosecuting their calling. The provisions of this Article shall not, however, affect the right and duty of the administering authority to exercise such control as it may consider necessary for the maintenance of peace, order and good government. Article X The administering authority shall ensure that the trust territory of Western Samoa shall play its part, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, in the maintenance of international peace and security. To this end the administering authority shall be entitled : 1. To establish naval, military and air bases and to erect fortifications in the trust territory ; 2. To station and employ armed forces in the territory; 3. To make use of volunteer forces, facilities and assistance from the trust territory in carrying out the obligations toward the Security Council undertaken in this regard by the administering authority, as well as for local defence and the maintenance of law and order within the trust territory ; 4. To take all such other measures in accordance with the Purposes and Principles of the Charter of the United Nations as are in the opinion of the administering authority necessary to the maintenance of international peace and security and the defence of Western Samoa. Article XI The administering authority shall, as may be appropriate to the circumstances of the trust territory, continue and extend a general system of education, including post-primary education and professional training. Article XII Subject only to the requirements of public order, the administering authority shall guarantee to the inhabitants of the trust territory, freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly and of petition.


Article XIII The administering authority may arrange for the co-operation of Western Samoa in any regional advisory commission, regional technical organization or other voluntary association of states, any specialized international bodies, public or private, or other forms of international activity not inconsistent with the Charter of the United Nations. Article XIV The administering authority shall make to the General Assembly of the United Nations an annual report on the basis of a questionnaire drawn up by the Trusteeship Council in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and shall otherwise collaborate fully with the Trusteeship Council in the discharge of all the Council's functions in accordance with Articles 87 and 88 of the Charter. 6 The administering authority shall arrange to be represented at the sessions of the Trusteeship Council at which the reports of the administering authority with regard to Western Samoa are considered. Article XV The terms of this agreement shall not be altered or amended except as provided in Article 79 of the Charter of the United Nations. Article XVI If any dispute should arise between the administering authority and another member of the United Nations, relating to the interpretation or application of the provisions of this agreement, such dispute, if it cannot be settled by negotiation or similar means, shall be submitted to the International Court of Justice. 6 The words " in accordance with Articles 87 and 88 of the Charter " were added to the text of the original draft.


APPENDIX TO TRUSTEESHIP AGREEMENT FOR WESTERN SAMOA Text of Chapters XII and XIII of the Charter of the United Nations CHAPTER XII.—INTERNATIONAL TRUSTEESHIP SYSTEM Article 75 The United Nations shall establish under its authority an international trusteeship system for the administration and supervision of such territories as may be placed thereunder by subsequent individual agreements. These territories are hereinafter referred to as trust territories. Article 76 The basic objectives of the trusteeship system, in accordance with the Purposes of the United Nations laid down in Article 1 of the present Charter, shall be : {a) To further international peace and security; (b) To promote the political, economic, social, and educational advancement of the inhabitants of the trust territories, and their progressive development towards self-government or independence as may be appropriate to the particular circumstances of each territory and its peoples and the freely expressed wishes of the peoples concerned, and as may be provided by the terms of each trusteeship agreement; (c) To encourage respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion, and to encourage recognition of the interdependence of the peoples of the world ; and (d) To ensure equal treatment in social, economic, and commercial matters for all members of the United Nations and their nationals, and also equal treatment for the latter in the administration of justice, without prejudice to the attainment of the foregoing objectives and subject to the provisions of Article 80. Article 77 1. The trusteeship system shall apply to such territories in the following categories as may be placed thereunder by means of trusteeship agreements : (a) Territories now held under mandate ; (.b) Territories which may be detached from enemy states as a result of the Second World War ; and (c) Territories voluntarily placed under the system by states responsible for their administration. 2. It will be a matter for subsequent agreement as to which territories in the foregoing categories will be brought under the trusteeship system and upon what terms.


Article 78 The trusteeship system shall not apply to territories which have become members of the United Nations, relationship among which shall be based on respect for the principle of sovereign equality. Article 79 The terms of trusteeship for each territory to be placed under the trusteeship system, including any alteration or amendment, shall be agreed upon by the states directly concerned, including the mandatory power in the case of territories held Under mandate by a member of the United Nations, and shall be approved as provided for in Articles 83 and 85. Article 80 1. Except as may be agreed upon in individual trusteeship agreements, made under Articles 77, 79, and 81, placing each territory under the trusteeship system, and until such agreements have been concluded, nothing in this Chapter shall be construed in or of itself to alter in any manner the rights whatsoever of any states or any peoples or the terms of existing international instruments to which Members of the United Nations may respectively be parties. 2. Paragraph 1 of this Article shall not be interpreted as giving grounds for delay or postponement of the negotiation and conclusion of agreements for placing mandated and other territories under the trusteeship system as provided for in Article 77. Article 81 The trusteeship agreement shall in each case include the terms under which the trust territory will be administered and designate the authority which will exercise the administration of the trust territory. Such authority, hereinafter called the administering authority, may be one or more states of the Organization itself. Article 82 There may be designated, in any trusteeship agreement, a strategic area or areas which may include part or all of the trust territory to which the agreement applies, without prejudice to any special agreement or agreements made under Article 43. Article 83 1. All functions of the United Nations relating to strategic areas, including the approval of the terms of the trusteeship agreements and of their alteration or amendment, shall be exercised by the Security Council.


2. The basic objectives set forth in Article 76 shall be applicable to the people of each strategic area. , 3. The' Security Council shall, subject to the provisions of the trusteeship agreements and without prejudice to security considerations, avail itself of the assistance of the Trusteeship Council to perform those functions of the United Nations under the trusteeship system relating to political, economic, social, and educational matters in the strategic areas. Article 84 It shall be the duty of the administering authority to ensure that the trust territory shall play its part in the maintenance of international peace and security. To this end the administering authority may make use of volunteer forces, facilities, and assistance from the trust territory in carrying out the obligations towards the Security Council undertaken in this regard by the administering authority, as well as for local defence and the maintenance of law and order within the trust territory. Article 85 1. The functions of the United Nations with regard to trusteeship agreements for all areas not designated as strategic, including the approval of the terms of the trusteeship agreements and of their alteration or amendment, shall be exercised by the General Assembly. 2. The Trusteeship Council, operating under the authority of the General Assembly, shall assist the General Assembly in carrying out these functions. CHAPTER XIII.—THE TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL Composition Article 86 1. The Trusteeship Council shall consist of the following members of the United Nations : (a) Those members administering trust territories; (b) Such of those members mentioned by name in Article 23 as are not administering trust territories ; and (c) As many other members elected for three-year terms by the General Assembly as may be necessary to ensure that the total number of members of the Trusteeship Council is equally divided between those members of the United Nations which administer trust territories and those which do not. 2. Each member of the Trusteeship Council shall designate one specially qualified person to represent it therein.


Functions and Powers Article 87 The General Assembly, and under its authority, the Trusteeship Council, in carrying out their functions, may: (a) Consider reports submitted by the administering authority ; (b) Accept petitions and examine them in consultation with the administering authority; (c) Provide for periodic visits to the respective trust territories at times agreed upon with the administering authority; and (d) Take these and other actions in conformity with the terms of the trusteeship agreements. Article 88 The Trusteeship Council shall formulate a questionnaire on the political, economic, social, and educational advancement of the inhabiants of each trust territory, and the administering authority for each trust territory within the competence of the General Assembly shall make an annual report to the General Assembly upon the basis of such questionnaire. Voting Article 89 1. Each member of the Trusteeship Council shall have one vote. 2. Decisions of the Trusteeship Council shall be made by a majority of the members present and voting. Procedure Article 90 1. The Trusteeship Council shall adopt its own rules of procedure, including the method of selecting its President. 2. The Trusteeship Council shall meet as required in accordance with its rules, which shall include provision for the convening of meetings on the request of a majority of its members. Article 91 The Trusteeship Council shall, when appropriate, avail itself of the assistance of the Economic and Social Council and of the specialized agencies in regard to matters with which they are respectively concerned.


ANNEX MANDATE FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF GERMAN SAMOA, CONFERRED UPON HIS BRITANNIC MAJESTY FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE DOMINION OF NEW ZEALAND, CONFIRMED AND DEFINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS—GENEVA, 17 DECEMBER, 1920 The Council of the League of Nations : Whereas by Article 119 of the Treaty of Peace with Germany signed at Versailles on the 28th June 1919, Germany renounced in favour of the Principal Allied and Associated Powers all her rights over her overseas possessions, including therein German Samoa; and Whereas the Principal Allied and Associated Powers agreed that, in accordance with Article 22, Part I (Covenant of the League of Nations) of the said Treaty, a mandate should be conferred upon His Britannic Majesty, to be exercised on his behalf by the Government of the Dominion of New Zealand, to administer German Samoa, and have proposed that the mandate should be formulated in the following terms ; and Whereas His Britannic Majesty, for and on behalf of the Government of the Dominion of New Zealand, has agreed to accept the mandate in respect of the said territory, and has undertaken to exercise it on behalf of the League of Nations in accordance with the following provisions; and Whereas, by the aforementioned Article 22, paragraph 8, it is provided that the degree of authority, control or administration to be exercised by the mandatory, not having been previously agreed upon by the members of the League, shall be explicitly defined by the Council of the League of Nations : Confirming the said mandate, defines its terms as follows : Art. 1. The territory over which a mandate is conferred upon His Britannic Majesty for and on behalf of the Government of the Dominion of New Zealand (hereinafter called the mandatory) is the former German Colony of Samoa. 2. The Mandatory shall have full power of administration and legislation over the territory subject to the present mandate as an integral portion of the Dominion of New Zealand, and may apply the laws of the Dominion of New Zealand to the territory, subject to such local modifications as circumstances may require. The mandatory shall promote to the utmost the material and moral well-being and the social progress of the inhabitants of the territory subject to the present mandate. 3. The mandatory shall see that the slave trade is prohibited, and that no forced labour is permitted, except for essential public works and services, and then only for adequate remuneration. The mandatory shall also see that the traffic in arms and ammunition is controlled in accordance with principles analagous to those laid down in the Convention relating to the control of the arms traffic, signed on the 10th September, 1919, or in any Convention amending the same.

The supply of intoxicating spirits and beverages to the natives shall be prohibited. 4. The military training of the natives, otherwise than for purposes of internal police and the local defence of the territory, shall be prohibited. Furthermore, no military or naval bases shall be established or fortification erected in the territory. 5. Subject to the provisions of any local law for the maintenance of public order and public morals, the mandatory shall ensure in the territory freedom of conscience and the free exercise of all forms of worship, and shall allow all missionaries, nationals of any State member of the League of Nations to enter into, travel and reside in the territory for the purpose of prosecuting their calling. 6. The mandatory shall make to the Council of the League of Nations an annual report to the satisfaction of the Council, containing full information with regard to the territory, and indicating the measures taken to carry out the obligations assumed under Articles 2, 3, 4 and 5. 7. The consent of the Council of the League of Nations is required for any modification of the terms of the present mandate. The mandatory agrees that, if any dispute whatever should arise between the mandatory and another member of the League of Nations relating to the interpretation or the application of the provisions of the mandate, such dispute, if it cannot be settled by negotiation, shall be submitted to the Permanent Court of International Justice provided for by Article 14 of the Covenant of the League of Nations. The present declaration shall be deposited in the archives of the League of Nations. Certified copies shall be forwarded by the SecretaryGeneral of the League of Nations to all Powers signatories of the Treaty of Peace with Germany. Made at Geneva, the 17th day of December, 1920. Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (530 copies), £22 10s. By Authority: E. V. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 947. Price, 6d.]

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