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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency

The Commissioner op Police to the Right Hon. the Minister in Charge of Police Department Wellington, 18th July, 1946. I have the honour to present the annual report on the Police Force for the year ended 31st March last. Personnel. —On 31st. March last the number of members of the Force of all ranks was 1,475, being a decrease of 90 during the year. The total is made up as follows: 5 Superintendents, 19 Inspectors, 10 Sub-Inspectors, 45 senior sergeants, 129 sergeants, 793 constables, 371 temporary constables, 12 senior detectives, 31 detective-sergeants, and 60 detectives. There were also 1 district constable, 29 women police, 7 matrons, and 14 police surgeons. The following are the losses in personnel for the year ended 31st March last: retired on pension under Public Service Superannuation Act, 20; retired medically unfit, 9; died, 5; resigned voluntarily, 98; dismissed, 13; total, 145. The position in regard to recruiting for the Police Force has improved in recent months, so much so that it has been possible to reopen the Training School, where a class of recruits is now undergoing a course of training. The removal of the restrictions in respect of wharves and shipping and the termination of other duties in connection with the war released a number of police employed thereon for ordinary police duties, and although the Force is still much below its authorized strength, the shortage has been reduced to 94 constables, as against 140 a year ago. Included in the 98 members who resigned from the Force during the year were 55 temporary constables appointed during the war period. Of the 43 permanent members who resigned, only 3 had qualified for promotion to higher rank.


With the exception of 13 constables who were dismissed from the Force, and a small number who were fined for breaches of the regulations, a good standard of conduct and discipline has been maintained by members of the Force, who have carried out their duties in an efficient manner. In some instances very good work was accomplished, and in this connection I may mention the recent case of the arrest after a long pursuit and, extensive inquiries, of armed men who held up the staff of the Bank of New Zealand at Bulls and robbed the bank, and also the case of three young men who held up with a revolver a woman shopkeeper at Lower Hutt' and robbed the shop and who were located and arrested within a few hours of the commission of the offence. There was a somewhat similar occurrence in the Gisborne district, in which an attempt was made to rob a country storekeeper, who was grievously injured and in a critical condition for some weeks. Exhaustive inquiries by the police led to the arrest of the offender. There are 29 women police employed by the Department—l2 at Auckland, 9 at Wellington, and 4 each at Christchurch and Dunedin. They have done very good work in cases in which women and children were involved, and have attended at railway-stations, parks, picture-theatres, and similar places with a view to preventing interference with children and young girls. They have also as opportunity offered been given training in the various branches of the indoor work of the Department. in order to increase their efficiency. New stations were established at Hanmer, Riversdale, Mission Bay, and Te Kaha, and the stations at Waikaia, Waitahuna, and Waiouru were closed. Police Buildings, &c.—The following works in connection with policestations were carried out during the year by the Public Works Department:— A new residence for the sergeant of police at Westport was completed; an office was erected at Mount Roskill Police-station, and garages at Belfast and Islington. The building of additional office and barrack accommodation at Dunedin Central Station was put in hand, and contracts have been let for the erection of new police-stations at Omakau, Ohakune, Kingsland, and Waitara. The sergeant's residence at Lower Hutt was removed and re-erected on another site, so as to leave the original site available for a new policestation at Lower Hutt, where the present accommodation is quite inadequate. Repairs, renovations, and improvements were also effected at many stations throughout the Dominion. The erection of new buildings has been restricted by the shortage of labour and material and the necessity for giving priority to housing construction. The office and barrack accommodation provided in the new building nearing completion at Dunedin Central Station will afford muchneeded relief at that station. The accommodation at Auckland Central Police Station is quite inadequate and out of date, and plans for the erection of a. modern building have been prepared and it is hoped that it may be possible to proceed with the work next year. New district headquarters stations are also required at Grey mouth, Timaru, and Wanganui to replace the existing buildings, which are beyond reasonable repair and do not provide the amenities necessary for present-day requirements. Plans for the erection of a new station at Greymouth on the site of the present building were prepared, but it has now been suggested that a more suitable and central site should be acquired, and negotiations are being carried out accordingly, and it is anticipated that they will be concluded at an early date. The erection of the building will then be proceeded with. Plans have also been prepared for the station at Timaru, but the estimated cost of the original proposals is so high that a revision



of the plans is being considered. A preliminary investigation of the proposed site for the station at Wanganui has been made by the Public Works Department, and the matter is being pursued with a view to the preparation of detailed plans for the new building. The new stations at Omakau, Ohakune, Kingsland, and Waitara, for which contracts have been let, are also badly needed. Plans and specifications have been prepared for a number of other similar buildings which will be proceeded with if satisfactory tenders can be obtained. A considerable amount of maintenance work on police-stations, which fell into arrears during the war period, is now receiving attention as circumstances permit. Members of the Force on appointment and on transfer are faced with considerable difficulty in obtaining house accommodation at their new stations, and this has hampered the Department in carrying out necessary transfers to fill vacancies, &c. To assist married members of the Force who have to pay high rents for houses and flats, a general increase of approximately 10s. a week in house allowance has been granted. Transport.—Additional cars in serviceable condition as well as some light trucks have been taken over from the Army and Air Departments for use at the four centres, and the police at those places are now reasonably well equipped for transport and to enable motor patrols to be maintained. It is expected that a proportion of new cars will be available as the existing ones become unserviceable. Communications.—A radio system which enables the central station to communicate with police patrol cars has been installed at Auckland and Wellington and has proved to be of great assistance in the detection of crime and the apprehension of offenders. At present a one-way system only is in operation, the cars reporting back to the central station by telephone, but it is expected that a two-way system will be installed at an early date when difficulties due to the hilly nature of the surrounding districts have been overcome. Teletype machines have been installed which provide direct communication between the police-stations at Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington, and Palmerston North, and it is proposed to extend this system to the other principal cities and towns as soon as the necessary equipment is available. The period of operation of the machines is now restricted to the evening and early morning, but it is hoped that it will soon be possible to arrange for a twenty-four-hour service. Arrangements have also been made at Wellington whereby notifications from the central station may be conveyed to all suburban stations by telephone at the one time, thus avoiding the delay in ringing up and repeating the message to each station separately. It is proposed to extend this system to the headquarters stations at the other centres in due course. Criminal Registration Branch.—At Headquarters on the 31st March, 1946, the finger impressions of 68,153 persons were on record; 2,921 were received, classified, indexed, and filed; 116 persons were identified as previous offenders who, had it not been for the finger-print system, would have passed as first offenders; 2,582 photographs were taken by the photographers attached to the Branch; the photographs of 3,654 persons (5,403 photographs) were received and dealt with; 480 photographs were reproduced in the Police Ga&eirte; 10 wanted persons were located and 2 unknown deceased persons identified by finger-prints. Finger-prints left by offenders committing 45 crimes were identified as belonging to 36 persons.



Finger-prints of 105 persons were received from other countries for inquiry, of which 8 were identified as those of persons previously convicted in New Zealand; the finger-prints of 37 New Zealand offenders were sent overseas for inquiry, 18 being identified as having been previously convicted outside this Dominion. The finger-print system has to date been responsible for the identification of 8,320 persons. In conjunction with the Arms Bureau, various photographs and lecture slides were prepared. Auckland Crimindl Registration Branch.—On the 31st March, 1946, the finger-print collection in the Auckland Criminal Registration Branch totalled 11,291 sets. During the year 1,171 prisoners' finger-prints were received, duly classified, searched, and filed. The photographs of 281 prisoners were taken and 1,405 prints were made from the negatives; also, numerous photographs of scenes of crimes and motor-accidents were taken. The total number of photographs produced by the Branch during the year was 2,415. Six volumes—i.e., 1,800 —of photographs of New South "Wales prisoners were received, card indexed, and filed in order of finger-print classification. In 18 cases offenders who would not otherwise have been known as having been previously convicted were traced by their finger-prints, and in 13 other cases prints left by offenders when committing crimes were identified and the offenders duly arrested and dealt with by the Courts. Most of the latter were serious offences, including breaking and entering, unlawful conversion of motor-vehicles, theft, assault and robbery, and mischief. In many cases the offenders admitted other offences. Arms Bureau.—During the year the volume of work of the Arms Bureau increased considerably, mainly because of the reports required on the substantial number of firearms that have been brought back to New Zealand as war trophies, and because of an increased number of cases where arms were unlawfully used. This work was in addition to the assistance given throughout the year in investigations where persons were killed or injured through the discharge of firearms. Unfortunately, there were more accidents this year than has been the case for some time. No fewer than 62 cases, of which 23 were fatal, came under the notice of the police. The firearms and ammunition exhibits are examined in practically all fatal cases and a report issued for the information of the Coroner. The recovery of filed-out serial numbers and other marks of identification from metal objects has also received attention and has resulted in establishing successfully the identity and ownership of electric motors, an electric clock, bicycles, and other such articles. It is expected to complete shortly for the Army Department the work of assessing the compensation payable to the owners of impressed Service rifles which have been damaged, lost, or converted permanently to Army use. Lectures on the use of firearms and related subjects have been given to the police in various districts. This most important and useful work will be continued and extended. The frequency with which criminals and others have been found in the unlawful possession of firearms is causing some uneasiness, and indicates the necessity for strict enforcement of the provisions of the Arms Act to keep the matter under control.


H—l 6

Work for other Government Departments.—This Department is still carrying out a large volume of inquiry and other"work at the request of other Government Departments. Inquiries concerning applicants for drivers' licenses for public motor-vehicles also occupy a good deal of the time of the police. In many instances the police have completed inquiries into and conducted prosecutions for breaches of statutes and regulations administered by other Departments, such as the Rationing Regulations, Oil Fuel Regulations, &c. Criminal Statistics.—The criminal statistics (Appendix A) deal with offences reported to the police during the year ended 31st December last, and show an aggregate net increase of 1,784 on the figures of 1944. The percentage of offences to the population was 1-97, as against 1-92 the previous year. The number of offences reported during the year was 33,744, the number of cases in which arrests or summonses resulted was 27,965, leaving 5,779 cases in which no prosecution followed but which are still the subject of inquiries or have since been disposed of. The percentage of arrests or summonses resulting from offences reported during the year 1945 was 82 87, the figures of the preceding year being 85-19. There were slight increases in the number of serious crimes as compared with the previous year and in the number of indecent and sexual offences. There has been an increase in the number of cases of theft, false pretences, and similar offences, and also' in respect of the unlawful conversion of motorvehicles, indicating that this class of offence is still very prevalent. There were 20 cases of murder, 7 of attempted murder, and 5 of manslaughter. In 7 cases of murder the offender committed suicide after committing the crime, and in 3 cases the offender was found to be mentally defective. In 2 cases the offenders have not been traced—one of a newly born child found dead at Nelson, and the other a man found apparently murdered at Frankton Junction. Offences in connection with liquor at dances show an increase. The many successful prosecutions in respect of the latter offence indicate that the police are making every effort to abate the evil. Drunkenness. —There has been a decrease of 278 in the number of prosecutions for drunkenness 1 during the year as compared with the previous year. The number charged with drunkenness in 1945 was 1,854 (1,759 males and 95 females), whereas in 1944 the number was 2,132 (2,029 males and 103 females). Three hundred and eighty-five males (21-88 per cent.) and 18 females (18 95 per cent.) had previous convictions recorded against them, and 4-6 per cent, of the males were not permanent residents of the Dominion. Prosecutions against Ilotelkeepers.-—The number of prosecutions against hotelkeepers during the year shows an increase of 54 as compared with the preceding year. There were 368 prosecutions resulting in 257 convictions during 1945, as against 314 prosecutions and 246 convictions in 1944. Sly-grog. Selling.—There were 'l3B prosecutions, during the year for selling liquor without a license, and there were also 45 prosecutions for other offences against the provisions of the Licensing Act in force in no-license districts. The fines imposed on the sly-grog sellers during the year 1945 amounted to £656. Gaming Offences. —There were 1,001 prosecutions during the year under the Gaming Act, against 643 prosecutions in 1944. There were 355 prosecutions in connection with bookmaking during the year ended 31st March, 1946, resulting in 347 convictions, the amount of fines imposed being £21,575.



Prosecutions under the Motor-vehicles Act.—There was a small increase in the number of prosecutions for causing death or bodily injury through reckless driving of motor-vehicles and for being intoxicated in charge of a motor-vehicle. In addition to warnings for minor breaches of the Act and regulations, there were 4,225 prosecutions for such breaches, being a decrease of 634 on the figures for the previous year. Growth of Department.—The following return shows the growth of the Department, the population, and the total number of offences (irrespective of by-law offences) reported, and in which arrests or summonses resulted, at each tenth year since 1877, prior to which date each province in the Dominion had its own Police Force. The figures for each year from 1939 to 1945 are also shown:—

J. Cummings, Commissioner of Police.


Year. Officers. Non-commissioned Officers. Detectives. Constables. 1 Total. Police to Population. Cost per Inhabitant. Population. Offences reported. Offences where Arrests or Summonses resulted. Arrests for Drunkenness (included in " Offences reported "). s. d. 1878 25 90 14 329 458 1 to 944 * 432,352 14,157 13,959 6,668 1888 13 69 17 388 487 1 to 1,328 3 If 646,913 12,897 11,854 5,387 1898 7 56 16 457 536 1 to 1,435 2 8 768,910 16,378 14,730 5,532 1908 15 83 32 604 734 1 to 1,331 3 2\ 977,215 23,510 22,484 10,343 1918 20 111 38 732f 901 1 to 1,274 4 64 1,147,391 19,067 18,043 7,228 1928 23 127 54 913f 1,117 1 to 1,301 5 9 1,453,517 33,138 30,622 6,601 1938 26 145 93 1,164f 1,428 1 to 1,123 7 6 1,604,479 44,308 41,618 5,446 1939 27 148 91 l,173f 1,439 1 to 1,129 7 5f 1,624,714 46,378 43,162 5,935 1940 27 149 90 l,191t 1,457 1 to 1,126 7 84 1,640,901 45,009 41,619 5,470 1941 28 155 97 l,229f 1,509 1 to 1,084 7 11| 1,636,230 38,559 35,896 4,887 1942 ' 29 159 105 l,306t 1,599 1 to 1,022 8 3J 1,634,338 34,608 30,790 3,001 1943 29 175 112 l,324f 1,640 1 to 998 8 10J 1,636,700 33,192 28,722 2,304 1944 31 173 116 1,314f 1,634 1 to 1,006 9 54 1,643,909 31,960 27,229 2,132 1945 37 168 110 l,250t 1,565 1 to 1,064 9 14 1,664,585 33,744 27,965 1,854 1946 34 174 103 1,164f 1,475 1 to 1,159 9 104 1,709,048 * Not obtainable. t Includes temporary constables.


APPENDIX A Return showing the Number of Offences reported, the Number of Offences for which Persons were apprehended or summoned, and Comparison of Crime during the Year ended 31st December, 1944, and Year ended 31st December, 1945


Offences. 1944. 1945. Number of Offences reported. Number of Offences reported. Number of Offences in which Arrests or Summonses resulted. Crimes and Justices of the Peace Acts, etc. Seditious offences 1 Misleading Justice Perjury and false oaths 5 5 False statements and declarations 42 41 41 Corrupting juries or witnesses 7 Escapes and Rescues Breaking prison 2 Escaping from prison or lawful custody 101 62 61 Assisting or aiding escape from prison or lawful custody .. 5 5 Offences against Morality Unnatural offence 17 5 4 Unnatural offence, attempted 2 6 5 Unnatural offence, assault with intent to commit 2 Indecently assaulting a male 63 122 119 Incest 5 3 3 Indecent acts 23 12 7 Publishing obscene matter 1 Offences against the Person, &c. Murder 20 20 11 Murder, attempted 8 7 6 Manslaughter 3 5 5 Suicide, attempted 72 74 72 Concealment of birth 3 4 4 Disabling or stupefying with intent to commit a crime .. 3 3 Wounding with intent to do grievous bodily harm 2 3 3 Endangering safety of persons on railways or tramways .. 3 Assault causing actual bodily harm • 24 " 32 " 29 Causing actual bodily harm under circumstances that, if 18 2 2 death had been caused, would be manslaughter Assault, indecent 144 138 112 Assault with intent to commit a crime 113 7 6 Assault 513 711 647 Assault, aggravated 3 3 Rape 29 21 20 Rape, attempted 8 10 7 Carnally knowing girls under sixteen years 75 66 59 Carnally know girls under sixteen years, attempts to 2 17 17 Carnally knowing idiots or imbecile women 1 Abortion, procuring 8 6 6 Abortion, supplying means of procuring .. 3 3 Bigamy 21 23 22 Abduction 1 Stealing children under fourteen years 4 4 Setting man-trap .. .. .. 1 1


APPENDIX A—continued


, Offences. - 1944. 1945. Number of Offences reported. Number of Offences reported. Number of Offences in which Arrests or Summonses resulted. Crimes and Justices of the Peace Acts, etc.—ctd. Offences against Rights of Property Theft (undescribed) 8,850 9,172 5,551 Theft, attempted 58 67 40 Theft from the person . 15 43 18 Theft from the person, attempted 5 1 Theft from dwellings .. .. 347 473 230 Theft from dwellings, attempted 21 17 3 Theft by clerks or servants 20 38 38 Theft of animals (specified) 27 36 24 Theft of animals, attempted 1 Bringing stolen property into New Zealand 2 False pretences 327 524 489 False pretences, attempted 12 12 8 Obtaining credit by fraud 30 54 51 False accounting by officials or clerks 2 10 10 Conspiracy to defraud 2 2 Fortune-telling or practising witchcraft 8 5 5 Robbery and aggravated robbery 12 32 27 Assault with intent to rob .. .. 4 1 Demanding with intent to steal 1 2 2 Extortion by threats .. .. . 3 2 2 Burglary .. .. .. .. ~. 36 88 57 Burglary, attempted 5 9 3 House or shop breaking, &c. .. 1,606 1,551 853 House or shop breaking, &c., attempted 130 143 68 Being found in dwellinghouse by night 8 6 6 Being armed with intent to break or enter 1 1 Being disguised or in possession of housebreaking implements 2 1 1 Receiving property dishonestly obtained 208 164 161 Forgery 47 90 84 Uttering forged documents or false certificates 16 29 28 Sending false telegram 9 2 2 Personation 2 2 2" Arson 11 36 29 Arson, attempted 3 6 5 Setting fire to crops, attempted 1 Wilfully placing obstruction on railways 3 7 5 Placing explosive with intent to destroy buildings, ships, &c. 1 Mischief 802 792 674 Mischief on railways and tramways 28 10 8 Possessing or making explosive substance, &c., with intent thereby to commit a crime 1 Sending threatening letters 1 1 1 Threatening acts with intent to intimidate 2 Police Offences Act Breach of the peace or behaviour with intent, &c. 446 613 599 Cruelty to animals 69 48 46 Drunkenness 1,996 1,742 1,742 Drunk while in charge of horses, &c., or loaded firearms .. 8 8 8 Drunk and disorderly 128 104 104 Exposure of person and grossly indecent acts 149 134 84 Using profane, indecent, or obscene language 231 260 258 Vagrancy (idle and disorderly persons, rogues and vaga404 276 275 bonds, and incorrigible rogues) Assaulting, obstructing, or resisting constables, &c. 93 99 99 Inciting violence, disorder, or lawlessness 1 6 6 Unlawfully using horses, motor-cars, &c. 1,088 1,381 1,037 Unlawfully on premises at night without criminal intent .. 224 195 152 Sunday trading 25 16, 16 False allegation re commission of offence 13 19 19 Obtaining entrance to entertainment without paying fee .. 2 2 Unlawfully killing domestic ducks 1 1


APPENDIX A—continued

2—H 16


1944. 1945. Offences. Number of Offences reported. Number of Offences reported. Number of Offences in which Arrests or Summonses resulted. Gaming Act Common gaming-house, keeping or managing, &e. Found in a common gaming-house Gaming with instruments Publishing advertisements relating to betting on horseraces Lotteries, unlawfully establishing or conducting, &c. Betting, unlawful .. .. ... .. Following the occupation of bookmaker Publishing betting charts Trespass on racecourse 158 153 113 3 24 22 127 2 41 168 .396 76 1 28 15 235 9 73 168 396 76 1 28 15 234 9 73 Post and Telegraph Act Illegally opening or delaying postal packets Stealing postal packets, mail-bags, &c. Stealing money, &c., from postal packets Fraudulently secreting or detaining misdelivered mailbags, &c. Injuring post-office pillars or boxes Damaging telegraph-equipment Posting indecent post-cards or letters False statement re, posting postal packet .. Misuse of telephone .. .. .. .. • 72 1 2 83 3 2 81 2 15 60 11 5 13 49 5 4 15 3 25 5 4 13 Destitute Persons Act Failing to maintain wife or children Failing for fourteen days to pay maintenance moneys Offences by husbands while separation orders are in force Offences prescribed in sections 52 to 58 of Destitute Persons Act 1,129 1,297 18 1 1,196 1,661 12 3 1,170 1,619 11 3 Shipping and Seamen Act Misconduct endangering his ship or lives of persons thereon Ship-desertion Absent without leave .. .. Offences against discipline Embezzling cargo Harbouring deserters Stowing away 2 118 27 1 1 3 230 27 4 13 "201 27 4 13 Licensing Act Permitting drunkenness or violent conduct Selling or supplying liquor to intoxicated persons Selling or supplying liquor, or exposing for sale, or opening or keeping open premises at unauthorized times Supplying liquor to persons under twenty-one years Selling or supplying liquor to prohibited persons Permitting prohibited persons to be on premises Unlawfully employing females in or about a bar Illegally supplying liquor to Natives Selling adulterated liquor Obstructing Inspectors or refusing entrance to Inspectors or constables Having or purchasing labels for bottling contrary to Act .. Using bottles with labels more than once Breaches of prohibition orders Found on licensed premises after closing-hours Refusing to quit licensed premises Selling or exposing liquor for sale without a license 2 g 567 43 4 3 1 135 5 1 156 910 12 242 3 6 387 50 4 "208 1 1 1 1 171 1,273 8 138 3 6 384 49 3 '*208 1 1 1 1 171 1,273 8 134


APPENDIX A—continued


1944. 1945. Offences. Number of Number of Number of Offences in Offences Offences which Arrests reported. reported. or Summonses resulted. Licensing Act —continued Found on premises where liquor was seized under a warrant 20 6 6 Offences against provisons in force in no-license districts .. 13 45 45 Selling, supplying, or giving liquor to Maoris in Native 9 5 5 licensing districts Offences against provisions of no-license in Native pro19 20 20 claimed areas Supplying liquor to Natives in proclaimed districts 364 455 446 Permitting consumption of liquor in restaurants after hours 16 11 11 In possession of liquor in vicinity of dance-halls, &c. 941 1,218 1,207 Unlawful consumption or removal of liquor 118 118 Supplying liquor without a signed order 7 7 Consuming liquor on a train, &c. 6 6 Innkeeper failing to provide a meal for travellers 4 4 Motob-vehicles Act Causing death or bodily injury through reckless driving .. 25 35 34 Being intoxicated in charge of a motor-vehicle 197 222 221 Reckless or negligent driving 273 290 286 Other breaches of Act 4,914 4,279 4,225 Miscellaneous Absconding from State Institutions 26 30 30 Bankruptcy offences 15 7 7 Brothels or houses of ill fame, keeping, &c. 17 1 Children, wilfully ill-treating, neglecting, abandoning, or 11 9 8 exposing Deserting or absenting from His Majesty's ships 30 63 60 Drunk or behaving in a violent or offensive manner, &c., 18 42 40 on a railway, &c. Failing to comply with conditions of release under 130 113 102 Offenders Probation Act Habitual criminals or offenders, breach of conditions of 3 5 5 probationary license Indecent Publications Act, offences under 7 7 Opium-smoking, &c. 99 31 31 Smuggling .. 1 7 7 Trespassing on railway and refusing to leave, &c. 120 67 65 Arms Act, breaches of 275 289 284 Second-hand Dealers Act, breaches of .. 47 22 22 Distillation Act, breaches of .. 14 2 2 Totals 31,960 33,744 27,965 Increase 1 ~y —' ,784


APPENDIX B Return showing the Strength and Distribution of the New Zealand Police Force on the 31st March, 1946


Districts. Superintendents. Inspectors. Sub-Inspectors. Senior Sergeants. 1 © GO Q Permanent. g cables. I ! Eh Senior Detectives. Detective-Sergeants. Detectives. Acting-Detectives. Total. District Constables. Whangarei 1 1 4 28 5 1 1 41 Auckland i 2 3 10 33 142 94 3 4 19 3 314 i Hamilton 2 1 8 67 8 1 1 2 90 Gisborne 1 1 4 25 8 1 1 41 Napier 1 2 5 39 9 1 61 New Plymouth 1 3 1 39 8 2 55 Wanganui 1 1 3 37 8 1 53 Palmerston North 1 1 7 32 12 1 1 55 Wellington 1 10 19 89 104 7 13 6 258 Nelson 1 2 2 23 6 1 1 36 Greymouth 1 1 4 33 6 1 1 47 Christchurch 1 4 19 90 47 10 1 180 Timaru 1 2 3 28 7 i 1 1 44 Dunedin 1 1 2 12 61 37 I 6 i 124 Invercargill 1 1 3 33 11 I 1 51 Totals 4 19 9 42 127 766 370 li 31 60 n 1,450 I Attached to Headquarters staff . . 1 2 4 1 I 9 Lent to Cook Islands Administration 1 1 2 Lent to Samoan Administration.. 1 1 2 Lent to Niue Island Administration 1 1 Lent to Navy Department 1 1 On leave without pay 3 3 On leave prior to retirement 1 1 5 7 Grand totals .. 5 19 10 45 129 782 371 12 31 60 li 1,475 I


APPENDIX C Return showing the Proportion of Police to Population and Cost of Police per Inhabitant in each of the Undermentioned Places

By Authority: E. Y. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 946. Price 6d.~\


Place. Number of Police. Estimated Population. Proportion of Police to Population. Cost of Police per Inhabitant New Zealand Victoria New South Wales Queensland South Australia Western Australia Tasmania 1,475 2,161 3,681 1,660 902 598 301 1,709,048 2,020,449 2,912,719 1,085,681 631,596 491,579 249,499 1 to 1,159 1 to 935 1 to 791 1 to 654 1 to 700 1 to 822 1 to 829 s. d. 9 10J 10 llj 11 3 17 If 13 2 11 0i 14 6f

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THE POLICE FORCE OF THE DOMINION (ANNUAL REPORT ON), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1946 Session I, H-16

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THE POLICE FORCE OF THE DOMINION (ANNUAL REPORT ON) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1946 Session I, H-16

THE POLICE FORCE OF THE DOMINION (ANNUAL REPORT ON) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1946 Session I, H-16

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