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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency

Note.—Some of the tables have been omitted because the information or part of it can be obtained elsewhere. These tables are as follows, and the tables to which reference can be made are also given: Table A s—see Table E 2 in E.-l for median ages ; Table A 9—see Table 0 1 in E.-l ; Table A 14— Table E sin E.-l ; Table B 2—see Table E 6 in E.-l ; Table D 2 —see Table E 3in E.-l ; Table D 4— see Table N in E.-l ; Table E 2—see Table D in E.-l ; Table J 2—see Table E 5 in E.-l. REPORT OF THE CHIEF INSPECTOR OF PRIMARY SCHOOLS (Me. G. E. OVERTON) FOR THE YEAR 1945 Sir, — I have the honour to present my report on the primary schools for the year ending 31st December, 1945 : Biennial Inspection The biennial instead of the annual plan which has been operating for four years has been tried out under peculiar difficulties. Restrictions on travel seriously impaired mobility, and, although conditions have improved, they are not yet normal. Nevertheless, the biennial plan has approximated to what was intended, and with adequate inspecting staffs, and improved travelling facilities, the plan can fulfil what was envisaged. Two great advantages have been noted—first, with the need to report fully on schools only once during two years, Inspectors have been able to plan their visits to enable more assistance to be given to the less experienced or efficient teachers, and, second, the elimination of a great part of the system of written reports has led to fuller personal discussions on work with the teachers while the Inspectors have been in the schools. Good use is made in the various districts of periodical circulars to teachers containing many suggestions on matters of organization, schemes of work, and methods of teaching different subjects especially where the syllabus has been recently revised.


The former system of writing notes for teachers took up a great part of the evenings, but Inspectors can now devote more time to reading educational literature and to giving addresses. Free use is made of the Department's library. A fuller measure of educational leadership has been attained under the biennial plan. All districts report that every opportunity is taken to address meetings of teachers, School Committees, home and school associations, and other bodies interested in education. Closer contact is maintained with the training colleges, branches of the New Education Fellowship, and officers of the Child Welfare and Vocational Guidance branches. There is also closer liaison with the post-primary inspectorate and teachers. In different centres there are regular meetings of the primary and post-primary teachers, and problems of co-ordination of the courses of work in the schools are discussed with mutual advantage. When the biennial plan was introduced a compromise in the allocation of gradingmarks was made. Instead of awarding the whole biennial increase to teachers in one sum, the marks have been divided into two annual increases. This division has led to much complexity in administering the system, and, together with difficulties of printing, has been the cause of considerable delays in issuing the Teachers' Register. Rehabilitation op Teachers With the cessation of hostilities a new problem presented itself during the year, the return of large numbers of teachers, many of whom had had limited experience in teaching or whose training had been interrupted by the war. It was felt that everything possible should be done to facilitate the rehabilitation of these men in their profession. During their war service their rights as teachers with respect to teaching service for salary increments, promotion, grading, and superannuation had been safeguarded. A few men returned in 1944, and it was found that a period of time spent either in training college or in selected schools was beneficial. Accordingly, in 1945 the system of three-month refresher courses at training college and in schools was instituted. The college staffs were strengthened for the purpose, and work of a varied nature designed to meet the needs and wishes of the men was undertaken with outstanding success. The returned men show preference for real and practical forms of education as exemplified in art, crafts, music, and the use of teaching aids and equipment. While attending these courses, the teachers are paid permanent rates of salary. Many teachers have obtained bursaries or financial assistance provided by the Rehabilitation Department for study at University colleges, the greater number being for full-time courses, estimated at some five hundred for the 1946 session. Many are undertaking science courses, and the teaching service generally will be much strengthened by the addition of so many University trained men. To assist in reducing the size of classes in the large primary schools and in rehabilitating returned teachers, a more liberal staffing schedule was introduced at the end of the year. About 450 new men's position were created, nearly two hundred being A grade or higher paid positions. A large number of training-college students returned to resume their teacher training. Their allowances have been computed on a basis that includes military service as teaching service, and many of the students are paid the rates of salary of probationary or even B Grade assistants. An opportunity was also given to returned servicemen who felt that they would like to take up teaching as a career. Concessions in academic qualifications for admission have been made, and many men have been selected for training. In the past, the opinion has been freely expressed that the age for admission to college is too low and too many entrants are immature. It will be interesting later to compare these with the more mature group of returned men. Training of Teachers In December, 1945, the four training colleges had 1,448 students, exclusive of servicemen, on short courses. Of these, 1,367 were Division A, 24 Division C graduates intending to take up post-primary teaching, and 57 students selected for an additional year's



training in physical education, art and craft, music, speech therapy, and education of the deaf. Good training in principles and method is given to the students, and all the schools within convenient reach are used for teaching practice. It would be better if a selective plan to enable students to observe and practise in the best classes could be adopted, but on account of the larger numbers of students this cannot be done. It would appear that the time is approaching when a fifth college will be needed. Training of teachers is a highly important part of the education system, and, in addition, teachers regard the training colleges as a source of inspiration and leadership in education. The third year of ordinary training is undertaken by the students as probationary assistants in the schools, and in this year they are the special care of the head teachers. .Reports from the various districts state that the probationary assistants, in general, are proving themselves well suited for teaching. There is one small exception, as in one district a few were found to show only mediocre ability, probably the result of the local selection committee's desire to fill the district quota of entrants from its own district. There is no need for this, as each year there is a surplus of good candidates in some districts. During the year, in some quarters, the opinion was expressed that entrants to the profession should be tried out in the schools for one year as probationers before being admitted to training college. This would mean a reversion to the system in operation over twenty years ago. The weight of educational opinion in this country and abroad is in favour of the existing system, where most entrants come straight from the postprimary schools. For teachers in service, refresher courses were held in various centres, the work including physical education, art and craft, infant-room practice, and the new approach in subjects in which the prescriptions have been revised, especially arithmetic. Teachers from the secondary departments of district high schools took part in a course in social studies for post-primary teachers. When staffing conditions in the schools become normal, it is hoped to extend all these courses. Reduction in the Size of Classes One of the legacies of the war has been the inability to introduce this desirable reform. During the war years the training colleges were kept full, but the young men, either before or as soon as their training was completed, were drafted into the Forces. The schools commendably were kept open mainly by women teachers. The more liberal staffing that has been introduced cannot be fully implemented, as hundreds of returned men teachers are taking full-time-study courses under the rehabilitation scheme, and more women teachers than anticipated have resigned. The raising of the school age has also required more teachers. It is probable that 1946 will be the most difficult year for staffing. Another difficulty is accommodation. Some schools have spare rooms for the additional teachers, in some places rented accommodation can be obtained ; but, owing to the heavy demands made on available labour and materials, it will be a considerable time before new class-rooms in sufficient numbers can be erected. The general position, however, is improving, and the latest organization schedules show a progressive reduction in the number of large classes. Standards of Work All reports of Senior Inspectors state that special attention has been given with some success to the standards of work in the fundamental skills of English and arithmetic. The written English of the children is more natural, freer, and more closely associated with other subjects of the curriculum. The new prescriptions in this subject stress the simple accurate English of communication, especially the giving of information, and the simpler forms of letter-writing. Special investigation is being made into the



teaching of spelling to ensure accuracy in the use of everyday words. The greater part of the ordinary written vocabulary comprises a relatively small number of words,' capable of concentrated teaching. Spelling has been the target of criticism for many years, and it is questionable whether the general level of attainment has much deteriorated in recent years. Reports from various sources are conflicting ; nevertheless constant care on the part of teachers will be needed as long as so many of our words are spelt in the clumsy, unphonetic way of present usage. Reform in this connection should be more than a pious hope. Writing is another subject that has been receiving special attention. The average primary school child writes legibly and well, but it is stated that the writing deteriorates with speed, a fault that should not arise if the proper muscular arm movement is progressively developed. Some schools are trying the Palmer system which lends itself to speed, but is not so attractive in appearance. Reading is perhaps one of the best phases of English in our schools, and is becoming richer in scope with improving library facilities. The new syllabus in arithmetic is being more successfully treated as all the standard class textbooks, except one, are now in use by the pupils. The essential features of the prescriptions are a sound knowledge of basic facts, and their application to the number requirements of everyday life. There is a wealth of practical work, which adds interest. It is necessary, however, to ensure thorough memorization of tables, and accuracy of computation, for which practical work cannot be a substitute. The new syllabus contains all the essential features of the old, but the merely pedantic and unreal exercises of the traditional type have been eliminated. Within the restricted scope, greater proficiency should be attained. After the syllabus has been tried thoroughly for at least a year, the time should be opportune for systematic surveys to be undertaken to check up the progress of the children, and to compare the worth of the new syllabus with the old. Revision of the Syllabus The complete revision involves a vast amount of work, which has been apportioned to a number of committees in the four main centres. These committees consist of Inspectors, teachers, and specialists in various fields. The thanks of the Department are due to all members for the onerous work already undertaken. Arithmetic, health, and written English have been completed. The committees on oral English, spelling, and social studies have almost completed their work, and committees will shortly undertake the revision of reading, recitation and literature, writing, nature-study and elementary science, and needlework. A new tentative art scheme is being tried out in selected schools. As the committees complete their reports, they are issued to all branches of the New Zealand Educational Institute, and to the inspection staffs for comments, which are considered before the new syllabus in any subject is compiled. The new syllabus in health and temperance which is in operation is eminently practical, being intended to inculcate a healthy way of living. The whole task involves several years' work as the members of the committees have their ordinary duties to perform, and the difficulties of printing textbooks are so great that the work cannot be hurried. Handbooks for teachers are also to be prepared, and it is hoped that finally the new prescriptions will appear in the form of handbooks of suggestions for teachers —e.g., English, all phases for all classes, arithmetic, social studies, &c. Large quantities of material and equipment are needed in conjunction with new courses of work. A good beginning has been made in supplying schools with apparatus and toys for the infant classes, and also with aids for practical arithmetic in the standard classes.



School Publications (1) Textbooks. —The Department is fully aware that the issue of hew textbooks Is an essential complement to the revised syllabuses in arithmetic and English. The preparation of textbooks in the Department is therefore proceeding rapidly. Unfortunately, the writing of the books has far outstripped the printing and binding •of them. This is due in large measure to post-war difficulties of staff and of supply of materials in the printing trade throughout the Dominion. As over 40,000 copies of each book are required, it will be realized that the printers are faced with a job that would be considered formidable even in normal times. Arithmetic textbooks up to and including that for Form I have been issued to .schools, along with a manual for infant teachers entitled Number in the Infant Room. These books have been well received. The Form II book has been in the hands of the printer for some time, and it is hoped that it will shortly be available to schools. Answer-books to all the arithmetic textbooks have been prepared, but these, too, are delayed by printing difficulties. English textbooks, based on the revised syllabus in written expression issued in the Education Gazette of the Ist February, 1946, have been prepared for Standards 1, 2, 3, and 4. As the Government Printer was unable to undertake the printing of these texts, tenders were invited from private firms. Only one tender was received, and the printing of the Standards 1, 2, and 3 books has been put in hand. Obviously, it will be •some time before the schools are fully supplied. A book entitled New Zealand To-day, suitable for Forms I and II to use in ■connection with the study of New Zealand geography, is also in course of preparation. (2) " School Journal." —Beginning with the February, 1946, issue the School ■Journal has been issued in four parts. A separate Journal is provided for each of Standards 1 and 2, the object being to effect a smoother transition than was possible previously from infant readers to the Journal. In addition, the Journal for Standards ■3 and 4 has been doubled in size. The regular despatch of the Journal has been affected by the shortage of female staff at the Government Printing Office, and it is only through the assistance given by training-college students working at the Printing Office in the -evenings that it has been possible to complete the despatch of each issue. (3) " Education Gazette—The policy of inviting contributions to the Education Gazette and paying for articles accepted has led to a large number of contributions from teachers on aspects of education and teaching practice in which they have specialized. The articles which have appeared, particularly those relating to social studies, general science, and nature-study, have been of considerable interest and value to teachers generally. Interesting Features of School Work (1) Physical Education. —The total specialist field staff is now 70, including organizers, assistant organizers, and additional assistants. Travelling conditions are becoming easier,, and a greater coverage is being obtained. Continued progress is reported from all districts, and the work, which is being placed on a sound basis, is one of the best features in the schools. More apparatus and equipment are being supplied, although supplies of some material are still limited. Special attention is being given to the teaching of swimming and life-saving, with good results. One of the smaller ■education districts reports that twenty-two learners' swimming-pools are in use. These pools are favoured by all educational authorities, as they afford a relatively inexpensive and safe means of teaching swimming. (2) Road Safety Instruction. —This work is shared by the teachers, officers of automobile associations, and of local bodies, and by the five road traffic instructors of the Transport Department, whose duties include the co-ordination and supervision of all the instruction. Good use is made of films., some of which have been prepared in New



Zealand. The instruction is proving successful, and it can safely be stated that our children are acquiring a real road sense. In some districts the work includes checking the fitness of bicycles used by the pupils, and in some schools the issue of warrants of fitness has proved a novel stimulus. The school patrol system has been extended, and isworking well. Regulations governing the work of the patrols have been issued. (3) Art and Crafts. —One of the effects of the war was the inability to obtain from overseas much of the material formerly used for handwork. Attention was given to such local materials as wool, clay, and paper, and now the major crafts are weaving, modelling, and bookbinding. The scheme, so successfully inaugurated in a group of schools three years ago, has been extended to different centres. For its successful operation, adequate special staffing is needed, and, although additional specialists have been trained, there are not yet enough to introduce the plan in all schools. This work is in addition to the usual instruction in woodwork and cookery given in the manualtraining centres. The number of these centres is being gradually increased as far as building conditions permit. Training courses for teachers of woodwork, and of domestic crafts, have been successfully functioning, and the supply of teachers is steadily increasing. Art on modern lines is a pleasing feature of some of the schools. Samples of our children's interpretative art compare favourably with those of overseas children. Great interest is being taken in the exhibition of British Children's Art which is being shown in all suitable towns throughout New Zealand. A good exhibit of our children's art if prepared and similarly displayed would also prove stimulating. (4) Music. —Interest in school singing continues to grow. In more schools real attempts are being made to teach the older children how to read simple music. The work requires skilled teaching and direction, and where the teachers possess this skill fine work is accomplished. There is, however, a dearth of music-specialist teachers, and as staffing conditions become easier it is hoped to train a greater number. All district reports praise the school broadcasts in music, which are proving a factor in raising the standard especially in the country schools that have receiving sets. The opinion is unanimously expressed that school music is the best feature of all school broadcasts. Music festivals are being revived, and several districts report successful functions in which school choirs have combined on a large scale. (5) Visual Aids.—More schools are using film-strip projectors. The number has steadily increased even during the war years. This would not have been possible if an inexpensive and efficient type of projector had not been manufactured in New Zealand. A film-strip library is located in every town in which there is an Education Board office,, and new strips are constantly being added. These cover a wide variety of topics associated with different subjects of the curriculum. The strips, which are of high quality, are prepared locally. Some of the larger schools have sound-projectors, and films are obtainable from the National Film Library. New Zealand is perhaps the only country of the Empire that provides a film-library service to schools free of charge. Good use is made of projectors in the training colleges, and students receive training in their use and care. (6) Libraries.—lt is still difficult to obtain supplies of books, but as far as possible supplementary readers are being provided. These are intended for class use in conjunction with the School Journal. Substantial grants have also been made to provide schools, including intermediate and district high, with suitable reference books for use in social studies and project work. The Country Library Service is extending its school service as fast-as conditions will permit. Attractive books of excellent quality are being provided. A taste for good literature is being fostered. This year saw the incorporation into the Country Library Service of two Education Board library services which, operating in conjunction with local municipal libraries, supplied books to the schools of the districts for the past eight years. These Boards showed commendable enterprise, and it is fitting to express an appreciation of what was accomplished during the difficult war years.



" Book Weeks " have been held in two centres. The radio was used for book talks, displays of books were organized, and book reviews were prepared by the children. These proved a stimulating aid. The " Book Week " movement is well worth trial in other districts. (7) Adopted Schools. —This plan is being successfully continued in a number of the education districts. The adopted schools are mainly sole charge, particularly the small Grade I schools of five to eight pupils in charge of uncertificated teachers. The parent schools are efficient town or country schools which supply suggestions on schemes, methods, and also samples of children's work. The children of the adopted schools as far as possible visit the parent schools, and samples of their work are sent for appraisement by the more experienced teachers. In this way the less experienced teachers are -assisted in all phases of their work, and in appreciating what is a good standard. In some case Inspectors take an active part, and periodically assess pupils' work forwarded by post. A good deal of additional work is involved for all concerned but the results are worthwhile. (8) Agricultural Clubs. —These continue to be a prominent feature of rural education. The number of projects, animal and plot, has been well maintained, and several new -clubs have been formed. During the war food-production was helped by the growing of such crops as potatoes, onions, and roots. In the calf clubs the children take particular pride in looking after the animals, and preparing them for the event of the year, judging day for combined schools' competitions. In the garden projects, sound educational work is carried out in vegetable-growing, in ascertaining what varieties, manures, and cultivation are best suited for varying conditions of soil and climate. Parents are keenly interested, and the movement is valuable, in fostering co-operation between the schools and the homes. The Agricultural Instructors deserve credit for the manner in which the club work has been carried on so well, especially when restricted travel and shortage of staff added to the difficulties. Education of Handicapped Children The number of special classes for backward children is now fifty. Special grants for equipment have been made as handwork and other practical forms of education are featured. These classes are a useful part of the education system as they afford special facilities for children who cannot make sufficient progress in the ordinary classes. For children too backward to gain any benefit from attendance at special classes there are three occupation centres, one of which has become residential this year in order that children from the country can attend. Physical education, music, handwork, and inculcation of good social and personal habits are the main educational features. Sixteen hospital classes are in operation. The teachers work in collaboration with the hospital staffs, and the educational work is planned to have a therapeutic value. Six health-camp schools are now open. The children spend from six weeks to three months at the schools. During the year the headmaster of a well-established school was used in an organizing capacity to visit and advise the teachers of other schools. The camps are under the control of local Health Camp Associations, but the teachers are employed by Education Boards. There are three special schools for physically handicapped children, and about four hundred severely handicapped and crippled children receive tuition from the Correspondence School. The two Schools for the Deaf are accomplishing efficient work, and since there has been a school in each Island the rolls have increased considerably. Specialist teachers are trained each year, and modern methods of vocalizing and lip-reading are used. -Fourteen speech clinics are open, and treatment of various speech defects among the



children is given- by expert teachers. The demand for the establishment of new clinicsis greater than the supply of trained teachers. One of the senior teachers is taking a two-year post-graduate course in England to study and observe latest methods. For dealing with cases of socially maladjusted children, fifteen visiting teachers have been permanently appointed. They act as a liaison between the homes and the schools to which they are attached. The chief problems arise from behaviour, attendance, backwardness, health, and home conditions. The innovation is proving, a great success, and a better understanding of problem cases is being obtained by the teachers of the schools concerned. A study of some of the case histories shows a marked improvement in a comparatively short time. When staffing permits it ishoped to increase the number of visiting teachers. District High Schools The raising of the school age has resulted in a further considerable increase of rolls. During the year two secondary departments became so large that approval was given for their conversion into full post-primary schools as from the beginning of 1946. There is some difficulty in obtaining staffing, but the position should ease when all teachers are demobilized and others have completed full-time study courses under the rehabilitation scheme. In most districts conferences of teachers and post-primary and primary Inspectors have been held to discuss the new curriculum which is being well introduced into the secondary departments. There is a noticeable liberalizing influence, such subjects as music, art, and crafts receiving due recognition. Besides general science, there are suitable options providing for greater attention to rural and domestic sciences. The new curriculum will enable the district high schools to fulfil the function originally intended —to provide the right type of secondary education adapted to the needs of the rural communities in which the schools are situated. A bursary system is in operation to enable Form VI pupils, if they choose, to attend accrediting schools, or to complete their secondary education where there are more extensive facilities. More liberal grants, comparing favourably with those "of secondary and technical schools, have been made to district high schools for maintenance of libraries,'for the teaching of science and of physical education. The field staff in physical education has this year devoted special attention to these schools. A system of activities for pupils of this stage has been evolved, and is proving popular. Intermediate Schools The number of these schools is steadily increasing, and but for the war would have been larger. This type of school has been in operation for a long enough time to prove its real worth in our educational system. The segregation of Pupils of Forms I and II stages has many educational advantages. One of the most remarkable has been the development of a distinctive tone. The pupils are very proud of their schools and show a fine spirit of work. The children are classified according to ability, enabling them to progress at a natural pace. The staffs are specially selected, and contain a number of specialists in various subjects. By these means skilled attention can be given not only to the fundamentals of English and arithmetic, but also to social studies, science, health, physical education, games, literature, music, art, and handcrafts, including woodwork and homecrafts, in a manner that cannot be paralleled in ordinary schools. Form 111 classes cater for the needs of children who do not intend to continue their education at post-primary schools. A choice of school occupations can be offered, and much valuable work of an exploratory and experimental nature is accomplished.



Where schools have model flats, Form 111 girls undertake special home courses in conjunction with work in the cookery and needlework classes. Physical education reaches -a particularly high standard, and films on suitable phases of the work have been made for exhibition. CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL The Correspondence School, established in 1922, is organized to provide educational facilities for persons, whether children or adults, who are unable to attend school owing ■to personal disability, distance, or employment. The enrolment for December, 1945, was —primary, 1,912 ; post-primary, 2,852 (full-time students, 738 ; part-time, including *205 district-high-school pupils, 2,114) ; a total of 4,764. Of this number, over 400 are enrolled on account of physical disability, while approximately 1,110 are adult students including over 300 members of the Armed Services. The staff comprises 79 post-primary teachers, 51 primary teachers, and 31 clerical officers, a total of 161. Pupils are prepared for the usual examinations and certificates,' including Primary Certificate, Secondary School Certificate, Higher Leaving Certificate, University Entrance and Scholarship Examinations, Post and Telegraph Entrance Examination, Public Service Temporaries' Examination, Government Shorthand-typists' and Chamber of Commerce Examinations, and Teachers' "C " Certificate. In all, last year no fewer than 363 students gained successes under these headings. The year 1945 saw considerable development in the number and variety of practical subjects offered by the .school. The courses include commercial, agricultural, woodwork, homecrafts, and other art and craft courses. The time allotted to the Correspondence School for its broadcast lessons is two halfliour sessions per week. The number of full-time visiting teachers remains at six. During the spring and autumn terms visits are paid to pupils living in the back country. During the winter term the service is carried on mostly in urban centres for the benefit of physically handicapped and nearby country students. The school circulating library and teachers' xeference library comprise over ten thousand volumes. Extra-mural activities are of .a varied nature and are closely articulated with the daily life and studies of the pupils, .and include Lone Guides, Brownies, Scouts and Cubs, Junior Red Cross, Animal Welfare, Circle, Meccano and Model Building, Stamp Exchange, Camera, Naturalists, International Relations, Penfriendship, Young Farmers', Playreaders', and Story-writers' 'Clubs. Throughout the year there was a regular and generous despatch of garments .and toys for the benefit of homeless children in Great Britain and the liberated countries •of Europe. Vigorous parents' and ex-pupils' associations have co-operated in these and other fields. The publication of the school magazine, The Postman, and of the .School Circular has been maintained. Improved facilities provided during the year include an annexe of two large new rooms which now accommodate the art and crafts and the special class sections. Altogether the school is performing a very useful and essential service in the educational life of New Zealand. I have, &c., G. E. Overton, Chief Inspector of Primary Schools. The Director of Education, Wellington C. 3.



REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION (Mb, F. C. RENYARD) AND EXTRACTS FROM THE REPORT OF THE SENIOR. INSPECTOR OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS FOR THE YEAR 1945 Sir, — I have the honour to present my report, and extracts from the report of the Senior Inspector of Secondary Schools, for the year 1945. Technical and Combined Schools Inspectorial Staff Mr. William Alexander, late Senior Assistant Master at the Dunedin Technical School, was appointed to a temporary inspectorship early in June, vice Dr. J. Nicol, on military service, and served in that capacity until the end of the year. School Rolls Day-school rolls showed an increase over those of the previous year, but continued falls in evening-class enrolments were reported from most schools. This fall is easily understandable owing to the cumulative effects of the country's war effort and to the fact that no considerable demobilization either from the Armed Forces or from directed industry had taken place before October, which is the end of the evening-school year. Attention was drawn by several principals to certain unsatisfactory features of attendance, which have, in fact,, been frequently referred to in past reports. The chief of these concerns the leaving of day pupils before the completion of the courses on which they had entered. Examination of records showed that at one large school some 50 per cent, of entrants failed to complete the course, and many fell off in their first year of attendance, as soon, in fact, as they had reached the statutory leaving age of fifteen years. Another very unsatisfactory feature is the poor attendance at evening-school classes ; unless there is the stimulus of a qualifying examination to be faced, comparatively few students attend regularly in face of difficulties of transport or of the exigencies of weather. In this connection it would be profitable to have an investigation made as to the relative regularity of attendance of paying students and of free-place holders. It is sometimes stated that paying students tend to be more regular and earnest, in their endeavours than free-place holders, but no research on this matter has been carried out. Staffs The staffing position remained difficult throughout the whole of the year, but with the cessation of hostilities there was a return to the schools during the third term of some teachers who had been on active service, or seconded for industrial work, but, nevertheless, the position remained difficult. Buildings A new technical school was opened at Avondale, located in a fine set of buildingswhich had been erected as a United States naval hospital, but so planned as to be readily convertible for school purposes. The school, controlled by the Auckland Education Board, opened with a roll number of 538 pupils. The Principal is Mr. L. E. Titheridge,. M.A., late of the staff of the Auckland Technical School. The Otahuhu Technical School, which has grown phenomenally during the past few years, had additions of temporary rooms to house intermediate classes, thus freeing rooms in the main block, as well as a domestic-science block and a recreation-hall. In addition, the foundations were laid and much work done towards the erection of a comprehensive workshop block, which was one of the main needs of the school.



Feilding.—During the year the Memorial Library given by Mr. James Knight, a founder member of the Board and its Chairman for the last twelve years, was completed. This munificent gift is in memory of old boys of the school who have fallen in the war, and a more fitting monument for this purpose could hardly be imagined. The library is a beautiful building designed in every way to be as perfect as it was possible to make it. Ultimately it will house from 6,000 to 7,000 books, besides magazines and pamphlets, with ample space for study and research, and with all the necessary ancillary services for cataloguing and repair of books. The thanks of this and of future generations of boys attending the school are surely due to the generous donor. Petone. —At Petone additional workshops for the Hutt Valley Memorial Technical College were commenced. These were first planned in 1940, but shortages of labour and material made it necessary to defer building until 1945. The new shops comprise a senior engineering shop, with a bay where foundry practice may be taught; a weldingshop ; a plumbing shop ; a motor-engineering and heat-engine shop; a woodwork shop; and ten class-rooms. These are all to be erected in reinforced concrete. Masterton. —Wairarapa College. During the year a girls' hostel was established on a splendid property in Essex Street, utilizing a noble residence in a beautiful setting, augmented by a range of modern dormitories and other facilities. The accommodation provided was immediately taken up and was in fact unable to meet the demand. Timaru. —It has been realized for many years that the accommodation provided at the Timaru Technical School is unsuitable and inadequate for the needs of the district, especially so as the school has shown remarkable growth in the last few years, and it was therefore agreed that the Board's Architect should draw up sketch-plans for necessary additions and alterations so that building can proceed as soon as conditions permit. Ashburton. —During the year two class-rooms were added to the school to replace very old and unsatisfactory rooms which had been in use for many years. Dunedin. —A permit to proceed with the erection of the new home-science block after it had reached the foundations stage was refused by the City Council on the grounds that it was planned to be a wood-framed building in a brick area, and after considerable negotiation this decision was upheld. As a consequence it was necessary to redesign the building in reinforced concrete and call for new tenders, resulting in further delay in the provision of these necessary facilities for this school. This school is extremely short of both class-room and playground accommodation, and in •consequence it has been found necessary to limit the enrolments of new entrants,, with the result that some intending pupils have been unable to gain admission. During the year temporary class-rooms were erected at many schools which served to tide over immediate necessities, but acute shortages of corresponding laboratory and workshop accommodation remained in many schools. Technological Examinations As in the four previous years, schools continued to accredit candidates for the preliminary and intermediate stages of all subjects. Final examinations were held by the Department in the subjects of — Cabinetmaking (1 candidate; 0 passes). Carpentry and Joinery (15 candidates; 5 passes). Mechanical Engineering (3 candidates ; 1 pass). Motor Mechanics, minor (4 candidates ; 4 passes). Motor Mechanics, major (1 candidate; 0 passes).



Music Both vocal and orchestral music continues to make advances in range and standards of performance. There will soon be few schools which do not avail themselves of the great power of concerted music in creating and stimulating a directed emotional, and aesthetic background to the corporate life of the school. Trends in Technical Education It is now some twenty-six years since the organization of technical education was placed on its present basis, and the technical high school was made accessible to the-ever-increasing number of those who desired post-primary education of a pre-vocational character. So successful has the movement been that in the large centres the schools have grown to unmanageable size, and for some time now restriction upon entry has been necessary to prevent swamping. At the same time evening classes have been fostered and developed, and of late years, especially, organized courses for higher technical education have been offered in the schools in the main centres. Even so, emphasis in both day and evening schools has always been laid on the pre-vocational basis of all students' work—that is to say, the mathematical and scientifictreatment of the background has taken precedence over purely empiric instruction in the practical arts. It is true, of course, that circumstances have militated against complete realization, of these aims, one of these being the comparatively short average stay of the pupils. Another factor, operating chiefly in centres where there is a choice of post-primary schools, is the tendency for an undue proportion of pupils of superior intelligence to enrol at schools which provide mainly academic courses. Many secondary schools,, however, especially those in country districts, are widening their curricula and undertaking courses similar to those that were at one time only to be found in technical high schools. The process has been aided by the issue of common regulations for both typesof schools covering many of their most important functions. It can be said, then, that at present the Dominion is fairly well covered with schools of the technical-high-school type and that sharp differentiation in function is now to befound only in places where schools of different types exist side by side, and that even in these circumstances the gap tends to close. While, however, it may be, confidently stated that pre-vocational education up to the age of about sixteen years has been reasonably well provided for, it cannot be said that higher technical education up to the level of the associate membership of the professional institutions has been freely provided or demanded. Valiant attempts are being made at certain metropolitian colleges to provide comprehensive courses for entry to the professional side of engineering, but the difficulties are great, and the results, so far,, meagre. For this purpose full-time courses of study are necessary, and legislation providing for daylight training of apprentices, together with bursaries tenable at technical, colleges, would seem to be essential steps. In countries organized as large-scale producers of manufactured goods, there has been, over the years a very distinct transfer of ability from the professions to manufacturing; industries, and it is certain that this trend will become more accentuated in the post-war struggle for markets ; it is a tendency that New Zealand cannot afford to ignore. It is, in my view, urgently necessary to provide for higher technical education for a much larger number of persons than is at present the case, and to take steps to ensure that a fair proportion of those of the highest intellectual ability are enabled to take these coursesIn order that this may come about, certain changes are necessary, among which the following are the most important: the raising to senior status of the technical schools in the metropolitan centres by providing full-time day courses for apprentices and others studying for professional diplomas, and by eliminating much of the junior work now



undertaken ; the setting-up of a Technological Examinations Board (similar to the City and Guilds of London Institute); the granting of bursaries and scholarships for technical students ; and the appointment to the Department of a senior officer to take administrative control of higher technical education as his main duty. Trade Training in Engineering Subjects Of recent years there has been an increasing demand for trade training at a lower level than that referred to in the preceding paragraph of this report. The training demanded is not at the pre-vocational level provided in technical-high-school courses, nor does it rank with higher technical training of institution standard, but it is concerned chiefly with trade processes using specialized instruments and machines—often quite intricate and valuable ones —to do emergency jobs in installation and repair work, by methods not always far removed from purely empirical ones. The need for training of this kind is emphasized more particularly in the motor-engineering trade, in connection with which the New Zealand Motor Trade Certification Board has been set up and has become very active in furthering the instruction and examination of motor apprentices throughout New Zealand. A full-time technical organizer has been appointed by that Board, who regularly visits all schools conducting classes for motor apprentices and makes suggestions to the controlling authorities for the improvement of conditions. These visits are made with the authority of the Director of Education, and the co-operation of the Certification Board has been appreciated not only for helpful suggestions made, but also for contributions of equipment and the loan of projectors and films used for teaching purposes. However, as might be expected, the results of this intensive drive have been to stimulate applications for the erection or renting of buildings, for the appointment of additional instructors, and for the provision of general and specialized equipment, which would run into a very large sum of money. The objections to the provision of equipment on such a scale for one industry alone are many, but they may be stated as follows—(1) Unless and until daytime training for apprentices becomes a fact, much of this equipment would be idle except for perhaps a few hours use in the course of a year: (2) Much of it is highly specialized' and adapted to motor vehicles of present-day design ; there is a great danger of the equipment becoming rapidly obsolete and valueless, especially with impending post-war changes in design to be expected : (3) Practically all of it needs to be imported, and at present little is available from British sources : (4) For a proper understanding of its use, instructors having the necessary background knowledge of science and mathematics, as well as practical experience in its daily application, are necessary; similarly, a background of prevocational training is essential to its full understanding by the students themselves. It is doubtful if these pre-requisite conditions in general exist. Recruitment and Training of Technical School Teachers During the year approval was given for the selection and training of some twentyfive qualified tradesmen in wood- and metal-work trades to become qualified teachers of these crafts in technical schools and manual-training centres. An organization was worked out with the collaboration of the Auckland Education Board and the Auckland Technical College Board to enable the training to be inaugurated in Auckland early in 1946, and the thanks of the Department are due to these two bodies and their administrative officers for their helpful attitude. It is hoped by means of this training scheme to secure a flow of trained capable teachers to put into effect the practical subjects of the new post-primary curriculum, as well as to staff manual-training centres and intermediate schools.


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Great difficulty has been experienced during the year in filling the higher posts in technical schools, particularly the headships of engineering departments. It has been suggested that the scale of salaries is insufficient to attract and to hold suitable graduates with experience in industry, when so much better prospects are offered to such men in professional and administrative positions in industry itself, either in New Zealand or abroad. The facts are, of course, that men of such training and calibre are very few and far between, whether they incline to industry or to teaching, and it is very much to be doubted whether increased salaries alone would produce the men who are necessary to staff the technical schools on the industrial sides. It is a problem which needs some definite research into conditions obtaining not only in New Zealand, but also in more highly industrialized countries where the same problem must present itself in accentuated form, and it is hoped that such a research will soon be undertaken. Secondary Schools " Inspectorial Staff Wing Commander E. Caradus resumed duty in January, 1946, as Chief Inspector of Secondary Schools after having served since Ist October, 1943, as Director, R.N.Z.A.F. Educational Services. Mr. A. M. Nicholson, who has acted as temporary Inspector of Secondary Schools since February, 1944, relinquished his appointment on 31st January, 1946, on being appointed Principal of Tauranga College. Owing to the increasing work of the inspectorate, Mr. S. M. Kincross M.A., A.R.A.N.Z., of Rongotai Clolege, has been appointed Inspector of Secondary Schools, taking up duty on Ist March, 1946. New Regulations for Post-primary Schools The past year has seen the end of important negotiations concerning changes in the curriculum of post-primary schools. These changes were fore-shadowed by the work of the Consultative Committee on the Post-primary Curriculum set up by the Hon. the Minister of Education in November, 1942. This Committee made its report in December, 1943, and, after very full discussion during the years 1944 and 1945, the main proposals of the Committee were found acceptable to the general body of teachers and others interested in education. The proposals were embodied in the Education (Post-primary Instruction) Regulations 1945, which were issued to schools at the end of the year. The regulations set forth the organization of the curriculum of post-primary schools and define the nature and scope of the compulsory subjects which have come to be called " the Common Core." The regulations further define the conditions under which the School Certificate may be awarded, and set forth a list of thirty-three subjects from which a candidate may make his chojce. They also deal with the endorsement of the School Certificate and the award of a Higher School Certificate to pupils who have attended a recognized post-primary school or schools for five years and have complied with certain conditions. Provision is also made in the regulations for the award by examination of a Certificate of Attainment to candidates who are unable to satisfy the condition of three years' attendance at a recognized post-primary school. Schools have in most cases anticipated the provisions of the new regulations, and much sound experimental work is already in progress. Certain safeguards enable schools, without undue hardships to make the transition from the old regulations to the new. It is not to be expected that the full significance of the above changes will be apparent for some years to come. There are difficulties in the provision of trained specialist teachers, particularly in art, music, and physical education. The great importance now given to these subjects makes additional equipment necessary, and the changed outlook in general science and social studies makes heavier demands on the teachers of these subjects. The enthusiasm which teachers show in their efforts to put into practice the new proposals augurs well for the future.



New School . Whangarei High School attained a roll of 733 on Ist March, 1945. At the end of the year authority was granted to divide the school into separate boys' and girls' schools. The Whangarei Girls' High School began its separate existence on Ist March, 1946, with a roll number of 385, Miss C. S. Bell, M.A., of Wellington East Girls' College, becoming the new Principal. The total number of secondary schools is now 40. School Rolls The rolls of secondary and combined schools are beginning to assume a stabilized form after the rapid increases brought about by the raising of the school leaving age. The numbers enrolled on Ist March for the past four years are as follows : 1943. 1944. 1945. 1946. Secondary Schools (39).. 16,218 18,573 20,042 (40) 20,265 Combined Schools (7) .. 3,276 3,639 3,843 3,837 Registered Private Secondary Schools During the year provisional registration was granted to eight private secondary schools, bringing the number to 73. The rolls of the two endowed schools and the private registered secondary schools at Ist July each year have varied as follows : 1943, 6,926 ; 1944, 7,847 ; 1945, 8,933. Staffing Regulations As the supply of teachers is now showing improvement, the staffing provisions of the Post-primary Teachers' Regulations have been made applicable as from Ist February, 1946. Accrediting and University Entrance The new system of entrance to the University has been in full operation for the first time in the year just ended. The number of candidates who presented themselves for entrance was 2,186. Of these, 1,213 were accredited. Of the remainder, 942 sat for the examination and 317 passed. The new system is working smoothly, and there is good reason to believe that schools are planning the courses of their Sixth Form pupils with greater freedom, and giving a more rational preparation for future University study. Public Service Entrance Examination This examination was conducted for the last time in 1945. The Public Service Commissioner has agreed to the abandonment of this examination as a means of testing fitness to enter the Public Service, and has agreed to the use of the School Certificate Examination for this purpose. For the examination just completed 2,440 entered, and 1,335 passed. School Certificate Examination This examination was conducted in 1945 for the last time under old regulations. From 1946 onwards the conditions for the award of the School Certificate are set forth in the Education (Post-primary Instruction) Regulations 1945, and the prescriptions for the subjects of the examination are laid down by the Hon. the Minister of Education under the authority of these regulations. The number of candidates for the examination just completed was 6,693, of whom 3,190 passed and 1,120 gained partial passes.


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Higher Leaving Certificate This certificate was awarded for the last time in 1945. Under the Education (Postprimary Instruction) Regulations 1945 the certificate will be replaced by the endorsement of the School Certificate of pupils who subsequently do satisfactory work for another year. Pupils who complete a five years' course of study in a recognized post-primary school will, under certain conditions, be eligible for the award of a new certificate called the Higher School Certificate. Higher Leaving Certificates were awarded as follows : 1945. 1944. Secondary and combined schools .. .. 1,296 1,158 Technical high schools .. .. .. 156 108 District high schools.. .. .. .. 129 128 Endowed and registered private secondary schools 430 382 Correspondence School .. .. .. 9 10 2,020 1,786 Educational Bursaries The total expenditure on national bursaries and special bursaries during the financial year was £52,124, as compared with £45,667 for the previous year. In addition, the sum of £7,953 was expended on secondary-school bursaries, as against £4,835 during the previous year. The number of bursaries current during 1945 and the awards at the close of the year are given in the following table :

Changes in the Schools Mr. F. M. Renner, M.A., Headmaster of Rongotai College, retired at the end of 1945 after eighteen years' service as Principal, and was succeeded by Mr. H. A. Heron, M.A., of Horowhenua College. Mr. J. Stewart, M.A., Headmaster of Marlborough College, has resigned, his resignation to take effect from September, 1946. Dr. G. H. Uttley, Headmaster of Southland Boys' High School, resigned at the end of the year, and Mr. M. Leadbetter, M.A., Headmaster of Waimate High School, was appointed in his place.


Current in— Awards at Beginning of — 1945. 1944. 1946. 1945. Agriculture 25 21 20 15 Architecture 5 4 2 2 Engineering 27 20 15 15 Fine arts 14 13 4 4 Home science 60 61 20 20 Science 31 14 20 20 National boarding 210 197 65 65 Ordinary national 1,969 1,738 * 926 Total Secondary-school bursaries Grand total 1 2,341 2,068 1,067 222 149 218 193 2,563 2,217 1,260 * Not available.


Refresher Courses for Teachers Following upon the successful inauguration last year of a special refresher course in social studies for post-primary teachers, the grant for refresher courses was increased from £l,OOO to £2,000, this sum including provision for primary teachers as well. It was decided to arrange special courses in general science and in physical education, while, in addition, Lincoln Agricultural College arranged a course. for teachers of agriculture. Two courses for teachers of science were held for one week in January, 1946, one at "Victoria University College and one at Canterbury University College. The control of these courses was again vested in a Committee appointed by the three teachers' organizations. The thanks of all interested in education are due to the two University colleges, and in particular to Professors Richardson and Percival for their efforts in making the •courses so successful. A course in physical education was conducted by Mr. Smithells and his staff at New Plymouth Boys' High School. Buildings Substantial progress has been made during the past year towards the solution of the accommodation problems of secondary schools. In Auckland, Mount Albert Grammar ;School has had completed a new sanitary block ; and good progress is being made towards the rebuilding of Epsom Girls' Grammar School. At Takapuna Grammar School, new metal work and art-rooms and three new class-rooms have been completed, and progress is being made with a new domestic-science block. Thames High School has a new library and a new craft-room, and plans are ready for a new science laboratory. Hamilton High School has a class-room converted to an art-room, and Gisborne High School has acquired a new section and buildings which will help in easing the congestion due to increased numbers. At Hastings High School a contract has been arranged for new technological and domestic-science blocks. Dannevirke High School has a new swimming-bath, and plans for a hall are ready for calling tenders. The art and home-science building at New Plymouth Girls' High School is now in .occupation. Good progress is being made with the new wing of the Wellington Girls' 'College, which should be occupied shortly. At Rangiora High School woodwork and metalwork rooms are approaching completion, and plans are. in preparation for hostel accommodation. Four new rooms have been completed at the Christchurch Girls' High School and were occupied in September. Ashburton High School has new woodwork and cookery rooms converted from Army buildings. The domestic-science department at Timaru Girls' High School has received important extensions, and Waimate High School has dressing-rooms and woodwork storage accommodation provided from converted Army buildings. Plans are ready for three new class-rooms at King's High School, Dunedin, while the new hall of South Otago High School has been completed, and arrangements are being made for a new metalwork-room. The plans •of Gore High School are ready for calling tenders, and good progress is being made with the building of the new girls' high school at Invercargill. School Hostels The demand for accommodation in school hostels still remains unsatisfied, although .several schools have increased the size of their buildings. The number of pupils resident in school hostels attached to secondary and combined schools during the year was 2,429, as against 2,287 in 1944. The following schools stand first among those accommodating boarders in receipt of boarding-allowances : Whangarei High School, 137 ; New Plymouth Boys' High .School, 104; Waitaki Boys' High School, 88.



Decorations and Distinctions For his services ,as Director of the Royal New Zealand Air Force Educational; Services, Wing Commander E. Caradus, Chief Inspector of Secondary Schools, was awarded' the 0.8. E. Miss J. B. Wilson, Principal of Waitaki Girls' High School, received the M.B.E. The following teachers received during.the year the awards indicated Lieut.-Colonel A. W. F. O'Reilly, Correspondence School: M.C. Lieut.-Colonel D. G. Grant, Christchurch West High School: M.C. Major G. G. Turbott, Takapuna Grammar School: M.C. Captain G. E. Wilson, Marlborough College : M.C. Squadron Leader G. F. Chippendale, Rangiora High School: M.B.E. Major J. R. P. Griffin, Wellington College : M.B.E. Lieut.-Colonel R. G. Webb and Major H. H. Craig, both of Rotorua High School,, were mentioned in despatches. General Observations The schools have faced with confidence and initiative the new tasks imposed on, them by the introduction of new regulations. This has been particularly evident in the efforts made to interpret the syllabuses .laid down for biology, social studies, art, and general cultural activities. The refresher courses in general science have been followed with the same interest as the course in social studies in the previous year. The heavy demand for admission to the courses indicates both the enthusiasm of teachers and the value of such a means of providing for adequate discussion. Physical education may be considered to have been firmly established in the secondary schools. The course conducted by Mr. Smithells and his staff at New Plymouth is already giving excellent results. Associated with the changes in thecurriculum is the demand for new equipment. Such equipment is in very short supply.. The Department has, however, taken steps to make up deficiencies from the equipment now being made available by the War Assets Realization Board. For this purposemuch good work has been done by Messrs. L. le F. Ensor and R. Hynes, and the thanks of teachers are due to them for their initiative. Building problems are still acute, but immediate needs are fairly well satisfied.. Much requires still to be done, however, to provide for specialist equipment to meet the needs of the new curriculum. I have, &c., F. C. Renyard, Superintendent of Technical Education. The Director of Education, Wellington.



Table A1.—PUBLIC PRIMARY SCHOOLS BY GRADE, and Intermediate Schools and Departments, December, 1945


o "■a oS Education District. §3 . Grade or Subg of School. Boll for determining Grade of School. T3 « 03 3 § < <s Pi cS 3 EH "3 A cS ac c3 £ £ M © te eg M J .1° *<£> £ § *o> £ sA 1 1 o J o £ 3 "§ o 02 IS 2 . d l"Sfl H I II IIlA IIIE IYa XVB IVc Va VB Vc VD YI 1-8 9-24 25-30 31-70 71-110 .. 111-150 151-190 191-230 231-270 271-310 311-350 351-870 Intermediate schools and departments 17 147 59 185 55 35 19 11 10 9 6 61 13 8 30 11 44 10 8 6 1 5 7 12 67 5 39 18 8 1 4 1 4 ii 2 10 59 8 35 16 5 3 5 3 4 3 9 2 12 64 7 43 16 8 11 3 6 4 6 27 2 17 30 5 26 4 7 4 3 3 10 116 17 75 26 8 2 9 9 4 1 29 2 15 66 9 44 13 10 5 1 4 1 7 12 4 5 53 23 39 8 5 6 1 2 1 1 6 1 106 632 144 530 166 94 57 35 40 27 27 165 26 Totals 627 130 172 162 209 99 308 191 151 2,049 Note. —Thirty-nine main schools with side schools attached are counted separately and are Included in the separate grades determined by the separate average attendance of each school.



Table A 2.—ATTENDANCE at Public Primary Schools and Intermediate Schools and Departments in 1945

(Excluding Forms III and IV pupils of Intermediate Schools, Secondary Departments of District High Schools, but including pupils in special classes and Standard VII) Education District. Roll Numbers. Mean of Average Weekly Roll of Three Terms, 1945. Average Attendance for Whole Year (Mean of Average Attendance of Three Terms). Average Attendance as Percentage of AverageWeekly Roll, 1945. Pupils at 31st December, 1944. Pupils at 31st December, 1945. Boys. Grills. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. Auckland Taranaki Wanganui Hawke's Bay Wellington Nelson Canterbury Otago Southland Intermediate schools and departments Totals 68,329 10,804 13,916 13,975 26,497 6,408 30,999 16,194 10,183 8,309 69,349 11,199 14,411 14,517 26,543 6,487 31,394 16,224 10,196 9,077 34,313 5,545 7,091 7,273 13,318 3,213 15,496 8,123 5,033 4,798 31,983 5,045 6,659 6,522 12,129 2,968 14,472 7,372 4,718 4,343 66,296 10,590 13,750 13,795 25,447 6,181 29,968 15,495 9,751 9,141 30,222 5,000 6,303 6,495 11,730 2,902 13,786 7,212 4,490 4,455 28,022 4,526 5,857 5,763 10,680 2,658 12,810 6,543 4,233 4,002 58,244 9,526 12,160 12,258 22,410 5,560 26,596 13,755 8,723 8,457_ 87-85 89-97 88-43 88-86 88-07 89-95 88-74 88-77 89-46 92-52 205,614 209,397 104,203 96,211 200,414 92,595 85,094 177,689 88-66 Note. —The corresponding figures for the secondary departments of district high schools will be found in Table G 1 on page 37 of this paper, and the corresponding figures for Forms III and IV of the separate intermediate schools in Table B 1 on page 27 of this paper.


Table A3.—AGE AND SEX of Public Primary and Intermediate Pupils at 1st July, 1945


(Including Standard VII, Special Classes, and Forms I and II of Intermediate Schools and Departments) 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 and 9 and 10 and 11 and 12 and 13 and 14 and 15 and 16 Years Grand under under under under under under under under under under under and Totals. 6 Years, 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. over. Totals. Education district — Auckland Boys 4,422 4,357 4,242 3,968 3,946 3,752 3,230 2,835 2,001 1,015 215 15 33,998 65,883 Girls 4,122 4,181 4,115 3,920 3,785 3,575 3,098 2,612 1,582 750 123 22 31,885 Tara'naki Boys 613 629 684 620 584 625 560 532 424 234 30 "l 5,536 10,607 Girls 612 585 626 610 539 525 567 523 332 139 12 1 5,071 Wanganui .. Boys 918 860 912 853 817 847 658 578 379 205 50 2 7,079 13,733 Girls 838 883 869 845 821 756 644 522 323 127 25 1 6,654 Hawke's Bay Boys 873 892 908 870 802 844 694 593 452 234 48 2 7,212 1 1 13 752 Girls 819 839 842 788 815 754 640 510 340 161 30 6,540 J r Wellington Boys 1,700 1,695 1,590 1,571 1,385 1,396 1,408 1,238 824 360 49 8 13,224 1 25 248 Girls 1,518 1,603 1,448 1,410 1,334 1,261 1,251 1,210 690 261 38 12,024 j r Nelson Boys 400 363 374 362 352 341 307 318 259 104 21 3,201 I fi 119 Girls 368 378 352 341 336 300 325 308 155 70 8 2,941 , r u y iTw Canterbury Boys 1,872 1,908 1,804 1,751 1,703 1,723 1,646 1,499 980 426 59 ' ' 8 15,379 1 2Q 777 Girls 1,724 1,881 1,763 1,754 1,638 1,549 1,581 1,369 806 293 34 6 14,398 J r A a 9 1 1 1 Otago Boys 1,051 1,022 1,034 955 910 854 775 710 471 264 32 6 8,084 1 IK J.IA Girls 875 947 941 865 900 899 755 603 348 160 22 11 7,326 j r Southland Boys 607 588 609 586 571 583 449 444 348 158 18 4,961 1 q ft 9 9 Girls 582 622 549 592 562 503 432 435 253 118 12 "l 4,661 J r Intermediate schools and Boys 70 926 1,732 1,314 627 131 9 4,809 1 9 179 departments Girls "2 75 1,067 1,663 1,076 425 59 3 4,370 r Totals Boys 12,456 12,314 12,157 11,536 11,070 11,035 10,653 10,479 7,452 3,627 653 51 103,483 L 1QQ QPCQ Girls 11,458 11,919 11,505 11,125 10,732 10,197 10,360 9,755 5,905 2,504 363 47 95,870 r iyy fooo Percentage of pupils of each age 12-0 12-2 11-9 11-4 10-9 10-6 10-5 10-2 6-7 3-1 0-5 * 100-0 Totals, 1944 Boys 10,943 11,992 11,483 11,129 11,025 10,953 10,841 10,882 8,264 3,467 503 58 101,540 \ Girls 10,512 11,499 10,963 10,592 10,281 10,443 10,326 10,025 6,620 2,258 347 53 93,919 / iyo, 4to v Difference Boys + 1,513 +322 + 674 +407 +45 + 82 -188 -403 -812 + 160 + 150 -7 + 1,943 \ IO QQA Girls +946 +420 +542 +533 +451 -246 +34 -270 -715 +246 + 16 -6 + 1,951 f TU) Out * Insignificant percentage,



Table A4.—STANDARD CLASSIFICATION of Public Primary and Intermediate Pupils at 1st July, 1945

(Excluding Secondary Departments of District High Schools and Form III of Intermediate Schools and Departments, but including special classes, Forms I and II of all Intermediate Schools and Departments and Standard VII) Pupils at 1st July in Standards and Forms. Special Classes for Pupils in Preparatory Backward Children. Classes. Standard 1. Standard 2. Standard 3. Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. Education district — Auckland .. .. 125 74 199 11,531 10,268 21,799 4,455 4,273 8,728 4,379 4,127 8,506 4,171 4,047 8,218 Taranaki .. .. 23 9 32 1,708 1,508 3,216 700 620 1,320 643 604 1,247 641 599 1,240 Wanganui .. .. 40 20 60 2,416 2,186 4,602 925 898 1,823 897 821 1,718 875 873 1,748 Hawke'sBay .. 53 22 75 2,496 2,130 4,626 916 894 1,810 907 831 1,738 904 837 1,741 Wellington .. .. 89 55 144 4,293 3,728 8,021 1,725 1,530 3,255 1,565 1,444 3,009 1,433 1,354 2,787 Nelson .. .. .. .. .. 1,002 895 1,897 389 362 751 391 350 741 363 334 697 Canterbury .. .. 140 86 226 4,984 4,404 9,388 1,854 1,840 3,694 1,818 1,722 3,540 1,807 1,703 3,510 Otago .. .. 72 46 118 2,602 2,175 4,777 1,072 997 2,069 975 873 1,848 992 929 1,921 Southland .. .. 28 18 46 1,501 1,386 2,887 655 584 1,239 623 615 1,238 622 559 1,181 Intermediate schools and .... departments —— Totals .. .. 570 330 900 32,533 28,680 61,213 12,691 11,998 24,689 12,198 11,387 23,585 11,808 11,235 23,043 Percentage of pupils of .. .. 0-5 .. .. 30-7 .. .. 12-4 .. .. 11-8 .. .. 11-6 each standard —— —- — ; Totals, 1944 .. 595 320 915 30,576 27,203 57,779 12,296 11,481 23,777 11,823 11,030 22,853 11,958 11,113 23,071 Difference.. .. -25 +10 -15 +1,957 +1,4-77 +3,434 +395 +517 +912 +375 +357 +732 -150 +122 -28


Table A 4.—STANDARD CLASSIFICATION of Public Primary and Intermediate Pupils at 1st July, 1945—continued


(Excluding Secondary Departments of District High Schools and Form III and IV of Intermediate Sohools and Departments, but including special classes, Forms I and II of all Intermediate Schools and Departments and Standard VII) —continued Pupils a t 1st July in Standards and Forms —continued. Totals. Standard 4. Form I. Form IT. Form III. Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. Education district — Auckland Taranaki ., Wanganui Hawke's Bay Wellington Nelson Canterbury Otago Southland Intermediate schools and departments Totals 4,120 676 847 827 1,529 363 1,697 953 584 3,901 561 795 805 1,326 326 1,650 985 555 8,021 1,237 1,642 1,632 2,855 689 3,347 1,938 1,139 2, *23 594 563 647 1,350 374 1,646 715 470 2,399 2,763 608 545 532 1,299 390 1,532 646 448 2,161 5,486 1,202 1,108 1,179 2,649 764 3,178 1,361 918 4,560 2,455 536 510 458 1,240 314 1,426 682 459 2,410 2,388 545 512 485 1,288 284 1,439 655 467 2,209 4,843 1,081 1,022 943 2,528 598 2,865 1,337 926 4,619 39 15 6 4 5 7 21 19 44 17 4 4 22 20 29 83 32 10 8 5 29 41 48 33,998 5,536 7,079 7,212 13,224 3,201 15,379 8,084 4,961 4,809 31,885 5,071 6,654 6,540 12,024 2,941 14,398 7,326 4,661 4,370 65,883 10,607 13,733 13,752 25,248 6,142 29,777 15,410 9,622 9,179 11,596 10,904 22,500 11,481 10,924 22,405 10,490 10,272 20,762 116 140 256 103,483 95,870 199,353 Percentage of pupils of each standard Totals, 1944 113 11-2 10-4 0-1 100-0 11,646 11,065 22,711 11,706 11,149 22,855 10,877 10,468 21,345 63 90 153 101,540 93,919 195,459 Difference -50 -161 -211 -225 -225 -450 -387 -196 -583 +53 +50 + 103 + 1,943 + 1,951 +3,894


Table A8. —AGE AND ATTAINMENT of Pupils leaving Primary Schools during 1945


In Form II. Age. With Primary School Certificate. Without Primary School Certificate. In Form I. In Standard 4. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. 1 Girls. 15 years and over 14 „ under 15 13 „ „ U 12 „ „ 13 11 „ „ 12 Under 11 years 942 2,302 3,275 1,075 49 628 1,805 3,623 1,515 77 301 68 22 2 269 49 17 '6 364 139 18 10 5 2 204 83 6 6 5 97 33, 5 8 11 1 45 13 6 4 9 2 Totals, 1945 Totals, 1944 7,643 8,295 7,648 8,302 393 285 341 201 538 482 304 288 155 126 79 53 Difference -652 -654 + 108 +140 +56 + 16 +29 +26 Age. In Standard 3. , In Standard 2 or lower. Totals. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Total. 1 15 years and over 14 „ under 15 13 „ „ 14 12 „ „ 13 11 „ „ 12 Under 11 years 35 19 3 2 2 3 19 3 2 2 4 15 13 5 2 5 19 1 13 1 3 3 29 1,754 2,574 3,328 1,099 72 25 1,178 1,950 3,656 1,536 96 35 2,932 4,524 6,984 2,635 168 60 Totals, 1945 Totals, 1944 64 30 30 14 59 39 49 21 8,852 9,257 8,451 8,879 17,303 18,136 Difference +34 + 16 +20 +28 -405 -428 -833



Table A15.—REGISTERED PRIVATE PRIMARY SCHOOLS Number of Schools, Pupils, and Teachers at the End of 1945

Number of Teachers. Number of Schools. Boll Number at End of Year. UndenomiCatholic Other District. Average A OTl /"I national Church Church AuucIIU.Total Boll. aiice. scnoois. scnoois, scnoois. UndenomiCatholic Other Total UndenomiCatholic Other national Church Church Number national Church Church Schools. Schools. Schools. of Schools. Schools. Schools. Schools. Boys. Girls. Total. M. M. F. M. P. Auckland 5 58 19 82 192 7,700 1,359 4,528 4,723 9,251 8,096 11 15 196 22 43 Taranaki 11 2 13 1,347 56 654 749 1,403 1,241 39 3 Wanganui 2 17 7 26 100 1,681 386 1,091 1,076 2,167 1,919 5 4 48 ii 8 Hawke's Bay .. 3 13 4 20 112 1,532 172 849 967 1,816 1,638 6 5 37 8 4 Wellington 1 42 10 53 42 4,615 1,034 2,628 3,063 5,691 4,992 2 1 12 126 4 36 Nelson 6 1 7 646 12 340 318 658 585 19 1 Canterbury 4 52 11 67 238 4,862 904 2,954 3,050 6,004 5,203 3 12 i3 129 6 28 Otago 24 4 28 2,014 241 1,156 1,099 2,255 1,941 6 64 1 10 Southland 1 11 12 59 1,097 534 622 1,156 982 4 3 34 Totals, 1945 .. 16 234 58 308 743 25,494 4,164 14,734 15,667 30,401 26,597 5 39 58 692 55 133 Totals, 1944 .. 17 230 54 301 793 25,120 3,804 14,247 15,470 29,717 25,989 8 40 63 683 48 133 Difference .. -1 +4 +4 +7 -50 +374 +360 +487 + 197 +684 +608 -3 -1 -5 +9 +7


Table A17.—CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL, Primary Department Average Weekly Roll, Classification, etc.


— Average Weekly Roll. Roll Number December. Classification according to Standards of Pupils on Roll at 1st July. Number of Assistant Teachers on Staff (December). Special Class for Backward Children. Class P. SI. S2. S3. S4. FI. FII. Adult Section. Totals. Total. & o M 3 o B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. M. F. B. G. M. J?. 1944 1945 Difference 1,871 1,847 1,920 1,912 95 97 91 119 281 286 326 327 94 85 123 94 66 73 102 106 85 66 81 83 74 67 106 75 71 58 109 97 69 60 89 92 37 31 25 24 872 823 1,052 1,017 1,924 1,840 1 2 46 49 -24 -8 +2 +28 +5 +1 -9 -29 +7 +4 -19 +2 -7 -31 -13 -12 -9 +3 -6 -1 -49 -35 -84 + 1 +3


(a) These are intermediate departments, consisting of Form I and Form II pupils, which have been attached to secondary schools. (b) This school is a technical high school to which is attached an intermediate department. (e) These schools are separate intermediate schools. (d) District high school including a primary-school department up to Standard 4, m intermediate or junior secondary department consisting of the former Form I and Form II pupils, and a senior high school or senior secondary department. (e) District high school with intermediate department attached.

Table B1.—ROLLS and CLASSIFICATION of PUPILS and STAFFS of Intermediate Schools and Departments as at 1st July, 1945


i FH . !=l S Classification of Pupils on Roll as at 1st July, 1945. '32 fl-a Number of "Full-time Intermediate School c "S 1-1 <=)§•» -sirC 10 tT Assistant Teachers, or department £ § £f 2 » §83 m® Form I. Form II. Form III. Form IV. All Forms. ■Sal | flrH |<S€| - Total. |p,l as "§-s s <u g § g£ |? §53 § p Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. M. F. Total. (а) Whangarei .. 176 175 340 322 95 66 89 95 184 161 345 5 7 12 (c) Avondale .. .. 573 522 480 146 140 124 117 270 257 527 7 11 18 (c) Balmoral .. .. 399 369 351 119 110 66 84 185 194 379 6 9 15 (c) Kowhai .. 492 428 768 750 143 133 188 170 29 97 12 68 372 468 840 12 13 25 (c) Manukau .. 286 291 488 451 107 122 130 118 7 9 1 11 245 260 505 9 9 18 (c) Normal, Epsom .. 381 346 333 98 96 83 83 181 179 360 7 9 16 (e) Northcote . . 110 123 220 205 71 46 46 63 117 109 226 5 4 9 (c) Pasadena .. 276 299 488 471 111 137 117 128 2 13 3 230 281 511 7 8 15 (б) Otahuhu .. 136 116 237 217 55 48 59 71 114 119 233 3 4 7 (e) Waihi .. 66 92 142 127 38 30 42 29 80 59 139 2 2 4 (d) Matamata .. 100 127 194 169 61 41 47 48 108 89 197 5 5 10 (e) TeAwamutu .. 114 117 203 187 46 49 51 56 97 105 202 6 4 10 (a) Rotorua .. 123 116 203 188 44 41 58 62 102 103 205 4 4 8 (c) Wanganui . . 172 198 331 310 81 76 91 85 3 13 .. 175 174 349 3 8 11 (c) Palmerston North 317 364 651 621 181 160 175 145 3 4 .. 359 309 668 9 14 23 (c) Gisborne .. 268 301 526 497 143 134 122 117 5 10 .. 270 261 531 8 7 15 (c) Napier .. 256 261 453 443 119 111 116 107 6 20 .. 241 238 479 6 11 17 (a) Rongotai .. 105 109 210 201 90 122 212 212 8 8 (a) Marlborough .. 114 129 231 214 69 58 63 44 132 102 234 6 4 10 (c) Christchureh South 321 242 484 458 93 113 135 142 7 26 .. 235 281 516 8 13 21 (c) Shirley .. 163 171 312 289 79 64 82 83 1 4 .. 162 151 313 4 6 10 (a) Waitaki Boys' 116 75 133 120 67 66 133 133 6 6 (a) Waitaki Girls' .. 65 70 128 120 65 68 133 133 6 6 (c) Dunedin North .. 200 200 336 317 66 78 96 81 14 17 .. 176 176 352 6 9 15 (c) Macandrew .. 270 358 558 522 149 118 149 118 16 24 .. .. 314 260 574 9 11 20 (c) Tweed Street .. 231 278 423 402 128 125 93 95 221 220 441 6 9 15 Totals, 1945 .. 4,477 5,993 9,296 8,765 2,399 2,161 2,410 2,209 93 237 13 82 4,915 4,689 9,604 157 187 344 Totals, 1944 .. 4,498 4,840 8,622 8,034 2,152 1,931 2,338 1,988 1Q5 235 .. .. 4,595 4,154 8,749 138 173 311 Difference .. -21 +1153+674 +731 +247 +230 +72 +221 -12 +2 +13 +82 +320 +535 +855 +19 +14 +33


Table D1.—AVERAGE ATTENDANCE, ROLL, FREE-PLACE HOLDERS, STAFF, and PART-TIME PUPILS of Public Post-primary Schools (exclusive of District High Schools)


(Statistics of part-time pupils will be found in Table E 1 , et. seq.) Roll Numbers (Full-time Pupils). Average Attendance for ' 1945 (Year Number Number Number of New Number of Free Pupils on Roll at 1st July, 1945. Full-time Staff (including Principals), (December, 1945). Technical Classes Part-time Pupils at 1st July, 1945. School. At 1st At 1st December, 1945. of 1944 Pupils on Boll at of New Pupils admitted Pupils who commenced their PostMarch, July, beginning during primary 1945. 1945. ending December). of 1945. 1945. Education Boys. Girls. Total. in 1945. M. F. Boys. Girls. A. Secondary Schools Whangarei High School 733 693 336 300 636 648 392 358 326 692 14 10 74 55 Auckland Grammar School 930 888 857 857 846 681 291 234 873 35 Mount Albert Grammar School 830 791 735 735 738 619 226 195 791 29 1 Auckland Girls' Grammar School 741 698 642 642 649 496 259 205 698 28 Epsom Girls' Grammar School Takapuna Grammar School 701 685 636 636 640 461 251 216 675 27 721 684 '311 305 616 661 453 281 260 684 "l2 14 Thames High School 237 223 121 95 216 213 148 97 90 223 6 4 "23 Hamilton High School 627 607 246 323 - 569 578 434 220 172 607 10 12 Rotorua High School 340 323 163 145 308 291 178 171 165 323 9 4 ' 69 "69 Wanganui Girls' College 428 412 374 374 375 292 146 129 412 17 Palmerston North Boys' High School 363 352 '320 320 330 254 124 107 352 "l6 1 Palmerston North Girls' High School .. 312 289, 269 269 274 205 112 101 289 14 Gisborne High School 841 803 366 360 726 744 529 335 314 803 ' 'l9 14 "il2 ' '79 Hastings High School 582 545 241 226 467 486 341 263 235 545 13 9 66 52 Dannevirke High School 460 441 236 173 409 400 290 180 165 441 11 7 Hutt Valley High School 703 686 357 281 638 635 439 282 255 686 15 11 Wellington College 904 885 851 851 840 662 259 223 879 33 3 Rongotai College 362 340 314 314 337 236 182 126 340 15 1 Wellington Girls' College 570 552 513 513 504 383 204 180 552 23 Wellington Bast Girls' College 488 474 445 445 437 321 176 157 474 18 Marlborough High School 361 349 * i70 139 309 310 187 191 169 349 8 8 ' '48 Rangiora High School 244 235 87 125 212 194 123 136 129 235 7 4 Christchurch Boys' High School 816 767 722 722 737 543 273 261 766 28 1 Christchurch Girls' High School 596 566 *521 521 519 397 205 189 566 22 Avonside Girls' High School 433 419 373 373 382 290 148 135 419 17 Christchurch West High School 729 684 *288 315 603 630 419 326 314 684 "l3 17 Ashburton High School Timaru Boys' High School 239 231 111 108 219 207 174 74 68 231 6 5 383 371 346 346 343 278 113 109 371 15 1 Timaru Girls' High School 359 344 '318 318 317 240 127 117 344 15 Waimate High School 215 204 ' '94 87 181 182 135 83 77 204 6 5 Waitaki Boys' High School 481 456 416 416 413 287 195 187 456 19 ' 33 Waitaki Girls' High School 370 345 '317 317 317 225 151 135 345 "l5 ' '79 Otago Boy's High School 519 496 '454 454 467 390 139 129 494 21 Otago Girls' High School 597 568 '530 530 526 380 217 200 56S 22 King's High School 339 320 *292 292 305 221 127 118 319 ' 'l5 1 South Otago High School 212 183 74 "81 155 163 127 87 78 183 5 0 Gore High School 429 406 185 184 369 368 248 190 181 406 10 8 ' 39 ' *21 Southland Boys' High School Southland Girls' High School 382 366 348 348 345 271 115 111 366 16 465 445 '391 391 402 305 168 154 445 ' "l8 Totals, A .. ... 20,042 19,126 9,041 8,576 17,617 17,753 13,054 7,482 6,716 19,090 406 383 464 355



E. Combined Schools New Plymouth Boys' High School 771 729 643 643 680 494 298 275 729 31 247 New Plymouth Girls High School 607 580 '532 532 525 396 225 212 580 "l8 24 62 Napier Boys' High School 392 357 '318 318 336 237 170 154 357 "l4 93 Napier Girls' High School 361 343 307 307 318 220 147 136 343 33 Wairarapa College 575 543 '260 223 483 481 333 256 228 541 15 5 119 46 Nelson College 631 603 556 556 568 417 228 203 603 26 "21 180 Nelson Girls College 506 471 '424 424 438 333 166 152 471 211 Totals, B .. 3,843 3,626 1,777 1,486 3,263 3,346 2,430 1,490 1,360 3,624 90 64 639 352 C. Techy lical Schoc >ls Auckland Technical School 1-, 401 1,273 615 362 977 1,090 876 525 512 1,272 38 15 1,743 419 Avondale Technical School 538 535 274 227 501 460 * 538 538 535 15 8 22 Elam School of Art 155 140 41 69 110 123 82 87 37 135 4 4 88 439 145 Otahuhu Technical School 995 923 459 353 812 847 504 555 489 160 923 20 18 • 109 Pukekohe Technical School 347 330 150 141 291 282 187 168 330 10 6 '486 Hamilton Technical School 883 811 390 254 644 713 472 424 405 811 22 15 109 Hawera Technical School 501 473 199 209 408 407 293 220 208 473 9 10 100 77 Stratford Technical School 411 374 170 140 310 330 238 192 176 374 9 6 33 35 Wanganui Technical School .. 673 619 378 161 539 567 396 297 267 615 20 9 264 179 Feilding Technical School 321 316 189 99 288 289 1'97 136 121 315 12 5 25 13 Palmerston North Technical School .. 623 564 220 218 438 502 282 356 333 564 15 10 318 295 Horowhenua Technical College 455 437 193 192 385 392 270 179 175 436 9 11 '671 18 Petone Technical School 584 505 210 191 401 456 288 311 295 505 12 9 246 Wellington Technical School. 1,359 1,252 599 490 1,089 1,063 775 631 617 1,252 33 ■ 18 1,000 307 Westport Technical School 176 161 83 62 145 149 110 72 65 161 8 2 42 26 Greymouth Technical School 517 433 193 180 373 401 359 216 207 433 14 7 119 78 Christchurch Technical School 1,271 1,137 532 320 852 1,007 671 616 598 1,136 28 18 1,387 400 Canterbury College School of Art 147 157 11 121 132 156 93 82 59 137 5 2 144 204 Papanui Technical School 474 437 266 124 390 397 285 202 198 437 13 5 69 34 Ashburton Technical School 350 321 157 115 272 266 189 167 161 321 9 8 99 84 Timaru Technical School 316 273 139 86 225 247 182 139 128 273 8 5 217 154 Dunedin Technical School 931 836 326 348 674 750 515 426 416 836 25 15 8 747 427 Invercargill Technical School 867 749 347 262 009 665 422 457 454 749 23 258 145 Totals, C .. 14,295 13,056 6,141 4,724 10,865 11,559 7,686 6,996 6,619 13,023 361 214 8,271 3,504 Grand totals, 1945 38,180 35,808 16,959 14,786 31,745 32,658 23,170 15,968 14,695 35,737 857 661 9,374 4,211 Grand totals, 1944 34,742 33,348 16,412 13,957 30,369 30,716 20,024 15,610 14,556 33,278 726 614 8,721 4,542 Difference + 3,338 + 2,460 + 547 + 82,9 + 1,376 + 1,942 +3,146 + 358 + 139 + 2,459 + 131 + 47 + 653 -331 ♦ School opened 1945.


Table D3.—YEARS OF ATTENDANCE of FULL-TIME Post-primary Pupils at 1st July, 1945


Type of School. First-year Pupils. Second-year' Pupils. Third-year Pupils. Fourth-year Pupils. Fifth-year Pupils. Sixth-year Pupils and Later. Totals. B. Gr. B. a. B. Gr. B. Gr. B. Gr. B. G. B. G. Secondary Combined Technical District high, schools 3,240 760 3,612 1,904 3,365 582 2,831 2,038 3,022 585 2,529 1,153 3,150 555 1,945 1,407 1,736 346 805 440 1,659 289 621 551 1,172 199 339 211 912 150 184 237 485 86 93 38 299 58 49 60 60 11 14 4 26 5 34 3 9,715 1,987 7,392 3,750 9,411 1,639 5,664 4,296 Totals, 1945 Totals, 1944 9,516 9,253 8,816 8,678 7,289 5,914 7,057 5,664 3,327 3,377 3,120 3,044 1,921 1,768 1,483 1,280 702 705 466 499 89 122 68 79 22,844 21,139 21,010 19,244 Difference +263 + 138 +1,375 +1,393 -50 + 76 + 153 +203 -3 -33 -33 -11 + 1,705 + 1,766


Table D5.—COURSES OF INSTRUCTION OF FULL-TIME Post-primary Pupils on 1st July, 1945


Professional Professional or General, or General, University School. with Two Foreign Languages. with One Foreign. Language. Industrial. Commercial. Agricultural. Art. uome Life. Degree and Advanced Work. Other. Totals. Grand Totals. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. Secondary Schools Whangarei High School 41 49 93 117 101 104 36 3 47 89 13 360 888 333 693 Auckland Grammar School 317 322 2i3 36 888 Mount Albert Grammar School 242 276' 80 ioi 'ii 78 791 791 Auckland Girls' Grammar School 1.46 274 i.27 86 '65 698 698 Epsom Girls' Grammar School Takapuna Grammar School 208 428 49 685 685 '38 36 i.87 204 ios 17 94 350 334 684 Thames High School 11 6 42 38 52 48 21 ' 5 126 97 223 Hamilton High School 12 30 91 166 103 "9 145 51 257 350 607 "Rotorua High School 16 19 33 35 '75 32 33 3 38 • 28 176 147 323 Wanganui Girls'College Palmerston North Boys' High School Palmerston North Girls' High School 83 104 98 49 78 412 412 'ie 74 84 i34 352 352 'io i.25 51 83 20 289 289 Gisborne High School *25 29 89 82 i54 129 ' "l 105 *83 51 406 397 803 Hastings High School 54 66 72 83 132 'l7 69 33 14 5 289 256 545 Dannevirke High School 19 12 134 66 56 86 34 243 198 441 Hutt Valley High School 12 8 241 159 105 i.26 *35 379 307 686 Wellington College 200 685 885 885 liongotai Boys' College 39 171 59 '71 340 340 Wellington Girls' College "07 238 i.28 iii ' *8 552 552 Wellington East Girls' College 96 164 100 105 9 474 474 Marlborough High School ' *9 2 '68 42 87 g 74 22 20 22 is7 162 349 Rangiora High School .. 7 8 43 10 57 70 100 135 235 Christchurch Boys' High School i.47 383 237 767 767 Christchurch Girls' High School 261 145 1.38 '22 566 566 Avonside Girls' High School 58 74 1.66 104 17 419 419 Christchurch West High School 29 19 i27 57 '57 143 142 ioi 9 3i4 370 684 Ashburton High School 20 11 60 69 3 24 17 14 13 114 117 231 Timaru Boys' High School Timaru Girls' High School 33 128 i09 51 50 371 371 *77 iio 56 '85 'ie 344 344 Waimate High School "3 1 '22 15 51 "2 19 23 08 101 103 204 Waitaki Boys' High School 3 155 95 105 98 456 456 Waitaki Girls' High School 44 i.34 iis '49 345 345 Otago Boys' High School .. i.62 io9 225 496 496 Otago Girls' High School King's High School i.34 145 '81 3.74 '34 568 568 '72 i69 '79 320 320 South Otago High School 3 "3 37 '36 23 12 41 9 i9 84 '99 183 Gore High School .. 21 21 34 50 56 16 67 14 57 56 'i4 197 209 406 Southland Boy's High School 36 111 219 366 366 Southland Girls' High School *59 iis io7 '51 ii3 445 . 445 Totals 1,580 1,555 3,920 3,283 1,201 741 2,227 532 1 3 1,714 26 1,715 628 9,715 9,411 19,126


Table D 5.—COURSES OF INSTRUCTION OF FULL-TIME Post-primary Pupils on 1st July, 1945—continued


Professional Professional TTnivoraitv or General, or General, with Two with One Industrial. Commercial. Agri- Art. Home A Other. Totals. Foreign Foreign. cultural. Life. Grand School. Languages. Language. ' Totals. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. | G. B. | G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. Combined Schools New Plymouth Boys' High School .. 100 .. 70 .. 245 .. . . . . 48 .. .. 266 .. 729 . . 729 New Plymouth Girls' High School .. .. 87 .. Ill .. .. . . 156 195 .. .. .. 31 .. 580 580 Napier Boys' High School .. .. 26 .. 80 . . 114 .. .. . . 47 .. .. 90 .. 357 . . 357 Napier Girls' High School .. .. .. 28 . . 110 134 71 343 343 Wairarapa College .. .. 11 16 53 55 148 . . 90 33 3 38 . . 53 43 298 245 543 Nelson College .. .. . . 33 . . 232 .. 179 . . 40 . . 52 .. 3 64 .. 603 .. 603 Nelson Girls' College .. .. .. 69 .. 173 147 82 471 471 Totals .. .. .. 170 200 435 449 686 .. 40 527 180 3 3 .. .. 386 .. .. 473 74.1,987 1,639 3,626 Technical High Scdools Auckland .. .. 782 .. 23 451 4 13 809 464 1,273 Avondale .. .. .. 26 27 32 22 210 22 91 105 290 245 535 Elam School of Art .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 47 93 .. .. .. .. . . 47 93 140 Otahuhu. . . . . . . . 55 67 55 25 305 11 148 88 2 167 514 409 923 Pukekohe .. .. .. 6 1 20 21 72 1 62 ?6 39 .. 48 34 173 157 330 Hamilton . . .. 357 . . 35 206 82 .. 8 8 .. 115 482 329 811 Hawera .. .. .. .. .. 2 44 67 99 .. 3 88 49 50 .. .. 39 32 234 239 473 Stratford .. .. 50 61 96 .. . . 73 58 36 204 170 374 Wanganui .. .. 115 21 154 .. 24 99 50 41 .. .. 89 26 432 187 619 Feilding ;. .. .. .. .. .. 21 20 33 145 19 .. .. 44 34 210 106 316 Palmerston North .. 274 .. 12 133 .... 5 11 .. 129 291 273 564 Horowhenua College .. * 36 41 76 . . .. 50 .... 5 2 .. 23 .. .. 104 100 221 216 437 Petone .. .. .. 233 .. 12 87 .... 20 13 .. 140 265 240 505 Wellington .. .. 72 32 524 .. 60 222 .... 45 44 .. 253 701 551 1,252 Westport . . .. 3 31 .. 1 25 57 44 89 72 161 Greymouth .. .. 74 50 136 12 99 62 222 211 433 Christchurch .. .. .. ... ... .. .58* 6? ' 16J. 65. ... 268 ... •• •• 708 429 1,137 Canterbury College School of Art .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . 18 139 .. .. .. .. .. . . 1.8 139 157 Papanui .. . . .. 243 .. 22 59 29 84 294 143 437 Ashburton .. .. 153 .. 5 57 26 80 184 137 321 Timaru .. .. .. 166 .. 4 61 1 .. 41 170 103 273 Dunedin .. .. 337 . . 60 263 .... 13 14 . . 149 410 426 836 Invercargill .. .. 303 .. 25 157 89 168 .. .. 7 .. 424 325 749 Totals .. .. .. 87 97 519 363 5,135 .. 1 391 2,625 711 2 161 325 .. 1,982 .. .. 388 270 7,392 5,664 13,056


Table D7.—Pupils at 1st July, 1945, BOARDING AWAY FROM HOME to attend Secondary Schools, Combined Schools, and Technical High Schools

2—E 2


Boarders, 1st July, 1945. School. At School Hostels. Privately. Totals. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. A. Secondary Schools Whangarei High School 87 97 16 24 103 121 Auckland Grammar School 26 26 Mount Albert Grammar School 79 75 154 Auckland Girls' Grammar School 28 28 Epsom Girls' Grammar School *32 63 95 Takapuna Grammar School ii 9 ii 9 Thames High School 2 2 2 2 Hamilton High School '48 16 23 16 71 Rotorua High School 5 5 5 5 Wanganui Girls' College io9 39 148 Palmerston North Boys' High School 50 8 58 Palmerston North Girls' High School i7 17 Gisborne High School 47 33 27 25 74 58 Hastings High School 23 16 23 16 Dannevirke High School 64 14 25 78 25 Hutt Valley High School 2 2 2 2 Wellington College 104 6 110 Rongotai College 3 3 Wellington Girls' College 5 5 Wellington East Girls' College 5 5 Marlborough High School 12 16 12 16 Rangiora High School 9 6 9 6 Christchurch Boys' High School 51 10 61 Christchurch Girls' High School 69 33 102 Avonside Girls' High School 24 24 Christchurch West High School 5 10 5 10 Ashburton High School 5 14 5 14 Timaru Boys' High School 103 16 119 Timaru Girls' High School 62 29 91 Waimate High School 4 5 4 5 Waitaki Boys' High School 236 6 242 Waitaki Girls' High School ios 21 129 Otago Boys' High School 77 io 87 Otago Girls' High School 20 20 King's High School 5 5 South Otago High School .. 2 3 2 3 Gore High School 35 *32 8 20 43 52 Southland Boys' High School 40 40 Southland Girls' High School ioo 100 Totals, A 933 590 1 366 — 1 589 1,299 1,179


Table D7.— Pupils at 1st July, 1945, BOARDING AWAY FROM HOME to attend Secondary Schools, Combined Schools, and Technical High Schools-continued


Boarders, 1st July, 1945. School. At School Hostels. Privately. Totals. Boys. Girls. Boys. | 1 Girls. Boys. Girls. s B. Combined Schools i New Plymouth Boys' High School 247 36 283 New Plymouth Girls' High School 132 33 i<35 Napier Boys' High School 66 4 *70 Napier Girls' High School 60 i6 76 Wairarapa College 57 28 '*8 10 65 38 Nelson College 237 26 263 Nelson Girls' College 79 26 105 Totals, B 607 299 74 85 681 384 C. Technical High Schools Auckland Technical School 37 14 37 14 Avondale Technical School 8 3 8 3 Elam School of Art 1 4 1 4 Otahuhu Technical School 12 17 12 17 Pukekohe Technical School 3 4 3 4 Hamilton Technical School 45 18 45 18 Hawera Technical School 6 11 6 11 Stratford Technical School 11 16 11 16 Wanganui Technical School 65 20 30 15 95 35 Feilding Technical School 127 10 7 137 7 Palmerston North Technical School 7 4 7 4 Horowhenua Technical College 2 3 2 3 Petone Technical School 2 1 2 1 Wellington Technical School 8 1 8 1 Westport Technical School 6 2 6 2 Greymouth Technical School 17 io 6 9 23 19 Christchurch Technical School 25 30 26 11 51 41 Canterbury College School of Art 1 30 1 30 Papanui Technical School 8 5 8 5 Ashburton Technical School 11 8 11 8 Timaru Technical School 8 4 8 4 Dunedin Technical School 19 17 19 17 Invereargill Technical School 71 41 71 41 Totals, C 234 60 338 245 572 305 Grand totals, 1945 1,774 949 778 919 2,552 1,868 Grand totals, 1944 1,701 883 755 901 2,456 1,784 Difference +73 +66 +23 + 18 +96 +84


Note.—The above table does not include part-time pupils. The number of part-time secondary pupils on the roll at 31st December, 1945, was 1,909; the corresponding number in 1944, was 1,362.


Table D8.—CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL, Secondary Department.— Average Weekly Roll, Classification, etc.

3—E %


— Average WeeklyRoll. Boll Number, December Classification according to Forms of Pupils on Roll at 1st July. Total. Number of Assistant Teachers (December) Form III. Form IV. Form V. Form VI. Totals. B. G. B. G. B. Gr. B. G. B. Gr. M. F. 1944 .. 1945 .. Difference 709 825 672 738 209 225 286 391 46 61 109 112 23 26 53 53 3 2 9 '8 281 314 457 564 738 878 15 23 54 55 + 116 + 66 + 16 + 105 + 15 +3 +3 - 1 -1 +33 + 107 + 140 + 8 + 1

— Engineers and Mechanics. Electricians. Plumbers, Metalworkers, &c. 1 1 Woodworkers. Painters, Plasterers, &c. Printers, &c. Agricultural Pursuits. Professional Pursuits. Clerical Pursuits. Domestic Pursuits. Dressmakers, * Milliners, Tailoresses, &c. Employed in Shops or in Warehouses. Engaged in various other Trades and Industries. Labourers. No Occupations. Occupations not stated. Totals. All schools and classes — Males Females Totals, 1945 Totlas, 1944 Difference 2,195 572 637 1,183 67 1 95 35 410 45 387 717 1,577 1,749 1,023 37 165 595 436 636 285 114 2,364 826 197 115 11,066 5,397 2,195 1,994 572 563 637 443 1,183 861 68 56 130 124 455 286 1,104 830 3,326 2,908 1,023 634 202 244 1,031 917 921 .801 114 140 3,190* 3,021 312 421 16,463 14,243 +201 +9 + 194 +322 + 12 +6 + 169 +274 +418 +389 -42 + 114 + 120 -26 + 169 -109 +2,220 * Includes 2,038 males and 418 females in the Armed Forces ; the corresponding figures in 1944 were 1,749 and 529.


Table F.—SPECIAL MANUAL-TRAINING CENTRES: Particulars for the Year 1945


Education District. Number of Manualtraining Centres. Public Primary and Native Schools. Intermediate Schools. Number of Schools from which Pupils attended. Number of Pupils attending Centres. Number of Schools from which Pupils attended. Number of Pupils attending Centres. Boys, Girls. Boys. Girls. Auckland .. Taranaki Wanganui Hawke's Bay Wellington Nelson Canterbury Otago Southland Totals 44 10 12 10 19 10 25 23 9 213 68 39 34 82 62 210 105 97 3,841 1,004 906 813 2,106 649 2,895 1,268 841 3,589 974 813 696 2,040 601 2,805 1,187 832 13 2 2 2 " 2 4 1 2,250 443 517 338 389 651 219 2,339 394 494 103 420 572 212 162 910 14,323 13, 537 26 4,807 4,534 Education District. Secondary Departments of District High Schools. Private Schools. Totals. Number of Schools from which Pupils attended. Number of Pupils attending Centres. Number of Schools from which Pupils attended. Number of Pupils attending Centres. Number of Schools from which Pupils attended. Number of Pupils attending Centres. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Auckland 26 1,618 1,528 41 482 534 293 8,191 7,990 Taranaki 2 86 86 12 139 148 82 1,229 1,208 Wanganui 5 201 195 10 169 137 56 1,719 1,539 Hawke's Bay 5 183 211 12 162 197 53 1,675 1,598 Wellington ■ 6 132 189 19 390 149 109 2,966 2,481 Nelson 8 211 182 5 63 65 75 923 848 Canterbury Otago 10 222 305 50 761 610 272 4,267 4,140 13 304 306 22 204 230 144 2,427 2,295 Southland 5 64 105 10 135 147 113 1,259 1,296 Totals 80 3,021 3,107 181 2,505 2,217 1,197 24,656 23,395 1


Table G1.—AVERAGE ATTENDANCE, ROLL, FREE-PLACE HOLDERS, and TEACHERS of Secondary Departments of District High Schools for 1945


Name of School. Ro 1 . c ti At 1st July, !? 1945. g o* jrs (Full-time Pupils). December, 1945. Average Attendance for Year ended December, 1945. ° T* & ° PH g, Oi.S bD ■§■3 1 Number of New Pupils 1 admitted during 1945. o • & s. " J Si c O f n " o ; rQ : S E £ c primary Education in 1945. Number of Free Pupils on Roll at 1st July, 1945. Full-time Staff (excluding Principals). December, 1945. Boys. Girls. Total. M. F. 3 4 2 3' ' ' 1 , 3. - ' 3 1 . 3 8 1 5 1 6 2 '. i- ' l ■■ • I - 4. 6 4 i 1 2 1 . ■ 1 , - 2- - 4 Cambridge Dargaville Helensville Howick Huntly .. Kaeo Kaikolie Kaitaia Katikati Kawakawa Matamata Maungaturoto Morrinsville Ngatea Northcote Okaihau Opotiki Otorohanga Paeroa Piopio Putarura Raglan Rawene .. Ruawai .. Taumarunui Tauranga Te Aroha Te Awamutu Te Kuiti Te Pake Waihi Waipu Waiuku Warkworth Wellsford.. Whakatane Totals Ohura Opunake Totals Apiti Foxton Martoii Ohakune Raurimu Taihape Waverley Totals Te Karaka Tolaga Bay Tuai Waipawa Waipukurau Wairoa Woodville Totals 169 21.3 105 63 173 33 122 162 78 110 318 58 216 131 275 20 180 120 113 69 92 39 31 63 170 308 154 200 165 131 124 37 81 78 64 235 159 192 101 63 155 32 122 148 75 98 293 54 194 116 259 20 181 111 105 61 88 32 25 60 156 280 146 207 151 119 110 27 74 74 59 209 Au 58 84 36 21 50 15 52 63 32 47 125 18 84 48 133 5 76 35 50 23 34 14 5 16 78 123 56 78 71 57 43 9 32 33 25 84 CKLAND 84 80 51 32 68 10 58 60 30 40 144 30 89 51 96 11 80 60 42 34 40 16 12 32 48 131 67 102 66 . 50 53 16 32 36 36 93 Educat 142 164 87 53 118 25 110 123 62 87 • 269 48 173 99 229 16 156 95 92 57 74 30 17 48 126 254 123 180 137 107 96 25.. 64 69 61 177 £ON Disi 144 174 87 46 132 26 100 128 64 83 258 49 168 103 238 17 156 100 94 56 72 29 21 50 139 249 130 187 137 105 102 24 64 66 57 182 PRICT 98 117 53 27 101 13 62 101 44 54 189 26 113 70 135 10 72 80 53 42 41 19 16 32 88 159 79 112 97 73 74 21 40 35 34 140 78 106 56 40. 89 21 70 61 40 60 164 35 111 65 152 127 63 62 30 59 21 19 31 90 158 81 122 -75 64 82 16 45 47 35 110 72 93 49 37 78 20 65 56 33 56 146 31 106 60 146 10 110 60 59 25 47 18 17 30 83 141 70 106 71 59 76 15 42 40 30 94 159 192 101 63 155" 32 122 148 75 98 293 54 194 116 258 20 181 - 111 105 61 88 32 25 60 156 280 146 207 151 119 110 27 74 74 59 209 3 3 2 1 • 3/ 1 2 4 2 ' 3 . 1 3 4 5 1 •6 2' 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 6 2 - 5 4 5 3 1 1 2 7 4 ■ 4,700 4,356 1,813 1,980 3,793 3,837 2,520 2,496 2,251 4,355 95 92 49 130 49 121 Ta: 17 43 R.ANAKI 21 57 EDUOATI 38 100 ON DlST 39 109 RICT 22 85 30 68 27 62 49 121 1 1 "i 4 2 2 2 , 179 170 60 78 138 148 107 98 89 170 22 63 155 123 24 103 31 20 52 139 108 20 91 28 WA 8 22 61 37 10 41 10 NGANUI 8 25 55 48 7 37 15 E DUCAT] 16 47 116 85 17 78 25 [ON DlSl 17 48 130 90 19 82 26 DRICT 7 38 82 66 19 58 12 15 26 80 65 12 48 22 15 25 70 49 12 39 18 20 52 139 108 20 91 28 • 1 1 3 2 1 521 458 189 195 384 412 282 268 228 458 10 10" 105 25 22 123 73 172 54 98 19 23 115 66 16.2 48 Hawi 31 7 8 45 25 51 17 , CE'S BA1 47 8 14 48. 33 82 25 r Edtjca 78 15 22 93 58 133 42 HON Dl! 87 18 22 98 61 141 45 STRICT 66 17 10 72 41 77 21 40 9 14 52 37 98 34 39 8 14 48 32 93 33 98 19 23 115 66 162 48 1 4 1 13 574 531 184 257 441 472 304 284 267 531 8


Table G1.—AVERAGE ATTENDANCE, ROLL, FREE-PLACE HOLDERS, and TEACHERS of Secondary Departments of District High Schools for 1945—continued


Name of School. At 1st March, H 1945. g Numbers 1 £ujj -g« 1-11-1 -ti [Pull-time Pupils). December, 1945. Average Attendance for Year ■ ended December, 1945. Number of 1944 Pupils on Roll at beginning of 1945. Number of ; New Pupils admitted during 1945. Number of New Pupils who commenced their Postprimary Education in 1945. rt o tOlfS 3<-l If-I TH . g * Full-time - Staff . ' (excluding Principals), December, 1945. Boys. Girls. Total. M. F. Carterton.. Eketahuna Featherston Greytown Martinborough Pahiatua Totals Collingwood Denniston Granity Karamea Motueka .. Murchison Reefton .. . Takaka Tapawera " Totals' ..; Akaroa ... Cheviot Fairlie Geraldine Hawarden Hokitika Kaikoura Lincoln Methveu New Brighton.. Oxford Pleasant Point Southbridge Temuka Totals Alexandra Clutha Valley Cromwell .. Kurow Lawrence Mosgiel Owaka Palmerston Ranfurly Roxburgh Strath-Taieri Tapanui Tokomairiro Totals 61 65 61 17 41 87 365 W] 52 64 56 39 38 79 ElLINttl 13 21 14 11 18 39 ON ED' 32 29 32 19 14 30 tJOATIOl 45 50 46 30 32 69 I DISTI 46 54 50 34 34 71 !ICT - 40 33 . 28 30 22 . 40 . 27 34 35 16 .20 48 25 33 34 15 19 48 52 64 56 39 38 79 • 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 •. 1" 1 1 1 328 116 156 272 289 193 180 174 328 10 8 20 29 66 12 122 37 72 71 57 18 21 62 14 111 27 65 64 53 Nelsois 7 11 14 4 60' 12 24 24 22 El)UC, 11 7 40 11 44 15 29 30 18 \TION ] 18 18 54 15 104 27 53 54 40 )ISTK1C 17 22 54 12 101 28 60 57 33 T 15 13 35 68 18 46 33 28 5 16 34 17 62 19 28 40 32 5 16 29 9 54 18 27 36 31 18 21 62 14 111 27 65 64 53 ' 1 ~ -1 2 1 4 2 2 '-2 " 1 "l "l = 1 • 1 486 435 178 205 383 384 256 253 225 435 16 6 31 33 33 98 93 114 51 41 68 46 34 43 51 126 29 34 32 91 86 104 43 41 66 41 30 40 45 115 lNTEKBI 10 19 7 34 33 42 18 22 23 8 11 10 13 37 TRY El 15 14 20 39 41 45 15 12 32 20 14 24 24 66 itrcATio: 25 33 27 73 74 87 33/ 34 55 28 25 34 37 103 ft Dist: 25 30 28 78 74 95 36 33 56 35 30 20 38 100 RICT 18 13 12 61 50 68 28 * 31 30 11 28 27 77 18 21 21 43 44 49 24 43 39 18 22 20 27 52 13 19 21 39 43 45 23 34 36 16 22 19 25 46 29 34 32 91 86 104 43 41 66 41 30 40 45 115 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 .. -1 1 1 2 1 1 1 . 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 862 797 287 381 668 678 454 441 401 797 19 20 92 41 46 40 39 128 33 72 32 35 17 34 76 85 39 43 38 37 122 32 70 32 3016 34 71 Otago 32 19 16 12 13 61 13 25 15 12 5 15 26 Edttca 1 36 14 20 19 19 37 16 36 12 11 10 15 31 TION D 68 33 36 31 32 98 29 61 27 23 15 30 57 ISTRICT 72 31 38 34 34 101 27 62 26 25 12 29 61 64 17 22 21 22 64 16 46 10 20 8 14 38 31 25 25 19 18 68 21 33 25 16 9 19 41 29 25 23 19 18 67 19 28 19 15 8 16 38 85 39 43 38 37 122 32 70 32 30 16 34 71 3 2 ' 1 "2 3 "l 1 1 1 1 2 1 ' 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 ' 'l 1 685 649 264 276 540 552 362 350 324 649 18 15


Table G1.—AVERAGE ATTENDANCE, ROLL, FREE-PLACE HOLDERS, and TEACHERS of Secondary Departments of District High Schools for 1945—continued

Note.—ln other tables relating to district high schools in this report and in E.-l pupils attending a. school which had not in fact been recognized as a district high school have been included. There were twelve such pupils on Ist July, 1945.


Name of School. At 1st March, M 1945. | Numbers 1-3 lO Is (Full-time Pupils). December, 1945. Average Attendance for Year ended December, 1945. Number of 1944 Pupils on Boll at beginning of 1945. Number of New Pupils admitted during 1945. Number of New Pupils who • commenced their Postprimary Education in 1945. Number of Free Pupils on Roll at 1st July, 1945. Full-time . Staff (excluding Principals), December, 1945. J3oys. Girls. Total. M. F. Nightcaps Queenstown Riverton Tuatapere Winton Wyndham TotaN Manutahi Te Araroa Te Kao Tikitiki • • Totals Grand totals, 1945 Grand totals, 1944 Difference 42 -37 52 34 33 34 S( 39 35 41 35 32 34 )UTH1A] 9 15. 12 7 10 4 TO Edi 26 12 24 18 17 18 JCATION 35 27 36 25 27 22 DlSTIl 33 31 40 28 27 23 ICT 18 21 27 11 22 28 16 26 36 26 14 23 14 25 24 24 13 39 35 41 35 32 34 "l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 232 ,216 57 115 172 182 99 146 123 216 5 7 28 44 IS 14 N 25 40 18 11 ATIVE ! 7 16 8 Distric 12 19 10 6 it High 19 35 18 9 [ SCHOC 20 36 1710 XLS 7 18 , 10 g 14 29 10 7 14 26 9 7 25 40 18 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 104 94 34 47 81 83 43 60 56 94 4 2 8,708 7,356 8,034 6,966 3,182 2,773 3,690 3,414 6,872 6,187 7,037 6,130 4,620 3,769 4,576 4,000 4,138 3,692 8,033 6,964 187 152 +35 177 147 + 30 + 1,352 + 1,068 +409 + 276 +685 + 907 + 851 + 576 + 446 + 1,069 * Established as a district high school in 1945.


Table J1.—ROLL NUMBER, ETC., AND STAFF: Endowed Schools and Registered Private Secondary and Technical Schools


Roll Numbers (Pull-time Pupils). ; Num ber Number of New Average of 1!W4 of New Pupils who SchooL At At December, 1945. AttencUm 06 P^ a f Jetted December, 1945. 1st March, 1st July, —■— ' * beginning during primary 1945. 1945. Boyg Girlg TotaL of 1945. 1945. Education M _ y _ Dilworth School, Auckland .. .. .. 43 40 36 .. 36 39 : 22 20 20 3 1 St. Patrick's Convent, Wellington Street, Auckland 31 31 .. 27 27 22 15 18 18 .. 2 (Technical) Auckland Diocesan High School, Epsom, Auckland .. 203 197 .. 194 194 186 179 61 58 . •. 12 St. Cuthbert's College, Epsom, Auckland .. .. 352 347 . . 340 340 326 289 106 87 .. 14 St. Peter's College, Epsom, Auckland .. .. 221 204 191 . . , 191 196 124 110 109 5 St. Mary's Convent, Hamilton . . .. .. 91 90 ... 83 ■ 83 82 38 48 37 4 Waikato Diocesan School for Girls, Hamilton .. 93 89 .. 86 86 85 50 43 28 6 Marist Brothers' High School, Hamilton .. .. 46 42 37 .. 37 36 25 20 20 2 *Marist Sisters' School, Mount Albert, Auckland .. 54 51 .. 51 51 46 31 30 27 3 King's College, Otahuhu . . .. .. .. 380 376 .371 ., 371 354 271 124 97 14 1 St. Benedict's Convent, Newton, Auckland (Technical) 110 108 ... 93 . 93 89 57 51 51 .. 3 Wesley Training College, Paerata .. . . .. 69 68 65 .. 65 60 32 37 30 4 * Queen Victoria School, Parnell, Auckland 77 75 . . 72 72 70 41 35 34 4 Sacred Heart College, Ponsonby, Auckland . . .. 408 392 361 .. . 361 373 250 171 162 14 St. Mary's College, Ponsonby, Auckland .. .. 190 188 ' . : 180 180 . 175 123 85 77 .. 8 Convent of the Sacred Heart, Remuera, Auckland .. 69 71 65 65 69 43 29 20 4 St. Michael's Convent, Rotorua (Technical) .. .. 60 59 39 '60 51 34 33 26 2 Sacred Heart Convent High School, New Plymouth .. 84 82 .. 75 75 70 56 39 38 .. 3 *Turakina Maori Girls' College, Marfron .. .. 56 56 .. 55 . 55 55 37 19 18 .. 4 Wellington Diocesan School for Girls, Marton .. 146 139 .. 142 142 ' 140 114 31 24 .. j 9 *St. Mary's Diocesan School, Stratford .. .. 33 29 . . 26 26 27 16 20 20 .. 2 St. Joseph's Convent High School, Palmerston North 52 47 .. 46 46 44 31 21 21 .. 3 Marist Brothers' St. Patrick's High School, Palmerston 83 80 79 . . 79 77. 46 36 34 3 j North Sacred Heart Convent High School, St. John's Hill, 142 130 .. 113 113 120 93 59 46 7 Wanganui St. Augustine's High School, Wanganui .. .. 52 46 42 .. 42 42 21 31 31 2 Wanganui Collegiate School, Wanganui .. .. 325 322 319 ' .. . 319 316 249 79 76 21 St. Joseph's Maori Girls' College, Greenmeadows .. 72 76 .. 74 , 74 73 48 29 26 3 St. John's High School, Hastings .. .. .. 85 83 80 .. ; 80 77 54 31 30 4 *St. Joseph's Convent, Hastings .. .. .. 57 54 .. 51 51 50 58 26 26 2 Iona Presbyterian College for Girls, Havelock North.. 104 104 . .. 104 104 102 72 44 30 .. 7 Woodford House, Havelock North .. .. 175 175 .. 175 175 167 136 41 32 .. 13 *Hukarere College, Napier .. .. .. , 87 86 .. 83 83 83 59 28 26 5 Sacred Heart High School, Napier . . .. 60 60 - .. 48 48 45 34 28 25 3 Te Auce College, Pukehou, Napier .. .. 117 117 .109 .. 109 110 84 35 31 5 St. Mary's Convent High School, Blenheim .. 29 26 24 24 24 15 .15 14 • Sacred Heart Convent High School, t Island Bay, 73 73 i. 73 73 73 56 28 25 6 Wellington Marsden Collegiate School, Karori, Wellington .. 176 175 .. 172: 172 166 163 41 34 ..19 Sacred Heart College, Lower Hutt .. .. 112 109 .. 98 98 100 71 53 46 .. 4 Chilton St. James' Girls'School, Lower Hutt .. 64 65 • .. 63 63 . 61 40 ; 25 1 21 | 5 * Registered 'as a private secondary* school in 1945. ,


Table J1.—ROLL NUMBER, ETC., AND STAFF: Endowed Schools and Registered Private Secondary and Technical Schools— continued


Roll Numbers (Full-time Pupils). Number Number of New ' Average ° f ?, 944 <£ N ® w Pll P iKs wh ° Principals), a Pupils on Pupils commenced itui School. At At December, 1945. Attendance B £ u at admitted their Post- December, 194a. 1st March, 1st July, 5 beginning during primary 1945. 1945. Boyg _ Girls . T otal. ofl945 ' 1945 ' St. Brides' Convent, Masterton .. .. .. 62 59 .. 53 53 54 29 35 31 4 St. Matthew's Collegiate School for Girls, Masterton .. 67 69 .. 66 66 63 39 30 27 .. a "Scots College, Miramax, Wellington .. .. 104 102 99 .. 99 91 82 39 32 7 St. Patrick's College, Silverstream .. .. 278 265 255 .. 255 260 176 96 83 12 .. Solway Girls'College, Masterton .. .. .. 137 132 .. 126 126 122 81 43 22 . 7 *St. Joseph's College, Masterton .. .. .. 22 23 22 .. 22 21 .. 24 24 2 .. Queen Margaret College, Wellington .. .. 147 148 .. 144 144 140 117 33 31 .. 10 St. Mary's College, Wellington .. .. .. 290 278 .. 272 272 270 192 108 98 .. 8 St. Patrick's College, Wellington .. .. .. 341 337 314 .. 314 315 205 148 132 14 .. Sacred Heart High School, Nelson .... 50 48 41 41 41 28 22 17 3 St. Mary's College, Westport .. .. .. 59 58 7" 43 50 54 38 17 17 3 Cathedral Grammar School, Christchurch .. .. 50 46 49 .. 49 45 26 22 22 3 1 Christ's Cojilege, Christchurch .. .. .. 379 377 367 .. 367 354 298 84 77 15 3 Sacred Heai't Girls'College, Christchurch .. .. 179 175 .. 145 145 152 104 74 72 .. 6 St. Andrew's College, Christchurch .. .. 203 197 193 .. 193 187 140 06 56 10 1 St. Margaret's College, Christchurch .. .. 239 238 .. 230 230 124 195 74 64 .. 13 St. Mary's College, Christchurch .. .. .. 92 93 .. 83 83 77 49 45 40 4 *Te Wai Pounamu College, Christchurch .. .. 32 31 .. 32 32 31 26 10 10 .. 3 *Xavier College, Christchurch .. .. .. 66 62 56 .. 56 57 .. 67 67 2 Marlst Brothers' High School, Greymouth .. .. 71 69 59 .. 59 62 44 30 26 3 St. Mary's High School, Greymouth .. .. 81 77 .. 69 69 70 48 3a 30 a St. Mary's School, Hokitika .. .. .. 54 51 14 31 45 47 32 26 21 .. 3 St. Bede's College, Papanui, Christchurch .. .. 296 293 273 .. 273 284 210 87 x 78 15 Craighead Diocesan School for Girls, Timaru .. 87 87 .. 85 85 81 67 22 17 7 Sacred Heart Girls' College, Timaru .. .. 123 116 .. Ill 111 106 64 62 60 .. a St. Patrick's High School, Timaru .. .. 55 55 52 .. 52 51 28 27 25 3 Christian Brothers' High School, Dunedin .. .. 143 139 124 .. 124 112 89 55 55 a John McGlashan College, Dunedin .. .. 33 34 31 .. 31 30 23 12 10 4 1 St. Dominic's College, Dunedin .. .. .. 91 86 .. 78 78 79 53 38 36 .. a St. Hilda's Collegiate School, Dunedin .. .. 80 76 .. 77 77 72 45 37 21 .. a St. Philomena's College, Dunedin South .. .. 108 105 .. 99 99 104 59 48 47 .. 4 St. Kevin's College, Redcastle Oamaru .. .. 123 151 .. 151 148 75 54 44 a .. Columba College, Roslyn, Dunedin :.. .. 141 142 .. 135 135 118 92 56 13 .. 7 Dominican College, Teschemakers, Oamaru .. 51 50 .. 47 47 49 40 16 11 .. 3 Marist Brothers' High School, Invercargill .. .. 58 56 54 .. 54 52 47 31 27 3 -St. Catherine's Convent, Invercargill .... 71 74 67 67 65 35 39 38 4 Totals, 1945 .. .. .. .. 9,146 8,933 3,831 4,686 8,517 8,269 6,053 3,482 3,086 180 .271 Totals, 1944 .. .. .. .. 7,978 7,847 3,511 4,109 7,620 7,419 5,112 3,182 2,843 166 233 Difference .. .. .. .. +1,168 +1,086-- +320 + 577 + 897 + 850 + 941 +300 + 243 +14 + 38 * Registered as a private secondary school in 1945.


Table K1. —STUDENTS in the Four Training Colleges in December, 1945

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (SCO copies), £lO5. By Authority: E. V. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington. —1946, Price is.^j


Division A. Division 0. Totals. _ Grand Training College. Totals. M. F. M. F. M. F. Auckland — First year 68 179 6 18 74 197 271 Second year 87 192 87 192 279 Specialist 3 11 3 11 14 Wellington — First year 32 107 32 107 139 Second year 47 104 47 104 151 Specialist 4 4 4 Christchurch — First year 60 88 60 88 148 Second year 58 99 58 99 157 Specialist .. 10 10 10 Dunedin— First year 33 84 33 84 117 Second year 36 93 36 93 129 Specialist 11 18 11 18 29 Totals 435 989 6 18 441 1,007 1,448 Note.-—In addition to the above, 353 ex-servicemen teachers attended refresher courses at teachers' training colleges during 1945.

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Bibliographic details

EDUCATION: PRIMARY AND POST-PRIMARY EDUCATION [In continuation of E.-2 of 1945], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1946 Session I, E-02

Word Count

EDUCATION: PRIMARY AND POST-PRIMARY EDUCATION [In continuation of E.-2 of 1945] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1946 Session I, E-02

EDUCATION: PRIMARY AND POST-PRIMARY EDUCATION [In continuation of E.-2 of 1945] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1946 Session I, E-02

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