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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency

g IR Department of Lands and Survey, Wellington, 28th June, 1946. I have the honour -to submit the annual report on the settlement of Crown lands for the year ended 31st March, 1946, together with particulars of operations under the Small Farms Act, 1932-33, the Land Laws Amendment Act, 1929, and the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943. I have, &c., R. G. Macmorran, Under-Secretary. The Hon. the Minister of Lands.


GENERAL REVIEW In order to assist in the settlement of ex-servicemen, the activities of the Department continue to be concentrated largely on the acquisition and development of land suitable for this purpose. As will be seen from the figures given in a later stage of this report, a considerable area has been purchased following on negotiations with the owners, while in a number of cases the compulsory sections of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, have been invoked. The development of land held by the Crown is being proceeded with as intensively as the availability of essential materials permits, and in anticipation of an improvement in the supply position plans are in hand to extend operations. At the 31st March, 1946, the tenants on the books of the Department numbered 34,721, occupying a total area of approximately 17,457,064 acres. LEGISLATION The increase in the country's secondary industries and the need for providing sites for factories and other plant led to the passing of legislation as section 40, Statutes Amendment Act, 1945, to facilitate disposal of Crown and settlement lands as sites for commercial and industrial purposes. Areas so disposed of are, as a general rule, to be leased on a thirty-three-year term perpetually renewable and without right of freehold. Sale in fee-simple is, however, authorized in special circumstances subject to Ministerial approval. The Land Act, 1924, was amended in other respects by the Act quoted.


Section 41 permits the acquisition of areas beyond the stipulated maximum of 5,000 acres of third-class land where it is expedient in the public interest to waive the restriction. The widows of servicemen are now given the same preferences at ballots for the allotment of Crown and settlement land as are available to discharged servicemen (section 42), All holders of leases of Crown land in the Hanmer Town area are given the right to surrender their present leases, which contain no right of renewal, and obtain leases under the Public Bodies' Leases Act, 1908, term twenty-one years, perpetually renewable. Experience in the operation of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, demonstrated that it was desirable to remove certain difficulties and to improve parts of the Act. Of the eleven sections of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Amendment Act, 1945, which was passed to bring this about, nine sections are of a machinery nature. Section 10 provides that urban land, the sale of which has been consented to by the Land Sales Committee, which is afterwards withdrawn from sale shall not be sold, except with the prior consent of the Minister, within a period of twelve months to other than an ex-serviceman. The taking of land outside cities, boroughs, or town districts for homes for discharged servicemen who are farming, or to facilitate settlement of discharged servicemen, is authorized by section 11 of the Act mentioned. RECEIPTS The receipts for the year from all sources totalled £2,445,659. The receipts for the previous year totalled £1,920,955. Details are as follows :

POSTPONEMENTS, REMISSIONS, AND ARREARS OF RENT AND INTEREST Rents and interest the payment of which remained postponed at 31st March amounted to £6,812. Arrears of rent and interest (including arrears in respect of the current half-yearly charge) totalled £137,244, while remissions for the year totalled £17,526. THE SERVICEMEN'S SETTLEMENT AND LAND SALES ACT, 1943 This report gives an account of the operations under this Act for the second complete year. Applications Have increased from 37,038 in the previous year to the remarkable total of 43,899. This figure comprises 38,262 urban properties and 5,637 rural transactions. As the average number of registered transactions for the three years preceding the enactment of this legislation was 28,201, it appears that little or no restraint has been laid upon the property market by this Act. Moreover, it seems that, notwithstanding the housing shortage, there is little to discourage the free sale of town properties.


Heading. Year ended 31st March, 1946. 1 Year ended 31st March, 1945. Rents, royalties, and interest Rates and miscellaneous receipts from drainage areas Administration charges, fees, and other departmental receipts Sales of land, improvements, repayment of advances, &c. Farming receipts from development schemes Miscellaneous £ 890,577 34,276 97,094 666,169 748,367 9,176 £ 890,780 34,625 96,889 408,241 482,578 7,842 2,445,659 1,920,955


Committees The mounting volume of sales has imposed a heavy burden on Committees, particularly in the metropolitan areas. In Auckland and Wellington it has been necessary to strengthen the Committees to enable more " sitting " time. The Committees have worked faithfully and assiduously, and it is freely granted that the successful administration of the Act is in the main due to the Chairmen and the members. Despatch op Work The further and rather unexpected increase in the volume of applications has taxed the force of valuers available to the Crown and, indeed, to the vendors and purchasers. It was supposed that as standards of values were settled by the Committees and Court, sale prices would tend to be fixed voluntarily at the recognized levels. That expectation has unfortunately been far astray. Prices agreed upon between contracting parties tend to become higher, and therefore the need for valuations becomes correspondingly greater. Although it seemed for a while that some special administrative arrangement would have to be devised to bring arrears of work within manageable proportions, the valuing and office staffs have brought the position within control. At the time of writing this report the graphed line of arrears has taken an encouraging downward curve. During the year the data on which is based the process of valuation was revised and consolidated. This has been a great help to valuers and Committees. It has brought about a great measure of uniformity in the technique of valuing, and rarely is it to be found that more than a few points of difference arise between opposing valuers. Appeals Unfortunately, appeals have not been dealt with as promptly as could be wished. The Judge of the Court, the Honourable Mr. Justice Finlay, had to devote much time to duties in the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal. Towards the end of the period under review, Mr. Justice Finlay was obliged to give all his attention to those judicial functions. Temporary arrangements to deal with the appeals pending the appointment of a full-time Judge have been made by appointing Mr. Justice Ongley an additional Judge. During the year, 295 appeals were filed. Of these, 16 were allowed in full, 51 in part, and 98 yet remain to be dealt with. Since the 31st March these arrears have in large measure been despatched. The Exercise op Crown Rights under Section 51 and Part II op the Act Although section 51 has not been used extensively, the existence of this provision has resulted in an ever-increasing number of direct sales to ex-servicemen (of which details are given elsewhere). In the same way it has not been necessary to make very much use of Part ll of the Act. The very existence of the compulsory provisions to take land has been a powerful factor in enabling the Land Settlement Board to negotiate directly for the sale and purchase of suitable blocks. However, during the year five notices have been issued under Part II of the Act, involving 6,661 acres of land which it is estimated will provide thirty-four farms. Personnel Changes on Committees The following appointments were made during the year in place of Chairmen and Committeemen who vacated their offices for the reasons stated : E. H. Burton, Chairman, North Auckland Committee, vice S. I, Goodall appointed Stipendiary Magistrate. H. E. Beattie, member of Hawke's Bay Committee, vice F. J. Douglas, resigned. E. Sincock, member of Otago Committee, vice R. Walls, resigned.



Return of Applications for Year ended 31st March, 1946

Reductions in Consideration directed by Land Sales Committees for Year ended 31st March, 1946


.Registry. brought forward from. , Previous Year. ■ ■ Received. Granted without Hearing. Granted after Hearing. Granted subject to Conditions Refused* or Withdrawn. 1 Total finalized. • Action ,, incomplete. Farm lands— Auckland 298 1,445 865 152 372 131 1 ,520 223 Hamilton 904 522 77 67 66 732 172 Gisborne 8 . 166 120 12 25 2 159 15 Napier 22 304 255 8 21 4 288 38 New Plymouth 33 370 254 13 33 36 336 67 Wellington 35 436 366 38 24 19 447 24 Blenheim 9 7446 6 13 9 74 9 Nelson 20 259 183 28 12 21 244 35 Hokitika 1 33 28 1 4 33 1 Christchurch 24 662 454 26 102 24 606 80 Dunedin 55 445 224 7 127 39 397 103 Invereargill 27 . 539 346 45 78 37 506 . 60 Totals 532 5,637 3,663 413 878388 5; ,342 827 Other lands— Auckland 1,218 10,224 7,069 790 2 ,288 292 10 ,439 1,003 Hamilton 3,171 2,183 219 220 142 2, ,764 407 Gisborne 13 753 606 27 95 6 734 32 Napier 110 2,200 1,704 93 236 45 2. ,078 232 New Plymouth 73 1,595 1,317 35 177 32 L ,561 107 Wellington 587 7,483 5,913 140 796 252 7, ,101 969 Blenheim 15 522 319 23 156 13 511 26 Nelson 84 1,053 782 144 45 53 1. ,024 113 Hokitika 11 437 317 9 79 7 412 36 Christchurch 419 5,605 3,154 82 2, , 11(> 133 5. ,485 539 Dunedin 232 3,397 2,072 38 998 160 3. ,268 361 Invereargill 90 1,822 1,225 79 434 27 1. ,765 147 Totals Grand totals .. 2,852 38,262 26,661 1,679 7. ,640 1,162 37, ,142 3,972 3,384 43,899 30,324 2,092 8; ,518 1,550 42 : ,484 1 4,799

Registry. Farm Land. Other Land. Totals. Number. Amount. Number. Amount. Number. Amount. Auckland 368 £ 153,119 2,416 £ 390,482 2 ,784 - £ 543,601 Hamilton 67 35,136 228 30,527 295 65,663 Gisborne .. 26 7,935 97 8,029 123 15,964 Napier 20 2,712 236 24,137 256 26,849 New Plymouth 33 11,034 177 23,523 210 34,557 Wellington 130 42,563 3,199 358,400 3 ,329 400,963 Blenheim 13 3,651 151 12,152 164 15,803 Nelson 32 5,950 211 22,593 243 28,543 Hokitika 7 1,557 85 5,614 92 7,171 Christchurch 97 35,609 2,082 239,988 2, ,179 275,597 Dunedin .. . . .. 89 19,715 929 82,494 1 ; ,018 102,209 Invercargill 84 29,064 434 47,420 518 76,484 Totals 966 348,045 10,245 1,245,359 11 : ,211 1,593,404


Return of Appeals filed between 1st April, 1945, and 31st March, 1946

LAND-DEVELOPMENT AND SETTLEMENT OE EX-SERVICEMEN During the year ended 31st March, 1946, considerable progress has been made ill the acquisition of lands for the settlement of ex-servicemen. During that period the purchase of 115,017 acres by voluntary negotiation was completed, 15,766 acres capable of sub-division were acquired in terms of section 51 of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, 6,661 acres were acquired compulsorily under Part II of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, and 9,302 acres representing forty■eight single units were acquired in terms of section 51 of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943. As at 31st March, 1946, the land acquired specifically for the settlement of <ex-servicemen is as follows : Acres. Purchased by negotiation .. .. .. .. 210,354 Acquired under section 51 of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943—Subdividable .. .. .. .. 31,562 Single units .. .. .. .. .. 18,955 Acquired under Part II of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act .. .. .. .. .. 10,491 Total .. .. .. .. .. 271,362


' * Registry. Number* brought forward from Previous Year. ■2« 3 Allowed in Part. 1 1H s .Referred back to Committee. Total Number Disposed of. n 6r 3 S OS 'A g Farm lands — Auckland Hamilton Gisborne Napier New Plymouth Wellington Blenheim Nelson Hokitika Christchurch Dunedin Invercargill 24 13 2 1 11 1 1 1 6 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 * 3 2 1 13 5 2 8 2 I 1 6 2 11 '• 1 Totals 1 62 8 9 7 14 2 40 23 Other lands— Auckland .. Hamilton .. Gisborne Napier New Plymouth Wellington Blenheim Nelson Hokitika Christchurch Dunedin Invercargill 1 93 11 1 14 2 75 4 12 11 9 1 15 1 5 1 17 1 3 4 23 12 6 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 26 3 5 13 1 2 4 3 1 1 1 2 1 64 5 1 11 1 45 4 11 10 8 1 30 6 ' 3 1 32 1 1 1 Totals 3 233 47 42 9 57 6 161 75 Grand totals .. 4 295 55 51 16 71 8 201 98


lii addition to the above, notice of intention to take under the provisions of Part II of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, had, as at 31st March, 1946 r been issued in respect of eleven properties comprising a total area of 29,300 acres. It is anticipated that upon subdivision approximately sixty sections will be derived from this area. Up to 31st March, 1946, the following number of ex-servicemen have been established either on permanent tenure or are working on wages or other similar basis with a promise of a permanent tenure on completion of the development programme : Land District. Total. North Auckland .. .. .. .. 29 Auckland .. .. .. .. .. 106 Gisborne .. .. .. .. 11 Napier .. .. .. .. .. 31 New Plymouth .. .. .. .. 36 Wellington .. .. .. .. 46 Blenheim .. .. .. .. 21 Nelson .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 Hokitika Christchurch .. .. .. .. 54 Dunedin .. .. .. .. 15 Invercargill .. .. .. .. .. 24 377 These figures do not include ex-servicemen assisted by way of rehabilitation loans to purchase established properties. Further details of the areas actually acquired during the year are shown later in this report in schedule form. It will be seen that some areas have been acquired for the Native Department for the settlement of Maori ex-servicemen. In accordance with the policy of the Rehabilitation Board, purchases are still being restricted in the main, to areas that are reasonably developed and do not require extensive use of fertilizers for maintenance of pastures. This policy permits subdivision and settlement with a minimum of delay. Difficulty is still being experienced in the erection of buildings, including houses. The shortage of materials and labour causes delay in completion once contracts for buildings are let. All building-work with the exception of work on those areas controlled by the Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti, is under the supervision of the Department of Housing Construction. The Superintendent at Te Kuiti has his own organization for this work. As at the 31st March, 1946, the following buildings had been completed or were in the course of erection : houses, 271 : cowsheds, 173 ; other buildings, 154. The shortage of materials has precluded extensive development operations on thevarious development blocks which have been under the Department's control for some time. In the main, work on these blocks during the year has been confined to> cultivation,, fencing, draining, normal farming operations, and to maintaining existing improvements as far as possible. Certain blocks and portions of blocks have been made available for the settlement of ex-servicemen, and this principle will be continued when any given block is deemed ready for settlement. The following comments are made in respect of operations in the different districts : Superintendent of Land Development, Auckland During the year twelve properties,' totalling 5,561 acres, were acquired for the settlement of ex-servicemen. Pre-settlement work comprised topographical and boundary surveys, schemes of subdivision, road construction, farm buildings, watersupplies, fencing, and the purchase of stock and chattels.



Material shortages retarded the planned programme, bat during the year under review forty-seven ex-servicemen were established. In addition, the major portion of "the work necessary for the settlement of another fifty-seven settlers early in the coming year was completed, while it is expected that at least sixty-one sections will be ready ■early in 1947. The lack of fertilizer prevented material progress being made in the settlement programme for purely development areas, but it is hoped that an early start can be made with the preparation for settlement of the five hundred to six hundred sections planned in these areas. Production in the early part of the year was good, but a prolonged dry summer seriously affected the output from most of the farm lands in this district. Billings (Part Wharere Block). —Approximately 154 acres of this block remain to be developed, and this will be undertaken when fertilizer is available. Owing to deterioration of pastures, it may be necessary to crop and resow a further 250 acres before a satisfactory sward is obtained. The grown sheep have done fairly well, but the lambs were not up to the usual standard owing to the dry nature of the feed, which reduced the ewe's milk-supply. Both cattle and sheep had to be grazed temporarily on. Hereford Park. Edgecumbe (Locality: Edgecumbe).—Deterioration of pastures on this block continued owing to drought conditions and shortage of manure. The hay crop was a failure, but a fair crop of swedes was obtained. Dairy heifers purchased as weaners were grazed and run with bulls after a fairly heavy culling. The culls were disposed of, and a very satisfactory line of in-calf heifers is available for distribution to ex-servicemen. Owing to feed shortage there has been a greater measure of fern control, and paspalum will be sown in the spring on the hilly country. It is hoped that this will assist in preventing •erosion on this loose type of soil. Orini has been used in conjunction with Edgecumbe and has proved valuable for fattening bullocks and cull female cattle. This block .suffered from excessive flooding in the autumn of 1943, but has recovered and benefited from the recent dry season. Fairview (Locality : Taneatua). —This block was acquired during the year and a •dairy herd has been milked on shares on the front portion of the property with satisfactory returns for the season. The remainder consists of hilly country which has badly •deteriorated, and a considerable amount of crushing has been done with steers and wethers. This practice will be continued, and with a sufficient manure supply and oversowing it is expected that the hills will be satisfactorily regrassed. Jensens (Part Wharere Block). —This block has suffered very severely from the drought and practically all stock was removed. Last year's turnip area was sown down ;and another area is now in swedes, but owing to the poor crop, part had to be resown. A small area has been fenced and sown down for a holding paddock. "Water has been •laid on to two paddocks and the establishment of lucerne will be undertaken. Mihi (Locality : Reporoa).—These areas also suffered from the drought. Owing to the newness of the pastures and lack of sufficient fertilizer, recovery has not been good, and some harrowing and oversowing will be necessary. Last year's swede area was sown down, and as an experiment approximately 100 acres of this new grass is being reserved for grazing by cattle only. Additional fencing has been erected. The National -Service Department, by means of defaulter labour, again erected further fences, formed roads, dug drains, and provided most of the labour for general farm work. This source of labour has now ceased and outside labour is being engaged. Some damage was •caused by fire on the Mihi and Paeroa Sub-blocks, but fortunately it was not serious. Investigations to eliminate unthriftiness experienced in young stock are being carried out under the direction of the Scientific and Industrial Research Department. Butchers (Part Mihi Block). —This area, which was acquired during the year, is situated (between the Mihi and Paeroa Blocks and will be developed in conjunction with them.



Matanuku (Locality : Tokoroa). —Seven sections were allotted to ex-servicemen during the year, while one is being farmed on wages pending further improvements. Two further sections will be settled in the coming year, while the balance of ten sections are expected to be ready for occupation during the following year. This block suffered less from the drought than other parts of the district and consequently the production of both meat and wool was satisfactory. Matarawa (Part Matanuku Block). —Possession of this block was taken on Ist March, 1945, and is being developed in conjunction with Matanuku. The subdivision provides for three sections, and contracts for the necessary buildings have been arranged. Ngutuwera (Locality : Tokoroa).—Last season's swede area has been sown down in permanent pasture, and a further area is now in a fairly good swede crop. Until sufficient manure is available, work on this block cannot proceed. Rerewhakaitu (Locality: Rotorua). —The work on this block has consisted of fencing, building renovations, and the provision of winter feed. Yery fair swede crops have been obtained and there is a good strike of soft turnips. It is now necessary toplough further rough areas for temporary pastures and swedes. There is great scope for development when fertilizer-supplies are available. Tokoroa (Locality : Tokoroa). —This block, in common with Matanuku, did not suffer from the drought to the same extent as the other areas to the east. The class of stock has been well maintained and production has been satisfactory. Last year's swede area has been sown down in grass and appears to be a good strike, but the new swede area has suffered badly.. Lack of fertilizer is again the cause of further deterioration of pastures, and this has resulted in a reduction of the number of breeding-ewes. Waikite (Locality : Rotorua). —Shortage of fertilizer and drought conditions resulted in further deterioration of pastures and consequent loss in carrying-capacity on the Waikite Block. In the case of the Whirinaki portion of the block there is no marked deterioration in the pastures, and this is no doubt due to the fact that there has never been any breeding of sheep or cattle on this area. It has been reserved for fattening cattle and wintering cull lambs from Mihi, with very good results. As a result of the experience of last year, it has been decided to make provision for the establishment of lucerne areas wherever possible. Development work in the meantime is limited to fencing, buildings, ploughing further unimproved land, and sowing temporary pastures for future root crops. Tikokopu (Locality : Helensville). —This block of 4,600 acres, which is situated about three miles south-east of Helensville, was taken over during the year. The whole area is undulating to hilly with some good flat areas suitable for dairying. Considerable development work, consisting mostly of clearing and pasture establishment, is necessary before settlement takes place. In the meantime, sheep and cattle are being run and areas prepared for large-scale development work. A subdivisional scheme providing for seven dairy and six sheep farms has been prepared. Whangapoua (Locality: Coromandel). —This block of 21,055 acres, which is situated on the Whangapoua Harbour, Coromandel Peninsula, was purchased in February, 1946. Of the total area, approximately 2,000 acres of flat to undulating country is being retained by this Department for future settlement, while the balance is being taken over by the State Forest Service. Considerable development work is necessary, as the greater part of the land consists of run-out pastures with areas of fern and scrub. A farm-manager has been appointed and a start made with fence repairs, draining, and pasture renovation. At present 1,500 breeding-ewes are being run. Riverside (Locality : Tangowahine). —Purchased in February, 1946, this block of 3,960 acres is situated about seventeen miles north-east of Dargaville. The whole area. is undulating to steep hills and consists of some fairly good grassed areas in the small valleys. The greater portion of the hill country is reverting to fern and scrub. The block has good water for stock on the eastern boundary, but over the balance of the'



area the supply is poor, being from small streams and springs, which dry out in the summer Before settlement takes place, development work, consisting of pasture establishment, draining, clearing, and water-supply, is necessary. There are no buildings on the property. At the present time sheep and cattle are being run 011 this block, OTcahulcura (Locality : Wellsford). —This area of 9,041 acres was purchased in March, 1945, and is situated on the Kaipara Harbour, twenty-four miles south-west of Wellsford. Approximately 2,400 acres consists of fairly steep hills of poor quality ■covered in scrub, fern, and scattered gorse. The balance of the area is flat to undulating with some 1,500 acres of sandy ridges, tidal flats, and islands, 625 acres in fair to run-out pasture, and 4,516 acres covered in gorse, manuka, and lupins with open patches of runout pasture. Owing to the very thick growth of gorse and manuka, large-scale development cannot be undertaken until ample supplies of fertilizer and fencing-materials are available. The block is not naturally well watered. Indications are that good supplies •can be obtained from bores, but the water-supply scheme will present a major problem. During the year repairs and renovations have been effected to the old homestead and farm buildings. Shearers' quarters and huts for workmen have been erected. Fifty acres were cultivated and sown in swedes, and an area of 400 acres has been cleared ■of gorse and manuka and cultivated for future crop areas. An eight-wire pig-proof fence is being erected to enclose approximately 2,000 acres which will be cleared and grassed and then used as the main grazing area while the balance of the workable land is being developed. At the present time sheep and cattle are being run, but until better grass areas are obtained good returns cannot be expected. Ultimately some forty dairy farms should be established. Orini (Part Edgecumbe Block). —Work on this block during the year has been confined entirely to the essential maintenance and the care of live-stock. Only one man has been continuously employed, but other men have been employed from time to time as required. Parts of this block are very low lying and are drained by open drains feeding into the Reids Central Canal. At high spring tides and at flood times Water flows up these drains and inundates the land. At some time in the near future it will be necessary to consider placing flood-gates on these outlets and improving the stopbanks to prevent this inflow. At a later date the provision of some sort of flood-pumping scheme will have to be considered. This matter is, however, closely linked with tentative schemes under consideration for the provision of a flood-control channel to deal with overflow water from the Rangitaiki River in flood times, and consideration of it will have to be deferred until a decision on these schemes has been reached. The work done on the block during the year has comprised care of live-stock ; mustering, drafting, droving, &c. ; repairs to fences, gates, and bridges ; cutting and burning of blackberry and ragwort; grubbing of rushes ; cleaning of 406 chains of drains and deepening of 20 chains of drain with excavation of 130 cubic yards of spoil; and erection of 110 chains of new fence and dismantling of 40 chains of old fence. Wharere (Locality : Bay of Plenty). —As has been the case for the last few years, ■only a few men have been employed on the block during the last year, the number varying from ten to thirteen, and they have been engaged almost entirely on essential maintenance work, very little development work being carried out. As has been mentioned in. previous reports, there is a large programme of work awaiting the attention of a mechanical excavator. A machine was purchased during the year for this purpose and was shipped to Pongakawa early in January. Some 20 chains of the Waerenga Road Drain were improved by this machine up to the end of the year, but most of its time has been spent in assisting with the construction of the suction bay for a new flood-pump station that is now being erected to serve the area north of the Tainui Road. This suction bay is now well under way. A tractor was employed in constructing 800 chains of cattle-tracks through the scrub and blackberry on the east of the Wharere Canal and also on levelling blackberry and scrub. This work was discontinued in July and not started again until February, when further levelling was- done, bringing the total for the year to 350 acres. Late in March this tractor was sent to Thornton and one from Pouarua Block transferred to Wharere Block to carry on this work. Other work carried out



during the year comprised the cleaning of 25 miles 64 chains of drains, erection of 75 chains of new fence and repairs to 760 chains, and erection of fourteen small bridges. Ragwort was sprayed over an area of 1,800 acres and blackberry cut by hand on 253 acres. Water-supply maintenance entailed the lifting and lowering of 228 chains of water-main. Peat fires were a great nuisance this year following the drought, and during February and March men had to be constantly employed controlling them. The two small farms produced 20,000 lb. of butterfat, 48 pigs, and 45 bobby calves for the year. The 533 steers sold during the year brought excellent prices, the total value being £8,647. Pouarua (Locality : Hauraki Plains). —The area of this block is 12,000 acres, and approximately 6,000 acres have been sown in grass, but, due partly to the difficulty of obtaining fencing-material and partly to the fact that some areas have become unworkable because of insufficient labour to maintain drains, a part of this grassed area is now not stocked. The number of men employed on this block has varied from eleven to twentyseven during the year —at 31st March, twenty-three men were employed. Early in the year it was possible with the small number of men to do only the most essential maintenance of fencing, &c., and to care for the stock, but in the latter part of the year a start was being made with the deepening of the 180 miles of drains that now urgently require attention. A feature of this year's work that requires mention is the disastrous peat fires during the prolonged drought. These not only destroyed many acres of grass that will require resowing, but destroyed a great deal of fencing-material, and caused much inconvenience to stockmen in consequence. Fortunately no stock was lost and very little other material damage caused, but a large labour force had to be employed at times to control the fires. Although the number of stock carried is rather less than last year, the total sale value has increased considerably. This is principally due to the high prices ruling for fat stock this year. Apart from the factors mentioned above, another reason for the decrease in the number of stock carried is that an area of 280 acres was handed to the local Primary Production Council in January last for grazing of dairy stock, and in March last this area was further increased to 1,500 acres, which is now carrying about 800 dairy cattle. Bradleys (Locality : Te Kopuru).—This property of 1,249 acres, situated on the west coast seven miles from Te Kopuru, was acquired as a development proposition early in 1941. At present there are about 716 acres undeveloped. Approximately 250 acres is in rough feed which will have to be cropped for three years to eradicate the ratstail which is dominant. Until adequate fertilizers are available this work cannot be expedited. The balance of the undeveloped portion to the south is of a very light sandy nature and it is doubtful if ploughing and normal cultivation would be wise owing to the danger of sand erosion. As an experiment, 50 acres have been harrowed and a suitable mixture will be sown. A trial bore is being put down to test the possibilities of obtaining a suitable water-supply for this block. WaipapaJcauri (Locality : Part Waipapakauri Aerodrome). —This area has been farmed under difficult conditions as, owing to lack of drainage, the paddocks in most parts poached badly during the wet winter, and with the cold spring followed by the hot dry summer the growth was poor. Approximately 160 acres was used for dairying, ' but the adverse conditions caused a small butterfat-production. The balance of the area was grazed with run cattle. A small amount of development work, mainly the re-erection of existing fences and the deepening of some of the main drains, was carried out in the early part of the year. Puriri (Locality : Kaitaia). —During the drought a number of stock was grazed elsewhere in order to spell the pasture, which suffered from lack of sufficient fertilizer. A big tractor was employed in the early part of the year hauling puriri logs off the block, and these, comprising about 150,000 super feet (log measurement), will be milled into suitable timber for use on development blocks. As a result of the tractor knocking put softwood stumps, which were logged up and burnt, 100 acres were resown. The sheep and cattle grazing on the block are in very fair condition.



Kaitaia (Locality : Kaitaia)., —The year's operations consisted of maintaining the present grassed area, but the cold wet spring and hot dry summer affected the butterfatproduction from this area. Only about half the usual amount of hay was harvested, but the dairy stock are in good condition and no trouble is anticipated in bringing them through the coming winter. Three paddocks comprising 17 acres were resown in grass last autumn, but owing to the poor spring the growth was disappointing. Most of the paddocks in the area are becoming very rough, as timber is starting to show through, thus making it impossible to use mowers and harrows. The danger of peat fires which occur every year requires to be overcome before extensive development of the peat areas can proceed. Kerepeehi (Part Pouarua Block). —Of the total area of 1,590 acres, 188 acres are leased, and of the balance about 900 acres has been cleared and grassed, while 500 acres "is still in scrub and pussy-willow. The number of men employed on this block during the year has varied between two and ten. They have been employed cleaning drains, ■erecting and repairing fences, controlling noxious weeds and regrowth, and attending to stock. During the latter part of the year some 200 acres were harrowed, and part of the clay road around the block was also harrowed and regraded. Galatea (Locality : Rotorua). —Ten sections totalling 1,483 acres were allotted -during the year to ex-servicemen. Good progress was made with the erection of farm buildings, and it is expected that a further fourteen sections—2,lso acres —will be settled before next season. Returns from the dairy-farms were much lower than those of the previous year, a prolonged dry spell having a serious effect on the pastures. Work was practically confined to fencing, draining, water-supplies, &c., with a view to preparing sections for settlement. Some 300 acres to 400 acres of lucerne was sown on this area last spring and an excellent strike resulted. This will provide good hay •crops for the coming season. Paratu (Locality : Walton). —This block, of 2,020 acres, was acquired in 1943 ;and drainage and pasture improvement work has been carried out. The forming and metalling of the access roads and erection of fences and buildings have been commenced, it is hoped to have thirteen of the proposed sixteen mixed farms ready for settlement for the 1947-48 season. In the meantime the area is being farmed with sheep and •cattle and good results have been obtained, approximately 100 per cent, of the lambs being fattened. Motutapu (Locality : Hauraki Gulf). —In common with other development projects, lack of fertilizer again held up the pasture-improvement programme on this island. Approximately 120 acres was ploughed and sown in green barley, and this area will later be regrassed. Repairs to fences and building renovations have been carried out and a great deal of gorse has been eradicated. Owing to the nature of the pastures it was necessary to reduce the number of breeding-ewes carried, but the number of breeding-cows was increased. The extra stocking with cattle has made a big improvement in the ratstail pastures. This island is being farmed for the Army Department. Mangawai (Locality : Mangawai). —Development work included the clearing and grassing of approximately 100 acres of heavily infested gorse swamp, but unfortunately & fire during the summer spread across this area. Other damage which resulted from the fire was the destruction of fences and plantations. All sheep have been removed from this block, and they have been replaced by cattle with a view to the strenghtening of the pastures before dairying commences in 1947. Awaroa (Locality : Ruawai).—Possession of this property of 287 acres was taken on Ist February, 1945, and it has been subdivided into three dairy-farms. Before settlement, new buildings, water-supply, fences, and -drains are required, and much of the pastures are to be resown. This work was commenced during the year, and in the meantime the area is being grazed.



Mamaranui (Locality : Dargaville).—This property, which is situated near Dargaville, contains 959 acres, and provision is being made for four farms. A good deal of development work, including roading, clearing, fencing, and erection of buildings, will be necessary, and a start has been made with this work. At present the area is being farmed with sheep and cattle. Hillcrest (Locality : Waikiekie, North Auckland). —Of the total area of 620 acres, 200 acres is being share-farmed. Considering the dry spell, the returns were fairly satisfactory, although much lower than previous year. Kopuriki (Part Galatea Block). —This area of 2,800-acres was purchased on 30th April, 1945, and it will be developed in conjunction with Galatea. Eventually it is hoped that twenty dairy-farms will be established on this area. Ha/puakohe (Locality : Hoe-o-Tainui). —Possession of this area of approximately 400 acres was taken on Ist July, 1945, and the property has been subdivided into four dairy units. In addition to some cultivation and fencing work, an access road was formed and metalled, a water-supply installed, and farm buildings erected. Two sections were balloted during the year, and after a period on wages the two ex-servicemen were allotted sections from Ist September, 1945. It is expected that the remaining two sections will be settled before the commencement of next dairy season. Tirau (Locality : Tirau). —This area of approximately 700 acres was taken over on 16th April, 1945, and subdivided into three dairy-farms and one sheep-farm. Improvements effected included extensive subdivisional fencing, water reticulation, and the erection of farm buildings. Following a ballot, four ex-servicemen were employed on wages for a short time, the sections being allotted to them from Ist September, 1945. Mangawara (Locality : Orini). —Three ex-servicemen were established during the year on this dairying property, which comprised 282 acres. Subdivisional and boundary fences and farm buildings were erected prior to settlement, and after milking on wages for a few months the ex-servicemen took possession on Ist September, 1945, about four months after the property was acquired by the Crown. Waitoa (Locality : Waitoa). —Two properties totalling 745 acres were taken over in April and June, 1945, and subdivided into nine dairy-farms. Four ex-servicemen were allotted sections from Ist October, 1945, and another one will be settled next July. The remaining four sections require buildings and an access road and it will not be possible to, ballot these until next year. Otakiri (Locality : Otakiri). —Possession of this settlement of 412 acres was taken on Ist June, 1945, and provision made for four dairy units. Two ex-servicemen were allotted sections and two others are milking herds on wages. One new dwelling has been completed and arrangements have been made for the erection of another. It is expected that the wages men will be granted leases at the commencement of the coming season. Ototoa (Locality : Helensville). —At the beginning of the 1945-46 dairying season two ex-servicemen were established. The remaining portions of the block were used for grazing dairy calves and run cattle. During the year steady progress was made with the building requirements, water-supply, and fencing for the other seven sections. It is estimated that all the work will be finished and the seven sections ready for settlement for the 1946-47 dairying season. From present indications it is apparent that these sections will make successful dairy units. During the drought the whole area stood up to full stock-carrying conditions, and, in addition, 3,000 bales of hay were harvested. Lake View (Locality : Ahipara).—This area was taken over in June, 1945, and subdivided into two dairy units. At the commencement of the 1945-46 dairying season one unspecified section was allotted on a share-milking basis and 80 cows were milked by the ex-servicemen. Two new cottages have been completed and new cow-sheds and piggeries are being erected. A new water-supply is to be installed, and a ballot for another sections will be held before the commencement of next season.



KaraJca (Locality : Karaka). —Possession of this settlement of 220 acres was taken in November,. 1944, and the two dairy-farms were allotted on a wages basis on 22nd March, 1946. New houses and other farm buildings, water-supply, and fencing are among the improvements to be effected, and good progress with these works has been made. BrooJclands (Locality : Papakura). —Two dairy-farms and one mixed farm have been planned for this settlement of 378 acres, which was acquired in February, 1945. New farm buildings were required on two sections and one farm was allotted on Ist September, 1945, while another will be settled next season. Further development is required on the proposed mixed farm before being balloted. Nukuhou (Locality : Taneatua). —This settlement was taken over at the end of May, 1945, and subdivided into one dairy and one sheep farm. As little improvement work was necessary, it was possible to allot the sections to ex-servicemen from Ist July, 1945. Ongo View (Locality : Ohinewai). —This property of 711 acres was taken over on 17th April, 1945, and subdivided into two sheep-farms. ' As it was necessary to effect certain improvements, including the erection of farm buildings, it was farmed for a year, and two ex-servicemen will be settled immediately. Onewhero (Locality : Onewhero). —Possession of this 600-acre sheep-farm was taken on 16th April, 1945. Owing to periodic flooding of the flats it was considered economic as a single unit only, and a ballot will be held in May, 1946. Boundary and subdivisional fences were erected and repaired and approximately 90 acres were regrassed during the time it was grazed by the Department. Komakorau (Locality : Gordonton).—This area of 734 acres was acquired on Ist February, 1945, and subdivided into six dairy-farms. Before settlement, new buildings, water-supply, fencing, and some cultivation work was necessary, and these were under way at the date of this report. It is expected that three sections will be balloted in the near future, while the remaining sections will be settled next year. Te Hoe (Locality : Te Hoe). —Two dairy units are planned for this settlement of 284 acres, possession of which was taken on Ist November, 1945. As the pastures require renewing and farm buildings are necessary, it will not be possible, to settle this area until 1947. Bruntwood (Locality : Bruntwood). —This settlement, containing 166 acres, will subdivide into two dairy-farms. This area was taken over on Ist June, 1945. New buildings are in the course of erection, and both sections will be balloted within the next month or two. Tauhei (Locality : Tauhei). —Possession of this property was taken on 27th June, 1945, and the area will be subdivided into two dairy-farms each of 100 acres. New buildings and fences are to be erected, and regrassing of part of the area will be necessary. During the dry spell a fire spread from an adjoining property and swept across this settlement. It is intended to employ a man dairying on wages on one section next season. Whitesides (Locality : Otakiri).—This single unit property of 97 acres was acquired on Ist June, 1945, and fencing, erection of buildings, and renovation of pastures are being carried out. The section will be allotted on a wages basis from Ist July, 1946. Thompson's (Locality: Kaihere). —This section of 102 acres was acquired in November, 1944. Extensive alterations to the house and new farm buildings were necessary, while a new water-supply was installed. A great deal of cleaning up was carried out, in addition to the erection and renovation of fences and cultivation work. A total of 48 heifer calves are grazing on the section, and it is expected that a ballot will be held within the next month or two. Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti Altogether, the year's operations can be considered to be reasonably satisfactory. Drought conditions on all blocks north of Te Kuiti affected the pastures and carryingcapacity to a great extent. On some blocks it was necessary to move all the cattle to



areas farther south so that the required relief could be given. Fortunately, the hay produced by the various blocks was almost sufficient to satisfy the supplementary feeding that was necessary and provide the dry winter fodder. This reasonably satisfactory situation would not have been possible had it not been that the winter was a mild one. All blocks are feeling the absence of a reasonable allocation of superphosphate. This has resulted in the weakening of pastures and a resultant easing of carrying-capacity. By far the greatest problem that has been faced during the year is that of ex-servicemen settlement. With very few exceptions this branch is erecting the houses and other necessary improvements on the areas set aside for settlement of ex-servicemen. This work is up to date, and the programme that was envisaged at the beginning of the year will be put into effect. In one or two cases the allotment has had to be postponed owing to the failure of the pastures to adequately recover, due to drought conditions. The various Electric-power Boards appreciate the need for electrical reticulation of areas set aside for settlement, and everything has been done by the Boards concerned to make the power available. A big problem is facing this branch in respect to deferred maintenance, particularly in regard to fencing and drainage. During the war years the lack of labour was responsible for the normal programme not being carried out. However, it is hoped that when the class of labour required becomes available for this work the maintenance will be speeded up. Lambing has been up to the usual standard. All stock is in good condition. Revenue from sales has been slightly in excess of that anticipated. During the year Broughs, Otoru, Aria, Part Pururu, Part Mapara, Part Ellicotts, and Patoto Blocks were allotted to ex-servicemen, while Bentons and Pratts Blocks were allotted to civilian tenants and Bains was amalgamated with Pururu Block. Aria Block (413 Acres), (Locality : Aria). —This property, consisting of two dairying sections, was settled by ex-servicemen in July, 1945. Arohena Block (4,130 Acres), (Locality : Arohena). —Although dry weather prevailed during the summer months, this condition was, however, beneficial to the block. Both live-stock and crops have done particularly well. Conditions were most suitable for noxious-weed control. The ewe flock has been increased from 2,000 to 2,500. A total of 1,795 acres is in permanent grass. Atua Block (618 Acres), (Locality: Arapuni).—This block was purchased for settlement of ex-servicemen in June, 1945. The scheme of settlement provides for six dairying sections and the erection of five houses, cow-sheds, and other buildings ; also the necessary fencing and installation of an adequate community water-supply. All the work has almost been completed. Possession will be given to the successful applicants in July, 1946. Burns' Block (139 Acres), (Locality: Te Rau-a-Moa). —This section was originally reverted bush land badly infested with ragwort. Noxious weeds are now under control and the pastures are well consolidated. Throughout the past year a dairy herd has been milked on the bonus system, and settlement will take place in July, 1946. Ellicott's Block (746 Acres), (Locality: Te Awamutu). —The major portion of this block, consisting of four dairying and five sheep sections, was settled by ex-servicemen in July and October, 1945. The balance of 729 acres is being improved preparatory to further settlement. Fencing and the establishing of adequate permanent pastures is being pushed ahead. This block was reticulated with electric power in 1945. Foss > Block (438 Acres), (Locality : Pukeatua). —This country is of a very light pumice nature and has suffered from lack of manure. Careful management and additional manure will be required to bring the. pastures up to standard. Thirty-three acres of pasture have been renewed this year. A considerable portion of the fencing is now in a condition requiring renovation. Eight hundred breeding-ewes and 60 breeding-cows are to be wintered, and an increase in ewes is contemplated the following year. Owing to the possibility of securing tv. suitable sheep sections, it has been decided to continue development operations i>r■> ~ rime yet.



Henderson's Block (776 Acres), (Locality : Otorohanga).—The pastures on this block suffered seriously during the dry spell and most of the live-stock had to be moved elsewhere. Two ex-servicemen are to be settled on dairying sections of 100 acres each this year and the remainder of the block is to be disposed of to ex-servicemen during 1947. Kaeaea Block (1,639 Acres), (Locality : Aria). —During the year, 60 acres of pasture have been added to the previous total. A new wool-shed has been erected and the carrying-capacity of the block is steadily increasing. Permanent grass is now rapidly consolidating and the swamp area is gradually being brought in. Kairangi Block (863 Acres), (Locality : Roto-o-rangi).—This block, which was originally acquired from the Waikato Land Settlement Society, will be completely settled this year. To date, sixteen prospective civilian settlers of the society have been established and a further three ex-servicemen settlers will take over the balance of the block in the near future. All the necessary improvements have been effected. Karakariki Block (1,433 Acres), (Locality: Whatawhata). —This block contains a large area unsuitable for development. Some years will elapse before any further settlement can be contemplated. The block was taken over from the Waikato Land Settlement Society. Kohua Block (1,094 Acres), (Locality: Piopio).—-An ex-serviceman is to be settled on 357 acres this autumn. A new house and supplementary buildings have been erected for this purpose. Very little development has been carried out during the past year on the balance of the block, but the existing pastures are consolidating well and the fences are in fair order. Konui Block (300 Acres), (Locality: Hamilton).—This property, formerly used by the Department of Agriculture as a vegetable-production scheme, was handed back to the Department during 1945. Four ex-servicemen are to be settled in June," 1946. Houses have been built, a water scheme installed, fences erected, and milking-sheds completed and equipped. The recent dry spell temporarily affected the pastures, but it is anticipated that the desired recovery will take place before settlement. Fifty-seven acres was disposed of to the Agriculture Department for soil-research purposes in June, 1945. Langdon's Block (456 Acres), (Locality : Pukeatua). —The dry summer affected this block of pumice land more than the heavier country. Lack of manure has also adversely affected the pasture. Two small-farm settlers are to commence dairying this year. The necessary fences and buildings, have been erected. Maihiihi Block (335 Acres), (Locality : Maihiihi). —One settler took over a herd during the year and a further section is to be settled this coming year. The balance of the block will not be ready for settlement for some years yet. Mangamdhoe Block (442 Acres), (Locality: Otorohanga).—The gorse on this property is now under control and development of the area is proceeding. Further settlement will now, however, not be possible for some years yet. The recent dry spell adversely affected the pastures, and a crop failure resulted. Mangaorino Block (832 Acres), (Locality: Te Kuiti). —When taken over, this area was reverted hill country. During the year, 35 chains of new track have been completed to make easier access to the back of the block. The crops included a trial of 2 acres of pampas grass. There is no immediate prospect of a new road into the Mangarapa Basin being formed, and until this is done development cannot be successfully handled. Mangaotaki Block (1,611 Acres), (Locality : Mangaotaki).—This area was acquired for ex-servicemen in 1945, and it is expected that settlement will take place early in 1947. This country rises from easy hills to steep ridges. Two-thirds is in good pasture ; the balance is reverted somewhat to fern and scrub. This block was heavily stocked during the dry spell, due to stock transfers from departmental properties in drought areas.



Mangati Block (641 Acres), (Locality; Otorohanga). —Two dairy herds are to be established on Puketotara, Sub-block next spring and all the required buildings and other improvements have been erected. Te Tahi Sub-block, being of steep contour, will require further development before it will be up to a standard for settlement. Mapara Block (5,342 Acres), (Locality: Te Kuiti). —Approximately half of this block is still undeveloped through lack of labour and manure. There is a large area of heavy scrub yet to be developed. During this year one ex-serviceman was settled on a dairying section of 199 acres, while a prospective civilian settler operated a dairy herd on the bonus system. Settlement of this man will take place in July, 1946. Ngatamahine Block (4,661 Acres), (Locality: Piopio). —Three sheep sections, totalling 979 acres, are to be settled this autumn by ex-servicemen. Houses, store and implement sheds, sheep-yards, and a wool-shed and dip have been built for this purpose. The necessary fencing has also been erected. Four prospective civilian settlers who have been operating dairy herds on the bonus system are to be granted small-farm leases in July next. Nilson's Block (604 Acres), (Locality : Waimiha). —This area was originally heavy bush country which has been milled. All of the suitable land has been developed but greater supplies of manure will be required before the pasture can be brought up to standard. Disposal of this property cannot be contemplated until the condition of the block has materially improved. Ohakune Block (1,087 Acres), (Locality : Ohakune). —In July next this block will be settled, four dairying sections being allotted to ex-servicemen and a further one to a prospective civilian settler. All buildings and other improvements will be completed by June next. Otoru Block (1,224 Acres), (Locality: Rewarewa). —As contemplated in the last annual report, five ex-servicemen were settled in July, 1945. Steps are now being taken to reserve the bush area of 456 acres. Patoto Block (721 Acres), (Locality : Mokauiti). In July, 1945, 489 acres was made available to an ex-serviceman settler. The bush area of 233 acres is now under the control of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, New Plymouth. Piha Block (26 Acres), (Locality : Te Kuiti). —This is a small area which is used mainly as a holding paddock. At present a number of dairy heifers are being grazed thereon. Piu Block (6,131 Acres), (Locality : Mapiu).—A big development programme has been planned for 1947. This includes burning, sowing, disking, and fencing. The existing pastures have deteriorated somewhat, due to shortage of manure. Pururu Block (2,187 Acres), (Locality : Rangitoto).—Bain's Block was added to this area during the year. Eight ex-servicemen were settled in July last on dairy-farms totalling 858 acres after the necessary buildings, &c., had been erected. It is proposed to settle two more areas next year. Fifty chains of new roading were completed in 1945. Very little new development work has been possible owing to the large settlement programme. The block has been reticulated with electric power. Raetihi Block (3,133 Acres), (Locality : Raetihi). —Five mixed dairying and sheep sections consisting of 1,080 acres will be settled by ex-servicemen in July next. Before the major portion of the balance of the block can be disposed of a swamp of approximately 200 acres requires draining. The season has been a very satisfactory one in all respects. Rangarangai Block (1,587 Acres), (Locality: Taumarunui). —This area was taken over for subsequent settlement of ex-servicemen in March, 1946. Approximately 200 acres remain to be developed, but the balance is in fair pasture. The fencing is in reasonable order, but some will need reconditioning. The block at the moment is absorbing large numbers of stock from other blocks. A further 1,553 acres will be acquired in April next. Rumbles' Block (379 Acres), (Locality: Te Awamutu).—The gorse is still prevalent on this section, but it is being controlled as development proceeds. Throughout the winter, 600 breeding-ewes, 500 lambs, and 38 breeding-cows were carried.



Tahaia Block (661 Acres), (Locality : Tahaia). —This area is badly infested with gorse, but good progress in eradication has been made during the year. A new house has been erected. A further area of 556 acres of Crown land has been added to the block and a comprehensive programme of development has been prepared. Tapuwae Block (3,328 Acres), (Locality: Poro-o-tarao). —Practically half of this area is now developed. Cobaltized superphosphate is still being applied to this block and extensive use is made of limonite licks to combat sheep-sickness. The pasture on this block is well consolidated. Tarata Block (188 Acres), (Locality : Ngahape).—This block was taken over during the year and a dairy herd has been milked throughout the season on a share-milking basis. In July next two sections will be allotted to ex-servicemen, of which the sharemilker is one. This is particularly desirable dairying country. All improvements necessary have been erected. Te Kowhai Block (303 Acres), (Locality : Te Kowhai).— This block of dairying -country was acquired for ex-servicemen settlement in June, 1945. One section was allotted in August following. A further three sections are to be settled in July next. All the required buildings and other improvements will be completed by then. Vincent's Block (196 Acres), (Locality: Otorohanga).—The pastures on this block suffered during the exceptionally dry summer, and reconditioning will be necessary. •Grass-grub is in evidence in some of the paddocks. It is possible that settlement will be proceeded with next year. Waihuka Block (2,539 Acres), (Locality : Waimiha). —Generally the pasture on this .area is improving, and the property came through the dry summer very well. There is a large area still undeveloped owing to no work being done thereon during the war years through lack of labour and manure. The ewe flock is being increased. Waitanguru Block (10,466 Acres), (Locality : Waitanguru).—A large portion of this block is still in the development stage, as work of this nature was curtailed during the war years. Due to heavy stocking and lack of sufficient manure, the pastures have weakened considerably. Stock have done remarkably well, due, no doubt, to the use of cobaltized superphosphate. Control of ragwort and fern has been very satisfactory. Watson's Block (1,051 Acres), (Locality : Waitomo). —The developed portion of this block is in fair condition. Pastures were not affected to a great extent by the dry season, but will require heavy manuring to effect any improvement. This block will be made available for settlement in 1947. Wharepa'pa Block (3,140 Acres), (Locality: Te Awamutu). —Development of this block is practically completed. Being light country, the pastures suffered considerably during the dry spell. Large areas were grassed during the war years, and with a consequent lightening of the manure available per acre a forward movement in the pasture could not be expected. Nine ex-servicemen are to be settled on a wages basis this year and one prospective seftler under the Waikato Land Settlement Scheme. The existing water-supply has been extended and a further 400 acres, approximately, reticulated. The block is being reticulated with electric power. Whataroa Block (1,256 Acres), (Locality : Te Kuiti). —This area, taken over for settlement of ex-servicemen, is to be settled in June. Seven sections will be available, and the necessary houses, milking-sheds, pig-houses, calf-houses, implement-sheds, fencing, and water schemes have been completed. The country is of easy rolling contour and lies well to the sun. The pasture stood up well during the dry spell. There is still 384 acres, mostly swamp country, which is to be developed when satisfactory arrangements can be. made with the Mangapu Drainage Board for the construction of a main drain. Electric power was laid on during the past year. Whatauri Block (566 Acres), (Locality : Te Awamutu). —This block, which adjoins . Wharepapa, is being prepared for settlement. Fencing, roading, building, and water Xiticulation has been completed and electric power is being laid on. Two ex-servicemen who have been milking on the dairy bonus system will take over their sections in July. It is possible that two further dairying sections will be available two to three years hence.



WJiatawhata Block (301 Acres), (Locality: Whatawhata). —This block was taken over for ex-servicemen and three are to be settled in July. The necessary fencing, building, &c., have been erected. The property is an attractive one. General Report on the Position and Progress of Established Civilian Tenants This branch is handling thirty-five civilian settlers established on blocks previously controlled by the Waikato Land Settlement Society. In all cases these men are meeting their commitments and their farming activities have been very satisfactory. Ragwort is prevalent on quite a number of sections, but the settlers appreciate the need for constant attention to this noxious weed and are handling the situation very well. In one or two isolated cases the ragwort has been a major problem, but with the assistance of the County Council the weed has been brought under control. As these sections were in the drought area, a number of them have felt the position very much. Applications have been received for the provision of finance for hay. In a few cases only will it be necessary to secure advances from the Land Settlement Board to meet this expenditure. In the other instances there is sufficient revenue in their current accounts to cover the outgoings. Several of these civilian/ settlers have made applications for disposal of their sections to ex-servicemen, and these cases are now under consideration. Commissioner of Crown Lands, North Auckland The majority of the development areas in this land district are controlled by the Superintendent of Land Development, Auckland, but the following areas are controlled by the Commissioner : Matariki Farm Settlement (Locality : Whangarei).—This property is being prepared for subdivision as three units. A herd of about 80 cows has been milked during the year on the fully developed section, the two partially developed sections being used as a run-off. These two sections are partly in rough grass, but it was not possible, owing to shortage of fertilizers and suitable labour, to clear and lay down in grass the undeveloped areas. Run cattle have been grazed on these sections with beneficial effect on the pastures. All necessary boundary and subdivisional fencing has been completed. Contracts have been let by the Housing Construction Department for all necessary buildings. The provision of an adequate water-supply has been investigated and arrangements are now in hand for the carrying-out of this work. Ruawai Block (Locality: Ruawai).—This block comprises two separate properties several miles apart, one consisting of river flat and the other hill country. One dairying unit has been taken over by the Native Department for the settlement of a Maori discharged serviceman, and the balance of the areas will provide three dairying units, each with a winter run-off. About 120 cows have been milked on the whole area during the present season under a share-milking agreement, and a certain amount of development work, including subdivisional fencing and water reticulation, has been carried on simultaneously with the dairying operations. Contracts have been let by the Housing Construction Department for necessary dwellings and cow-sheds. Riponui Farm Settlement (Locality : Whangarei). —Possession of this property was taken in December, 1945, and two dairying units will be provided. Two new cow-sheds are required, and arrangements have been made to erect these on a day-labour basis. Work on the first shed has been commenced, and other development work, including improvement of water-supply, is in progress. Run cattle and sheep are being grazed pending the commencement of dairying operations by the Department in the 1946-47 season.



H. and E. B. Carey Block (Locality: Puni).—This is a single-unit property and dairying operations have been carried on by the discharged serviceman, who will take the property over as from Ist July, 1946. A small amount of necessary development work, including renovating of fencing, has been carried oift, and a contract has been let by this Department for the erection of a new cow-shed. Araparera Farm Settlement (Locality : Helensville). —Dairying operations have been carried on during the year pending the acquisition of adjoining land necessary to provide two dairying units. A major problem has been the provision of an adequate watersupply, but this difficulty has been overcome and work on the installation of a supply has been commenced. Ngamahanga Farm Settlement (Locality : Pakaraka). —Possession of this property was taken on 29th March, 1946, and two dairying units will be provided. Arrangements had been made in anticipation of possession for the erection of two cow-sheds on a daylabour basis. The area will be grazed pending the commencing of dairying operations. Batten's Block (Locality : Waipu).—This block was being developed up to 31st March, 1945, under the Land Laws Amendment Act, 1929, being formerly an abandoned Discharged Soldiers' Settlement Account property. It was not possible to carry out any development work during the year owing to shortage of fertilizers and suitable labour. The Department, however, is receiving satisfactory returns from the property from sheep-farming operations and the grazing of run cattle. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Auckland In this land district all development areas are controlled by the Superintendents of Land Development, Auckland and Te Kuiti. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Gisborne Four properties were acquired during the year for the settlement of ex-servicemen : Glenholme Farm Settlement (Locality: Opotiki), containing 2,165 acres, is situated sixteen miles from Opotiki on the main Opotiki-Whakatane Road. It has been subdivided into six mixed dairy and sheep farms and development has proceeded to such an ■extent that it is hoped to grant the six returned servicemen employed on the settlement permanent leases at the commencement of the coming season. Whakamaru Farm Settlement (Locality : Opotiki), containing 400 acres, is situated -two and a half miles east of Opotiki on the Tablelands Road. It is under development, and when ready for settlement will provide four mixed farms, dairy and sheep, for returned servicemen. At the present time the property is carrying 263 sheep and 170 head dairy heifers ; 510 four- and 6-tooth wethers were disposed of late in March, 1946. Painga Farm Settlement (Locality: Wairoa), containing 2,950 acres, is situated approximately 35 miles from Wairoa on the Matakuhia Road, and is well stocked with sheep and cattle. There is an area of 570 acres in standing bush which has been reserved for milling. The Department has continued to run this property as a station pending subdivision and erection of necessary farm buildings. Two exceptionally good sheepfarms will be available for ex-servicemen during the coming year. The property is at present carrying 2,100 ewes, 1,800 dry sheep, and 300 cattle. Kohanga Farm Settlement (Locality : Gisborne). —This is a property of 30 acres at Manutuke, approximately eight miles from Gisborne. The area is flat rich land along the banks of the Te Arai River and has been acquired for the training , and eventual .settlement of four returned servicemen desirous of taking up small-fruit growing as a livelihood. These men are being trained under the supervision of the Orchard Instructor, and after qualifying for "A" Grade certificates should be well on the way towards successful establishment. Te Wera (Locality : Matawai). —This block contains an area of 9,922 acres and was acquired in 1927, since which date it has been developed and farmed as a sheep and •cattle station.. Since acquisition, an area of about 1,900 acres of bush land has been felled and grassed. A standard flock is established and the surplus sheep and cattle are



always keenly sought for. The uses of cobaltized salt and cobaltized superphosphate on the country of this type is reflected in the appearance and stamina of the stock. Subdivision has been approved, and roading is in course of construction. It is hoped that seven returned servicemen will be settled next year. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Napier In common with the remainder of the district, development areas suffered from the abnormally dry conditions experienced during the twelve months. Prices for store stock were firm in the spring, but as the season progressed both mutton and wool weights were considerably below those for an average season. During the year the following blocks were disposed of to ex-servicemen: Parinui, Waihau, Crewan, Kawai, Te Ohu, and Algernon. The following blocks are under development for the settlement of ex-servicemen : Pukeatua, Oringi, Totara Grove, Te Roto, Hendley, Gowrie, Rawhiti, Omapere, Sandy Creek, and Taheke. Kakariki. —An area of reversionary scrub was again cut and useful strikes of grass obtained on burns from the previous year's cutting. In order to service a new transmission fine, the Hydro-electric authorities have constructed a considerable length of all-weather roading through the block. This road will be invaluable in future developmental operations on the block, especially for supplying large-scale scrub-cutting and fencing programmes. Kaheka. —Good progress has ,been made with completing the renewal of boundaryfencing on this area, and a commencement has been made with stripping, renewing, and re-erecting a large portion of the internal fencing. Two miles of road-formation were completed to give road access to some 160 acres of terrace land, and 40 acres,, was put under the plough in the spring. This was sown in cape barley for winter feed. The old wool-shed, which has served the requirements of the block for a great many years, was demolished after shearing, and a large amount of sound timber and corrugated iron was salvaged. It is proposed to commence with the erection of an up-to-date wool-shed,, shearers' quarters, and dip on a more convenient site close to the Manager's homestead.. Some 150 acres of scrub were cut, burnt, and surface sown during the year. It is planned to make the two grazing units on this block available for ex-servicemen for next year, Ahuriri Lagoon (Locality : Napier). —A further area of 200 acres was sown in permanent pasture in the autumn of 1945, the seed for which was supplied from areas harvested on the lagoon itself. Apart from this, developmental operations were limited owing to the continued shortage of material and labour. Despite one of the driest twelve months ever experienced in Hawke's Bay, the carrying-capacity was maintained, but the conditions were reflected in the lighter weights for both mutton and wool. Supplementary crops, mangels, and pumpkins were again good, especially the field pumpkins. These supplied a wealth of valuable feed for a long period. The crops for the winter of 1946 suffered extensively through drought conditions. An area of 116 acres of perennial rye-grass was again harvested. Here again, due to the abnormally light rainfall and lack of strong spring growth, the yield suffered and was less than a quarter of that of the previous year off 160 acres. However, the germination and purity of the machine-dressed seed was again excellent. Taheke (Locality : Hastings).—Possession was taken of this block in February,. 1945. The block comprises good-type of country, and although the spring of 1945 was a poor one the property, having been top-dressed with some 80 tons of manure in the previous autumn and also having been top-dressed fairly extensively by the previous owners, the country came away fairly well. Dry conditions set in from November onwards and a particularly trying time was experienced up until the end of February of this year. In early March beneficial rains were received and the property came away rather well. The stock, both sheep and cattle, is in excellent condition. There is no need for very much extra internal fencing beyond establishing new boundary lines between sections and the overhaul of boundaries with neighbours where necessary,.



Sufficient materials are on hand to undertake- this work and a good deal will be completed during the next six months. Contracts have been let for buildings necessarv on the block and the contractor is making good progress. It has been possible to utilize various surplus buildings at present on the property to create implement-sheds, &c. r and it is also intended to transfer a barn to another part of the block for a community wool-shed. The installation of two water-supplies on the block will be commenced in the fairly near future. There is no doubt whatever that Taheke offers excellent future prospects to ex-servicemen. It is doubtful whether we shall have an opportunity topurchase many properties of this type. The property will be made available to-ex-servicemen shortly. Omapere (Locality : Hastings).—Possession of this block was taken in February,. 1945, but under arrangements with the previous owners Mr. Maurice Connor still retained possession of the homestead until approximately April of last year. The property is in an unfavourable rainfall area of Hawke's Bay and is definitely subject to drought conditions. The development of this block necessitates the re-establishment of pastures, clearing of gorse, and controlling rabbits. The fencing on the property wasin poor condition and a great deal has been done in the way of renovating existing fences, and a good deal of new fencing has been erected. When possession was taken two major water-supply schemes were in existence, together with a spring supply to the homestead. In order to cope with closer settlement it will be necessary to enlarge the present systems and to create a further system to supply the two houses and the wool-shed. This should give an adequate supply to meet all requirements. The ballot for this block took place in the autumn of 1945 and the successful ballotees took up residence in approximately June of last year. Under a Manager they have been employed on the wages basis and have assisted in all routine and development work. It was hoped that the block would be ready for final settlement on fixed charges at the beginning of this year, but due to adverse conditions it was considered advisable to postpone this until January or February of 1947. Hendley (Locality : Patoka). —Possession of this block was taken at the end of July, 1945. The station is situated to the west of Napier on high country and contains a large portion of easy ploughable country. It is bisected by a deep gorge, but this does not materially affect subdivisional proposals, and the station should make a good settlement. In common with other parts of the district, this area suffered considerably during the dry period. Country of this nature needs beneficial rain about January, and, generally speaking, the growth is excellent. It will be necessary to institute a fencing programme during the coming year, and externa] fencing will be necessary as well as boundary fencing. Not much new subdivisional fencing is necessary. Building contracts have been let, and the contractor has made a start. Two new houses are necessary, together with the renovation of the existing three houses. A short length of new road, necessary to connect with Section 5, has been formed but not metalled. The fairlv extensive work of putting tracks across the main gorge is in progress and one has been almost completed. Settlement of this block by ex-servicemen on wages is intended in June, 1946. Creuan (Locality : Hastings).—Possession was taken in March, 1945, and in May, 1945, a ballot took place, and the successful ballotees took occupation on the wages system in June. This area suffered considerably from the dry period. Some 105 chains of new fencing has been erected. Contracts have been let for the. erection of buildings. At the present time there is temporary housing in the way of Army huts. No major water-supply scheme is necessary, but springs have been developed and harnessed and should prove sufficient for stock requirements. Sandy Creek (Locality : Putorino). —Possession was taken at the end of February, 1945. There was a good growth of feed on this block in the autumn of 1945, but drv conditions set in and, in common with the rest of the district, the spring growth, although good in its initial stages, soon deteriorated, and the season has been a most difficult one. A ballot was held in the autumn of 1945 and the successful ballotees were installed on



the block working under a share-milking basis. Top-dressing over the four sections has been completed and also a certain amount of resowing of pastures by surface sowing has been done. Not a great deal of fencing has been necessary, but it has been necessary to erect three new dwellings on the block ; two are completed, whilst one is nearly so. Two new cow-sheds have been erected. It has been necessary to embark on a fairly extensive water scheme. Totara Grove (Locality : Tikokino). —Possession of this block was taken at the ■end of April. A good deal of old feed was in evidence when the property was taken over, and during the autumn of 1945 difficulty was experienced with the inadequate watersupply, the property being definitely short in this respect. A ballot took place in the autumn of 1945 and the three successful ballotees were employed on the block. No buildings existed and it was necessary to erect temporary quarters. A good deal of the road fencing was in poor order and some 70 chains of this have been reconstructed. Some 115 chains of new subdivisional fencing has been erected and 40 chains of renovation •on sections has been completed. The three dwellings are completed and the ballotees are in residence. It was necessary to construct a water-supply system to serve the three sections. This is completed and working with good results. Te Roto (Locality : Takapau).—Possession was taken in June, 1945. Some 223 acres was secured from a neighbour, Mr. Paulsen, and was the key to the ability to subdivide the block. The whole area offers good possibilities for intensive farming and when fully developed should prove a very successful block. Quite a proportion has yet to be stumped, ploughed, and resown, and will then carry up to 3 ewes per acre. One hundred and seventy acres was stumped, and some 85 acres of this was sown. Also, 160 acres was sown in wheat on a share-cropping basis. After the crop was harvested, 120 acres of this was sown for winter feed, the remaining 40 acres being sown to permanent pasture. A contractor is about to commence ploughing the balance of the 170-acre block from virgin land, which will be sown in the spring. Some 35 chains of new fencing has been erected and 40 chains of internal repair work has been completed. Contracts have been let for the necessary three dwellings and a wool-shed. A bridge has been •constructed across the Porangahau Stream to give access from Paulsen's Road to Sections 2 and 4. The block is reasonably well served by water, but it will be necessary to install a small system. Pukeatua (Locality : Dannevirke). —Possession of this block was taken in June, 1945. Pukeatua contains very little ploughable country and is mainly a grazing proposition. It is situated in the Dannevirke district and is not so much affected by dry conditions as in the central and northern portions of the province. To-day the country is carrying a good even sward of pasture suitable for sheep and sufficient for cattle now on the block. All fences are in reasonably good repair. It will be necessary to construct a road fence of some four miles, together with some new fencing to create Boundaries between sections. A contractor will very shortly commence work upon the road fence. T,he erection of the necessary buildings is in the hands of the Housing Construction Department, but so far no start has been made. It is necessary to erect four new houses, together with the necessary out-buildings. Pukeatua should be a successful settlement, provided that fertilizer supplies are available, as the country definitely needs top-dressing. The block is well served by natural permanent water and no major scheme has been necessary. Hakowhai (Locality : Hakowhai). —Possession of this property was taken in April, 1945. At the same time a portion of the Russell Estate was purchased and run jointly with Hakowhai, there being a total of some 1,637 acres. Hakowhai itself is very boxed in and a large portion of the hill country is poor and incapable of much economic improvement. Attention has been paid to the establishment of pastures and some 200 chains of new internal fencing has been erected. A new house and implement-shed have been erected on the Apley end of the block. Some 50 chains of roading has been completed. A small water-supply scheme has been completed for supply to the new house, and later it will be necessary to tap a spring on the Apley portion of the block which will be reticulated to the cultiviable areas.



Rawhiti (Locality : Napier). —Possession of this block was taken at the end of February, 1946. This block is in an area which is affected by fairly light rainfall and is land subject to scrub reversion. The areas possible of being ploughed will support reasonably good pastures with top-dressing and manuring. The block is reasonably well subdivided and there is no need for a large fencing programme. It will be necessary to construct two new dwellings. Two small schemes will be necessary for providing water to the homesteads and small paddocks on the proposed three sections into which this area should subdivide. - Gowrie (Locality : Waipukurau). —This property was taken over at the beginning of February this year, and in common with other parts of the province, was particularly dry. The block is possibly suitable for subdivision into three sections to be used for either standard flock or for fattening. Three sections may be a little more than is safe, and negotiations are under way with a neighbour for possible purchase of some 250 acres on the western side of the block. This would assist materially in subdivision and house sites. The fences are indifferent and a good deal of renovation of present fencing will be necessary, and, in addition, new fencing will be required. The property is fairly well equipped with small springs which will be developed, but there is also the need of creating dams. Oringi (Locality : Dannevirke). —This property comprises light terrace to heavy alluvial river flat and should make three good dairying sections. The block is in a good average rainfall area and is midway between Woodville and Dannevirke. A good deal in the way of fencing will be necessary before the block will be ready for dairying. Bites for houses and cow-sheds have been decided upon, all sections needing these established r as the block at the moment contains no buildings at all. It will be necessary to construct some 30 chains of roading to building-sites as well as a certain amount of track-making. Arrangements have been completed for the installation of two major water-supply schemes to serve the three sections. Commissioner of Crown Lands, New Plymouth Development blocks in this district are under the control of the Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti, but certain areas recently acquired for the settlement of ex-servicemen are being prepared for settlement by the Commissioner of Crown Lands. During the year one property of 441 acres was acquired under Part II of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, and subdivided into six dairying units. These will be disposed of for the ensuing season, when development will be completed. Three properties each capable of subdivision into two dairying units were acquired under section 51 of the above Act, and of these areas two have been allotted to ex-servicemen and the other will be available during the coming year. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Wellington This year has been marked by a large increase in activities under this heading. At the beginning of the year six blocks with an aggregate area of 8,389 acres were under the control of this office, but by the end of the period the figures had increased to twenty blocks aggregating 28,144 acres and estimated to provide eighty-one economic holdings. About fifty of these will be dairy units and the balance fat lamb and grazing. Apart from one block where the charges were fixed and the settlers established at the commencement of the 1945-46 dairy season, all the above blocks are being farmed by the Department whilst the necessary development programme is in progress. On practically all the blocks the Managers and other labour are Grade " A" ex-servicemen who, provided they give satisfactory service, will receive allotment of sections when they are sufficiently developed to have charges fixed. This system has proved to be an excellent solution of the labour difficulties and most of the ex-servicemen have given loyal and efficient service. In many cases they have had to put up with fairly primitive hut accommodation pending the erection of the houses, and they and their wives have accepted the position with commendable spirit.



In most cases the properties being purchased are fairly well improved and the major items of development are roading, fencing, water-supplies, and buildings. Progress of development works has been rendered difficult by the shortage of essential materials Such as fencing-wire, posts, piping, &c. The Housing Department has also experienced considerable difficulties and delays with the provision of the necessary buildings. The results from farming operations on the various blocks were generally quite satisfactory, as this district missed the full force of the drought which so severely affected other parts of New Zealand. In order to assist Hawke's Bay, which had been severely affected by the drought, a considerable amount of stock from blocks in that district are being grazed on blocks in Wellington. Hawke's Bay will require their stock again in the spring, and we will then be forced to restock on a rising market, and this will naturally adversely effect trading results on the blocks concerned. ToJcomaru. —This is a block of heavy country between Shannon and Palmerston North. Development was completed during the year, charges were fixed, and the three dairy sections have been disposed of to Grade " A " ex-servicemen. Awarua.—-This block of 1,993 acres is situated east of Taihape and is about half freehold, purchased in February, 1945, and half education reserve. It is all excellent papa sheep country and will provide four holdings. Four Grade "A " men have been selected by ballot and are working on wages. Development comprises principally erection of dwellings and fencing. The building programme is well under way, but fencing has been somewhat retarded by shortage of labour and materials. However, it is hoped to have charges fixed and leases issued in time for the men to take over their individual sections prior to the coming season. Kahu. —Is an education reserve of 380 acres near Mangaweka and is all papa hill country. A Grade "A " ex-serviceman was selected by ballot and has been working on wages. The fencing programme and provision of water-supply is well in hand, but the provision of a dwelling has been delayed, although a contract was let in January. This is a one-unit property and it is hoped to fix charges and allow the settler to take over prior to next season. Purakau.—This block of excellent dairy country, comprising 1,140 acres and situated near Featherston, was purchased in February, 1945, and is to be subdivided into nine sections. Development work is well in hand, apart from buildings, and the contractors have now commenced these and it is hoped that sufficient progress will be made to permit of charges being fixed and settlers receiving their individual titles in time for next season. The ballot has already been held and the successful settlers are working on wages or share basis. During the past season two herds aggregating 300 dairy cows were milked with excellent results. The development on this block included the construction of about 100 chains of stop-bank, and this has been completed by the Public Works Department. .Longridge.—This area is situated to the east of Masterton and was acquired in February, 1945. It comprises 1,889 acres and is all flat and easy hill country suitable for fattening. The four sections into which the block is subdivided have been balloted for and the successful ex-servicemen are all working on wages. The development programme is well advanced and the buildings have all be completed and are now occupied. It is intended to fix charges and issue titles in time for next season. Te Maipi. —This block, which comprises 2,724 acres suitable for subdivision into three sections, is also situated east of Masterton and was acquired by purchase in February, 1945. The subdivisions have all been allocated by ballot and the men are working on wages. The development programme involves roading, buildings, fencing, water-supply, and some cultivation. Owing to shortage of materials and labour there has been considerable delay with fencing and buildings and it is doubtful whether enough progress will be made to enable us to arrange for settlement in time for the 1946-47 season. •



Kereru.—Portion of this block comprising 135 acres was acquired under the provisions of section 51 and the balance of 451 acres was purchased in June, 1945. It is all good terrace and swamp country situated near Levin and has been subdivided into sevensections for dairying. The ballot has been held and the successful applicants are all working on wages or shares. Six hundred breeding-ewes were carried last season, in addition to milking a herd of about 125 dairy cows with satisfactory results. Development, which involves roading, fencing, building, drainage, and water-supplies, is well in hand, and arrangements have been made to fix charges to enable the settlers to take over their individual sections prior to next milking season. Milson was acquired by purchase in October last. It comprises 346 acres of first-class heavy land situated in close proximity to Palmerston North. It has been subdivided into six sections, one of which (Homestead Section) has been allocated to the Disabled Servicemen's Re-establishment League as a training centre. The other five sections have been disposed of by ballot and the successful men have been working on wages. A herd of 100 cows was milked on shares for town supply, and, in addition, a considerable amount of grazing was done. The development programme involves drainage, fencing, water-supplies, and buildings. The drainage necessitates a comprehensive scheme of tile drains, as the property is liable to pug badly in winter. Most of the work, including buildings, is well in hand, but owing to the difficulty in procuring tiles the drainage will take some time to complete and it will not be possible to fix charges in time for next season, but the dairy stock will be increased and some of the men will, take over the milking on shares until such time as their individual holdings can be allotted to them. Morburn was acquired in May, 1945. It is situated on the plains adjacent to Masterton and comprises an area of 173 acres of good-quality land suitable for subdivision into two holdings for dairying and agricultural farming. The development work is principally buildings with a small amount of fencing and pasture renewal. During the past season 600 breeding-ewes were carried in addition to a herd of 24 dairy cows, and 50 acres were store cropped with wheat. Results were very good. The sections have been allocated by ballot and charges will be fixed in time to give title prior to the commencement of next season. Rongokokako.—This property was acquired in July, 1945. It will make two dairy units, and these have already been allocated by ballot. During the past season one of the prospective settlers milked a herd of 90 dairy cows on shares. The area is 147 acres and is situated west of Eketahuna. The development programme includes fencing and buildings, and the work is sufficiently advanced to enable charges to be fixed and the settlers to take over prior to next season. Putara is a single-unit dairy-farm of 200 acres situated near Eketahuna. It was acquired by purchase in August, 1945. The settler has already been selected and has been working on wages. A small dairy herd was milked, and, in addition, 200 sheep were carried to control ragwort. Development comprised principally buildings with some fencing and pasture improvement. Charges will be fixed in time to allow the settler to take title prior to the 1946-47 season. Tawanui. —This property, which comprises an area of 442 acres near Kimbolton, was purchased in March, 1946. It is fully improved and will subdivide into three mixed dairy and fattening units. The development programme comprises a short length of access road, buildings for the additional settlers, and additions to the fencing and water-supply. It is probable that the block will have to be farmed by the Department until 1947, as it is very doubtful whether development will be far enough advanced to fix charges for the coming .season. One section has been allocated to the ex-serviceman selected as manager and another section has been allocated without - competition to a leg amputee.



Kotuku.—This is a property acquired on 30th November last. It comprises 480 acres, is situated adjacent to Marton, and is being subdivided into four sections for mixed dairying and fattening. The principal items of development are roading, buildings, water-supply, and mole drainage. An ex-serviceman has been appointed as Manager with the right to an undefined section, and it is intended to farm the property by the Department during the coming season and to ballot the two remaining subdivisions and fix charges in 1947. Rata comprises an area of about 637 acres of flat country situated between Marton and Hunterville, which was purchased on 28th February. It is intended to subdivide the block into about seven dairying units, and negotiations are also in progress for the purchase of additional adjoining land which will provide additional sections. Apart from roading, buildings, fencing, and water-supply, a considerable amount of development work, drainage, stumping, and clearing rushes is required, and the property will probably have to be farmed by the Department for about two years before charges can be fixed. A Manager has been appointed with the right to an undefined section, and three other undefined sections have been disposed of by ballot to obtain the labour necessary to work the property. Opiki.—This single-unit property of 80 acres, situated in the Manawatu district, near Shannon, is to be developed as a dairy unit. It was acquired by purchase, and possession is being taken on 15th May. The agreement for sale and .purchase gave the Crown right of entry to carry out development work, and a commencement has been made, but it will not be possible to fix charges until 1947. In the meantime the section has been allocated by ballot, the successful settler will work on wages, and a small dairy herd will be milked next season. Development work includes provision of buildings, eradication of goat's-rue, and renewal of some of the pastures. Wainuioru.- —This block is situated east of Masterton and comprises the Tyneside property of 3,202 acres and 1,587 acres of Kumukumu. Both properties were purchased with possession on Ist March and 28th February respectively. In addition, negotiations are in progress for the purchase of two adjacent areas aggregating 800 acres. A considerable amount of roading is necessary, and until the proposed road is located by the Public Works Department it is not possible to finalize a scheme of subdivision, bubit is anticipated that eight or nine sections will be obtained suitable for sheep and cattle grazing and fattening. An ex-serviceman has been appointed as Manager with the right to an undefined section, and a ballot has also been held for four other undefined sections to provide the necessary labour. Charges cannot be fixed before 1947 at least, and in the meantime the property is fully stocked and is being farmed by the Department. Kawhatau.—This property of 1,497 acres is situated east of Taihape and was purchased on 4th March. It is all good clean hill country suitable for sheep and cattle and it is being subdivided into two sections. An ex-serviceman was appointed as Manager with the right to one of the subdivisions, and the other section has been disposed •of by ballot. Development includes buildings, fencing, and water-supply, and it is hoped to fix charges in time for the 1946-47 season. The property is fully stocked at present and is being farmed by the Department. Cherrybank is situated adjacent to Wanganui and was purchased with possession on Ist April, but the Department had the right of prior entry to carry out development work, which comprises buildings, fencing, water-supply, drainage, gorse-clearing, and pasture-renewal. Considerable progress has been made, but it will not be possible to fix charges for next season, and suitable stock is being acquired with a view to the Department farming the property until the winter of 1947. The area is 384 acres and will subdivide into three sections, one of which will be a mixed dairy and fat-lamb unit, and the other two dairying or mixed farming, as the tenants choose. The property is suitably situated for town milk-supply. An ex-serviceman was appointed as Manager with the right to an undefined section, and the other two sections have been disposed of by ballot and the three men are now working on wages.



Parmvai. —This is the old Clay Creek station of 7,724 acres situated south of Martinborough. It was purchased on 25th February. It is anticipated that the property,, which is all hill country, will subdivide into six grazing units. A considerable amount of roading is required to permit of subdivision, and until the new road is located by the Public Works Department it is not possible to finalize the scheme of subdivision. The station stock, comprising 6,200 breeding-ewes, 3,800 dry sheep, and 600 cattle r was purchased by the Department, and the station Manager and staff have been retained and the property will be farmed by the Department pending completion of development work, which will take probably about two years. Ruamahanga is a property of about 2,340 acres situated east of Carterton. It was purchased on 29th March. The bulk of the property is of easy contour and suitable for development as dairying and fat-lamb units, but a very considerable amount of development is required to reach this stag?. An ex-serviceman has been appointed as Manager with the right to an undefined section, the property is being stocked, and it will be farmed by the Department pending completion of development which will take two or three years. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Blenheim There is now a fairly extensive development programme in hand in this district, including some large blocks of country of varying types, ranging from 4,909 acres of high country on Greenhills with its difficult climatic conditions and involving an extensive plan of regrassing and supplementary crops, to very dissimilar types near Kaikoura and Blenheim comprising mixed sheep and dairying, mixed sheep and cropping, fat-lamb raising, the reclamation and development of a rather neglected flat swamp area in Speed's Valley, a full-sized economical orchard, and a small seed-farm near the boundary of the town—a very good cross-section of the general range of farming as practised in the Marlborough Land District. In the initial stages suitable labour was difficult to obtain, but this drawback has been overcome. Every endeavour has been made to place ex-servicemen in occupation as soon as possible. The biggest difficulty is, of course, that of getting buildings erected, but even there progress is now being made. Altogether some thirteen areas have been purchased, comprising an area of 14,069 acres, and up to the present twenty-one settlers have been placed, eleven on wages with the promise of a section, and ten on permanent tenure. One small area of 60 acres which is at present held under lease until next April comprises good agriculture land within easy distance of the centre of the town and which may be suitable for subdivision into 5-acre or 10-acre allotments. Warwick Farm Settlement (Cunningham's), which was purchased by negotiation, was settled by two men on leasehold basis almost immediately. Charges have now been finalized and settlers granted tenures on Puhi Puhi (Thacker's and Hamilton's) and Sedgemere. The following is a brief synopsis of the position of each area under control during the year:— Collier's Seed-farm consists of acres of first-class flat land situated in Budge Street, Blenheim. It had a good reputation as a small-seed farm, with a full range of plant, glasshouse, and drying-frames, also a few pear and apricot trees. During the year it has continued under the supervision of the local office of the Agriculture Department and no development was needed. The "B " grade trainee working on wages proved to be a first-class man and a great worker. As he was later graded "A " for this classof farming, the property was valued, charges fixed, and the land allotted. Draper's. —This is a compact and handy area of 60 acres in Alabama Eoad, Blenheim, held under a lease which expires in April, 1947. It is used principally for agricultural and small-seed purposes. It is sure to be in good demand when the lease expires next April, and there is a possibility it may be subdivided into 10-acre blocks, for which purpose it is suitable and for which a demand may be found to exist.


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Elms.—This block is situated three miles from Kaikoura, on the Main South Road between the Kowhai and Kahutara Rivers. It comprises an area of 2,050 acres and was previously held by the New Zealand Farmers Co-operative Association, Ltd. The services of the Manager were retained and the Department has farmed it as a sheep and ■cropping area. As it is hoped to subdivide it into two dairying units and one sheepfarm, the development has been planned with this end in view. Considerable attention has been paid to the pastures, and more permanent pasture suitable for dairying is in process of being laid down. Additional water-supplies are in hand, and it is hoped to have tenders soon arranged for the new buildings required. Some difficulty in raisinglambs on this block is being experienced, and expert advice is being obtained to remedy the trouble, which may possibly be some form of mineral deficiency. In this connection Lincoln College experts who were visiting Marlborough were consulted. Until the trouble is overcome it is not advisable to offer the sheep-grazing area for ballot. From the cropping areas over 3,000 bales of hay have been cut and stored for winter use. Greenhills. —The block comprises some 4,909 acres on the Kaikoura-Waiau Road about 20 miles from Kaikoura. The area was in a somewhat neglected state when "taken over, and as it is to be used for the settlement of ex-servicemen for sheep-farming the Department has an extensive seasonal and development programme in hand, with particular attention to the repair and improvement of existing fences, new fences, permanent and temporary pastures, growing of supplementary feed, crops, and general improvement of existing pastures. In the early stages progress was hampered by lack of labour, but this has been remedied now. Two future ex-servicemen settlers have been selected by ballot on a wage basis. The Housing Department had difficulty in getting -any one to tender for the new dwelling and outbuildings needed, but a tender has since been accepted and the buildings will be soon started. Gorse is still bad on the' property, but the new caterpillar tractor recently purchased for the block should •enable an early start to be made to tackle this problem. It is too soon yet to say when this area will be finally allotted on lease, and the Crown still has a large programme of development in hand. Puhi Puhi. —To the original area of 834 acres previously called " Thacker's Block " was added the adjoining property of Mr. George Hamilton of 471 acres, both situated in the Puhi Puhi Valley near Kaikoura. The two areas were subdivided into two ■excellent sheep-farms and balloted for early in the year. During the year the Department ran Thacker's under a Manager and the property and stock were in great heart when balloted for, little improvement being needed except for new cattle-yards and fencing repairs. Sedgemere.—The essential development work on this area of 1,237 acres three miles and a half south of Seddon was completed last year and the three settlers are now farming on their own ; charges having been fixed and leases granted. The two new ■dwellings necessary were completed during the year, water laid on, and provision made for electric-light power, which is available. As a fat-lamb and cropping area with an estimated capacity of about 2,300 ewes, it has every prospect of success. Speeds. —This property consists of 797 acres in Speeds Valley, Koromiko, on the main road to Picton, sixteen miles from Blenheim. Two ex-servicemen are engaged on a wage basis pending the completion of the extensive development programme, and additional labour is employed as required. The main problem has been the opening and clearing of an extensive drainage system, the property being nearly all flat valley land lying between hills on each side. One main stream traverses the property from end to end, and this has been cleared of logs, stumps, and trees blocking or impeding the flow of the water. A drag-line is about to be engaged to further clean and deepen the watercourse. A considerable length of old fencing has been made temporarily stockproof pending re-erection. Some fences have been dismantled and rejected. A tender has been accepted for one new dwelling and a cow-shed, but it is Itoped to have both the new dwellings and cow-sheds put in hand. Machinery has been



used where possible, and the results obtained have proved the wisdom of this course. There is no doubt about this area cutting up into three good farms, two dairy and one mixed. Tuamarina.—This property of 146 acres near Blenheim was acquired during the year and allotted as two cropping units to ex-servicemen. Torodes Orchard This is a fully producing commercial orchard of 68 acres at Fairhall with about 48 acres in apple-trees of most of the popular commercial varieties, the balance in plantation and pasture. It was first acquired by the Department in 1938. This-year the area was surveyed into two blocks and two ex-servicemen accepted on a wage basis. Valuations have been made and charges finally fixed, and leases are to be granted as from Ist May, 1946. Early this year there was every prospect of a record crop, but unusually severe late frosts proved disastrous to the trees and caused serious loss, especially amongst the early apples, and it is doubtful if we will reach 4,000 cases. Most other orchards suffered the same fate, and the stone-fruits were a total loss. Valley field. —This property of approximately 2,506 acres at Waihopai was purchased from the Bell Estate recently, and the Department intends to continue to farm it as a mixed sheep and cropping farm, lay down pastures, and erect subdivision fencing till the necessary buildings can be erected. Tenders have been called. It is intended to subdivide it into three blocks, and it has already been balloted for on a wages basis with one settler as Manager. Molesworth (Area, 239,600 Acres). —Owing to its situation, Molesworth is subject to severe winter conditions with frequent and heavy falls of snow and heavy rainstorms, and this year has been no exception, the snow lasting till fairly late in the year. There has been a fair amount of flooding, causing much damage to fences and pastures. Nevertheless, the station continues to show marked improvement, thus justifying the policy of endeavouring to gradually bring about an increase of plant cover over the eroded areas and increased cover on the pasture lands. To this end the war on the rabbits has been carried on very energetically, the total destroyed for the twelve months ended 30th November, 1945, of 43,188 being a record year's killing since the Crown resumed possession. The cost of this work is one of the major items of Expense and infestation is still fairly widespread. Poisoning in the spring has been followed up by persistent trapping, with an average of 70 rabbits per man per day. Pastures continue to show improvement, with natural regeneration in greater evidence, including bluegrass, cocksfoot, timothy, and tussock, with sorrel and Yorkshire fog appearing more extensively in shingle slides. This is a very good feature, as it may help to arrest the run of the shingle. Around the homestead some 60 acres has been top-dressed with lime and superphosphate with good results. The grassing experiments have been continued during the year under the personal care of Dr. H. H. Allen, of the Botany Division of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Plantations have been extended by the planting of about 2,000 additional trees at the Acheron and Red ■Gate, including 500 Pinus murrayana. Those trees planted the previous year appear to be doing well. The cattle continue to do well and this year shows a marked increase in numbers, there being about 2,858 all told, including 971 cows, 463 heifers, 761 steers, and 618 calves. At the same period last year the total was 2,234, including 475 calves. This year the bulls were put out for a longer period than previously and better results are expected. With the type of bull in use there has been a gradual improvement in the quality of the cattle generally. The annual draft for sale last season totalled juston 600, but this year it will not be quite so large owing to the increase needed on the station. Besides the grassing and plantations, other important improvements have been effected during the year. New yards were erected at Tarndale, a considerable length of new drains dug, and about 637 chains of new fencing, including a break across Travellers Valley. Considerable fence repairs and . improvements were also effected. Two 8 ft. by 10 ft. Army huts were purchased and re-erected outback at Cow Creek and Finger Post, and these will provide much better accommodation when droving cattle to the rail on their way to Addington and also for the rabbiters and fencers. A



new shed 20 ft. by 18 ft. at Castle Creek was long overdue and it will be very essential for storage purposes when conditions up the river are bad. When it is realized that about 130 tons of stores and material are carried to Molesworth every year and the river is often not passable, the need for this shed will be clear. The river crossings will always be a problem in bad weather and they levy a heavy strain on the station truck. Two military medical chests have now been supplied as first-aid outfits, one at Tarndale and one at the homestead. Report on Molesworth Station by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Officers of the Botany Division, Plant Research Bureau, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, have visited Molesworth biennially since 1943. Their view is that the improvement under the present "system of management with cattle has been steady, while not spectacular. Badly depleted tussock country, such as Molesworth was when taken over, is notoriously slow of recovery, even in the complete absence of stock. The Manager at Molesworth has had to put up a never-ending fight against the ravages of rabbits. That in spite of this the improvement has been as distinct as it is noteworthy. Little by little the plant cover has improved, and on the moister flats there is a good sole of grass with white clover showing up prominently, and with some cocksfoot and timothy areas along the Awatere quite astonishing. It is not that the tussocks themselves have as yet shown much signs of spreading out again into the bared areas, but where the tussock cover still held it has improved in vigour, has seeded freely, and provided shelter for the gradually returning blue-grass. Yorkshire fog is playing a great part in building up the cover within the thinner tussock areas. Even on the bare hills where loose screes have developed a pioneer vegetation is beginning to assert itself, and gives a cheering if slight tinge of colour. Very important as a pioneer is sorrel, which holds its own even when eaten down to the ground by rabbits. Nor should the pioneer part played by blue borage and woolly mullein and the native willow-weeds be scorned. One may say that feed has definitely increased, as is well seen on Isolated Hill. Yet it would be fatal at this juncture to reintroduce sheep, which in a very few seasons would undo all the good work accomplished. Yery striking in the last few years has been the growth on a bare area near Ward Pass overlooking the Acheron River that was surface sown earlier on. Here cocksfoot has steadily increased its hold while subject to grazing by the cattle and rabbits and is now a reasonably good stand, while even rye-grass has persisted and improved somewhat. A 12-acre plot was selected for experimental work and fenced." The work is handicapped at present by the fact that it has not been possible completely to exclude rabbits, and they have taken toll of any green growth that showed up." Within the area are typical patches of tussock, screes densely covered with sorrel, bare ridges given over to scabweed, and rocky outcrops. There are both sunny and shaded aspects. All the types of vegetation have been studied and charted in detail and permanently marked so that any changes occurring can be accurately measured. Individual plants have also been marked for observation. Areas of tussock are being subjected to spring and to autumn burning, and others have been clipped to simulate grazing effects. Many species of exotic grasses and other forage plants have been sown. While there have been a number that failed to germinate, and all that did suffered from the rabbits, a number showed definite promise. Especially promising were certain American blue-grasses and lyme-grasses, while our own native blue-grass has taken well. Yariegated lucerne also looked very well till discovered and completely eradicated by rabbits. A small patch of tall oat-grass established early on amongst the tussocks has thrived well, seeded during the past two seasons, and spread steadily. Different methods of sowing that appear feasible on a larger scale are being tried out, while a nursery area has been established near the homestead to propagate further material for testing.



Commissioner of Crown Lands, Christchurch Ten blocks, totalling 17,317 acres, were being farmed and developed as at 31st March, 1945. A further twenty-six properties, totalling 39,933 acres, were purchased, acquired, or set aside for development during the year, and nineteen units, totalling 10,489 acres, were allotted on permanent tenure, leaving 46,761 acres under development as at 31st March, 1946. Twenty-three ex-servicemen are in employment on wages with the right to permanent tenure. Better progress is now being made with erection of buildings, though in South Canterbury there is still great difficulty in securing contractors. Shortage of fencing-wire and of fertilizer for top-dressing is retarding progress. Exceptional weather conditions were experienced. A wet late autumn in 1945 seriously reduced the area of autumn-sown wheat and caused heavy losses of potatoes. In July a nor'west gale of exceptional severity followed by a snowfall of up to 24 in. on the plains caused widespread damage to plantations and to some old buildings. The nor'west gale was repeated on 31st August, again with heavy damage. From mid-December till the end of February dry conditions were experienced and feed crops suffered, and it was not until April that adequate rain fell. Wool weights are less than usual and lambs on many blocks have been slow to fatten. Motunau Block (3,094 Acres), (Locality : Motunau). —During the year roading and Water-supply reticulation has been completed. Three new houses are under construction and some eight miles of fencing has been erected during the year. Receipts on this block from fat lambs, fat cattle, wool, and grain have this year been substantial. It is hoped that the building programme will be sufficiently far advanced for the block to be offered on permanent tenure in the 1947 autumn. Broadfields-Woodlau Block (624 Acres), (Locality : Prebbleton). —During the year one unit of 264 acres was balloted and settled by an ex-serviceman. Development on the .balance of 360 acres has continued and further permanent pasture is being established. It should be ready for offering in the 1947 autumn. Mains Block (485 Acres), (Locality: Dunsandel). —Three ex-servicemen are employed on wages on this newly acquired block, and the two dairy units and the one sheep and crop unit provided for in the scheme of subdivision will be allotted on permanent tenure when the building programme has been completed. Lowry Hills (6,416 Acres), (Locality : Cheviot).—This block was occupied during the year by three ex-servicemen employed on wages, and the three sheep-grazing units will be allotted to them on permanent tenure as from the Ist April. One new dwelling remains to be erected. Satisfactory returns for surplus sheep and wool were received during the year. Cheviot Hills (5,001 Acres), (Locality : Cheviot). —Possession was taken of this block on the 28th February. The scheme of subdivision provides for one dairy and four sheep units. Four ex-servicemen are employed on wages. A contract has been let for two new dwellings. Port Levy Farm Settlement (2,650 Acres), (Locality : Port Levy).—This block» recently acquired, will provide four sheep units. A little fencing, one new dwelling, and some building renovations are the only development work required, and early offering on permanent-tenure is anticipated. Lowland Lees (670 Acres), (Locality : West Eyreton) —This block was recently acquired and will provide two sheep and cropping units. An ex-serviceman Manager is employed. Ashton (703 Acres), (Locality : Ashburton). —An ex-serviceman settler was installed on this block on permanent tenure on the 16th April. Lauristpn Block (329 Acres), (Locality : Lauriston). —This block is uneconomic. Endeavours are being made to acquire further land. More progress will be made when irrigation water is available.



Wing field (1,500 Acres), (Locality : Rakaia). —No great progress with development can-be made on this block until dwellings are erected. When these are ready, two of the. three, units proposed will be offered 011 wages.

' Acton (550 Acres), (Part Ashton Block). —Renewal of depleted pastures on this block is nearing completion and early offering as one sheep unit is expected. Dromore (665 Acres), (Locality: Ashburton). —Development is proceeding slowly on this block, and it will be necessary to make special arrangments with the Public "Works Department to include it within the Ashburton-Lyndhurst Scheme before it can beoffered for settlement. Winchmore Main Block (2,680 Acres), (Locality : Ashburton).- Irrigation Development : An area of some 2,832 acres is under development within the Ashburton-Lynd-hurst Irrigation Scheme area. On acquisition a good deal of this total area was in brown-top and twitch with fertility depleted. On the cleaner portions some 300 acres of border-dyked pasture and 35 acres of border-dyked lucerne have been established. Levelling, race-construction, and bordering has been carried out with large Public Works Department graders. The experience gained bv the staff in land preparation and the application of water should ensure better progress during the current year. Pre-irrigation seems not only feasible but necessary, and it has been found that irrigation water can be applied comparatively soon after sowing pasture. A tentative scheme of subdivision provides for units of 300 acres, but no finality as to the optimum area for an irrigated unit can be expected for some time. Some 445 chains of new fencing has been erected to provide the smaller paddocks required for controlled grazing, and 7,600 trees have been planted for shelter. Three new homesteads and two farm buildings are nearing completion. Provision of stock water, races for which must be kept entirely separate from the irrigation races, is rather a problem, and when large areas are under irrigation with'greatly increased stock numbers the supply will require to be considerably augmented. Bridges over irrigation supply and head races add to the cost of development. Winchmore Dairy Unit (152 Acres). —Development of this area as a dairy unit was put in hand during the year. An area of 40 acres was border dyked and sown in permanent pasture and a further 27 acres of new grass was established on the nonirrigated area. A new house and implement-shed have been built, 120 chains of new fences erected, and close on 3,000 trees planted. The grass has established well, but a further 60 acres of border-dyked pasture and further extensive fencing and planting are required to complete development. Valetta Block (8,617 Acres), (Locality : Ashburton). —Little additional development can be undertaken on this block until irrigation water can be made available, and the block is being carried on on a dry-farming basis. On account of the severe conditions during the winter, all the lambs were not fattened and wool weights were lower. The three-roomed cottage purchased for removal was erected on a remote portion of the block. Pineview (4,438 Acres), (Locality: Mayfield). -Three of the six sections on this, block were offered on permanent tenure simultaneously with possession by the Crown. The remaining three sections are being farmed and developed; two. ex-servicemen are employed on wages, and it is anticipated that on completion of the two dwellings at present under construction the sections will be allotted on permanent tenure. Satisfactory returns were secured from the block during the year. Tripp (665 Acres), (Locality : Geraldine). —Liming and mole draining were continued on the block during the year. The carrying-capacity is increasing, but early offering is not expected. Templetons Block (184 Acres-), (Locality : Geraldine). —The extensive drainage work carried out by the Public Works Department and the drier season has considerably lowered the ground water and cultivation this year has been more successful. Further: draining and grassing will be necessary before this single-unit block is ready for settlement,,



Waratah (4,700 Acres), (Locality : Albury). —Two ex-servicemen are employed on this block on-wages. In spite of the severe conditions, stock wintered well with very light losses ; good crops of oats and turnips were grown and nearly 4,000 bales of hay pressed. It should be possible to allot these two sections on permanent tenure in the near future. Brinklands (1,120 Acres), (Locality : Geraldine). —Two holdings on this block were allotted on permanent tenure to two ex-servicemen formerly employed on wages. Mount Harris (1,238 Acres), (Locality : Mount Harris). —Development work on this block during the year includes fencing, farm roading, extension of water-supply, and establishment of pasture. Turnip and rape crops were good and fair crops of oats, wheat, and grass-seed were harvested ; fat lambs made good weights. It has not been possible to secure a satisfactory tender for the two dwellings and other farm buildings required on this block, and this is delaying the final allotment. Waikakahi Extension (766 Acres), (Locality : Waikakahi). —Four dwellings are under construction on this block ; the five cow-sheds and four implement-sheds are not yet. started, and it is doubtful whether it will be possible to offer these five dairy units in time for dairying to be commenced in the coming spring. Kenwyn (670 Acres), (Locality : Studholme).—Possession was taken only on the 28th March. It is proposed to subdivide into three sheep and cropping units, and three ex-servicemen are employed on wages. Scotsburn (2,631 Acres), (Locality : Peel Forest). —The Crown obtained possession of this block on 21st March. It will be subdivided into three holdings. Two exservicemen are employed on wages. In addition, the following units were disposed of during the year on permanent tenure after being held for only a short time : Broomfield (726 Acres), (Locality : Amberley).—Two sheep and cropping farms. Cairnbrae (639 Acres), (Locality : Highbank).—Two sheep and cropping farms. Kaikainui (234 Acres), (Locality : Kaiapoi).—Two dairy units. Pendarves (1,094 Acres), (Locality : Pendarves). —Two sheep and cropping units. WaJeaepa (690 Acres), (Locality : Dunsandel). —Two sheep and cropping units. Flahertys (733 Acres), (Localty: Banks Peninsula). —An area of educationendowment land made available for one sheep unit. Medina (2,596 Acres), (Locality : Hundalee). —Two sheep units. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Dunedin Seasonal conditions for the 1945-46 season were very good and at no time was there a shortage of feed on any block. The most worrying time was during the spring and early summer months, when spring crops and green feed for the winter months were being sown. In several instances tractors broke down at critical periods, and in every case there was always some delay in obtaining spare parts. In addition, it was found that, due to shortage of supplies, the materials used in repairs were of poor quality. An area of 756 acres was sown out in permanent pasture on blocks that had been farmed for the past twelve months. This total is apart from the areas that were sown in crops and winter feed, which amounted to 1,150 acres. In addition, 300 acres of wheat were harvested on six of the blocks in this district. Good farm labour has been difficult to obtain and in some cases Managers have been working short-handed. The labour position in the south seems to be more acute than it is in North Otago. This may be due to the fact that the South Otago blocks are farther away from towns with social activity. The Department in employing Managers on freshly acquired areas is using, whenever practicable, a returned serviceman, and, if possible, the labour also is recruited through the Rehabilitation Department, 2 —C X



In all, four new properties were added during the season, as follows : C. H. Smith's property at Ardgowan (672 acres). Possession, December, 1945. Known as Brock Hill. Gow Bros.' property near Mosgiel (approximately 1,250 acres). Possession, February, 1946. Known as Invermay. Wm. Welsh's property near Balclutha (732 acres). Possession, July, 1945. Known as Rippleburn. Morrison's Estate, Inch-Clutha (120 acres). Possession, May, 1945. Known as May field. All these blocks have been farmed by the Department since their acquisition and are in course of development for the settlement of ex-servicemen. During the season preparations were made to settle Papanui, Brookstead, and Mayfield These settlements were allotted to soldiers, and in all cases the men are now working on the properties. It is hoped to dispose of Brookstead in April, Papanui in May, and Mayfield prior to the commencement of the dairy season. The housing question is still a difficult one and little progress is being made with the erection of new buildings. A major job in housing was completed when four cottages not required on Papanui Settlement at Cape Saunders were removed and reconstructed with enlargements on blocks in South Otago. Taking everything into consideration, the season's operations on the whole have been very good and satisfactory returns have been received. Surplus fat stock from the various blocks have been sent to Burnside for disposal regularly throughout the year. Arclif (4,807 Acres), (Locality : Clinton). —Although a good winter was experienced, this was followed by a cold spring and the growth of grass was consequently not as good as usual. The stock, however, have done well. It has been difficult to obtain suitable farm labour and it was necessary to employ contractors to do a large proportion of the cultivation work. It is inticipated that wheat will yield at least 50 bushels to the acre. Generally speaking, the other crops did well and the stock will be well provided for during the winter months. One of the houses at Clifton has recently been repaired, and the one at Taumata is in the course of renovation. A cottage removed from Papanui has been re-erected at Arthurton, where a married ex-serviceman has been employed to assist the Manager. Awamangu (2,945 Acres), (Locality: Balclutha). —The parent block of 1,541 acres was added to during the year by the purchase of an adjoining property of 1,404 acres. Unfortunately, the original property did not come up to expectations that it would be possible tc\ settle it immediately. It was found that a considerable area would require to be regrassed, but it is hoped to have the whole block ready for settlement in the fall of 1947. Houses have been provided on each subdivision. The tractor on the block was under repairs for several months and it was necessary to have a large area worked by contract. Three houses have been moved from Papanui Block at Cape Saunders and re-erected on this property and each of the five subdivisions is provided with a house. In anticipation of another tractor being available in the near future, a large programme of cultivation is now being mapped out. Island Cliff (2,504 Acres), (Locality : Ngapara).—A favourable season has been experienced and stock have done well. Over 100 per cent, lambing was obtained, which is considered good when the condition of the property and the rabbits are taken into consideration. The wheat averaged 50 bushels per acre and the other crops are good. The rabbit pest, although closely pursued all the year, has not decreased to any extent. The shelter provided by the limestone rocks and cliffs makes operations difficult. The enclosure of part of the cliff areas by temporary rabbit-proof fences has had the effect of confining the rabbits and increasing the grazing area for stock. However, in- spite of poisoning, trapping, and rabbit drives, this pest still remains a serious problem, but where they have been confined to a limited area by means of the netting it is hoped that continuous efforts will have their effect. Investigations into the water-supply are being made with a view to subdividing the block into five sections.



Papanui (1,082 Acres), (Locality: Dunedin). —This property, which, has been farmed and developed by the Department since 1934, is now ready for settlement. Two sections were offered last spring for selection by servicemen, but no applications were received. Since then, however, the sections have been allotted to two ex-servicemen who, prior to being given titles in May next, have been employed on the block on wages. Another section is being allotted to the Manager. The balance of the property, comprising an area of 200 acres, is being retained by the Department meantime. Allotments from the stock on the block will be made to the new settlers. An excellent grass season has been experienced and stock have done remarkably well. Taipo Hill (468 Acres), (Locality : Kakanui). —There was a good growth of feed on this block and stock did well. The damp season has, however, retarded development, as difficulty has been experienced in working this heavy land, which is infested with twitch. All crops except the wheat did well, and a good supply of winter feed is assured. Unfortunately, second growth and a touch of " takeall " which appeared in the w;heat had the effect of reducing the yield. It will shortly be necessary to face the question of installing a water-supply to an area of 80 acres sown in permanent pasture. An implement-shed, barn, and dip and yards were constructed during the year. The access to the block has been greatly improved by the action of the Waitaki County Council in metalling the road, and the Council's action is much appreciated. It will be necessary in the near future to extend this road to the site of the dwelling for the second subdivision on the block. In the last few weeks an area of 58 acres of wheat was sown. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Invercargill The blocks under development in Southland comprise ten separate areas with a total acreage of 9,885. Some preliminary work has been done on Tysoe Farm Settlement, which will be occupied by the Crown on the Ist April, 1946. Weather conditions throughout the winter were fairly mild and, ample supplies of feed having been available, stock came through in good condition. During August and September conditions were good and pastures came away splendidly, especially on paddocks that had been- top-dressed. Unfortunately, the weather changed during October, but by then lambing was well through. Some good percentages of lambs were recorded, but due to the weather taking a turn for the worse, drafts off the mothers were not quite up to last season's standard. Climatic conditions from October right through to January were unfavourable as far as the cultivation and sowing of crops were concerned. In spite of that, there'are some good crops of swedes and turnips, and in most cases there should be ample winter feed available. Climatic conditions were responsible for a general shortage of lamb feed, resulting in late drafts of lambs. Harvesting has also been seriously affected. Kenilworth Block (1,736 Acres), (Locality: Pine Bush). —This block, situated at Pine Bush and acquired in September, 1945, is a sheep proposition. The grassing on practically the whole of the area, when acquired, was in poor condition and will require renewing. All the crops with the exception of the 60 acres of turnips and rape, which proved a failure, have done fairly well and ample winter feed should be available. The difficulty of obtaining lime has hindered the development of these areas, approximately 90 acres having received no lime at all. The development programme as regards renewal of pastures for the incoming season is a large one. The stock carried has been increased to 1,800 breeding-ewes with replacements. The flock has been considerably improved, and so better returns can be expected. Fencing has been a difficult problem owing to the lack of materials, but some new boundary fencing has been erected. Three ex-servicemen working on wages handle the block. It will be some time yet before the property is ready for settlement. Ninety-three chains of road-formation are required on this block. This will allow it to be cut up into four holdings. Robinhood Block ,(1,742 Acres), (Locality: Mataura Island). —This block was acquired in April, 1945. It is situated about four miles south-east of Mataura Island and consists of- three holdings, one of which was allotted in September, 1945. Development operations have been confined mainly to the renewal of pastures and erection



of new fences. Here again the difficulty of obtaining lime and materials lias hindered progress. The fencing on the property is poor, but good progress is being made in reconditioning. Both sheep and cattle have done well and it is hoped that all lambs will be fattened before the end of the season. It is expected that one more holding will be allotted in 1947. Anderson Gift Block (600 Acres), (Locality : Dipton). —Two new dwellings have been erected by the Housing Construction Department, outbuildings have been completed, and are now in occupation by the two settlers. These two homesteads, with the addition of shelter-trees, should create a favourable impression. The new boundary fence between sections is nearing completion, and the contractor has made satisfactory progress with bridges over the main channel. Grain yields on this block were good, new grass areas are looking particularly well, and ample winter feed is assured. The ewe flock is in good condition to go into the winter and the ewe hoggets are an outstanding line. Due to late sowing of lamb feed, returns from fat lambs were not satisfactory. Wool returns were splendid, and, taking everything into consideration, the season has been a very successful one. Allotment of holdings will take place in the autumn of 1946. Strathlane Block (440 Acres), (Locality : Invercargill).—The outcome of the season's operations show that this block has been successfully farmed. Yields from wheat, which has been stacked, promise to be good. Returns from fat lambs and wool were very good. Areas laid down in new grass are looking well, and the remainder of the pastures are satisfactory. A contract has been let for the erection of a new dwelling and outbuildings, but it will be some time before these are completed. Ample winter feed is available and the stock are looking particularly well. Settlement will take place as soon as the building programme is completed. Balfour Block (612 Acres), (Locality : Balfour). —-This block was acquired in January, 1946. Three ex-servicemen are employed and the programme of development is under way. The work on hand consists of ploughing approximately 200 acres of old pasture and liming and top-dressing of the better established pastures. Fencing and draining will be carried out as soon as materials are available. The property is fully stocked at present, but owing to the failure of the turnip crop due to club-root, winter feed will have to be purchased. Establishment of buildings on this property is being proceeded with. One unoccupied dwelling on Crown land was successfully moved to this block. Eastern Bush Block (493 Acres), (Locality : Invercargill). —Since acquiring this property in December, 1945, the following development work is being carried out: ploughing of approximately 300 acres, 40 acres of which has been sown in dun oats for spring feed, balance to be sown in grain and fodder crops. Liming and top-dressing have been done on the better established pastures. Fencing repairs and the erection of new boundary fences are under way. An endeavour is being made to reduce the rabbit menace. All cultivation is being done by contract. Two ex-servicemen are employed on wages doing seasonal work and erecting fences, &c. Five hundred ewes will be wintered on the property, this small number being due to lack of winter feed. Repairs fco the two existing houses are being attended to. Ruahine Block (1,125 Acres), (Locality: Pahia). —This property was acquired in March, 1946. It will be subdivided into three holdings, two sheep and cattle and one dairy. The development programme will include the use of an excavator on drains and a bulldozer on bush areas. There were no turnips on the block when acquired, but there is an ample supply of rough feed. It is planned to winter approximately 300 cattle and afterwards stock the property with both sheep and cattle. Menzies Ferry Block (250 Acres), (Locality : Fortrose). —This block, containing two dairy holdings, is almost ready for settlement. Buildings and boundary fence have been erected, water reticulation is still to be completed, and milking-machines on one section are to be installed before the holdings are allotted. All crops have done particularly well. New pastures sown are in first-class order and there is an amply supply of winter feed. With the excellent quality of the herd and the feed position assured, successful settlement of this very fine property is anticipated.



Waimumu Block (664 Acres), (Locality : Waimumu). —Progress lias been satisfactory on this property, and with the building programme nearing completion the allotment of the two holdings will take place in the autumn of 1946. Development work of a permanent nature completed during the year included the erection of new boundary fence between sections and the sowing of new pastures. Further drainage work is now under way and should be completed prior to settlement. The wheat yield was good and there is an ample supply of winter feed. Stock are going into the winter in good condition and all surplus lambs will be fattened before the season closes. Spur Head (2,223 Acres), (Locality : Edendale). —-This property, acquired in April, 1941, fronts the Invercargill-Dunedin State Highway, four miles west of Edendale. As in previous years, a substantial programme was carried out, the area under cultivation totalling 424 acres. A protracted spell of unfavourable weather retarded spring sowings, and the lack of sunshine arid warmth had a detrimental effect on the rape crop. However, turnips have done well, notwithstanding late sowings. Two thousand breeding-ewes and 320 head of cattle were wintered. Of the latter, 224 were fattened and sold, while an improvement in the quality of fat lambs produced was obviously in response to the better type of pastures now established, this notwithstanding that only a limited amount of top-dressing could be carried out and that the position with regard to supplies of lime was still unsatisfactory. Good progress was made during the year with water-supply and fencing, particularly the latter, approximately 530 chains of new fences being erected. The property has been considerably improved since it was acquired by the Crown, but the rate of future progress will be dependent upon the supply of materials and additional labour, which will involve the erection of houses. STATISTICAL SCHEDULES AND TABLES Table A.—Contains particulars of the properties purchased by negotiation for the settlement of ex-servicemen and of which possession was taken during the period Ist April, 1945, to 31st March, 1946. Table B.—Contains particulars of the properties capable of subdivision into two or more units which were acquired under section 51 of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, during the period Ist April, 1945, to 31st March, 1946. Table C. —Contains particulars of the properties acquired under Part II of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, during the period Ist April, 1945, to 31st March, 1946. Table D. —Shows the total number of units—and cost of acquisition of singleunit properties acquired under section 51 of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, during the periods Ist April, 1944, to 31st March, 1945, and Ist April, 1945, to 31st March, 1946. No properties were acquired under this legislation prior to Ist April, 1944. ■ Table E. —Contains details of the actual expenditure during the year under annual appropriations on the purchase of land and improvements and on development and farming operations. Corresponding figures for the previous year are included. Table F. —Shows the amount of profits and losses ascertained during the period Ist April, 1945, to 31st March, 1946, on the disposal of blocks. Statistical Schedules.—These schedules contain more particular detail and information in respect of the blocks at present under development. During the year under review all blocks, with the exception of the Molesworth Run (Marlborough), previously subject to the Land Laws Amendment Act, 1929, were made subject to the Small Farms Act, 1932-33, and all the blocks shown are now subject to that Act. Such of the blocks as have been specially purchased or acquired for the settlement of ex-servicemen have their names printed in bold type. The statistical data covers only areas which have actually been farmed and under development by the Department for a full year as at 31st March, 1946.



Table A.—Return of Properties purchased by Negotiation and Possession taken during Period 1st April, 1945, to 31st March, 1946


Name of Owner. Locality. New Name of Block. Area. Purchase-price. Type of Farming. 1 Estimated Number of Subdivisions. A. K. P. £ s. d. J. H. Eyre Onewhero Onewhero 600 2 00 8,300 0 0 Sheep 1 F. M. and E. J. Corboy Te Kowhai Te Kowhai 414 0 15 13,869 0 0 Dairying 4 E. L. Tucker Ohinewai Ongo View 711 0 33-3 11,376 0 0 Mixed 2 R. Mathew Tikokino Totara Grove 1,275 2 00 18,622 10 0 Sheep 3 S. R. Allen Wyndham Robin Hood 1,741 3 00 11,321 7 6 3 L. M. and L. V. Canning Pohangina 389 3 00 4,875 0 0 Mixed 1 Estate of A. Ward Dargaville Mamaranui 959 3 09 8,638 5 2 J 1 r Mixed L Dairying ... 1 3 Mrs. A. Linklater Palmerston N. Milson 346 3 04 27,740 0 0 Dairying 5 Estate of H. M. Tiffin Kopua >Te Roto / 1,172 0 35 22,000 0 0 1 !> Sheep 4 Estate of Paulson X 221 3 13 3,655 0 0 J Estate of E. H. Smith Albury >Waratah f 3,739 0 00 15,890 15 0 2 Mrs. E. L. Smith X 961 0 00 2,883 0 0 J r » W. S. Goosman and Co., Ltd. .. Waitoa Part Waitoa 370 0 15 17,390 0 0 Addition to Waitoa Farm Settlement G. S. Strack Midhirst 100 0 00 4,300 0 0 Dairying i Painga Station Wairoa Painga 2,950 0 00 11,500 0 0 Sheep 2 E. Rose Tirau 16 0 03-22 1,800 0 0 Addition to Tirau Earm Settlement C. P. Ryan Taneatua Eair View 1,978 3 00 14,500 0 0 f Dairying \ Mixed 2 1 D. 0'Sullivan Morrinsville . . Hangawera 214 2 01 9,650 0 0 Dairying 2 A. J. Bailey Dunsandel 46 2 04 1,860 0 0 Addition to Mains Farm Settlement J. Cross Pendarves ~ . . Pendarves 1,091 2 00 10,915 0 0 Mixed .. 2 E. C. Hargrave Hokianga Pawarenga 79 2 00 1,500 0 0 1 L Purchased for Maori exE. C. Dugmore 192 2 00 1,645 0 0 J f servicemen Bull Bros. Patoka Henley 4,398 3 17 42,500 0 0 Sheep 5 H. and E. B. Carey Pukekohe Purapura 151 1 00 6,400 0 0 Dairying 1 Robert Hill Piopio Mangaotaki . 1,611 0 00 8,055 0 0* Sheep 3 F. Menzies Otane 105 O 00 2,205 0 0 Addition to Taheke Farm Settlement Wm. McLean Pine Bush Kenilworth 1,738 0 37 12,167 12 6 Sheep 4 J. Grant Galatea 2,830 0 00 12,735 0 0 Addition to Galatea Estate Estate of T. Holden Tikokino 28 2 21 373 0 0 Addition to Totara Grove Farm Settlement



J. Hanrahan Winchmore Part Winchmore 761 3 10 7,000 0 0 Forms part Winchmore Block H. N. Tipping Taneatua Nukuhou 683 3 06-3 9,402 2 0 Sheep and dairying 2 Estate of K. C. Skurr Dunsandel Mains 439 2 00 13,185 0 0 /Dairying \ Crops and sheep . Sheep 2 1 W. Welsh Balclutha Rippleburn 732 3 07 9,175 0 0 2 R. C. Johnson Waiuku 82 0 00 4,330 0 0 Dairying 1 W. E. Kilsby.. Levin Kereru 451 0 24 21,000 0 0 / Sheep \ Dairying 1 6 Messrs. Sharpe and Paull Arapuni Atua 618 1 11 12,366 7 6 Dairying 6 A. G. R. Masters Ahipara Lake View 791 0 00 6,328 0 0 „ .. 2 H. S. Holmes Opotiki Glenholme 2,165 0 00 16,237 10 0 Mixed . . . . 6 A. MiHer Orini Manga wara 282 0 21 11,285 7 0 Dairying .. 3 T. Gordon Balclutha 1,400 0 00 12,750 0 0 Addition to Awamangu Farm Settlement W. Briggs Amberley Part Broomfield 310 2 23 2,250 0 0 Addition to Broomfield Farm Settlement. G. L. Brown Mayfield Part Pineview 1,521 0 32 14,757 18 0 Forms part Pineview Farm Settlement J. J. Daily ... Lauriston Part Winchmore 957 2 18 8,618 0 0 Forms part Winchmore Farm Settlement E. B. Elliott Hoe-o-Tainui . . Hapuakohe 399 3 24-1 12,800 0 0 Dairying 4 H. H. Cawte Maungaturoto 765 1 26 6,888 14 3 Mixed 1 M. Kirkpatrick Greenvale Viewmont .. j 1,175 0 11 8,812 10 0 Sheep 2 W. M. Diedrichs Mayfield Part Pineview | 1,078 3 37 6,750 0 0 Forms part of Pineview Farm Settlement K. Hermann Urenui . . 0 2 00 25 0 0 Small addition to Waitoitoi Farm Settlement Johnston Bros. Otakiri Otakiri 428 0 00 12,500 0 0 Dairying .. 4 A. A. and T. M. McLachlan Jas. Walker Dunsandel js Wakaepa =jj 548 168 0 00 1 20 8,925 1,000 0 0 0 0 Sheep and cropping 2 Estate of M. Speed Koromiko Speed . . | 797 0 00 7,000 0 0 Mixed 3 A. Woodley Eketahuna Putara 200 0 00 4,000 0 0 Dairying 1 Estate of Wm. Cunningham and Blenheim Warwick 1,035 0 00 12,800 0 0 Sheep 2 C. D. Cunningham C. H. Smith Oamaru Brock Hill .. 672 0 00 12,432 0 0 Mixed 2 H. C. Bull .. Whangapoua .. 1 ! r 9,956 3 22-2 K. L. Bull „ I 199 3 13 i G. F. Bull „ }■ Whangapoua •{ 116 0 10 ( >- 25,400 0 0 Sheep and cattle t H. McM. Bull ,, | 3,634 0 22 1 T. G. Bunting „ J 7,148 1 00 J Estate of J. Connolly Cheviot Cheviot Hills .. 5,001 2 00 40,012 0 0 fSheep \ Dairying .. .; 4 1 Bell Estate Darga ville Riverside .. | 3,968 0 34 16,182 12 0 Sheep 4


Table A.—Return of Properties purchased by Negotiation and Possession taken during Period 1st April, 1945, to 31st March, 1946—continued


Name of Owner. Locality. New Name of Block. Area; I Purchase-price. | Type of Farming. Estimated Number of Subdivisions. G. Hamilton Hapuku Part Puhipuhi A. 471 •I R. P. 0 00 £ 4,250. s. 0 d. 0 Addition to Puhipuhi Earm Settlement Sheep Sheep and dairying Sheep Dairying Sheep Dairying and sheep Sheep .. Sheep Dairying and sheep Dairying and sheep Sheep Eorms part Balfour Farm Settlement Forms part Ruahine Farm Settlement Henry Judd 'Mrs. H. Williams Estate of E. G. Elgar Estate of B. Speedy W. Blair Estate J, H. Mitchell •G, E. Low E. 0. Pryce .. E.. L. Walker and W. Light body F. H. R. Gorringe I; A. R. and Mrs. D. M. MacRae G. G. Printz W. Bell Estate Powdrells Ltd. M. W. Caffels J. E. Harris Jas. Gow Estate John McGregor's Trust J. Smith L, and L. J. Eisher D, G. MacEarlane G. A, Wraytt M. M. Cupples Waipukurau .. Masterton Martinborough Carterton Peel Eorest . . Studholme Kiwitea Putorino Pakaraka Utiku Masterton Pahia Waihopai Napier E die vale Mosgiel Wanganui Taumarumii . . Hundalee Balfour Pahia Gowrie Part Wainuioru Paruwai Ruamahanga .. Scotsburn Kenwyn Tawanui Rata Ngamahanga .. Kawhatau Part Wainuiora Ruahine Valley field Rawhiti j> Thorndale / Invermay Cherrybank .. j= Rangarangai I Medina 1 Part Balfour .. Part Ruahine.. 1,478 1,537 7,546 2,340 2,631 670 441 637 325 1,497 3,202 1,186 2,504 2,144 733 1,032 1,262 375 1,037 353 2,591 83 8 3 00 0 00 2 33 0 00 2 13 0 00 3 32 2 00 2 00 0 00 3 06 2 08 1 31 0 00 1 35 2 37 0 00 0 00 0 04 3 07 3 00 0 00 0 00 23,660 0 22,286 10 62,260 6 31,500 0 20,500 0 18,756 13 15,910 4 20,400 0 5,900 0 17,964 0 40,038 0 9,500 0 17,500 0 17,152 0 6,601 5 7,384 0 17,100 0 13,500 0 7,450 0 7,610 0 16,846 7 130 0 64 0 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0* 0 3 3 6 5 3 3 3 7 2 2 5 3 3 3 3 4 3 7 2 Purchases, 1945-46 Total as at 31st March, 1945 Correction to 1944-45 return 115,017 94,763 574 1 250 120 20 1 1,037,142 3 743,829 17 3 5 3 Total as at 31st March, 1946 210,354 2 174 1,780,972 0 8 * For leasehold interest. t Not possible at present time to state number of units which will be obtained, as part of block is to be used for afforestation.


Table B.—Return of Properties capable of Subdivision acquired under Section 51 of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, during the Period 1st April, 1945, to 31st March, 1946

3—C 1


Name of Owner. Locality. New Block Name. Area. Compensation. | Type of Farming. Estimated Number of Subdivisions. M. L. O'Neill Estate of A. Wagstaff C. H. Sorensen Pennington Bros. J. Laughton V.C. Miller E. S. H. Beetham A. Davys R. J. C. Ramsay P. W. and M. E. Atkinson W. S. Langdale W.Smith .. A. W. Gallagher W. B. Spencer New Zealand Farmers' Cooperative Assn. R. J. Belcher .. ,. W. and M. A. Scobie J. A. and N. C. Court C. R. Morel and J. A. Roberts .. Estate of P. J. Andrew G. A. Wraytt J. F. Dawson Miss G. M. and Mrs. M. Fleming E. Cresswell Hastings Waitoa New Plymouth Eltham Invercargill .. Taneatua Masterton Cambridge Morrinsville .. Eketahuna Te Awamutu .. Blenheim Te Awamutu .. Frankton Kaikoura Urenui Invercargill .. Cambridge Whangarei Marton Balfour West Eyreton Port Levy Levin Algernon Part Waitoa .. Sorensen Pennington's .. Strathlane Morburn Bruntwood Tauhei Rongokokako.. Kakepuku Tuamarina Tarata Whatawhata .. Elms Waitoitoi Eastern Bush.. Seven Oaks .. Riponui Kotutu Balfour Lowland Lees.. Port Levy Part Kereru .. A. 13 382 161 150 439 751 199 166 200 147 284 146 190 300 2,019 150 937 224 300 479 1,279 670 2,651 135 ft. p. 1 22 2 26 1 12-71 2 09 3 33 2 14 3 27 0 33 0 00 2 01 3 26 0 09 0 14 2 20 1 13-7 2 09 2 18 0 27-9 3 06 2 36 1 39 0 00 0 00 1 28 £ 1,400 17,923 6,636 8,378 9,000 11,100 9,500 5,725 6,653 6,800 8,038 8,614 7,721 12,700 15,932 7,919 6,325 11,022 4,400 17,050 11,333 16,821 44,804 6,229 s. 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Market-gardening Dairying Sheep For Native Department .. ' Dairying Cropping Dairying Sheep and dairying Dairying Sheep Dairying Dairying and sheep Sheep .. Mixed Sheep Added to adjoining settlement Dairying Added to Mihi Block adjoining For Maori ex-servicemen 2 5 2 2 2 *2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 4 3 2 4 D. Barlow Estate of W. G. Butcher Morrinsville .. Rotorua Kiwitahi 223 2,261 0 38 0 20 10,518 2,261 0 2 0 6 2 J. and W. C. Davies Whakatane .. 292 1 29-2 5,905 0 0 i 1 2 L. D. Neill .. P. J. Masters Ruawai Te Hoe Te Hoe 322 284 0 20 1 05- 1 4,073 5,000 0 0 0 0 / \ Run-off Dairying Acquisitions, 1st April, 1945, to 31st March, 1946 Totals as at 31st March, 1945 15,766 15,796 0 16-61 0 01-6 289,781 247,373 1 6 8 4 Totals as at 31st March, 1946 31,562 0 18-21 537,154 8 0 ••


Table C.—Return of Properties acquired under Part II of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, during the Period 1st April, 1945, to 31st March, 1946


Estimated Name of Owner. Locality. New Block Name. Area. Compensation. Type of Farming. Number of Subdivisions. Acres. Mrs. V. M. Berscli .. .. .. Dannevirke .. Pukeatua .. 4,152 Not yet fixed Sheep .. 5 Estate of Reid Bros. .. .. Opotiki .. Whakarnaru .. 400 „ Dairying .. 4 W. H. Gaisford .. .. .. Dannevirke .. Oringi .. 341 „ ,, .. 3 Miss M. Crabbe* .. .. .. Manutahi .. Manutahi .. 441 £18,984 ,, .. 6 B. <T., C. G., and M. A. Holdswortht .. Edgecumbe .. Putiki .. 1,327 Not yet fixed ,, .. 16 Acquired. 1st April, 1945, to .. .. 6,661 31st March, 1946 Total as at 31st March, 1945 .. .. .. 3,830 Total as at 31st March, 1946 .. .. .. 10,491 I * Vesting date, 31st May, 1946. t Vesting date, 28th June, 1946.


Table D.—Return showing Number of Single-unit Properties acquired under Section 51 of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, during the Period 1st April, 1944, to 31st March, 1946

Table E. —Return of Actual Expenditure under Annual Appropriations on the Purchase of Land and Improvements and on Development and Farming Operations

Table F. —Return of Profits and Losses on Disposal of Blocks ascertained during the Period from 1st April, 1945, to 31st March, 1946

Note.—(i) Profits and losses are ascertained only after a block has been fully disposed of and the accounts audited. Blocks partially settled are therefore excluded from this return. (ii) Subsidies were received from the Consolidated Fund and Employment Promotion Fund on labour on 'marginal lands. The profits and losses as disclosed above have been arrived at after taking credit for the subsidies shown in the final column.

4—C 1


Period. Number of Units. Compensation. 1st April, 1944, to 31st March, 1945 1st April, 1945, to 31st March, 1946 65 48 £ 226,753 201,578 Totals to date, 31st March, 1946 113 428,331

Year ended 31st March, 1946. Total for Item. Vote " Small Farms Development." Vote " Land for Settlements." Total. Year ended 31st March, 1945. Acquisition of land and interests therein Development operations— Chattels Development wages .. .. Materials and services .. Farming operations— Live-stock Seasonal expenditure Seasonal wages £ 1,777,635 118,822 70,995 334,604 466,191 177,825 160,710 £ 2,742 202 618 1,711 982 3,202 2,650 I £ ! 1,780,377 i 119,024 71,613 336,315 467,173 181,027 163,360 £ 790,237 31,079 53,197 118,895 352,449 116,025 3,106,782 12,107 I 3,118,889 1,461,882

Blocks. District. Profit. Loss. Subsidies. £ S. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Benton's Te Kuiti .. 212 5 3 1,456 6 6 Brough's „ 1,247'"8 5 3,338 12 6 Cole's Taranaki .. 2,158 15 1 Nil Feldwick Southland.. 15 5 7 Nil Paki's .. .. .. Auckland .. 2 3 5 Nil Pratt's .. .. .. Te Kuiti .. 432 i6 11 1,470 9 2 Robinson's .. .. Taranaki .. 2,529 i5 8 Nil Straek's .. .. .. „ 14 11 3 Nil Totals 4,902 19 5 1,710 2 2 6,265 8 2




Superintendent of Land Particulars. to to O SB < t- < M o pfl W J w g § < O ■< K 0 0 PS 60 T3 03 < CP oa O 1. Date of acquisition or Crown land set apart 1/2/45 15/1/41 1/2/45 8/8/36 1931 2. Total area (acres) 287 1,249 377 7,308 24,993 3. Area not suitable for development (acres) 18 50 3 j 362 4. Area alienated for settlement, reserves, &c. (acres) 107 164 5. Balance under development (acres) *287 1,249 252 7,094 21,631 6. Condition of area under development (item 5) — 715 20 1,550 5,000 Undeveloped (acres) Permanent grass (acres) '287 388 212 5,372 13,783 1,983 705 Temporary grass (acres) ' '80 i41 Crops (acres) "20 Cultivated, but not in grass or crops (acres) 50 ' '31 'i60 Plantations (acres) 16 '219 Water-supplies : area reticulated (acres) ioo 1,560 10,000 Fencing (chains) 414 1,367 410 8,140 17,378 Drains (chains) 200 150 75 1,770 2,484 Dwellings (number) 1 1 3 19 Wool-sheds (number) 1 2 1 9 Cow-sheds (number) 1 1 Other farm buildings (number) " 4 3 45 38 53 Bridges (number) "4 "l6 "65 24 Roads and farm tracks (chains) 409 1,400 7. Capital expenditure to date on land (item 2) — Land acquired, including Crown land set apart— 2,958 106,664 Unimproved (£) .. 2,900 3,738 4,447 Improvements (£) 3,308 5,933 6,027 790 6,001 Materials and expenses (£) .. 138 3,195 652 44,266 96,673 83,595 -Labour (gross) (£) .. 105 900 48 28,906 Total expenditure (gross) (£) 6,451 13,766 9,685 78,409 292,933 Less subsidies on labour (£) 15,708 Net expenditure (£) 6,451 13,766 9,685 62,701 292,933 8. Capital charges on alienated land (item 4) (£) .. 4,600 1,142 20,256 9. Dairying on area under development (item 5) — 107 969 Area occupied (acres) Herds (number) 1 4 Cows milked (number) 58 200 Dry cows (number) 2 "20 68,405 Breeding-sows (number) 2 j 598 Butterfat sold (lb.) 10. Other farming on area under development (item 5) — 2,519 7,300 Breeding-ewes (number) 738 Dry sheep (number) 590 *321 3,348 5,400 Breeding-cows and heifers (number) 2 1,158 466 2,230 Dry run cattle (number) 74 "38 1,492 Dry dairy stock (number) 945 520 Horses (number) " 5 3 17 70 Wool produced (lb.) 12,302 36,002 138,674 Sheep sold (number) 498 '684 7,304 10,351 Cattle sold (number) 203 109 1,502 1,782 Cash crops (type and quantity) .. .. 11. Receipts for year: Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — 8,230 Butterfat (£) 214 5 Wool (£) .. lj071 2,767 5,812 7,910 4,560 Sheep—Cash sales (£) 487 '866 Transfers to other blocks (£) 93 2,550 8,031 Cattle—Cash sales (£) 389 '446 6,472 12,071 Transfers to other blocks (£) 1,761 8,845 6,669 Pigs (£) ' '47 4 1,559 Crops (£) .. M83 Miscellaneous (&), ' '60 ' 26 ' 22 1 j 621 12. Payments for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — Sheep—Cash purchases (£) .. 113 28 2,203 1,477 Transfers from other blocks (£) 1,121 2,515 2,468 Cattle—Cash purchases (£) .. 76 4,352 1,446 Transfers from other blocks (£) 1,848 10,043 3,093 Farming-expenses—Materials and expenses (£) "91 523 1,050 735 1,730 82,552 Labour (£) 12 547 2,669 5,054 Miscellaneous (£) 13. Labour employed (development and farming)— 13 Average for year (item 5) (number) 2 2 18 * Used as grazing area only.


(SMALL-FARMS ACT, 1932-33)


Development, Auckland. * o .3 H CO H PC 0 i-J ►J 3 2 3 '3 'M g '1 N < < K < W P < K O X < a 0 M '3 ? eS &c fl 1 p as p X < H < E § cS S a s H S3 g < K a p H ,P O 25 < K P « P H < W O 1/6/44 661 661 10/4/34 2,305 "l4 2,291 1938 60 ' '60 30/11/44 219 1/2/45 734 '734 7/7/35" 1,862 622 1^240 3/5/40 3,279 2,269 1/8/38 24,935 3,733 202 9/7/33 180 'iso 3/3/41 1,301 1,301 5/3/45 9,041 1,500 7,541 331 294 "32 4 150 660 2 1 3 1,129 501 659 2 300 3,128 2,459 11 "ll 34 33 135 60 i.40 1 19 190 "10 200 405 2 2 ' 'l0 *641 "89 4 *884 1 3 2 "21 148 . 934 43 11 82 22 450 2,840 2,454 1 1 8 9 674 8 2,173 "61 25 2 1,216 4,066 7 1 2 30 3 14,430 6,591 il6 65 519 9,872 1,539 6 1 27 37 1,590 90 90 "20 193 1 1 1 947 332 ' '22 *742 ' ' ' 1 1 6,466 625 ' 50 400 *400 2,305 400 1 1 5 2 1,395 4,405 1,287 186 2,771 25 19,100 28,735 1,082 205 5,264 2,701 440 18 7,043 10,747 3,206 12 466 25,071 20,601 11,702 28,040 47,886 5,004 14,379 22,737 47,809 35,935 90 1 j 478 897 3,564 1,720 720 237 10,963 14,037 4,710 1,087 7,273 50,631 22,777 1,287 8,423 21,008 46,138 13,489 92,632 120,860 19,585 2,465 y 807 6,241 30,797 7,273 27,854 1,287 8,423 21,008 32,649 92,632 101,275 1,658 6,241 30,797 165 29,780 200 1 100 25 8 16,154 1,162 8 260 52 15 61,240 139 1 60 46 4 19,239} 2 *i68 *261 "25 130 12 ' 39 ' '84 130 1,280 23 38 io6 5 15,396 1,086 1,852 "55 '304 4 14,056 2,240 158 2,025 1,636 'i09 458 8 45,304 12,025 1,232 5,885 1,979 972 1,273 ' 35 166,488 9,870 1,183 "39 1 6,086 1,449 3,208 184 217 30 4 12 38,326 5,863 652 *267 2,360 ;; 1,504 "i61 "i62 5,403 '267 '664 1,'429 *789 1,162 498 170 20,279 '853 1,203 1,333 363 751 1,429 2,499 2,035 13,878 12,481 6,781 411 4," 904 5,446 3,587 10,941 5,236 333 1,294 217 769 4,416 494 4,165 6 349 '228 ' '47 "27 "i98 '249 ' '37 '*21 2,177 31 43 101 462 864 69 1 "55 3,455 13 '*29 2,661 74 47 73 2,597 11,962 3,358 679 683 2 1 * 606 975 818 5 1,698 3,771 10,261 8,299 4,260 2,613 9 1 775 381 2,082 6,370 3,128 8 'il8 746 i95 107 406 '231 '998 1,094 8 J Includes returns from alienated area for portion of season.




Supe] :intendent ; of Land in Particulars. H < < o H <£ <3 at & E-t O < « d ;g M w « H < O 3 a O eu P4 P4 « 1. Date of acquisition or Crown land set apart 1/2/41 15/10/43 10/10/37 6/11/33 1/2/45 2. Total area (acres) 1,611 2,029 12,147 1,403 12,067 3. Area not suitable for development (acres) 100 300 4. Area alienated for settlement, reserves, &c. (acres) "50 "l3 5. Balance under development (acres) 1 j 611 1 j 029 12,097 1,390 11^767 6. Condition of area under development (item 5) — Undeveloped (acres) 342 100 4,957 177 10,832 Permanent grass (acres) 1,269 1,543 57 1,163 614 Temporary grass (acres) 7,050 50 137 Crops (acres) "286 7 178 Cultivated, but not in grass or crops (acres) Plantations (acres) "26 6 Water-supplies : area reticulated (acres) M61 5,058 217 Fencing (chains) 1,162 1^677 10,118 lj748 2,053 Drains (chains) 266 16,934 Dwellings (number) 7 6 1 1 Wool-sheds, (number) 1 1 1 2 Cow-sheds (number) 2 2 Other farm buildings (number) 26 8 4 7 Bridges (number) .. .. .. 1 686 2 2 Boads and farm tracks (chains) "60 1,350 480 30 7. Capital expenditure to date on land (item 2) — Land acquired, including Crown land set apart— 7,569 Unimproved (£) .. 5,100 18,109 7,603 3,009 Improvements (£) .. .. 11,321 19,490 2,972 11,196 Materials and expenses (£) .. 18,505 9-, 148 33,653 8] 050 4,949 Labour (gross) (£) .. 1,212 1,342 53,538 14,262 1,194 Total expenditure (gross) (£) 36,138 48,089 97,766 25,321 24,908 Less subsidies on labour (£) 36,759 10,108 Net expenditure (£) 36,138 ■48,089 -61,007 15,213 24,908 8. Capital charges on alienated land (item 4) (£) .. 305 39 9. Dairying on area under development (item 5) — Area occupied (acres) 272 58 Herds (number) 2 1 Cows milked (number) 78 4 39 2 Dry cows (number) 22 Breeding-sows (number) 3 Butterfat sold (lb.) 2^689t 6,089 10. Other farming on area under development (item 5) — 1,068 Breeding-ewes (number) 23 4,778 1,652 1,423 Dry sheep (number) 1,464 242 2,411 1,148 2,189 Breeding-cows and heifers (number) 203 418 302 23 Dry run cattle (number) 97 328 2,295 136 282 Dry dairy stock (number) 482 315 8 "ll Horses (number) 11 8 11 6 Wool produced (lb.) 3,436 56,650 43,610 19,719 23,319 Sheep sold (number) 3,492 10,254 2,217 1,251 902 Cattle sold (number) 1,242 604 820 75 359 Cash crops (type and quantity) 11. Receipts for year: Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — Butterfat (£) 331 426 Wool (£) .. 627 3 jio2 2,428 1 jo92 '*34 Sheep—Cash sales (£) 645 11,633 3,527 1,276 789 Transfers to other blocks (£) 3,955 799 12j 840 210 Cattle—Cash sales (£) 3,188 1,946 '805 740 Transfers to other blocks (£) 7,925 4,069 26 2,594 Pigs (£) 92 36 Crops (£) .. "33 Miscellaneous (£) 268 "i45 309 "64 12. Payments for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — Sheep—Cash purchases (£) .. 92 1,744 3,460 307 978 Transfers from other blocks (£) 1,568 6,532 1,057 1,978 Cattle —Cash purchases (£) .. 2,204 1,957 555 3,334 Transfers from other blocks (£) 8,831 212 79 Farming-expenses—Materials and expenses (£) 1,101 1,831 1,904 *806 1,956 Labour (£) 1,018 1,664 5,466 1,039 1,538 Miscellaneous (£) 13. Labour employed (development and farming)— > 10 Average for year (item 5) (number) .. .. .. 2 7 27 4 t Farmed by Department for portion of year only.


(SMALL FARMS ACT, 1932-33)—continued


Development, Auckland—continued. Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti. THOMPSONS. S3 a. 0 W O X H 2 0 0 3 '3 £ 2 ci ft sS 1 < 3 H PQ V 0 K go 1 53 "3 s W i cS 1 'So g '3 24/11/44 102 '102 9/2/45 4,600 4^600 4/4/38 5,201 5^201 10-/10/38 7,526 1,440 6^086 11/8/33 4,941 '320 4,621 1933-40 4,130 980 3^150 1936 139 35 1.04 1933 2,871 90 2,124 ' 657 1933 438 10 '428 1935 776 3 '773 1937-40 1,639 320 1 j 319 1938 1,682 819 863 50 52 *225 125 1 1 1,250 3,300 "503^350 1 1 "ll 'iio 2,fe98 2,458 93 36 "l6 570 3,156 544 2 8 9 20 3,882 2,098 "51 49 6 584 3,243 832 1 1 7 2 102 2,032 1,582 976 26 5 2,215 9,198 4,237 5 1 4 27 73 90 t. 1,174 1,795 "isi '500 5,331 42 10 2 6 22 2 143 "99 5 "50 376 1 1 1 2 5 60 544 "34 ' *19 50 504 40 2 1 6 ' 20 16 332 39 21 8 12 350 882 1 1 4 5 55 678 "38 2 300 1,597 750 1 9 180 643 624 "52 1 j 379 1,013 1 3 ! 616 j 28 815 ' 19 1 185 1,565 5 3 1 "20 300 1,451 997 1,029 15,430 12,320 5,480 1,474 2,878 1,917 19,633 13,888 330 27 ,'284 18,188 3,684 6,764 35,292 28,938 3,423 3,677 23,328 58,136 90 400 1,921 2,121 1,345 1,572 38,274 50,669 438 373 6,942 8,893 3,928 1,588 10,263 21,215 1,542 73 10,352 21,475 6,339 11,447 14,240 14,390 3,777 34,704 38,316 13,469 45,802 10,037 74,678 20,775 88,564 41,305 4,532 1,446 91,860 34,001 16,646 6,418 36,994 14,816 33,442 15,085 46,416 4,905 3,777 34,704 24,847 35,765 53,903 47,259 J 3,086 57,859 10,228 22,178 18,357 41,511 7,218 35,113 19,308 132 2 88 22 6 20,555 104 1 31 3 6,674 4^396 * 48 1 3,978 3,215 473 142 55,315 465 495 1,284 2,635 341 316 314. 9 68,687 2,631 300 1,700 3,059 255 461 15 49,675 3,353 427 1,506 921 6 804 15 35,889 1,961 812 6,423 176 595 6 29 52,940 7,344 184 135 61 "lO* 2 1,035 106 79 810 90 31 6 7,879 7,542 686 818 540 38 §8 84 9 7,228 1,964 386 • • 1,726 286 10 6 101 9 21,465 2,299 319 • • 1,113 992 74 109 9 14,744 2,049 i 55 1,280 856 85 104 22,140 2,038 24 2 j 557 482 '786 3,642 3 j 362 2,203 555 612 1,923 2' 480 0,183 965 3,240 848 1,746 2,686 1,718 6 9,121 2,153 193 3 j 851 6,809 2,258 593 1,201 468 139 84 15 9 328 59 530 2,249 10,117 2,509 5,015 961 249 '471 71 1,888 130 2,445 2 j 397 449 1,483 268 937 1 316 I "1,293 1,268 '430 M47 1,479 310 194 ' 71 65 io9 'i96 "i88 "30 i60 "46 "63 9 "lO "397 49 106 801 4,355 58 7,255 2,444 1,251 1,224 • 904 1,665 1,746 13 2,792 86 2,618 1,729 1,325 2,606 2,707 3,880 2,046 8,139 220 1,291 1,527 2,279 66 39 65 11 386 286 268 41 38 2,221 357 776 1,036 1,727 21 83 1,506 1,391 1,143 361 364 54 67 3 474 400 879 1,166 80 944 32 309 401 777 15 133 906 *389 852 3 7 7 6 15 9 1 4 2 1 2 I 3




Superintendent of Land Particulars. 2 a 1 w cS g 0 M & S5 O « a 0 Tj ts. 3 K! 2 2 1. Date of acquisition or Crown land set apart 2. Total area (acres) 3. Area not suitable for development (acres) 4. Area alienated for settlement, reserves, <fcc. (acres) 5. Balance under development (acres) 6. Condition of area under development (item 5) — Undeveloped (acres) .. .. .. Permanent grass (acres) Temporary grass (acres) Crops (acres) Cultivated, but not in grass or crops (acres) Plantations (acres) .. Water-supplies : area reticulated (acres) Fencing (chains) Drains (chains) Dwellings (number) Wool-sheds (number) Cow-sheds (number) Other farm buildings (number) Bridges (number) Roads and farm tracks (chains) 7. Capital expenditure to date on land (item 2) — Land acquired, including Crown land set apart— Unimproved (£) .. Improvements (£) Materials and expenses (£) .. Labour (gross) (£) .. 1938 2,150 837 715 598 387 185 ' '25 1 100 511 30 1 2 ' 80 2,589 11,067 6,341 13,875 1935-38 1,094 306 '788 119 653 "l5 1 1 j 784 441 2 1 8 "388 650 345 11,067 27,500 1943 300 "57 243 '243 '241 698 6 4 4 8,424 11,062 2,686 733 1933 456 104 '352 18 305 11 16 2 250 865 2 2 3 50 680 753 ~ 8,073 9,843 1936-37 443 'ios 33& 53 185 67 25 " 5 '594 170 2 1 3 2 4 600 896 4,815 5,084 Total expenditure (gross) (£) Less subsidies on labour (£) 33,872 4,213 39,562 19,618 22,905 19,349 6,833 11,395 3,570 Net expenditure (£) 29,659 19,944 22,905 12,516 7,825 8. Capital charges on alienated land (item 4) (£) .. 9. Dairying on area under development (item 5) — Area occupied (acres) Herds (number) Cows milked (number) Dry cows (number) Breeding-sows (number) Butterfat sold (lb.) 10. Other farming on area under development (item 5) — Breeding-ewes (number) Dry sheep (number) Breeding-cows and heifers (number) Dry run cattle (number) Dry dairy stock (number) Horses (number) Wool produced (lb.) Sheep sold (number) Cattle sold (number) Cash crops (type and quantity) 11. Receipts for year: Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — Butterfat (£) Wool (£) .. Sheep—Cash sales (£) Transfers to other blocks (£) Cattle—Cash sales (£) Transfers to other blocks (£) Pigs (£) Crops (£) .. Miscellaneous (£) 12. Payments for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — Sheep—Cash purchases (£) .. Transfers from other blocks (£) Cattle—Cash purchases (£) .. Transfers from other blocks (£) Farming-expenses—Materials and expenses (£) Labour (£) Miscellaneous (£) 13. Labour employed (development and farming)— Average for year (item 5) (number) 16,500 1 422 "25 5 1,473 474 "90 265 377 553 155 4 *238 130 1,647 1,193 61 110 7 21,614 1,111 23 445 99 . 1,139 272 3 106 2 1 14 537 702 35 2 6,052 '746 1 "44 500 903 1 481 2 594 268 78 17 667 264 50 55 5 9,092 1,369 129 *593 18 1,201 192 404 "27 15 348 33 336 196 262 1 2,090 1^431 305 31& 5 "69 5 4,739 346 132 183 342 268 *443 939 53 "80 7 220 209 '20& 49634 2


(SMALL-FARMS ACT, 1932-33)—continued


Development, Te Kuiti—continued. 1 o a s < Eh <0 a 2 § 3 O 03 a 1 0 c8 Ml a 1 < tS S5 < E to d a i P< . <s % 1 "a 0 £ tS P-i g PH a 1 Ph 2 s P3 1934-38 533 40 91 402 1939 832 47 785 1945 1,611 30 1^581 1933-38 641 32 609 1936-45 5,541 431 . 198 4,912 1934-43 4,661 1,028 3 j 633 1936 604 279 *325 1935-36 1,087 66 1 1936 26 4 22 1935-41 6,131 1,888 4^243 1936-37 3,045 699 858 1,488 1936-41 3,133 371 2^762 75 325 435 340 "lO 140 1,431 "lO 100 352 121 35 2,421 2,223 *268 871 2,625 30 102 *325 *982 27 4 18 1,529 2,361 119 225 507 669 192 117 "*92 2 80 940 117 2 1 1 7 1 105 '794 48 2 4 1 155 1 j 358 2 1 7 1 166 1,346 169 2 10 52 *300 3,753 1,278 8 1 1 13 4 173 5 420 6,405 2,069 16 2 9 26 3 393 *650 1 1 3 *400 "l2 108 1,934 48 1 5 155 "i22 11 1 4 9 5," 701 578 12 1 "*68 10 739 3 50 3,683 80 6 1 *ii5 ' *22 1,687 11 1 "26 16 276 1,085 2,691 7,063 12,563 1,148 1,185 2,371 3,299 1,306 8,071 43 28 728 65 9,573 10,917 3,796 4,485 26,981 40,078 5,637 8,702 42,798 99,987 169 540 827 2,036 3,138 2,364 14,623 71,122 107 *348 669 4,870 6,344 24,925 46,096 3,106 2,984 32.333 56,363 15,810 4,644 38,661 99,578 23,402 8,939 8,003 2,326 9,448 14 21,283 7,639 75,340 28,248 157,124 69,789 3,572 1,449 91,247 60,011 1,124 463 82,235 32,703 94,786 38,797 158,693 70,058 14,463 5,677 9,434 13,644 47,092 87,335 2,123 31,236 661 49,532 55,989 88,635 1,615 4,165 132 1 34 3 5,974 329 4 142 "lO 34,633 27,770 5 ] 981 798 353 14 10,431 796 157 566 685 27 123 6 7,143 238 3 447 3,710 362 407 8 18,254 143 3 730 1,061 62 89 85 8 10,894 1,202 114 2,865 4,107 219 281 21 13 43,945 3,213 280 4,689 6,116 321 574 105 34 61,951 2,986 299 *703 49 66 3 6,351 894 46 1,622 1,507 2 1.86 23,996 1,604 269' "49 95 3,086 4,556 219 241 11 21 60,950 3,137 201 2,164 1,544 32 149 172 10 19,589 3,909 798 4,474 3,489 276 322 343 17 55,856 2,069 223 '987 137 386 604 675 i.96 147 181 26 *209 "36 ' *92 393 596 396 271 418 3.714 3.715 566 1,310 675 80 2,914 1,771 2,664 933 1,416 1,735 376 *639 1,339 *353 8 *328 328 1,407 387 1,282 '*33 8 42 *615 3 * 209 4,563 806 780 2,715 1,373 3,006 5,128 2,457 347 3! 228 481 1,437 835 735 ' 36 "29 "l9 ' *30 i.95 *323 '*26 '*26 *i82 *i89 3*736 105 1 'i20 430 63 2 125 366 468 437 3,286 105 3,920 285 387 80 49 379 10 1,255 953 633 222 299 91 857 1,941 2,678 69 925 2,050 380 1,023 3,141 4,443 31 *386 9 294 134 306 *588 200 1,481 694 1,377 1 40 22 240 80 114 211 373 162 483 2,368 2,082 15 231 745 1,421 3,564 1,581 2,046 161 . 207 386 1,815 2,301 2 1 1 3 6 12 1 3 4 3 5




Particulars. Superintendent of Land 3 & P? c3 Jj *3 ai £ 5 61 I i ~a 1 G r* C3 £ "5 1. Date of acquisition or Crown land set apart 2. Total area (acres) 3. Area not suitable for development (acres) 4. Area alienated for settlement, reserves, &c. (acres) 5. Balance under development (acres) 6. Condition of area under development (item 5) — Undeveloped (acres) .. .. :. Permanent grass (acres) Temporary grass (acres) Crops (acres) Cultivated, but not in grass or crops (acres) Plantations (acres) .. Water-supplies : area reticulated (acres) .. Fencing (chains) Drains (chains) Dwellings (number) Wool-sheds (number) Cow-sheds (number) Other farm buildings (number) Bridges (number) Roads and farm tracks (chains) 7. Capital expenditure to date on land (item 2) — Land acquired, including Crown land set apart— Unimproved (£) .. Improvements (£) Materials and expenses (£) .. Labour (gross) (£) Total expenditure (gross) (£) Less subsidies on labour (£) Net expenditure (£) 8. Capital charges on alienated land (item 4) (£) 9. Dairying on area under development (item 5) — Area occupied (acres) Herds (number) Cows milked (number) .. .. Dry cows (number) Breeding-sows (number) Butterfat sold (lb.) 10. Other farming on area under development (item 5) — Breeding-ewes (number) Dry sheep (number) .. Breeding-cows and heifers (number) Dry run cattle (number) .. Dry dairy stock (number) Horses (number) Wool produced (lb.) Sheep sold (number) Cattle sold (number) Cash crops (type and quantity) 11. Receipts for year: Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — Butterfat (£) Wool (£) .. Sheep—Cash sales (£) Transfers to other blocks (£) Cattle—Cash sales (£) Transfers to other blocks (£) Pigs (£) Crops (£) .. .. .. .. .. Miscellaneous (£) 12. Payments for year: Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — Sheep—Cash purchases (£) .. .. .. ... Transfers from other blocks (£) .. Cattle —Cash purchases (£) .. Transfers from other blocks (£) Farming-expenses—Materials and expenses (£) Labour -(£) Miscellaneous (£) 13. Labour employed (development and farming)— Average for year (item 5) (number) 1936 379 106 '273 26 224 "21 2 '451 1 " 3 305 184 2,505 2,823 1938 661 56 605 518 29 40 18 "20 195 57 1 3 711 132 2,464 3,937 1938 3,328 28 3," 300 "70 7 260 3 1 ' 11 400 3,113 16,098 8,710 19,790 1936 196 11 185 8 147 29 1 164 573 171 1 "4 ' 80 490 387 3,420 3,562 1938-41 2,539 248 2^291 1,727 395 91 76 2 1 j 418 391 1 1 7 1 129 1,216 730 10,648 23,994 5,817 2,008 7,244 2,657 47,711 14,567 7,859 2,529 36,588 17,100 3,809 4,587 33,144 5,330 19,488 '748 37 3 34 6,648 1,082 66 638 77 829 159 141 "30 67 210 10 14 301 349 1 i60 44 1 27 4 1,402 180 131 "i47 i.27 616 ' 19 70 120 21 724 180 104 1 3,740 3,582 341 521 ' 11 52,694 1,786 205 ■ 158 1,226 665 1,022 "26 264 "67 8 1,490 2,838 6 *321 218 41 36 4 6,017 641 55 360 239 288 177 152 31 53 42 | "i41 376 1 '856 831 54 33 9 16,606 615 43 929 890 *249 24 75 107 2 665 722 *2 * Capital expenditure to date on land, " reclamation expenditure on lagoon," included in item 7 above : £128.191: net expenditure, £86,071. f 2£ acres asparagus; 100 acres rye, clover, and barley for seed.


(SMALL-FARMS ACT, 1932-33)—continued


.Development, Te Kuiti —continued. North Auckland. Gisborne. Hawke's Bay. < M t=> < Ei <5 X £ S 0 SP H? 1 3 so . 3 [eS . a I "ci £ 1 ft £ & £ K < < W £ *fi -+9 M 3 2 < H < B i H c8 3 1 M W K a Ut < SS O 1933-41 10,466 2,148 8^318 1936-46 1,051 537 *514 1938 3,671 327 531 2,813 1944 1,256 32 1^224 1944 566 50 *516 1/3/38 1,576 1,576 1/2/45 334 '334 3/1/27 9,922 500 9^422 2/4/34 7,753 2,153 5," 600 1/2/38 10,505 10 j 505 25/3/31 19,213 4,402 14 ,'811 1/2/45 2,807 2^807 2,792 4,211 1,042 261 210 293 "ll 355 2,446 384 839 40 446 "30 696 880 ' '80 240 1,179 8,200 " 3 3,648 1.482 340 118 5,708 4,751 "40 6 >358 8,269 'i40 230 2,577 12 : 5,814 642 14 3 4 14 3 1,071 '*37 1,133 100 1 1 5 6 169 12 1,000 3,622 419 10 1 1 11 2 98 1 745 1,671 385 8 1 7 9 ' '30 200 1,046 " 3 2 3 210 M60 2 1 " 2 ' 14 80 ' 720 1 1 5 5 "40 3,254 1 1 8 2 560 "l2 5,500 7,114 31,304 2 1 6 6 2,028 " 6 1,809 15 3 1 1 240 "44 73 5,753 60 8 1 1 11 3 810 "49 2^300 " 6 1 1 8 1 300 5,132 8,689 45,668 83,379 165 339 . 3,976 4,795 7,126 12,528 32,056 27,551 5,710 12,177 13,214 1,020 1,300 4,374 8,032 3,255 1,185 2,325 930 2,044 3,340 4,910 562 403 39,453 27,867 5,074 13,743 1,531 186 104,922 162,109 34,927 3,083 9,807 6,685 16,542 7,417 32,775 23,715 19,196 22,090 12,667 151 142,868 59,061 9,275 3,403 79,261 16,258 32,121 16,961 6,484 1,078 9,215 86,137 130 268,748 142,585 54,502 2,477 80,449 5,643 54,104 83,807 5,872 63,003 32,121 16,961 5,406 9,215 86,007 126,163 52,025 74,806 j 54,104 11,650 289 2 80 7 9,374 334 1 80 20 6 "8,440 i 6,860 11,379 538 1,328 2 26 124,851 8,153 336 765 966 27 97 1 4 9,244 116 2 4,038 1,899 199 336 9 56,831 13,014 516 1,559 1,427 "53 671 5 19,684 2,509 632 "l6 195 7 3,804 7,465 294 829 325 i79 4 10,352 13 14 'i23 79 ' '73 2 "90 5,412 3,528 1,055 964 ' '42 78,800 1,781 443 3,218 10,730 'i25 29 6 111,532 14,724 't 3,443 10,888 117 641 9 17 73,352 3,012 699 4,269 4,623 289 691 "36 72,537 3,572 341 t 3,803 170 99 189 1 1 43,515 3,001 170 6," 420 9,820 1,834 2,683 1,020 '603 '770 183 5 ' 40 3 j i24 2,532 12,389 332 4,070 128 1*549 1,131 1,697 5,449 939 "58 653 195 29 2,399 78 "35 '646 15 461 121 181 633 '292 1,291 105 4," 305 1,672 1,694 284 4,690 136 20,434 "i91 278 1 51 4 j 135 2,978 6," 431 11 "96 3," 516 3,562 3,690 643 223 *788 2,009 2,393 915 66 "74 1,130 6,103 312 1,140 2,584 4,192 56 "l5 "l66 688 702 10,738 100 3,487 1,185 2,022 22 1,225 2,367 4,083 531 1,026 729 1,230 723 434 138 70 "ll '269 604 i62 2,045 419 325 528 420 '263 1,588 2,285 14,613 "65 11 7,154 5,461 2,350 4 234 290 2,764 4,363 307 "63 3,'449 4,262 1,315 941 26 3,741 4,330 2,435 9 1 4 1 2 2 2 8 15 9 12 * 8 Materials and expenses, £69,469 ; labour (gross) t 40 acres potatoes. 1, £144,793 ; total expenditure, £214,262; less subsidies on labour,




Hawke' s Bay. Wellington. Particulars. « H W W (3 PS a o H n < Pn « £ * < Q W a < E 35 S5 K < < O O W m E-i -1 Pk H 1. Date of acquisition or Crown land set apart 28/2/45 5/3/45 28/2/45 23/2/45 28/2/45 2. Total area (acres) 1,662 3,414 1,889 1,140 2,724 3. Area not suitable for development (acres) 4. Area alienated for settlement, reserves, &c. (acres) 5. Balance under development (acres) 1,' 662 B j 414 1,"889 M40 2,'724 6. Condition of area under development (item 5)— Undeveloped (acres) .. , .. 787 894 Permanent grass (acres) 800 2,500 1^813 1^40 2^724 Temporary grass (acres) Crops (acres) "50 "76 Cultivated, but not in grass or crops (acres) Plantations (acres) "25 "20 Water-supplies : area reticulated (acres) "50 l,i.40 'ioo Fencing (chains) 2^000 2," 527 1,036 1,490 1,090 Drains (chains) 500 12 615 Dwellings (number) 4 1 1 4 Wool-sheds (number) 1 1 1 Cow-sheds (number) 4 1 " 3 Other farm buildings (number) 15 14 " 2 6 " 3 Bridges (number) 1 Roads and farm tracks (chains) 'ioo '117 "i42 *262 7. Capital expenditure to date on land (item 2) — Land acquired, including Crown land set apart— 13,915 Unimproved (£) .. 1,489 33,945 22,480 25,000* Improvements (£) 16,761 33,932 13,438 5,000* 9,354 Materials and expenses (£) .. 3,869 1,529 5,368 3,113 1,976 Labour (gross) (£) .. 58 276 498 262 Total expenditure (gross) (£) 22,119 69,464 41,562 33,611 25,507 Less subsidies on labour (£) Net expenditure (£) .. .. .. 22,119 69,464 41,562 33,611 25,507 8. Capital charges on alienated land (item 4) (£) .. 9. Dairying on area under development (item 5) — Area occupied (acres) 800 600 Herds (number) .. .. .. .. 4 2 Cows milked (number) .. .. ... 208 267 Dry cows (number) 6 66 Breeding-sows (number) 19 Butterfat sold (lb.) 24,191 58j 326 10. Other farming on area under development (item 5) — 3,297 Breeding-ewes (number) 869 7,056 3,014 205 Dry sheep (number) 148 435 343 213 533 Breeding-cows and heifers (number) 397 6 420 229 Dry run cattle (number) 196 225 59 66 Dry dairy stock (number) 2 6 2 Horses (number) .. .. 7 7 6 4 4 Wool produced (lb.) 9,495 86,128 35,574 775 33,102 Sheep sold (number) 909 8,323 1,922 501 Cattle sold (number) .. .. 157 75 11 *312 Cash crops (type and quantity) 11. Receipts for year: Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) —• Butterfat (£) 1,867 3,512 1*370 Wool (£) .. 35 4," 271 *670 Sheep—Cash sales (£) 938 8,209 2,259 883 412 Transfers to other blocks (£) 5,192 6,984 '222 1,590 Cattle —Cash sales (£) 190 926 115 1,781 1^660 Transfers to other blocks (£) 963 758 153 Pigs (£) "i32 Crops (£) .. Miscellaneous (£) .! "25 'l94 ' '29 "41 2 12. Payments for year: Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — 355 Sheep—Cash purchases (£) .. 880 19,469 74 Transfers from other blocks (£) 309 5,135 1,048 *346 1,297 2,908 Cattle —Cash purchases (£) .. 2,932 4,673 762 8,438 Transfers from other blocks (£) 217 915 1,176 451 547 Farming-expenses—Materials and expenses (£) 3,020 5,296 601 1,809 788 Labour (£) 669 1,898 974 791 550 Miscellaneous (£) .. 162 140 13. Labour employed (development and farming)— Average for year (item 5) (number) 4 5 5 5 3 * Payment on account only. t Apples, 7,255 cases. ± Oats, 906 bushels ; lupins, 120 bushels ; Hay, 2 tons. Oats, 189 bushels; chaff, 21 tons.


(SMALL-FARMS ACT, 1932-33)—continued


Marlborough. Canterbury. AWARUA. ' cS § o a '§> c6 EH GO -J ►J X SB a w as a <D 0 0 EH w K 0 E O PC Q «Q H/ >5 0 ►J J CO g < S3 CO 2 PS < a H W p 0 E & < S5 C= H O s £ s > w x E., CO S5 0 H H ►J s w < Irl fr> a < > 28/2/45 1,972 33 1^939 18/10/40 117 il7 29/3/44 4,912 505 4," 407 28/2/38 68 8 "60 2/12/41 665 665 29/3/45 6,416 6^416 18/4/45 485 "485 28/3/45 1,238 298 940 20/1/41 3,094 500 2^594 28/3/45 20/4/45 4,438 34 2,369 2,035 14/6/43 184 i84 1940-41 8,617 8,617 33 1,939 1,408 1 1 3 3 8 "ii7 75 151 63 1,551 2,644 "i42 58 12 2|i76 1 1 9 ' '30 2 ' 48 ' 10 177 2 2 "26 194 267 i46 48 10 944 1 4 6^386 "30 2^488 3 1 1 8 '380 10 21 66 8 '723 130 3 1 1 5 2 30 175 508 200 55 lji99 1 1 1 6 25 809 1,320 250 152 63 2,594 2,413 3 1 1 7 4 240 1^466 *397 172 880 "l8 49 48 ' *50 29 8 446 177 1 1 1 7,36& 761 319 129 48 7^496 - " 5 1 5 10 10,247 12,251 716 790 59 181 805 368 4,432 4,342 2,278 563 475 2,100 424 75 2,450 420 1,455 281 19,675 7,321 388 343 12,312 2,845 252 23 17,043 2,806 1,115 330 22,790 4,100 12,575 2,563 25,040 9,962 1,285 376 928 792 1,268 977 23,586 4,796 4,842 1,571 24,004 1,413 79 11,615 3,074 4,606 27,727 15,432 21,294 42,028 36,663 3,965 34,795 24,004 1,334 11,615 3,074 4,606 27,727 15,432 21,294 42,028 36,663 3,965 34,795 18,912 4,027 1,173 *710 2 j 42,997 821 124 2 5 ' 33 2,992 743 79 45 "l2 21,784 1,083 1 "30 't 681 46 6 2 1 5,796 1,056 1 t 3,248 1,565 91 55 3 32,445 1,700 7 332 258 48 15 4 4,547 468 1,711 1,833 2 3,518 398 5 5,250 3,007 23 55 "l2 54,276 2,371 43 § 2,814 1,202 3 4 2,528 2,426 61 II 281 23 10 1 5 2,631 132 9 2,961 1,598 34 2 2 5 30,828 3,506 9 v '796 1 jo80 '437 740 435 396 ' '46 OA *338 1,355 " 8 1 j 677 673 549 ' 42 *219 628 165 721 "84 20 3,446 2,018 931 912 32 1,265 3,427 *773 "l38 125 "46 2,575 1,578 ' *53 *144 ' 16 "55 yo 2,701 9 *367 282 "55 "95 48 'ioo ljil6 143 '251 123 "28 * 3.72 243 2,018 14 5,209 1,675 702 579 162 *722 60 56 30 "47 '884 1,174 27 i,'iio 961 667 *708 673 6,995 *763 32 532 820 885 465 42 705 714 2,698 888 63 '918 721 317 363 1,603 1,988 8,978 16 324 392 2,383 1,238 205 17 *312 467 22 *13 8 2,404 2,071 5 1 5 2-12 2 3 3 3 5 3 2 5 chaff, 11 tons ; rye-grass, 800 lb.; hay, 1 ton. § Wheat, 3,4311 bushels ; rye-grass, 4,680 lb.




Canterbury. Particulars. | 8 W K D s _c < < o . is -J W < s o< O c < gs z s d is $ < B 27/11/44 2/9/31 8/10/40 1. Date of acquisition or Crown land set apart 22/8/40 24/5/45 20/3/45 14/1/41 2. Total area (acres) 766 2,832 1,500 1,253 624 3. Area not suitable for development (acres) 20 '264 4. Area alienated for settlement, reserves, &c. (acres) 1^500 1^253 5. Balance under development (acres) '746 2^832 360 6. Condition of area under development (item 5) — 51 935 Undeveloped (acres) 874 178 62 169 Permanent grass (acres) 496 835 125 681 Temporary grass (acres) 136 45 422 294 20 Crops (acres) 816 61 Cultivated, but not in grass or crops (acres) 51 207 ' 'l8 'ioo 43 Plantations (acres) 12 55 5 Water-supplies : area reticulated (acres) 3^210 1 j 414 1 j 327 Fencing (chains) 1 j 648 2,315 Drains (chains) 528 Dwellings (number) 2 4 1 3 1 Wool-sheds (number) 1 1 2 Cow-sheds (number) 1 6 Other farm buildings (number) 4 8 1 4 Bridges (number) 12 7 1 i Roads and farm tracks (chains) 7. Capital expenditure to date on land (item 2) — Land acquired, including Crown land set apart— 18,235 6,014 4,801 14,456 1,580 668 9,089 1,541 3,322 Unimproved (£) .. Improvements (£) Materials and expenses (£) .. 14,440 1,299 3,495 5,190 1,115 2,141 Labour (gross) (£) .. 1,284 1,435 2,863 1,400 Total expenditure (gross) (£) 20,518 30,485 16,704 16,815 9,846 640 Less subsidies on labour (£) 2,489 Net expenditure (£) 20,518 30,485 16,704 14,326 9,206 8. Capital charges on alienated land (item 4) (£) .. 4,750 9. Dairying on area under development (item 5) — Area occupied (acres) .. •. • • Herds (number) .. .. .. • • Cows milked (number) Dry cows (number) .. .. - • Breeding-sows (number) .. .. • • Butterfat sold (lb.) 10. Other farming on area under development (item 5) — 1,234 2,393 268 214 3 Breeding-ewes (number) .. .. .. 1,387 283 928 Dry sheep (number) 1 1,247 26 545 13 771 Q Breeding-cows and heifers (number) 5 6 Dry run cattle (number) ■ 89 2 4 3 2 Dry dairy stock (number) 2 "2 21,341 1 Horses (number) Wool produced (lb.) 5 18,981 11,582 30,340 3,111 831 1 Sheep sold (number) 1,127 2,826 334 2,485 6 ™ Cattle sold (number) 120 1 v ** Cash crops (type and quantity) t § 11 11. Receipts for year: Live-stock and seasonal (item 5) — Butterfat (£) Wool (£) .. Sheep—Cash sales (£) '833 1^30 '624 1 j 865 253 917 3,170 561 3,307 1,471 Transfers to other blocks (£) 1,116 12 561 ' '29 9 Cattle —Cash sales (£) 1,838 "21 Transfers to other blocks (£) 159 Pigs (£) Crops (£) .. Miscellaneous (£) .. • • •• ■■ '724 222 i.40 278 'l43 43 '877 143 1 j 636 73 12. Payments for year : Live-stock and seasonal (item 5)— Sheep—Cash purchases (£) .. ■■ Transfers from other blocks (£) 43 557 1,634 1,555 1,557 580 111 856 439 266 Cattle—Cash purchases (£) .. 630 68 11 30 Transfers from other blocks (£) 536 36 2,815 1,399 '679 590 Farming-expenses —Materials and expenses (£) Labour (£) 1,856 1,769 1,156 573 1,205 1,038 Miscellaneous (£) .. 13. Labour employed (development and farming)— 0 A 1 Average for year (item 5) (number) .. 4 6 * A„ r,f 1 ind acres nurchased from Mr. T. Gordon on 10th April, 1945, and added to Awamangu Bloek previously granted were deleted during the year. t Wheat, Wheat, 1*455 bushels ; oats, 835 bushels ; chaff, 24 tons ; rape, tt Wheat, 866 bushels ; oats, 1,124 bushels ; hay, tons. 1,259 bushels ; chaff, 6 tons ; potatoes, zz tons. 163 lb.; rye-grass, &c., 2,015 lb. ; hay, 8 tons. JJ Oats, 16 bushels ; chaff, 10 tons ; h^y, bushels wheat.


(SMALL-FARMS ACT, 1932-33)—continued


Otago. Southland. d c 1 3 •H , 0 < t=> O SB < E < £ < fa fa 3 0 0 S5 < <n 3 t i-i £ 0 Oh < H O < w « « eu CO S5 O CO PC W a z < ] CO . W>SK : ; wg j P ! S i ® < £ 2/9/40 329 '329 20/5/40 665 38 627 1941 4,807 1,832 2 * 975 7/9/44 2,945 862 2,'083 24/3/44 2,504 300 2^204 H934 1,082 121 151 810 1/3/44 468 25 443 31/3/41 2,223 2,223 15/4/42 600 600 14/6/44 250 -250 10/11/44 664 10 654 18 208 14 43 34 12 *637 1 2 83 283 "i70 80 11 1 j 070 247 3 1 1 4 1 1,517 1,072 '362 18 6 25 5 3 4 6 *200 1,188 494 '396 5 1^402 5 2 2 6 110 1,504 457 "i53 50 40 2,350 5 1 3 8 220 54 741 15 2^086 4 1 4 8 75 245 78 "60 58 2 '407 1 2 "5 1,120 491 178 424 8 225 2,087 816 2 1 3 9 8 58 '475 22 99 4 30 892 768 2 2 1 3 46 'i82 "68 '250 558 2 2 5 ' '24 6 574 "64 935 243 2 1 1 4 3 10 4,250 575 1,352 528 4,573 1,037 2,381 3,582 14,088 5,189 9,367 1,151 20,879 8,904 5,669 210 23,251 4,709 2,582 717 9,719 3,845 7,436 5,208 7,511 920 2,245 269 6,980 6.825 14;268 2,359 5,i35 978 4,332 3,691 2-; 226 344 1,915 5,060 2,655 70 6,705 329 11,573 1,588 29,795 725 35,662 31,259 26,208 4,023 10,945 30,432 t 6,113 t 10,593 9,700 6,376 9,985 29,070 35,662 31,259 22,185 10,945 30,432 6,113 10,593 9,700 2,840 ' '80 14^501 :: 1 306 101 6 3 1 4,405 . 1,210 4 tt 733 796 8 22 7 8,013 528 3 M 2,831 2,430 1 34 31 6 2,004 76 3,276 2,326 136 8 5 733 6 2,100 6 73 3 162 1,484 1,280 45 1 1 6 147 540 ' *13 2 '761 82 2,396 1 97 1 5 29,874 984 232 §§ 1,729 1 3 1 3 22,151 974 fit 415 4 4,403 392 59 ira 1,484 "10 32 3 1 16,013 1,069 1 *** '297 1,624 "28 '457 641 "25 '935 3,692 523 1,032 925 M26 728 118 16 488 1,567 3,513 24 2,457 '706 1,084 1,287 *233 1,172 50 1,327 620 l,'i43 1,603 81 1 336 1,328 1,366 254 492 177 154 1,591 1,431 " 8 *549 60 "94 29 1^399 '605 ' '74 ' '94 *731 '297 172 *873 12 *284 62 i66 44 340 247 40 *468 579 25 ' 14 94 527 968 2,483 336 329 949 3,120 1,081 2,675 143 558 14 1,703 887 664 *839 1,308 1,366 1,038 3,376 '799 816 3 42 380 279 1,119 1,293 365 24 177 2,130 2,' 359 1,499 105 116 ' 'l0 1,343 813 188 ' 11 36 704 679 43 113 ' *18 655 573 27 1 3 6 4 4 3 2 6 2 3 2 has been included in figures as it is not possible to separate the receipts and t Subsidies § Oats, 139J- bushels; lupins, 1 bushel; rye-grass, 13,174 lb.; hay, 1 ton. II Wheat, 406 bushels. ** Wheat, 529 bushels; oats, 558£ bushels; rye-grass, &c., 4,201 lb.; hay, 55 tons; potatoes, 8 tons. 7 tons. §§ 10 tons linseed. " || l| 1,500 bushels wheat. flf 2,603 bushels oats. *** 870


ADVANCES MADE TO CROWN TENANTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT AND STOCKING OF HOLDINGS Amounts advanced for the year ended 31st March, 1946 : Improvements .. .. .. .. .. £2,707 Stock .. .. .. .. .. .. £707 Number of advances made .. .. .. .. 26 DISCHARGED SOLDIERS SETTLEMENT ACT, 1915 The following particulars are supplied pursuant to section 14 of the Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act, 1915 : Total Area proclaimed since Inception of the Scheme Class ©f Land. Area (Acres). Ordinary Crown land .. .. .. 1,048,434 Land-for-settlements land .. .. .. .. 405,976 Cheviot Estate land .. .. .. .. 3,356 v 1,457,766 Proclamations have been issued revoking the setting apart of 257,936 acres of Crown land and 108,419 acres of land-for-settlements land. From the inception of the soldier-settlement scheme in 1915 the total applications received number 15,181 and the allotments made number 4,112, covering a total area of 1,446,164 acres. The Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account was abolished by section 6 of the Finance Act, 1937. STAFF Several officers retired during the year. These included Mr. K. M. Graham, Commissioner of Crown Lands, Auckland, after thirty-seven years' service, and Mr. J. A. Mclver, Chief Clerk and Receiver of Land Revenue, Invercargill, after a like record of service. Both of these gentlemen had given excellent service, and it is with pleasure that this is acknowledged, and I wish them well in their retirement. It is with regret that I record the deaths of Mr. D. E. Goldsmith, Chief Clerk and Receiver of Land Revenue at Blenheim, after thirty-eight years' service, and Mr. E. Pfankuch, of the draughting staff, of Christchurch, after thirty-five years' service. Both these officers had been valued members of the staff. The staff position improved somewhat during the year, owing to the return of a number of officers from the Forces..



EXPENDITURE Summary of Expenditure approved during the Year ended 31st March, 1946

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given; printing (7SO copies), £l2O

By Authority: E. V. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington. —1946. Price Is. 3d.~\


Name of Vote or Account. Amount voted. Gross Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1946. Gross Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1945. Voted Expenditure Vote " Lands and Survey " — Subdivision I .. Subdivision II Subdivision III Total, vote " Lands and Survey " .. Yote " Land for Settlements " Vote " Small Farms Development " Total, voted expenditure Other Expenditure Land for Settlements Account: Expenditure from eapital proceeds of sales of Crown lands of revenue, Deposits Account expenditure, and miscellaneous expenditure £ 501,655 100,751 63,330 £ 512,822 79,167 10,895 £ 402,875 67,263 4,348 665,736 169,245 3,628,700 602,884 47,850 3,168,722 474,486 183,332 1,389,821 4,463,681 3,819,456 176,604* 71,937 2,047,639 4,276 65,154 4,067,997 2,117,069 * Includes value of Crown lands transferred to Small Farms Account, £87,111, and interest on proceeds of sales of Crown lands under section 13 of the Land Laws Amendment Act, 1926, £69,770.

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DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY SETTLEMENT OF CROWN LANDS (ANNUAL REPORT ON), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1946 Session I, C-01

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DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY SETTLEMENT OF CROWN LANDS (ANNUAL REPORT ON) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1946 Session I, C-01

DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY SETTLEMENT OF CROWN LANDS (ANNUAL REPORT ON) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1946 Session I, C-01

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