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Presented to the House of Representatives pursuant to the Electoral A mendment Act, 1945.

REPORT OF THE REPRESENTATION COMMISSION To His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand. May it please Your Excellency,— We, the undersigned members of the Representation Commission, constituted by virtue of section 2 of the Electoral Amendment Act, 1945, for the purpose of dividing the Dominion of New Zealand into electoral districts for the apportionment of the representation of the people of New Zealand in the House of Representatives, respectfully submit for Your Excellency's consideration the results of its proceedings. The Commission assembled in Wellington on 18th March, 1946, having received the following certified information : (1) From the Government Statistician. —(a) The adult civilian population of the Dominion of New Zealand (exclusive of Maoris, &c.) on the night of the census taken on 25th September, 1945, namely— North Island .. .. .. .. 666,747 South Island .. .. .. .. 350,765 Total .. .. .. .. 1,017,512 (b) The adult members of the Forces (exclusive of Maoris) who were residing in Armed Forces establishments in New Zealand on the night of the census — North Island .. .. .. .. 9,439 South Island .. .. .. .. 2,147 Total .. .. .. .. .. 11,586 (c) The number of adults (exclusive of Maoris) absent on the night of the census from their usual places of residence for the purposes of complying with obligations imposed on them under the Industrial Man-power Emergency Regulations 1944 Total .. .. .. .. .. 1,438



(2) From the Minister of Defence. —The number of members of Forces (exclusive of Maoris) outside New Zealand on the night of the census— Army .. .. .. .. .. 25,112 Navy .. .. ... .. .. 4,811 Air Force .. ... .. .. .. 10,128 Total .. .. .. .. .. 40,051 The adult population of the Dominion of New Zealand includes that of Stewart Island and the Chatham Islands, which, for the purposes of the determination of the electoral boundaries, were included in the adult population of the South Island. The adult population of the outlying islands on the coast of New Zealand were included in adult population of the appropriate Islands. The Commission then proceeded to determine the number of electoral districts in each Island in proportion to the adult population of each Island. As the residential location of the members of the Forces both inside and outside New Zealand was not known, it was decided to distribute the numbers concerned on a pro rata basis for each Island and to allocate to each Island persons affected by the change of residence brought about by the Industrial Man-power Emergency Regulations 1944. The total population for electoral purposes in each Island was thus determined as :

There being seventy-six electoral districts in the Dominion of New Zealand, the apportionment of the population for each Island showed the division of electoral districts to be represented by the figures 49-79 for the North Island and 26-21 for the South Island. These figures reduced to the nearest whole number gave the number of electoral districts for the two Islands as follows : North Island .. .. .. .. 50 electoral districts. South Island .. .. .. 26 electoral districts. The Commission then proceeded to determine the adult population quota for the electoral districts in each Island, which were as follows : North Island .. .. .. .. .. 14,010 South Island .. .. .. .. .. 14,180 The allowance for the adjustment of this quota in each electoral district where districts cannot be formed consistently with the considerations of community of interest, facilities of communication, topographical features, and existing electoral boundaries is by way of addition or subtraction to the quota not to exceed a total of 500 of adult population. The Commission then proceeded to divide the Dominion of New Zealand into seventy-six electoral districts, having due regard to community of interest, to facilities of communication, and to topographical features, and, where not inconsistent with the above considerations, to existing electoral boundaries.

— Civilians. Man-power Adjustment. Forces. Total. North Island South Island 666,747 350,765 -101 +101 33,831 17,806 700,477 368,672 1,017,512 51,637 1,069,149




The boundaries having been provisionally determined, maps were prepared illustrating the proposed electoral districts and descriptions of each electoral, district were published in the New Zealand Gazette of 3rd April, 1946, notice being given, that objections to the proposed boundaries would be received up to noon on 6th May, 1946. The Commission re-assembled on 15th May, 1946, to deal with the 123 objections received, the schedule attached setting out the nature of the objections received and the • decision of the Commission in each case. In view of the nature of the objections received from the Ota go and Southland districts, the Commission visited the South Island and investigated on the ground the boundaries of the Oamaru, North Dunedin, Dunedin Central, Mornington, St. Kilda, Clutha, Central Otago, Awarua, and Wallace Electoral Districts. As a result? of this inspection, a number of changes in the boundaries were effected, which more adequately comply with the considerations of community of interest, facilities of communication, and topographical features. Having dealt with the objections, the Commission, as directed by the provisions of section 41 of the Licensing Amendment Act, 1910, and section 10 of the Electoral Amendment Act, 1945, declared as licensing districts the districts described as such in the schedule attached to this report. The Commission therefore respectfully submits for Your Excellency's consideration as schedules to this report: — (1) Schedule of objections stating the nature of each objection and the decision of the Commissipn. (2) Descriptions of the boundaries of each electoral district and the names thereof. (3) Schedule of the adult population in each electorate. (4) Descriptions of the licensing districts not identical with electoral districts and the names thereof: (5) Maps showing the boundaries of the electoral districts and the licensing districts described in (4) above. The Commission was unable, owing to the restriction imposed by the limited allowance of 500, to adequately respect communities of interest. This was particularly evident in the cases of the electoral districts on the west coast of the South Island and the boundary between the Hawke's Bay and Gisborne Electoral Districts where objections were based on grounds that were just and reasonable. The notice of the Commission was also drawn to certain anomalies in the definition of the licensing districts, particularly in regard to city licensing districts which, according to the restrictions of the Licensing Amendment Act, 1910, impose distinct limitations on the areas administered by a city licensing Committee. The Commission would therefore respectfully recommend that the attention of Your Excellency's Advisers be drawn to the following matters (1) Increasing the tolerance allowed above or below the quota from the present figure of 500 to per cent, of the quota in order that better consideration may be given to the consideration of community of interests. (2) The effect of the non-inclusion of licensed premises in the Remuera Licensing District which may preclude racing clubs within the district from obtaining conditional licenses for race meetings. (3) The effect of the change in the boundaries of the Invercargill Electoral District which may preclude the Invercargill Licensing Trust from having jurisdiction over licensed premises now in the course of erection in South Invercargill. Given under our hands and seals, this 7th day of June, 1946. R. G. Dick. T. W. Preston. A. Blake. Harman Reeves. C. L. Grange. Arthur Rosser, J.P. L. J. Poff.




No. Electoral District, Objections, Petitions, or Suggestions. Name and Address of Writer. Commission's Decision. 1 Hobson Objecting to (1) the alteration of name from " Bay of Islands " to " Hobson," and (2) the exclusion of Russell, Paihia, Opua, Bay of Islands County (1) Not acceded to; (2] Council complied with in part. Towai, and Maromaku from the Hobson Electoral District 2 Hobson Objecting to the exclusion of (1) Paihia and Opua from the Hobson Electoral District, and (2) urging retention of the name " Bay of Islands " Vernon Reed, Paihia. .. (1) Complied with; (2' not acceded to. 3 Hobson Objecting to (1) the exclusion of Opua, Paihia, and Russell A. C. Hampton, on behalf (1) Complied with in part: from the Hobson Electoral District, and (2) the alteration of of residents of Ohaea(2) Not acceded to. the name from " Bay of Islands " to " Hobson " wai, Waimate North, - and Pararaka Districts 4 Hobson Objecting to (1) the exclusion of Russell, Opua, and Paihia from the Hobson Electoral District, and (2) the name Mangonui County Council (1) Complied with in part: (2) Not acceded to. " Hobson," suggesting " Bay of Islands " instead. Suggesting the name " Northland " instead of " Hobson " 5 Hobson Kawakawa Chamber of Not acceded to. Commerce 6 Hobson Objecting to the name " Hobson," and suggesting " Northland " instead Kaikohe Town Board . . Not acceded to. 7 Hobson Objecting to the name " Hobson," and suggesting " Northland " instead Kaitaia Borough Council Not acceded to. 8 Hobson Objecting to the name " Hobson," and suggesting " Northland " instead Dargaville Borough Council Not acceded to. 9 Hobson Objecting to the name " Hobson," and suggesting " Northland " instead Kawakawa Town Board Not acceded to. 10 Hobson Objecting to the name " Hobson," and suggesting " Bay of Islands " instead Mangamuka River SettNot acceded to. lers' Association 11 Hobson Objecting to the name " Hobson," and suggesting " North Auckland " instead North Auckland Times Not acceded to. 12 Marsden Objecting to the name "Marsden," and suggesting " Whangarei" instead Whangarei County Council Not acceded to. 18 Rodney Objecting to the exclusion of portion of the Borough of TakaT a k a p una Borough Not practicable. puna from the North Shore Electoral District (1) Objecting to the exclusion of portion of the Borough of Council 14 Rodney, North Shore .. New Zealand Labour (1) Not practicable; (2 Takapuna and East Coast Bays north of Takapuna from Party, Brown's Bay not acceded to. the North Shore Electoral District, and (2) urging that the name " North Shore " be changed to " Waitemata " Branch 15 Rodney Objecting to the exclusion from the North Shore Electoral T. Head, J.P., and 40 Complied with. District of that area lying between Northcote Road and the Takapuna Borough boundary others



16 Rodney Objecting to the exclusion of Milford from the North Shore Miss P. O'Neill and 239 Not practicable. Electoral District others 17 North Shore Objecting to the name " North Shore," and suggesting H. T. Morton, Takapuna Not acceded to. " Waitemata " instead 18 North Shore Objecting to the name " North Shore," and suggesting Miss G. Williams and 167 Not acceded to. " Waitemata " instead others 19 Ponsonby (1) Objecting to the exclusion of a small area of the Northcote Northcote Borough (1) Unable to comply: Borough from the North Shore Electoral District, and Council (2) Not acceded to. suggesting that the boundary between the Ponsonby and North Shore Electoral Districts follow the Northcote Borough boundary, and (2) recommending that the name " Ponsonby " be changed to " Waitemata " 20 Ponsonby Objecting to the division into two parts of the Borough of NorthNew Zealand National Unable to comply. cote, and suggesting that the electoral district boundary Party, Northcote follow the boundary between Northcote and Devonport Branch Boroughs Birkenhead Borough 21 Ponsonby Objecting to the name " Ponsonby," and suggesting Not acceded to. " Waitemata " instead Council 22 Auckland City Suggesting that the name " Auckland City " be altered to His Worship the Mayor Complied with. " Auckland Central "* of Auckland 23 Remuera Objecting to the proposed boundaries of the Remuera Electoral Auckland Racing Club.. Unable to comply. a District on the grounds that at least one licensed premises should have been included in the electoral district to ensure t.hat a licensing committee be formed in the district 24 Remuera Objecting to the proposed boundaries of the Remuera Electoral Auckland Trotting Club Unable to comply. District on the grounds that at least one licensed premises t should have been included in the electoral district to ensure that a licensing committee be formed in the district 25 Franklin Objecting to the exclusion of the Tuakau Town District from Tuakau Town Board .. Not practicable. the Raglan Electoral District 26 Franklin Objecting to the exclusion of the Tuakau Town District from Tuakau Town Board, on Not practicable. the Raglan Electoral District behalf of residents of Tuakau 27 Franklin Objecting to the exclusion of the Tuakau Town District from Raglan County Council Not practicable. the Raglan Electoral District 28 Hamilton Suggesting that the Hamilton Electoral District include the Registrar of Electors, Complied with. new nurses' home at Hamilton Public Hospital Hamilton 29 Hamilton Suggesting that the Hamilton Electoral District include the New Zealand National Complied with. new nurses' home at Hamilton Public Hospital Party, Hamilton Electorate 30 Hauraki Objecting to the elimination of the Thames Electoral District .. Ohinemuri Mines and Not acceded to. Batteries Industrial Union of Workers * Wellington City, Christchurch City, and Dunedin City similarly amended.




No. Electoral District. — ....— £ Objections, Petitions, or Suggestions. Name and Address of Writer. Commission's Decision. 31 Hauraki Objecting to the elimination of the Thames Electoral District Thames School of Mines Not acceded to. 32 Hauraki Objecting to the elimination of the Thames Electoral District Thames Labour Party .. Not .acceded to. 33 Hauraki Objecting to the elimination of the Thames Electoral District His Worship the Mayor of Not acceded to. 34 Thames and 278 others Hauraki Objecting to the elimination of the Thames Electoral District Waihi Borough Council Not acceded to. 35 Hauraki Objecting to the elimination of the Thames Electoral District K. G. Gratton and 128 Not acceded to. 36 Hauraki Objecting to the elimination of the Thames Electoral District others Thames Labour RepreNot acceded to. 37 Hauraki sentation Committee Objecting to the elimination of the Thames Electoral District R. G. Blithe and 57 others Not acceded to. 38 Hauraki Objecting to the elimination of the Thames Electoral District 0. P. Liddell and 31 Not acceded to. 39 Hauraki Objecting to the elimination of the Thames Electoral District others E. E. McCullough and 52 Not acceded to. 40 Hauraki Objecting to the elimination of the Thames Electoral District others Thames Miners' Union.. Not acceded to. 41 Hauraki Objecting to the elimination of the Thames Electoral District 85 residents of Thames, Not acceded to. 384 residents of Waihi, 47 residents of Karangahake, and 48 residents of Waikino 42 43 Hauraki Objecting to the elimination of the Thames Electoral District R. E. Moyle and 30 others Not acceded to. Hauraki Objecting to the elimination of the Thames Electoral District W. C. Lowe and 41 others Not acceded to. 44 Hauraki Objecting to the elimination of the Thames Electoral District S. Smith and 24 others.. Not acceded to. 45 Hauraki .. Objecting to the elimination of the Thames Electoral District R. A. Lindsey and 9 Not acceded to. 46 Hauraki Objecting to (1) the elimination of the Thames Electoral Disothers New Zealand Labour (1) Not acceded to ; (2 trict, and (2) the name " Hauraki," suggesting " Thames " 1 nrQO rl Party, Waihi Branch not aceeded to; 47 Hauraki illo l/tJcLLl Objecting to (1) the elimination of the Thames Electoral DisThames Borough Council Not acceded to. trict, and (2) the name " Hauraki,"' suggesting " Thames " instead 48 Hauraki Objecting to the name " Hauraki," and suggesting " Thames " Ohinemuri County Not acceded to. instead Council 49 Hauraki Objecting to the name " Hauraki," and suggesting " Thames " New Zealand National Not acceded to. instead Party, Thames Electorate 50 Hauraki Objecting to the name " Hauraki," and suggesting " Thames " Coromandel County Not acceded to', instead 1 Council



51 j Hauraki .. .. 1 Objecting to the name " Hauraki," and suggesting " Thames " 1 Thames County Council Not acceded to. instead 52 Hauraki .. .. Suggesting that Great Barrier Island be included in an Auckland j Registrar of Electors, Complied with. g City Electoral District, on the grounds that the mail-service | Thames to the island passes through Auckland 53 Piako . . .. Objecting to the exclusion of the Hoe-o-tainui Small Farm A. D. S. Pike and 23 Not practicable. Settlement from the Hauraki Electoral District others 54 Waikato .. .. Objecting to the name " Waikato," and. suggesting Matamata County Council Not acceded to. " Cambridge " instead 55 Waikato .. Objecting to the name "Waikato," and suggesting Cambridge Borough Not acceded to. " Cambridge " instead Council 56 Waikato .. . . Objecting to the Waikato Electoral District as provisionally Te Awamutu Borough Not practicable. defined, and suggesting instead a district with the Borough of Council Te Awamutu as centre 57 Waikato .. .. Objecting to the Waikato Electoral District as provisionally Te Awamutu Chamber Not practicable. defined, and suggesting instead a district with the Borough of of Commerce Te Awamutu as centre 58 Waitomo .. .. Objecting to the inclusion of part of the existing Stratford New Zealand Farmers' Not practicable. Electoral District in the Waitomo Electoral District Union, Strathmore - Te Wera Pohokura Branch 59 Waitomo .. .. Objecting to the inclusion of the area lying between Stratford Stratford Borough Not practicable. and west of the Tangarakau Gorge in the Waitomo Electoral Council District 60 Waitomo .. .. Objecting to the proposed boundary between the Egmont and Inglewood Borough Not practicable. Waitomo Electoral Districts on the grounds that the Ingle- Council wood County is divided into two 61 Waitomo .. .. Objecting to the inclusion of that part of the Waitomo Electoral Clifton County Council, Not practicable. District lying to the south of the Mokau River in the Waitomo Inglewood County Electoral District Council, Stratford County Council, Whangamomona County Council, North Taranaki Provincial Council Federated Farmers of New Zealand (Inc.), Waitara Chamber of Commerce, Inglewood Borough Council, Stratford Borough Council, Waitara Borough Council, and Y. F. Collins and 877 others




No. Electoral District. Objections, Petitions, or Suggestions. I Name and Address of Writer. Commission's Decision. 62 Bay of Plenty .. .. Objecting to the name "Bay of Plenty," and suggesting Rotorua Borough Council Not acceded to. " Rotorua " instead 03 Jiay of Plenty.. .. Objecting to the name "Bay of Plenty," and suggesting Rotorua County Council Not acceded to. " Rotorua " instead 64 Gisbome .. .. Objecting to the division of the Cook County, and urging that Cook County Council . . Unable to comply. the whole of that county be included in the Gisborne Electoral District 65 Waimarino .. .. Suggesting that the Public Works Camp at Maraetai be included Mrs. R. I). Thomson, Not acceded to. in the Waikato Electoral District R.D., Putaruru 66 Waimarino .. .. Suggesting that the Public Works Camp at Maraetai be included G. Ireland, Putaruru .. Not acceded to. in the Waikato Electoral District 67 Waimarino .. .. Objecting to the exclusion of the Public Works Camp at J. R. Anderson and 105 Not acceded to. Maraetai from the Waikato Electoral District others 68 Waimarino .. .. Objecting to the exclusion of the Public Works Camp at I. K. Powell and 33 others Not acceded to. Maraetai from the Waikato Electoral District 69 Waimarino .. . . Objecting to the exclusion of the Ngakuru District from the J. H. Law and 18 others Not acceded to. Bay of Plenty Electoral District 70 Hawlte's Bay .. .. Suggesting an amendment to the Gisbome - Hawke's Bay H. H. Barker, Gisborne Unable to comply. Electoral District boundary 71 Hawke's Bay . . . . Objecting to the inclusion of Ngatapa Riding of Waikohu Waikohu County Council Unable to comply. County in the Hawke's Bay Electoral District 72 Hawke's Bay . . .. Objecting to the inclusion of the Patutahi Town District and Patutahi Town District Unable to comply. that part of the Cook County west of the Waipaoa River in the Hawke's Bay Electoral District 73 Hawke's Bay .. .. Objecting to the exclusion of the major part of Cook County Federated Farmers of Unable to comply. and part of Waikohu County from the Gisborne Electoral New Zealand (Inc.), District Gisborne 74 Rangitikei .. .. Objecting to the exclusion of the Borough of Feilding from the H. J. Dewe and 7 others Not practicable. Manawatu Electoral District 75 Rangitikei .. .. Objecting to the exclusion of the Borough of Feilding from the Federated Farmers of Not practicable. Manawatu Electoral District New Zealand (Inc.) 76 Manawatu . . . . Objecting to the exclusion of that area lying between the Mana- Federated Farmers of Unable to comply. watu River and Levin from the Otaki Electoral District New Zealand (Inc.), Palmerston North 77 Manawatu .. .. Objecting to the exclusion of that area lying between the Mana- H. J. Kilsby and 404 Unable to comply. watu River and Levin from the Otaki Electoral District, and others suggesting as the southern boundary of the Manawatu Electoral District the Manawatu River, Buckley Road, and Heights Road



78 Pa.1mp.rst, on North .. Objecting to the inclusion of part of the Palmerston North Palmerston North City Not practicable. City in the Manawatu Electoral District Council 79 Pahiatua .. .. Objecting to the exclusion of the Rangitumau, Upper Taueru, Masterton County Council Unable to comply. and Uriti Ridings of Masterton County from the Wairarapa and 311 others Electoral District 80 Pahiatua .. .. Objecting to the exclusion of the Castlepoint County from the Castlepoint County Coun- Unable to comply. Wairarapa Electoral District cil and 199 others 81 Pahiatua .. .. Objecting to the exclusion of the Mauriceville County from the Mauriceville County Unable to comply. Wairarapa Electoral District * Council 82 Pahiatua .. .. Objecting to the exclusion of the Eparaima Riding of the A. S. Wilder and 5 others Complied with. Patangata County from the Hawke's Bay Electoral District 83 Pahiatua .. . . Objecting to the exclusion of the Eparaima Riding of the M. G. Morrah and 19 Complied with. Patangata County from the Hawke's Bay Electoral District others 84 Pahiatua .. .. Objecting to the exclusion of the Eparaima Riding of the E. M. Scott and 8 others Complied with. Patangata County from the Hawke's Bay Electoral District 85 Pahiatua .. . . Objecting to the exclusion of the Eparaima Riding of the Mrs. C. Ormond and 19 Complied with. Patangata County from the Hawke's Bay Electoral District others 86 Pahiatua .. .. Objecting to the exclusion of the Purimu Riding of the Wai- B. I. Fleming and 39 Complied with. pukurau County from the Hawke's Bay Electoral District others 87 Pahiatua .. .. Objecting to the exclusion of the Eparaima Riding of the V. W. Stratford and 41 Complied with. Patangata County and the Purimu Riding of the Waipukurau others County from the Hawke's Bay Electoral District 88 Petone .. .. Objecting to the exclusion of the Te Mome District from the J. H. W. Markwell and Unable to comply. * Hutt Electoral District 332 others 89 Petone .. .. Objecting to the exclusion of the Te Mome District from the Lower Hutt City Council Unable to comply Hutt Electoral District 90 Brooklyn .. .. Objecting to the name" Brooklyn," and suggesting" Wellington G. F. Farrow and 104 Not acceded to. Central" instead, also urging that the former practice of others naming city electoral districts North, South, East, and West, be reverted to 91 Buller .. .. Suggesting the inclusion of the Rununga and Blackball Mines Registrar of Electors, Unable to comply. in the Westland Electoral District Hokitika 92 Buller .. .. Objecting to the exclusion of the Motupiko Riding and part of Waimea County Council Unable to comply. the Wai-iti Riding of the Waimea County from the Nelson and 196 others Electoral District 93 Buller .. .. Objecting to the exclusion from the Nelson Electoral District Federated Farmers of Unable to comply. of that area lying between Upper Moutere Corner and the New Zealand (Inc.), Jubilee Bridge Nelson 94 Marlborough .. .. Objecting to the exclusion of portion of Nelson City from the Nelson Chamber of Com- Unable to comply. Nelson Electoral District merce 95 Marlborough .. .. Objecting to the exclusion of portion of Nelson City from the Nelson Labour Represen- Unable to comply. Nelson Electoral District tation Committee 96 Marlborough .. .. Objecting to the exclusion of portion of Nelson City from the Richmond Borough Unable to comply. Nelson Electoral District Council




No. Electoral District. Objections, Petitions, or Suggestions. Name and Address of Writer. Commission's Decision. 97 Marlborough Objecting to the exclusion of portion of Nelson City from the Nelson City Council .. i Unable to comply. Nelson Electoral District 98 Marlborough Objecting to the exclusion of portion of Nelson City and the J. Muggeridge and 271 Unable to comply. Wangamoa Riding of the Waimea County from the Nelson others Electoral District 99 Marlborough Objecting to the exclusion of the Wangamoa Riding of the Waimea County Council Unable to comply. Waimea County from the Nelson Electoral District and 318 others 100 Hurunui, Selwyn Objecting to the Hurunui and Selwyn Electoral Districts as C. T. Williams, Kaiapoi Not acceded to. provisionally defined, and suggesting that the area contained within the two districts be redivided so as to contain, in one district, an urban or near urban population, and in the other district, a rural population 101 Hurunui Suggesting that Tarnclale, in the Hanmer Riding of the Amuri Under - Secretary for Complied with. 102 Christchurch City County, be included in the Marlborough Electoral District Lands, Wellington Objecting to the name " Christchurch City," and suggesting Christchurch City Complied with (see No. 22). " Christchurch Central " instead Council 103 Ghristchurc 1 i City, Fen(1) Suggesting that the area comprising Galway Avenue in the Hon. S. G. Holland, M.P. (1) Complied with; (2) dalton Selwyn Electoral District be included in the Fendalton . complied with in part. Electoral District, on the grounds that there would then be a continuous boundary-line along Boundary Road from Ilam Road to Normans Road ; (2) objecting to the names " Christchurch City" and " Fendalton," and suggesting instead for the former, " Christchurch East," " Linwood," or " Christchurch Central," and for the latter, " Christchurch West " 104 Fendalton Objecting to the name " Fendalton " and suggesting " Christchurch West " instead His Worship the Mayor of Christchurch and Not acceded to. 105 Selwyn ; Fendalton ; Ric33 others ' (1) Suggesting a transposition of the southern portion of the Registrar of Electors, (1) Not acceded to ; (2) carton proposed Riccarton Electoral District to the Selwyn Christchurch complied with. Electoral District and of the north-eastern portion of the . Selwyn Electoral District to the Riccarton Electoral District; (2) suggesting that the area comprising Galway Avenue in the Selwyn Electoral District be included in the Fendalton Electoral District, on the grounds that there would then be a continuous boundary-line along Boundary Road from Ilam Road to Normans Road 106 Selwyn, Riccarton Objecting to the division of the Township of Springston Springs County Council j Complied with, into two by the electoral district boundary



107 TimarU .. ' .. Suggesting that the Timaru Electoral District include the site V. W. Wilson, on behalf of Unable to comply. of a proposed aerodrome to the north of the electoral district residents in the Levels Area. 108 Waimate .. .. Objecting to the name " Waimate," and suggesting " Waitaki " Federated Farmers of Not acceded to. instead New Zealand (Inc.), Fairlie Branch 109 Waimate .. .. Objecting to the name " Waimate," and suggesting " South Geraldine Borough Coun- Not acceded to. Canterbury " instead cil 110 Waimate .. (1) Objecting to the proposed northern boundary of the Wai- Federated Farmers of (1) Unable to comply ; (2) mate Electoral District, and suggesting the O-rari or New Zealand (Inc.), not acceded to. Rangitata Rivers instead ; (2) suggesting that the name Geraldine " Waimate " be changed to " South Canterbury " 111 Waimate .. .. Expressing approval of the name " Waimate" Waimate Borough Coun- Noted. Council 112 Oamaru .. .. Suggesting an amendment to the Oamaru Electoral District Registrar of Electors, Unable to comply. boundary so as to follow the Maerewhenua South Stream Oamaru instead of the western boundary of the Awamoko Riding of .the Waitaki County 113 Oamaru .. .. Suggesting that the western boundary of the existing Oamaru Hon. A; H. Nordmeyer, Complied with'. Electoral District remain unaltered, and that the district M.P. should include that portion of Waikouaiti County now excluded from the district or, alternatively, portion of the Waitaki County now included in the Waimate Electoral District 114 Central Otago.. .. Objecting to the inclusion of that part of the existing Mataura Federated Farmers of Complied with. Electoral District now included in the Central Otago Elec- New Zealand (Inc.), toral District Southland 115 Central Otago.. .. Objecting to the inclusion of the Borough of Gore and adjacent Gore Chamber of Com- Complied with. territory in the Central Otago Electoral District merce 116 Central Otago.. .. Objecting to the inclusion of eastern Southland in the Central Federated Farmers of Complied with. Otago Electoral District, and suggesting its inclusion in the New Zealand (Inc.), Clutha Electoral District instead Gore 117 Central Otago.. .. Objecting to the inclusion of the Boroughs of Gore and Mataura His Worship the Mayor Complied with. in the Central Otago Electoral District of Gore 118 Central Otago.. .. Suggesting that the boundary between the Central Otago and Returning Officer for Complied with. Clutha Electoral Districts be amended to a line commencing Mataura at the proposed Wallace Electoral District boundary north of Greenvale and following the existing Mataura and Clutha Electoral District boundaries to Bluespur, thence along the proposed boundary between the Clutha and Central Otago Electoral Districts to the Clutha River, and thence to the sea, the amended Central Otago Electoral District to include Mosgiel, Outram, and Henley




No. Electoral District. Objections, Petitions, or Suggestions. Name and Address of Writer. Commission's Decision. 119 120 121 122 123 Central Otago Central Otago Clutha Invercargill Awarua Objecting to the Central Otago Electoral District as provisionallydefined, and suggesting that the area lying to the north of a line from the Borough of Milton to Rae's Junction be included in the Central Otago Electoral District and the area to the south of such a line, together with the Boroughs of Gore and Mataura, be included in the Clutha Electoral District (1) Objecting to the inclusion of the Boroughs of Gore and Mataura in the Central Otago Electoral District and protesting at the elimination of the Mataura Electoral District, and (2) suggesting that the name " Mataura " be be retained, coupled with " Clutha " or " Central." Objecting to the name " Clutha," and suggesting " Bruce " instead Suggesting that the Invercargill Electoral District be amended to include the hotel in course of erection near the Southland Hospital on the grounds that the hotel is, under the proposed boundaries, outside the jurisdiction of the Invercargill Licensing Trust Objecting to the exclusion of the Catlins Riding of Clutha County from the Clutha Electoral District Gore Borough' Council .. Mataura Borough Council Bruce County Council .. Invercargill Licensing Trust Clutha County Council.. Complied with. (1) Complied with ; (2) not acceded to. Not acceded to. Unable to comply. Complied with.



DESCRIPTIONS OF THE BOUNDARIES OF THE ELECTORAL DISTRICTS H'OBSON Att. that area bounded by a line commencing at Cape Reinga, in Block X, Reinga Survey District; thence easterly and southeasterly generally along the sea-coast, crossing the mouths of all harbours and inlets, to Howe Point, in Block IX, Bay of Islands Survey District; thence across the Bay of Islands, passing to the east of Black Rocks and Moturoa, and up the middle of Veronica Channel, Waikare Inlet, and Waikino Creek, to and along the northeastern and eastern boundaries of Kaurinui No. 3b 1 Block, the north-eastern and south-eastern boundaries of Kaurinui No. 3b 2 Block, the northern boundary of Karetu G Block, and the northeastern boundary of Karetu H Block to Waikare Road; thence easterly along the northern side of that road t® the western boundarv of Waihaha No. 1 Block; thence across Waikare Road, to and along the western boundary of Waihaha No. 1 Block, the north-western and western boundaries of Karetu L Block, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of the Karetu Stream ; thence down the middle of the said stream to a point in line with the eastern boundary of Karetu W Block; thence to and along the eastern and south-eastern boundaries of Karetu W Block to the middle of the road forming the south-eastern boundary of Section 3, Block XIV, Russell Survey District; thence along the middle of that road to a point in line with the southeastern boundary of a block of Crown land in Block XIII, Russell Survey District; thence to and along the south-eastern boundary of the said Crown land to the eastern boundary of Allotment 109, Ruapekapeka Parish; thence along the eastern and southern boundaries of Allotment 109, the eastern boundary of Allotment 39, both of Ruapekapeka Parish, and the production of the lastmentioned boundary to the middle of the Kawakawa-Ruapekapeka Road; thence along the middle of that road and the road forming the southern boundary of Allotment 86, Ruapekapeka Parish, to a point in line with the south-eastern boundary of part of Mohinui No. 9 Block, as shown on the plan numbered 14011, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Auckland; thence to and along the south-eastern boundary of the said part of Mohinui No. 9 Block, to and across the Kawakawa-Ruapekapeka Road, to and along the south-eastern boundaries of another part of Mohinui No. 9 Block, part of Mohinui No. 8 Block, and Lot 28, as shown on the plan numbered 9583, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Motatau No. 2 Block, to and across the KawakawaWhangarei Road; thence along the western side of that road to the northern boundary of Section 7, Block IV, Motatau Survey District; thence along the northern and western boundaries of the said Section 7 and the eastern boundary of Section 10, Block VIII, Motatau Survey District, crossing the North Auckland Main Trunk Railway to Opare Road; thence along the southern boundaries of Sections 10, 11, 12, 13a, and 14, all of Block \III, Motatau Survey District, crossing the North Auckland Main Trunk Railway and Opare Road, to the southernmost corner of the lastmentioned section; thence along a right line to the middle of the Ramarama Stream, and down the middle of that stream to a point in line with the south-eastern boundary of Lot 57, as shown on the plan numbered 7585, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Motatau No. 2 Block; thence to and along the south-eastern and south-western boundaries of Lot 57, the south-eastern and southern boundaries of Lot 54, and the south-eastern boundary of Lot 53, all as shown on Plan 7585 aforesaid, crossing several intervening roads, to the eastern boundary of Motatau No. 1 Block; thence along the eastern boundaries of Motatau No. 1 Block and Kaikou Block to the northernmost corner of Mangakowhara B No. 4a Block; thence along the north-western boundary of the last-men-tioned block and the north-western and south-western boundaries of Kaikou No. 3 Block, crossing several intervening roads, to the north-western boundary of Lot 23 of Kaikou No. 3 Block; thence along the north-western and north-eastern boundaries of the said



Lot 23, the north-eastern boundary of Kaikou No. 4 Block, the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 1 and 5, Block VI, Mangakahia Survey District, and the southern boundaries of Pipiwai No. 2h 20, No. 2h 19, No. 2h 23, and No. -2h 9 Blocks, to the Hikurangi River ; thence up the right bank of that river to a point in line with the northern boundary of Section 2, Block VII, Mangakahia. Survey District; thence to and along the northern boundary of the said Section 2 and its production to the western boundary of Section 16, Block VIII, Mangakahia Survey District; thence along the western, northern, and north-eastern boundaries of Section 16, the northeastern boundary of Section 15, the north-western and north-eastern boundaries of Section 14, all of Block VIII, ■Mangakahia Survey District, the northern and north-eastern boundaries of Section 25, and the eastern boundary of Section 26 to a point in line with the northern boundary of Section 33, all of Block 11, Purua Survey District; thence to and along the northern and north-eastern boundaries of the said Section 33 and the northern- and eastern boundaries of Section 10, Block IX, Purua Survey District, to the southernmost corner of Section 20, Block 11, Purua Survey District; thence along a right line bearing 135° to the middle of the Wairua River; thence down the middle of that river to a point in line with the northern boundary of Section 1, Block IV, Maungaru Survey District; thence to and along the northern boundary of the said Section ], crossing the northern ends of two public roads, along the eastern boundary of Section 1 aforesaid, the northern and eastern boundaries of Section 4, Block IV aforesaid, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary across a public road to the middle of the Waiotama Stream ; thence up the middle of that stream to a point in line with the north-western boundary of Ngawhakakirikiri Block, in Block 11, Tangihua Survey District; thence to and along the north-western boundary of Ngawhakakirikiri Block, the north-western and south-western boundaries of Panakuri Block, the south-western boundary of Te Iweri Block, and the south-western boundary of Pukepukerau Block, crossing a public road to the north-western boundary of Section 15, Block I, Tangihua Survey District; thence along the north-western and south-western boundaries of Section 15 and the south-western boundaries of Sections 14, 13, Part 12, 11, 10, N.W. 9, S.E. 9, W. 8, E. 8, and 7, all of Block I aforesaid, to the western boundary of Section 16, Block 111, Tangihua Survey District; thence along the western boundaries of Sections 16 and 15, the western and south-western boundaries of Section 14, and the south-western boundaries of Sections S.W. 9 and E. 9, all of Block 111 aforesaid, to the eastern boundary of Block I, Tangihua Survey District; thence along the eastern boundaries of Blocks I and VII of the said survey district to the north-western boundary of Lot 43, as shown on the plan numbered 8548, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Walton's Grant; thence along the north-western and south-western boundaries of Lot 43 aforesaid, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary across a public road to the middle of the Tauraroa River; thence down the middle of the Tauraroa River, and up the middle of the Mangonui River to a point in line with the south-western boundary of Allotment 237, Mareretu Parish, in Block 11, Matakohe Survey District; thence to and along the south-western boundary of Allotment 237, crossing a public road, along the south-western boundaries of Allotments 238, 240, S.W. 241, 243, 244, 245, and 217, and the western boundary of Allotment 216, all of Mareretu Parish, to the south-western corner of the last-mentioned allotment; thence across a public road to and along the north-western boundary of Allotment 155, Paparoa Parish, to the northernmost corner of Allotment N.E. 139, Matakohe Parish ; thence along the north-western boundaries of Allotments N.E. 139, M. 139, N.E. 138, M. 138, and S.W. 138, the northern and western boundaries of Allotment 137, the western boundaries of Allotments S.W. 140, S.W. 145, N.W. 146, S.E. 146, 166, N. 165, S. 165, and N.W. 164, the western and south-western boundaries of Allotment S.W. 164, the southern boundaries of Allotments S.E. 164, 163, and 266, all of Matakohe Parish, crossing several intervening roads, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of the Matakohe River; thence down the



middle of the Matakohe River, the Arapaoa River, and the Otamatea River to Kaipara Harbour, and down the middle of the Kaipara Harbour to the sea at the middle of Kaipara Entrance; thence north-westerly generally across the mouth of Kaipara Harbour and along the sea-coast, crossing the mouths of all harbours and inlets, to the point of commencement at Cape Reinga; and including the Cavalli Islands, Stephenson's Island, and other adjacent islands. Marsden All that area bounded by a line commencing at Bream Tail at the easternmost corner of Allotment 91, Waipu Parish, in Block I, Mangawai Survey District; thence along the south-eastern boundary of the said Allotment 91, the abutment of a public road, the southeastern boundary of Allotment 330, Waipu Parish, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary across the MangawaiWaipu Road; thence along the northern and western boundaries of Allotment 351, the generally northern boundaries of Allotments 336, 337 a, and 235, all of Waipu Parish, and Section 1, Block XI, Waipu Survey District, crossing several intervening roads, to and along the north-western boundary of Section 5, Block X, Waipu Survey District, and the production of that boundary across a public road to its south-eastern side; thence along the southeastern side of the road forming the north-western boundary of Sections 5, 4, 3a, and 3, all of Block X aforesaid, to its junction with the eastern side of another public road; thence along a right line across the aforesaid roads to the north-eastern corner of Section 2, Block X aforesaid, and along part of the northern boundary of the last-mentioned section, including the crossing of a public road, to the middle of the Piroa Stream; thence down the middle of the Piroa Stream to a point in line with the eastern boundary of Lot 5, as shown on the plan numbered 29908, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Auckland, being part of Allotment 145, Wairau Parish ; thence to and along the eastern boundaries of the said Lot 5, Lot 11 as shown on the plan numbered 3184, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Allotment 148, Wairau Parish, part of Lot 2 of the said Allotment 148, Lot 2 as shown on the plan numbered 29926, deposited as aforesaid, being another part of Lot 2 of the said Allotment 148, Lot 2 as shown on the plan numbered 27868, deposited as aforesaid, Lots 9, 10, and 4, as shown on the plan numbered 2845, deposited as aforesaid, being parts of Allotment 147, Wairau Parish, crossing several intervening roads, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of an arm of the Kaiwaka River; thence down the middle of the Kaiwaka River and the Otamatea River to the Arapaoa River; thence northerly generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of Hobson, hereinbefore described, to and across the Bay of Islands, passing to the east of Moturoa and Black Rocks and to the north of all the other islands in the Bay of Islands, to Cape Brett; thence southerly generally alQng the sea-coast, crossing the mouths of all harbours and inlets, to the point of commencement at Bream Tail ;♦ and including the Poor Knights Islands, the Hen and Chickens Islands, Mokohinau and Fanal Islands, and other adjacent islands. Rodney All that area bounded by a line commencing at Bream Tail at the north-eastern corner of Allotment 91, VVaifju Parish, in Block I, Mangawai Survey District; thence south-westerly generally along the boundaiy of the Electoral District of Marsden, hereinbefore described, to the confluence of the Arapaoa and Otamatea Rivers; thence south-westerly generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of Hobson, hereinbefore described, to the sea at the middle of Kaipara Entrance; thence south-easterly generally across the mouth of Kaipara Harbour and along the sea-coast to a point in line with the north-western boundary of Section 16s, Motutara Settlement, in Block XI, Kumeu Survey District; thence to and along the north-western and north-eastern boundaries of the said Section 16s and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of the Mokoroa or Wairere Stream; thence up the middle of that stream to and along the southern boundary of Lot 2,



as shown on the plan numbered 31213, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Auckland, being part of Taupaki Block and Allotment 16, Waipareira Parish, to the north-eastern corner of an abutting public road ; thence along a right line to the south-eastern corner of Lot 3, as shown on the said Plan 31213; thence along the western boundary of the said. Lot 3 to and along the southern boundary of Lot 2, as shown on the plan numbered 18655, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Taupaki Block, to and along the middle of the road forming the southern boundaries of Lots 33, 32, 31, and 29, of a subdivision of Taupaki Block, the middle of the road forming the south-eastern boundary of the said Lot 29, the middle of the road forming the eastern boundaries of Lots 29, 28, 27, and 26, of the aforesaid subdivision, and the middle of the road forming the south-eastern boundary of Lot 19 of the' aforesaid subdivision, to a point in line with the middle-line of Section 2 (closed road), Block IX, Waitemata Survey District; thence to and along the middle of Sections 2 and 1, Block IX aforesaid, and the production of the middle-line of the lastmentioned section to the middle of the road forming the northeastern boundary of Lot 18 of a subdivision of Taupaki Block; thence along the middle of the last-mentioned road and the road forming the south-eastern and eastern boundaries of Lot 9 of the aforesaid subdivision to a point in line with the south-eastern boundary of the railway land at Kumeu Railway-station; thence to and along the south-eastern boundary of the said railway land to the middle of the old Harkin's Point Railway Reserve ; thence along the middle of the said railway reserve to the middle of the main North Road through Allotment 44, Paremoremo Parish, and along the middle of that road to a point in line with the northern boundary of Allotment 1, Waipareira Parish ; thence to and along the northern boundary of the said Allotment 1 to Brigham's Creek; thence down the left bank of Brigham's Creek to Waitemata Harbour, and easterly generally along the northern shore of Waitemata Harbour and its tributary creeks to the south-western side of the public road at the head of an arm of Kaipatiki Creek, in Block XI, Waitemata Survey District; thence along the abutment of that road and the south-western boundaries of Allotments 126 and 127, Takapuna Parish, to a point in line with the southern boundaries of Lots 14, 15, and 16, of Allotment 121, Takapuna Parish; thence to and along the southern boundaries of the said Lots 14, 15, and 16 to a point in line with the eastern side of Glen Avenue at its northernmost angle; thence to and along the eastern and northern sides of Glen Avenue to Glenfield Road; thence along the western side of Glenfield Road to a point in line with the southern side of Pupuke Road forming the northern boundary of Allotment 3, Takapuna Parish; thence to and along the southern side of Pupuke Road to the northernmost corner of Allotment 9, Takapuna Parish ; thence across Pupuke Road to the southernmost corner of Allotment 96, Takapuna Parish; thence along the south-western and north-western boundaries of Allotment 96, the north-western boundary of Allotment 95, and the north-western and north-eastern boundaries of Allotment 94,' all of Takapuna Parish, to Ocean View Road; thence along a right line in the direction of the northernmost corner of Lot 36, as shown on the plan numbered 21894, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Allotment 48, Takapuna Parish, to the middle of Ocean View Road ; thence along the middle of Ocean View Road and Northcote Road to Lake Pupuke; thence along the generally southern shore of that lake to the middle of The Promenade; thence along the middle of The Promenade to the sea ; thence northerly generally along the sea-coast, crossing the mouths of all harbours and inlets, to the point of commencement at Bream Tail; and including Kawau Island, Motuora Island, and other adjacent islands.


All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the sea-coast, in Block XI, Kumeu Survey District, in line with the north-western boundary of Section 16s, Motutara Settlement; thence north-easterly generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of Rodney, hereinbefore described, to and across Brigham's



Creek ; thence along the southern and western shores of Waitemata Harbour and its tributary creeks to the north-eastern boundary of Lot 71, as shown on the plan numbered 177, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Auckland, being part of Allotments 14 and 15, Titirangi Parish, in Block 111, Titirangi Survey District; thence along the north-eastern boundary of the said Lot 71 to Great North Road, and along the western side of Great North Road to a point in line with the north-eastern boundaries of Lots 1 and 4, as shown on the plan numbered 16351, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Allotment 62, Titirangi Parish; thence to and along the north-eastern boundaries of the said Lots 1 and 4, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Oakley Creek; thence up the middle of Oakley Creek to and across Richardson Road; thence south-easterly along the north-eastern side of Richardson Road to its junction with Stoddard Road; thence along a right line across Richardson Road to the easternmost corner of Allotment 94, Titirangi Parish; thence southerly along the western side of Richardson Road to the northernmost corner of Allotment 71, Titirangi Parish; thence along the north-western boundary of the said Allotment 71 to the north-eastern side of a public road forming the north-eastern boundary of Allotment 72, Titirangi Parish ; thence north-westerly along the north-eastern side of the said road to a point in line with the south-eastern side of Boundary Road ; thence to and along the south-eastern side of Boundary Road to White Swan Road; thence along a right line across White Swan Road to the north-western corner of Allotment 74, Titirangi Parish; thence along the north-western boundary of the said Allotment 74 to Manukau Harbour; thence along the northern shore of Manukau Harbour and its tributary creeks to Manukau Heads; thence northerly along the sea-coast to the point of commencement; and including Pine Island, Pollen Island, and Traherne Island in Waitemata Harbour. Nokth Shore All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the western shore of Hauraki Gulf, where the middle-line of The Promenade in the Borough of Takapuna meets the sea ; thence along the middle of The Promenade to Lake Pupuke; thence along the generally southern shore of. that lake to the middle of Northcote Road; thence along the middle of Northcote Road and Ocean View Road to the intersection of the middle-line of the last-mentioned road with a right line running from the easternmost corner of Allotment 94, Takapuna Parish, to the northernmost corner of Lot 36, as shown on the plan numbered 21894, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Auckland, being part of Allotment 48, Takapuna Parish ; thence along that right line to the easternmost corner of the said Allotment 94 ; thence along the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of Allotment 94, the north-western boundary of Allotment 95, and the north-western and south-western boundaries of Allotment 96, all of Takapuna Parish, to Pupuke Road; thence across Pupuke Road to the northernmost corner of Allotment 9, Takapuna Parish ; thence along the eastern boundaries of Allotments 9, 8, and 7, Takapuna Parish, to Gladstone Road; thence along the northern side of Gladstone Road and its production to the middle of Woodside Avenue ; thence along the middle of Woodside Avenue, Onewa Road, Church Street, and Wilding Avenue to the eastern boundary of Allotment 54b, Takapuna Parish ; thence along the eastern boundaries of Allotments 54b and 54c, Takapuna Parish, to the old mean high-water mark of Waitemata Harbour at the northern boundary of a recreation reserve ; thence along the northern and eastern boundaries of the said recreation reserve to Waitemata Harbour; thence along the generally northern shores of Waitemata Harbour, Shoal Bay, and tributary creeks to the southernmost corner of Lot 5, as shown on the plan numbered 9330, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Allotment Bof Section 1, Takapuna Parish; thence along the production of the south-eastern boundary of the said Lot 5 to lowwater mark ; thence along the low-water mark of Ngataringa Bay, Waitemata Harbour, and Hauraki Gulf to a point in line with the southern boundary of Allotment 6 of Section 1, Takapuna Parish;


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thence along the production of that boundary to high-water mark; thence along the shore of Hauraki Gulf to the middle of The Promenade, the point of commencement: and including all wharves and extensions seaward. Ponsonby All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the boundary of the Borough of Birkenhead where the south-western end of a public road meets the shore at the head of an arm of. Kaipatiki Creek, in Block XI, Waitemata Survey District; thence along the abutment of that road and the south-western boundaries of Allotments 126 and 127, Takapuna Parish, to a point in line with the southern boundaries of Lots 14, 15, and 16, of Allotment 121, Takapuna Parish ; thence to and along the southern boundaries of the said Lots 14, 15, and 16 to a point in line with the eastern side of Glen Avenue at its northernmost angle ; thence to and along the eastern and northern sides of Glen Avenue to Glenfield Road; thence along the western side of Glenfield Road to a point in line with the southern side of Pupuke Road forming the northern boundary of Allotment 3, Takapuna Parish ; thence to and along the southern side of Pupuke Road to the northernmost corner of Allotment 9, Takapuna Parish ; thence along the eastern boundaries of Allotment 9, 8, and 7, Takapuna Parish, to Gladstone Road; thence along the northern side of Gladstone Road and its production to the middle of Woodside Avenue : thence along the middle of Woodside Avenue, Onewa Road, Church Street, and Wilding Avenue to the eastern boundary of Allotment 54b, Takapuna Parish; thence along the eastern boundaries of Allotments 54b and 54c, Takapuna Parish, to the old mean high-water mark of Waitemata Harbour at the northern boundary of a recreation reserve; thence along the northern and eastern boundaries of the said recreation reserve to Waitemata Harbour; thence along the northern and eastern shores of Waitemata Harbour and its tributary creeks and the southern shores of Hellyer's Creek and Kaipatiki Creek to the point of commencement; and including all wharves and extensions seaward. Also all that area bounded by a line commencing at a point in the City of Auckland in the middle of Ponsonby Road at its junction with Franklin Road ; thence along the middle of Ponsonby Road, Lincoln Street, and Richmond Road to the middle of Cox's Creek ; thence down the middle of Cox's Creek to the north-western side of the bridge at West End Road; thence easterly generally along the north-western side of West End Road and the southern shore of Waitemata Harbour to the middle of Fanshawe Street forming the north-eastern boundary of Allotment 15 of Section 8, Suburbs of Auckland ; thence along the middle of Fanshawe Street, Beaumont Street, Victoria Street West, and Franklin Road to the point of commencement; and including all wharves and extensions seaward. Auckland Central All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point in the City of Auckland in the middle of Ponsonby Road at its junction with Karangahape Road; thence along the middle of Ponsonby Road, Hepburn Street, Barrie Street, Picton Street, Paget Street, Anglestea Street, and Heke Street to the middle of Franklin Road; thence along the middle of Franklin Road, Victoria Street West, and Beaumont Street to the middle of Fanshawe Street; thence north-westerly along the middle of Fanshawe Street to Waitemata Harbour; thence easterly generally along the waterfront to and across the eastern breakwater near Campbell's Point; thence along that breakwater, the shore of Waitemata Harbour, and the production of the shore-line to the middle of King's Drive ; thence along the middle of King's Drive, The Strand, and Gittos Street to a point in line with the north-western side of Carlaw Park Avenue; thence to and along the north-western side of Carlaw Park Avenue, the north-western boundary of Carlaw Park, and the generally western boundaries of the Auckland Domain and the Auckland Hospital Reserve to Park Road ; thence along a right line to the middle of Park Road; thence along the middle of Park Road, Grafton Bridge, and Karangahape Road to the point of commencement; and including all wharves and extensions seaward, Little Barrier Island, and Tiritiri Island in Hauraki Gulf.



- Grey Lynn All that arfea bounded by a line commencing at a point on the southern shore of Waitemata Harbour at Point Chevalier; thence ■easterly- generally along the southern shore of Waitemata Harbour •and its tributary creeks to West End Road; thence along the north-western side of that road to the middle of the bridge across Cox's Creek; thence up the middle of Cox's Creek to the middle • -of Richmond Road ; thence along the middle of Richmond Road to the middle of Farrar Street; thence along the middle of Farrar Street, Cockburn Street, Dryden Street, Allen Road, Selbourne ■Street, Baildon Road, Browning Street, Surrey Crescent, and Great North Road to a point in line with the north-western boundary of Allotment 19 of Section 7, Suburbs of Auckland; thence to and along the north-western and southern boundaries of the said Allotment 19 to the middle of School Road ; thence along the middle of School Road, Western Springs Road, and Asquith Avenue to A point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Allotment 172 of Section 10, Suburbs of Auckland ; thence to and along the northeastern and north-western boundaries of the said Allotment 172 and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Meola Stream; thence down the middle of Meola Stream to a point in line with the eastern boundary of Allotment 29, Titirangi Parish ; thence to and along the eastern boundary of Allotment 29, the eastern and southern boundaries of Allotment 35, a right line across Carrington Road, the southern boundary of Allotment 32, all of Titirangi Parish, and the production of the last-mentioned besmdary to the middle of Oakley Creek ; thence up the middle of Oakley Creek to a point in line with the north-eastern boundaries of Lots 4 and 1, as shown on the plan numbered 16351, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Auckland, being part of Allotment 62, Titirangi Parish ; thence to and along the northeastern boundaries of the said Lots 4 and 1 and the production of the last-mentioned boundary across Great North Road; thence along the western side of Great North Road to the north-eastern boundary of Lot 71, as shown on the plan numbered 177, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Allotments 14 and 15, Titirangi Parish; thence along the north-eastern boundary of the said Lot 71 to Waitemata Harbour; thence northerly along the shore of Waitemata Harbour and its tributary creeks to Point Chevalier, the point of commencement. Arch Hill All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point in the City of Auckland in the middle of Karangahape Road at its junction "with Ponsonby Road; thence along the middle of Karangahape Road to the middle of Symonds Street; thence along the middle of Symonds Street and New North Road to the first junction of the last-mentioned road with Western Springs Road; thence along the middle of Western Springs Road and School Road to the southern boundary of Allotment 19 of Section 7, Suburbs of Auckland; thence along the southern and north-western boundaries of the said Allotment 19, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Great North Road; thence along the middle of Great North Road, Surrey Crescent, Browning Street, Baildon Road, Selbourne Street, Allen Road, Dryden Street, Cockburn Street, and Farrar Street to the middle of Richmond Road ; thence along the middle of Richmond Road, Lincoln Street, Ponsonby Road, and Franklin Road to Heke Street; thence along the middle of Heke Street, Anglesea Street, Paget Street, Picton Street, Barrie Street, and Hepburn Street to the middle of Ponsonby Road; thence along the middle of Ponsonby Road to its junction with Karangahape Road, the point of commencement. Parnell All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point in the City of Auckland in the middle of Symonds Street at its junction with Karangahape Road; thence along the middle of Symonds Street and New North Road to a point in line with the southwestern side of Mount Eden Road; thence along the generally



western side of Mount Eden Road to a point in line with the middle of Enfield Street; thence along the middle of Enfield Strieet and Normanby Road, and the production of the middle-line of Normanby Road to the Mount Eden Domain; thence along the generally north-eastern boundary of that domain to the middle of Glenfell Road ; thence along the middle of Glenfell Road, Mountain Road, and Owen's Road to the western side of Manukau Road; thence along the western side of Manukau Road to a point in line with the middle of Clyde Street; thence to and along the middle of Clyde Street and Ngaire Avenue, and the production of the middle-line of the last-mentioned avenue across Great South Road; thence along the north-eastern side of Great South Road to the middle of Dilworth Avenue ; thence along the middle of Dilworth Avenue to Remuera Road ; thence along a right line across Remuera Road to the middle of Bassett Road ; thence along the middle of Bassett Road, Arney Road, and Woodville Road, and the production of the middle-line of the last-mentioned road across Shore Road to Hobson Bay; thence along the shore of Hobson Bay and Judge's Bay, and the production of the shore-line to the middle of King's Drive; thence along the middle of King's Drive, The Strand, and Gittos Street to a point in line with the north-western side of Carlaw Park Avenue; thence to and along the north-western side of Carlaw Park Avenue, the north-western boundary of Carlaw Park, and the generally western boundaries of the Auckland Domain and the Auckland Hospital Reserve to Park Road; thence along a right line to the middle of Park Road ; thence along the middle of Park Road and Grafton Bridge to the junction of Road with Symonds Street, the point of commencement; and including Great Barrier Island and islands adjacent to Great Barrier Island. Mount Albert All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point in the Borough of Mount Albert in the middle of New North Road at its junction with Sandringham Road ; thence along the middle of New North Road to its first junction with Western Springs Road ; thence along the middle of Western Springs Road and Asquith Avenue to a point in fine with the north-eastern boundary of Allotment 172 of Section 10, Suburbs of Auckland ; thence to and along the northeastern and north-western boundaries of the said Allotment 172, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Meola Stream ; thence down the middle of Meola Stream to a point in line with the eastern boundary of Allotment 29, Titirangi Parish ; thence to and along the eastern boundary of Allotment 29, the eastern and southern boundaries of Allotment 35, a right line across Carrington Road, the southern boundary of Allotment 32, all of Titirangi Parish, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Oakley Creek; thence up the middle of Oakley Creek to and across Richardson Road; thence along the north-eastern side of Richardson Road to the south-eastern boundary of Allotment 51, Titirangi Parish; thence along the south-eastern and north-eastern boundaries of the said Allotment 51 and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Vincent Road ; thence along the middle of Vincent Road and Mount Albert Road to a point in line with the western boundary of Allotment 122 of Section 10, Suburbs of Auckland; thence to and along the western boundaries of Allotments 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, and 136, all of Section 10 aforesaid, crossing all intervening roads, to and along the eastern side of Cricket Avenue, to and across lialeigh Street; -thence along the northern side of Raleigh Street and the western side of Kowhai Street to the southern boundary of part of Allotment 11 of Section 10 aforesaid, as shown on the plan numbered 12980, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Auckland, being the Kowhai Intermediate School-grounds; thence along the southern and south-western boundaries of the said part of Allotment 11, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Sandringham Road; thence westerly along the middle of Sandringham Road to a point in line with the western boundary of Lot 22, as shown on the plan numbered 4164, deposited in the office



of the District Land Registrar at Auckland, being part of Allotment 11 of Section 10, Suburbs of Auckland ; thence to and along the western boundary of the said Lot 22 and its production to the middle of the North Auckland Main Trunk Railway ; thence north-easterly along the middle of the said railway to the middle of Sandringham Road ; thence along the middle of Sandringham Road to its junction with New North Road, the point of commencement. Eden All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point in the City of Auckland in the middle of New North Road at its junction with the south-western side of Mount Eden Road ; thence along the middle of New North Road to the middle of Sandringham Road ; thence along the middle of Sandringham Road to the middle of the North Auckland Main Trunk Railway; thence along the middle of that railway to a point in line with the western boundary of Lot 22, as shown on the plan numbered 4164, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Auckland, being part of Allotment 11 of Section 10, Suburbs of Auckland; thence to and along the western boundary of the said Lot 22 and its production to the middle of Sandringham Road; thence easterly along the middle of Sandringham Road to a point in line with the southwestern boundary of part of the aforesaid Allotment 11 of Section 10, as shown on the plan numbered 12980, deposited as aforesaid, being the Kowhai Intermediate School-grounds; thence to and along the south-western and southern boundaries of the said part of Allotment 11 to Kowhai Street; thence along the western side of Kowhai Street and the northern side of Raleigh Street to a point in line with the eastern side of .Cricket Avenue; thence to and along the eastern side of Cricket Avenue, the western boundaries of Allotments 136, 135, 134, 133, 132, and 131, all of Section 10, Suburbs of Auckland, crossing all intervening roads, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Balmoral Road; thence easterly along the middle of Balmoral Road to the middle of St. Andrew's Road; thence along the middle of St. Andrew's Road and Merivale Avenue to The Drive ; thence northerly along the western side of The Drive to a point in line with the middle of Queen Mary Avenue; thence to and along the middle of Queen Mary Avenue to Manukau Road; thence northerly along the western side of Manukau Road to the middle of Owen's Road ; thence along the middle of Owen's Road, Mountain Road, and Glenfell Road to the Mount Eden Domain; thence along the generally northeastern boundary of that domain to a point in line with the middle of Normanby Road ; thence to and along the middle of Normanby Road and Enfield Street to and across Mount Eden Road; thence along the generally western side of Mount Eden Road and its production to the middle of New North Road, the point of commencement. Remueka All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the boundary between the Boroughs of Ellerslie and One Tree Hill, in the middle of Panmure Road at its junction with the north-eastern side of Great South Road; thence along the middle of Panmure Road, Walpole Street, Mitchelson Street, Morrin Street, Ladies' Mile, Marua Road, and Michael's Avenue to the southern boundary of Allotment 25 of Section 12, Suburbs of Auckland; thence along the south-eastern boundary of Allotment 25 and the southern and eastern boundaries of Allotment 34, both of Section 12 aforesaid, to the northernmost corner of Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 9242, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Auckland, being part of Allotments 25 and 34 aforesaid ; thence along the northern boundary of the said Lot 1 and its production to the middle of Koraha Avenue ; thence along the middle of Koraha Avenue and Remuera Road to a point in line with the eastern side of Meadowbank Road; thence to and along the western boundary of Allotment 38a, District of Tamaki, and its production to Purewa Creek; thence along the generally southern shores of Purewa Creek, Orakei Basin, and Hobson Bay to a point in line



with the middle of Woodville Road; thence across Shore Road to and along the middle of Woodville Road, Arney Road, and Bassett Road to Remuera Road; thence along a right line across Remuera Road to the middle of Dilworth Avenue; thence along the middle of Dilworth Avenue to Great South Road; thence along the north-eastern side of Great South Road to a point in line with the middle of Ngaire Avenue ; thence to and . along the middle of Ngaire Avenue and Clyde Street to and across Manukau Road; thence along the western side of Manukau Road to a point in line with the middle of Claude Road; thence to and along the middle of Claude Road to Cornwall Park; thence north-easterly along the north-western boundary of Cornwall Park to Green Lane ; thence along the southern side of Green Lane to the north-eastern boundary of Cornwall Park; thence along the north-eastern and eastern boundaries of Cornwall Park to the southern side of Waitapu Road; thence along the southern side of Waitapu Road and the western side of Wheturangi Road to a point in line with the northeastern side of St. Oswald's Road; thence across Campbell Road to and along the north-eastern side of St. Oswald's Road to the south-eastern boundary of part of Lot 4, as shown on the plan numbered 19430, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Auckland, being part of Allotment 15 of Section 12, Suburbs of Auckland ; thence along the south-eastern boundaries of Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, as shown on plan 19430 aforesaid, a right line across Te Kawa Road, the south-eastern boundary of Lot 10, as shown on plan 19430 aforesaid, the south-eastern boundaries of Lots 2 and 1, as shown on the plan numbered 32147, lodged in the office of the Chief Surveyor at Auckland, being part of Allotment 15 aforesaid, and the south-eastern boundaries of Lots 1, 2, and 3, as shown on the plan numbered 29025, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Allotment 16 of Section 12, Suburbs of Auckland, to the easternmost corner of the last-mentioned lot; thence along a right line to the southernmost corner of Lot 4, as shown on plan 29025 aforesaid ; thence along the south-eastern boundary of Lot 4, the south-eastern and north-eastern boundaries of Lot 5, both as shown on plan 29025 aforesaid, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Campbell Road ; thence along the middle of Campbell Road to and across Great South Road; thence along the north-eastern side of Great South Road to the middle of Panmure Road, the point of commencement. Roskill All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point in the Mount Roskill Road District, on the southern side of Mount Albert Road in line with the middle of Pa Road; thence along the southern side of Mount Albert Road to the north-eastern corner of Allotment 3of Section 13, Suburbs of Auckland; thence along the eastern boundaries of Allotments 3 and 2 of Section 13 aforesaid to and across Trafalgar Street, to and along the western side of Pleasant Street to its junction with the northern side of Summer Street; thence along a right line to Manukau Harbour at the northernmost corner of land reclaimed from the sea, as shown on the plan numbered 23500, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Auckland; thence westerly along the northern shore of Manukau Harbour to the north-western boundary of Allotment 74, Titirangi Parish, in Blockhouse Bay; thence along the north-western boundary of the said Allotment 74 to White Swan Road; thence along a right line- across White Swan Road to the south-western corner of Allotment 72, Titirangi Parish; thence along the south-eastern side of Boundary Road to and across a public road forming the north-eastern boundary of the said Allotment 72; thence along the north-eastern side of the said road to the north-western boundary of Allotment 71, Titirangi Parish; thence along the north-western boundary of the said Allotment 71 to Richardson Road; thence northerly along the western side of Richardson Road to the easternmost corner of Allotment 94, Titirangi Parish; thence along a right line across Richardson Road to the junction of its north-eastern side with Stoddard Road ; thence along the north-eastern side of Richardson Road to the south-eastern boundary of Allotment 51, Titirangi



Parish; thence along the south-eastern and north-eastern boundaries of the said Allotment 51 and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Vincent Road; thence along the middle of Vincent Road and Mount Albert Road to a point in line with the western boundary of Allotment 122 of Section 10, Suburbs of Auckland; thence to and along the western boundaries of Allotments 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, and 130,' all of Section 10 aforesaid, crossing all intervening roads, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Balmoral Road; thence easterly along the middle of Balmoral Road to the middle of St. Andrew's Road ; thence along the middle of St. Andrew's Road and Merivale Avenue to The Drive ; thence southerly along the western side of The Drive and its production to the middle of Selwyn Road; thence along the middle of Selwyn Road and Pa Road, and the production of the middle line of Pa Road to the southern side of Mount Albert Road, the point of commencement. Onehtjnga All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the boundary between the Boroughs of Ellerslie and One Tree Hill, in the middle of Panmure Road, at its junction with the northeastern side of Great South Road; thence south-easterly along the north-eastern side of Great South Road to a point in line with the south-eastern side of Waiohua Street; thence south-westerly along that line to the south-western side of Great South Road ; thence south-easterly along the south-western side of Great South Road to the middle of Rockfield Road; thence along the middle of Rockfield Road to the northern side of Mount Smart Road ; thence along a right line across Mount Smart Road to the northwestern corner of Allotment 15 of Section 17, Suburbs of Auckland ; thence along the western boundary of the said Allotment 15, to and across the Auckland-Onehunga Railway, to and along the western boundaries of Allotments 14, 13, 12, and 8, of Section 17 aforesaid, to and across Church Street to the north-western corner of Allotment 4 of Section 17 aforesaid ; thence along the western and southwestern boundaries of the said Allotment 4, to and across Neilson Street, to and along the south-western boundary of Allotment 5 of Section 17 aforesaid to Manukau Harbour; thence westerly generally along the northern shore of Manukau Harbour, to and along the south-eastern boundary of an area of 6 acres 0 roods 14 perches, as shown on the plan numbered 17225, lodged in the office of the Chief Surveyor at Auckland, again along the northern shore of Manukau Harbour, to and along the southern boundaries of Lots 6, 2, and 1, as shown on the plan numbered 25356, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Auckland, the western boundary of Lot 1 aforesaid, the southern side of Mill Street, the western side of Albert Street, and again the northern shore of Manukau Harbour, to and along the south-western boundary of Lot 1 and the western boundary of Lot 2, as shown on the plan numbered 24425, deposited as aforesaid, again along the northern shore of Manukau Harbour, to and along the south-western boundary of land reclaimed from the sea, as shown on the plan numbered 23742, deposited as aforesaid, and the generally southern boundary and the north-western boundary of land reclaimed from the sea, as shown on the plan numbered 23500, deposited as aforesaid, to the northernmost corner of the said reclaimed land ; thence along a right line to the junction of the western side of Pleasant Street with the northern side of Summer Street; thence along the western side of Pleasant Street to and across Trafalgar Street, to and along the eastern boundaries of Allotments 2 and 3 of Section 13, Suburbs of Auckland, to Mount Albert Road; thence along the southern side of Mount Albert Road to a point in line with the middle of Pa Road; thence to and along the middle of Pa Road and Selwyn Road to a point in line with the western side of The Drive; thence to and along the western side of The Drive to a point in line with the middle of Queen Mary Avenue; thence to and along the middle of Queen Mary Avenue to Manukau Road; thence southerly along the western side of



Manukau Road to a point in line with the Middle of Claude Road; thence to and along the middle of Claude Road to Cornwall Park; thence north-easterly along the north-western boundary of Cornwall Park to Green Lane ; thence along the southern side of Green Lane to the north-eastern boundary of Cornwall Park ; thence along the north-eastern and eastern boundaries of Cornwall Park to the southern side of Waitapu Road; thence along the southern side of Waitapu Road and the western side of Wheturangi Road to a point in line with the north-eastern side of St. Oswald's Road; thence across Campbell Road to and along the north-eastern side of St. Oswald's Road to the south-eastern boundary of part of Lot 4, as shown on the plan numbered 19430, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Allotment 15 of Section 12, Suburbs of Auckland; thence along the south-eastern boundaries of Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, as shown on plan 19430 aforesaid, a right line across Te Kawa Road, the south-eastern boundary of Lot 10, as shown on plan 19430 aforesaid, the south-eastern boundaries of Lots 2 and 1, as shown on the plan numbered 32147, lodged in the office of the Chief Surveyor at Auckland, being part of Allotment 15 aforesaid, and the south-eastern boundaries of Lots 1, 2, and 3, as shown on the plan numbered 29025, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Allotment 16 of Section 12, Suburbs of Auckland, to the easternmost corner of the last-mentioned lot; thence along a right line to the southernmost corner of Lot 4, as shown on plan 29025 aforesaid; thence along the south-eastern boundary of Lot 4, the southeastern and north-eastern boundaries of Lot 5, both as shown on plan 29025 aforesaid, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Campbell Road; thence along the middle of Campbell Road to and across Great South Road; thence along the north-eastern side of Great South Roacl to the middle of Panmure Road, the point of commencement; and including all wharves and extensions seaward. Tamaki All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the southern shore of Waitemata Harbour at Orakei Jetty ; thence easterly along the southern shore of Waitemata Harbour and southerly up the left bank of the Tamaki River to the middle of Waipuna Road ; thence along the middle of Waipuna Road to the middle of the Auckland-Westfield Railway; thence along the middle of that railway across Great South Road to Ann's Creek ; thence westerly along the northern shore of Ann's Creek and Manukau Harbour to the south-western boundary of Allotment 5 of Section 17, Suburbs of Auckland; thence northerly along the south-western boundary of the said Allotment 5, to and across Neilson Street, to and along the south-western and western boundaries of Allotment 4 of Section 17 aforesaid, to and across Church Street to the south-western corner of Allotment 8 of Section 17 aforesaid; thence along the western boundaries of Allotments 8, 12, 13, and 14, of Section 17 aforesaid, to and across the Auckland—Onehunga Railway, to and along the western boundary of Allotment 15 of Section 17' aforesaid to Mount Smart Road; thence along a right line across Mount Smart Road to the middle of Rockfield Road; thence along the middle of Rockfield Road to Great South Road; thence north-westerly along the south-western side of Great South Road to Waiohua Street; thence along the production of the south-eastern side of Waiohua Street across Great South Road; thence north-westerly along the north-eastern side of Great South Road to the middle of Panmure Road ; thence along the middle of Panmure Road, Walpole Street, Mitchelson Street, Morrin Street, Ladies' Mile, Marua Road, and Michael's Avenue to the southern boundary of Allotment 25 of Section 12, Suburbs of Auckland; thence along the south-eastern boundary of Allotment 25 and the southern and eastern boundaries of Allotment 34, both of Section 12 aforesaid, to the northernmost corner of Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 9242, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Auckland, being part of Allotments 25 and 34 aforesaid; thence along the northern boundary of the said Lot 1 and its production to the middle of . Koraha



Avenue ; thence along the middle of Koraha Avenue and Remuera Road to a point in line with the eastern side of Meadowbank Road; thence to and along the western boundary of Allotment 38a, District of Tamaki, and its production to and across Purewa Creek ; thence along the right bank of Purewa Creek, the north-western shore of Hobson Bay, and the southern shore of Waitemata Harbour to Orakei Jetty, the point of commencement; and including all wharves and extensions seaward, the islands of Rangitoto, Motutapu, Rakino, Brown's, Motuihe, Waiheke, Pakatoa, Rotoroa, Ponui, and Pakihi, in Hauraki Gulf, and other adjacent islands. Otahuhtj All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point in Block VI, Otahuhu Survey District, where the middle line of the Auckland-Westfield Railway meets Ann's Creek ; thence along the middle of that railway to the middle of Waipuna Road; thence easterly along the middle of Waipuna Road and the production of that middle-line across the Tamaki River; thence northerly down the right bank of the Tamaki River to Musick Point, and easterly generally along the sea-coast to a point in line with the northwestern boundary of Maraetai Block, in Block 11, Wairoa Survey District; thence to and along the north-western and south-western boundaries of Maraetai Block and the north-western boundary of Papepape Block to the north-eastern boundary of Allotment 81, Wairoa Parish ; thence along the north-eastern, north-western, and south-western boundaries of Allotment 81 and the north-western and south-western boundaries of Allotment 78 to the westernmost corner of Allotment 46, all of Wairoa Parish ; thence along a right line across a public road to the northernmost corner of Allotment 47, Wairoa Parish ; thence along the north-western boundary of Allotment 47 and the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of Allotment 51, both of Wairoa Parish, to and across a public road to the north-eastern boundary of Lot 2, as shown on the plan numbered 19501, lodged in the office of the Chief Surveyor at Auckland, being part of Allotment 54 and E. 55, Wairoa Parish; thence along the north-eastern and south-eastern boundaries of Lot 2, and the southeastern, north-eastern, and again south-eastern boundaries of Lot 1, both as shown on the said plan 19501, to the north-eastern boundary of Allot,merit, 60, Wairoa Parish; thence along the north-eastern boundary of Allotment 60, the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of Allotment 59, crossing the Whitford-Clevedon Road, the north-eastern boundary of Allotment 24, the north-western boundaries of Allotments 75 and 73, crossing a public road, the south-western boundary of Allotment 73, the abutment of a public road, the south-western boundary of Allotment 74, the northeastern and north-western boundaries of Allotment 29, crossing a public road, and the north-western and south-western boundaries of Allotment 40, all of Wairoa Parish, to the abutment of a public road; thence along the abutment and the south-western side of that road, to and across the road forming the north-western boundary of Allotment 61, Papakura Parish ; thence along the north-western and south-western boundaries of the said Allotment 61 and the north-western boundary of part of Allotment 50, Papakura Parish, as shown on the plan numbered 22524, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Auckland, to and across a public road to the northernmost corner of Allotment 55, Papakura Parish; thence along the north-western boundaries of Allotments 55 and 30, Papakura Parish, to and across a public road to the northernmost corner of Allotment 35, Papakura Parish; thence across a public road to and along the north-western boundary of Allotment 28, Papakura Parish, to and across a public road, to and along the northeastern boundary of Allotment 22, Papakura Parish, to and across the Papakura Stream ; thence down the right bank of the Papakura Stream to a point in line with the south-western boundary of Lot 2, as shown on the plan numbered 4199, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Allotment 13, Papakura Parish; thence along a right line passing through Lots 5 and 4, as shown on the said plan 4199, to and along the south-western boundary of Lot 2 aforesaid to Alfriston Road ; thence along the south-eastern side of Alfriston Road to a point in line with the south-western boundaries of Lots 1 and 9, as



shown on the plan numbered 16622, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Allotment 6, Clendon's Grant; thence across Alfriston Road, to and along the south-western boundaries of the said Lots 1 and 9 to the south-eastern boundary of Lot 2, as shown on the plan numbered 12236, deposited as aforesaid, being another part of the aforesaid Allotment 6 ; thence along the south-eastern boundary of the said Lot 2 to the north-western corner of Lot 19, as shown on the plan numbered 10693, deposited as aforesaid, being another part of the aforesaid Allotment 6 ; thence along a right line through the said Lot 2, across Hill Road, and through another part of the aforesaid Allotment 6, as shown on the plan numbered 6888, deposited as aforesaid, to a point on the south-eastern boundary of another part of the aforesaid Allotment 6, as shown on the plan numbered 12411, deposited as aforesaid, distant 991 links from the easternmost corner of the land as shown on the last-mentioned plan; thence along the south-eastern boundary of the part of the aforesaid Allotment 6, as shown on the said Plan 12411, the south-eastern and . south-western boundaries of another part of the aforesaid Allotment 6, as shown on the plan numbered 12410, deposited as aforesaid, and the south-western boundary of the part of the aforesaid Allotment 6, as shown on Plan 12411 aforesaid, to the south-eastern boundary of Lot 22, as shown on the plan numbered 12986, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Allotment 7, Clendon's Grant; thence along the southeastern boundary of Lot 22 and the south-eastern and south-western boundaries of Lot 21, as shown on the said plan 12986, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary across Oram's Road and through part of Allotment 5, Clendon's Grant, as shown on the plan numbered 20276, deposited as aforesaid, to a point in line with the eastern part of the generally southern boundary of another part of the aforesaid Allotment 5, as shown on the plan numbered 23201, deposited as aforesaid; thence along a right line, to and across Great South Road, to and along the generally southern boundary of the part of the aforesaid Allotment 5, as shown on the said plan 23201, to the south-western corner of the land as shown on the lastmentioned plan ; thence along a right line through Lot 4, as shown on the plan numbered 23681, deposited as aforesaid,- being part of Allotment 4, Clendon's Grant, to and across the North Island Main Trunk Railway to the easternmost corner of the part of the aforesaid Allotment 4 comprised in certificate of title, Vol. 517, folio 242 (Auckland Registry); thence along the south-eastern boundary of the last-mentioned part of the aforesaid Allotment 4 to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Lot 50, as shown on the plan numbered 4436, deposited as aforesaid, being part Allotment 8, Clendon's Grant; thence along the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Brown's Road ; thence along the middle of Brown's Road to Puhinui Creek; thence along the shore of Manukau Harbour and its tributary creeks to the middle of the Auckland-Westfield Railway at Ann's Creek, the point of commencement ; and including Puketutu Island, Wiroa Island, and other adjacent islands in Manukau Harbour. Franklin All that area bounded by a line commencing at the South Head of Manukau Harbour; thence easterly generally along the southern shore of Manukau Harbour and its tributary creeks to the point where the middle-line of Brown's Road meets Puhinui Creek, in Block XIII. Otahuhu Survey District; thence easterly generally «long the boundary of the Electoral District of Otahuhu, hereinbefore described, to the point in Block VIT, Wairoa Survey District, where the production of the north-western boundary of Allotment 59, Wairoa Parish, intersects the middle-line of the Whitford-Clevedon Road ; thence along the middle of the aforesaid road passing through Allotments 59, 24, and 9, Wairoa Parish, to the middle of the road forming the south-eastern boundary of Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 15035, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Auckland, being part of Allotment 9 aforesaid; thence southwesterly along the middle of the last-mentioned road to a point in line with the middle of the road forming the north-western boundary of Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 15646, deposited



as aforesaid, being part of Allotment 5, Wairoa Parish; thence to and along the middle of the last-mentioned road to the middle of the Wairoa River; thence up the middle of the Wairoa River to a point in line with the south-western boundary of Allotment 113 a, Hunua Parish, in Block XII, Wairoa Survey District; thence to and along the south-western boundaries of Allotments 113 a and 113, Hunua Parish, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of a public road; thence south-westerly along the middle of that road forming the south-eastern boundaries of Allotments 83, N. 174, N.M. 174, S.M. 174, S. 174, N. 173, N.M. 173, M. 173, S;M. 173, S. 173, N. 172, M. 172, and S.E. 172, and the middle of the road forming the south-western boundaries of Allotments S.E. 172, S. 172, and S.W. 172, all of Hunua Parish, to a road reserve ; thence along a right line through that reserve to the easternmost corner of Allotment N. 170, Hunua Parish ; thence along the southeastern boundary of Allotment N. 170 aforesaid, crossing a public road, along the south-eastern boundaries of Allotments M. 170, S. 170, and 168, all of Hunua Parish, to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Allotment 179, Hunua Parish: thence across a public road to and along the north-eastern boundary of Allotment 179, the northern and eastern boundaries of Allotment 9, the northern and eastern boundaries of Allotment 13, the eastern boundaries of Allotments 39 and 67, and the generally northern boundary of Allotment 55, all of Hunua Parish, crossing several intervening roads, to the Mangawheau Stream; thence along a right line to the middle of that stream and down the middle of that stream to a point in line with the middle of the road forming the generally western boundary of Allotment 96, Opaheke Parish; thence to and along the middle of the road forming the senerally western boundaries of Allotments 96, 126, 203, 205, 209,' and 90, Opaheke Parish, to a point in line with the southern boundary of the !a«t-mentioned allotment; thence to and along the southern boundary of Allotment 90 aforesaid and its production to the middle of the road forming the south-eastern boundary of the said allotment ; thence along the middle of the road forming the generally western boundaries of Allotments 133 and 135, and the middle of the road forming the south-western boundaries of Allotments 135 and 136, all of Opaheke Parish, to a point in line with the south-eastern boundary of Allotment 135, Mangatawhiri Parish; thence to and along the south-eastern boundary of Allotment 135, Mangatawhiri Parish, to the southernmost corner of that allotment; thence along a right line through Allotment 239 to the easternmost corner of Allotment 238, both of Mangatawhiri Parish; thence along the generally northern and western boundaries of Allotment 239 aforesaid to the north-eastern corner of Allotment 240, Mangatawhiri Parish ; thence along the north-western boundary of Allotment 240 aforesaid, crossing a road reserve, and the production of that boundary to the middle of a public road; thence along the middle of the road forming the north-eastern boundary of Allotment 227, Mangatawhiri Parish, to a point in line with the western boundary of the last-mentioned allotment; thence to and along the western boundary of Allotment 227, and the northern boundary of Allotment 104, both of Mangatawhiri Parish, to the road at the north-western corner of the last-mentioned allotment; thence along the eastern side of that road to a point in line with the northern boundary of Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 9244, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Auckland, being Allotment 171 and part of Allotment 169, Mangatawhiri Parish ; thence across the road to and along the northern and north-western boundaries of the said Lot Ito the south-western corner of that lot; thence along a right line across a public road to the north-eastern corner of Allotment 168, Mangatawhiri Parish ; thence along the northern boundary of Allotment 168, the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of Allotment 156, both of Mangatawhiri Parish, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary across a public road; thence along the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of Allotment 147, the north-western and south-western boundaries of Allotment 146, both of Mangatawhiri Parish, the north-western boundary of Allotment 21, the north-eastern boundary of Allotment 37, the north-western boundary of Allotment 11, the said allotments



being of Suburban Section 2, Mangatawhiri Parish, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of the old Great South Road ; thence along the middle of the old Great South Road to a point in line with the north-western boundary of Allotment 22, Mangatawhiri Parish; thence to and along the north-western boundaries of Allotments 22, 46, 45, and 44, the north-western and south-western boundaries of Allotment 43, all of Mangatawhiri Parish, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Brewster's Road ; thence along the middle of Brewster's Road to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Lot 5, as shown on the Deeds Registration plan numbered Whau 77, lodged in the office of the District Land Registrar at Auckland, being parts of Allotments 48, 49, and 50, Mangatawhiri Parish; thence to and along the north-eastern and south-eastern boundaries of Lot 5, to and along the north-eastern and south-eastern boundaries of Lot 2, both as shown on the said plan Whau 77, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Brewster's Road ; thence along the middle of that road and along the middle of the road forming the generally southern boundary of Lot 1, as shown on the aforesaid plan Whau 77, to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Allotment 10, Mangatawhiri Parish ; thence to and along the north-eastern boundary of the said Allotment 10, crossing a public road and the North Island Main Trunk Railway, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of the road forming the northern boundary of Allotment 68, Mangatawhiri Parish; thence along the middle of that road to a point in line with the eastern boundary of the said Allotment 68 ; thence to and along the eastern boundary of the said Allotment 68 and its production to the middle of the road forming the south-eastern boundary of that allotment; thence along the middle of the road forming the south-eastern boundary of Allotment 68 and the generally eastern boundaries of Allotments 66 and 65, all of Mangatawhiri Parish, to the right bank of the Waikato River; thence along a right line due south to the left bank of the Waikato River; thence westerly along the left bank of the Waikato River to the sea ; thence northerly across the mouth of the Waikato River and along the sea-coast, to the South Head of Manukau Harbour, the point of commencement. Raglan All that area bounded by a line commencing at the point in Block VIII, Maioro Survey District, where the left bank of the Waikato River meets the sea ; thence up the left bank of the Waikato River to its intersection with the production of the south-eastern boundary of Allotment 93, Onewhero Parish, in Block 11, Maramarua Survey District; thence along a right line in the direction of the south-western corner of Section 17, Suburbs of Mercer, to a point in the Waikato River midway between the said left bank and the south-western boundary of Allotment 36, Koheroa Parish (Motutawa Island); thence southerly generally to and up the middle of the Waikato River, so as to exclude from this district all islands in the said river, to a point in line with the northern boundary of Allotment 14b, Taupiri Parish, in Block XI, Rangiriri Survey District; thence along a right line to and along the northern boundary of the said Allotment 14b, to and across the Great South Road, to and along the south-western side of Russell Road to its junction with Kimihia Road at the southernmost corner of Lot 14, as shown on the plan numbered 23553, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Auckland, being part of Allotment 3, Taupiri Parish; thence along a right line across Kimihia Road, Allotment 306, Taupiri Parish, a foreshore reserve, Hakanoa Lake, another foreshore reserve, and part of Allotment 463, Taupiri Parish, to the easternmost corner of Lot 7, as shown on the plan numbered 22910, lodged in the office of the District Land Registrar at Auckland, being part of the said Allotment 463 ; thence along a right line across Lot 19, as shown on the plan numbered 20686, deposited as aforesaid, and Starrtown Road to the northernmost corner of Lot 42, as shown on the plan numbered 23986, deposited as aforesaid, the last-mentioned two lots being parts of the aforesaid Allotment 463 ; thence along the north-eastern and south-eastern boundaries of Lot 42 aforesaid, the generally south-eastern boundaries



of Lot 5, as shown on the plan numbered 31041, deposited as aforesaid, the eastern boundary of Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered .32379, deposited as aforesaid, and along a right line across a road reserve to the northernmost corner of Lot 2, as shown on plan 32379 -aforesaid, the road, reserve and the last-mentioned three lots being parts of the aforesaid Allotment 463 ; thence south-westerly and westerly along the north-western boundary of Lot 2, as shown on Plan 32379 aforesaid, the northern boundary of Lot 17, as shown on Plan 20686 aforesaid, being part of the aforesaid Allotment 463, the southern side of a public road, and the production of the said southern side across Upland Road, Lot 14, as shown on the plan numbered 29455, deposited as aforesaid, being part of the aforesaid Allotment 463, and a public road, to the eastern boundary of Allotment 53, Taupiri Parish; thence southerly along the eastern boundaries of Allotments 53, 54, 55, and 56, a right line across a public road, and the eastern boundaries of Allotments 57, 58, and -59, all of Taupiri Parish, to the south-eastern corner of the lastmentioned allotment; thence westerly along the southern boundary of Allotment 59 aforesaid, crossing a public road, the North Island Main Trunk Railway, and the Great South Road, and along the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of the Waikato River; thence up the middle of the Waikato River, so as to exclude from this district all islands in the said river, to its confluence with the Mangawara Stream, in Block IV, Newcastle Survey District; thence up the middle of the Mangawara Stream, to and up the middle of the Komakorau Stream to the middle of the main Taupiri-Orini Road ; thence along the middle of the Taupiri-Orini Road, Waring's Road, and Henry's Road to the middle of the Komakorau Stream; thence up the middle of the Komakorau Stream to a point in line with the north-western boundary of part Lot 5, as shown on the plan numbered 1291, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Allotment 229, Komakorau Parish; thence to and along the north-western boundary of the said Lot 5 and its production to the middle of the main TaupiriGordonton Road ; thence along the middle of the Taupiri-Gordonton Road, Bankiers Road, and Horsham Downs Road to the middle of the road forming the north-eastern boundary of the part of Allotment 137, Kirikiriroa Parish, as shown on the plan numbered 15569, deposited as aforesaid; thence along the middle of the road forming the north-eastern boundaries of part Allotment 137 aforeasid and Allotment 136 a, and the north-western boundary of Allotment 103 a, all of Kirikiriroa Parish, to the middle of the main GordontonHamilton Highway; thence along the middle of the said highway to a point in line with the south-eastern boundary of Lot 4, as shown on the plan numbered 15274, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Allotment 184, Kirikiriroa Parish; thence to and along the southeastern boundary of the said Lot 4, the south-eastern boundaries of the parts of the said Allotment 184, as shown on the plans numbered 2897 and 12669, deposited as aforesaid, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Hukanui Road ; thence along the middle of Hukanui Road forming the generally north - •eastern boundaries of Allotments 168, 180, 181, 213, and 214, Kirikiriroa Parish, to a point in line with the south-eastern boundary •of Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 29444, deposited as aforesaid, being part of the said Allotment 214 ; thence westerly, southerly, and easterly generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of Hamilton, hereinafter described, to a point in the middle of the Waikato River in line with the north-western boundary of Allotment 53, Te Rapa Parish, in Block 11, Hamilton Survey District; -thence up the middle of the Waikato River to its confluence with Mystery Stream, in Block VII, Hamilton Survey District; thence up the middle of Mystery Stream to and along the northern boundary of Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 29091, deposited as aforesaid, being parts of Allotments 323, 324, 325, 328, 329, 330, arid 331, Te Rapa Parish, to the easternmost corner of Allotment 172, Te Rapa Parish; thence along the south-eastern boundary of Allotment 172, the eastern and southern boundaries of Allotment 173, -the abutment of a public road, the southern boundaries of Allotments 171 and 170, all of Te Rapa Parish, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of the Great South Road; -thence southerly along the middle of the Great South Road to and



along the middle of the road forming the southern boundary of Allotment 362, Te Rapa Parish, across the North Island Main Trunk Railway, and along the middle of the road forming the southern' boundary of Allotment 366, Te Rapa Parish, to a point in line with the north-western boundary of Allotment 352, Ngaroto Parish; thence to and along the generally northern boundary of Ngaroto Parish and its production to the middle of the Waipa River - r thence up the middle of the Waipa River and the Mangauika Stream to its intersection with the southern boundary of Allotment 329, Pirongia Parish, in Block IV, Pirongia Survey District; thence westerly generally along the southern boundaries of Allotments 329, 306, and 365, Pirongia Parish, to and along the eastern boundaries of Sections 2 and 4, Block 111, Pirongia Survey District, along the southern boundaries of Sections 4 and 7 of the said Block 111, to and along the eastern boundaries of Sections 24 and 23, along the southern and western boundaries of the said Section 23, and the western boundary of Section 14, all of Block VII r Pirongia Survey District, to and along the south-western boundary of Section 6, Block 111 of the said survey district, along the northwestern boundary of the said Section 6 and Mangauika B No. 2 Section 2 Block to Trig. Station 1922, Mahaukura ; thence along the south-western boundary of Allotment 358, Pirongia Parish, the abutment of a public road, the south-western boundaries of Allotments 352 and 428, Pirongia Parish, and the abutment of another public road to Trig. Station Tahuanui; thence along the southeastern, southern, and western boundaries of part Moerangi No. 4 Block (provisional State Forest}, and along the southern boundary of Section 6, Block I, Pirongia Survey District, to the south-western corner of the last-mentioned section, being an angle in the Otungaoke Road ; thence along a right line across the said road to the opposite angle; thence along the western side of the said road to and along the southern and western boundaries of Section 7, Block I, Pirongia Survey District, and along the southern boundary of Section 4, Block IV, Kawhia North Survey District, to the south-western corner of the last-mentioned section ; thence along a right line across Kopunui Road to the nearest road angle on the eastern boundary of Section 3 of the said Block IV ; thence along the western side of Kopunui Road to and along the generally southern boundaries of Sections 8 and 7, Block XV, and Lot 2 of Section 18, Block XIV, Karioi Survey District, to the Makomako Stream : thence a long : a right line across the said stream and the Makomako Road to and along the south-western boundary of Section 19, the south-western and western boundaries of Section 27, both of the said Block XIV,. to Te Maari Road ; thence along the south-eastern side of that road to Aotea Harbour; thence along the south-eastern and southern shores of that harbour to the sea ; thence northerly across the mouth of Aotea Harbour and along the sea-coast, crossing the mouthsof all harbours and inlets, to the point of commencement on the left bank of the Waikato River.


All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the right bank of the Waikato River at the south-eastern corner of, Allotment 252, Kirikiriroa Parish, in Block 11, Hamilton Survey District; thence westerly down the right bank of the Waikato River to a point in line with the north-western boundary of Allotment 53, Te Rapa Parish ; thence along a right line across the Waikato River and along the north-western boundaries of Allotments--53 and 52, Te Rapa Parish, to the northernmost corner of Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 31435, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Auckland, being part of the said Allotment 52 ; thence along the generally eastern and southern boundaries. of the said Lot Ito Ohaupo Road; thence northerly along the eastern side of Ohaupo Road to the westernmost corner of part Lot 13, as shown on the plan numbered 4097, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Allotment 26, Te Rapa Parish ; thence along a right line proceeding in the direction of the south-western corner of Lot 3, as shown on the plan numbered 4460, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Allotment 370, Te Rapa Parish, to the intersection of the : said right, line with the northern boundary of Allotment 26, Te :



Rapa Parish, at a point in Lake Crescent; thence along the northern boundary of the said Allotment 26 to a point in line with the north--eastern boundary of Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 12938, deposited as aforesaid, being part of the aforesaid Allotment 370; "thence to and along the north-eastern boundary of the said Lot 1 to the Hamilton Lake ; thence along the eastern and northern shores of that lake to the northern boundary of Allotment 363, Te Rapa Parish ; thence along the northern boundary of the said Allotment 363 (Drain Reserve) to and across the North Island Main Trunk Railway ; thence soxitherly along the western side of that railway to the north-eastern corner of Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 8103, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Allotment 365, Te Rapa Parish ; thence along the north-eastern boundaries of the said Lot 1, and Lot 1 as shown on the plan numbered 7959, deposited .as aforesaid, being part of the aforesaid Allotment 365, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Higgins Road; thence northerly generally along the middle of Higgins Road, Killarney Road, Primrose Street, Massey Street, Weka Street, Kereru Street, and the production of the middle-line of the lastmentioned street to the north-eastern boundary of Allotment 9, Te Rapa Parish ; thence along the north-eastern boundary of the said Allotment 9 to and along the middle of Edgar Street, Lincoln Street, North Street, and the production of the middle of the lastmentioned street to the middle of the North Island Main Trunk Railway; thence along the middle of that railway to the middle of the Waitawhiriwhiri Stream ; thence down the middle of that stream to a point distant approximately 50 links north-east of the centre-line of the railway track; thence along a route parallel to the aforesaid centre-line to the middle of Forest Lake Road ; thence along the middle of Forest Lake Road to and along the middle of the road forming the south-western boundary of Lot 11, as shown on the plan numbered 7943, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Allotment 75, Pukete Parish, to the north-western boundary of . the last-mentioned road; thence to and along the north-western boundaries of Lots 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1, as shown on the aforesaid Plan 7943, to a public road; thence along that road to a point in line with the south-eastern boundary of Lot 4, as shown on the Deeds Registration plan numbered C. 90, lodged in the office of the District Land Registrar at Auckland, being part of Allotment 40, Pukete Parish; thence across the last-mentioned road to and along the north-western side of Forest Lake Road to a point in line with the south-western boundary of Allotment 37, Pukete Parish; thence along a right line across Forest Lake Road, to and along the south-western boundary of the said Allotment 37 to and across Maeroa Road ; thence along the south-eastern side of Maeroa Road to the northernmost corner of the parts of Allotments 84 and 243, Pukete Parish, as shown on the plan numbered 27436, deposited as aforesaid; thence along the north-eastern and southeastern boundaries of the land as shown on the said plan 27436, to and along the south-western boundary of Allotment 243, Pukete Parish, to Dudley Terrace; thence along the generally northwestern side of Dudley Terrace and its production to the middle of the Waitawhiriwhiri Stream; thence down that stream to the Waikato River ; thence up the left bank of the Waikato River to a point in line with the northern side of Boundary Road ; thence along a right line across the Waikato River, to and along the northern side of Boundary Road to and across River Road; thence along . the north-eastern side of River Road and the eastern side of Tamihana Avenue to the southernmost corner of Lot 18, as shown on the plan numbered 27699, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Allotments 178 a and 211, Kirikiriroa Parish; thence along the south-eastern boundaries of Lots 18 and 12, as shown on the said Plan 27699, to •Casey's Avenue ; thenee along a right line across that avenue to the southernmost corner of Lot 22, as shown on the plan numbered 13066, deposited as aforesaid, being part of the said Allotment 211; thence along the south-eastern boundary of the said Lot 22 to the south-western boundary of Lot 34, as shown on the plan numbered ■8536, deposited as aforesaid, being part of the said Allotment 211 ; thence along the south-western and south-eastern boundaries of Lot 34, and the south-eastern boundaries of Lots 32, 30, 28, 26, 24,



22, 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, and 1, as shown on the said Plan 8536, being parts of Allotments 211 and 212, Kirikiriroa Parish, to and across Heaphy Terrace, to and along the south-eastern boundaries of Lots 1, 3 and 4, as shoyra on the plan numbered 31996, deposited as aforesaid, Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15, as shown on the plan numbered. 32434, deposited as aforesaid, part Lot 33, as shown on the plan numbered 3014, deposited as aforesaid, Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 29444, deposited as aforesaid, the said lots being parts of Allotments 212 and 214, Kirikiriroa Parish, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Hukanui Road; thence southerly generally along the middle of Hukanui Road and Peach Grove Road to a point in line with the south-eastern boundary of Allotment 223 a, Kirikiriroa Parish; thence to and along the south-eastern and south-western boundaries of Allotment 223 a, the crossing of a public road, the south-western boundaries of Allotments 224, 225, and 229, the crossing of a public road, the south-western boundaries of Allotments 229, 230, and 231, the crossing of a public road, the south-western boundary of Allotment 251, the abutment of a public road, and the south-western boundary of Allotment 254, all of Kirikiriroa Parish, to the Waikato River at the south-eastern corner of Allotment 252, Kirikiriroa Parish, the point of commencement. Hatjraki All that area bounded by a line commencing at the point on the southern shore of Tamaki Strait in line with the north-wfestern boundary of Maraetai Block, in Block 11, Wairoa Survey District - T thence southerly generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of Otahuhu, hereinbefore described, to the point in Block VII, Wairoa Survey District, where the production of the north-western boundary of Allotment 59, Wairoa Parish, intersects the middleline of the Whitford-Clevedon Road; thence southerly generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of Franklin, hereinbefore described, to the point in Block V, Maramarua Survey District, on the left bank of the Waikato River, due south of the middle of the road at the south-eastern corner of Allotment 65, Mangatawhiri Parish ; thence south-easterly generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of Raglan, hereinbefore described, to the point in Block I, Komakorau Survey District, where the middle-line of Waring's Road joins the middle-line of Henry's Road in Allotment 97, Taupiri Parish ; thence along the middle of Henry's Road to its intersection with Davies Road at the northernmost corner of Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 15306, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Auckland, being part of the land granted to the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, in 1876 ; thence along the south-western side of Davies Road, to and along the south-western and South-eastern boundaries of Lot 5, as shown on the plan numbered 28873, deposited as aforesaid, to and along the south-western boundary of Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 24433, deposited as aforesaid, both lots being part of the aforesaid grant, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of the Gordonton-Taukei Road; thence north-easterly along the middle of that road to a point in line with the south-western boundary of Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 24406, being part of the aforesaid grant; thence to and along the south-western boundaries of the said Lot 1, Lots 11 and 10 as shown on the plan numbered 30010, deposited as aforesaid, Lot 4 as shown on the plan numbered 24503, deposited as aforesaid, the said lots being part of the aforesaid grant, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Woodward's Road; thence along the middle of Woodward's Road to and along the middle of the Orini-Gordonton Road to a point in line with the southern boundary of Lot 2, as shown on the plan numbered 10881, deposited as a foresaid, being part of the aforesaid grant; thence to and along the southern and eastern boundaries of the said Lot 2, the eastern boundary of Lot 1, as shown on the said Plan 10881, the southern boundaries of Lots 3 and 8 as shown on the plan numbered 29348, deposited as aforeasid, and the south-eastern boundary of Lot l r as shown on the plan numbered 29614, deposited as aforesaid,.



the said lots being part of the aforesaid grant, to the Hoe-o-Tainui Road; thence along the north-western side of that road to the eastern boundary of the aforesaid grant; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of the said grant to the south-western corner of Hoe-o-Tainui South No. 4a Block; thence along the southern boundaries of Hoe-o-Tainui South No. 4a Block, Sections 2, 3, and 7, Block IX, Waitoa Survey District, and Section la, Willis's Grant, crossing two intervening roads, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of the Piako River ; thence down the middle of the Piako River to a point in line with the. middle of the road forming the northern boundary of Takapau No. 2 Block; thence to and along the middle of the road forming the northern boundaries of Takapau No. 2 Block, Sections 13, 6 T 7, 8, 9, 10, and 17, Block X, Waitoa Survey District, and Section 10 r Block VI, Waitoa Survey District, to and along the middle of the road through Rangatahi No. 1, Putea Hapa Hapai, and Rangatahi No. 2 Blocks, and forming the north-western boundaries of Sections 22, 15, and 16, Block VII, Waitoa Survey District, to and along the middle of the road forming the north-western boundaries of Section 14, Otway Settlement, Section 21, Block VII, Waitoa Survey District, and Awaiti No. 5b Block, and passing through Awaiti No. 5c Block, along the western boundary of Awaiti No. 5a Block, and through Awaiti No. 4, No. 1b 2, No. Is 1, and No. 1h 2c Blocks, and forming the north-western boundary of the lastmentioned block, and the production of the middle-line of the last-mentioned road to the middle of the Waihou River; thence up the middle of the Waihou River, to and up the middle of the Waitoki Stream to the northern boundary of Lot 7, as shown on the plan numbered 13241, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Waitoki Block, in Block VIII, Waitoa Survey District; thence along the northern boundary of the said Lot 7 and the northeastern boundary of Te Paeroa No. 1b Block to the middle of the Waitoki Stream ; thence up the middle of that stream to the western boundary of Lot 2, as shown on the plan numbered 14199, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Te Paeroa No. 1a Block; thence along the western boundaries of the said Lot 2 and part Lot 12 as shown on the plan numbered 576, deposited as aforesaid, being another part of Te Paeroa No. 1a Block, to Waitoki Road; thence along the southern side of Waitoki Road to a point in line with the northwestern boundary of Lot 3, as shown on the said Plan 576; thence to and along the north-western and north-eastern boundaries of the said Lot 3 and the north-eastern boundary of Lot 2, as shown, on the said Plan 576, to a public road; thence along the northwestern side of that road to a point in line with the north-feastern boundary of Pukemokemoke No. 1b 2b Block; thence to and along the north-eastern boundary of Pukemokemoke No. 1b 2b Block and the eastern boundary of Pukemokemoke No. 2b 2 Block to the Waitoki Stream at the south-western corner of Section 24, Block I, Aroha Survey District; thence along the southern and eastern boundaries of Section 24, the southern boundaries of Sections 21 and 25, the southern and eastern boundaries of Section 17, the north-eastern, northern, and western boundaries of Section 16,. the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 20 and 4, the southeastern and north-eastern boundaries of Section 12, the southeastern boundary of Section 30, the south-western, south-eastern, and north-eastern boundaries of Section 18, all of Block I, Aroha Survey District, and the south-eastern boundary of Rotokohu No. 3a 2 Block, to Ramarama Trig. Station; thence along the western and north-western boundaries of Raratu No. 2 Block (Raratu Township) to the Paeroa-Waihi Railway; thence along the western side of the said railway to a point in line with the southern boundary of Te Rewarewa No. 2 Block; thence to and along the last-mentioned boundary to the Ohinemuri River; thence down the left bank of the said river to a point due west of the intersection of the eastern side of the Paeroa-Waihi Road with the north-eastern side of the public road forming the south-western boundaries of a Sanitary Reserve and Section 4, Block XIII, Ohinemuri Survey District; thence across the Ohinemuri River' to the said intersection ; thence along the north-eastern side of the last-mentioned road to Section 65, Block XIII, Ohinemuri Survey 2—H 46



District; thence along the north-eastern boundary of Section 65, the north-western and north-eastern boundaries of Section 21, the northern boundaries of part Section 36, Lot 2 of Section 36, both of Block XIII, Ohinemuri Survey District, and Section 40, Block XIV, Ohinemuri Survey District, to Karangahake Watershed Reserve; thence along the western boundary of the said reserve, the western boundary of Section 1, Block XIV, Ohinemuri Survey District, the north-western boundary of Karangahake Watershed Reserve, the western and northern boundaries of a provisional State forest of 742 acres in Block XIV aforesaid, the generally northwestern boundary of Section 17, Block X, Ohinemuri Survey District, the generally western boundary of a State forest of 760 acres in Block X aforesaid, the western and northern boundaries of Section 19, the western and northern boundaries of Section 15, both of Block X, Ohinemuri Survey District, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of the Waitekauri Stream; thence up the middle of the Waitekauri Stream to Maratoto Road; thence along the generally western side of Maratoto Road to a point in line with the northern boundary of Section 3, Block VI, Ohinemuri Survey District; thence to and along the northern, western, and again northern boundaries of the said Section 3, and the eastern boundary of Section 6, Block VI, Ohinemuri Survey District, to the northernmost corner of the lastmentioned section; thence north-westerly along a dividing ridge passing through Ngapuketurua and Hikurangi Trig. Stations, to and along the watershed between the Tairua and Waihou Rivers, to and along the watershed between the Tairua and Kauaeranga Rivers to the source of the Hikuwai Stream ; thence down the middle of the Hikuwai Stream to the eastern boundary of Block "XT, Whitianga Survey District; thence northernly along the eastern boundaries of Blocks XI and VII, Whitianga Survey District, to the intersection of the last-mentioned boundary with a right line running from the north head of Tairua Harbour, in Block X, Whitianga Survey District, to the source" of Waikawau River, in Block VIII, Hastings Survey District; thence south-easterly along that right line to Tairua Harbour, and along the generally northern shore of that harbour to the sea; thence northerly along the sea-coast to Cape Colville; thence southerly along the shore of Hauraki Gulf, to and along the eastern, southern, and western shores of the Firth of Thames, to and along the southern shore of Tamaki Strait, to a point in line with the north-western boundary of Maraetai Block, the point of commencement; and including Cuvier Island, Great Mercury Island, and other islands adjacent to the County of Coromandel. Piako All that area bounded by a line commencing at the point in Block XIV, Komakorau Survey District, in the middle of Hukanui Road in line with the south-eastern boundary of Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 29444, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Auckland, being part of Allotment 214, Kirikiriroa Parish; thence northerly generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of Raglan, hereinbefore described, to the point in Block I, Komakorau Survey District, where the middle-line of Warings Road joins the middle-line of Henry's Road in Allotment 97, Taupiri Parish ; thence north-easterly generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of Hauraki, hereinbefore described, to the south-eastern corner of Section 17, Block I, Aroha Survey District; thence along the western and. southern boundaries of Block 11, Aroha Survey District, to the middle of the Mangakino Stream; thence southerly up the middle of the Mangakino Stream to its intersection with a right line running from Ngakuriawhare Trig. Station, in Block 11, Katikati Survey District, to Trig. Station 567, Te Aroha, in Block XI, Katikati Survey District; thence northeasterly along that right line to the eastern boundary of original Aroha Block, as shown on the Native Land Court plan numbered 3062, lodged in the office of the Chief Surveyor at Auckland ; thence south-easterly along the eastern boundary of original Aroha Block



2*— H 46

aforesaid, through State forests in Blocks XI and VII, Katikati Survey District, and Block X, Aongatete Survey District, to and along the generally eastern boundaries of Sections 20a and 20, Block 111, Wairere Survey District, to and along the generally eastern boundaries of Waiharakeke East, Maurihoro B, and Maurihoro A Blocks, to the north-western boundary of Whakamarama No. 2 Block; thence along the north-western and generally western boundaries of Whakamarama No. 2 Block, to Trig. Station 909, Waianuanu ; thence along a right line to Trig. Station 146, Te Weraiti; thence westerly generally along the southern boundary of Opauia No. 3 Block, crossing a public road, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of the Waiomou Stream ; thence down the middle of the Waiomou Stream to and across the Waihou River; thence up the left bank of the Waihou River to the southernmost corner of Section 17, Mangawhero Settlement, in Block VI, Tapapa Survey District; thence along the southern boundary of the said Section 17, crossing the Mangawhero Road, and the generally southern boundary of Section 92, Matamata Settlement, to and across the Mangawhara Stream; thence up the left bank of the Mangawhara Stream to the middle of the AucklandRotoraa Railway; thence northerly along the middle of the said railway to a point in line with the middle of Puketutu Road ; thence to and along the middle of Puketutu Road and Matai Road to a point in line with the southern boundary of Section 143, Matamata Settlement; thence to and along the southern boundary of the said Section 143, the generally southern boundary of Te Tapui Block and the southern and western boundaries of Te Pae-o-Turawaru Block to the north-eastern corner of Kiwitahi No. 1e Block; thence along the northern boundary of Kiwitahi No. 1e Block and its production to the middle of the Topehahae Stream ; thence down the middle of the Topehahae Stream to a point in line with the northern boundary of Section 735, Te Miro Settlement; thence to and along the northern boundary of Section 735, the eastern boundary of Section 235, the eastern and northern boundaries of Section 245, all of Te Miro Settlement, and the northern, western, and southern boundaries of the parts of Kiwitahi No. and 3c Blocks, as shown on the plan numbered 28351, deposited as aforesaid, to the middle of the Waitakaruru Stream; thence down the middle of that stream to the Ngakauroa Stream ; thence up the middle of the Ngakauroa Stream to the northern boundary of Section 925, Te Miro Settlement; thence along the northern boundary of Section 925, the abutment of a public road, the northern and western boundaries of Section 91s, the northwestern boundaries of part Section 335, Section 103s, Lot 1 of Section 345, and the northern and south-western boundaries of Section 355, all of Te Miro Settlement, to a point in line with the northern boundary of Section 1, Block VIII, Hamilton Survey District; thence along a right line to and along the northern and western boundaries of the said Section 1, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary across a public road; thence along the northern and western boundaries of Section 2, Block VIII, Hamilton Survey District, to a point in line with the northern boundary of Allotment 174, Hautapu Parish ; thence to and along the northern and western boundaries of Allotment 174, the northern boundary of Allotment 177, the northern and western boundaries of Allotment 178, the northern boundary of Allotment 180, the northern and western boundaries of Allotment 179, the western boundaries of Allotments 180 and 181, all of Hautapu Parish, crossing several intervening roads, and the production of the lastmentioned boundary to the middle of the road forming the southern boundary of the last-mentioned allotment; thence westerly along the middle of the road forming the southern boundaries of Allotments 77, 78, 79, and 80, Tamahere Parish, to the middle of the Mangaomahu Stream ; thence down the middle of the Mangaomahu Stream, the Mangaone Stream, and the Mangonua Stream to the middle of the Waikato River; thence down the middle of the Waikato River to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Allotment 53, Te Rapa Parish; thence easterly and northerly generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of Hamilton,, hereinbefore described, to the point of commencement.



Tauranga All that area bounded by a line commencing at the north head of Tairua Harbour, in Block X, Whitianga Survey District; thence westerly and southerly generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of Hauraki, hereinbefore described, to the southeastern corner of Section 17, Block I, Aroha Survey District; thence southerly generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of Piako, hereinbefore described, to Trig. Station 146, Te Weraiti, in Block IV, Opoutilii Survey District; thence along a right line to Trig. Station 27, Puwhenua, in Block XIV, Otanewainuku Survey District; thence along a right line running in the direction of Trig. Station 807, Uraura, in Block VII, Ngautuku Survey District, to the south-western boundary of Section 3, Block 11, Rotorua Survey District; thence along the southwestern boundary of the said Section 3, the western and southwestern boundaries of Section 13, the south-western boundaries of Sections 6, 10, 8, and 9, Block 111, the south-western boundaries of Sections 8, 4, 5, and 7, Block VIII, all of Rotorua Survey District, crossing several intervening roads, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of the TaurangaRotorua Road; thence southerly along the middle of the Tauranga-Rotorua Road to the middle of the Awahou Stream ; thence down the middle of the said stream to Lake Rotorua; thence along the generally northern shore of Lake Rotorua to the Ohau Stream ; thence down the middle of the Ohau Stream to Lake Rotoiti; thence along the generally southern shore of Lake Rotoiti to a point in line with the southern boundary of Rotoiti Block, in Block IX, Rotoma Survey District; thence to and along the southern boundary of Rotoiti Block, the generally southern boundary of Hongi's Track Scenic Reserve, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of the RotoruaWhakatane Road ; thence south-easterly along the middle of that road to a point in line with the western boundary of Section 15, Block XI, Rotoma Survey District; thence northerly along a right line, being the original western boundary of Matata Parish, to the sea; thence north-westerly generally along the sea-coast, crossing the mouths of all harbours and inlets, to the north head of Tairua Harbour, the point of commencement; and including Shoe Island, Slipper Island, Motiti Island, Mayor Island, the Aldermen, and other adjacent islands. Waikato All that area bounded by a line commencing at the point in Block 11, Hamilton Survey District, in the middle of the Waikato River at its confluence with the Mangaonua Stream; thence easterly generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of Piako, hereinbefore described, to Trig. Station 146, Te Weraiti, in Block VIII, Tapapa Survey District; thence along a right line to Trig. Station 27, Puwhenua, in Block VII, Tapapa East Survey District; thence along a right line to Trig. Station 807, Uraura, in Block VII, Ngautuku Survey District; thence along a right line running in the direction of the mouth of the Waihora Stream at Lake Taupo, in Block XIV, Marotiri Survey District, to the middle of the Waikato River, in Block XII, Whakamaru Survey District; thence down the middle of the Waikato River to a point in line with the north-western boundary of Section 10, Block IV, Wharepapa Survey District; thence along a right line to and across a foreshore reserve, to and along the north-western boundary of -the said Section 10, a right line through Section 1, Block IV, Wharepapa Survey District, and across Mangare Road to the northernmost corner of Section 8, Block 111, Wharepapa Survey District; thence along the north-western boundaries of Sections 8 and 7, Block 111, Wharepapa Survey District, the crossing of Karaka Road, the north-western boundaries of part of Wharepuhunga No. 16b 3b 3d 2 Block and Wharepuhunga No. 16b 2 Block, the crossing of Aotearoa Road, the north-western boundaries of part of Wharepuhunga No. 16b 3b 3b Block, Wharepuhunga No. 16b 3b 3b and No. 16b 3b 3a Blocks, and Section 9, Block VI, Wharepapa Survey District, to Trig. Station 1593, Whatauri;



thence along the north-eastern boundaries of Section 13, Block VI, Wharepapa Survey District, Sections 6 and 1, Block 11, Wharepapa Survey District, part Section 1, Block I, Wharepapa Survey District, Lot 2, as shown on the plan numbered 27307, deposited in the ■office of the District Land Registrar at Auckland, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of the Puniu River; thence down the middle of the Puniu River to and up the middle of the Ruapaha Stream to a point in line with the northeastern boundary of Allotment 144 a, Puniu Parish, in Block VI, Puniu Survey District; thence to and along the north-eastern boundary of the said Allotment 144 a to a point distant 670 links from its easternmost corner; thence along a right line to a point on the south-western boundary of Allotment 145, Puniu Parish, ■distant 1000 links from the westernmost corner of that allotment; thence along the north-eastern boundary of Allotment 322, Mangapiko Parish, to and along the south-eastern side of Puniu Road to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Allotment 232, Mangapiko Parish ; thence across Puniu Road, to and along the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of the said Allotment 232, crossing the North Island Main Trunk Railway, to and along the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of Allotment 322, Mangapiko Parish, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of the Puniu River; thence down the middle of the Puniu River to the middle of the Waipa River; thence down the middle of the Waipa River to the middle of the Mangaotama Stream in Block XVI, Alexandra Survey District; thence north-easterly generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of Raglan, hereinbefore described, to the point of commencement in the middle of the Waikato River at its confluence with the Mangaonua Stream. Waitomo All that area bounded by a line commencing at the south head •of Aotea Harbour, in Block V, Kawhia North Survey District; thence easterly generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of Raglan, hereinbefore described, to a point in the middle of the Waipa River at its confluence with the Mangauika Stream, in Block IV, Pirongia Survey District; thence south-easterly generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of Waikato, hereinbefore described, to a point in the middle of the Waikato River at its confluence with the Waipapa Stream, in Block XVI, Wharepapa Survey District; thence up the middle of the Waipapa Stream to its confluence with the Waiteti Stream, and up the middle of the Waiteti Stream to its approximate source at Peg CXXX, as shown on the plan numbered 20946 (2), lodged in the office of the Chief Surveyor at Auckland; thence along right lines, bearing 209° 13' distance 7767 links, bearing 169° 44' distance 10266 links, bearing 169° 5' distance 3508 links, as shown on the aforesaid plan 20946 (2); thence along the eastern and southern boundaries of Maraeroa A No. 3b 2 Block to the intersection of the last-mentioned 'boundary with a right line running from Trig. Station 1641, Rangitoto, in Block IV, Pakaumanu Survey District, to the source of the Ongarue River near Trig. Station 1390, Pureora, in Block 111, Hurakia Survey District; thence north-westerly along the said right line to the south-eastern boundary of Rangitoto A No. 31b Block; thence along the south-eastern boundaries of Rangitoto A No. 31b and No. 31a Blocks, the eastern, southern, and western boundaries of Rangitoto-Tuhua No. 36a 2c 8 Block, the southern and south-western boundaries of Rangitoto-Tuhua No. 36a 2c 7 Block, and the south-eastern boundary of Rangitoto-Tuhua No. 36a 2c 2 Block, to the middle of the Mokau River; thence down the middle ■of the Mokau River to a point in line with the eastern boundary of part Lot 3, as shown on the plan numbered 5352, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at New Plymouth, being part of Rangitoto-Tuhua No. 68f 3a Block; thence to and along the eastern and southern boundaries of the said part Lot 3, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary across the Taumarunui - Te Kuiti Road, along the southern side of May Street in the Township of Kopaki, and across the Stratford Main Trunk Railway,



to and along the southern boundary of Lot 5, as shown on the said Plan 5352, the eastern boundaries of Sections 4 and 7, Block IV Mapara Survey District, the eastern and southern boundaries of Section 1, Block VIII, Mapara Survey District, crossing several intervening roads, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Mapara Road ; thence along the middle of Mapara Road and Tikitiki Road to a point in line with the eastern boundary of Rangitoto-Tuhua No. 72b 3a Block; thence southerly to and along the eastern boundaries of Rangitoto-Tuhua No. 72b 3a and No. 72b 2 Blocks, the southern and western boundaries of Rangitoto-Tuhua No. 72b 1b 1b Block, the southern boundary of Rangitoto-Tuhua No. 72b 2 Block, the generally eastern boundaries of Sections 1, 2, and again 1, Block VIII, Totoro Survey District, Rangitoto-Tuhua No. 61n 1 Block, Sections 3 and 4, Block XII, Totoro Survey District, and Rangitoto-Tuhua No. 61j 6 Block, the eastern boundary of Lot 1 as shown on the plan numbered 5513, deposited as aforesaid, being part of RangitotoTuhua No. 61k 2 Block, crossing several intervening roads, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Mokauiti Road; thence along the middle of Mokauiti Road to a point in line with the eastern boundary of Lot 10 as shown on the aforesaid plan 5513 ; thence to and along the eastern and southern boundaries of the said Lot 10, to and across Kakara Road, to and along the southern and eastern boundaries of Lot 9 as shown on the said plan 5513, the eastern boundaries of Rangitoto-Tuhua No. 81p 2b and No. 61d 2a 1 Blocks, and the eastern, southern, and western boundaries of Rangitoto-Tuhua No. 61d 2b Block, to the northernmost corner of Section 1, Block VIII, Aria Survey District; thence along the north-western boundary of the said Section 1, to and across the Ohura Mokau Road, the generally northern boundaries of Section 1 and Subdivision 1 of Section 2, the north-eastern, north-western, and southern boundaries of Section 8, the northwestern boundary of Subdivision 2 of Section 2, and the northern and and western boundaries of Section 5, all of Block VII, Aria Survey District, to a public road; thence along the north-eastern side and the abxitment of the said road, to and along the northern boundaries of Sections 3 and 6, Block X, Aria Survey District, the eastern boundary of Subdivision 2 of Section 7, the eastern and northern boundaries of Subdivision 1 of Section 7, Block VI, Aria Survey District, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Waitewhena Road; thence along the middle of Waitewhena Road to a point in line with the southern boundary of Section 8, Block V, Aria Survey District; thence to and along the southern and western boundaries of Section 8, the southern boundaries of Sections 3 and 2, and the eastern and southern boundaries of Section 11, all of Block V, Aria Survey District, to the western boundary of the said survey district; thence southerly along the western boundary of Aria Survey District to the middle of the Panirau Stream; thence down the middle of the Panirau Stream to the middle of the Mokau River ; thence down the middle of the Mokau River to a point in line with the original eastern boundary of Mokau-Mohakatino No. 1g Block; thence to and along the original eastern boundaries of Mokau-Mohakatino No. 1g and No. 1j Blocks to the middle of the Mohakatino Stream ; thence down the middle of the Mohakatino Stream to a point in line with the north-western boundary of Subdivision 4 of MohakatinoParininihi No. Id East Block ; thence to and along the north-western boundary of the said subdivision and its production to the middle of Mohakatino Road; thence along the middle of that road to a point in line with northern boundary of Section 6, Block VI, Warcv Survey District; thence to and along the northern and southwestern boundaries of Section G, the western boundaries of Sections 5and 4, the northern, western, and soiithern boundaries of Section 3, all of Block VI, Waro Survey District, the south-western boundary of Section 1, Block VII, Waro Survey District, and the production' of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Ivotare Road ■; thence along the middle of Kotare Road to the middle of theWaitaanga Stream ; thence down the middle of the Waitaanga Stream to the eastern boundary of Block XI, Waro Survey District; thence along a right line due south to the 39th paralM



of south latitude; thence easterly along that parallel to the middle of the Ohura River ; thence down the middle of the Ohura River and down the middle of the Wanganui River to its intersection with a right line running from the confluence of the Tangarakau Stream with the Wanganui River, in Block XII, Mahoe Survey District, to Trig. Station Whakaihuwaka on Mount Humphries, in Block XV, Mahoe Survey District; thence along the said right line to Trig. Station Whakaihuwaka; thence along the south-western boundary of part Section 7, Block 111, Taurakawa Survey District, and its production to the middle of Whakaihuwaka Road; thence along the middle of the said road to a point in line with the western boundary of Section 1, Block VIII, Taurakawa Survey District; thence to and along the western boundary of the said Section 1 to the southern boundary of the said Block VIII; thence westerly along the southern boundaries of Blocks VIII, VII, and VI, Taurakawa Survey District, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the eastern boundary of Section 17, Block XII, Omona Survey District; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of the said Section 17 and the eastern side of Moeawatea Road to a point in line with the northern boundary ■of Section 3, Block VIII, Omona Survey District; thence across Moeawatea Road to and along the northern boundaries of Sections 3, 4, and 1, Block VIII, Omona Survey District, across Karewa Road, to and along the northern boundaries of Sections 21, 4, and Part 1, Block VII, Omona Survey District, to and across Waitiri Road; thence along the generally eastern boundary of part Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 3526, deposited as aforesaid, the eastern boundary of Section 3, Block VI, Omona Survey District, the generally northern boundary of part Lot 1 aforesaid, the northeastern and north-western boundaries of part Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 2835, deposited as aforesaid, the north-western boundary of part Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 136, deposited as aforesaid, the north-western and western boundaries of Lot 2, the north-western and western boundaries of Lot 4, both as shown on the plan numbered 2232, deposited as aforesaid, and the northern boundary of Lot 8, as shown on the plan numbered 2358, deposited as aforesaid, the aforesaid lots being part of Matemateaonga Block, to the Patea River; thence up the left bank of the Patea River to a point in line with the northern boundary of Section 11, Block VIII, Ngaere Survey District; thence to and along the northern and western boundaries of the said Section 11, the northern boundary of part Section 22, Block XII, Ngaere Survey District, across Wingrove Road, to and along the northern boundary of Section 19, Block XII, Ngaere Survey District, and the northeastern boundary of part Lot 15, as shown on the plan numbered 1082, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Pukengahu Block, to the easternmost corner of Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 2575, deposited as aforesaid, being part of the said Lot 15; thence along the south-eastern and south-western boundaries of the said Lot 1, and the north-western boundary of the said part Lot 15 to Pukengahu Road ; thence along the north-eastern side of Pukengahu Road to a point due west of Trig. Station B, Rahui; thence along a right line due west to the north-western boundary of Lot 13, as shown on the said plan 1082; thence along the north-western boundary of the said Lot 13, the north-eastern boundary of Section 41, Block XI, Ngaere Survey District, the north-eastern boundary of a drain reserve, the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of Section 35, Block XI, Ngaere Survey District, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Oru Road; thence along the middle of Oru Road, Ngaere Road, a drain reserve forming the north-western boundary of Section 37, Block XI, Ngaere Survey District, Korepo Road, and a drain reserve forming part of the north-eastern boundary of Section 94, Block X, Ngaere Survey District, to a point in line with the northern boundary •of Section 25 of the said Block X ; thence to and along the northern boundaries of Sections 25, 24, and 19, Block X, Ngaere Survey District, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of the Eltham-Stratford Road (Mountain Road); thence northerly along the middle of the Eltham-Stratford Road 4o Cheal Road; thence along the - middle of Cheal Road and



Skinner Road to the middle of the Patea River; thence up the middle of the Patea River to and up the middle of the Kahouri Stream to the middle of Ohura Road; thence along the middle of Ohura Road and Beaconsfield Road, to and along the middle of Kent Terrace in the Township of Midhurst, and the production of the middle-line of the last-mentioned road to the eastern side of the Stratford - New Plymouth Road (Mountain Road); thence along the eastern side of"the Stratford - New Plymouth Road to the left bank of the Kurapete Stream, in Block IV, Egmont Survey District; thence down the left bank of the Kurapete Stream to the southern boundary of part Lot 6, as shown on the plan numbered 94, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Section 179,. Moa District; thence along the southern boundary of the said part Lot 6, to and across Wortley Road, to and along the northern side of Humphries Street to the eastern side of the StratfordNew Plymouth Road (Mountain Road); thence along the eastern side of the Stratford - New Plymouth Road to a point in line with the north-western boundary of Section 200, Huirangi District,, in Block XI, Paritutu Survey District; thence along the western side of the Wellington - New Plymouth Railway to and along thewestern side of the Waitara Branch Railway to the south-western boundary of Pukekohatu No. 25c Block, in Block 111, Paritutu Survey District; thence along the south-western boundary of the said Pukekohatu No. 25c Block and the south-western side of Ranfurly Street to the south-eastern side of Battiscombe Terrace; thence along the south-eastern side of Brown Road to a point in line with the western boundary of Section 136, Block I, Paritutu Survey District; thence across Brown Road to and along the western boundary of the said Section 136 and the western boundary of A2, part Reserve A, to the low-water mark of the sea; thence easterly along the low-water mark of the sea to the northern end of the training-wall on the western side of the mouth of the Waitara River; thence south-easterly along the western side of the training-wall to high-water mark; thence across the Waitara River and easterly and northerly generally along the sea-coast, crossing the mouths of all harbours and inlets, to the south head of Aotea Harbour, the point of commencement.

Bay of Plenty

All that area bounded by a line commencing at the point in Block IV, Waihi South Survey District, where the western boundary of Matata Parish meets the sea ; thence easterly and north-easterly generally along the sea-coast, crossing the mouths of all harbours and inlets, to the south-western corner of Whangaparaoa No. 1a Block, in Block 11, Whangaparaoa Survey District; thence along the generally southern boundaries of Whangaparaoa No. 1a and No. 1b Blocks to and along the middle of the Mangapouri Stream to Whangaparaoa No. 3a Block ; thence southerly along the western boundaries of Whangaparaoa No. 3a and Waikura No. 2 Blocks to the south-western corner of the last-mentioned block; thence along a right line to Trig. Station 1328, Whanakaoa, in Block XI, Raukumara West Survey District; thence along a right line to Kapua Trig. Station, in Block V, Maungawaru Survey District; thence along a right line to Arowhana Trig. Station, in Block IV, Arowhana Survey District; thence along a right line in the direction of Trig. Station 139, Tuanui-o-te-Kahakaha, in Block X, Arowhana Survey District, to its intersection with the north-eastern boundary of Waipaoa No. 1b Block ; thence along the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of Waipaoa No. 1e Block, the northeastern boundaries of Lots 2 and 3, as shown on the plan numbered 2394, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Gisborne, the north-eastern boundaries of Lots 6 and 7 as shown on the plan numbered 2479, deposited as aforesaid, and the north-eastern boundary of Lot 8, as shown on the plan numbered 2480, deposited as aforesaid, all the said lots being parts of Mangatu No. 5 and No. 6 Blocks, to the Motu River ; thence up the right bank of the Motu River to a point in line with the north-western boundary of Section 2, Block VI, Otipi Survey District; thence across the Motu River and



.a road reserve, to and along the north-western boundary of the said Section 2, the north-western and western boundaries of Section 1, . Block V, Otipi Survey District, the northern boundary of Section 3, and the north-western boundary of Section 5, Block VIII, Urutawa Siirvey District, to the south-western corner of the last-mentioned section; thence across a public road, to and along the northern and western boundaries of Section 2, Block 11, Urutawa East Survey District, to a point in line with the northern boundary of Section 3, Block I, Urutawa East Survey District; thence across a public road, to and along the northern and western boundaries of the said Section 3, the abutment of a public road, the northern boundaries of Sections 5, 6, and 4, Block 111, Urutawa East Survey District, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary across a road reserve to the Pakihi Stream ; thence up the right bank of the Pakihi Stream, to and along the southern boundary of Section 3, Block 111, Urutawa East Survey District, to the north-western boundary of Section 24, Block 11, Motu Survey District; thence along the north-western boundaries of Sections 24 and 23, Block 11, Motu Survey District, and the north-western and western boundaries •of Whakapaupakihi No. 2 Block to the northernmost corner of Motu No. 1 Block; thence along a right line to Trig. Station 149 a ; •thence along a right line to Pokaikiri Trig. Station; thence along the north-western boundaries of Section 2, Block V, Motu Survey District, Sections 2, 1, and 4, Block IX, Motu Survey District, Sections 3 and 2, Block XII, Moanui Survey District, Small Grazingrun 90, and Section 3, Block XV, Moanui Survey District, crossing several intervening roads, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the western boundary of Tahora Block ; thence southerly along the western boundary of Tahora Block to its intersection with a right line running from Maungatapere Trig. Station in Block 11, Ngatapa Survey District, to Trig. Station 2126, Maungapohatu, in Block XII, Ruatahuna Survey District; thence along that right line to Trig. Station 2126, Maungapohatu ; thence along a right line in the direction of Puketapu Trig. Station, in Block VII, Tuahu Survey District, to a point in line with the north-western boundary of forest reserve in Block 11, Tuahu Survey District; thence to and along the north-western boundary of forest reserve in Blocks II and I, Tuahu Survey District, and Block XVII, Waikaremoana Survey District, to the intersection of the western boundary of the said forest reserve with a right line running from Puketapu Trig. Station aforesaid to the northernmost point of Lake Waikaremoana ; thence along that right line to the northernmost point of Lake Waikaremoana ; thence along a right line passing through a point in Block X, Tuatawhata Siirvey District, 180 chains due north of Maungataniwha Trig. Station, to the intersection of the said line with a right line running from Trig. Station 69, Tataraakina, in Block VIII, Tarawera Survey District (Hawke's Bay Land District), to Trig. Station 76a, Tawhiwhau, in Block XIV, Galatea Survey District; thence along a right line to Te Taumutu Trig. Station, in Block XVI, Heruiwi Survey District; thence along a right line to Trig. Station B, Pukeroa; thence along a right line to Trig. Station F, Tiritiri, in Block 111, Heruiwi Survey District; thence along a right line to Trig. Station 76, Taupiri, in Block XII, Weao Survey District; thence along a right line to Trig. Station 78, Pekepeke, in Block 111, Weao Survey District; thence along a right line to the intersection of a right line running from Trig. Station 18, Maungawhakamana, in Block 111, Ruawahia Survey District, through Trig. Station 38, Ahiwhakamura, in Block X, Kaingaroa Survey District, with a right line running from Trig. Station 31, Paeroa, in Block V, Paeroa Survey District, to Trig. Station 76a, Tawhiwhau, in Block XIV, Galatea Survey Distriot; thence along a right line to the said Trig. Station 31, Paeroa; thence along a right line to Trig. Station 807, Uraura, in Block VII, Ngautuku Survey District; thence north-easterly " along the boundary of the Electoral District of Waikato, hereinbefore described, to the south-western boundary of Section 3, Block 11, Rotorua Survey District; thence easterly and northerly along the boundary of the Electoral District of Tauranga, hereinbefore described, to the sea at the point of commencement; and including White Island, Whale Island, and other adjacent islands.

H —46


Gisborne All that area bounded by a line commencing at the point on the sea-coast at the south-western corner of Whangaparaoa No. 1a Block, in Block 11, Whangaparaoa Survey District; thence easterly generally along the sea-coast to East Cape; thence southerly generally along the sea-coast to the Waipaoa River, in Block IX,. Turanganui Survey District; thence up the left bank of the Waipaoa River to the middle of the road forming the northern boundary of Kahunui Block; thence along the middle of the said road and the road forming the north-western boundary of Pouparae Settlement to the middle of the Opotiki-Gisborne Main Highway ; thence along the middle of the said main highway to the middle of Harper's Road, forming the north-western boundary of Makauri No. 17 Block; thence along the middle of Harper's Road to and along the middle of Back Ormond Road to the middle of the Opotiki-Gisborne Main Highway ; thence along the middle of the said main highway to the middle of Ford Road, forming the northern boundary of Section 9, Waimarie Settlement; thence along the middle of Ford Road tothe Waipaoa River ; thence up the left bank of the Waipaoa River to the point opposite the confluence of the Pouarua Stream with the said river; thence to and up the middle of the Pouarua Stream to its first crossing with the road forming the northern boundary of Repongaere No. 4b Block; thence along the middle of the Pouarua Valley Road to a point in line with the northern boundary of Okahuatiu No. Id 2b 1 Block; thence to and along the northern boundary of Okahuatiu No. Id 2b 1 Block, the north-eastern boundaries of Okahuatiu No. Id 2b 2 and No. Id 2b 4c Blocks, the south-eastern and north-eastern boundaries of Tangihanga C Block, the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of Tangihanga B Block, and the north-eastern boundaries of part of Tangihanga lc Block, Lots 6, 5, and 8, as shown on the plan numbered 2272, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Gisborne, being part of Tangihanga lc Block, the north-eastern boundaries of Okahuatiu No. lc Block, and Section 3, Block I, Waikohu Survey District, to the easternmost corner of Section 26, Block I, Waikohu Survey District; thence along the south-eastern boundary of the said Section 26, to and across a public road, and along its southeastern side to the easternmost corner of Section 27, Block I, Waikohu Survey District; thence along the generally eastern boundary of the said Section 27, the eastern, southern, and western boundaries of Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 2248, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Okahuatiu No. 1 Block, the southern boundaries of Sections 24 and 18, Block I, Waikohu Survey District, and the south-eastern boundary of Section 5, Block IV, Ngatapa Survey District, to the northernmost corner of Wharekopae No. 2b 1 Block; thence along the north-eastern and south-eastern boundaries of Wharekopae No. 2b 1 Block, and the south-eastern and. south-western boundaries of the eastern portion of Wharekopae No. 2a Block to the southernmost corner of Section 9, Block VII, Ngatapa Survey District; thence along the south-eastern boundary of Lot 2 of Section 3, Block VII, Ngatapa Survey District, and its production to the middle of the Makaretu Stream; thence do wn the middle of the Makaretu Stream to and up the middle of the Ngatapa Stream to a point in line with the northern boundary of Section 2, Block VII,. Ngatapa Survey District; thence to and along the northern boundary of the said Section 2, to and along the eastern boundary of Section 5,, Block VII, Ngatapa Survey District, to Makaretu Road; thence along the generally eastern side of the said road to a point in line with the southern boundary of Section 8, Block 111, Ngatapa Survey District; thence across Makaretu Road to and along the southern boundary of the said Section 8 to a point in line with the eastern boundary of Section 2, Block VI, Ngatapa Survey District; thence across Smart's Road, to and along the eastern and southern boundaries of Section 2, the southern boundary of Section 5, the southern and western boundaries of Section 6, all of Block VI, Ngatapa Survey District, and the western boundary of Section 3, Block 11, Ngatapa Survey District, to and across the Rakauroa-Tahora Road to the middle of the Koranga Stream; thence down the middle of the Koranga Stream to a point in line with the north-western boundary of Section 6of Tahora No. 2c 3 Section 2 Block; thence



-to and along the north-western and south-western boundaries of the said Section 6 to the northern boundary of Section 12 of Tahora No. 2c 1 Section 3 Block; thence along the northern boundary of the said Section 12 to the westernmost corner of that section; thence along a right line to Te Wana Trig. Station on the western boundary of Tahora Block, in Block VI, Koranga Survey District; thence northerly along the boundary of the Electoral District of Bay •of Plenty, hereinbefore described, to the sea-coast at the southwestern corner of Whangaparaoa No. 1a Block, the point of commencement ; and including East Island and other adjacent islands. Waimaristo All that area bounded by a line commencing at the point in the middle of the Waikato River at its confluence with the Waipapa Stream, in Block XVI, Wharepapa Survey District; thence easterly generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of Waikato, hereinbefore described, to Trig. Station 807, Uraura, in Block VII, Ngautuku Survey District; thence south-easterly .generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of Bay of Plenty, hereinbefore described, to Te Taumutu Trig. Station, in Block XVI, Heruiwi Survey District; thence along a right line to the point in Block 111, Maruanui Survey District, where the middle of the Taupo-Napier Road intersects the middle of the Rangitaiki River ; thence along a right line to the point in Block V, Maruanui Survey District, where the south-eastern boundary of Tauhara South A Block intersects the middle of the Taharua Stream; thence down the middle of the Taharua Stream to and down the middle of the Mohaka River to its intersection with a right line running from Trig. Station 65a, in Block XXI, Kaweka .Survey District, through Trig. Station 68a, in Block XIII, Kaweka Survey District; thence along that right line to the said Trig. Station 65a ; thence along a right line in the direction, of Trig. Station 26, Tauwheketewhango, in Block XII, Mangamaire Survey District, to its intersection with the middle of the Ngaruroro River; thence down the middle of the Ngaruroro River to and up the middle of the Taruarau River to a point in line with the southwestern boundary of Block 78, Maraekakaho Crown Grant District, in Block VI, Ngaruroro Survey District; thence along a right line to Trig. Station Y on the summit of the Ruahine Range, in Block XII, Pukeokahu Survey District; thence southerly along the summit of the Ruahine Range to a point due east of the source of the Kawhatau River in Block XV, Ruahine Survey District;

thence to and down the middle of the Kawhatau River to its confluence with the Rangitikei River in Block VI, Hautapu Survey District; thence up the middle of the Rangitikei River to and up the middle of the Hautapu River to the middle of Poroa Road; thence south-westerly generally along the middle of Poroa Road to and along the middle of the Marton-Taihape Road to its junction with Mangateweka Road; thence northerly along the middle of Mangateweka Road to the middle of Makohine Road; thence south-westerly generally along the middle of Makohine Road, to and along the middle of the Mangaweka-Te Kapua Road, to and along the middle of the road forming the western boundaries of Sections 10 and 11, Block IX, Hautapu Survey District, to a point in line with the north-western boundary of Lot 7, as shown on the plan numbered 465, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Wellington, being part of Otairi No. 1e Block ; thence to and along the north-western boundary of the said Lot 7 to the north-eastern boundary of Koraenui Block ; thence along the north-eastern boundary of Koraenui Block, the north-eastern boundary of Lot 2, as shown on the said plan 465, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Murimotu Road ; thence south-westerly along the middle of Murimotu Road to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Section 1, Block XI, Tiriraukawa Survey District; thence to and along the north-eastern and northern boundaries of the said -Section 1, the northern boundary of Section 2, Block XI, Tiriraukawa Survey District, the northern boundaries of Sections 3 and 2, Block X, Tiriraukawa Survey District, the eastern boundaries of Otairi No. 1b and No. 8 2b Blocks, and the production



of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of the Mangapapa Stream ; thence down the middle of the Mangapapa Stream to and up the middle of the Turakina River to a point in line with thenorthern boundary of Section 1, Pukeroa Village, in Block XII,. Mangawhero Survey District; thence to and along the northern side of a public road, the northern boundary of Section 1, Pukeroa Village, and the north-eastern boundaries of Section 1, Block XII, and Section 4, Block VIII, Mangawhero Survey District, to theeastern watershed of the Wangaehu River; thence northerly along the said watershed to its intersection with the southern boundary of Section 63, Block XIII, Maungakaretu Survey District;. thence along the southern and south-western boundaries of the said Section 63, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Hale's Road : thence northerly along the middle of that road to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Section 69, Block XVI, Ngamatea Survey District; thence to and along the north-eastern boundary of the said Section 69 and its production to the middle of Koukoupo Road ; thence northerly along the middle of that road to a point in line with the northern boundary of Pungataua Block ; thence to and along the northern boundary of Pungataua Block, the eastern boundaries of Sections 9 and 6, Block VIII, Ngamatea Survey District, the eastern and northern boundaries of Section 7, and the northern boundary of Section 6, Block IV, Ngamatea Survey District, across Owhakura Road to the north-eastern corner of Section 8, Block IV, Ngamatea Survey District; thence along the northern boundary of the said Section 8, across a public road, along the northern boundary of Section 1, Block IV, Ngamatea Survey District, and its production to the middle of the Wangaehu River; thence down the middle of that river to its confluence with the Waokaramu Stream ; thence* up the middle of that stream to and along the north-eastern, northern, and western boundaries of Ohotu No. 6a 1b Block and the north-western boundary of Ohotu No. 6b Block to the easternmost corner of Lot 2, as shown on the plan numbered 4978, deposited as aforesaid; thence along the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of Lot 2 and the north-western and south-western boundaries of Lot 1, as shown on the said plan 4978, to the middle of the Auraki Stream; thence down the middle of that stream to and down the middle of the Mangawhero River to a point in line with the southern boundary of Ohotu No. 9 Block; thence to and along the southern boundary of Ohotu No. 9 Block and the southern boundary of Section 1, Block IX, Ngamatea Survey District, to Aratawa Trig. Station ; thence along the north-eastern boundary of Section 1, Block XII, Tauakira Survey District, and its production to the middle of the Matahiwi-Ohotu Road; thence along the middle of that road to a point in line with the western boundary of Section 3, Block VIII, Tauakira Survey District; thence to and along the western and northern boundaries of the said Section 3 to the middle of the Mangaetoroa Stream; thence up the middle of that stream to its confluence with the Orouanga Stream ; thence to and along the southern boundaries of Mairehau No. 1 and No. 2 Blocks to the westernmost corner of the last-mentioned block; thence north-easterly along the south-eastern boundary of Morikau No. 1 Block and its production to the middle of the Matihope Stream ; thence down the middle of the Matihope Stream to and down the middle of the Mangoihe Stream to a point in line with the eastern boundary of Section 17, Block XV, Rarete Survey District; thence to and along the eastern and northern boundaries of the said Section 17 and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of the Matauriki Stream ; thence up the middle of that stream to and along the northern boundary of Section 11, Block XI, Rarete Survey District, to the easternmost corner of Otaranoho Block; thence along the north-eastern, northern, and western boundaries of Otaranoho Block, the northwestern boundary of Ohoutahi Block, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of the Wanganui River; thence northerly generally up the middle of the Wanganui River to and along the boundary of the Electoral District of Waitomo, hereinbefore described, to the point in the middle of the Waikato River at its confluence with the Waipapa Stream, in Block XVL Wharepapa Survey District, the point of commencement.



Hawke's Bay

All that area bounded by a line commencing at the point in Block IX, Turanganui Survey District, where the left bank of the Waipaoa River meets the sea ; thence southerly generally along the sea-coast to the point in Block XVI, Puketapu Survey District, in line with the middle of the public road forming the northern boundary of part Lot 29, as shown on the plan numbered 2283, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Napier; thence westerly and southerly generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of Napier, hereinafter described, to the point in Block XI, Heretaunga Survey District, in the middle of the Ngaruroro River in line with the middle of Carrick Road; thence southerly and easterly generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of Hastings, hereinafter described, to the sea at the southernmost corner of Rangaika Native Reserve, in Block 111, Kidnapper Survey District; thence southerly generally along the sea-coast to the right bank of the Porangahau River, in Block 111, Blackhead Survey District; thence up the right bank of the said river to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Lot 3, as shown on the plan numbered 2741, deposited as aforesaid, in Block XII, Porangahau Survey District; thence across the Porangahau River, to and along the north-eastern boundary of the said Lot 3, to and across a public road, to and along the north-eastern boundaries of Lot 5, as shown on the said plan 2741, and Porangahau Suburban Seciiions 63 and 64, the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of Porangahau Suburban Section 65, and the northwestern boundary of Lot 8, as shown on the said plan 2741, to the easternmost corner of Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 1062, deposited as aforesaid; thence along the generally northern boundary of the said Lot 1, to and across Old Hill Road, to and along the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of Lot 4, as shown on the plan numbered 1362 (red), lodged in the office of the Chief Surveyor at Napier, the north-western boundary of Block 76, Porangahau Crown Grant District, the north-eastern boundary of Porangahau Suburban Section 78, the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of Porangahau Suburban Section 79, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary across the Porangahau River; thence up the right bank of that river to the middle of the Mangaorapa Stream ; thence up the middle of the Mangaorapa Stream to and up the middle of the Tangaruhe Stream to the north-eastern boundary of Section 3, Block VIII, Mangatoro Survey District; thence along the north-eastern boundary of the said Section 3 to the southernmost corner of Mangangarara No. 3 Block; thence along a right line to Trig. Station 27, Taumatanui, in Block IV, Mangatoro Survey District; thence along a right line to the westernmost corner of Wharawhara No. 1 Block, in Block 111, Mangatoro Survey District, and the production of that line to the middle of the Mangapuaka Stream ; thence down the middle of the Mangapuaka Stream, to and up the middle of the Whangai Stream, to and along the eastern boundary of Section 14, Block XV, Takapau Survey District, to and down the middle of the Tauraekaitai Stream, to and up the middle of the Whatatuna Stream to the southern boundary of Lot 3, as shown on the plan numbered 4265, deposited as aforesaid ; thence along the southern boundaries of Lots 3, 2, and 1, as shown on the said Plan 4265, to the middle of the Mangapurakau Stream ; thence down the middle of that stream to a point in line with the western boundary of Lot 2, as shown on the plan numbered 2162, deposited asaforesaid ; thence to and along the western boundary of the said Lot 2, the western and northern boundaries of part Section 1, Block XI, Takapau Survey District, the northern boundary of Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 4236, deposited as aforesaid, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of the Maharakeke Stream ; thence down the middle of that stream to the middle of Awanui Road ; thence along the middle of that road and the Takapau-Waipukurau Road to the middle of the Wellington-Napier Railway; thence along the middle of that railway to a point in line with the middle of Sydney Street in Takapau Township ; thence north-westerly to and along the middle of Sydney Street and a public road through Block 234, Ruataniwha



Crown Grant District, to the middle of the Palmerston North - Napier State Highway; thence along the middle of the said highway to the middle of the road forming the western boundary of Lot 78, as shown on the Deeds Registration plan numbered 307, lodged in the office of the District Land Registrar at Napier ; thence along the middle of the last-mentioned road and its production to the middle of the Makaretu River ; thence up the middle of the Makaretu River to its source; thence due west along a right line to the summit of the Ruahine Range ; thence northerly along the summit of the Ruahine Range to Trig. Station Y, in Block XII Pukeokahu Survey District, thence northerly along the boundary of the Electoral District of Waimarino, hereinbefore described to Te Taumutu Trig. Station, in Block XVI, Heruiwi Survey District; thence north-easterly along the boundary of the Electoral District of Bay of Plenty, hereinbefore described, to Te Wana Trig. Station on the western boundary of Tahora Block, in Block VI, Koranga Survey District; thence easterly along the boundary of the Electoral District of Gisborne, hereinbefore described, to the point of commencement at the mouth of the Waipaoa River ; and including Portland Island and other adjacent islands. Napier All that area bounded by a line commencing in the middle of the mouth of the Ngaruroro River, in Block I, Clive Survey District; thence up the middle of that river to a point in line with the western boundary of part Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 6071, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Napier, being part of Ohikakarewa Block; thence to and along the western boundary of the said part Lot 1, to and down the right bank of the Opou Stream to a point opposite the easternmost corner of Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 2459, deposited as aforesaid; thence across the Opou Stream, to and along the north-eastern boundary of the said Lot 1 and its production to the middle of the NapierHastings via Fernhill Main Highway; thence along the middle of that highway to and across the Tutaekuri River; thence down the left bank of that river to a point in line with the eastern boundary of Block 2, Puketapu Crown Grant District; thence to and along the eastern boundaries of Blocks 2, 56, 27 and 28, Puketapu Crown Grant District, to and across Oak Road, forming the western boundary of Lot 7, as shown on the plan numbered 7087, deposited as aforesaid; thence along the eastern side of the said Oak Road, to and along the western boundary of part Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 6211, deposited as aforesaid, being part of the Ahuriri Lagoon Reserve, to the easternmost corner of Subdivision 8c 1 of the Wharerangi Block ; thence along the northern boundaries of Subdivisions 8c 1 and 8c 2d of the Wharerangi Block and the north-eastern boundaries of Blocks 75 and 90, Puketapu Crown Grant District, to the middle of Seafield Road; thence along the middle of that road and the road forming the northern boundary of Suburban Section 34, Western Side of Harbour, to the western boundary of part Lot 1, as shown on the aforesaid plan 6211; thence along the western, northern, and eastern boundaries of the said part Lot 1 to the Petane River at the southernmost corner of Lot 148, as shown on the plan numbered 613, deposited as aforesaid ; thence across the Petane River, and up the left bank of that river forming the northern boundaries of part Lot 1, as shown on the aforesaid Plan 6211, part Lot 16, as shown on the plan numbered 1856, deposited as aforesaid, and Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 6850, deposited as aforesaid, to the middle of the Gisborne—Napier via Hangaroa State Highway; thence southerly along the middle of that highway, to and along the middle of the road forming the northern boundary of part Lot 29, as shown on the plan numbered 2283, deposited as aforesaid, and its production to the sea; thence southerly generally along the sea-coast to the point of commencement at the mouth of the Ngaruroro River. Hastings All that area bounded by a line commencing in the middle of the mouth of the Ngaruroro River, in Block I, Clive Survey District; thence up the middle of that river to a point in Block XI, Heretaunga Survey District, in line with the middle of Carrick Road forming the



north-western boundary of part Lot 5 and Lot 6, as shown on the plan numbered 3057, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Napier ; thence to and along the middle of Carrick Road, Raupare Road, the Napier-Hastings via Fernhill Main Highway, Wilson Road, and Irongate Road to the Farndon-Pakipaki Main Highway; thence southerly along the generally western side of that highway to and across the Palmerston North-Napier State Highway; thence along the southern side of the last-mentioned highway to and along the southern side of Te Aute Road to the middle of the road forming the south-western boundary of South Suburban Section 9, Havelock, in Block 111, Te Mata Survey District; thence south-easterly along the middle of that road to and along the middle of Middle Road to the middle of the road forming the south-western boundary of Lot 3, as shown on the plan numbered 2604. deposited as aforesaid; thence southerly generally along the middle of that road to the north-western boundary of part Lot 3, as shown on the plan numbered 5232, deposited as aforesaid; thence along the generally northern boundary of part Lot 3 and the northern and eastern boundaries of Lot 1, as shown on the said Plan 5232, to the southernmost corner of the last-mentioned lot; thence along the western boundary of part Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 2344, deposited as aforesaid, to the middle of the Tukituki River; thence down the middle of that river to a point in line with the northern boundary of part Lot 6, as shown on Deeds. Registration Plan 485, lodged in the office of the District Land Registrar at Napier, being part of Block 1, Kidnapper Crown Grant District, in Block IY, Kidnapper Survey District; thence to and along the generally northern boundary of the said part Lot 6 and its production to the middle of the Maraetotara River; thence up the middle of that river to a point in line with the northern boundary of Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 6789, deposited as aforesaid; thence to and along the generally northern boundaries of Lots 1 and 2, as shown -on the said Plan 6789, to the sea at the southernmost corner of Rangaika Native Reserve; thence northerly generally along the sea-coast to the point of commencement at the mouth of the Ngaruroro River. New Plymouth All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the sea-coast at the mouth of the Wairekanui Stream, in Block IV, Paritutu Survey District; thence north-easterly generally along the sea-coast to the western boundary of the Electoral District of Waitomo, hereinbefore described; thence southerly generally along that boundary to a point in line with the north-western boundary of Section 200, Huirangi District, in Block XI, Paritutu Survey District; thence westerly generally to and along the north-western boundaries of the said Section 200, and Section 54, Tarurutangi District, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Hursthouse Road; thence northerly generally along the middle of that road to a point in line with the north-western boundary of Section 53, Tarurutangi District; thence to and along the north-western and south-western boundaries of Section 53 aforesaid, the northern boundary of Section 49, Tarurutangi District, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of King Road; thence along the middle of King Road to a point in line with the northern boundary of Section 42, Tarurutangi District ; thence to and along the northern boundary of Section 42 aforesaid, the eastern and northern boundaries of Section 33, Tarurutangi District, across Upland Road, along the northern boundary of Section 28 and that boundary produced to the middle of the Mangaoraka Stream; thence down the middle of that stream to a point in line with the northern boundary of Section 46, Hua and Waiwakaiho Hundred ; thence to and along that boundary, to and across Egmont Road, and along the eastern and northern boundaries of Section 47 of the said hundred, and the production of the lastmentioned boundary to the middle of the Araheke Stream ; thence northerly down , the middle of that stream to a point in line with the north-western boundary of part Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 2265, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at New Plymouth ; thence south-westerly to and along that boundary and its production to the middle of the Waiwakaiho River; thence



northerly and westerly down the middle of that river to its confluence with the Mangorei Stream ; thence up the middle of that stream to a point in line with the southern boundary of part Section 772, Grey District, in Block IX, Paritutu Survey District; thence westerly generally to and along that boundary to the eastern corner of part Section 524, Grey District; thence south-westeriy along the south-eastern boundary of Section 524 aforesaid, crossing Mangorei Road, along the south-eastern boundaries of Section 523 and part Section 522, Grey District, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of the Henui Stream ; thence down the middle of that stream to a point in line with the south-eastern boundary of Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 2527, deposited as aforesaid; thenoe to and along the south-eastern boundaries of the said Lot 1, part Section 521, Sections 520, 519 a, 518, 517, 516, 515, and 514, all of Grey District, crossing all intersecting roads; thence along the generally south-eastern boundaries of Lot 2, as shown on the plan numbered 5429, deposited as aforesaid, to the southernmost corner of the said Lot 2 ; thence along the northeastern and north-western boundaries of Section 53, Omata District, in Block VIII, Paritutu Survey District, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Barrett Road; thence north-westerly generally along the middle of Barrett Road, Pheney Road, Sealy Road, South Road, again along the middle of Sealy Road, and Omata Road to the middle of the Wairekanui Stream ; thence down the middle of that stream to the point of commencement on the sea-coast. Egmont All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the sea-coast in the middle of Inaha Road, in Block VII, Waimate Survey District; thence north-westerly, northerly, and northeasterly generally along the sea-coast to the middle of the Wairekanui Stream, in Block IV, Paritutu Survey District; thence easterly generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of New Plymouth, hereinbefore described, to a point on the eastern side of Mountain Road in line with the north-western boundary of Section 200, Huirangi District, in Block XI, Paritutu Survey District; thence southerly generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of Waitomo, hereinbefore described, to the northeastern corner of Section 19, Block X, Ngaere Survey District; thence along the eastern boundary of Section 19, the eastern and southern boundaries of Section 20, the western boundary of Section 23, all of Block X, Ngaere Survey District, to and across Anderson Road, to and along the western boundary of Section 27, and the western and southern boundaries of Section 33, both of Block X, Ngaere Survey District, to Rawhitiroa Road; thence along the northern side of that road to a point in line with the western boundary of Section 45, Block X, Ngaere Survey District; thence to and along the western boundary o_ the said Section 45 to Mangawhero Road; thence south-westerly generally along the north-western side of Mangawhero Road to Mountain Road; thence northerly along the eastern side of Mountain Road to and across the Mangawhero Stream; thence down the right bank of the Mangawhero Stream to the Waingongoro River; " thence down the left bank of the Waingongoro River to the middle of Skeet Road, in Block XIII, Ngaere Survey District; thence westerly generally along the middle of Skeet Road to the middle of Palmer Road, in Block XV, Kaupokonui Survey District; thence southerly along the middle of Palmer Road to a point in line with the southern boundary of Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 5414, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at New Plymouth, being part of Section 74, Block 111, Waimate Survey District; thence to and along the southern boundary of the said Lot 1 to the eastern boundary of Ngatimanuhiakai No. 21b 2a Block; thence southerly along the eastern boundary of Ngatimanuhiakai No. 21b 2a Block to and along the eastern and southern boundaries of Ngatimanuhiakai No. 21b 2b Block, and the eastern boundaries of Ngatimanuhiakai No. 15b and No. 15a 1 Blocks, to the middle of a public road; thence southerly along the middle of that road to the middle of Normanby Road; thence easterly along the middle of Normanby Road to the middle of Inaha Road; thence southerly along the middle of Trmha Road to the point of commencement on the sea-coast.




All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the sea-coast in the middle of Inaha Road, in Block VII, Waimate Survey District; thence north-easterly generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of Egmont, hereinbefore described, to the north-eastern corner of Section 19, Block X, Ngaere Survey District; thence easterly generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of Waitomo, hereinbefore described, to the middle of the Wanganui River on a right line from Whakaihuwaka Trig. Station to the confluence of the Tangarakau River with the Wanganui River ; thence down the middle of the Wanganui River to a point in line with the eastern boundary of Section 30, Right Bank, Wanganui River, in Block 111, Westmere Survey District; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of the said Section 30 to the north-eastern corner of Lot 9, as shown on the plan numbered 2223, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Wellington ; thence westerly along the northern boundary of the said Lot 9, across Delhi Avenue, to and along the southern boundary of Lot 4, as shown on the said Plan 2223, to the south-western corner of that lot; thence along a right line to the north-eastern •corner of Aram oho Subdivision No. 5, as shown on the plan numbered W.D. 1804, lodged in the office of the Chief Surveyor at Wellington ; thence along the northern boundaries of Aramoho Subdivisions Nos. 5 and 3, as shown on the said Plan W.D. 1804, to the north-western corner of the last-mentioned subdivision; thence along a right line to the western boundary of Aramoho Subdivision No. 8, as shown on the plan numbered W.D. 1803, lodged as aforesaid, at a point in line with the northern boundary of Lot 45, as shown on Deeds Registration Plan 302, lodged in the office of the District Land Registrar at Wellington : thence along a right line to the north-eastern corner of the said Lot 45 ; thence along the northern boundaries of Lots 45, 43, 42, 41, 40, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 32, 31, 29, 28, and 26, all as shown on the said Plan 302 ; thence along the production of the northern boundary of the said Lot 26 to the north-eastern boundary of Lot 15, as shown on the said Plan 302; thence north-westerly along the north-eastern boundaries of Lots 15, 14, and 13, as shown on the said Plan 302, -and south-westerly along the north-western boundary of the said Lot 13 to the north-eastern side of Roberts Avenue ; thence southeasterly along the north-eastern side of Roberts Avenue to a point in line with the north-western boundary of Lot 10, as shown on Plan 302 aforesaid ; thence along a right line to and along the said north-western boundary of Lot 10 ; thence south-easterly along the south-western boundaries of Lots 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, and 3, all as shown on Plan 302 aforesaid, to a point in line with the northwestern boundary of the land as shown on the plan numbered A/150, ■deposited as aforesaid ; thence south-westerly along that boundary to the south-western boundary of the land, as shown on the plan numbered A/347, deposited as aforesaid; thence north-westerly along the last-mentioned boundary for a distance of 300 links to the middle of the Tutahiheka Stream; thence south-westerly up the middle of the said stream to the north-eastern boundary of Section 23, Right Bank, Wanganui River, in Block 111, Westmere Survey District; thence north-westerly along that boundary to the northern corner of the said Section 23 ; thence south-westerly Along the north-western boundaries of Sections 23, 22, 21, 20, and 19, all of Right Bank, Wanganui River, and the south-western boundary of the last-mentioned section to the northern boundary of Lot 43, as shown on the plan numbered 258, deposited as aforesaid ; thence westerly generally along the northern boundaries of Lots 43, 42, 25, and 24, as shown on the said Plan 258; thence south-westerly along the north-western boundary of the said Lot 24 to its westernmost corner, being a point on Virginia Road ; thence along a right line across that road to the opposite corner ; thence south-westerly along the south-eastern side of that road and of an old road, as shown on the plan numbered 259, deposited as aforesaid, to a point opposite the junction of the western side of the old road aforesaid with the north-eastern side of Section 15, Block V, Westmere Survey District; thence westerly along a right line across the old road to the aforesaid junction, and north-westerly along the north-eastern



boundary of Section 15 aforesaid to its northernmost corner ; thence south-westerly along the north-western boundary of Section 15 aforesaid to the northernmost corner of Lot 2, as shown on the plan numbered 768, deposited as aforesaid; thence south-easterly and south-westerly for distances of 2,285 links and 46-3 links respectively,, along the north-eastern and south-eastern boundaries of the said Lot 2to the south-western side of Peake's Road; thence southeasterly along the south-western side of Peake's Road to the southeastern boundary of Lot 1, as shown on the said Plan 768 ; thence south-westerly and south-easterly generally along the eastern boundary of the said Lot 1 to the north-western boundary of Lot 3, as shown on the plan numbered 2276, deposited as aforesaid; thence south-westerly along that boundary and the north-western boundary of Lot 5, as shown on the said Plan 2276, to the westernmost corner of the said Lot 5; thence south-easterly along the south-western boundary of the said Lot 5 to the north-western side of Parsons Street; thence south-westerly and south-easterly along the north-western side of Parsons Street and the southwestern side of Carlton Avenue to a point in the middle of London Street; thence south-westerly along the middle of that street to a point in the middle of Smithfield Road ; thence southerly generally along the middle of Smithfield Road, Moore Avenue, Alma Road, Collins Street, Koromiko Road, Cambridge Street, and Caius Avenue, to and along the middle of the Wanganui-Castlecliff Railway to a point in line with the centre-line of a road forming the north-eastern boundary of the land as shown on Land Transfer Plan 4715, lodged in the office of the District Land Registrar at Wellington; thence south-easterly along a right line, to and along the said centre-line of that road, and across River Bank Road to the middle of the Wanganui River; thence down the middle of that river to the sea-co"ast; thence north-westerly generally along the sea-coast to the point of commencement in the middle of Inaha Road. Wanganui All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the sea-coast in the middle of the Wanganui River; thence northeasterly generally along the boundary of the Patea Electoral District hereinbefore described, to a point in the middle of the Wanganui River, in line with the eastern boundary of Section 30, Right Bank, Wanganui River, in Block 111, Westmere Survey District; thence southerly along a right line to the north-western corner of Section 109, Left Bank, Wanganui River, in Block 11, Ikitara Survey District; thence south-easterly along a right line to the middle of a road known as Kaimatira Road, along the middle of that road, crossing Sections 109 and 117, Left Bank, Wanganui River, in Block II aforesaid, to and along the middle of a road, known as Gordon Road, forming the eastern boundary of Section 83, Left Bank, Wanganui River, in Block II aforesaid, and the production of the centre-line of that road to the old Wanganui—Marton Railway; thence easterly along the northern side of that railway to McGregor Valley Road; thence southerly along the western side of that road to the northern boundary of Section 57, Left Bank, Wanganui River, in Block VI, Ikitara Survey District; thence easterly generally along the northern boundaries of Section 57 aforesaid and Sections 58, 59,123,124, 125, 126,127,128, and 178, all ofLeft Bank, Wanganui River, in Block VII, Ikitara Survey District; thence northerly and easterly along the southern boundary of Section 270, Left Bank, Wanganui River, in Block VII aforesaid, to its easternmost intersection with the middle of the old Wanganui-Marton Railway; thence southerly generally along the middle of that railway to the north-eastern boundary of Lot 2, as shown on the plan numbered 2835, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Wellington; thence southeasterly along that boundary, and the north-eastern boundary of Lot 1 as shown on the aforesaid plan and its production to the middle of the Wangaehu River; thence south-westerly generally down the middle of that river to the sea-coast; thence north-westerly along the sea-coast to a point in the middle of the Wanganui River, the point of commencement.




All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point in the middle of the Wanganni River in line with the eastern boundary of Section 30, Right Bank, Wanganui River, in Block 111, Westmere' Survey District; thence up the middle of the Wanganui River to a point in line with the north-western boundary of Ohautahi Block, in Block XIV, Rarete Survey District; thence easterly along the boundary of the Electoral District of Waimarino, hereinbefore described, to a point on the summit of the Ruahine Range due east of the source of the Kawhatau River, in Block XV, Ruahine ■Survey District; thence southerly generally along the summit of the Ruahine Range to Tiraha Trig. Station, in Block 111, Umutoi Survey District; thence westerly along a right line to Te Hekenga Trig. Station; thence along the southern boundary of Awarua No. 1a 3 South Block to the middle of the Oroua River; thence down the middle of that river to a point in line with the northern boundary of Kopane Settlement, in Block V, Kairanga Survey District; thence to and along the northern boundary of Kopane Settlement, the crossing of Green's Road, the northern boundaries -of Lots 1, 8, 9, 10, and 11, the northern and western boundaries of Lot 12, and the northern boundary of Lot 13, all as shown on the plan numbered 2932, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Wellington, to and across a public road, to and along the northern boundaries of Sections 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, and 18, Douglas Block, to and across Banks Line, to and along the northern boundaries of Sections 9, 8, 7, 6, and 5, Douglas Block, to and across Hammond's Line, to and along the northern boundaries of Sections 4, 3, and 2, and the northern and western boundaries of Section 1, Douglas Block, to the easternmost corner of Section 34, "Township of Carnarvon; thence along the northern boundary of the said Section 34 to a public road; thence, northerly along the ■eastern side of that road to the northernmost corner of Section 14, Township of Carnarvon; thence along a right line across a public road to the southernmost corner of Section 12, Township of Carnarvon; thence north-westerly along the north-eastern side of Taylor's Line and its production to the middle of the Rangitikei River; thence down the middle of that river to the sea: thence north-westerly along the sea-coast to the middle of the Wangaehu River, in Block XIII, Ikitara Survey District; thence northeasterly and north-westerly along the boundary of the Electoral District of Wanganui, hereinbefore described, to the point of commencement in the middle of the Wanganni River.


All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point in the middle of the mouth of the Hokio Stream, in Block IV, Moutere Survey District; thence up the middle of the said stream to a point in line with the south-eastern boundary of Horowhenua No. 11 No. 42c North Block ; thence along the production of that boundary to the middle of Beach Road; thence along the middle of Beach Road to a point in line with the south-eastern boundary of Horowhenua No. 11a 2 Block, in Block 11, Waitohu Survey District; thence to and along the south-eastern boundary of Horowhenua No. 11a 2 Block and its production to Horowhenua Lake; thence Along the generally southern and eastern shores of the said lake to a point in line with the middle of the road forming the south-eastern ■boundary of Horowhenua No. 11, No. 6b 2 Block, in Block XIII, Mount Robinson Survey District; thence to and along the middle •of the said road, the road from the easternmost corner of Horowhenua No. 11 No. 6b 2 Block to the northernmost corner of Horowhenua No. 11 No. Id Block, and the road from the northernmost corner of Horowhenua No. 11 No. Id Block to and across Kawiu Road ; thence south-easterly along the south-western side of Kawiu Road to the middle of the North Island Main Trunk Railway; thence north-easterly along the middle of the said railway to a point in line with the middle of Roslyn Road ; thence to and along the middle of Roslyn Road to the middle of Arapaepae Road ; thence northeasterly along the middle of Arapaepae Road to a point in line with the middle of Wallace Road at the northernmost corner of Section 1, Block 11, Waiopehu Survey District; thence to and along the middle of Wallace Road through Sections 1 and 11, Block 11,



Waiopehu Survey District, to and along the middle of the road forming the north-western boundary of Section 14, Block 11, Waiopehu Survey District, to a point in line with the south-western boundary of the last-mentioned section; thence to and along the south-western boundaries of Sections 14, 15, and 16, Block 11, Sections 3, 4, 5, and 9, Block 111, and Section 5, Block IV, all of Waiopehu Survey District, crossing several intervening roads, to the western watershed of the Mangahao River; thence north-easterly along the said watershed to its intersection with a right line from Arawaru Trig. Station to the easternmost corner of Section 315, Block VIII, Arawaru Survey District; thence along that right line to Arawaru Trig. Station; thence north-easterly along a right line to Marima Trig. Station; thence along a right line to the southwestern corner of Marima Ridge Road ; thence along the abutment of the said road, the north-western boundary of Section 4, Block V, Mangahao Survey District, the north-western boundaries of Sections 3, 2, and 1, Block VI, Mangahao Survey District, and the southwestern boundaries of Sections 13 and 19, Block XIX, Mangahao Survey District, to South Range Road ; thence northerly along the generally eastern side of South Range Road and North Range Road to the north-eastern boundary of Section 2, Block 11, Mangahao Survey District; thence north-easterly along a right line to the westernmost corner of Section 1, Block I, Mangahao Survey District: thence along the north-western boundary of the said Section 1 and its production to the middle of the Manawatu River; thence up the middle of the Manawatu River to a point in line with the southeastern boundary of Block IV, Gorge Survey District; thence to and along the south-eastern boundaries of Blocks IV and VII, Gorge Survey District, to Wharite Trig. Station; thence northeasterly along the summit of the Ruahme Range to Tiraha Trig. Station, in Block 111, Umutoi Survey District; thence south-westerly generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of Rangitikei, hereinbefore described, to the sea-coast at the mouth of the Rangitikei River; thence southerly generally along the sea-coast to the point of commencement at the mouth of the Hokio Stream; excluding therefrom the Electoral District of Palmerston North hereinafter described.

Palmerston North

All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point in Block XIV, Kairanga Survey District, in the middle of the Manawatu River in line with the north-eastern boundary of Section 374, Township of Palmerston North ; thence north-westerly to and along the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 374, 373, 372, and 371, Township of Palmerston North, to and across College Street West; thence along the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of Section 371 and the north-eastern boundary of Section 370, Township of Palmerston North, to Main Street West; thence north-easterly along the south-eastern side of Main Street West to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Section 350, Township of Palmerston North ; thence across Main Street West to and along the northeastern boundary of the said Section 350 to the westernmost corner of Section 290, Township of Palmerston North; thence along the north-western and north-eastern boundaries of the said Section 290 to a point in line with the middle of Eeatherstone Street West; thence to and along the middle of Featherstone Street West, Featherstone Street East, Vogel Street, and Haydon Street to the northeastern side of Keith Street; thence along the north-eastern side of Keith Street to the westernmost corner of part Lot 17, as contained in certificate of title, Volume 261, folio 222, Wellington Registry; thence along the north-western boundary of the said part Lot 17, and that boundary produced to the middle of the railway at the north-eastern boundary of Section 420, Township of Palmerston North ; thence south-easterly along the north-eastern boundary of Section 420, Township of Palmerston North, to the easternmost corner of that section ; thence along a right fine to the northernmost corner of Section 389, Township of Palmerston North ; thence along the north-eastern boundary of the said Section 389 and its production to the middle of the Manawatu River; thence south-westerly generally down the middle of the Manawatu River to the point of commencement.




AU that area bounded by a line commencing at the point in Block 111, Blackhead Survey District, where the right bank of the Porangahau River meets the sea; thence south-westerly generally along the sea-coast to the middle of the Kaiwhata River, in Block V, Kaiwhata Survey District; thence up the middle of that river to a point in line with the eastern boundary of Section 5, Block IV, Kaiwhata Survey District; thence to and along the eastern boundaries of Sections 5, 7, and 9, and the southeastern boundary of Section 11, all of Block IV, Kaiwhata Survey District, to the south-western boundary of Te Maipi 7c 3 No. 3b Block; thence along the south-western and south-eastern boundaries of Te Maipi 7c 3 No. 3b Block, and the south-eastern and northern boundaries of Te Maipi 7c 6 Block, to the Kaiwhata River; thence up the left bank of the said river to the southwestern boundary of Section 1, Block 11, Kaiwhata Survey District; thence along the south-western and south-eastern boundaries of the said Section 1 to a public road ; thence northerly along the eastern side of the said road to a point in line with the north-western boundary of Section 896, Whareama District; thence to and along the north-western boundary of the said Section 896, the south-western boundary of Section 893, the south-western, north-western, and north-eastern boundaries of Section 892, the northern and north-eastern boundaries of the southern portions of Sections 885 and 886, the north-eastern boundary of Section 893, the north-western boundary of section 887, and the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 886 and 885, all of Whareama District, crossing intervening roads; thence along the north-eastern boundary of Small Grazing-run 52 to a public road at the northernmost corner of that run; thence across the said road to and along the generally eastern side of Glenlean Road; to and along the north-eastern boundary of Small Grazing-run 51 to the southeastern boundary of Section 669, Whareama District; thence along the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 669 and 667, Whareama District, to a point distant 1370 links from the southernmost corner of the said Section 667 ; thence north-westerly through Sections 667, 666, 668, 665, and 664, Whareama District, along the north-eastern boundary of the land as shown on the plan numbered B/290, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Wellington, to the north-western corner of the said land ; thence westerly generally through Section 664, 663, 551, 562, 571, and 570, Whareama District, along the northern boundary of Lot 5, as shown on the plan numbered 2303, deposited as aforesaid, to the westernmost corner of the said lot; thence north-westerly generally through Sections 570, 584, 569, 560, 549, and 548, Whareama District, along the south-western boundaries of Lots 3 and 2, as shown on the plan numbered 2302, deposited as aforesaid, to the north-eastern corner of the land as shown on the plan numbered B/198, deposited as aforesaid; thence westerly through Sections 548, 547, and 558, Whareama District, along the northern boundary of the land as shown on the said plan B/198, to the north-western corner of that land; thence westerly through Sections 558, 557, 546, 556, and 555, Whareama District, along the northern boundary of the land as shown on the plan numbered B/201, deposited as aforesaid, to the northern boundary of Section 577, Whareama District; thence westerly generally along the north-eastern boundary of Section 577, the south-eastern and north-eastern boundaries of Section 576, and the north-eastern boundary of Section 575, all of Whareama District, to the Tauweru River; thence up the left bank of the Tauweru River to a point opposite the westernmost corner of the part of Taumataria Block, as shown on the plan numbered A/2001, deposited as aforesaid; thence across the Tauweru River to and along the western boundary of the land as shown on the said plan A/2001 to the Masterton-Tauweru Road; thence along the southern side of the said road to the middle of the Ruamahanga River; thence up the middle of that river to a point in line with the north-western boundary of Section 20, Opaki District, in Block IX, Kopuaranga Survey District; thence to and along the north-western boundary of the said Section 20 and its production to the middle of the Kopuaranga River; thence up the middle



of that river to a point in line with the south-eastern boundary of Section 40 Rangitumau District, in Block IX, Kopuaranga Survey District; thence to and along the south-eastern and northeastern boundaries of Section 40, the north-eastern and northwestern boundaries of Section 41, the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 42, 43, and 44, the south-eastern, north-eastern, and north-western boundaries of Section 45, the north-eastern boundary of Section 46, the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 48 and 49, the south-eastern and north-eastern boundaries of Section 50, all of Rangitumau District, and the production of the lastmentioned boundary to the middle of the Kopuaranga River; thence down the middle of that river to a point in line with the northern boundary of Section 70, Opaki District, in Block V, Kopuaranga Survey District; thence to and along the northern boundary of the said Section 70 to Jackson's Road; thence along the eastern side of the said road to a point in line with the northern boundary of Section 27, Block V, Kopuaranga Survey District; thence across Jackson's Road to and along the northern and western boundaries of the said Section 27, the northern boundary of Section 69, the north-eastern boundary of Section 32, the south-eastern, north-eastern, and north-western boundaries of Section 71, all of Opaki District, and the production of the lastmentioned boundary to the middle of the Ruamahanga River; thence up the middle of that river to a point in line with the northwestern boundary of Section 9, Block IV, Mikimiki Survey District; thence to and along the north-western boundary of the said Section •9 to the summit of the Tawhero Range ; thence along the summit of that range to Tawhero Trig. Station; thence along a right line bearing 297° to its intersection with a right line from Pukemoremore Trig. Station, in Block XI, Tararua Survey District, to Arawaru Trig. Station, in Block I, Tararua Survey District; thence along that right line in the direction of Arawaru Trig. Station to its intersection with a right line bearing approximately 310° from a point in the middle of the Makakahi River in line with the western boundary of Section 21, Block XIV, Tararua Survey District; thence along a right line to the intersection of the summit of the Tararua Range with the northern boundary of Section 2, Block IV, Waiopehu Survey District; thence north-easterly generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of Manawatu, hereinbefore described, to the point on the summit of the Ruahine Range due west of the source of the Makaretu River, in Block I, Norsewood Survey District; thence south-easterly generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of Hawke's Bay, hereinbefore described, to the sea-coast at the mouth of the Porangahau River, the point •of commencement. Otaxi All that area bounded by a line commencing at the point in the middle of the mouth of the Hokio Stream, in Block IV, Moutere Survey District; thence easterly generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of Manawatu, hereinbefore described, to the intersection of the south-western boundary of Section 5, Block IV, Waiopehu Survey District, with the summit of the Tararua Range on the western watershed of the Mangahao River; thence southwesterly generally along the summit of the Tararua and Rimutaka Ranges to the north-eastern boundary of the Wellington Waterworks Reserve in Block IX, Rimutaka Survey District; thence northwesterly along the north-eastern boundary of the said reserve to easternmost point of Section 97, Mungaroa District; thence along the south-eastern and south-western boundaries of Section 97, the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 67 and 66, the south-eastern and south-western boundaries of Section 64, all of Mungaroa District, and the south-eastern boundary of Section 282, Hutt District, to the easternmost corner of Section 6, Block VIII, Rimutaka Survey District; thence along the eastern and southern boundaries of Section 6, the southern boundary of Section 7, Block VIII, Rimutaka Survey District, and the southern and western boundaries of Section 8, Block XV, Belmont Survey District, to the northernmostcorner of the last-mentioned section ; thence along the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 232 and 231, Hutt District, to the intersection of the last-mentioned boundary with the north-western



boundary of the land as shown on the plan numbered 12561, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Wellington ; thence north-easterly along the north-western boundary of the land, as shown on the said Plan 12561, to the northernmost corner of that land; thence north-westerly generally along the north-eastern boundaries of the parts of the aforesaid Sections 232, and 231, comprised in certificate of title, Vol. 503, folio 220, Wellington Registry, to the southern boundary of Section 229, Hutt District; thence along the southern and eastern boundaries of Section 229, the generally eastern boundary of Section 228, the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 61, 62, and 63, and the south-eastern and north-eastern boundaries of Section 64, all of Hutt District, to the Main Hutt Road; thence across the Main Hutt Road to and along the north-eastern boundary of the aforesaid Section 64 to a railway reserve; thence across the railway reserve to and along the northeastern boundary of the aforesaid Section 64 to the northernmost corner of that part of the said section, as shown on the plan numbered 21084, lodged in the office of the Chief Surveyor at Wellington; thence along a right line to the southernmost corner of Section 200 a, Hutt District; thence along the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 187 and 202, the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of Section 430, the north-eastern, north-western, and again northeastern boundaries of Section 431, the north-eastern and northwestern boundaries of Section 335, and the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of Section 333, all of Hutt District, to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Section 328, Hutt District; thence across a public road, to and along the northeastern boundary of Section 328 and the south-eastern and northeastern boundaries of Section 331, Hutt District, to the northernmost corner of the last-mentioned section ; thence along the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 30, 31, 32, 33, and 34, Horokiwi Road District, to the westernmost corner of Section 344, Hutt District; thence along the south-western and south-eastern boundaries of Section 344 and the south-eastern, north-eastern, and north-western boundaries of Section 348, Hutt District, to the easternmost corner of Section 35, Horokiwi Road District; thence along the north-eastern boundary of the said Section 35 to the southernmost corner of Section 32, Tukapu District; thence along the south-eastern and north-eastern boundaries of Section 32 and the north-eastern boundary of Section 29, Tukapu District, to the northernmost corner of the last-mentioned section ; thence along the south-eastern and north-eastern boundaries of Section 99, Porirua District, to Porirua Harbour ; thence easterly and north-westerly generally along the shore of Porirua Harbour to the sea; thence north-easterly generally along the sea-coast to the point of commencement at the mouth of the Hokio Stream; and including Kapiti Island and adjacent islands. Wairarapa All that area bounded by a line commencing at the point in the middle of the mouth of the Kaiwhata River, in Block V, Kaiwhata Survey District; thence south-westerly generally along the seacoast to Cape Palliser ; thence north-westerly generally along the sea-coast to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Orongorongo A No. 1 Block, in Block IX, Pencarrow Survey District; thence to and along the north-eastern boundary of Orongorongo A No. 1 Block to the summit of the Rimutaka Range; thence north-easterly generally along the summit of the Rimutaka and Tararua Ranges to the northern boundary of Section 2, Block IV, Waiopehu Survey District, on the western watershed of the Mangahao River; thence south-easterly generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of Pahiatua, hereinbefore described, to the point of commencement at the mouth of the Kaiwhata River. Onslow All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the waterfront of Port Nicholson in the middle of the mouth of the Kaiwharawhara in Block XI, Belmont Survey District; thence north-easterly along the waterfront to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Section 19, Harbour District; thence along the production of the north-eastern boundary of the



said Section 19 to the middle of the Wellington-Wairarapa Railway ; thence north-easterly along the middle of the said railway to a point in line with the middle of Melling Road; thence to and along the middle of Melling Road to the middle of High Street; thence north-easterly along the middle of High Street to its intersection with the middle of a railway reserve ; thence north-easterly along the middle of the railway reserve to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Section 64, Hutt" District; thence north-westerly generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of Otaki, hereinbefore described, to Porirua Harbour at the northernmost corner of Section 99, Porirua District; thence south-westerly and north-easterly generally along the shore of Porirua Harbour to the sea ; thence south-westerly generally along the sea-coast to the south-western boundary of Section 111, Ohariu District, in Block I, Port Nicholson Survey District; thence along the south-western boundaries of Sections 111 and 73, the northwestern boundary of Section 74, and the north-western and southwestern boundaries of Section 75, Ohariu District, to and across a public road; thence along the south-western boundaries of Sections 78, 100, and 101, Ohariu District, crossing a public road, to the easternmost corner of Section 104, Ohariu District; thence along the north-western boundary of Section 101 and the northwestern and south-western boundaries of Section 103, Ohariu District, to the northernmost corner of Section 55, Makara District; thence along the north-western and south-western boundaries of the said Section 55 to the southernmost corner of Section 129, Ohariu District; thence along the south-eastern boundary of Section 129 and the south-western and south-eastern boundaries of Section 128, Ohariu District, crossing two intervening public roads, to the westernmost corner of Section 9, Kaiwarra District; thence along the south-western boundary of the said Section 9 to the northernmost corner of Section 7, Kaiwarra District; thence along the north-western and south-western boundaries of the said Section 7, crossing a public road, to the northernmost corner of Subdivision I of the Otari Native Reserve ; thence along the northwestern boundaries of Subdivisions I, 11, 111, IV, V, VI, and VII, the north-western and south-western boundaries of Subdivision VIII, of the Otari Native Reserve, and the production of the lastmentioned boundary across the Kaiwharawhara Stream ; thence down the right bank of that stream to the northernmost corner of Section 2, Kaiwarra District; thence along the north-eastern boundary of the said Section 2 and its production to the northwestern boundary of the Town Belt; thence along the northwestern and north-eastern boundaries of the Town Belt and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Wadestown Road ; thence along the middle of Wadestown Road, Sefton Street, Hosking Lane, Watt Street, Baker Street, and Sar Street, to the middle of Hutt Road; thence north-easterly along the middle of Hutt Road to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Section 2, Harbour District; thence south-easterly along the production of the north-eastern boundary of the said Section 2, to the waterfront; thence north-easterly along the waterfront to the point of commencement at the mouth of the Kaiwharawhara Stream ; and including Mana Island in Cook Strait.


All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point in the middle of the Wellington-Wairarapa Railway in line with the middle of Melling Road, in the City of Lower Hutt; thence to and along the middle of Melling Road to the middle of High Street; thence north-easterly along the middle of High Street to its intersection with the middle of a railway reserve ; thence north-easterly along the middle of the railway reserve to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Section 64, Hutt District; thence southeasterly to and along the north-eastern boundary of the said Section 64 to its easternmost point; thence along the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 64, 63, 62, and 61, Hutt District, to the northernmost corner of Section 228, Hutt District; thence along the generally eastern boundary of Section 228 and the eastern and


H —46

southern boundaries of Section 229, Hutt District, to the northernmost corner of the parts of Sections 231 and 232, Hutt District, comprised in certificate of title, Vol. 503, folio 220 (Wellington Registry) ; thence along the north-eastern boundaries of the parts of the said Sections 231 and 232 comprised in the said certificate of title to the northernmost corner of the land shown on the plan numbered 12561, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Wellington ; thence along the north-western boundary of the land shown on the said Plan 12561 to its intersection with the southern boundary of Section 2, Block XV, Belmont Survey District; thence westerly along the southern boundary of the said Section 2 and the southern boundary of Section 440, Hutt District, to the westernmost corner of the last-mentioned section; thence along the southern boundary of Section 18s, Waddington Settlement, to and across Seddon Street, and again along the southern boundary of Section 18s aforesaid and its production across another public road to the northernmost corner of Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 4581, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Section 21, Lowry Bay District; thence along the eastern and southern boundaries of the said Lot Ito its westernmost corner; thence westerly along a right line to the southernmost corner of Section 225, Hutt District; thence along the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 27 and 23, Hutt District, to the northernmost corner of part Lot 3, as shown on the plan numbered 7866, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Section 21, Lowry Bay District; thence along the northern, eastern, and southern boundaries of part Lot 3 aforesaid, to and along the northern boundaries of Lots 3 and 2, as shown on the plan numbered 11467, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Section 21, Lowry Bay District, to White's Line East; thence along the abutment of White's Line East to the middle of that road; thence along the middle of White's Line East and White's Line West to the Hutt River ; thence along a right line across the Hutt River to the point where the southern side of Wakefield Street meets the right bank of that river ; thence along the southern side of Wakefield Street to a point in line with the middle of Cuba Street Extension; thence north-easterly along the middle of Cuba Street Extension and Victoria Street to the middle of Railway Avenue; thence along the middle of Railway Avenue and its production to the middle of the Wellington-Wairarapa Railway; thence north-easterly along the middle of that railway to the point of commencement in line with the middle of Melling Road.


All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the waterfront of Port Nicholson in line with the north-eastern boundary of Section 19, Harbour District, in Block XII, Belmont Survey District; thence along the northern and eastern shores of Port Nicholson to the sea ; thence along the sea-coast to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Orongorongo A No. 1 Block, in Block IX, Pencarrow Survey District; thence to and along the north-eastern boundary of Orongorongo A No. 1 Block to the summit of the Rimutaka Range; thence north-easterly generally along the summit of the Rimutaka Range to the north-eastern boundary of the Wellington Waterworks Reserve in Block IX, Rimutaka Survey District; thence westerly generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of Otaki, hereinbefore described, to the north-western boundary of the land as shown on the plan numbered 12561, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Wellington, being parts of Sections 231 and 232, Hutt District, and Sections 1 and 2, Block XV, Belmont Survey District; thence south-westerly along the north-western boundary of the land as shown on the said Plan 12561 to its intersection with the southern boundary of Section 2, Block XV, Belmont Survey District; thence westerly along the southern boundary of the said Section 2 and the southern boundary of Section 440, Hutt District, to the westernmost corner of the last-mentioned section ; thence along the southern boundary of Section 18s, Waddington Settlement, to and across Seddon Street, and again along the southern boundary of Section 18s aforesaid and its production across another public road to the northernmost



corner of Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 4581, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Section 21, Lowry Bay District; "thence along the eastern and southern boundaries of the said Lot 1 to its westernmost corner; thence westerly along a right line to the southernmost corner of Section 225, Hutt District; thence along the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 27 and 23, Hutt District, to the northernmost corner of part Lot 3, as shown on the plan numbered 7866, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Section 21, Lowry Bay District; thence along the northern, eastern, and southern boundaries of part Lot 3 aforesaid, to and along the northern boundaries of Lots 3 and 2, as shown on the plan numbered 11467, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Section 21, Lowry Bay District, to White's Line East; thence along the abutment of White's Line East to the middle of that road; thence along the middle of White's Line East and White's Line West to the Hutt River; thence along a right line across the Hutt River to the point where the southern side of Wakefield Street meets the right bank of that river; thence along the southern side of Wakefield Street to a point in line with the middle of Cuba Street Extension ; thence north-easterly along the middle of Cuba Street Extension and Victoria Street to the middle of Railway Avenue ; thence along the middle of Railway Avenue and its production to the middle of the Wellington-Wairarapa Railway; thence south-westerly along the middle of that railway to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Section 19, Harbour District; thence south-easterly along the production of the north-eastern boundary of the said Section 19 to Port Nicholson at the point of commencement; and including all wharves and extensions seaward.


All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the high-water mark of Cook Strait .at the south-eastern corner of Section 37,, Terawhiti District, in Block XIII, Port Nicholson Survey District; thence northerly along the eastern boundaries of Sections 37 and 38, the eastern and northern boundaries of Section 70, and the northern boundary of Section 69, all of Terawhiti District, to the southernmost point of the Wellington Water-supply Reserve ; thence along the eastern boundary of the said reserve to its intersection with the south-western boundary of Section 3, Upper Kaiwarra District; thence along a right line to the south-eastern corner of Section 10, Ohiro District; thence along the south-eastern boundary of the Town Belt to a point in line with the middle of Durham Street; thence to and along the middle of Durham Street, Aro Street, St. John Street, Abel Smith Street, and The Terrace, to Bowen Street; thence along the middle of Bowen Street and Sydney Street West to Tinakori Road ; thence south-westerly along the middle of Tinakori Road, to and along the middle of St. Mary Street, Grant Road, and Wadestown Road, to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of the Town Belt as defined by Pakuao Stream ; thence north-westerly generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of Onslow, hereinbefore described, to the westernmost corner of Section 111, Ohariu District, in Block I, Port Nicholson Survey District; thence along the sea-coast to the south-eastern corner of Section 37, Terawhiti District, the point of commencement.

Wellington Central

All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the waterfront of Port Nicholson in line with the western boundary of the Boat Harbour; thence southerly along that boundary, and along the northern side of Herd Street, to and along the middle of Oriental Parade, Prince Street, Roxburgh Street, and Majoribanks Street to a point in line with the middle of the reserve between Kent Terrace and Cambridge Terrace; thence southerly along the middle of that reserve, to and along the middle of Vivian Street, The Terrace, Bowen Street, and Sydney Street West to Tinakori Road; thence south-westerly along the middle of Tinakori Road to and along the middle of St. Mary Street, Grant Road, Wadestown Road, Seffcon Street, Hosking Lane, Watt Street, Baker Street, and Sar Street to



the Hutt Road ; thence along the middle of the Hutt Road to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Section 2, Harbour District; thence along the production of that boundary to the waterfront; thence southerly generally along the waterfront, including all wharves and extensions seaward, to the point of commencement; and including Somes Island.


All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point in the City of Wellington at the junction of The Terrace and Vivian Street ; thence along the middle of Vivian Street and its production to a point in line with the middle of the reserve between Cambridge Terrace and Kent Terrace; thence southerly along the middle of that reserve to Ellice Street, and along the middle of Ellice Street, Dufferin Street, and Rugby Street to a point in line with the western boundary of the Government House Grounds ; thence to and along the western boundary of the Government House Grounds and the production of that boundary to a point in the middle of Hospital Road; thence along the middle of Hospital Road, Adelaide Road, Riddiford Street, and Hall Street to the middle of the western end of the last-mentioned street; thence along a right line due west to the middle of Hutchison Road; thence along the middle of Hutchison Road, Finnimore Terrace, Dransfield Street, Liardet Street, Short Street, Mofhtt Street, Krull Street, Mana Street, Raleigh Street, Veronica Street, Mornington Road, Clarence Street, and Borlase Street, to and across Happy Valley Road, to and along the middle of the road reserve forming the northern boundaries of Lots 17, 13, 9, 5, and 1 of Section 14, Ohiro District, and along the production of that middle-line to a point on the eastern boundary of the Wellington Water-supply Reserve; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of that reserve to its intersection with the south-western boundary of Section 3, Upper Kaiwarra District; thence along a right line to the south-eastern corner of Section 10, Ohiro District; thence along the south-eastern boundary of the Town Belt to a point in line with the middle of Durham Street; thence to and along the middle of Durham Street, Aro Street, St. John Street, Abel Smith Street, and The Terrace to the point of commencement.

Mount Victoria

All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the waterfront of Port Nicholson in line with the western boundary of the Boat Harbour; thence southerly along that boundary and the northern side of Herd Street, to and along the middle of Oriental Parade, Prince Street, Roxburgh Street, and Majoribanks Street to the middle of the reserve between Kent Terrace and Cambridge Terrace ; thence along the middle of that reserve to and along the middle of Ellice Street, Dufferin Street, and Rugby Street, to a point in line with the western boundary of the Government House Grounds; thence to and along the western boundary of the said Government House Grounds and the production of that boundary to the middle of Hospital Road ; thence along the middle of Hospital Road, Adelaide Road, Riddiford Street, and Mein Street, and along the production of the middle-line of the last-mentioned street to the middle of Alexandra Road; thence along the middle of Alexandra Road, Crawford Road, and Seatoun Road to a point in line with the middle of Onepu Road; thence along the production of the middleline of Onepu Road to the shore of Evans Bay; thence northerly along the shore of Evans Bay to Point Jerningham, and along the, shore of Port Nicholson, including all wharves and extensionsseaward, to the point of commencement. ,

Island Bay

All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the high-water mark of Cook Strait at the south-eastern corner of Section 37, Terawhiti District, in Block XIII, Port Nicholson Survey District; thence northerly along the eastern boundaries of Section 37 aforesaid, and Section 38, Terawhiti District, to and along the



eastern and northern boundaries of Section 70, Terawhiti District, and the northern boundary of Section 69, Terawhiti District, to the southernmost point of the Wellington Water-supply Reserve; thence along the eastern boundary of the said reserve to a point in line with the middle of a road reserve forming the northern boundaries of Lots 1, 5, 9, 13, and 17 of Section 14, Ohiro District; thence to and along the middle of the said road reserve, across Happy Valley Road, and along the middle of Borlase Street, Clarence Street, Mornington Road, Veronica Street, Raleigh Street, Mana Street, Krull Street, Moffitt Street, Short Street, Liardet Street, Dransfield Street, Finnimore Terrace, and Hutchison Road to a point due west of the middle of the western end of Hall Street; thence along a right line due east to the middle of Hall Street; thence along the middle of Hall Street and .Mein Street and along the production of the middle-line of the last-mentioned street to the middle of Alexandra Road; thence along the middle of Alexandra Road and Crawford Road to a point in line with the eastern boundary of the Town Belt Reserve ; thence southerly along the eastern boundary of the said Town Belt Reserve to a point in line with the middle of Carlton Street; thence to and along the middle of Carlton Street and Sutherland Road to a point in line with the middle-line of Lot 38, Block IV, as shown on the plan numbered 1889, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Wellington; thence to and along the middle-line of that lot, and along the middle of Queen's Drive and its production to the high-water mark of Lyall Bay; thence westerly generally along the high-water mark of Cook Strait to the south-eastern corner of Section 37, Terawhiti District, the point of commencement; and including all adjacent islands.


All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the boundary of the City of Wellington at a point on the shore of Evans Bay in line with the middle-line of Onepu Road; thence to and along the production of that middle-line to the middle of Seatoun Road; thence along the middle of Seatoun Road and Crawford Road to a point in line with the eastern boundary of the Town Belt Reserve; thence in a southerly direction to and along the eastern boundary of the said Town Belt Reserve to a point in line with the middle of Carlton Street; thence to and along the middle of Carlton Street and Sutherland Road to a point in line with the middle-line of Lot 38, Block IV, as shown on the plan numbered 1889, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Wellington; thence to and along the middle-line of that lot to and along the middle of Queen's Drive and its production to the shore of Lyall Bay ; thence along the shores of Cook Strait, Port Nicholson, and Evans Bay, including all wharves and extensions seaward, to a point in line with the middle-line of Onepu Road, the point of commencement.


All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point in Big Bay, in the middle of the Awarua River at its mouth ; thence southeasterly along a right line to the summit of Mount Aspiring ; thence generally north-easterly along the summit of the Southern Alps to the watershed between the Maruia River and the Grey River, in Block IV, Travers Survey District; thence generally north-westerly along that watershed to its intersection with a right line from Mount Haast to the nearest point of the Grey River ; thence southwesterly along that line and its production to the middle of the Grey River; thence down the middle of the Grey River to the confluence with it of the Waipuna River ; thence up the middle of the Waipuna River to the confluence with it of Noble's Creek; thence up the middle of Noble's Creek to its source ; thence along a right line to Napoleon Hill; thence north-westerly along a right line to the easternmost corner of Section 76, Square 122, in Block XIII, Mawheraiti Survey District; thence along the north-eastern boundary of the said Section 76 and its production across the Greymouth-Reefton Railway, to and along the north-eastern boundary of Section 51, Square 122, and its production to the middle of the Grey River; thence down the middle of the Grey River to the confluence with it of Blackball Creek ; thence northerly up the



middle of Blackball Creek to a point in line with the middle of Harper Street, in the Town of Blackball; thence south-westerly along a right line to and along the middle of the said Harper Street and its production to the middle of Ford Creek; thence up the middle of Ford Creek to the confluence with it of Paparoa Creek; thence up the middle of Paparoa Creek to its source in the Paparoa Range; thence westerly along a right line to the summit of the Paparoa Range ; thence southerly along the summit of the Paparoa Range to Mount Davy; thence south-westerly along the ridge, passing through Trig. Station G and Trig. Station NN to Trig. Station Aon the eastern boundary of the Borough of Runanga; thence along that boundary on a bearing of 25° to the left bank of Sevenmile Creek; thence down the left bank of Seven-mile Creek to the sea; thence generally south-westerly along the sea-coast to the middle of the Awarua River at its mouth, the point of commencement.


All that area bounded by a line commencing at the point in Block I, Cobden Survey District, where the left bank of Seven-mile ■Creek meets the sea ; thence northerly generally along the seacoast to Cape Farewell; thence along the mean high-water mark of the northern and southern shores of Farewell Spit and southeasterly generally along the sea-coast to the middle of the Motueka River, in Block XI, Kaiteriteri Survey District; thence up the middle of the Motueka River to a point in line with the western boundary of Section 215, Motueka District, in Block 111, Motueka .Survey District; thence to and along the western and southern boundaries of the said Section 215 to the middle of the road forming the eastern boundaries of Sections 245 and 244, Motueka District; thence along the middle of the said road, to and along the middle •of Whakarewa Street and Chamberlain Street to the middle of the road forming the southern boundary of Section 200, Motueka District; thence along the middle of the last-mentioned road and its production to the middle of the Moutere River, in Block VII, Motueka Survey District; thence down the middle of the Moutere River to a point in line with the middle of the main Motueka-Nelson Road; thence southerly to and along the middle of that road to its intersection with a right line running from the north-eastern •corner of Section 69, Moutere Hills, to Cut Hill Trig. Station, in Block IV, Wai-iti~Survey District; thence along that right line to Out Hill Trig. Station; thence along the generally western boundaries of Sections 36, 39, 38, 37, and 186, Square 2, to the southernmost point of the last-mentioned section ; thence along the generally north-eastern side of Dron's Road to a point in line with the northwestern boundary of Section 12, Square 2, in Block V, Waimea Survey District; thence to and along the north-western and southwestern boundaries of the said Section 12, and the north-western and south-western boundaries of Section 16, Square 2, to the northwestern boundary of Section 162, Waimea West; thence southwesterly along the north-western boundary of Section 162 and the north-western and south-western boundaries of Section 165, Waimea West, to the southernmost point of the last-mentioned section; thence along a right line to the middle of the Wai-iti River, and up the middle of that river to a point in line with the middle of the road forming the north-eastern boundary of Lot 2 of Section 142, Waimea South, in Block XVI, Wai-iti Survey District; thence to and along the middle of the said road to the middle of the Nelson - West Coast Main Highway ; thence southwesterly along the middle of that highway to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of part Section 156 (X), Waimea South, in Block XV, Wai-iti Survey District; thence generally •south-easterly along the north-eastern boundary of the said part Section 156 (X), to and across the Nelson-Glenhope Railway, and again along the north-eastern boundary of the said part Section 156 (X), to and across a public road to the north-eastern corner of Section 37, Wai-iti Hills; thence generally south-easterly along the generally eastern boundaries of Sections 37, 37a, 42, 45, and 70, Wai-iti Hills, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary -across a public road, to and along the generally north-eastern boundaries of Sections 77, 75, 72, and 73, Wai-iti Hills, to the



north-western boundary of Section 18, Block VIII, Gordon SurveyDistrict ; thence along the northern and eastern boundaries of the said Section 18, and the eastern boundaries of Sections 3 and 4, all of Block VIII aforesaid, to the southern boundary of the lastmentioned section; thence along the western watershed of the Wairoa River to and along the southern watershed of the Wairoa River, passing through Mount Glennie, Mount Ellis, and Red Hill to the intersection of the said southern watershed with a right line running from the summit of Ward's Pass, in Block XI, Rintoul Survey District, to Trig. Station Top 2 (Mangatawai), in Block XI, Motupiko Survey District; thence south-westerly along that right line to Trig. Station Top 2 ; thence along a right line to Mount St. Arnaud; thence southerly along the summit of the St. Arnaud and Spenser Ranges, passing through Mount Mackay, Mount Humboldt, Mount Una, and Faerie Queene to a point in Block IV, Travers Survey District, on the southern watershed of the Maruia River ; thence westerly along the boundary of the Electoral District of Westland hereinbefore described to the point of commencement at the mouth of Seven-mile Creek; and including all adjacent islands.


All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point at low-water mark on the seaward side of the Boulder Bank, due west of the northernmost corner of Section 1132, City of Nelson ; thencealong a right line due east to the northernmost corner of the said Section 1132 ; thence along the north-eastern and south-eastern boundaries of the said Section 1132 to the intersection of the lastmentioned boundary with a right line from the centre of the lighthouse tower to the northernmost corner of Section 1167, City of Nelson ; thence south-easterly along the said right line to the northernmost corner of the said Seotion 1167 ; thence along the north-eastern boundary of the said Section 1167 to its intersection with the northern boundary of Section H 9, Wakatu; thence easterly along the northern boundary of the said Section H 9 to its intersection with the north-western side of North Road ; thence along a line, at right angles to the side of North Road, to the middle of North Road ; thence along the middle of North Road, Weka Street, Tasman Street, Grove Street, and the production of the middle line of the last-mentioned street to the eastern boundary of Section 331,. City of Nelson ; thence along the eastern boundary of the said Section 331 to its intersection with the northern boundary of Section A 1, Wakatu ; thence along the northern and eastern boundaries of the said Section A 1 to the northern boundary of Section A 9, Wakatu ; thence along the northern and eastern boundaries of the said Section A 9 and the eastern boundary of Section 1166, City of Nelson, to the north-western corner of Section A 10, Wakatu ; thence along the northern boundaries of Sections A 10 and A 4, Wakatu, to the western boundary of Section A 5, Wakatu ; thencealong the western boundaries of Sections A 5, A 6, and A 7, Wakatu, and the northern boundary of the last-mentioned section to its intersection with the western boundary of Section 1160, City of Nelson ; thence along the western and northern boundaries of the said Section 1160 and the northern and north-eastern boundaries of Section A 8, Wakatu, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary, across a road and the Maitai River, to the left bank of the said river; thence north-westerly and southerly down the left bank of the said river to the eastern boundary of Section B 7, Wakatu; thence southerly generally along the eastern boundary of Section B 7 aforesaid, across a road, and along the eastern boundaries of Sections B 8, B 9, and B 10, Wakatu, and the southeastern boundaries of the said Section B 10 and Section B 11, Wakatu, to the southern corner of the said Section B 11 ; thence along a road, and across that road at right angles, to the eastern corner of Section B 19, Wakatu ; thence along the southern boundary of the said Section B 19 to the eastern corner of Section B 20, Wakatu ; thence along the south-eastern boundaries of the said Section B 20 and Section B 21, Wakatu, to the northern corner of part Section 1, Brook Street and Maitai; thence along the northeastern boundary of the said Section 1 and the north-eastern and



south-eastern boundaries of Section 36, Brook Street and Maitai, and south-easterly along the north-eastern boundary of Section 35, Brook Street and Maitai, to the eastern corner of the said Section 35 ; thence along the south-eastern boundaries of Section 35 aforesaid and part Section 1, Brook Street and Maitai, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary through Sections 22 and 14, Square 18, to the intersection of the last-mentioned line with the production of the south-western boundary of Section 3 of 8, Brook Street and Maitai; thence south-easterly along a right line, being the production of the south-western boundary of Section 3 of l 8 aforesaid, -to the middle of the Pelorous River, in Block VIII, Maungatapu Survey District; thence up the middle of the Pelorous River, to a point in line with the southern boundary of Block IX, Maungatapu Survey District; thence along a right line to Slaty Peak; thence along the summit of the range through Old Man, Mount Rintoul, Bush Cone, and Bushy Top to the summit of Ward's Pass ; thence along a right line in the direction of Trig. Station Top 2 (Mangatawai) to its intersection with the southern watershed of the Wairoa River; thence north-westerly generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of Buller, hereinbefore described, to the sea in the middle of the Motueka River at its mouth; thence easterly generally along the sea-coast to and along the low -water mark of the Boulder Bank to the point of commencement ; and including all adjacent islands.


All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point in the middle of the Waiau River at its mouth ; thence up the middle of the Waiau River to its confluence with the Mason River ; thence up the middle of the Mason and Lottery Rivers to a point in line with the north-western boundary of Section 3, Lottery Bush ; thence to and along the north-western boundary of Section 3 aforesaid and the north-western boundaries of Sections 2, 1, and 86, Lottery Bush, to the southern boundary of Section 2, Annan Settlement; thence westerly along that boundary and along the generally western boundary of Section 2 aforesaid, the north-western boundary of Section 1, Annan Settlement, and the western boundary of Section 122, Square 80, Terako Survey District, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of the Lottery River; thence south-westerly down the middle of the Lottery River; to a point in line with the western boundary of Section 126, Square 80; thence to and along the western boundary of Section 126 aforesaid, the western boundary of Block XXI, Acheron Survey District, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of the Clarence River ; thence northerly down the middle of the Clarence River to a point on the intersection with a right line from the source of the Conway River at Palmers Saddle to the confluence of the Acheron River with the Clarence River ; thence westerly along the aforesaid right line to a point in the middle of the Acheron River at its confluence With the Clarence River ; thence up the middle of the Acheron River to the confluence, with it, of Fivemile Creek ; thence up the middle of Five-mile Creek to its source, and thence along a right line to the source of the Leader Dale; thence down the middle of Leader Dale to its confluence with the Clarence River; thence up the middle of the Clarence River, to Lake Tennyson, and along the north-eastern shore of Lake Tennyson, to and along the north-eastern boundary of St. James Run to Trig. Station Z on the summit of the Spenser Range, being a point on the south-eastern boundary of the Electoral District of Buller, hereinbefore described ; thence in a northerly direction along the eastern boundary of the Electoral District of Buller, hereinbefore ■described, and the south-eastern and north-eastern boundaries of the Electoral District of Nelson, hereinbefore described, to the sea at a point, hereinbefore described, on the seaward side of the Boulder Bank; thence along the sea-coast to a point in the middle of the Waiau River at its mouth, being the point of commencement; and including D'Urville Island, Arapawa Island, and all other adjacent islands,



Htjettnui All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point in the middle of the Waiau River at its mouth ; thence southerly along the sea-coast to a point in line with the southern side of Beach Road, being a point on the boundary of the City of Christchurch ; thence westerly along the southern side of Beach Road, to and across Racecourse Road, and along the middle of Beach Road to the middle of Frost's Road ; thence southerly along the middle of Frost's Road, to and along the middle of Travis Road and Burwood Road to the middle of Lake Terrace Road ; thence westerly generally along the middle of Lake Terrace Road, Horseshoe Lake Road, and Briggs Road to the middle of Hills Road ; thence southerly generally along the middle of Hills Road and Westminster Street to a point in line with the south-western boundary of Rural Section 2795; thence to and along the south-western boundaries of Rural Sections 2795 and 345 a, to and along the south-eastern side of Innes Road, to and along the south-western and south-eastern sides of McFadden's Road to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Lot 14, as shown on the plan numbered 6279, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Christchurch; thence to and along the north-eastern boundaries of Lots 14, 15, 16, and 17, all as shown on Plan 6279 aforesaid, and the north-eastern boundary of Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 6313, deposited as aforesaid, to a point in line with the north-western boundary of Lot 18, as shown on Plan 6279 aforesaid; thence to and along the north-western boundaries of Lots 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25, all as shown on Plan 6279 aforesaid, to the south-western boundary of Rural Section 1048 ; thence along the south-western and north-western boundaries of the said Rural Section 1048 to the intersection of the middle of Winter's Road and Grimsey Road; thence northerly along the middle of Grimsey Road and its production to the middle of the River Styx ; thence westerly up the middle of the River Styx to the middle of the North Road ; thence north-easterly along the middle of the North Road to Englefield Road ; thence north-westerly along the middle of Englefield Road to the south-eastern boundary of Rural Section 806 ; thence north-easterly along the said southeastern boundary of Rural Section 806 to the middle of John's Road ; thence westerly along the middle of John's Road to its intersection with a road forming the western boundary of Rural Section 848; thence northerly along the middle of the last-mentioned road and itsproduction to the middle of the South Branch of the Waimakariri River; thence up the middle of that branch and the Waimakariri River to a point due west of Trig. Station S, Upper Ashley Survey District; thence along a right line to Trig. Station S and northerly along the summit of the Puketeraki Range through Ashley Head to Esk Head; thence westerly and north-westerly along the summit of the Dampier Range and the Snowy Range, passing through Mount Crossley and Roche Pass, to the summit of the Southern Alps; thence north-easterly along the south-eastern boundaries of the Electoral Districts of Westland and Buller hereinbefore described to Trig. Station Z on the north-eastern boundary of St. James Run in Block IV, Humboldt Survey District; thence along the southwestern boundary of the Electoral District of Marlborough hereinbefore described to the sea in the middle of the Waiau River at its mouth, the point of commencement.


All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on thesummit of the Southern Alps at Whitcombe Pass, being a point on the south-eastern boundary of the Electoral District of Westland ; thence northerly along the south-eastern boundary of the Electoral District of Westland, hereinbefore described, to a point at the junction of the Snowy Range with the Southern Alps, being a point on the boundary of the Electoral District of Hurunui, hereinbefore described ; thence along the generally south-western boundary of theElectoral District of Hurunui aforesaid to a point on the boundary of the City of Christchurch at the most northerly point of Lot 17, as shown on the plan numbered 6279, deposited in the office of the-



District Land Registrar at Christchurch; thence along the northwestern boundary of Lot 17 aforesaid, to and' along the northwestern side of May's Road, and the production of that line to the middle of Papanui Road ; thence along the middle of Papanui Road and Norman's Road to the south-western side of Wairarapa Road; thence along the south-western side of Wairarapa Road to a point in the middle of Ilam Road ; thence westerly and southerly along Ham Road to the middle of Riccarton Road; thence along the middle of Riccarton Road and Yaldhurst Road to Racecourse Road; thence along the western side of Racecourse Road to the northeastern corner of Rural Section 1136; thence along the northern and western boundaries of Rural Section 1136, across Buchanan's Road, and along the western boundary of Rural Section 2113, to and across Factory Road, and along the southern side of that road to the western boundary of Rural Section 1686 ; thence along that boundary to the Main South Road; thence across that road to the. northeastern corner of Rural Section 1676 ; thence to and along the middle of Garvin's Road and Spring's Road to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Rural Section 2564; thence to and along the north-eastern boundaries of Rural Sections 2564 aforesaid and 2625 to and across Shand's Road; thence along the western side of Shand's Road and Selwyn Road to the most southerly point of Rural Section 27817, in Block VII, Leeston Survey District; thence to and along the middle of the road forming the northwestern boundaries of Rural Sections 4032 and 4050, to and along the middle of Swamp Road, to and along the middle of the road forming the north-western boundary of Rural Section 3595 to a point in the middle of Bethel's Road; thence along a right line to the most northerly point of Rural Section 4728, and along the northwestern boundary of the said Rural Section 4728 and that boundary produced to a point in the middle of the Selwyn River ; thence down the middle of the Selwyn River to Lake Ellesmere ; thence along the western shore of Lake Ellesmere to the sea at the outlet of the said lake ; thence along the sea-coast to the middle of the Rakaia River at its mouth; thence up the middle of the Rakaia River to its junction with the Louper Stream ; thence up the middle of the Louper Stream to Whitcombe Pass, the point of commencement. Fendalton All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point in the City of Christchurch at the intersection of Colombo Street and Bealey Avenue ; thence along the middle of Colombo Street to Moorhouse Avenue, along the middle of Moorhouse Avenue to Dean's Avenue, and along the middle of Dean's Avenue to Riccarton Road ; thence along the middle of Riccarton Road to Ilam Road, and along the middle of Ilam Road to the south-western side of Wairarapa Road ; thence south-easterly along the south-western side of Wairarapa Road to Norman's Road, and along the middle of Norman's Road and Papanui Road to Bealey Avenue ; thence along the middle of Bealey Avenue to its intersection with Colombo Street, the point of commencement. St. Albans All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point in the City of Christchurch at the intersection of Bealey Avenue and Papanui Road ; thence along the middle of Papanui Road to a point in line with the north-western side of May's Road ; thence to and along the north-western side of May's Road and the north-western boundary of Lot 17, as shown on the plan numbered 6279, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Christchurch, to the northernmost point of the said lot; thence along 'the north-eastern boundaries of Lots 17, 16, 15, and 14, all as shown on Plan 6279 aforesaid, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the south-eastern side of McFadden's Road; thence along the southeastern and south-western sides of McFadden's Road and the southeastern side of Innes Road to the south-western boundary of Rural Section 345 a ; thence alon'g the south-western boundaries of Rural Sections 345 a and 2795 and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Westminster Street; thence along the middle of Westminster Street and Hills Road to the junction of the 3—H 46



last-mentioned road with Briggs Road ; thence along the middle of Briggs Road, Marshland Road, North Parade, Banks Avenue, and the production of the middle-line of the last-mentioned avenue to the middle of the River Avon ; thence up the middle of the River Avon to a point in line with the middle of North Avon Road ; thence to and along the middle of North Avon Road, Stanmore Road, London Street, and Bealey Avenue to the intersection of the lastmentioned avenue with Papanui Road, the point of commencement.

Christchtjbch Central

All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point in the City of Christchurch at the intersection of Colombo Street and Bealey Avenue ; thence along the middle of Bealey Avenue, London Street, Stanmore Road, North Avon Road, and the production of the middle-line of the last-mentioned road to the middle of the River Avon; thence southerly generally up the middle of the River Avon to a point in line with the middle of St. James Street; thence to and along the middle of St. James Street, Armagh Street East, Rolleston Street, Tuam Street, and Matheson's Road, to Ferry Road; thence along the middle of Ferry Road and Ensor's Road to the middle of the Christchurch-Lyttelton Railway ; thence north-westerly along the middle of that railway to the middle of Falsgrave Street; thence along the middle of Falsgrave Street and Moorhouse Avenue to Colombo Street; thence along the middle of Colombo Street to its intersection with Bealey Avenue, the point of commencement.


All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the boundary of the City of Christchurch where the production of the southern side of Beach Road meets the low-water mark of the sea ; thence southerly along the low-water mark of the sea to the estuary of the Heathcote and Avon Rivers, and across that estuary to the mean high-water mark of the sea at Point Gollan ; thence westerly along the foreshore of the aforesaid estuary and the tram causeway to and up the right bank of the Heathcote River to the southern side of Ferry Road Bridge ; thence along the southern side of Ferry Road Bridge to the left bank of the Heathcote River; thence up the left bank of the Heathcote River to Ferry Road opposite the northernmost point of Rural Section 120 ; thence to and along the middle of Ferry Road to Matheson's Road ; thence along the middle of Matheson's Road, Tuam Street, Rolleston Street, Armagh Street East, St. James Street, and the production of the middle -line of the last-mentioned street across Avonside Drive to the middle of the River Avon ; thence northerly down the middle of the River Avon to a point in line with the middle of Banks Avenue ; thence to and along the middle of Banks Avenue, North Parade, and Marshland Road to Briggs Road ; thence along the middle of Briggs Road, Horseshoe Lake Road, and Lake Terrace Road to a point in line with the middle of Burwood Road; thence along the middle of Burwood Road, Travis Road, Frost's Road, and Beach Road, to and across Racecourse Road to the southern side of Beach Road; thence along the southern side of Beach Road and its production to the low-water mark of the sea, the point of commencement.


All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point in the City of Christchurch at the intersection of Colombo Street and Moorhouse Avenue ; thence along the middle of Moorhouse Avenue to Selwyn Street; thence along the middle of Selwyn Street, Bletsoe Avenue, Simeon Street, Milton Street, and Barrington Street to the left bank of the Heathcote River ; thence down the left bank of the Heathcote River to a point in line with the northern side of Burnbrae Street; thence across the Heathcote River to and along the northern side of Burnbrae Street to a point in line with the eastern side of St. Martin's Road; thence to and along the eastern side of St. Martin's Road to a point in line with the northern side of Centaurus Road; thence along the northern side of Centaurus Road to the southeastern boundary of Lot 8, as shown on the plan numbered 11603, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Christchurch ;



tlienee along that boundary, to and across Riverlaw Terrace to the middle of the Heathcote River ; thence up the middle of the Heathcote River to a point in line with the middle of Ensor's Road ; thence to an along the middle of Ensor's Road to the middle of the Christ-chureh-Lyttelton Railway; thence along the middle of the said railway to the middle of Falsgrave Street; thence along the middle of Falsgrave Street and Moor house Avenue to the intersection of the last-mentioned avenue with Colombo Street, the point of commencement.


All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point in the City of Christchurch at the junction of Moorhouse Avenue with Selwyn Street; thence along the middle of Moorhouse Avenue, Dean's Avenue, and Riccarton Road to Yaldhurst Road; thence along the boundary of the Electoral District of Selwyn hereinbefore described to the western shore of Lake Ellesmere at its outlet; thence across the outlet to the eastern shore and along a right line to the mouth of the Halswell River; thence generally northerly up the left bank of that river to the southernmost corner of Rural Section 1069, in Block X, Halswell Survey District; thence northeasterly along the south-eastern boundary of the said Section 1069 and the production of that boundary to the middle of the Ahuriri Bush Road South ; thence north-easterly along the middle of that road to the southern boundary of Rural Section 1901, in Block XI, Halswell Survey District; thence south-easterly and north-easterly along the south-western and south-eastern boundaries of that section and northerly along the eastern boundaries of Rural Sections 1863 and 1093, in Block XI, Halswell Survey District, to the summit of the Port Hills; thence northerly along the summit of the Port Hills to the southernmost corner of part Rural Section 452, in Block 111, Halswell Survey District; thence north-westerly along the south-western boundary of the said part Rural Section 452, to and across Summit Road, and along the north-eastern boundary of part Rural Section 37133 (closed road) and its production to the northeastern side of Worsley's Track; thence generally northerly along the eastern side of Worsley's track aforesaid, and the southern side of Cashmere Road to the north-eastern corner of Rural Section 383 ; thence north-westerly along a right line to the southernmost corner of Rural Section 76 on the left bank of the Heathcote River ,- thence down the left bank of the Heathcote River to a point in line with the middle of Barrington Street; thence to and along the middle of Barrington Street, Milton Street, Simeon Street, Bletsoe Avenue, and Selwyn Street to the intersection of the last-named street with Moorhouse Avenue, the point of commencement.


All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point at mean high-water mark on the sea-coast at Point Gollan, at the outlet of the estuary of the Heathcote and Avon Rivers ; thence westerly along the foreshore of the aforesaid estuary and the tram causeway to and lip the right bank of the Heathcote River to the southern side of Ferry Road Bridge ; thence along the southern side of Ferry Road Bridge to the left bank of the Heathcote River; thence up the left bank of the Heathcote River to Ferry Road opposite the northernmost point of Rural Section 120 ; thence to and along the middle of Ferry Road to Ensor's Road ; thence along the middle of Ensor's Road and its production to the middle of the Heathcote River ; thence down the middle of the Heathcote River to a point in line with the south-eastern boundary of Lot 8, as shown on the plan numbered 11603, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Christchurch ; thence along a right line across Riverlaw Terrace, to and along the south-eastern boundary of Lot 8 aforesaid to the northern side of Centaurus Road ; thence along the northern side of Centaurus Road and the eastern side of St. Martin's Road to the northern side of Burnbrae Street; thence along the northern side of Burnbrae Street and its production across the Heathcote River ; thence up the left bank of the said river to the southernmost corner of Rural Section 76 ; thence southerly generally along the eastern boundary of the Electoral District of Riccarton, hereinbefore



described, to the outlet of Lake Ellesmere ; thence along the seacoast around Banks Peninsula, crossing the mouths of all harbours and inlets, to Adderley Head ; thence along a right line to the mean high-water mark at Godley Head and along that mean high-water mark to Point Gollan, the point of commencement; and including all the area contained in the County of Chatham Islands.


All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point in the middle of the Rakaia River at its mouth; thence along the southwestern boundary of the Electoral District of Selwyn, hereinbefore described, to Whitcombe Pass; thence south-westerly along the summit of the Southern Alps to McClure Peak ; thence along the summit of the Two Thumb Range to the source of Forest Creek ; thence down the middle of Forest Creek to a point in line with the southern boundary of Rural Section 36721 in Block X, Fox Survey District; thence to and along that boundary to the Phantom River ; thence down the middle of the Phantom River to its confluence with the Orari River ;' thence up the middle of the Orari River and the Mowbray River to a point in line with the north-western boundary of Section 26, Tripp Settlement; thence to and along that boundary and along the western boundary of Section 7a, Four Peaks Settlement, to the south-eastern boundary of Rural Section 36094 ; thence along that boundary and its production to the middle of the Opuha River; thence down the middle of the Opuha River to a point in line with the north-western boundary of Rural Section 19382; thence along a right line to a point in the middle of the Hae Hae te Moana River in line with the western boundary of Section 3a, Four. Peaks Settlement; thence down the middle of the Hae Hae te Moana River to its confluence with Leisman's Creek ; thence along a right line to the middle of Dawe's Road; thence along the middle of Dawe's Road, Rhubarb Road, Fenn's Road, and its production across the Hae Hae te Moana River, and along the middle of McDonald's Road to Bayley's Road; thence along the middle of Bayley's Road, Rae's Road, Woodbury Road, and across the traffic bridge over the Waihi River to and southerly along the middle of the road forming the western boundaries of Rural Sections 37239, 37238, and 37237 to Bennet's Road; thence easterly along the middle of that road and southerly along the middle of Geraldine - Peel Forest Road to Orari Station Road; thence south-easterly along the middle of Orari Station Road, Racecourse Road, the road passing through Reserve 1862, and along the production of the middle-line of the last-mentioned road to the middle of the Orari River; thence down the middle of the aforesaid river to a point in line with the south-eastern boundary of Section 2 of Reserve 389 in Block X, Geraldine Survey District; thence along the production of that boundary to the middle of Racecourse Road ; • thence along the middle of Racecourse Road, to and along the middle of the road forming the south-eastern boundary of Section 3 of Reserve 389, in Block X aforesaid, to the Orari Station Road ; thence along the middle of Orari Station Road, Packham's Road, the GeraldineWinchester Road, and the road forming the eastern boundaries of Rural Sections 4929 and 9090 in Block XIV, Geraldine Survey District, to the Winchester-Beach Road; thence along the middle of the Winchester-Beach Road to the sea at the southernmost corner of Rural Section 22930 in Block IV, Arowhenua Survey District; thence north-easterly along the sea-coast to the middle of the Rakaia River at its mouth, the point of commencement.


All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point in the middle of the Pareora River at its mouth ; thence up the middle of the Pareora River to the Holme Station Bridge; thence to and along the middle of the road forming the north-western and northern boundaries of Rural Section 16029 to the middle of the road through Educational Reserve 1203; thence along the middle of the lastmentioned road, to and along the middle of the road forming the north-western boundaries of Rural Sections 15613, 14438, 16758, and 10570, in Blodks 111 and IV, Otaio Survey District, to and along



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the road forming the northern boundary of Rural Section 16364 to Briggs Road; thence along the middle of Briggs Road and Coonor Road, to and along the middle of the road forming the north-eastern boundary of Rural Section 15928, in the said Block IV, Otaio Survey District, and the road forming the north-eastern boundaries of Rural Sections 14376, 15803, 15897, and 15699, in Block XVI, Pareora Survey District, to and along the middle of the road forming the eastern boundaries of Rural Sections 15497, 11524, 13606, 14773, and 17625, in the said Block XVI, to Brockley Road; thence along the middle of Brockley Road, to and along the middle of the road forming the north-eastern boundary of Rural Section 15930, intersecting Rural Section 10547, and forming the north-eastern boundaries of Rural Sections'239s3 and 15761, to the middle of Levels Valley Road; thence easterly along the middle of Levels Valley Road, to and along the middle of the road forming the north-western boundary of Rural Section 4015, in Block VIII, Arowhenua Survey District, and passing through Rural Section 7457, to and across Main Point Road and railway, and along the middle of Kennels Road to the Main North Road; thence across the Main North Road, along the southern boundary of Rural Section 9985, and that boundary produced to and across the South Island Main Trunk Railway; thence to and along the northern boundary of Meadows Settlement, and that boundary produced to the sea; thence southerly generally along the sea-coast, including all wharves and extensions seaward, to the middle of the Pareora River at its mouth, the point of commencement.


All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point in the middle of the Waitaki River at its mouth ; thence northerly along the sea-coast to the middle of the Pareora River at its mouth ; thence generally westerly, northerly, and easterly along the boundary of the Electoral District of Timaru, hereinbefore described, to the point where the production of the northern boundary of Meadows Settlement meets the sea ; thence north-easterly along the seacoast to the south-eastern corner of Rural Section 22930, in Block IV, Arowhenua Survey District; thence generally north-westerly along the south-western boundary of the Electoral District of Ashburton, hereinbefore described, to McClure Peak in the Southern Alps; thence south-westerly along the summit of the Southern Alps to Mount Strauchon ; thence southerly along the watershed between the Ahuriri and the Hunter Rivers, passing through Mount Huxley, Mount Gladwish, and Mount Martha to Longslip Peak ; thence through the Lindis Pass, to and along the summit of the Wether and St. Bathan's Ranges to Mount St. Bathan's ; thence along a right line due east to the summit of the Hawkdun Range ; thence south-easterly along the summit of the aforementioned Hawkdun Range, passing through Mount Ida and Mount Kyeburn, and through Dansey Pass, to and along the summit of the Kakanui Range to Kakanui Peak; thence along the north-western boundary of Run 217 to the south branch of the Kakanui River, and down the middle of the Kakanui River to the western boundary of Block IX, Kauroo Survey District; thence northerly along the western boundaries of Blocks IX and X, Kauroo Survey District, and Blocks VIII and VII, Maruwenua Survey District, to the middle of the Maerewhenua River ; thence down the middle of the Maerewhenua River to its confluence with the Waitaki River; thence down the middle of the Waitaki River to its mouth, the point of commencement.


All that area bounded by a line commencnig at a point in Otago Harbour, at high-water mark on the north-western side of Mussel Bay in line with the north-eastern boundary of Section 62, Sawyer's Bay Survey District; thence along the north-eastern boundary of Section 62 aforesaid, the south-eastern and southwestern boundaries of Section 10, Block 11, Lower Harbour West Survey District, the south-western boundaries of Sections 23, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, and 95, the south-western and north-western boundaries of Section 5, and the north-western boundary of Section 6,



all of Block VI, North Harbour and Blueskin Survey District, the south-eastern, northern, and western boundaries of Section 74, the southern and south-western boundaries of Section 55, the generally western and north-eastern boundaries of Section 54, all of Block VII, North Harbour and Blueskin Survey District, to the north-eastern corner of the said Section 54; thence to and along the middle of the road forming the southern and eastern boundaries of Section 7, and the eastern boundaries of Sections 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1, all of the said Block VII, to a point in line with the northern boundary of the said Section 1 ; thence to and along that said northern boundary, the northern boundaries of Lots 10, 11, 27, and 28, as shown on the plan numbered 1205, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Dunedin,- and the northern boundary of Section 16, Block Nil, North Harbour and Blueskin Survey District, to and along the eastern boundaries of Sections 7, 6, and 3, the eastern and north-eastern boundaries of Section 8, all of Block 111, North Harbour and Blueskin Survey District, the north-eastern boundary of Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 483(3, deposited as aforesaid, the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 28 and 11, all of Block 111, North Harbour and Blueskin Survey District, and along the production of the lastmentioned boundary to the middle of the road forming the southeastern and eastern boundaries of Section 32, Block 111 aforesaid ; thence along the middle of that road to a point in line with the northern boundary of the said Section 32; thence to and along that boundary and its production through Trig. Station U (Green Hill) to a point on a right line from Trig. Station Swampy Spur to Silver Peak; thence along that right line to Silver Peak; thence along a right line to the south-western corner of Block VII, Silverpeak Survey District; thence along the south-western boundary of the said Block VII, the southern and western boundaries of Block IX, Silverpeak Survey District, to and along the middle of the road forming the south-eastern boundary of Section 5, Block VIII, Silverpeak Survey District, to a point in line with the western boundary of the said Section 5 ; thence to and along that western boundary, to and along the western boundaries of Runs 171e, 171g, a.nd 171 c to the Hummock * thence along a right line to the south-eastern corner of Section 15, Block VII, Strath Taieri Survey District; thence along the eastern boundary of the said Block VII, to and along the northern boundaries of Sections 19, 18, 22, and 23, Block VI, Budle Survey District, the north-western boundary of Section 1, in Block V, Budle Survey District, the north-western boundary of Run 121 h and the north-western and northern boundaries of Run 121g, in Blocks V, 11, and 111, Budle Survey District, to and along the middle of the Waikouaiti River to a point in line with the eastern boundary of Section 6, Block VIII, Dunback Survey District; thence to and along the eastern and south-eastern boundaries of the said Section 6, the south-eastern and north-eastern boundaries of Section 5, the south-eastern boundary of Section 4, the southeastern and north-eastern boundaries of Section 3, the northeastern boundaries of Sections 2 and 1, all of Block XI, Dunback Survey District, the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 8 and 7, Block VI, Dunback Survey District, and along the south-western boundary of Section 2, Block VI, Waihemo District, and that boundary produced to the middle of Deepdell Creek; thence down the middle of Deepdell Creek to its confluence with the Shag River; thence up the middle of the Shag River to a point in line with the middle of a road forming the generally north-western boundary of Section 10, Block 111, Highlay Survey District; thence to and along that road forming the north-western boundary of, and then passing through, Section 10 aforesaid, forming the generally western boundaries of Sections 15 and 10, Block VIII, Waihemo Survey District, and the generally north-western boundaries of Sections 9 and 4, Block VIII, Waihemo Survey District, to the south-western boundary of Run 255 ; thence along the south-western and northern boundaries of the said Run 255, and along the south-western boundaries of Runs 217 c, 572, and 571, and the western boundary of Crown land to Kakanui Peak ; thence along the generally south-eastern boundary of the Electoral



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District of Waimate, hereinbefore described, to a point in the middle of the Waitaki River at its mouth; thence southerly along the sea-coast to the point of commencement, including all wharves and extensions seaward; and including Quarantine Islands in Otago Harbour.

North Dunedin

All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point in Otago Harbour, at high-water mark on the north-western side of Mussel Bay in line with the north-eastern boundary of Section 62, Sawyer's Bay Survey District; thence south-westerly generally along the north-western shores of Otago Harbour, including all wharves and extensions seaward, to a point in the middle of the outlet of the Leith Canal; thence north-westerly generally up the middle of the said Leith Canal to a point in line with the middle of Albany Street; thence along a right line to and along the middle of Albany Street, to and along the middle of Queen Street, Elder Street, Cobden Street, and the production of the middle-line of Cobden Street to the middle of Wallace Street; thence along the middle of Wallace Street, to and along the middle of Pacific Street and Highgate to a point in line with the south-western side of Dunblane Street; thence to and along the said south-western side of Dunblane Street, and that side produced to the south-eastern boundary of Section 7, Block 111, Upper Kaikorai Survey District; thence north-easterly along that boundary and its production to the middle of Lynn Street; thence along the middle of Lynn Street and Balmaceweti Road to Helensburg Road ; thence north-westerly generally along the middle of Helensburg Road to Wakari Road; thence south-westerly along the middle of Wakari Road to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Section 51, Wakari Survey District; thence to and along the north-eastern boundary of Section 51 aforesaid to the south-eastern boundary of Section 59, Block V, Dunedin and East Taieri Survey District; thence northerly generally along the south-eastern boundary of Section 59 aforesaid, the abutment of a road, and the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 4 of 40, 3 of 40, and 2 of 40, all of Block V aforesaid, to the easternmost corner of the last-mentioned section ; thence along the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 2 of 40 aforesaid, 2 of 38, and 61, all of Block V aforesaid, to and along the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 4 of 49, and 3 of 49, Block V aforesaid, across a road, and along the south-eastern boundary of Allotment 21, as shown on the plan numbered 1209, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Dunedin, the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 51, lof 52, and 53, all of Block V aforesaid; thence along the north-eastern boundary of Section 53 aforesaid, to and along the eastern boundaries of Sections 54 and 55, Block V aforesaid, to and across a road to the south-eastern corner of Section 9, Block V aforesaid ; thence along the generally eastern boundaries, of Section 9 aforesaid, and Sections 10 and 11, Block V aforesaid, to and across a road, and along the eastern boundary of Section 3 Block V aforesaid, to Trig. Station S, Swampy Spur ; thence northwesterly along a right line in the direction of Silver Peak to itsintersection with the production of the northern boundary of Section 32, Block 111, North Harbour and Blueskin Survey District; thence easterly and south-easterly generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of Oamaru, hereinbefore described, to a point on the north-western side of Mussel Bay in line with north-eastern boundary of Section 62, Sawyer's Bay' Survey District, the point of commencement.

Dunedin Central

AH that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the north-western shore of Otago Harbour, in the middle of the outlet of the Leith Canal; thence south-westerly generally along the shore of the said harbour, including all wharves and extensions seaward, to a point in line with the southern side of Park Terrace; thence south-easterly along that fine to the middle of Wharf Street; thence southerly along the middle of Wharf Street to Anderson's Bay Road; thence north-westerly generally along the middle of Anderson's Bay Road, Market Street, Manor Place, Melville Street,



High Street, Queen's Drive, Hawthorn Avenue, Kenmure Road, and Stone Street, to the generally western boundary of Block IX, Dunedin and East Taieri Survey District; thence to and along the generally western boundary of the said Block IX to the easternmost corner of Section 18, Lower Kaikorai Survey District; thence along the north-eastern boundary of Section 18 aforesaid to the left bank of the Kaikorai Stream ; thence down the left bank of the Kaikorai Stream to the north-eastern boundary of Section 19, Lower Kaikorai Survey District; thence along the north-eastern boundary of Section 19 aforesaid, the south-eastern and northeastern boundaries of Section 1 of 49 and the north-eastern boundary of Section 2 of 49 to the eastern boundary of Section 84, all of Block VI, Dunedin and East Taieri Survey District; thence along the eastern boundaries of Section 84 aforesaid and Section 57, of Block VI aforesaid, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary across the road forming the northern boundaries of Section 57 aforesaid, Sections 56 and 55, and the north-eastern boundary of Section 54, all of Block VI aforesaid; thence along the generally northern side of that road and its production to a point in line with the middle of the road forming the southern boundary of Section 155, Wakari Survey District, and passing through Section 52, Block VI, Dunedin and East Taieri Survey District; thence along the middle of that road to a point in line with the south-western boundary of the said Section 52 ; thence to and along the south-western boundary of the said Section 52 to the south - eastern boundary of Section 1 of 27, Block VI aforesaid ; thence along the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 1 of 27, and 2 of 27, Block VI aforesaid, the south-eastern and northeastern boundaries of Section 50, Block VI aforesaid, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of a public road; thence north-easterly along the middle of that road to a point in line with the middle of Half-way Bush Road, and along the middle of Half-way Bush Road to a point in line with the south-eastern boundary of Section 31, Block V, Dunedin and East Taieri Survey District; thence to and along the south-eastern boundary of Section 31 aforesaid, the south-western boundaries of Sections 2 of 32, 1 of 32, the abutment of a closed road, the southern boundary of part Section 57, Block V aforesaid, the southern side of a road, the southern boundaries of part Section 57 and Section 56, and the southern and south-eastern boundaries of Section 59, all of Block V aforesaid, to the northernmost point of Section 51, Wakari Survey District; thence along the north-eastern boundary of Section 51 aforesaid and the production of that boundary to a point in the middle of Wakari Road ; thence along the middle of Wakari Road, Helensburg Road, Balmacewen Road, and Lynn Street to a point in line with the south-eastern boundary of Section 7, Block 111, Upper Kaikorai Survey District; thence south-westerly to and along the south-eastern boundary of Section 7 aforesaid to a point in line with the south-western side of Dunblane Street; thence to and along the said south-western side of Dunblane Street and its production to the middle of Highgate ; thence southeasterly generally along the middle of Highgate, Pacific Street, and Wallace Street to a point in line with the middle of Cobden Street; thence to and along the middle of Cobden Street, Elder Street, Queen Street, Albany Street, and the production of Albany Street to the middle of the Leith Canal; thence down the middle of the Leith Canal to its outlet on the north-western shore of Otago Harbour, the point of commencement.


All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the western shore of Otago Harbour, in line with the middle of Cargill Road; thence along a right line to the intersection of Cargill Road with Anderson's Bay Road ; thence along the middle of Anderson's Bay Road, Mcßride Street, King Edward Street, Macandrew Road, Forbury Road, Holmes Right-of-way, Easther Crescent, Middleton Road, Lockerbie Street, and Hillhead Road to a point in line with the north-ea,stern side of Isidore Road; thence to and along the north-eastern side of Isidore Road and its



production to the sea-coast; thence south-westerly generally Along the sea-coast to the mouth of the Kaikorai Stream ; thence north-easterly up the left bank of that stream and Abbot's Creek to a point on the northern side of the Main South Road; thence westerly along the said northern side of the Main South Road to the road forming the north-western boundary of Section 77, Block VII, Dunedin and East Taieri Survey District; thence north-easterly generally along the south-eastern side of that road to the north-western boundary of Section 15, Block VI of the aforesaid survey district, north-easterly along that boundary to and across a public road to the southern side of Wingatui-Half-way Bush Road; thence along the southern side of that road, to and along the southern side of Brinsdon's Road to the northernmost corner of Section 159, Wakari Survey District; thence southwesterly along the north-western boundaries of Sections 159, 158, 157, 156, and 155, all of Wakari Survey District, and Section 52, Block VI, Dunedin and East Taieri Survey District, and •south-easterly along the south-western boundary of the said .Section 52, to and along the northern side of a public road, across another public road, to and along the northern side of the public road forming the northern boundaries of Sections 54, 55, 56, and 57, Block VI aforesaid, to a point in line with the eastern boundary of the last-mentioned section ; thence to and along the said eastern boundary of Section 57 aforesaid, the south-eastern boundary of Section 84, the north-eastern boundary of Section 2 of 49, the north-eastern and south-eastern boundaries of Section 1 of 49, all of Block VI aforesaid, and the north-eastern boundary of Section 19, Lower Kaikorai Survey District, to the left bank of -the Kaikorai Stream; thence up the said left bank of the Kaikorai Stream to the north-eastern boundary of Section 18, Lower Kaikorai Survey District; thence along the north-eastern boundary of Section 18 aforesaid to the easternmost point of that section; thence northerly along the generally western boundary of Block IX, Dunedin and East Taieri Survey District, to the middle of Stone Street; thence along the middle of Stone Street, Kenmure Road, Hawthorn Avenue, Queen's Drive, High Street, Melville Street, Manor Place, Market Street, Anderson's Bay Road, and Wharf Street to a point in line with the southern side of Park Terrace ; thence north-easterly along a right line, being the production of the southern side of Park Terrace, to the western shore of Otago Harbour ; thence southerly generally along the western shore of Otago Harbour to a point in line with the middle •of Cargill Road, the point of commencement.

St. Kilda

All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the sea-coast in line with the south-western boundary of Original Section 32, Ocean Beach Survey District: thence along a right line to and along the north-eastern side of Isidore Road to a point in the middle of Hillhead Road; thence along the middle of Hillhead Road, Lockerbie Street, Middleton Road, Easther Crescent, Holmes Right-of-way, Eorbury Road, Macandrew Road, King Edward Street, Mcßride Street, and Anderson's Bay Road to the intersection of the middle-line of the last-mentioned road with the middle of Cargill Road ; thence along the production of the middle-line of Cargill Road to the waterfront; thence along the high-water mark of Otago Harbour, Anderson's Bay, and again along the south-eastern shore of Otago Harbour to the sea; thence generally south-westerly along the sea-coast to the point of commencement.

Central Otago

All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the sea-coast in the middle of the Akatore River at its mouth, on the north-eastern boundary of Block 111, Akatore Survey District; thence westerly along the northern boundary of Block 111 aforesaid, -the northern and western boundaries of Block VIII, Akatore Survey District, to a point in line with the northern boundary of Section 20,



Block 11, Akatore Survey District; thence to and along the northern boundaries of Sections 20, 2 of 19, 1 of 19, Block II aforesaid, and the eastern boundary of Section 18, Block II aforesaid, and that boundary produced to the middle of Narrowdale Road ; thence along the middle of Narrowdale Road and lower Narrowdale Road to a point in line with the south-eastern boundary of Section 6, Block I, Tokomairiro Survey District; thence to and along the southeastern boundaries of Sections 6 and 5, Block I aforesaid, the south-eastern and north-eastern boundaries of Section 4, Block I aforesaid, the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 9 and 16, Block 11, Tokomairiro Survey District, the, north-western boundaries of Sections 15, 14, and 13, Block II aforesaid, the western boundaries of Sections 13, 14, and 15, Block 11, Waihola Survey District, the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of Section 10, Block I, Waihola Survey District, and the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 3 and 2, Block I, Waihola Survey District, to the survey district boundary ; thence northerly generally along the western boundary of Waihola Survey District to and along the south-western boundary of Clarendon Survey District to Trig. Station D at the south-western corner of Block X, Clarendon Survey District; thence westerly along the northern boundary of Block I, Table Hill Survey District, to a point in the middle of the Tokomairiro River ; thence up the middle of the Tokomairiro River to a point in line with the northern boundary of Section 1, Block X, Table Hill Survey District; thence westerly to and along that boundary, to and along the northern boundary of Block VIII, Table Hill Survey District, to Trig. Station G on the watershed between the Tokomairiro River and theWaitahuna River ; thence southerly along that watershed, passing through Round Hill to Mount Stuart Trig Station; thence southerly along the south-eastern boundary of Waitahuna East Survey District to the south-western boundary of Block IV of that survey district ; thence north-westerly along the south-western boundary of the said Block IV, and Block VI, Waitahuna East Survey District, across the Waitahuna River, and along the southwestern boundary of Block VII, Waitahuna West Survey District, to the south-western corner of Section 3 of the said Block VII;. thence along a right line, being the production of the last-mentioned boundary, to and along the north-eastern boundary of Section 15, Block IX, Waitahuna West Survey District, to the northernmost corner of that section ; thence along the south-eastern side of the road forming the north-western boundary of the said Section 15, and forming the southern and south-eastern boundaries of Sections 8, 9, and 10, Block IX aforesaid, the south-eastern boundary of Sections 15, 14, and 13, Block XI, Waitahuna West Survey District, to a point in line with the south-western boundary of the said Section 13 ; thence to and along the said south-western boundary of Section 13 to a point in the middle of Crook Burn ; thence down the middle of Crook Burn to the Clutha River ; thence up the middle of the Clutha River to a point due east of Trig. Station D, in Block VI, Rankleburn Survey District; thence due west along a line through Trig. Station D to a point in the middle of Back Creek (East Branch) ; thence down the middle of Back Creek to its confluence with the Pomahaka River ; thence up the middle of the Pomahaka River to the confluence with it of Rankleburn; thence up the middle of Rankleburn to a point in line with the eastern boundary of Block X, Crookston Survey District; thence to and along the eastern boundary of the said Block X and the eastern boundary of Block XI, Crookston Survey District, to the south-eastern corner of section 5, Block XI aforesaid ; thence along the south-eastern boundary of Section 5 aforesaid, the abutment of a road, the south-eastern and southern boundaries of Section 3, and the southern boundaries of Sections 2 and 1, all of Block XI aforesaid, to Trig. Station T ; thence along the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 1 and 12, Block 111, Crookston Survey District, to and along the middle of a road forming the north-eastern and northern boundaries of Section 31 and the northern boundary of Section 32, both of the said Block 111, to and along the northern boundary of Section 37, Block 111 aforesaid, the northern boundaries of Sections 20, 9, and 11, Block IV, Greenvale Survey District, the northern boundary of Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered



3184, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Dunedin, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of a road forming the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 7 and 6 and the north-eastern boundary of Section 16, all of Block V, Greenvale Survey District, the eastern boundaries of Sections 15 and 16, and passing through Section 16 aforesaid and Sections 17, 18, and 19, all of Block 11, Greenvale Survey District; thence along the middle of that road, and along the middle of the road forming the north-eastern boundary of Section 4, Block II aforesaid, to a point due north of the easternmost corner of that section; thence due south along a right line to the middle of the Pomahaka River; thence up the middle of the Pomahaka River to the confluence -with-it of the Leithen Burn ; thence up the middle of the Leithen Bum to its source, and thence along a right line to Black Umbrella ; thence northerly along the summit of the Umbrella Range, through ■Crown Rock and Whitecoomb, to a point due east of Rocky Mount; thence along a right line to Rocky Mount; thence along a right line to Lorn Peak, and along the summit of the Hector Mountains, through James Peak and Ben Nevis to Double Cone ; thence along the summit of a leading ridge through Trig. N, Mount Edward and Mount Rosa, to Trig. Station I; thence due east to the Kawarau River near the confluence with it of the Nevis River; thence down the middle of the Kawarau River and up the middle of Roaring Meg (Kirtleburn) to the northern boundary of Run 633, in Cromwell Survey District; thence westerly along the generally northern boundaries of Runs 633 and 632 to the Cardrona River; thence up the middle of the Cardrona River and along the generally northeastern boundary of Run 25, in Knuckle Peak Survey District, and the southern boundary of Run 334b, to the eastern boundary of Soho Survey District; thence along the eastern boundary of Soho Survey District to the boundary of Run 444 ; thence along the eastern boundary of Run 444 to Treble- Cone ; thence northerly along the eastern boundaries of Run 444 aforesaid, Run 22, Run 458, and Run 468, to a point on the summit of the Southern Alps ; thence north-easterly along the summit of the Southern Alps to Mount Strauchon ; thence south-easterly generally along the southwestern boundary of the Electoral District of Waimate, hereinbefore described, to Kakanui Peak; thence southerly generally along the western boundary of the Electoral District of Oamaru, hereinbefore described, to the intersection of a right line from Silver Peak to Swampy Spur with the production of the northern boundary of Section 32, Block 111, North Harbour and Blueskin Survey District; thence along the western boundary of the Electoral District of North Dunedin, hereinbefore described, to the northernmost point -of Section 51, Wakari Survey District; thence southerly along the boundary of the Electoral District of Dunedin Central, hereinbefore described to the northernmost corner of Section 159, Wakari Survey District; thence southerly generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of Mornington, hereinbefore described, to the sea at the mouth of the Kaikorai Stream ; thence south-westerly along the sea-coast to the middle of the Akatore River at its mouth, the point of commencement. Clutha All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point in Block XI, Woodland Survey District, in the middle of the Purakaunui Stream at its mouth; thence up the middle of that stream to a point in line with the western boundary of Block VIII, Woodland Survey District; thence northerly along the western boundaries of Block VIII aforesaid, and Block 111, Woodland Survey District, to a point in the middle of the Catlin's River; thence up the middle of the Catlin's River to the southern boundary of Run 129 on the north-eastern boundary of Block VII, Rimu Survey District; thence along the southern and north--western boundaries of part Run 129 to the southern boundary of part Run 258; thence along the southern and south-western boundaries of Run 258 to a point in the middle of the Mokoreta River; thence down the middle of that river to a point in line *with the south-western boundary of Section 5, Block VII, Slope-



down Survey District; thence to and along that boundary and itsproduction to the south-eastern boundary of Run 251 in the said Block VII; thence along the south-eastern, north-eastern, and northern boundaries of Run 251 to a point in the middle of the Mimihau Stream (north branch); thence down the middle of the Mimihau Stream to a point in line with the middle of a road, on the eastern side of the Waiarikiki Stream, forming the western boundary of Section 20 (Educational Reserve), Block X, Tuturau Survey District; thence to and along the middle of that road forming the western boundaries of Sections 20 and 22, Block X aforesaid, the western boundary of, and passing through, Section 7, Block X aforesaid, and passing through Section 20, Block IX, Tuturau Survey District, to its junction with a road forming the northeastern boundary of the said Section 20; thence north-westerly along the middle of that road passing through Sections 27, 25, 24, and 23, all of Block IX aforesaid, forming the southern boundaries of Sections 92, 71, 89, 93, 60, and 90, all of Block VI, Tuturau Survey District, the southern boundary of the land as shown on the plan numbered 1206, lodged in the office of the District Land Registrar at Invercargill, the south-western boundary of Section 59, and the southern boundary of Section 94, both of Block VI the south-western boundary of Section 21, the south-eastern and southern boundaries of Section 19, and the southern boundary of Section 18, all of Block 111, Tuturau Survey District, to and along the middle of the road forming the western boundary of, and passing through, Section 63, Block 111, Tuturau Survey forming the western boundary of Section 31, Block III" aforesaid, passing through, and forming the eastern boundary of, Section 30, Block 111 aforesaid, forming the eastern boundary of, and passing through, Section 29, Block 111 aforesaid, passing through Sections 73 and 72, Block 111 aforesaid, and forming the southern boundaries of Sections 68, 69, 70, 34, 53, 35, and 52, all of Block 111, and along the production of the middle-line of that road to the north-eastern boundary of Section 56, Block 111 aforesaid; thence along the north-eastern and southern boundaries of Section 56 aforesaid, the southern boundary of Section 42, Block 111 aforesaid, and the production of that boundary across a public road, to and along the southern boundary of Section 47, Block 111 aforesaid, and the production of that boundary to the middle of the Mataura River; thence up the middle of the Mataura River, to and up the left bank of the Waimumu Stream to the north-western corner of Section 34, Block VII, Township of Mataura ; thence due east along the northern boundaries of Sections 34, 33, and 28, all of Block VII aforesaid, across a road, along the northern boundaries of Sections 27 and 16, Block VII aforesaid, across a road and railway, to and along the northern boundaries of Sections 61, 13, 14, and 15, all of Block VII aforesaid, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to a point in the middle of the Mataura River; thence up the middle of the Mataura River to a point in line with the southern side of Salford Street in the Borough of Gore; thence to and along the southern side of Salford Street, across the Main Trunk Railway and the main road to the western side of that road ; thence along the north-western side of that road and the western side of Broughton Street to the north-eastern corner of Lot 31, Block 11, as shown on the plan numbered 87, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Invercargill; thence due west along the northern boundary of that lot for 250 links ; thence along lines, due north for 400 links, due west for 750-5 links, and again due north for 600 links, to the eastern side of Vera Street; thence again due west to the south-eastern boundary of part Lot 2, Block 11, as shown on the plan numbered 87 aforesaid; thence north-easterly along the south-eastern boundaries of Lot 2 aforesaid, and Lots 14 and 12b, as shown on the plan numbered 410, deposited as aforesaid, and Lots 11, 10, and 6, as shown on the plan numbered 408, deposited as aforesaid, to the southern side of Coutts Road; thence due east across Robertson Street to the north-western corner of Lot 58, as shown on the plan numbered 750, deposited as aforesaid; thence across the said Coutts Road to the south-eastern corner of Lot 3, as shown on the plan numbered 408 aforesaid; thence along the eastern boundaries of that lot and Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 745, deposited as aforesaid,.



and Lot 7, Block 11, as shown on the plan numbered 70, deposited as aforesaid, to the south-western corner of Lot 13, Block II aforesaid ; thence along the southern boundary of the said Lot 13 to the western side of Broughton Street; thence northerly along the western side of Broughton Street to the boundary of Section 135, Block LXX, Hokonui Survey District; thence along the southern boundary of that section, across a road, and along the southern boundary of Section 306, Block LXX aforesaid, and that boundary produced to a point in the middle of the Mataura River; thence up the middle of the Mataura River to the confluence with it of Dkapua Greek; thence up the middle of Okapua Creek to a point in the middle of a road forming the south-western boundary of Section 15, Block VI, Chatton Survey District; thence easterly along the middle of that road through Chatton and East Chatton to Maitland, and along the middle of the Maitland-Waikoikoi Road to the eastern boundary of Chatton Survey District; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of Chatton Survey District, and the production of that boundary to a point in the middle of the Lei then Burn, being a point on the boundary of the Electoral District of Central Otago, hereinbefore described ; thence easterly generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of Central Otago to the sea at the mouth of the Akatore River; thence southerly along the sea-coast to a point in Block XI, Woodland Survey District, in the middle of the Purakaunui Stream at its mouth, being the point of commencement.


All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the boundary of the City of Invercargill where the Invercargill-Kingston Railway intersects the left bank of the Waihopai River; thence north-easterly generally up the left bank of the Waihopai River to a point in line with the western boundary of Section 26, • Block I, Invercargill Hundred; thence southerly along a right line to and along the western boundary of the said Section 26 to the northern side of Albert Street; thence easterly along a right line being the production of the northern side of Albert Street to Elles Road; thence southerly along the western side of Elles Road to a point in line with the northern side of Layard Street; thence easterly to and along the northern side of Layard Street to a point in line with the western side of Ward Street"; thence southerly to and along the western side of Ward Street to the northern boundary of Section 6, Block I, Invercargill Hundred; thence south-westerly and south-easterly along the north-western and south-western boundaries of the said Section 6 to the north-western boundary of Section 5, Block I aforesaid; thence south-westerly along the north-western boundary of the said Section 5 and Section 4, Block I aforesaid, to the western side of Isabella Street; thence southeasterly along the south-western side of Isabella Street to the northern side of Tay Street East; thence south-westerly along the north-western side of Tay Street East to a point in line with the south-western boundary of Section 11, Block I aforesaid; thence south-easterly along a right line to and along the south-western boundary of the said Section 11 and that line produced to the southern side of Tweed Street East; thence westerly along the southern side of Tweed Street East to the western boundary of Section 18, Block I aforesaid; thence southerly along the western boundary of the said Section 18 to the northern boundary of Section 34, Block XIX, Invercargill Hundred; thence westerly along the northern boundary of Section 34 aforesaid to the eastern side of Metzger Street; thence southerly along the eastern side of Metzger Street and the eastern boundary of Lot 10, as shown on the plan numbered 2394, deposited in the"office of the District Land Registrar at Invercargill, to the south-eastern corner of the said Lot 10; thence westerly along the southern boundaries of Lots 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1, as shown on the said plan 2394, to the south-western •corner of the last-mentioned lot; thence northerly along the eastern side of Calypso Road and along the southern side of John Street to a point in the middle of Pomona Road ; thence along the middle



of Pomona Road, Martin Street, Elles Road, Janet Street, and the production of the middle-line of the last-mentioned street to the eastern boundary of Section 10, Block 111, Invercargill Hundred - r thence north-westerly along the eastern boundary of the said Section 10 to Stead Street; thence westerly and south-westerly along the southern and south-eastern sides of Stead Street to the north-eastern corner of Part Section 10, Block 111 aforesaid ; thence along the eastern, southern, and western boundaries of the said part Section 10, and south-westerly along the south-eastern side of Stead Street to a public road forming the north-western boundary of Section 9, Block XXI, Invercargill Hundred; thence northwesterly across Stead Street, to and along the north-eastern side of the public road forming the north-eastern boundary of the said Section 9 and Sections 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2, all of Block XXI aforesaid, and north-easterly along the south-eastern side of the public road forming the south-eastern boundary of Section l r Block XXI aforesaid, to its junction with another public road forming the south-eastern boundary of Section 15, Block XV, Invercargill Hundred ; thence north-easterly along the south-eastern side of the said public road and along the south-eastern boundaries of part Section 15 and Section 21, both of Block XY aforesaid, to the western corner of Section 155, Block XV aforesaid; thence along the south-western and south-eastern boundaries of Section 155 aforesaid, the south-eastern boundary of Section 34, Block XV aforesaid, and the eastern boundaries of Section 34 aforesaid, and section 13, Block XV aforesaid, to Bay Road; thence along the south-eastern side of Bay Road to the western boundary of Section 9, Block XV aforesaid ; thence southerly along the western boundary of the said Section 9, and Section 29, Block XV aforesaid, and easterly along the southern boundary of the said Section 29 to a public road forming the western boundary of Section 32, Block XV aforesaid; thence along the western side of the said public road, to and along the north-western boundary of Section 19, Block XXI, Invercargill Hundred, and that boundary produced to the Inver-cargill-Kingston Railway ; thence southerly along the InvercargillKingston Railway to its intersection with the left bank of the Waihopai River, the point of commencement. Awaeua All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the sea-coast in the middle of the Waimatuku Stream at its mouth; thence up the middle of the Waimatuku Stream to a point in line with the middle of the new channel through Sections 2a and la, Block XIX, New River Hundred, approximately 1750 links southeast from the westernmost corner of the aforesaid Section 2a ; thence to and along the middle-line of the said new channel on a bearing of 352° 45' to a point in the middle of the said Waimatuku Stream ; thence again up the middle of the said Waimatuku Stream to a point in line with the middle-line of the said new channel; thence on a bearing of 23° 30' to and along the middle-line of the said new channel to the south-eastern corner of Section 10, Block XIX, New River Hundred; thence again along the middle of the said new channel which follows the south-eastern boundary of Section 10 aforesaid, to a point in the middle of the said Waimatuku Stream; thence again up the middle of the said Waimatuku Stream to a point in the middle of the road forming the southern boundary of Section 25, Block 111, Oreti Hundred ; thence along the middle of the said road, to and along the middle of the road forming the eastern boundary of Section 69, Block 111 aforesaid, the southern boundary of Section 166, Block 111 aforesaid, the western boundaries of Sections 94, 91, and 90, Block 11, Oreti Hundred, and the western boundaries of Sections 89, 86, 80, and 43, all of Block V, Oreti Hundred, to its intersection with the road (Drummond-Winton Road) running through the last-mentioned section ; thence along the middle of the road running through Section 43 aforesaid and forming the northern boundaries of Sections 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 99, and 85 of Block V aforesaid, the northern boundary of Section 106, Block VI, the north-western boundaries of Sections 112 and 114,



Block VI aforesaid, the north-western boundaries of Sections 121 and 122, Block VIII, Oreti Hundred, passing north-easterly then south-easterly through Section 60, Block VIII aforesaid, forming the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 11 and 7, Block VII, Oreti Hundred, and passing south-easterly through Section 35, Block VII aforesaid, to a point on the right bank of the Oreti River ; thence easterly along a right line to a point in the middle of the Oreti River, and down the middle of the Oreti River to a point in line with the southern boundary of Block VI, Winton Hundred; thence along the southern boundary of Block VI aforesaid to the north-eastern corner of Section 4s, Tamatea Settlement, in Block VII, Winton Hundred; thence to and along the middle of Gap Road, across a railway and further along Gap Road, to and along the middle of Gap Road to Brown's Road, to and along the middle of the road forming the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 24a, 25, 26a, 26b, and 27, the northern boundaries of Sections 60, 58, 57, and 70, all of Block 11, Winton Hundred, the northern and north-eastern boundaries of Section 405, and the north-eastern boundary of Section 406, both in Block VII, Forest Hill Hundred, and passing through Section 407 in Block VII aforesaid, to the end of that road ; thence along a right line to a point in the middle of the road forming the northern boundary of Section 477 in Block VI, Forest Hill Hundred, in line with the northeastern boundary of that section ; thence along the middle of that road forming the southern boundary of, and passing through, Section 309, Block VII, Forest Hill Hundred, to and along the middle of a road- forming the south-western boundaries of Sections 311 and 317, the south-western and south-eastern boundaries of Section 310, all of Block VII, Forest Hill Hundred, to the southern side of the Forest Hill Railway ; thence south-easterly along the south-western side of that railway to a point in line with the western boundary of Section 186, in Block V, Forest Hill Hundred; thence to and along the middle of a road forming the northern boundary of the said Section 186 to a point in line with the eastern side of the road forming the eastern boundary of Section 117, Block V aforesaid ; thence northerly along the eastern side of the said road to the south-western corner of Section 442b, Block V aforesaid ; thence along right lines due north for 85 chains, due east for 85 chains, due north for 200 chains, and thence along a right line to a point on the western boundary of Waimumu Hundred, approximately 270 chains north of the south-western corner thereof; thence along the western and southern boundaries of Waimumu Hundred to a point in line with the western boundary of Section 60, Block 11, Lindhurst Hundred; thence southerly along a right line, to and along the western boundary of the said Section 60, and along the southern boundaries of Section 60 aforesaid, and Section 59, Block II aforesaid, to the north-western corner of Lot 24, as shown on the plan numbered 176 a, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Invercargill ; thence southerly along the western boundary of the said Lot 24, and that boundary produced to the middle of the road forming the southern boundary of the said Lot 24 ; thence easterly generally along the middle of the road forming the northern boundary of Lot 21, as shown on the plan numbered 176 a aforesaid, the northern boundaries of Lots 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 78, and 14, as shown on the plan numbered 175 a, deposited as aforesaid, Lots 13 and 3, as shown on the plan numbered 174, deposited as aforesaid, Lots 40, 39, 32, and 31, as shown on the plan numbered 175, deposited as aforesaid, to the middle of the main Mataura—Edendale Road; thence northeasterly along the middle of that road to a point on the left bank of the Waimumu Stream, being a point on the boundary of the Electoral District of Clutha, hereinbefore described ; thence southeasterly generally along the boundary of the Electoral District of Clutha to the sea, in Block XI, Woodland Survey District, in the middle of the Purakaunui Stream at its mouth ; thence westerly along the sea-coast to a point in the middle of the Waimatuku Stream at its mouth, being the point of commencement; and including Stewart Island, Ruapuke Island, Dog Island, and all adjacent islands ; and excluding all that area included in the Electoral District of Invercargill, hereinbefore described.




All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the sea-coast in the middle of the Waimatuku Stream at its mouth; thence westerly and northerly along the sea-coast, crossing the mouths of all inlets, to a point in Big ■ Bay in the middle of the Awarua River at its mouth ; thence along the southern boundary of the Electoral District of Westland, hereinbefore described, passing through the summit of Mount Aspiring to a point on the summit of the Southern Alps on the eastern boundary of Run 468 ; thence generally southerly along the western boundary of the Electoral District of Central Otago, hereinbefore described, to a point in the middle of the Leithen Burn in line with the eastern boundary of Chatton Survey District; thence southerly generally along the western boundary of the Electoral District of Clutha, hereinbefore described, to a point on the southern boundary of the Borough of Mataura where the middle of main Mataura-Edendale Road intersects the left bank of the Waimumu Stream ; thence westerly and southerly along the boundary of the Electoral District of Awarua, hereinbefore described, to the sea in the middle of the Waimatuku Stream at its mouth, the point of commencement; and including Centre Island in Foveaux Strait.





No. Name of District. Adult Population. No. Name of District. Adult Population. 1 Hobson 14,374 27 Gisborne 14,441 2 Marsden 14,135 28 Waimarino 13,545 3 Rodney 13,971 29 Hawke's Bay 14,418 4 Waitakere 14,232 30 Napier 14,229 5 North Shore 14,362 31 Hastings .. .. 14,347 6 Ponsonby 14,156 32 New Plymouth .. 14,291 7 Auckland Central .. 14,252 33 Egmont 13,879 8 Grev Lynn 13,625 34 Patea 14,106 9 Arch Hill 14,237 35 Wanganui.. 14,008 10 Parnell - .. 13,98236 Rangitikei 13,565 11 Mount Albert 13,904 37 Manawatu 13,711 12 Eden 14,044 38 Palmerston North 13,987 13 Remuera .. 14,005 39 Pahiatua 14,125 14 Rqskill 13,854 40 Otaki 14,156 15 Onehunga 13,963 41 Wairarapa 14,265 16 Tamaki 13,527 42 Onslow 13,896 17 Otahuhu 14,165 43 Hutt 13,715 18 Franklin 13,866 44 Petone 13,651 19 Raglan 13,799 45 Karori 14,145 20 Hamilton .. .. ... 13,912 46 Wellington Central 14.045 21 Hauraki 13,933 47 Brooklyn 14,055 22 Piako 14,087 48 Mount Victoria 14,135 23 Tauranga 13,634 49 Island Bay 14,027 24 Waikato 13,842 50 Miramar 14,018 25 Waitomo 13,848 26 Bay of Plenty 14,008 Total 700,477

No. Name of District. Adult Population. No. Name of District. Adult Population. 1 Westland 14,620 15 Timaru 13,799 2 Buller 14,491 16 Waimate 13,734 3 Nelson 14,602 17 Oamaru 14,593 4 Marlborough 14,143 18 North Duneciin 14,040 5 Hurunui 13,990 19 Dunedin Central 14,619 6 Selwyn 13,772 20 Mornington 14,532 - 7 Fendalton 14,289 21 St. Kilda 14,258 8 St. Albans 13,885 22 Central Otago 13,888 9 Christchurch Central 14,159 23 Clutha .. ' .. 14,146 10 Avon 14,097 24 Tnvercargil] 14,275 11 Sydenham 14,199 25 Awarua 13,742 12 Riccarton 14,349 26 Wallace 13,832 13 Lyttelton .. 14,637 14 Ashburton 13,981 Total 368,672



DESCRIPTIONS OF THE BOUNDARIES OF THE LICENSING DISTRICTS NOT IDENTICAL WITH ELECTORAL DISTRICTS Auckland (Licensed Licensing District) All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the southern shore of Waitemata Harbour in the middle of the bridge across Cox's Creek at West End Road; thence up the middle of Cox's Creek to the middle of Richmond Road; thence along the middle of Richmond Road, Chamberlain Street, and Rose Road, to Williamson Avenue; thence south-westerly along the middle of Williamson Avenue to and along the middle of Pollen Street, Great North Road, and Nixon Street to Cecil Street; thence along the middle of Cecil Street to the north-eastern boundary of Newton Central School-grounds; thence along the north-eastern, southeastern, and south-western boundaries of the said school-grounds to a point in the middle of Bute Street; thence along the middle of Bute Street, Kirk Street, and Niger Street to a point in line with the north-eastern side of Alexander Street; thence to and along the north-eastern side of Alexander Street and its production to a point in the middle of New North Road; thence along the middle of New North Road, Dominion Road, Brentwood Avenue, Porters Avenue, Sylvan Avenue, and Mount Eden Road to a point on the north-western boundary of the Mount Eden Domain in line with the middle of Mount Eden Road at its junction with Clive Road; thence along the northern and eastern boundaries of the Mount Eden Domain to the south-western boundary of Allotment 57, Section 6, Suburbs of Auckland; thence along the south-western and southern boundaries of Allotment 57 aforesaid and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to a point in the middle of Owens Road; thence along the middle of Owens Road to the western side of Manukau Road; thence along the western side of Manukau Road to a point in line with the middle of Clyde Street; thence to and along the middle of Clyde Street and Ngaire Avenue, and the production of the middle-line of the last-mentioned avenue across Great South Road; thence along the north-eastern side of Great South Road to the middle of Dilworth Avenue; thence along the middle of Dilworth Avenue to Remuera Road; thence along a right line across Remuera Road to the middle of Bassett Road ; thence along the middle of Bassett Road, Arney Road, and Woodville Road, and the production of the middle-line of the lastmentioned road across Shore Road to Hobson Bay; thence along the shore of Hobson Bay and Judge's Bay, and the production of the shore-line across Kings Drive, and again along the shore-line to the eastern breakwater; thence along and across that breakwater and along the waterfront and the southern shore of Waitemata Harbour to and along the north-western side of West End Road to the point of commencement; and including all wharves and extensions seaward.

Also all that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the boundary of the Borough of Birkenhead where the south-western end of a public road meets the shore at the head of an arm of Kaipatiki Creek, in Block XI, Waitemata Survey District; thence along the abutment of that road and the south-western boundaries of Allotments 126 and 127, Takapuna Parish, to a point in line with the southern boundaries of Lots 14,15, and 16, of Allotment 121, Takapuna Parish ; thence to and along the southern boundaries of the said Lots 14, 15, and 16 to a point in line with the eastern side of Glen Avenue at its northernmost angle ; thence to and along the eastern and northern sides of Glen Avenue to Glenfield Road; thence along the western side of Glenfield Road to a point in line with the southern side of Pupuke Road forming the northern boundary of Allotment 3, Takapuna Parish; thence to and along the southern side of Pupuke Road to the northernmost corner of Allotment 9, Takapuna Parish ; thence along the eastern boundaries of Allotments 9, 8, and 7, Takapuna Parish, to Gladstone Road; thence along the northern side of Gladstone Road and its production to the middle of Woodside Avenue; thence along the middle of



Woodside Avenue, Onewa Road, Church Street, and Wilding Avenue to the eastern boundary of Allotment 54b, Takapuna Parish; thence along the eastern boundaries of Allotments 54b and 54c, Takapuna Parish, to the old mean high-water mark of Waitemata Harbour at the northern boundary of a recreation reserve ; thence along the northern and eastern boundaries of the said recreation reserve to Waitemata Harbour; thence along the northern and eastern shores of Waitemata Harbour and its tributary creeks and the southern shores of Hellyer's Creek and Kaipatiki Creek to the point of commencement; and including all wharves and extensions seaward, Great Barrier Island, Little Barrier Island, and Tiritiri Island in Hauraki Gulf.

Auckland Suburbs (No-license Licensing District)

All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the sea-coast in line with the north-western boundary of Section 16s, Motutara Settlement, in Block XI, Kumeu Survey District; thence to and along the north-western and north-eastern boundaries of the said Section 16s and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of the Mokoroa or Wairere Stream; thence up the middle of that stream to and along the southern boundary of Lot 2, as shown on the plan numbered 31213, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Auckland, being part of Taupaki Block and Allotment 16, Waipareira Parish, to the north-eastern corner of an abutting public road ; thence along a right line to the south-eastern corner of Lot 3, as shown on the said Plan 31213 ; thence along the western boundary of the said Lot 3, to and along the southern boundary of Lot 2, as shown on the plan numbered 18655, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Taupaki Block, to and along the middle of the road forming the southern boundaries of Lots 33, 32, 31, and 29, of a subdivision of Taupaki Block, the middle of the road forming the south-eastern boundary of the said Lot 29, the middle of the road forming the eastern boundaries of Lots 29, 28, 27, and 26, of the aforesaid subdivision, and the middle of the road forming the south-eastern boundary of Lot 19 of the aforesaid subdivision to a- point in line with the middle-line of Section 2 (closed road), Block IX, Waitemata Survey District; thence to and along the middle of Sections 2 and 1, Block IX aforesaid, and the production of the middle-line of the last-mentioned section to the middle of the road forming the north-eastern boundary of Lot 18 of a subdivision of Taupaki Block; thence along the middle of the last-mentioned road and the road forming the south-eastern and eastern boundaries of Lot 9 of the aforesaid subdivision to a point in line with the south-eastern boundary of the railway land at Kumeu Railway Station ; thence to and along the south-eastern boundary of the said railway land to the middle of the old Harkin's Point Railway Reserve ; thence along the middle of the said railway reserve to the middle of the Main North Road through Allotment 44, Paremoremo Parish, and along the middle of that road to a point in line with the northern boundary of Allotment 1, Waipareira Parish; thence to and along the northern boundary of the said Allotment 1 and the production of that boundary to the right bank of Brigham's Creek ; thence down the right bank of Brigham's Creek to Waitemata Harbour; thence along the western and southern shores of Waitemata Harbour to the left bank of Oakley Creek at its mouth ; thence up the left bank of Oakley Creek to the middle of 'the Great North Road; thence north-easterly along the middle of the Great North Road and southerly along the middle of Carrington Road, Woodward Road, and Richardson Road to a point in line with the south-eastern boundary of Allotment 51, Titirangi Parish; thence along a right line to the north-eastern side of Richardson Road, and along the north-eastern side of the said road to its junction with Stoddard Road; thence along a right line to the south-western side of Richardson Road at the north-eastern corner of Allotment 94b, Titirangi Parish; thence along the south-western side of Richardson Road



to the south-eastern boundary of Allotment 67, Titirangi Parish ; thence along the south-eastern and south-western boundaries of the said Allotment 67 to a point in line with the eastern side of Boundary Road ; thence to and along the eastern side of Boundary Road to the northern side of White Swan Road; thence along a right line across White Swan Road to the north-eastern corner of Allotment 75, Titirangi Parish; thence along the south-eastern boundary of the said Allotment 75 to the northern shore of Manukau Harbour; thence westerly along the northern shore of Manukau Harbour to Manukau North Head; thence northerly along the sea-coast to the point of commencement.

Gkey Lynn

(No-license Licensing District)

All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the southern shore of Waitemata Harbour in the middle of the bridge across Cox's Creek at West End Road; thence up the middle of Cox's Creek to the middle of Richmond Road; thence along the middle of Richmond Road, Chamberlain Street, and Rose Road to Williamson Avenue; thence south-westerly along the middle of Williamson Avenue, to and along the middle of Pollen Street, Great North Road, and Nixon Street to Cecil Street; thence along the middle of Cecil Street to the north-eastern boundary of Newton Central School-grounds; thence along the north-eastern, southeastern, and south-western boundaries of the said school-grounds to a point in the middle of Bute Street; thence along the middle of Bute Street, Kirk Street, and Niger Street to a point in line with the north-eastern side of Alexander Street; thence south-easterly along the north-eastern side of Alexander Street and along the production of that line to a point in the middle of Aitken Terrace ; thence along the middle of Aitken Terrace and King Street to New North Road ; thence along the middle of New North Road, Western Springs Road, and School Road to the northern boundary of Section 5, Suburbs of Auckland; thence westerly along the northern boundary of Section 5 aforesaid, to and along the eastern boundaries of Allotments 40 and 38 of the said Section 5, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Western Springs Road ; thence along the middle of Western Springs Road to a point in line with the middle of Asquith Avenue; thence along the middle of Asquith Avenue to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Allotment 172, Section 10, Suburbs of Auckland ; thence to and along the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of Allotment 172 aforesaid and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Meola Stream ; thence down the middle of Meola Stream to a point in line with the south-eastern boundary of Allotment 29, Titirangi Parish; thence to and along the southeastern boundary of the said Allotment 29 and the eastern and southern boundaries of Allotment 35, Titirangi Parish, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Carrington Road; thence northerly along the middle of Carrington Road and south-westerly along the middle of Great North Road' to its intersection with the left bank of Oakley Creek; thence down the left bank of Oakley Creek to W'aitemata Harbour; thence north-easterly along the shore of Waitemata Harbour, including all wharves and extensions seaward, to and along the north -west em side of West End Road to the point of commencement.


(No-license Licensing District)

All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point at the intersection of Owens Road and Manukau Road; thence along the middle of Owens Road to a point in line with the southern boundary of Allotment 57, Section 6, Suburbs of Auckland ; thence to and along the southern and south-western boundaries of the said Allotment 57 to and along the generally eastern and northern boundaries of the Mount Eden Domain to a point in line with the



middle of Mount Eden Road at its junction with Olive Road ; thence along the middle of Mount Eden Road, Sylvan Avenue, Porters Avenue, and Brentwood Avenue to Dominion Road : thence along the middle of Dominion Road and New North Road to a point in line with the north-eastern side of Alexander Street; thence along the production of the north-eastern side of Alexander Street to a point in the middle of Aitken Terrace; thence along the middle of Aitken Terrace and King Street to New North Road ; thence along the middle of New North Road, Western Springs Road, and School Road to the northern boundary of Section 5, Suburbs of Auckland ; thence Avesterly along the northern boundary of Section 5 aforesaid, to and along the eastern boundaries of Allotments 40 and 38 of the said Section 5, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Western Springs Road; thence along the middle of Western Springs Road to the middle of Asquith Avenue ; thence along the middle of Asquith Avenue, Selwyn Road, Jesmond Terrace, and Selkirk Road to New North Road; thence along the middle of New North Road, Salisbury Road, Taylor's Road, and St. Luke's Road, to and along the middle of Balmoral Road to St. Andrew's Road ; thence along the middle of St. Andrew's Road, Merrivale Avenue, The Drive, and Arcadia Road to Manukau Road; thence northerly along the western side of Manukau Road to Owens Road, the point of commencement.


(No-license Licensing District)

All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the northern shore of Manukau Harbour in Blockhouse Bay at the south-eastern corner of Allotment 75, Titirangi Parish; thence north-easterly along the south-eastern boundary of the said Allotment 75 to White Swan Road; thence along a right line across White Swan Road to the south-eastern side of Road at its junction with the aforementioned White Swan Road; thence along the south-eastern side of Boundary Road and its production to the south-western boundary of Allotment 67, Titirangi Parish; thence along the south-western and south-eastern boundaries of the said Allotment 67, to and along the south-western side of Richardson Road to the north-eastern corner of Allotment 94b, Titirangi Parish ; thence along a right line to the north-eastern side of Richardson Road at its junction with Stoddard Road; thence along the north-eastern side of Richardson Road to the southern boundary of Allotment 51, Titirangi Parish; thence along a rightline to the middle of Richardson Road and along the middle of Richardson Road, Woodward Road, and Carrington Road to a point in line with the southern boundary of Allotment 35, Titirangi Parish; thence to and along the southern and eastern boundaries of the said Allotment 35 and the south-eastern boundary of Allotment 29, and that boundary produced to a point in the middle of the Meola Stream ; thence up the middle of the Meola Stream to a point in line with the north-western boundary of Allotment 172, Section 10, Suburbs of Auckland; thence along the north-western and north-eastern boundaries of the said Allotment 172, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Asquith Avenue ; thence along the middle of Asquith Avenue, Selwyn Road, Jesmond Terrace, and Selkirk Road to New North Road ; thence along the middle of New North Road, Salisbury Road, Taylor's Road, and St. Luke's Road, to and along the middle of Balmoral Road to St. Andrew's Road; thence along the middle of St. Andrew's Road, Merivale Avenue, The Drive, and Arcadia Road to Manukau Road; thence southerly along the western side of Manukau Road to the southern boundary of Allotment 35, Section 10, Suburbs of Auckland; thence along that boundary and its production to the western side of The Drive; thence southerly along the western side of The Drive, to and along the northern side of Selwyn Road and its production to a point in the middle of St. Andrew's Road; thence southerly along the middle of St. Andrew's Road, to and along the middle of Mount Albert Road to a point in line with the eastern boundary of Allotment 3, Section 13, Suburbs of Auckland ; thence to and along the eastern



boundary of the said Allotment 3 and Allotment 2 of the said Section 13 to the southern side of Trafalgar Street; thence along the southern side of Trafalgar Street and the eastern side of Queenstown Road to the northern side of Summer Street; thence along the production of the northern side of Summer Street, to and along the -western side of Queenstown Road, and the northern and north-western side of Frederick Street to Manukau Harbour; thence westerly along the northern shore of Manukau Harbour to the point of commencement.

Onbhukga (Licensed Licensing District)

AH that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the boundary between the Boroughs of Ellerslie and One Tree Hill, in the middle of Panmure Road at its junction with the north-eastern side of Great South Road; thence south-easterly along the northeastern side of Great South Road to a point in line with the southeastern side of Waiohua Street; thence south-westerly along that line to the south-western side of Great South Road ; thence southeasterly along the south-western side of Great South Road to the middle of Rockfield Road ; thence along the middle of Rockfield Road to the northern side of Mount Smart Road; thence along a right line across Mount Smart Road to the north-western corner of Allotment 15 of Section 17, Suburbs of Auckland ; thence along the western boundary of the said Allotment 15, to and across the Auckland-Onehunga Railway, to and along the western boundaries of Allotments 14, 13, 12, and 8 of Section 17 aforesaid, to and across Church Street to the north-western corner of Allotment 4 of Section 17 aforesaid; thence along the western and south-western boundaries of the said Allotment 4, to and across Neilson Street, to and along the south-western boundary of Allotment 5 of Section 17 aforesaid to Manukau Harbour; thence westerly generally along the northern shore of Manukau Harbour, to and along the south-eastern boundary of an area of 6 acres 0 roods 14 perches, as shown on the plan numbered 17225, lodged in the office of the Chief Surveyor at Auckland, again along the northern shore of Manukau Harbour, to and along the southern boundaries of Lots 6, 2, and 1, as shown on the plan numbered 25356, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Auckland, the western boundary of Lot 1 aforesaid, the southern side of Mill Street, the western side of Albert Street, and again the northern shore of Manukau Harbour, to and along the south-western boundary of Lot 1 and the western boundary of Lot 2, as shown on the plan numbered 24425, deposited as aforesaid, again along the northern shore of Manukau Harbour, to and along the south-western boundary of land reclaimed from the sea, as shown on the plan numbered 23742, deposited as aforesaid, and the generally southern boundary and the north-western boundary of land reclaimed from the sea, as shown on the plan numbered 23500, deposited as aforesaid, to the northernmost corner of the said reclaimed land ; thence again along the northern shore of Manukau Harbour to a point in line with the north-western side of Frederick Street; thence to and along the north-western and northern side of Frederick Street, to and along the western side of Queenstown Road to a point in line with the northern side of Summer Street; thence along the production of the northern side of Summer Street to the eastern side of Queenstown Road; thence along the eastern side of Queenstown Road and the southern side of Trafalgar Street to the eastern boundary of Allotment 2, Section 13, Suburbs of Auckland; thence along the eastern boundary of the said Allotment 2 and the eastern boundary of Allotment 3, Section 13, Suburbs of Auckland, to the middle of Mount Albert Road ; thence along the middle of Mount Albert Road and St. Andrew's Road, the northern side of Selwyn Eoad, and the western side of The Drive to a point in line with the southern boundary of Allotment 35, Section 10, Suburbs of Auckland ; thence to and along the southern boundary of the said Allotment 35, to and along the western side of Manukau Road to a point in line with the middle of Claude Road ; thence to and along the middle of Claude Road to Cornwall Park; thence northeasterly along the north-western boundary of Cornwall Park to



Green Lane; thence along the southern side of Green Lane to the north-eastern boundary of Cornwall Park ; thence along the northeastern and eastern boundaries of Cornwall Park to the southern side of Waitapu Road; thence along the southern side of Waitapu Road and the western side of Wheturangi Road to a point in line with the north-eastern side of St. Oswald's Road; thence across Campbell Road, to and along the north-eastern side of St. Oswald's Road to the south-eastern boundary of part of Lot 4, as shown on the plan numbered 19430, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Allotment 15 of Section 12, Suburbs of Auckland ; thence along the south-eastern boundaries of Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, as shown on Plan 19430 aforesaid, a right line across Te Kawa Road, the southeastern boundary of Lot 10, as shown on Plan 19430 aforesaid, the south-eastern boundaries of Lots 2 and 1, as shown on the plan numbered 32147, lodged in the office of the Chief Surveyor at Auckland, being part of Allotment 15 aforesaid, and the south-eastern boundaries of Lots 1, 2, and 3, as shown on the plan numbered 29025, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Allotment 16 of Section 12, Suburbs of Auckland, to the easternmost corner of the lastmentioned lot; thence along a right line to the southernmost corner of Lot 4, as shown on Plan 29025 aforesaid; thence along the south-eastern boundary of Lot 4, the south-eastern and north-eastern boundaries of Lot 5, both as shown on Plan 29025 aforesaid, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Campbell Road; thence along the middle of Campbell Road to and across Great South Road ; thence along the north-eastern side of Great South Road to the middle of Panmure Road, the point of commencement; and including all wharves and extensions seaward.


(Licensed Licensing District)

All that area bounded by a line commencing at the point in Block 111, Blackhead Survey District, where the right bank of the Porangahau River meets the sea; thence south-westerly generally along the sea-coast to the middle of the Waimata River, in Block IV, Waimata Survey District; thence up the middle of the Waimata River to the easternmost corner of Section 165, in Block 11, Waimata Survey District; thence along a right line to Taumata-o-te-Atua Trig. Station; thence along a right line to Otuarehua Trig. Station; thence along a right line to Mount Arthur Trig. Station; thence along a right line to Pukehou Trig. Station ; thence along a right line to Wahatuara Trig. Station; thence along the northern and western boundaries of Section 45, in Block XII, Mount Cerberus Survey District, to and along the middle of the stock road along the summit of the Puketoi Range to its intersection with the Makuri-Owahanga Road, in Block XIV, Makuri Survey District; thence along the middle of the lastmentioned road, to and along the middle of Aohanga Road in the Township of Makuri, to and along the middle of the road forming the northern boundary of Sections 148 and 147, Township of Makuri, and the production of the middle-line of the last-mentioned road to the middle of the Makuri River; thence down the middle of the Makuri River, to and down the middle of the Tiraumea River to a point in line with the northern boundary of Section 2, Block VIII, Makuri Survey District; thence to and along the northern boundary of Section 2, the northern, north-western, and south-western boundaries of Section 1, the western boundary of Section 3, all of Block VIII, Makuri Survey District, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of the Tiraumea River; thence up the middle of the Tiraumea River, to and up the middle of the Mangaone River to a point in line with the middle-line of the closed road forming the northern boundary of Section 4, Block XVI, Mangahao Survey District; thence to and along the middle-line of the closed road forming the northern boundary of Section 4 and the north-eastern boundary of Section 2, Block XVI, Mangahao Survey District, to and along the middle of the road forming the north-eastern and northern boundaries of



Section 29, Block XII, Mangahao Survey District, to Mangaramarama Road; thence southerly along the middle of Mangaramarama Road to Rock Road ; thence north-westerly along the middle of Rock Road, to and along the middle of Makakahi Road,, to and along the middle of Bridge Road to the Wellington-Napier Railway; thence north-easterly along the middle of the said railway to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Section 16, Block XI, Mangahao Survey District; thence to and along the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of the said Section 16 to a point in line with the south-western boundary of Section 14, Block VII, Mangahao Survey District; thence across a public road to and along the south-western boundary of the said Section 14 to its westernmost point; thence alpng a right line to the southernmost point of Section 61, Block VII, Mangahao Survey District; thence along the south-western boundary of the said Section 61, to and across a public road, to and along the southwestern boundary of Section 60, Block VII, Mangahao Survey District, the south-western boundaries of Sections 75, 76, and 77, Block VI, Mangahao Survey District, the south-eastern and southwestern boundaries of Section 13, and the south-western boundary of Section 19, Block XIX, Mangahao Survey District, to South Range Road; thence northerly along the generally eastern side of South Range Road and North Range Road to the north-eastern boundary of Section 2, Block 11, Mangahao Survey District; thence north-easterly along a right line to the westernmost corner of Section 1, Block I, Mangahao Survey District; thence along the north-western boundary of the said Section 1 and its production to the middle of the Manawatu River; thence up the middle of the Manawatu River to a point in line with the south-eastern boundary of Block IV, Gorge Survey District; thence to and along the south-eastern boundaries of Blocks IV and VII, Gorge Survey District, to Wharite Trig. Station; thence north-easterly along the summit of the Ruahine Range to a point due west of the source of the Makaretu River, in Block VI, Makaretu Survey District; thence to and down the middle of the Makaretu River to a point in line with the middle of the road forming the western boundary of Lot 78, as shown on the Deeds Registration plan numbered 307, lodged in the office of the District Land Registrar at Napier; thence to and along the middle of that road to the middle of the Palmerston North - Napier State Highway ; thence along the middle of the said highway to the middle of the road through Block 234, Ruataniwha Crown Grant District; thence along the middle of that road and the middle of Sydney Street in Takapau Township, and the production of the last-mentioned street to the middle of the Wellington-Napier Railway ; thence along the middle of that railway to the middle of the Takapau-Waipukurau Road; thence along the middle of the Takapau-Waipukurau Road to and along the middle of Awanui Road to the middle of the Maharakeke Stream ; thence up the middle of that stream to a point in line with northern boundary of Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 4236, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Napier; thence to and along the northern boundary of the said Lot 1, the northern and western boundaries of part Section 1, Block XI, Takapau Survey District, the western boundary of Lot 2, as shown on the plan numbered 2162, deposited as aforesaid, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of the Mangapurakau Stream ; thence up the middle of that stream, to and along the southern boundaries of Lots 1, 2, and 3, as shown on the plan numbered 4265, deposited as aforesaid, to and down the middle of the Whatatuna Stream, to and up the middle of the Tauraekaitai Stream, to and along the eastern boundary of Section 14, Block XV, Takapau Survey District, to and down the middle of the Whangai Stream, to and up the middle of the Mangapuaka Stream to its intersection with a right line from Trig. Station 27, Taumatanui, in Block IV, Survey District, through the westernmost corner of Wharawhara No. 1 Block ; thence along that right line to Trig. Station 27, Taumatanui; thence along a right line to the southernmost corner of Mangangarara No. 3 Block ; thence along the north-eastern boundary of Section 3, Block VIII, Mangatoro



Survey District, to the middle of the Tangaruhe Stream ; thence down the middle of the Tangaruhe Stream, to and down the middle of the Mangaorapa Stream to the Forangahau River; thence down the right bank of that river to a point in line with the northwestern boundary of Porangahau Suburban Section 79 ; thence to and along the north-western and north-eastern boundaries of Porangahau Suburban Section 79, the north-eastern boundary of Porangahau Suburban Section 78, the north-western boundary of Block 76, Porangahau Crown Grant District, the north-western and north-eastern boundaries of Lot 4, as shown on the plan numbered 1362 (red), lodged in the office of the Chief Surveyor at Napier, to and across Old Hill Road, to and along the generally northern boundary of Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 1062, deposited as aforesaid, to the easternmost corner of that lot: thence along the north-western boundary'of Lot 8, as shown on the plan numbered 2741, deposited as aforesaid, the north-western and north-eastern boundaries of Porangahau Suburban Section 65, the north-eastern boundaries of Porangahau Suburban Sections 64 and 63, and Lot 5 as shown on the said Plan 2741, to and across a public road, to and along the north-eastern boundary of Lot 3, as shown on the said Plan 2741, and the production of that boundary across the Porangahau River ; thence down the right bank of that river to the point of commencement on the sea-coast.

Masterton (No-license Licensing District)

All that area bounded by a line commencing at the point in the middle of the mouth of the Waimata River, in Block IV, Waimata Survey District; thence south-westerly generally along the sea-coast to the middle of the Mataikona River, in Block 111, Castlepoint Survey District; thence up the middle of the Mataikona River to and up the middle of the Pakowhai River to a point in line with the northern boundary of Section 819, Whareama District, in Block XIII, Aohanga Survey District; thence to and along the northern boundary of the said Section 819 to the easternmost corner of Section 18, Block XII, Puketoi Survey District; thence along the eastern boundary of Section 18, the eastern and northern boundaries of Section 21, and the northern and western boundaries of Section 18, both of Block XII, Puketoi Survey District, to the northern boundary of Section 3, Block XVI, Puketoi Survey District; thence along the northern boundaries of Sections 3 and 2, the northern and western boundaries of Section 1, to and across a public road, and along the western boundary of Section 7, all of Block XVI, Puketoi Survey District, to the northernmost corner of Section 822, Whareama District; thence along the north-western, western, and south-western boundaries of Section 822, the western boundaries of Sections 825, 826, and 397, all of Whareama District, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of the Eketahuna-Tinui Road; thence along the middle of the Eketahuna-Tinui Road, to and along the middle of the Makiriri Valley Road to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Section 293, Whareama District, in Block VI, Mangapakeha Survey District; thence to and along the north-eastern and southeastern boundaries of Section 293, the north-eastern boundary of Section 872, and the north-eastern, northern, and south-eastern boundaries of Section 875, all of Whareama District, -to the westernmost corner of Lot 2, as shown on the plan numbered 945, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Wellington, being part of Section 877, Whareama District; thence along the southern boundary of the said Lot 2, the eastern and southern boundaries of Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 1175, deposited as aforesaid, being parts of Sections 879 and 881, Whareama District, and the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 403, 882, and 880, Whareama District, to and across the Bideford-Mangapakeha Road ; thence along the generally northern and western boundaries of Section 880, Whareama District, and the generally western boundaries of Lots 3 and 2, as shown on the plan numbered 880, deposited as aforesaid, being parts of Section 865, Whareama District, to the westernmost corner of the said Lot 2 ; thence along



a right line bearing 296° 33' to the south-eastern boundary of Section 876, Whareama District; thence along the south-eastern and southern boundaries of the said Section 876 to the northeastern boundary of part Lot 5, as shown on the plan numbered 2336, deposited as aforesaid, being parts of sections of Whareama District; thence along the generally north-eastern boundary of the said part Lot 5 to the south-eastern boundary of Section 863, Whareama District; thence along the south-eastern and southern boundaries of Section 863, the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 868 and 866, all of Whareama District, and the production .of the lastmentioned boundary to the middle of the Rorokoko Stream; thence up the middle of that stream to a point in line with the southern boundary of Section 98, Whareama District, in Block XVI, Kopuaranga Survey District; thence to and along the southern boundaries of Sections 98, 97, 13, and 12, Whareama District, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of the Tauweru River; thence down the middle of the Tauweru River, to and up the middle of the Mangatopitopi Stream, to a point in line with the western boundary of Punui Block, in Block 111, Otahoua Survey District; thence to and along the western boundary of Punui Block, the northern and western boundaries of Taumatawhakapono West Block, the western and south-western boundaries of Taumataria Block, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of the Tauweru River ; thence down the middle of the Tauweru River, to and down the middle of the Ruamahanga River, to a point in line with the middle of the road forming the south-western boundary of Section 110, Taratahi Plain Block, in Block XVI, Tiffin Survey District ; thence to and along the middle of the road forming the south-western boundaries of iSections 110, 32, and 11, Carter's Road forming the south-eastern boundary of Section 1, Somerset Road forming the south-western boundary of Section 1, Dorset Road forming the north-western boundaries of Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, Francis Road forming the south-western boundaries of Sections 84, 166, and 150, and Hughes Road forming the south-eastern boundary of Section 186, to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Section 187, all of Taratahi Plain Block; thence to and along the north-eastern boundary of the said Section 187 and its production to the middle of the Wellington-Wairarapa Railway; thence along the middle of the said railway to the middle of Claireville Road forming the south-western boundary of the said Section 187 ; thence along the middle of Claireville Road, to and along the middle of the Masterton-Carterton Road to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Section 205, Taratahi Plain Block ; thence to and along the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 205 and 141 to a point distant 2300 links from the easternmost corner of the last-mentioned section; thence along a right line parallel to the south-eastern boundary of the said Section 141 to the north-eastern boundary of Section 173 ; thence along the north-eastern boundary of Section 173 to a point distant 2028 links from the easternmost corner of that section; thence along a right line to a point on the south-western boundary of Section 173, distant 2026 links from the southernmost corner of that section, and the production of that line across Belvedere Road ; thence along the south-western side of Belvedere Road to the northernmost corner of Lot 4, as shown on the plan numbered 1834, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Section 175 ; thence along the north-western boundaries of Lots 4, 3, 2, and 1, as shown on the said Plan 1834, to the south-western boundary of Section 175 ; thence along the south-western boundary of Section 175 to Lincoln Road; thence along the north-western side of Lincoln Road to the easternmost corner of Section 241, Taratahi Plain Block ; thence along the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 241 and 240, the south-eastern and north-eastern boundaries of Section 237, the south-eastern and north-eastern boundaries of Section 308, the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 307 and 306, Taratahi Plain Block, the south-eastern and north-eastern boundaries of Section 2, the north-eastern and western boundaries of Section 3, both of Block V, Tiffin Survey District, to the Kaitangata Stream; thence along a right line due west to the Waiohina River; thence up the right bank of the Waiohina River to and up the right bank



of the Hector River to the source of the last-mentioned river; thence along a right line due west to the summit of the Tararua Range; thence north-easterly along the summit of the Tararua Range, to and along the western watershed of the Mangahao River to its intersection with a right line from Arawaru Trig. Station to the easternmost corner of Section 315, Block VIII, Arawaru Survey District; thence along that right line to Arawaru Trig. Station ; thence north-easterly along a right line to Marima Trig. Station ; thence along a right line to the south-western corner of Marima Ridge Road ; thence along the abutment of the said road, the north-western boundary of Section 4, Block V, Mangahao Survey District, and the north-western boundaries of Sections 3, 2, and 1, Block VI, Mangahao Survey District, to the southernmost corner of Section 13, Block XIX, Mangahao Survey District; thence easterly generally along the boundary of the Licensing District of Pahiatua, hereinbefore described, to the sea at the mouth of the Waimata River, the point of commencement.


(Licensed Licensing District)

All that area bounded by a line commencing at the point in the middle of the mouth of the Mataikona River, in Block 111, Castlepoint Survey District; thence south-westerly generally along the sea-coast to Cape Palliser ; thence north-westerly generally along the sea-coast to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Orongorongo A No. 1 Block, in Block IX, Pencarrow Survey District; thence to and along the north-eastern boundary of Orongorongo A No. 1 Block to the summit of the Rimutaka Range ; thence north-easterly generally along the summit of the Rimutaka and Tararua Ranges to a point due west of the source of the Hector River, in Block I, Eritonga Survey District; thence westerly generally along the boundary of the Masterton Licensing District, hereinbefore described, to the point of commencement at the mouth of the Mataikona River.


(Licensed Licensing District)

All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the waterfront of Port Nicholson in line with the south-western boundary of Section 3, Harbour District, in Block XI, Belmont Survey District; thence along the production of the south-western boundary of the said Section 3to the middle of Hutt Road; thence southwesterly along the middle of Hutt Road to a point in line with the middle of Sar Street; thence to and along the middle of Sar Street, Baker Street, Watt Street, Hosking Lane, Sefton Street, and Wadestown Road to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of the Town Belt; thence to and along the north-eastern and generally western boundaries of the Town Belt to its southernmost corner; thence along the north-western boundary of Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 706, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Wellington, being part of Section 12. Orangi-Kaupapa Block, to the westernmost corner of the said lot; thence along the south-western boundary of the said Section 12 and its production to the middle of Glenmore Road ; thence along the middle of Glenmore Road to a point in line with the northern boundary of the Botanical Gardens ; thence to and along the northern boundary of the Botanical Gardens, to and along the abutment of Wesley Road to the middle-line of that road ; thence along the middle of Wesley Road, Salamanca Road, Kelburn Parade, Fairlie Terrace, and Devon Street to Aro Street; thence westerly along the middle of Aro Street to Willis Street; thence southerly along the middle of Willis Street and Nairn Street to a point in line with the southeastern boundary of Section 55, Town of Wellington; thence to and along the south-eastern boundary of the said Section 55 and its production to the middle of Brooklyn Road; thence southerly generally along the middle of Brooklyn Road to a point in line with the eastern boundary of Section 12, Ohiro District; thence to and along the eastern boundary of the said Section 12 to the middle of



Bell Road; thence along the middle of Bell Road, Bidwill Street, Wallace Street, Finlay Terrace, and the production of the middle-line of Finlay Terrace to the middle of Tasman Street; thence along the middle of Tasman Street, John Street, Adelaide Road, and Hospital Road to a point in line with the southern boundary of Government House grounds ; thence to and along the generally southern boundary of Government House grounds and its production to the middle of Coromandel Street; thence along the middle of Coromandel Street, Mein Street, and the production of the middle line of Mein Street to the eastern boundary of the Town Belt; thence north-easterly along the eastern boundary of the Town Belt to the middle of Tapiri Street; thence along the middle of Tapiri Street, Hamilton Road, Overtoun Terrace, Belvedere Road, and the production of the middle-line of Belvedere Road to Evans Bay ; thence northerly along the western shore of Evans Bay to Point Jerningham ; thence westerly and northerly generally along the waterfront to the point of commencement; and including Somes Island and all wharves and extensions seaward.

Wellington West (No-iicense Licensing District)

All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the sea-coast in line with the south-western boundary of Section 111, Ohariu District, in Block I, Port Nicholson Survey District; thence to and along the south-western boundaries of Sections 111 and 73, the north-western boundary of Section 74, and the northwestern and south-western boundaries of Section 75, all of Ohariu District, to and across a public road; thence along the southwestern boundaries of Sections 78, 100, and 101, Ohariu District, crossing two intervening public roads, to the easternmost corner of Section 104, Ohariu District; thence along the north-western boundary of Section 101, the north-western and south-western boundaries of Section 103, both of Ohariu District, the northwestern and south-western boundaries of Section 55, Makara District, the south-eastern boundary of Section 129, and the southwestern and south-eastern boundaries of Section 128, both of Ohariu District, crossing two intervening public roads, to the westernmost corner of Section 9, Kaiwarra District; thence along the south-western boundary of Section 9, and the north-western and south-western boundaries of Section 7, both of Kaiwarra District, crossing a public road, to the northernmost corner of Subdivision lof Otari Native Reserve Block; thence along the north-western boundaries of Subdivisions I, 11, 111, IV, V, VI, and VII, the north-western and south-western boundaries of Subdivision VIII, all of Otari Native Reserve Block, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary across the Kaiwharawhara Stream ; thence down the right bank of the Kaiwharawhara Stream to the northernmost corner of Section 2, Kaiwarra District; thence along the north-eastern boundary of the said Section 2 and its production to the Town Belt; thence southerly along the generally western boundary of the Town Belt to its southernmost corner; thence along the north-western boundary of Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 706, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Wellington, being part of Section 12, Orangi Kaupapa Block, to the westernmost corner of the said lot; thence along the south-western boundary of the said Section 12 and its production to the middle of Glenmore Road; thence along the middle of Glenmore Road to a point in line with the northern boundary of the Botanical Gardens ; thence to and along the northern boundary of the Botanical Gardens to and along the abutment of Wesley Road to the middle-line of that road; thence along the middle of Wesley Road, Salamanca Road, Kelburn Parade, Fairlie Terrace, and Devon Street to Aro Street; thence westerly along the middle of Aro Street to Willis Street; thence southerly along the middle of Willis Street and Nairn Street to a point in line with the south-eastern boundary of Section 55, Town of Wellington; thence to and along the south-eastern boundary of the said Section 55 and its production to the middle of Brooklyn Road ; thence southerly generally along the middle



of Brooklyn Road to a point in line with the eastern boundary of Section 12, Ohiro District; thence to and along the eastern, northern, and again eastern boundaries of Section 12, the northern, eastern, and southern boundaries of Section 15, the eastern boundary of Section 18, the eastern, southern, and again eastern boundaries of Section 20, all of Ohiro District to the northwestern corner of Lot 592, as shown on the plan numbered 817, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Section 5, Town District; thence along a right line through the northernmost corner of Lot 3 of Block VII, as shown on the plan numbered 1855, deposited as aforesaid, being part of the aforesaid Section 20, Ohiro District, to the middle of Happy Valley Road; thence southerly along the middle of Happy Valley Road to a point in line with the northern boundary of Section 27, Ohiro District; thence to and along the northern and western boundaries of the said Section 27, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the sea ; thence westerly and northerly generally along the sea-coast to the point of commencement.

Wellington South

(No-license Licensing District)

All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the sea-coast in Block XIII, Port Nicholson Survey District, in line with the western boundary of Section 27, Ohiro District; thence to and along the western and northern boundaries of the said Section 27, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Happy Valley Road; thence northerly along the middle of Happy Valley Road to its intersection with a right line from the north-western corner of Lot 592, as shown on the plan numbered 817, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Wellington, being part of Section 5, Town' District, through the northermost corner of Lot 3 of Block VII, as shown on the plan numbered 1855, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Section 20, Ohiro District; thence along that right line to the northwestern corner of the said Lot 592 ; thence along the eastern, southern, and again eastern boundaries of Section 20, the eastern boundary of Section 18, the southern, eastern, and northern boundaries of Section 15, and the eastern, northern, and again eastern boundaries of Section 12, all of Ohiro District, to the middle of Bell Road ; thence along the middle of Bell Road, Bidwill Street, Wallace Street, Einlay Terrace, and the production of the middle-line of Finlay Terrace to the middle of Tasman Street; thence along the middle of Tasman Street, John Street, Adelaide Road, and Hospital Road to a point in line with the southern boundary of Government House grounds ; thence to and along the generally southern boundary of Government House grounds and its production to the middle of Coromandel Street; thence along the middle of Coromandel Street, Mein Street, and the production of the middle-line of Mein Street to the eastern boundary of the Town Belt; thence southerly along the generally eastern boundary of the Town Belt, to and along the south-eastern side of Manchester Street, and its production to the eastern boundary of the Town Belt; thence along the eastern and southern boundaries of the Town Belt, and the production of the lastmentioned boundary to the middle of Houghton Bay Road ; thence along the middle of Houghton Bay Road, Melrose Road, Highgate Road, and Buckley Road to the northern boundary of Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 785, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Section 4, Town District; thence along the northern and northeastern boundaries of the said Lot 1, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the sea at Houghton Bay; thence westerly generally along the sea-coast to the point of commencement.

Wellington East (No-license Licensing District)

All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the western shore of Evans Bay, in line with the middle-line of Belvedere Road, in Block VII, Port Nicholson Survey District; thence to and along the middle of Belvedere Road, Overtoun



Terrace, Hamilton Road, and Tapiri Street to the eastern boundary of the Town Belt; thence southerly along the generally eastern boundary of the Town Belt, to and along the southeastern side of Manchester Street, and its production to the eastern boundary of the Town Belt; thence along the eastern and southern boundaries of the Town Belt, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Houghton Bay Road ; thence along the middle of Houghton Bay Road, Melrose Road, Highgate Road, and Buckley Road to the northern boundary of Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 785, deposited m the office of the District Land Registrar at Wellington, being part of Section 4, Town District; thence along the northern and northeastern boundaries of the said Lot 1, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the sea at Houghton Bay; thence easterly generally along the sea-coast to Point Dorset; thence northerly along the western shore of Port Nicholson to Point Halswell; thence along the eastern, southern, and western shores of Evans Bay to the point of commencement; and including all wharves and extensions seaward.


(Licensed Licensing District)

All that area comprising the Electoral Districts of St. Albans, Christchurch Central, and Sydenham, hereinbefore described.


(Licensed Licensing District)

All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the sea-coast at the north-eastern corner of Section 201, Block 11, Papakaio Survey District; thence northerly along the sea-coast to the Pareora River ; thence westerly, northerly, and easterly, along the boundary of the Electoral District of Timaru, hereinbefore described, to the sea-coast at a point in line with the northern boundary of Meadows Settlement; thence still northerly along the sea-coast to the southernmost corner of Rural Section 22930, in Block IV, Arowhenua Survey District; thence north-westerly generally along the south-western boundary of the Electoral District of Ashburton, hereinbefore described, to McClure Peak in the Southern Alps; thence south-westerly along the summit of the Southern Alps to Mount Strauchon; thence along the summit of the range forming the watershed between the Hunter and Ahuriri Rivers, passing through Mount Huxley, Mount Gladwish, and Mount Martha to Longslip Peak; thence through Lindis Pass, to and along the summits of the Wether Range and St. Bathan's Range to Mount St. Bathan's ; thence along a right line due east to the summit of the Hawkdun Range ; thence south-easterly along the summit of the Hawkdun Range, passing through Mount Ida and Kyeburn Hill, through Dansey Pass, and along the summit of the Kakanui Mountains to Kakanui Peak; thence northeasterly generally along the boundary of the Licensing District of Oamaru, hereinafter described, to the sea-coast at the northeastern corner of Section 201, Block 11, Papakaio Survey District, being the point of commencement.


(No-license Licensing District)

All that area bounded towards the south-east generally by the sea from the north-eastern corner of Section 201, Block 11, Papakaio Survey District (north-east of Pukeuri Junction), to the northern boundary of the Borough of Port Chalmers at the road intersecting Section 6, Block I, Lower Harbour West Survey District; thence by that road, to and along the southern boundary of Section 42, Block VI, North Harbour and Blueskin Survey



District, to and along the north-western boundary of Section 39, north-western and south-western boundaries of Section 35, and southwestern boundaries of Sections 36, 37, and 38, all of Block VI aforesaid, to and along the north-eastern and south-eastern boundaries of Section 4, south-eastern boundaries of Sections 3, 2, 1, and 10, all of Block II of the said Lower Harbour West Survey District, to the southernmost corner of the said Section 10 ; thence bounded towards the south-west and west generally by the south-western boundary of the aforesaid Section 10, to and along the south-western boundaries of Sections 23, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, and 95, southwestern and north-western boundaries of Section 5, and northwestern boundary of Section 6, all of Block VI aforesaid, to and along the south-eastern, northern, and western boundaries of Section 74, eastern, southern, and south-western boundaries of Section 55, western, northern, and north-eastern boundaries of Section 54, all of Block VII of the said North Harbour and Blueskin Survey District, to and along the road forming the eastern boundaries of Sections 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1, all of the said Block VII, to the northeastern corner of the said Section 1 ; thence by the northern boundary of that section and the northern boundaries of Lots 10, 11, "27, and 28, as shown on plan numbered 1205, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Dunedin, and the northern boundary of Section 16, Block XII of the aforesaid North Harbour and Blueskin Survey District, to and along the eastern boundaries of Sections 7, 6, and .3, eastern and north-eastern boundaries of Section 8, the north-eastern boundary of Lot 1, as shown on a plan numbered 4836, deposited as aforesaid, and the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 28 and 11, all of Block 111 of the aforesaid North Harbour and Blueskin Survey District, to and along the road forming the south-eastern and eastern boundaries of Section 32, Block 111 aforesaid, to and along the northern boundary of that section and its production through Trig. Station U (Green Hill) to a point on a right line from Trig. Station Swampy Spur to Silver Peak; thence by that right line to the said Silver Peak ; thence by a right line to the western boundary of Block VII, Silverpeak Survey District, and by that boundary to and along the southern and western boundaries of Block IX of the said Silverpeak Survey District, to and along the road forming the southern boundary of Section 5, Block VIII, of the aforesaid Silverpeak Survey District, to and along the western boundary of the said Section 5, to and along the western boundaries of Runs 171b, 171g, and 171 c to the Hummock ; thence by a right line to the south-eastern corner of Section 15, Block VII, Strath Taieri Survey District; thence by the eastern boundary of the said Block VII, to and along the northern boundaries of Sections 19, 18, and 8, Block VI, Budle Survey District, to and along the north-western boundary of Section 1, Block V, northwestern boundary of Run 121 h, and north-western and northern boundaries of Run 121g, all of the said Block V, and Blocks II and 111 of the said Budle Survey District, to and along the Waikouaiti River, to and along the eastern and south-eastern boundaries of Section 6, Block VIII, Dunback Survey District, south-eastern and north-eastern boundaries of Section 5, and south-eastern boundary of Section 4, south-eastern and north-eastern boundaries of Section 3, north-eastern boundaries of Sections 2 and 1, all of Block XI of the said Dunback Survey District, to and along the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 8 and 7, Block VI, of the aforesaid Dunback Survey District, to and along the south-western boundary of Section 2, Block VI, Waihemo Survey District, to and along Deepdell Creek, to and along Shag River, to and along the road crossing the said river and forming the northern boundary of Section 10, Block 111, Highlay Survey District, the north-western boundary of Section 15, Block VIII, Waihemo Survey District, western and northern boundaries of Section 10, north-western boundaries of Sections 9 and 4, all of the said Block VIII, Waihemo Survey District, to and along the south-western and northern boundaries of Run 255, to and along the south-western boundaries of Runs 217 c, 572, and 571, and western boundary of Crown land to Kakanui Peak ; thence bounded towards the north-west and north generally by the northern boundary of the said Crown land and the said Run 571, to and along the south branch of the Kakanui River, to



and along the western and southern boundaries of Block 111, Kauroo Survey District, to and along the Kakanui River, to and along the road forming the eastern boundaries of Sections 27a and 27 of the said Block 111, to and along the road forming the north-western boundary of Section 25, Elderslie Settlement, to and along the road forming the northern boundaries of Sections la, 2a, 4, 2, and 1, all of St. Helen's Settlement, to and along the road intersecting Section 2, Block XVII, Oamaru Survey District, and the continuation of that road to the north-western corner of Section 33, Block XI, Oamaru Survey District; thence by the road forming the northern boundary of that section, the northern boundaries of Sections 34 and 35, the western boundary of Section 25 (E.R.), western boundaries of Sections 17, 13, and 12, all of the said Block XI, to and along the road forming the south-eastern boundary of Lot 1, L.T. Plan 2010, to and along the south-eastern boundary of Lot 2 ofth e said L.T. Plan 2010, across the Oam&ru-Ngapara Railway line, to and along the south-eastern boundary of Lot 3 of the aforesaid L.T. Plan 2010, to and along the western and northern boundaries of the land shown on L.T. Plan 3100, to and along the southern and eastern boundaries of Section 10, eastern boundaries of Sections 9, 3, and 1, all of Block XII of the aforesaid Oamaru Survey District, to and along the road forming the eastern boundaries of Sections 7 and 6, Block VIII, Awamoko Survey District, to and along the road forming the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 48a and 46a, Windsor Park Settlement, intersecting Section 23 (E.R.), Block VIII aforesaid, and forming south-eastern boundary of Section 40a of the said Windsor Park Settlement, to and along the road intersecting Sections 8, 9, and 10, Block VIII aforesaid, to and along the road forming the south-western and north-western boundaries of Section 4s, north-western boundary of Section 2s and Section 1 of 3s, all of the Pukenui Settlement, to the road forming the southwestern boundary of Section 28, Block IV, Awamoko Survey District; thence by that road, to and along the road forming the south-western boundaries of Sections 28 and 29, Block 111, Papakaio Survey District, to and along Duncan's Road, to and along Ferry Road to the junction of that road with the Oamaru-Duntroon Railway line ; thence by that railway, to and along the northern boundary of Sections 80 and 81, to and along the road forming the south-western boundary of Section 47, southern boundaries of Sections 46 (E.R.), 44, 43, 42, 41, 40, 39, and Allotments A and B, L.T. Plan 1096, all of Block II of the aforesaid Papakaio Survey District, to the sea at the north-eastern corner of Section 201, Block II aforesaid, the place of commencement.

North Dujjedin (Licensed Licensing District)

All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the north-western shore of Otago Harbour, in line with the middle of a road passing through Section 6, Block I, Lower Harbour West Survey District; thence south-westerly along the shore of Otago Harbour, including all wharves and extensions seaward, to a point in the middle of the outlet of the Leith Canal; thence northwesterly generally up the middle of the said Leith Canal to a point in line with the middle of Albany Street; thence along a right line to and along the middle of Albany Street, to and along the middle of Queen Street, Elder Street, and Cobden Street, and the production of the middle-line of Cobden Street to the middle of Wallace Street; thence along the middle of Wallace Street, to and along the middle of Pacific Street and Highgate to a point in line with the south-western side of Dunblane Street; thence to and along the said south-western side of Dunblane Street, and that side produced to the south-eastern boundary of Section 7, Block 111, Upper Kaikorai Survey District; thence north-easterly along that boundary and its production to the middle of Lynn Street; thence along the middle of Lynn Street and Balmacewen Road to Helensburg Road; thence north-westerly generally along the middle of Helensburg Road to Wakari Road; thence southwesterly along the middle of Wakari Road to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Section 51, Wakari Survey District;



thence to and along the north-eastern boundary of Section 51 aforesaid to the south-eastern boundary of Section 59, Block V, Dunedin and East Taieri Survey District; thence northerly generally along the south-eastern boundary of Section 59 aforesaid, the abutment of a road, and the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 4 of 40, 3 of 40, and 2 of 40, all of Block V aforesaid, to the easternmost corner of the last-mentioned section ; thence along the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 2 of 40 aforesaid, 2 of 38, and 61, all of Block V aforesaid, to and along the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 4 of 49 and 3 of 49, Block V aforesaid, across a road, and along the south-eastern boundary of Allotment 21, as shown on the plan, numbered 1209, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Dunedin, the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 51, 1 of 52, and 53, all of Block V aforesaid; thence along the north-eastern boundary of Section 53 aforesaid to and along the eastern boundaries of Sections 54 and 55, Block V aforesaid, to and across a road to the south-eastern corner of Section 9, Block V aforesaid; thence along the generally eastern boundaries of Section 9 aforesaid, and Sections 10 and 11, Block V aforesaid, to and across a road, and along the eastern boundary of Section 3, B] ock V aforesaid, to Trig. Station S, Swampy Spur; thence north-westerly along a right line in the direction of Silver Peak to its intersection with the production of the northern boundary of Section 32, Block 111, North Harbour and Blueskin Survey District; thence easterly and south-easterly along the boundary of the Licensing District of Oamaru hereinbefore described to the point of commencement on the north-western shore of Otago Harbour; and including Quarantine Islands in Otago Harbour. Dtosediet (Licensed Licensing District) All that area comprising the Electoral Districts of Dunedin Central, Mornington, and St. Kilda, hereinbefore described. Central Otago (Licensed Licensing District) All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point in the middle of the Taieri River at its mouth; thence up the middle of that river to the south-western boundary of Block VI, Maungatua Survey District, and along that boundary to Waipori Lake ; thence along the southern and south-eastern shores of Waipori Lake, to and up the middle of the Waipori River, to and along the eastern boundaries of Blocks X and VIII, the eastern, southern, and again eastern boundaries of Block VI, and the eastern boundary of Block 111, all of Waipori Survey District, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of the Lee Stream; thence up the middle of that stream to its source at the summit of the Lammerlaw Range ; thence along the summit of the Lammerlaw Range, to and down the middle of Deep Creek and the Waipori River to a point in Ijne with the south-western boundary of Run 51 ; thence to and along the south-western boundary of Run 51, to and along the middle of Waipori Road, to and along the eastern boundaries of Blocks XIII and X, Tuapeka East Survey District, to Trig. Station L ; thence along the generally southern boundaries of Sections 56, 57, and 58, and the southern and western boundaries of Section 51, all of Block X aforesaid, to the northern boundary of the said Block X ; thence along the northern boundaries of Blocks X and XIX, Tuapeka East Survey District, the southern, western, and again southern boundaries of Run 494, to and along the Tuapeka River and Bowlers Creek to the road forming the eastern boundary of Section 34, Block 111, Tuapeka West Survey District; thence southerly along the middle of the road forming the eastern boundaries of Section 34 aforesaid, and Sections 30, 31, 20, 21, and 22, all of the said Block 111, to the road junction at the easternmost corner of the said Section 22 ; thence westerly along the middle of the road fronting Sections 15, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 1, in Blocks VI and V, Tuapeka West Survey District, Sections 34



and 35, Block 11, and Section 1, Block XI, to and along the middle of the road forming the southern boundaries of Sections 8, 9, 11, and 21, Block I, the south-eastern and southern boundaries of Section 1, the south-eastern and southern boundaries of Section 34, and the southern boundary of Section 33, all of Block IV, Tuapeka West Survey District, to the Clutha River; thence along that river to the southernmost corner of Block I, Crookston Survey District; thence along the southern boundaries of Blocks I and XVI, the western and north-western boundaries of Block XIX, the southeastern boundaries of Sections 5 and 3, Block XI, and the southern boundaries of Sections 3, 2, and 1, Block XI, all of the aforesaid Crookston Survey District, to Trig. Station T; thence along the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 1 and 12, Block 111, Crookston Survey District, to and along the road forming the north-eastern and northern boundary of Section 31 and the northern boundary of Section 32, both of the said Block 111, to and along the northern and western boundaries of Section 37, Block 111 aforesaid, to and along the northern boundaries of Sections 20, 9, and 11, Block IV, Green vale Survey District, the northern boundary of Lot 1, as shown on the plan numbered 3184, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Dunedin, and along the production of the lastmentioned boundary to the middle of a road forming the southeastern boundaries of Sections 7 and 6, and the north-eastern boundary of Section 16, all of Block V, Green vale Survey District, the eastern boundaries of Sections 15 and 16, and passing through Section 16 aforesaid, and Sections 17, 18, and 19, all of Block 11, Greenvale Survey District; thence along the middle of that road, and along the middle of the road forming the north-eastern boundary of Section 4, Block II aforesaid, to a point due north of the easternmost corner of that section; thence due south along a right line to the middle of the Pomahaka River; thence up the middle of the Pomahaka River to the confluence with it of the Leithen Burn; thence up the middle of the Leithen Burn to its source, and thence along a right line to Black Umbrella ; thence northerly along the summit of the Umbrella Range, passing through Crown Rock and Whitecoomb to a point due east of Rocky Mount; thence along a right line to Rocky Mount; thence along a right line to Lorn Peak, and along the summit of the Hector Mountains, passing through James Peak and Ben Nevis to Double Cone ; thence along the summit of a leading ridge through Trig. Station N, Mount Edward, and Mount Rosa to Trig. Station I; thence due east to the Kawarau River near the confluence with it of the Nevis River; thence down the middle of the Kawarau River and up the middle of Roaring Meg (Kirtleburn) to the northern boundary of Run 633 in Cromwell Survey District; thence westerly along the generally northern boundaries of Runs 633 and 632 tothe Cardrona River; thence up the Cardrona River and along the generally north-eastern boundary of Run 25 in Knuckle Peak Survey District, and the southern boundary of Run 334b to the eastern boundary of Soho Survey District; thence along the eastern boundary of Soho Survey District to the boundary of Run 444; thence along the eastern boundary of Run 444 to Treble Cone ; thence northerly along the eastern boundaries of Rim 444 aforesaid,. Run 22, Run 458, and Run 468 to a point on the summit of the Southern Alps ; thence north-easterly along the summit of the Southern Alps to Mount Strauchon ; thence south-easterly generally along the boundaries of the Licensing Districts of Waimate, Oamaru,. North Dunedin, and Dunedin, hereinbefore described, to the seacoast at the mouth of the Kaikorai Stream ; thence southerly along the sea-coast to the mouth of the Taieri River, being the point of commencement. •


(No-license Licensing District)

All that area bounded towards the north generally by the Central Otago Licensing District, hereinbefore described, from the eastern boundary of Block XI, Crookston Survey at the south-eastern corner of Section 5, to the sea at "the mouth of the Taieri River; thence bounded towards the south-east generally by the sea to the mouth of the Tahakopa River ; thence

[Y TY COLLEfIII i. h!t-46

bounded towards the west generally by the said Tahakopa River to its confluence with Mary Burn; thence by a right line to the summit of the watershed at Bleak Hill in Block VI, Mokoreta Survey District; thence by the summit of the said watershed over Chimney to Catlin's Cone, Block 11, Rimu Survey District; thence by a right line in the direction of the source of the Waipahi River till it meets the south-western boundary-line of Run 258 ; thence by the south-western boundary-line of the said Run 258 to the Wyndham or Mokoreta River; thence by that river to a point in line with the south-western boundary-line of Section 5, Block VII, Slopedown Survey District; thence by a right line to and along the south-western boundary-line of the said Section 5, and its production to the south-eastern boundary of Run 251 in the said Block VII; thence by the south-eastern and eastern boundaries of the said Run 251, to and along the south-eastern and eastern boundaries of Section 2, Block VI of the said Slopedown Survey District, to and along the road forming the southern and western boundaries of Section 15, Block I, to and along the road forming the western boundaries of Sections 14, 7, and 6 of the said Block I, to and along the road forming the northern boundaries of Sections 6 and 4, Block 11, to and along the road forming the eastern boundary of Section 1 of the aforesaid Block 11, all of the aforesaid Slopedown Survey District, to the Main South Road, bv that road to and along the road forming the eastern boundary of Section 23, Block XII, Waipahi Survey District, to and along the eastern boundary of Section 24 of the said Block XII, Waipahi Survey District, to the Waipahi River; thence by that river to the north-western corner of Section 14, Block XVT, Waipahi Survey District; thence easterly by the road intersecting Allotments 6, 2, 5, and 3 of the Waipahi Estate, to the south-western corner of Section 6, Block VI, Waipahi Survey District; thence by the western and northern boundaries of that section, to and along the railway-line, to and along the Waipahi River to its ■confluence with the Pomahaka River ; thence by that river to its confluence with the Rankleburn; thence by the said Rankleburn to a point in line with the eastern boundary of Bloek X, Crookston Survey District; thence by a right line to the south-eastern corner of the said Block X; thence by the said eastern boundary ©f that block and eastern boundary of Block XI to the south-eastern •corner of Section 5, Block XI aforesaid, the place of commencement.


(No-license Licensing District)

All that area bounded towards the east generally by the Clutha Licensing District, hereinbefore described, from the eastern boundary of Block XI, Crookston Survey District, at the south-eastern corner of Section 5, to the sea at the mouth of the Tahakopa River; thence bounded towards the south generally by the sea to the outlet of the Waituna Lagoon; thence bounded towards the west generally by the western, south-western, and northern shores of the said Waituna Lagoon, to and along the western boundaries ol Sections 40, 39, 38, 37, and 36, western and northern boundaries of Section 35, western boundaries of Sections 19, 16, 13, 10, 7, 4, and 1, all of Block V, Oteramika Hundred, western boundaries of Sections 63, 51, 50, 48, 46, 44, 42, 77, 40, 39, and 73, north-western boundaries of Sections 38, 18, 19, 17, and 16, .all of Block 111, Oteramika Hundred, to and along the road forming the north-western boundary of Section 10, Block 111, to and along the road forming the western boundaries of Sections 64, 111, 63, 62, 41, 40, 39, and 38, Block I, Oteramika Hundred, to and along the road forming the south-western boundaries of Sections 33, 32, 106, 31, and 17, and south-western and north-western boundaries of Section 66 all of Block I, Oteramika Hundred, to and along the road intersecting Woodlands Estate from the south-eastern corner of Original Section 51, Block VI, Oteramkia Hundred, to the north-western corner of Original Section 4 of the said Block VI, to and along the southern and eastern boundaries of Lot 116, L.T. Plan 85, to and along the Main Trunk Railway, to and along the eastern boundary of Mabel Hundred, and eastern




boundary of Forest Hill Hundred, to its north-eastern corner; thence by the southern and western boundaries of Section 253, Block 64, Hokonui Survey District, and the western and northern boundaries of Section 267, Block 47, Hokonui Survey District, to the Otamita Stream; thence by that stream to and along the Mataura River to the Okapua Creek; thence by that creek to its intersection with the road forming the south-western boundary of Section 15, Block VI, Chatton Survey District ; thence by the road forming the south-western boundary of the said Section 15 and southern boundaries of Sections 16, 25, 17, 24, and 26, again by southern boundary of said Section 17 and southern boundaries of R. 214 and Section 18, all of the said Block VI, to and along the road forming the southern boundaries of Sections 12, 13, and 14, Block V, to and along the road forming the southern boundaries of Sections 6, 5, 4, 3, and 1, Block 111, to the Waikaka Stream; thence by that stream to and along the road forming the southern boundaries of Sections 4, 3, and 2, Block VIII, all of the said Chatton Survey District, to and along the eastern boundary of the aforesaid Chatton Survey District and the production of that boundary to the middle of the Leithen Burn; thence bounded towards the north generally by the Central Otago Licensing District, hereinbefore described, to the eastern boundary of Block XI, Crookston Survey District, at the south-eastern corner of Section 5, the place of commencement. Wallace (Licensed Licensing District) All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the sea-ceast at the outlet of the Waituna Lagoon; thence westerly and north-easterly generally along the sea-coast, crossing the mouths of all inlets, to a point in Big Bay in the middle of the Awarua River at its mouth; thence along the southern boundary of the Electoral District of Westland, hereinbefore described, passing through the summit of Mount Aspiring, to a point on the summit of the Southern Alps, on the eastern boundary of Run 468 ; thence southerly generally along the boundary of the Licensing District of Central Otago, hereinbefore described, to a point in the middle of the Leithen Burn in line with the eastern boundary of Chatton Survey District; thence southerly generally along the boundary of the Licensing District of Mataura, hereinbefore described to the sea-coast at the outlet of the Waituna Lagoon, being the point of commencement; and including Stewart Island, Ruapuke Island, Dog Island, Centre Island, and all adjacent islands ; and excluding the Electoral District of Invercargill, hereinbefore described.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (2,750 copies, including maps), £350..

By Authority: E. Y. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 946. Price 4s.]








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REPORT OF THE REPRESENTATION COMMISSION, Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1946 Session I, H-46

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REPORT OF THE REPRESENTATION COMMISSION Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1946 Session I, H-46

REPORT OF THE REPRESENTATION COMMISSION Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1946 Session I, H-46

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