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Laid on the Table of the House of Representatives
ORDERS OF REFERENCE Extracts from the Journals of the House of Representatives Wednesday, this :18th Day of July, 1945 Ordered, " That a Select Committee be appointed, consisting of ten members, to consider all Bills or other matters relating' to labour which may be referred to it: the Committee to consist of Mr. Chapman, Mr. Coleman, Mr. Hackett, Hon. Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Holland, Miss Howard, Mr. McKeen, Mr. Poison, Mr. Sheat, and the Mover." —(Hon. Mr. O'Brien, for Hon. Mr. Webb.) Thursday, the 26th Day of July, 1945 Ordered, " That the Labour Bills Committee be increased, by leave, to eleven members by the addition of the name of the Hon. Mr. O'Brien." —(Right Hon. Mr.' Eraser.) Tuesday, the 25th Day of September, 1945 Ordered, " That the Workers' Compensation Amendment Bill be referred to the Labour Bills Committee." —(Hon. Mr. O'Brien.) Ordered, " That the Annual Holidays Amendment Bill be referred to the Labour Bills Committee."— (Hon. Mr. O'Brien.) Tuesday, the 20th Day of November, 1945 Ordered, " That the Shops and Offices Amendment Bill be referred to the Labour Bills Committee." — (Hon. Mr. O'Brien.) Thursday, the 29th Day of November, 1945 Ordered, " That the Factories Amendment Bill be referred to the Labour Bills Committee." —-(Hon. Mr. O'Brien.) Tuesday, the 4th Day of December, 1945 Ordered, " That clause 76 of the Statutes Amendment Bill be referred to the Labour Bills Committee for consideration." —'(Hon. Mr. Mason.)
REPORTS No. 44.—Petition of W. P. Storey and 64 Others Praying— (a) For the payment of bonuses to non-unionist waterside workers: (b) That the application of the term "seagull" to non-unionist workers be made illegal: (c) For the erection of shelters on the waterfront for the use of non-unionist workers: (d) For a better system of employment of labour. I am directed to report that the Committee has carefully considered this petition, and recommends that paragraph (ai) of the prayer of the petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. In respect of paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) of the prayer of the petition the Committee has no recommendation to make. D. W. Coleman, for Chairman. sth September, 1945.
Annual Holidays Amendment Bill I have the honour to report that the Labour Bills Committee has carefully considered the Annual Holidays Amendment Bill, and recommends that it be allowed to proceed without amendment. 12th October, 1945.
Workers' Compensation Amendment Bill I have the honour to report that the Labour Bills Committee has carefully considered the Workers' Compensation Amendment Bill, and recommends that it be allowed to proceed without amendment. 12th October, 1945.
No. 85.—Petition of R. J. L. Evans,.of Christchurch Praying for a compassionate grant or for a hearing of his claim for compensation. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for most favourable consideration in respect of the prayer for a hearing in the Compensation Court, and that provision be made accordingly for the abrogation of the twelve months' limitation in this case. 7th November, 1945.
Shops and Offices Amendment Bill I have the honour to report that the Labour Bills Committee has carefully considered the Shops and Offices Amendment Bill, and recommends that it be allowed to proceed with the amendments shown on the copy of the Bill attached hereto. 28th November, 1945.
Factories Amendment Bill I have the honour to report that the Labour Bills Committee has carefully considered the Factories Amendment Bill, and recommends that it be allowed to proceed without amendment. 4th December, 1945.
Statutes Amendment Bill I have the honour to report that the Labour Bills Committee has carefully considered clause 76 of the Statutes Amendment Bill which was referred to it, and recommends that it be allowed to proceed without amendment. C. H. Chapman, Chairman. sth December, 1945.
Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (318 copies), £:i 10s.
Authority: E. V. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington. —1946.
Price 3i.]
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LABOUR BILLS COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE) (Mr. C. H. CHAPMAN, Chairman), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1945 Session I, I-09
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678LABOUR BILLS COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE) (Mr. C. H. CHAPMAN, Chairman) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1945 Session I, I-09
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