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ABORTION— AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL —continued 1.-17, 120, 130. Department : Annual report, H.-29. Farming industry : Man-power, H.-11a, 35, 50. ACCIDENT INSURANCE— Farm training : Ex-servicemen, H.-18, 15, 19, State Fire Insurance Office, H.-6a. 28. Fertilizers, A.-l, 20. ACCIDENTS-#- Food and Agriculture Organization, A.-l ; 8.-6, Air, H.-37, 32. 5 ; H.-29, 77. Factories, H.-11, 2. Fruit: Research, H.-34, 6, 20. Mining and quarry, C.-2, 17, 24, 25, 35 ; C.-2a, Cold storage, H.-34, 17. 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16. Imperial Agricultural Bureaux, H.-34, 108. Railways, D.-2, 29. International Labour Conference, A.-7, 58. Road, H.-40, 5, 27. Linen flax, 8.-l [Pt. ll], 24, 25. State Forest Service, C.-3, 9. Meat freezing and preserving, H.-11a, 52. Plant research, H.-34, 37, 38. ADVERTISING— Primary industry requisites : Standardization, Internal Affairs Department, H.-22, 22. H.-44a, 21. National Broadcasting Service, F.-3, 12. Primary production, 8.-6, 9, 10, 32 ; 8.-13, 6. Tourist and Health Resorts Department, H.-2, Shearers, H.-11, 14. 8. Western Samoa, A.-4, 20. Wheat, A.-l, 5 ; A.-2, 50 ; H.-34, 6 ; H.-44, AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL— 21. Agricultural clubs, E.-2, 7. Women's Land Service, H.-11a, 63, 131. Agricultural colleges : Research work, H.-34, 67. Wool, H.-34, 7, 36. Agricultural loans, 8.-14. Agricultural workers, H.—ll, 14. ATVfiFR F AND OTHFRS Agriculture: Development, 1.17, 49, 95, 113, A ™ G p E^ Butter-box (export) arid cheese-crate pools, C.-3, 43. ALEXANDER TURNBULL LIBRARY— Committee, Select. See under COMMITTEES. H.-22, 23. Cook Islands, A.-3, 12. Dairy industry— ALIENS— Dairy Industry Stabilization Account: Com- T . T m », mission of inquiry to determine whether Immigration, 1.-17, 31. certain costs could be debited, H.-30b. Research, H.-34, 6, 10. ANNUAL HOLIDAYS ACT— Sharemilking, H.-11, 14. H.-11, 17.


APPRENTICES ACT— BANKING AND CURRENCY— H.-11, 11. Allied military currency issued to the New Zealand Forces in Italy, 8.-l [Pt. ll], 28. APPRENTICES AMENDMENT BILL— Bank of New ZealandSelect Committee report on, 1.-9, 1. Report and balance-sheet, 8.-15. Shares, 8.-6, 19. APPROPRIATION ACT, 1945 Currency inflation, 8.-6, 10. Issues compared with sums voted under, 8.-l Exchange rates, 8.-16, 4, 6. [Pt. I], 58. Money supply in New Zealand, 8.-16, 8. Post-office savings-bank, F.-l, 12. ARMS BUREAU — Reserve Bank of New Zealand— H.-16, 4. Report, 8.-16. Statement of advances by, to the Government ARTS AND CRAFTS— by way of overdraft, 8.-l [Pt. I], 72. E.-2, 6. Trading banks, 8.-16, 7. ART UNIONS— BASKETT, F. G., AND ANOTHER— H.-22, 21. Report on petition of, 1.-l, 3. ATOMIC ENERGY— BEYNON, D. G., AND ANOTHER— A.-2, 10, 11, 13. Report on petition of, 1.-5, 3 ; 1.-7, 2. AUCKLAND HARBOUR BOARD LOAN AND BLACK, J EMPOWERING BILL — Report on petition of, 1.—12, 2. Select Committee report on, 1.-16, 5. BOOKMAKING—AUCKLAND HARBOUR BRIDGE— Offences, H.-16, 5, 9. D.-l, 4; D.-6. BOOKS AND PERIODICALSAUCKLAND INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT Pr ™ ag e dut y> R ~ 6 > 37 " H-tf q? AT ° RIES ~ BRADNEY, D. E.— ' Report on petition of, 1.-l, 1. AUCKLAND METROPOLITAN AREA— BRITISH COMMONWEALTH TELECOMMUNICA-Trans-harbour facilities in the area and ap- TIONS SYSTEM proaches thereto: Report of Royal Com- Transfer to public ownership, F.-2. mission, D.-6. BROADCASTINGAUCTIONEERS — Aeradio services, H.-37, 27. H.-22, 5. Cook Islands, A.-3, 3. New Zealand Broadcasting Service: Annual AUDITOR-GENERAL. See CONTROLLER AND report, F.-3. AUDITOR-GENERAL. Niue Island, A.-3, 18. Radar laboratory, H.-34, 95. AUSTRIA Radio industry : Standardization, l5. United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation services, Post aad Telegraph Department, Administration operations in, A.—2a, 11. t» j- \ Z■'i j- • - • . ,• i ... r ' ' Radio technical division, mternational aviation, A.-9, 18. AVERILL, REV. CANON W. W., AND OTHERS- Westerk Samoa, A.-4, 6. Report on petition of, 1.-11, 2. BRYANT, A. E., AND OTHERSAVIATION — Report on petition of, 1.-8, 1. Aeradio services, H.-37, 27. Aerial surveys, State Forest Servioe, C.-3, 18. BUDGET—Aero clubs, H.-37, 26. Financial Statement, 8.-6. Aerodromes : Construction, D.-l, 22. Air Department: Report, H.-37. BUILDING TRADE — Air mails, F.—l, 8. Report, H.—lla, 39. _ Air transport, 8.-l [Pt. ll], 24. Scaffolding and Excavation Act, H.-11, 15. CM U Hs37, e i9° PO!itall D '" 6 ' BUSH WORKERS ACT - Provieional International Civil Aviation Organ- H.-11, 20. ization, Montreal, May-June, 1946 : Report, CANADA MUTUAL AID A -~ 9 - 8.-l [Pt. 111, 28. Cook Islands, A.-3, 12. L J Fuel, motor-spirits, &c„ 8.-l [Pt. ll], 31. CANTEEN BOARD— Nandi Aerodrome, 8.-l [Pt. ll], 35. 8.-l [Pt. ll], 25. New Zealand National Airwavs, 8.-6, 29. Report H.-19a.



CAPITAL LIABILITY— Interest on, 8.-l [Pt. ll], 20. CATHCART, A., AND OTHERS— Report on petition of, 1.-8, 1. CAWTHRON INSTITUTE— H.-34, 61. CHAMBERS, J. B. Report on petition of, 1.-l 2, 1. CHANGE OF NAME— H.-22, 21. CEMENT— Supply, D.-l, 3 ; D.-3, 25. CEMETERIES— H.-31, 5. CENSORSHIP— F.-l, 8. CHILD WELFARE. See under EDUCATION. CHRISTCHURCH CITY EMPOWERING BILL— Select Committee report on, 1.-16, 3. CHRISTCHURCH CITY EMPOWERING BILL (No. 2)— Select Committee report on, 1.-5, 2 ; 1.-16, 4. CHRISTCHURCH DOMAINS BOARD AND CHRISTCHURCH CITY EMPOWERING BILL— Select Committee report on, 1.-5, 2 ; 1.-16, 3. CIDER-MAKING— H.-29, 73. CINEMA. See MOTION-PICTURE INDUSTRY. CIVIL AVIATION. See under AVIATION. COAL. See under MINING INDUSTRY. COLUMBUS LIGHTHOUSE MEMORIAL— A.-2, 52. COMMERCE. See INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE. COMMITTEES, SELECT— Agricultural and Pastoral: Reports on Bills, Petitions, &c., 1.-10. : Reports on petitions, &c., 1.-12. Dominion Population : Report, L-17. Education : Reports on petitions, &c., 1.-8. Labour Bills : Reports on Bills, &c., 1.-9. Lands : Reports on Bills, petitions, &c., 1.-5. Local Bills : Reports on Bills, &c., 1.-16. Maori Affairs : Reports on Bills, petitions, &c., 1.-3. Members' Superannuation : Report, 1.-18. Public Health : Reports on petitions, &c., 1.-7. Public Petitions— Ato L : Reports, 1.-l. M to Z : Reports, 1.-2. Statutes Revision : Reports on Bills, .petitions, &c., 1.-11.

CONSOLIDATED FUND— Budget Statement, 8.-6, 22. CONTROLLER AND AUDITOR-GENERAL— Report, 8.-l [Pt. ll]. COOK ISLANDS— Report, A.-3. COOK ISLANDS AMENDMENT BILL— Parts II and III: Select Committee report, 1.-11, 3. COUNTRY LIBRARY SERVICE— H.-32a, 1. COX, C. D., AND OTHERS— Report on petition of, 1.-l, 2. CREDITS-IN-AID — 8.-l [Pt. ll], 19. CROWN LANDS. See under LANDS. CULTURE— Problem of, 1.-17, 111. CUSTOMS— Cost of collecting Custom 3 and other revenue by the Customs Department, 8.-12. DAIRY INDUSTRY. See under AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL. DEBT— PublicBudget Statement, 8.-6, 18, 20. Management, 8.-16, 4. Outstanding, 8.-l [Pt. I], 72. Repayment, 8.-l [Pt. ll], 15 ; 8.-2. Statement and transactions in connection therewith, 8.-l [Pt. I], 72. DEFENCE— Air Department: Report, H.-37. Army Education and Welfare Services, H.-19, 3. Library, H.-32a, 5. Auckland Harbour bridge: Defence aspects, D.-6, 28. Canteen Board : Report, H.-19a. Committee, Select. See under COMMITTEES. Conscientious objectors and military defaulters, H.-lla, 11, 24, 129. Defence works, 8.-l [Pfc. ll], 31 ; D.-l, 14, 25; D.-3, 6. Demobilization, 8.-6, 6. Demobilization allowances, H.-9, 10. Military Forces : Annual report, H.-19. Military mobilization, H.-lla, 15, 120. Navy : Annual report, H.-5. Ships chartered and purchased for defence purposes, H.-15, 1. Soldiers financial assistance, 8.-13, 2, 22. Stores, 8.-l [Pt. ll], 31. War service gratuities, H.-9, 10 ; H.-19, 8. DELL, G. W., AND OTHERS— Report on petition of, 1.-l, 2.



DILLON, A. T.— Report on petition of, 1.-12, 2. DISABLED SERVICEMEN— H.-18, 5, 31. DISTINGUISHED VISITORS— H.-22, 17. DOMESTIC COMMODITIES— Standardization, H.-44a, 16. DOMESTIC SERVICE—1.—17, 88. DOMINION LABORATORY— H.-34, 77. DOMINION MUSEUM— H.-21, 6. DOMINION OBSERVATORY— H.-34, 90. DOMINION PHYSICAL LABORATORY— H.-34, 91. DOMINION POPULATION COMMITTEE, SELECT. See under COMMITTEES. DOUGLAS, M. 0. R. L. L. Report on petition of, 1.-l, 2. DRUGS— H.-31, 5, 6. DRUNKENNESS— H.-16, 5. DUNEDIN DISTRICT DRAINAGE AND SEWERAGE AMENDMENT BILL— Select Committee report on, 1.—16, 5. DUTCH EVACUEES— Accommodation, H.-27, 4. EARTHQUAKE AND WAR DAMAGE COMMISSION— Report, 8.-11. EARTHQUAKE AND WAR DAMAGE FUNDS—-8.-l [Pt. ll], 17. EAST COAST NATIVE TRUST LANDS. See under NATIVE AFFAIRS. ECONOMIC POLICY—- - Budget Statement, 8.-6, 7. EDUCATION— Administration, 1.—17, 101, 128. Adults, E.-l, 14. Agriculture— Flock House, H.-29, 54. Research, H.-34, 67. Apples-in-schools scheme, H.-31, 28. Army Educational and Welfare Services, H.-19, 3. Biennial inspections, E.-2, 1. Budget Statement, 8.-6, 32.

EDU CATION —continued Buildings, E.-l, 2 ; E.-2, 17. Children of deceased and disabled servicemen, H.-18, 14. Child-welfare, &c., E.-l, 12 ; E.-4. Annual report, E.—L Classes : Size, E.-2, 3. Committee, Select. See under COMMITTEES. Cook Islands, A.-3, 8. Culture, problem of, 1.-17, 111. Educational research, E.-l, 15. Ex-servicemen, H.-18, 14, 27. Finance, E.-l, 3, 29. Forestry, C.-3, 61. Handicapped children, E.-l, 6 ; E.-2, 7. Health, H.-31, 28. Higher (University), E.-l, 13 ; E.-7. Annual report, E.-7. International .Labour Conference report, A.-7,17. Island territories, E.-l, 11; E.-3, 7. Milk-in-schools scheme, H.-31, 27. Minister of: Report, E.-l. Native, E.-l, 10 ; E.-3 ; G.-11, 1. Annual report, E.-3. Navy, H.-5, 22. Niue Island, A.-3, 21. Pre-school, E.-l, 3. Primary and post-primary, E.-l, 4, 7 ; E.-2. Annual report, E.-2. Public Service : Eduoational standard, H.-14, 3. Road safety, H.-40, 7. Royal New Zealand Air Force Educational Services, H.-37, 10. Rural, E.-l, 9. School hostels, E.-2, 17. Schools— Broadcasts for, F.-3, 7. Correspondence, E.-2, 9. District high, E.-2, 8. Hygiene, H.-31, 14. Intermediate, E.-2, 8. Mining, C.-2, 20. Navigation, H.-15, 19. Tables, E.-l, 15-28 ; E.-2, 19-42. Teachers, E.-l, 11 ; E.-2, 2, 13, 17 ; E.-3, 3. Technical, E.-2, 10. United Nations Educational and Scientific Organization, E.-l, 15. Vocational guidance, E.-l, 13. Western Samoa, A.-4, 13. x EDWARDS, J. H.— Report on petition of, 1.-l, 3. ELDER, J. E., AND ANOTHER— Report on petition of, 1.—5, 3 ; 1.-7, 2. ELECTORAL— Electoral Office, H.-22, 20. Representation Commission : Report, H.-46. EMPIRE PREFERENCE— Budget Statement, 8.-6, 5. EMPLOYMENT. See under LABOUR ; also NATIONAL SERVICE. ENEMY PROPERTY EMERGENCY REGULATIONS 1939 8.-9, 4.



ERUERA MIHAKA AND OTHERS— Report on petition of, 1.-3, 11. ERU POU AMD OTHERS— Report on petition of, 1.-3, 8. ESTATES— Administration, &c., 8.-9, 2, 5. ESTIMATES— Main, 8.-7 [Pt. I]. Supplementary, 8.-7 [Pt. ll]. EVACUEES— Dutch, H.-27, 4. EXCHANGE RATES—-8.-16, 4, 6. EXIT PERMITS— H.-22, 21. EXPLOSIVES AND DANGEROUS GOODS— H.-22, 20. EXTERNAL AFFAIRS— Agreement between Canada and New Zealand re income-tax exemption, A.-6. International Labour Conference (Maritime), Seattle, A.-7a. International Labour Conference, Paris, 1945, A.-7 ; H.-11, 21. League of Nations : Report, A.-5. Lend-lease, A.-8 ; 8.-l [Pt. ll], 27, 28 ; 8.-6,17. Maritime Preparatory Technical Conference, Copenhagen, 1945, H.-11, 23. United Nations First Regular Session (First Part), London, January, 1946, A.-2. United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization, Washington, May, 1946, A.-l ; H.-29, 77. United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, Geneva, August, 1946, A.-2a. FACTORIES. See under LABOUR. FACTORIES BILL— Select Committee report on, 1.-9, 2. FAIR RENTS ACT— H.-11, 15. FINANCE— Agreement between Canada and New Zealand re income-tax exemption, A.-6. Agriculture Department, H.-29, 6, 17. "Army, H.-19, 9. Bank of New Zealand, 8.-15. Budget, 8.-6. Canteen Board, H.-19a. Cook Islands, A.-3, 4. Cost of collecting Customs, 8.-12. Dairy industry : Costs, H.-30b. Earthquake and War Damage Commission, 8.-11. Economic and financial questions, United Nations Assembly, A.-2, 19. Education, E.-l, 3, 29. Estimates, 8.-7 [Pt. I]; 8.-7 [Pt. ll].

FINANCE —continued Financial implications of a changing population, 1.-17, 107, 129. Fire brigades, H.-12, 8, 11. Friendly societies and trade-unions, H>l, 3. General Assembly Library, H.-32, 4. Government Insurance Department, H.-8. Industries and Commerce Department, H.-44, 6, 33. Invercargill Licensing Trust, H.-24, 2, 3. Labour Department, H.-11, 23, 24. Lands — Drainage— Hauraki Plains, C.-8, 3. Rangitaiki, C.-11, 3. Swamp, C.-4, 2. Kauri-gum, C.-12, 1. Land for Settlements Act, 1925, C.-5, 1. Public Domains and National Parks, C.-10, 2. League of Nations, A.-5, 8, 18. Local Government Loans Board, 8.-17. Marketing, Internal — For year ended 31st March, 1945, H.—3oa, 26. For year ended 31st March, 1946, H.-30a, 24. Mental hospitals, H.-7, 23. Mining, C.-2, 1, 21 ; C.-2a, 23, 27. Ministry of Works, D.-3, 22, 26, 31. National Art Gallery and Dominion Museum, H.-21, 10. National Broadcasting Service, F.-3, 13. National Library Service, H.-32a, 8. National Patriotic Fund, H.-22, 14 ; H.-22a. National Provident Fund, H.-17. Native Affairs — Department, G.-9, 4, 13. Development and settlement of Native lands and provision of houses, G.-10, 2, 7, 29, 38, 41, 47, 52, 57. Maori Purposes Fund Board, G.-11, 2. Niue Island, A.-3, 18. Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks, H.-10, 3. Police Force, H.-16, 6, 12. Post and Telegraph, F.-l, 2, 16. Prisons Department, H.-20, 5. Public Accounts — Balance-sheets and statements of accounts, 8.-l [Pt. IV]. Controller and Auditor-General's report, 8.-l [Pt. ll], Public Accounts, with supplementary statements, including the public debt and transactions, 8.-l [Pt. I]. Public debt, repayment, 8.-l [Pt. ll], 15 ; 8.-2. Public securities held in the Dominion or elsewhere, 8.-10. Public Trust Office, 8.-9 ; 8.-9 a. Public works, D.-l, 5, 15, 37. Railways, D.-2, 1, 2, 5, 8, 14; D.-5. Rehabilitation Board, H.-18, 4, 13, 17, 29, 30. Reserve Bank of New Zealand, 8.-16. Rural Intermediate Credit Board, 8.-14. Scientific and Industrial Research, H.-34, 4. Social security, H.-9, 4, 9 ; H.-9a ; H.-31, 24. State Advances Corporation of New Zealand, 8.-13. State Fire Insurance Office, H.-6. Accident Insurance Branch, H.—6a. State Forest Service, C.-3, 7, 41, 53. State Hydro-electricity, D.-4, 2. Superannuation, D.-5 ; 1.-18.



FINANCE —continu ed Tourist and Health Resorts Department, H.-2, 8. Transport, H.-40, 4, 19, 25. War Assets Realization Board, H.-27, 2, 7, 8. Waterfront Control Commission, H.-15, 4, 5, 8, 42, 56, 78. Western Samoa, A.-4, 8, 28. FIRE BRIGADES OF THE DOMINION— Report, H^-12. FIRES Forests, C.-3, 15 ; C.-6, 2 ; H.-12, 3, 5. FISHING INDUSTRY. See under MARINE. FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION— H.-29, 77. Budget Statement, 8.-6, 5. Report of New Zealand representative on special meeting, Washington, May, 1946, A.-l. FOODSTUFFS-Food-for-Britain campaign, F.—l, 7, 10. Grading, H.-44a, 20. Rationing, H.-44, 30. Research, H.-34, 17. Rice, A.-l, 19, 24, 30; A.-2, 50. Shortage : Great Britain, 8.-6, 11. FOOTWEAR— Research, H.-34, 7, 31. Standardization, H.-44a, 17. FORESTRY— Fires in forests, H.—l2, 3, 5. Sawmilling, H.-11a, 37 ; 1.-17, 65, 128. State Forest Service : Report, C.-3. Timber : Preservation and protection, 8.-13, 9. FRIENDLY SOCIETIES AND TRADE-UNIONS— Annual report, H.-l. FURNITURE— Standardization, H.-44a, 20. FYFE, E., AND OTHERS— Report on petition of, 1.-5, 3 ; 1.-7, 2. GAMING— Bookmaking offences, H.-16, 5. GAS INDUSTRY— Standardization, H.-44a, 7. GENERAL ASSEMBLY LIBRARY— Report, H.-32. GOLD— Recovery of, from R.m.s. " Niagara," H.-15, 9. GOLD AND SILVER MINING— C.-2, 2, 24. GOVERNMENT INSURANCE COMMISSIONER— Report, H.-8. HALL, R. A.— Report on petition of, 1.-l, 1.

HAMI T. PUIiIKI, AND OTHERS— Report on petition of, 1.-3, 13. HAMMOND, W. S.— Report on petition of, 1.-l, 2. HANAN, A. E. S., AND OTHERS— Report on petition of, 1.-5, 2 ; 1.-7, 2. HANSARD— Staff: Appreciation, 1.-12, 2. HARBOURS. See under MARINE. HAURAKI PLAINS— Drainage operations : Report, C.-8. HAWKEY, W. G., AND ANOTHER— Report on petition of, 1.-5, 3; 1.-7, 2. HAWKINS, A. AND E. P.— Report on petition of, 1.-l, 3. HEALTH— Abortion, 1.-17, 120, 130. Contraceptives, use of, 1.-l 7, 124, 130. Committee, Select. See under COMMITTEES. Cook Islands, A.-3, 6. Dental hygiene, H.-31, 26. treatment, H.-31, 27. Department: Annual report, H.-31. Ex-servicemen : Medical treatment, H.-9, 6. Health and safety in employment, A.-7, 16, 24, 42. Health benefits, H.-31, 22. Hearing-aids : Standardization, H.—44a, 6. Hospitals— Library service, H.-32a, 6. Man-power, H.-lla, 48. Mental — Children in, E.-4, 15. Report, H.-7. Rating, 8.-6, 30. Industrial hygiene, H.-31, 27. Military Forces, H.-19, 4. Niue Island, A.-3, 20. Nurses, H.-7, 3 ; H.-31, 16, 21. Prisoners, H.-20, 5. School hygiene, H.-31, 14. Seafarers : Medical examination, A.-7a, 4, 18. Tuberculosis, H.-31, 18. United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration'report, A.-2a, 6. Vital Statistics, H.-31, 1. Western Samoa, A.-4, 17. HEALTH RESORTS— Report, H.-2. HEKENUI WHAKAREKE, TE, AND OTHERS— Report and recommendation on petition of, G.-6; 1.-3, 12. HIRIA AHURIRI AND OTHERS— Report on petition of, 1.-3, 6. HIRINI TAIWHANGA HEREMAIA AND OTHERS— Report on petition of, 1.-3, 14.



HIRINI TE WAIARIKI METE AND OTHERS— Report on petition of, 1.-3, 14. HIRSCHBERG, G. A.— Report on petition of, 1.-3, 5. HOANI MEIHANA AND OTHERS— Report on petition of, 1.-3, 16. HOHEPA WI NEERA AND OTHERS— Report on petition of, 1.-3, 15. HOME AID SERVICE— H.-11a, 13, 111, 115; 1.-17, 88. hone McMillan and others— Report on petition of, 1.-3, 15. HOONE P. H. TUKARIRI— Report on petition of, 1.-3, 14. HOSPITALS. See under HEALTH. HOTELXEEPERS— Prosecutions against, H.-16, 5. HOUSING— A.-7, 58 ; 8.-13, 8, 14, 48 ; 8.-15, 4 ; C.-2, 21; D.-l, 10, 23, 50; D.-3, 12, 14; G.-10; H.-11, 15; H.-14, 9; H.-18, 10, 18, 20, 30; H.-27, 3 ; H.-34, 7, 8 ; H.-44a, 10 ; 1.-3, 8 ; 1.—17, 103, 118, 129. HUGHES, E. K., AND OTHERS— Report on petition of, 1.-l, 4. HYDRO-ELECTRICITY— D.-l, 9, 18, 31 ; D.-3, 13. State Hydro-electric Department: Report, D.-4. IMMIGRATION— H.-11a, 115; 1.-17, 23, 31, 116. IMPERIAL AGRICULTURAL BUREAUX— H.-34, 108. IMPORT LICENSING—-8.-6, 11, 12. INCOME— Private : Aggregate, 8.-6, 9. INDUSTRIAL CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION ACT—-"H.-11, 6 ; H.-lla, 6. INDUSTRIAL STRIFE. See under LABOUR. INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE— Absenteeism, H.-l la, 3, 144. Auckland Industrial Development Laboratories, H.-34, 98. Bureaux of Industry, H.-44, 17. Clothing and Woollen manufacture, H.-ll A, 46. - Commercial road transport, H.-40, 13. Cook Islands, A.-3, 4, 13. Department: Annual report, H.-44.

INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE —continued Empire preference : Budget Statement, 8.-6, 5. Ex-servicemen : Trade training, H.-18, 8, 24, 31. Food and Rationing Controller, H.-44, 30. Import licensing, 8.-6, 11, 12. Industrial associations and unions, H.-11, 9, 25, ■ 26, 27, 35. Industrial Emergency Council, H.-11, 17. Industrial hygiene, H.-31, 27. Industrial man-power, H.-ll a. Industrial mobilization, H.-l la, 30. Industrial psychology, H.-34, 26. Industrial strife, H.-11, 10. Industrial, technical, and commercial library service, H.-32a, 7. Industry : Decentralization, H.-44, 12. International trade, H.-44, 13. Licensing, H.-44, 18. Linen flax, H.-44, 23. Manufacturers' Research Committee, H.-34, 34. Ministry of Supply, H.-44, 28, 35. Motion-picture industry, H.-44, 25. National Commercial Broadcasting Service, F.-3, 11. Niue Island, A.-3, 19. Secondary industries, 8.-6, 32; 1.-17, 67, 97, 114, 128. Standards Council: Report, H.-44a. Technical education, E.-2, 10. Timber trade, C.-3, 29. Tobacco, H.-34, 6, 54 ; H.-44, 24. Western Samoa, A.-4, 11, 27. Wheat, flour, and bread, H.-44, 21. Wheat research, H.-34, 6. INSURANCE — Government insurance, H.-8. State Fire Insurance Office, H.-6. Accident Insurance Branch, H.-6a. INTEREST— Collection, 8.-9, 5. RatesCapital liability, 8.-l [Pt. ll], 20. Mortgages, 8.-6, 9. State Advances Corporation, 8.-13, 9. INTERNAL AFFAIRS— Advertising Office, H.-22, 22. Alexander Turnbull Library, H.-22, 23. Change of name, H.-22, 21. Cinematograph theatres, H.-22; 16. Constitutional questions, H.-22; 1. Department: Annual report, H.-22. Distinguished visitors, H.-22, 17. Electoral Office, H.-22, 20. Explosives and dangerous goods, H.-22, 20. Historical Branch, H.-22, 19. Land-agents and auctioneers, H.-22, 5. Local government, H.-22, 1. National Patriotic Fund Board— Report for year ended 30th September, 1944, H.-22a. Report for year ended 31st March, 1945, H.-22a. Naturalization, H.-22, 22. Passports and exit permits, H.-22, 21. Patriotic purposes, H.-22, 14. Physical welfare and recreation, H.-22, 5.



INTERNAL AFFAIRS —continued Racing, H.-22, 22. Raffles and art-unions, H.-22, 21. War funds, 1914-18, H.-22, 22. War graves, H.-22, 19. War History Branch, H.-22; 18. Wild life, H.-22, 7. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS— A.-2, 40; A.-6. INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION. See under AVIATION. INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION—-8.-6, 4. INTERNATIONAL LABOUR CONFERENCE (MARITIME), SEATTLE— Report, A.-7a. INTERNATIONAL LABOUR CONFERENCE, PARIS, 1945 Report, A.-7. INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE— League of Nations : Report, A.-5, 16. INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANIZATION— H.-11, 21. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS — Western Samoa, A.-4, 3. INTERNATIONAL STANDARDIZATION— H.-44a, 23. INVERCARGILL LICENSING TRUST— H.-38, 242. Report, H.-24. IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY— Steel: Supply, D.-l, 3 ; D.-3, 25. IRRIGATION. See under PUBLIC WORKS. ISLAND TERRITORIES— Cook Islands : Report, A.-3. Education, E.-l, 11 ; E.-3, 7. Nursing Service, H.—3l, 18. Western Samoa : Report, A.-4. JACKSON, W. L Report on petition of, 1.-l, 3. JEFFERIES, J.— Report on petition of, 1.-2, 2. JOHNSTONE, R. M.— ' Report on petition of, 1.-l, 4. JUSTICE AND PRISONS— Children's Courts, E.-4, 10, 15. Cook Islands, A.-3, 10, 13. Criminal registration and statistics, H.-l 6, 3, 35, 7. Drunkenness, H.-16, 5. Gaming offences, H.-16, 5, 9. International Court of Justice, League of Nations, A.-5, 3.

JUSTICE AND PRlSONS—continued Legal questions, United Nations Organization, A.-2, 37. Niue Island, A.-3, 21. Offenders' probation, H.-20b. Prisons Board : Report, H.-20a. Prisons Department: Report, H.-20. Prosecutions—• Bookmakers, H.-16, 5, 9. Drunkenness, H.-16, 5. Hotelkeepers, H.-16, 5. Marine Department, H.-15, 21. Motor-vehicles Act, H.-16, 6, 10. National Service Department, H.-11a, 34. Sly-grog selling, H.-16, 5. Traffic offences, H.-40, 9, 31. War criminals, A.-2, 18. Nuremberg trial, A.-2, 52. Western Samoa, A.-4, 11, 12. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE AMENDMENT BILL— Select Committee report on, I.—ll, 2. KAIWHARE KEREONA— Report on petition of, 1.-3, 4. KAURI INDUSTRY— Report, C.-12. KOHERE, R. T., AND OTHERS— Report on petition of, 1.—3, 5. KOREA— United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration operations in, A.-2a, 12. KURA RAUMOA (DECEASED)— Estate of: Select Committee report, 1.-3, 16. LABOUR (see also NATIONAL SERVICE DEPARTMENT) —- Agricultural workers, H.-11, 14. Annual holidays, H.-11, 17. Apprentices, H.-11, 11. Bush workers, H.-11, 20. Department— Annual report, H.-11. Expenditure, H.-11, 23, 24. Factories, H.-11, 1, 2. Fair rents, H.-11, 15. Home Aid Service, H.-11a, 13, 111, 115; 1.-17, 88. Industrial - associations and unions, H.-l, 3; H.-11, 25, 26, 27, 35. Industrial conciliation and arbitration, H.-11, 6. Industrial Emergency Council, H.-11, 17. Industrial strife, H.-45, 5. International Labour Conference— Paris, A.-7. Seattle, A.-7a. International Labour Office, League of Nations, A.-5, 16. International Labour Organization, H.-11, 21. Labour disputes investigation, H.-11, 11. Occupational re-establishment, H.-11, 17. Recruitment, H.-34, 28. Scaffolding and excavation, H.-11, 15. Servants' registry offices, H.-11, 15. Share-milking agreements, H.-11, 14. Shearers, H.-11, 14.



LABOUR —continued Shops and offices, H.-11, 5. Wages, H.-11, 13. Waterfront Control Commission : Report, H.-45. Weights and measures, H.-11, 19. Western Samoa, A.-4, 13. Workers' compensation, 8.-9, 4 ; H.-11, 13. World Federation of Trade Unions : Representation at United Nations Sessions, A.-2, 14. LABOUR BILLS COMMITTEE, SELECT. See under COMMITTEES. LAING, G.— Report on petition of, 1.-12, 2. LAND-AGENTS— H.-22, 5. LAND AND INCOME TAX DEPARTMENT— Agreement between Canada and New Zealand re reciprocal exemption from income-tax on profits, &c., arising through an agency, A.-6. Social Security Act, 1938: Administration, H.-9a. LANDS— Alienation, &c., A.-7, 39, 50, 66. Committee, Select. See under COMMITTEES. Drainage— Hauraki Plains, C.-8. Rangitaiki, C.—ll. Swamp, C.-4. Improvement, D.-l, 13, 23. Irrigation and water-supply, D.-l, 13, 20, 21 ; H.-29, 54. Kauri-gum industry, C.-12. Native, G.-9, 11, 14, 15 ; G.-10. Noxious weeds, H.-29, 21. Nassella tussock, H.-29, 53. Public domains and national parks, C.-10. Scenery preservation : Report, C.-6. Settlement — Crown : Report, C.-l. Land for Settlements Act, 1925 : Report, C.-5. Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 8.-9, 4 ; C.-l, 2, 5 ; H.-18, 18, 28. Soil conservation and rivers control, C.-3, 6; D.-l, 11, 41 ; H.-34, 5. Soil research, H.-29, 48 ; H.-34, 103. Surveys : Report, C—la. Western Samoa, A.-4, 6, 19. Women's Land Service, H.-11a, 63, 131. LAND SUBDIVISION IN COUNTIES BILL— Select Committee report on, 1.-16, 5. LEAGUE OF NATIONS— A.-2, 42. Final session : Report, A.-5. LEATHER— Research, H.-34, 7, 31. LECKIE, J. T., AND ANOTHER— Report on petition of, 1.-5, 3 ; 1.-7, 2.

LEND-LEASE—-8.-l [Pt. ll], 27, 28 ; 8.-6, 17. Agreement between New Zealand and United States of America, A.-8. LIBRARIES — Alexander Turnbull, H.-22, 23. Country Library Service, E.-2, 6 ; H.-32a, 1. General Assembly, H.-32. National Library Service, H.-32a. State Forest Service, C.-3, 42. LICENSING— Invercargill Licensing Trust, H.-24 ; H.-38, 242. Licensing Act, offences under, H.-16, 9. Report of Royal Commission, H.-38. LIGHTHOUSES. See under MARINE. LINEN FLAX. See under AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL. LIQUOR AND DRUGS— Western Samoa, A.-4, 15. LOANS— Agriculture, 8.-13, 7. Guaranteed by the Government, 8.-l [Pt. I], 79. Local Government Loans Board, 8.-17. National Development, 8.-6, 28. Rehabilitation, 8.-13, 2, 3, 4, 5; H.-18, 4, 6, 17, 18, 23, 29, 30. Rural Intermediate Credit Board, 8.-14. State Advances Corporation of New Zealand, 8.-13, 7. United Kingdom and United States of America, 8.-6, 5. 1945 Victory, 8.-6, 14 ; 8.-IG, 4. LOCAL AUTHORITIES— H.-22, 1 ; 8.-l [Pt. ll], 26. LOCAL BILLS COMMITTEE. See under SELECT COMMITTEES. LOCAL ELECTIONS AND POLLS AMENDMENT BILL— Select Committee report on, 1.-16, 7. LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION BILL— Select Committee report on, 1.—16, 6, 7. LQCAL GOVERNMENT LOANS BOARD— Review of operations, 8.-17. LOCAL LEGISLATION BILL— Select Committee report on, 1.-16, 7. LOCKIE, C. D., AND OTHERS— Report on petition of, 1.-l, 2. LOU W. PARORE, AND OTHERS— Report on petition of, 1.-3, 14. LYMBURN, M. M.— Report on petition of, 1.-l, 3. LYTTELTON BOROUGH COUNCIL EMPOWERING BILL— Select Committee report on, 1,-16, 3.



McDOUGALL, J. J. P.— Report on petition of, 1.-2, 1. MAGNETIC OBSERVATORY, CHRISTCHURCH— H.-34, 107. MAHU OTENE AND OTHERS— Report on petition of, 1.-3, 11. MAKEA NUI TAKAU ARIKI AND OTHERS— Report on petition of, 1.-11, 3. MANAV/ATU-OROUA RIVER DISTRICT ABOLITION BILL— Select Committee report on, 1.—16, 4, 5. MANDATES— A.-5, 5. MAN-POWER— C.-3, 30 ; D.-l, 3; D.-3, 23 ; H.-11a; H.-14, 2. MAORI AFFAIRS. See NATIVE AFFAIRS. MAORI AFFAIRS COMMITTEE, SELECT. See under COMMITTEES. MARINE— Department: Annual report, H.-15. Fishing industry, A.-l, 19, 28; A.-7a, 7; H.-15, 29, 44 ; 1.-17, 66. Harbours, D.-l, 11, 22; D.-6 ; H.-15, 21. Trans-harbour facilities, Auckland metropolitan area, D.-6. Lighthouses and beacons, D.-l, 11, 22; D.-6; H.-15, 11, 17. Marine engineers, H.-15, 24. Post-war activities, H.-15, 17. Seamen, A.-7a ; H.-11, 23; H.-11a, 42; H.-15, 16, 21. Shipping— Assistance to, by Ministry of Supply, H.-44,10. S.s. " Baltannic " and " Baltraffic," H.-15, 13. Cook Islands, A.-3, 11, 13. G.s.s. " Matai," H.-15, 17. S.s. " Maunganui," H.-15, 15. New Zealand ships lost by enemy action, H.-15, 13. R.m.s. " Niagara," recovery of gold from, H.-15, 9. Niue Island, A.-3, 23. S.s. " Pamir," 8.-l [Pt. ll], 36, H.-15, 16. Radio services, F.-l, 15. Registration, H.-15, 21. Ship-building and ship repairs, C.-3, 35; H.-IIA, 54; H.-15, 1. Vessels chartered and purchased for defence purposes, H.-15, 1. Shipping and Seamen Act, offences under, H.—l6, 9. Waterfront Control Commission : Report, H.-45. MARKETING— Accounts, 8.-l [Pt. ll], 23. Internal— Annual reports for year ended 31st March, 1945, and 1946, H.-30a. Apples and pears, 1945, H.-30a, 12; 1946, H.-30A, 10. Barley, 1946, H.-30a, 9.

MARKETING— continued Internal —continued Bobby-calf pool, 1945, H.-30a, 21 ; 1946, H.-30a, 5. Branch reports, 1945, H.-30a, 24; 1946, H.-30a, 23. Butter section, 1945, H.-30a, 2. Dairy-produce, 1946, H.-30a, 2. Dry butterfat, 1945, H.-30a, 21. Eggs, 1945, H.~30a, 4 ; 1946, H.-30a, 5. Fertilizers, 1945, H.-30a, 20 ; 1946, H.-30a, 10. Finance, 1945, H.-30a, 26 ; 1946, H.-30a, 24. Honey, 1945, H.-30a, 17 ; 1946, H.-30a, 15. Hops, 1945, H.-30a, 20 ; 1946, H.-30a, 9. Imported fruits, 1945, H.-30a, 7; 1946, H.-30a, 19. Maize, 1945, H.-30a, 20 ; 1946, H.-30a, 9. Molasses, 1945, 21 ; 1946, H.-30a, 10. Onions, 1945, H.-30a, 19 ; 1946, H.-30a, 8. Potatoes, 1945, H.-30a, 19 ; 1946, H.-30a, 7. Raspberries, 1945, H.-30a, 20 ; 1946, H.-30a, 10. Vegetables, 1945, H.-30a, 22 ; 1946, H.-30a, 16. MARRIAGE AMENDMENT BILL— Select Committee report on, 1.-11, 2. MATE WHAREHUIA AND OTHERS— Report on petition of, 1.-3, 7. MEMBERS' SUPERANNUATION COMMITTEE. See under COMMITTEES. MEMORANDUM OF SECURITY—-8.-6, 15. MEREANA MOKAU AND OTHERS— Report on petition of, 1.-3, 8. METEOROLOGICAL— A.-3, 12, 23 ; A.r4, 26 ; H.-34, 90, 108 ; H.-37, 35. MIGRATION—1.—17, 13. MILITARY FORCES. See under DEFENCE. MILK— Milk-in-schools scheme, H.-31, 27. Supervision of supplies, &c., H.-31, 5. MINE HAN, R. M., AND ANOTHER - Report on petition of, 1.-5, 3 ; 1.-7, 2. MINERAL PRODUCTION. See under MINING INDUSTRY. MINING INDUSTRY— Annual statement, C.-2. Coal, 8.-6, 32; C.-2, 10; D.-l, 11, 22; D.-2, 2, 10; H.-IIA, 41 ; 1.-17, 63, 127. State coal-mines : Report, C.-2a. Gold, A.-6, 37 ; 1.-17, 64. MINISTRY OF SUPPLY—-8.-l [Pt. ll], 30; H.-44, 26, 35 H.-44a, 4.



MINISTRY OF WORKS— Administration, D.-3, 28. Annual report, D.-3. Bridges : Auckland Harbour, D.—6. Defence works, D.-3, 4, 6. Housing, D.-3, 12. Hydro-electricity, D.-l, 9, 18, 31 ; D.-3, 13; D.-4. Main highways, 8.-6, 28 ; D.-3, 13. Maps (at end of report), D.—3. Planning, 8.-6, 28 ; D.-3, 33. Post-war period, D.-3, 12. Public buildings, D.-3, 13. War period, D.-3, 4. MOORE, A. E., AND OTHERS— Report on petition of, I.—lo, 2. MOTION-PICTURE INDUSTRY— H.-22, 16 ; H.-44, 25. MURRELL, J.— Report on petition of, 1.-2, 2. MUSIC— E.-2, 6, 12 ; F.-3, 5, 6 ; H.-34, 27. NAPIER BOROUGH (MAREWA AREA) EMPOWERING BILL— Select Committee report on, 1.—16, 6. NAPIER HARBOUR BOARD LOAN BILL— Select Committee report on, 1.—16, 6. NATIONAL ART GALLERY AND DOMINION MUSEUM— Report, H.-21. NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT— Programme, 8.-6, 28. NATIONAL LIBRARY SERVICE— Annual report, H.-32a. Country Library Service, H.-32a, 1. Library School, H.-32a, 9. National Library Centre, H.-32a, 10. NATIONAL PATRIOTIC FUND—-8.-l [Pt. ll], 25 ; H.-22, 14. Board — Report for year ended 30th September, 1944, H.-22A. Report for year ended 31st March, 1945, H.-22a. NATIONAL PROVIDENT FUND— Report, H.-17. NATIONAL SAVINGS—-8.-6, 17 ; F.-l, 7. NATIONAL SERVICE DEPARTMENT (see also LABOUR)— Annual report, H.-11a. Employment levels, H.-11a, 67. Ex-servicemen : Employment, H.-18, 8. Home Aid Service, H.-11a, 13, 111, 115; 1.-17, 88. Industrial mobilization, H.-11a, 30. Military mobilization, H.-11a, 15.

NATIVE AFFAIRS— Department: Report, G.-9. Education, E.-l, 10 ; E.-3. Finance, G.-9, 4, 13. Housing, G.-10 ; 1.-3, 8. Lands — Development and settlement, and provision of houses, G.-10. East Coast Native Trust, G.-10, 48. Land Court business, G.—9, 14. Land purchase operations, G.-9, 15. Rates, C.-11, 3 ; G.-9, 11. Maori Affairs Committee, Select. See under COMMITTEES. Maori war effort, H.-11a, 62. Native interpreters, G.-9, 5. Native Trustee, G.-9, 5. Rehabilitation, G.-10, 7, 41 ; H.-18, 10, 19, 20 32. Te Hekenui Whakarake and others : Report and recommendation on petition, G.-6 ; 1.-3, 12. Vienna Museum relics, 1.—3, 7, 9. NATIVE PURPOSES BILL— Select Committee report on, 1.-3, 16. NATURALIZATION— H.-22, 22. NELSON CITY EMPOWERING BILL— Select Committee report on, 1.-16, 2. NEW ZEALAND BROADCASTING SERVICE— Report, F.-3. NEW ZEALAND NATIONAL AIRWAYS—-8.-6, 29. NGAITAHU TRUST BOARD BILL— Select Committee report on, 1.—3, 15. NIUE ISLAND— A.-3, 17. NUREMBERG TRIAL— A.-2, 52. OFFENDERS' PROBATION— Report, H.-20b. OLIVER, A. A.— Report on petition of, 1.-2, 1. PANETA MANIAPOTO OTENE AND OTHERS— Report on petition of, 1.-3, 7, 9. PANIKENA KAA— Report on petition of, 1.-3, 4, 5, 6. PARLIAMENT— Broadcasting, F.-3, 6. Expenditure : Control, 8.-l [Pt. ll], 18. Members' superannuation, 1.-18. PARORE, LOU W., AND OTHERS— Report on petition of, 1.-3, 14. PASSPORTS— H.-22, 21.



PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE-MARKS— Report, H.-10. PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE-MARKS AMENDMENT BILL— Select Committee report on, 1.-11, 2, 7. PENICILLIN— H.-31, 5. PETERS, P. C.— Report on petition of, 1.-2, 2. PETROL— Aviation fuel, motor-spirit, &c., 8.-l [Pt. ll], 31. Consumption, H.-40, 2. Oil fuel for locomotives, D.-2, 2. Production, &c., C.-2, 3. PHYSICAL WELFARE AND RECREATION— E.-2, 5 ; H.-22, 5. . POHUE, TE Report on petition of, 1.-3, 11. POLICEAnnual report, H.-16. Arms Bureau, H.-16, 4. Buildings, H.-16, 2. Cook Islands, A.-3, 10. Criminal Registration Branch, H.-16, 3. Criminal statistics, H.-16, 5, 7. Gaming offences, H.-16, 5. Growth of Department, H.—l6, 6. Hotelkeepers, prosecutions against, H.-16, 5. Motor-vehicles Act, prosecutions under, H.-16, 6. Proportion of police to population, H.-16, 12. Sly-grog selling, H.-16, 5. Strength, H.-16, 11. Transport, H.-16, 3. Western Samoa, A.-4, 12. Work for other Departments, H.-16, 5. POPULATION— Cook Islands, A.-3, 8. Dominion Population Committee : Report, 1.-17. Increase, &c., H.-11a, 115. Niue Island, A.-3, 22. Racial and allegiance structure, 1.—17, 19. Western Samoa, A.-4, 2, 12, 20. POST AND TELEGRAPH— Airmails, international, A.-9, 12. British Commonwealth telecommunications system, F.—2. Cook Islands, A.-3, 3. Department: Report, F.-l. Niue Island, A.-3, 18. Post and Telegraph Act, offences under, H.-16, 9. Western Samoa, A.-4, 6. PRESS— International Press Conference, A.-2, 52. Proceedings of Select Committee open to press, 1.-12,2; 1.-17, ii.

PRICES— General level increase, 8.-6, 10. Price policy, Food and Agriculture Organization, A.-l, 32. Primary production, 8.-6, 11. Stabilization, 8.-6, 10 ; H.-44, 26. Timber, C.-3, 49. PRIMARY PRODUCTION. See under AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL. PRISONS. See JUSTICE AND PRISONS. PUBLIC ACCOUNTS— Balance-sheets and statements of accounts, 8.-l [Pt. IV]. Controller and Auditor-General's report, 8.-l [Pt. ll], Public accounts, with supplementary statements, including the public debt and transactions, 8.-l [Pt. I]. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. See under PUBLIC WORKS. PUBLIC DEBT. See DEBT. PUBLIC DOMAINS AND NATIONAL PARKS— Report, C.-10. PUBLIC HEALTH COMMITTEE, SELECT. See under COMMITTEES. PUBLIC PETITIONS. See under COMMITTEES. PUBLIC SECURITIES— Held in the Dominion or elsewhere, 8.-10. PUBLIC SERVICE— Commissioner : Report, H.-14. Entrance examination, E.-2, 15. Hostels, H.-Ha, 13. Housing, H.-14, 10. Regrading, 8.-6, 31 ; H.-14, 8. Superannuation, H.—l4, 9. PUBLIC TRUST OFFICE— Accounts, B.—9a. Report, 8.-9. PUBLIC WORKS (see also MINISTRY OF WORKS)— Aerodromes, D.-l, 22. Annual statement, D.-l. Bridges : Auckland Harbour, D.-l, 4 ; D.-6. Cement: Supply, D.-l, 3. Coal production, D.-l ? 11, 22. Cook Islands, A.-3, 13. Defence works, D.-l, 14, 25. Department: Reorganization, D.-3, 28. Finance, 8.-l [Pt. ll], 20; D.-l, 5, 15, 37. Housing, D.-l, 10, 23, 50. Hydro electricity, D.-l, 9, 18, 31. State Hydro-electric Department: Report, D.-4. Irrigation and water-supply, D.-l, 13, 20, 21. Lands improvement, D.-l, 13, 23. Lighthouses and harbour works, D.-l, 11, 22. Main highways and roads, D.-l, 7, 13, 24, 32, 37. Man-power, D.-l, 3. Niue Island, A.-3, 22. Plant and mechanical, D.-l, 14, 24.



PUBLIC WORKS —continued Public buildings, D.-l, 8, 26 ; D.-3, 13 ; H.-7, 25, 26 ; H.-16, 2. Railways construction, D.-l, 12, 17. Soil conservation and rivers control, D.-l, 11, 41. Steel: Supply, D.-l, 3. Trade training scheme, H.-18, 11. Western Samoa, A.-4, 25. PULP AND PAPER— Manufacture, C.-3, 40. RABBIT NUISANCE— H.-29, 20. RACING— H.-22, 22. RAFFLES— H.-22, 21. RAILWAYS— Accidents, D.-2, 29. Coal: Supply, D.-2, 2, 10. Construction, D.-l, 12, 17 ; D.-2, 21. Department: Annual statement, D.-2. Finance, 8.-l [Pt. ll], 22 ; D.-2, 1, 2, 5, 8, 14. Government Railways Superannuation Fund, D.-5. Oil fuel for locomotives, D.-2, 2. Post-war development, D.-2, 3. Road and rail : Co-ordination, D.-2, 11. Staff: Rehabilitation, D.-2, 10. RAMSAY, W., AND ANOTHER— Report on petition of, 1.-5 ; 1.-7, 2. RANGI RAROA— Report on petition of, 1.-3, 6. RANGITAIKI LAND DRAINAGE— Report, C.-11. RAUNA HAPE, TE, AND OTHERS— Report on petition of, 1.-3, 10. RATES— Hospital, 8.-6, 30. Native lands, G.-9, 11. RATIONING— H.-44, 30. RAURETI TE HUIA AND OTHERS— Report on petition of, 1.-3, 9. REFUGEES— A.-2, 23, 26 ; A.-2a, 3 ; A.-5, 7. REHABILITATION—-8.-6, 6, 33 ; 8.-13, 2, 3, 4, 5; C.-3, 8, 42, 60; D.-2, 10; E.-2, 2; G.-10, 7, 41; H.-9, 10 ; H.-14, 4 ; H.-18 ; H.-19, 6 ; H.-40, 12, 17. Report, H.-18. REIWHATI VERCOE, TE, AND OTHERS— Report on petition of 1.-3, 13. RELIGION— Broadcasts, F.-3, 7. Western Samoa, A.-4, 13.

REPANGA TUPARA KAITONE AND OTHERS— Report on petition of, 1.—3, 13. REPRESENTATION COMMISSION— Report, H.-46. RESERVE BANK OF NEW ZEALAND — Report and statement of accounts, 8.-16. Statement of advances by, to the Government by way of overdraft, 8.-l [Pt. I], 72. RESERVES AND OTHER LANDS DISPOSAL BILL— Select Committee report on, 1.—5, 2. RETURNS OR STATEMENTS— Required by law or resolution to be laid before the House, H.-13. RICE— A.-l, 19, 24, 30; A.-2, 50. RILEY, C. F.— Report on petition of, 1.-2, 1. RIRI PIKO— Report on petition of, 1.-3, 16. RIWAI RANGIHUNA AND OTHERS— Report on petition of, 1.-3, 4. ROADS. See under PUBLIC WORKS. RORE RUTENE AND OTHERS— Report on petition of, 1.-3, 10. ROYAL NEW ZEALAND NAVY— Report, H.-5. RURAL INTERMEDIATE CREDIT BOARD— Report, 8.-14. SALE OF FOOD AND DRUGS ACT— H.-31, 6. SCAFFOLDING AND EXCAVATION ACT— H.-11, 15. SCENERY PRESERVATION— Report, C.-6. SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH— Agriculture Colleges : Research work, H.-34, 67. Auckland Industrial Development Laboratories, H.-34, 98. Cawthron Institute, H.-34, 61. Department: Annual report, H.-34. Dominion Laboratory, H.-34, 77. Dominion Observatory, H.-34, 90. Dominion Physical Laboratory, H.-34, 91. Geological Survey, H.-34, 101. Imperial Agricultural Bureaux, H.-34, 108. Information Section, H.-34, 109. International civil aviation, A.-9, 18. Magnetic Observatory, H.-34, 107. Meteorological, H.-34, 108. Minister's statement, H.-34, 2. Overseas liaison, H.-34, 109. Research committees : Reports, H.-34, 8. Secretary's report, H.-34, 4. Soil Bureau, H.-34, 103.



SEAMEN. See under MARINE. SECONDARY INDUSTRY. See under INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE. SERVANTS' REGISTRY OFFICE ACT— H.-11, 15. SERVICEMEN'S SETTLEMENT AND LAND SALES ACT—-8.-9, 4 ; C.-l, 2, 5. SERVICEMEN'S SETTLEMENT AND LAND SALES AMENDMENT BILL— Select Committee report on, 1.-11, 2. SHARE-MILKING AGREEMENTS ACT— H.-11, 14. SHEARERS ACT— H.-11, 14. SHIPPING. See under MARINE. SHOPS AND OFFICES ACT— H.-11, 5. SHOPS AND OFFICES AMENDMENT BILL— Select Committee report on, 1.-9, 2. SINGH, H. S.— Report on petition of, 1.-2, 2. SLY-GROG SELLING— H.-16, 5. SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROGRESS—-8.-6, 8. SOCIAL SECURITY— A.-7, 39, 49, 58, 67 ; 8.-6, 12, 26 ; H.-9, H.-9a ; H.-lla. Benefits — Emergency, H.-9, 3. Family, H.-9, 9. Hospital, H.-31, 23, 25. Increase in rates, H.-9, 2. Maternity, H.-31, 22, 24. Medical, 8.-l [Pt. ll], 28 ; H.-31, 22, 24. Miners, C.-2, 21. Pharmaceutical, H.-31, 23, 25. Reciprocal age and invalid, H.-9, 3. Sickness, H.-9, 3. Unemployment, H.-9, 3. Benefits and pensions in force and total payments, H.-9, 9. Demobilization allowances, H.-9, 10. Department; Annual report, H.—9. Ex-servicemen : Medical treatment, H.-9, 6. Finance, H.-9, 4, 9. Pensions —- Economic, H.-9, 7. Payable outside New Zealand, H.-9, 8. Payments, H.-9, 8, 9. War, H.-9, 4, 7. Appeal Board, H.-9, 8. Rehabilitation allowances, H.-9, 10. Seafarers, A.-7a, 6, 44, 49, 53. War service gratuities, H.-9, 10.

SOIL CONSERVATION AND RIVERS CONTROL— D.-l, 11, 41 ; H.-34, 15. SOUTH CANTERBURY CATCHMENT BOARD BILL— Select Committee report on, 1.-5, 2 ; 1.—16, 4. SPAIN— A.-2, 52. SPORTS AND RECREATION— Racing, H.-22, 22. Recreation in State forests, C.-3, 42. Sporting broadcasts, F.-3, 8. STABILIZATION—-8.-6, 10 ; H.-308 ; H.-44, 26. STANDARDIZATION— Marine Department, H.—ls, 28. Pip-fruits, H.-29, 70. Standards Council: Report, H.-44a. Vegetables, H.-29, 74. STATE ADVANCES CORPORATION OF NEW ZEALAND— Agency accounts, 8.-l [Pt. ll], 22. Report and accounts, 8.-13. STATE COAL-MINES. See under MINING INDUSTRY. STATE FIRE INSURANCE OFFICE— Annual report, H.-6. Accident Insurance Branch, H.-6a. STATE FOREST SERVICE (see also FORESTRY)— Annual report, C.-3. Fires in, C.-3, 15 ; C.-6, 2. STATE HYDRO-ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT— Report, D.-4. STATUTES AMENDMENT BILL— Select Committee report on, I.—ll, 3. STATUTES REVISION COMMITTEE, SELECT. See under COMMITTEES. . STEEL. See IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY. STOCK FOODS BILL— Select Committee report on, 1.-10, 2. STOCK REMEDIES AMENDMENT BILL— Select Committee report on, 1.-10, 1. STORES— Defence, 8.-l [Pt. ll], 31. Public, 8.-l [Pt. ll], 26. SUBSIDIES— Coal, C.-2, 10, 25. SUPERANNUATION— Government Railways, D.-5. Members of Parliament, 1.-18. Public Service, H.-14, 9.



SURVEYS— Geological, C.-2, 17 ; H.-34, 7, 101. Report, C.-la. SWAMP DRAINAGE. See under LANDS. TAHATERA MOHI TOMLINS— Report on petition of, 1.-3, 8. TAHUNANUI TOWN BOARD EMPOWERING BILL— Select Committee report on, 1.-16, 3. TAURA TIKAO AND OTHERS— Report on petition of, 1.-3, 13. TAXATION— Budget Statement, 8.-6, 23, 33. Double-tax, 8.-6, 39. Excess profits, 8.-6, 35. Gold export duty, 8.-6, 37. Income-tax, 8.-6, 35. Agreement between Canada and New Zealand, A.-6. Primage duty, 8.-6, 37. Sales-tax, 8.-6, 37. Social security, H.-9a. United Nations Organization, A.-2, 33. Western Samoa, A.-4, 11. TE HEKENUI WHAKARAKE AND OTHERS— Report and recommendation on petition of, G.-6; 1.-3, 12. TE POHUE— Report on petition of, 1.-3, 11. TE RAUNA HAPE AND OTHERS— Report on petition of, 1.-3, 10. TE REIWHATI VERCOE AND OTHERS— Report on petition of, 1.-3, 13. TIMARU PARK— Alienation of portion of, &c. : Reports on petitions re, 1.-5, 2, 3 ; 1.-7, 2. TIMBER. See under FORESTRY ; also STATE FOREST SERVICE. TIOI RAWHIRA PAKU AND OTHERS— Report on petition of, 1.-3, 7. TOBACCO— H.-34, 6, 54; H.-44, 24. TONGA AWHIKAU AND OTHERS— Report on petition of, 1.-3, 13. TOURIST AND HEALTH RESORTS— Advertising, H.-2, 8. Department: Annual report, H.-2. External tourist traffic, H.-2, 2. Finance, H.-2, 19. Passenger booking, H.-2, 17. Resorts and hostels, H.-2, 10. TOWN PLANNING— D.-3, 33; 1.-17, 106, 118, 129.

TRADE. See INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE. TRADE-MARKS— H.-10. TRADE-UNIONS. See under LABOUR TRANSPORT— Air, A.-9, 3, 6, 11, 13 ; 8.-l [Pt. ll], 24; H.-37, 21. Commercial road transport, H.-40, 13. Co-ordination, H.-40, 21. Department: Annual report, H.-40. Development, 1.-17, 83, 99, 116, 128. Ex - servicemen: Rehabilitation, H.-18, 6 ; H.-40, 12, 17. . Finance, H.-40, 3, 4, 19, 25. Man-power, H.-11a, 42. Motor-vehicles— Inspection, H.-40, 9. Licensing, H.-40, 2, 23. Registration, F.-l, 5. Sales, &c., by War Assets Realization Board, H.-27, 5. Servicing : Standardization, H.-44a, 4. Motor-vehicles Act, prosecutions under, H.-16, 6, 10. Petrol, H.-40, 2. Police Force, H.-16, 3. Road and rail, D.-2, 11. Road safety, E.-2, 5 ; H.-40, 5, 27. Roads : Limitation of loads, H.-40, 3. Trans-harbour facilities, Auckland metropolitan area and approaches thereto, D.-6. Zoning of deliveries, H.-40, 21. TRUSTEE AMENDMENT BILL— Select Committee report on, 1.-11, 2. TRUSTEESHIP— A.-2, 27. TUBERCULOSIS. See under HEALTH. UNITED NATIONS— First Regular Session (First Part) of General Assembly, London, January, 1946: Report, A.-2. Food and Agriculture Organization, Washington, May, 1946, A.-l ; 8.-6, 5 ; H.-29, 77. United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, E-1, 15. United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, A.-l, 12, 35, 37; A.-2, 21 ; 8.-6, 4. Fifth Session of the Council, Geneva, August, 1946 : Report, A.-2a. UNIVERSITIES. See under EDUCATION. VISUAL AIDS — E.-2, 6. VITAL STATISTICS— H.-31, 1. VITICULTURE— H.-29, 72 ; H-38, 254. WAIKARETU PIHEMA AND OTHERS— Report on petition of, 1,-3, 11.



WAIKATO - MANIAPOTO MAORI CLAIMS SETTLEMENT BILL— Select Committee report on, 1.-3, 12. WAIMAKARIRI HARBOUR BILL— Select Committee report on, 1.-5, 2 ; 1.-16, 4. WAIRAMA WAKAUNA— Report on petition of, 1.-3, 7. WAIRAMA WAKAUNA AND OTHERS— Report on petition of, 1.-3, 9. WAIROA HARBOUR BOARD BILL— Select Committee report on, 1.-5, 2 ; 1.-16, 5. WAR— Costs, 8.-6, 2, 13, 33. Employment and unemployment during the war, H.-lla, 75. Enemy Property Emergency Regulations 1939, 8.-9, 4. Lend-lease, A.-8 ; 8.-6, 17 ; 8.-l [Pt. ll], 27. Maori war effort, H.-11a, 62. Memorandum of security, 8.-6, 15, 16. Munitions : Manufacture, &c., H.-44, 35. Services vegetable production, H.-29, 42. Ships (New Zealand) lost by enemy action, H.-15, 13. War criminals, A.-2, 18. Nuremberg trial, A.-2, 52. War funds, 1914-18, H.-22, 22. War graves, H.-22, 19. War history, H.-22, 18. War pensions, H.-9, 4, 7, 8. War service gratuities, 8.-l [Pt. ll], 28; H.-9, 10 ; H.-19, 8. Wartime communications in New Zealand, F.-l, 12. WAR ASSETS REALIZATION BOARD—-8.-l [Pt. ll], 35. Acquisition and disposal of surplus assets : Report of Royal Commission, H.-27a. Report, H.-27. WAR EXPENSES ACCOUNT—-8.-l [Pt. ll], 27 ; 8.-6, 14 ; H.-11a, 11. WAR MEMORIAL CARILLON— H.-21, 8.

WATERFRONT CONTROL COMMISSION— Report, H.-45. WATTERS, D.— Report on petition of, 1.-2, 2. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES ACT— H.-11, 19. WESTERN SAMOA— League of Nations report, A.-5, 12. Report, A.-4. WHEAT. See under AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL. WIGRAM, A. V., AND OTHERS— Report on petition of, 1.-16, 3. WI KARAKA— Report on petition of, 1.-3, 12. WILD LIFE— H.-22, 7. WINE MANUFACTURE— H.-29, 72; H.-38, 254. WOMEN AND CHILDREN— Boys and girb in factories, H.-11, 3. Children of deceased and disabled servicemen Education, H.-18, 14. Children, handioapped: Education, E.-l, 6 ; E.-2, 7. Children : Road accidents, H.-40, 7, 30. Child welfare, &c., A.-2.1, 7 ; A.-7, 14, 23, 29, 30, 48, 67 ; E.-l, 12 ; E.-4. Home Aid Service, H.-11a, 13, 111, 115 ; 1.-17 88. Women's Auxiliary Services, H.-11a, 28. Women's broadcasting sessions, F.-3, 8. Women's Land Service, H.-11a, 63, 131. Women: Participation in work of United Nations, A.-2, 51, 52. WOOL. See under AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL. WORKERS' COMPENSATION—-8.-9, 4; H.-11, 13.

By Authority: E. V. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 947.



VOL. V 1946 H.-45-I

NZ Government Publications Colin

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Back Matter, Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1946 Session I

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Back Matter Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1946 Session I

Back Matter Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1946 Session I

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