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Return to an Order of the Houtt o) Ttepre»tntaUve4 dated the 18th September, 1908. Ordered, " That there be laid upon the t-ible of the House of Representatives all correspondence between the Minister of Lands and the Hawke's Bay Land Board, ard all reports of Valuators and Rungers, and all resolutions of the above Board, relating to Small Grazing-runs Nos. 43, 45, and 42a, Waingaromia Survey District."—(Mr. Herhies.)

SMALL GRAZING-RUN No. 43, WAINGAROMIA SURVEY DISTRICT. n Analysis of Correspondence. Page. 3 14th .June, 1907. —Resolution of Land Board appointing valuers to report whether small grazingruns, Poverty Bay and Hawke's Bay Districts, are suitable tor subdivision. Ist November, 1907.—Report of Board's valuer states Run 43 suitable for subdivision : that 900 acres thereof be offered present tenant, and balance be subdivided and offered under optional system. Two tracings attached illustrating valuer's report. 11th December, 1907. —Memo., Land Officer, Oisborne, to Commissioner, Napier, reporting that Run 43 is suitable for subdivision into five sections. 13th December, 1907.—Resolution of Land Board adopting valuer's suggestions and valuations for recommendation to Minister. 18th February, 1908. —Memo, from Commissioner, Napier, to Under-Secretary, sending valuer's reports, &c, on ten small grazing-runs. including No. 43, and recommending reports approved by Board for favourable consideration of Minister. Schedule showing prairie value, amount of improvements, rentals, name of lessee, and whether suitable for subdivision of runs (inter alia) Lots 1 and 2 of No. 43. 18th February, 1908.—Memo, from Commissioner to Mr. Black, lessee of Run 43, advising him of decision of Land Board to recommend subdivision of 43, and offering him a renewal of 900 acres at increased rental. 22nd February, 1908. —Memo, from Commissioner to Under-Secretary, calling attention to special conditions embodied in valuer's report in reference to Runs U>. 13, and 46. Minute (4th March, 1908). Minister's decision that Kirns 17. 66. 45, Lots ! and 2 of 13, be subdivided and disposed of: Run 46 to be offered on renewal lease to present occupiers. Memo. (6th March, 1908) from Under-Secretary to Commissioner. Napier, advising Ministerdecided that small grazing-runs 17. 66. 45, and Lots 1 and 2 of 43, are to be subdivided for closer settlement, and disposed of under optional system. 14th May, 1908.—Letter from Commissioner to Mr. R. 0. Black, advising him that Minister had approved recommendation of Land Board to grant him a lease of 900 acres for further term of twenty-one years at rental of £79, and that balance of run was to be subdivided for closer settlement, and giving valuations of improvements thereon up to 30th November, 1907. Letter (Ist June, 1908) from Mr. Black to Commissioner, Napier, appealing against decision of Land Board re lease of part of Run 43 offered him, and asking for a rehearing. 12th lime. 1908.—Resolution of Land Board respecting Run 43 leased to R. C. Black : Board decided, after hearing Mr. Black in support of his appeal, to rescind former resolution, and to offer Mr. Black a renewal of his whole lease. Memo. (12th June, 1908) from Commissioner to Mr. Black, advising him of Board's decision to (recommend for Minister's approval that he be offered a lease over the whole of Run 43. Memo. (20th June, 1908) from Commissioner to Under-Secretary, that the Board resolved to rescind its former resolution respecting Run 43, and offer Mr. Black (lessee) a lease of the whole of the land, subject to Minister's approval.

I—C. 20.

C. -20



24th June, 1908. —Submitted to Minister, who asked Under Secretary to obtain explanation from Commissioner as to the Board's reasons for deciding to adopt this proposal regarding Run 43, after previously deciding that run was suitable for subdivision. Memo. (29th June, 1908) from Under-Secretary to Commissioner, asking for a full explanation regarding Board's action in cancelling its former resolution that Lots I and 2 of 43 were suitable for subdivision, and then subsequently recommending that a new lease of whole area be offered Mr. Black. Memo. (2nd July, 1908) from Commissioner to Under-Secretary, detailing circumstances which led Board to reverse former decision re 43. Memo. (Bth July, 1908) from Under-Secretary to Minister, forwarding Commissioner's explanation, and recommending Minister's approval to Board's subsequent resolution that Mr. Black be offered a Renewal of his lease. Memo. (10th July, 1908) from Minister to Valuer-fieneral, asking for a report on Run 43, as to whether run is capable of subdivision. Memo. (30th July, 1908) from Valuer-General to Minister, forwarding District Valuer Lewis's (Gisborne) report, in which he states that Run 43 could be suitably subdivided into three lots, and details proposals to effect this, with explanatory tracing attached clearly indicating position. Minute (30th July, 1908) from Minister to Under-Secretary, stating that he saw Mr. Black, and had informed him that he declined to agree to grant a renewal. Memo. (Bth August, 1908) from Under-Secretary to Commissioner, forwarding Valuer-General's report, and stating that in view of such report —that Run 43 could be suitably subdivided into smaller areas—Minister cannot see his way to agree to grant a renewal to Mr. Black. Resolution (14th August, 1908) of Land Board indorsing Valuer-General's report that Run 43 be subdivided into three lots, and offered under the optional system. Memo. (19th August, 1908) from Commissioner to Mr. Black, advising him that it has been finally decided that a renewal cannot be granted him of 43. Memo. (19th August, 1908) from Commissioner to Under-Secretarv, advising Board adopted Valuer-General's report re subdividing Run 43 into three areas, and notified Mr. Black accordingly. Telegram (Ist September, 1908) from Black to Minister: Notice re offer 900 acres of Run 43 issued by Commissioner. Telegram (Ist September, 1908) from Minister to Black, asking for copy of notice re offer of 900 acres as stated. Telegram (Ist September, 1908) from Under-Secretary to Commissioner, asking for copy of notice that Mr. Black states he received on authority of Under-Secretary. Memo. (Ist September, 1908) from Commissioner sending copy of notice forwarded by him to Mr. Black, and-detailing circumstances of how it came to be issued. Copy of notice referred to above. Letter (3rd September, 1908) from Mr. Black to Commissioner, acknowledging receipt of Commissioner's letter conveying final decision that a renewal for 43 could not be granted, and further remarks. Memo. (4th September, 1908) from Under-Secretary to Minister, explaining position regarding notice sent to Mr. Black in connection with offer of renewal of 900 acres at an increased rental; also clearly defining position caused by the neglect of the Commissioner to notify Mr. Black that the Board had altered its views respecting its former decision, thereby allowing Black to continue thinking that he was to obtain a lease of 900 acres in accordance with the Board's recommendations as detailed in notice sent to Mr. Black. Memo. (Bth September, 1908) from Minister to Under-Secretary, forwarding copy of notice referred to, in which it is stated Ministerial authority was granted to Mr. Black obtaining 900 acres, and requesting Under-Secretary to call on Commissioner to show the authority for his statement that Minister approved recommendation of Land Board. Copy of notice referred to in preceding memo. Telegram (10th September, 1908) from Under-Secretary to Commissioner, asking authority for his statement that Minister approved recommendation of Land Board to grant Mr. Black 900 acres of Run 13. Memo. (10th September, 1908) from Commissioner to Under-Secretary, setting forth his reasons for issuing notice to Mr. Black. Copy of Mr. Black S'letter referred to in preceding memo. Memo. (14th September, 1908) from Under-Secretary to Minister, forwarding particulars of howMr. Black was notified of approval of Board and Minister respecting the proposed lease of 900 acres. Minute (14th September, 1908) from Minister to Under-Secretary, asking, in view of the mistaken meaning given to Minister's memo, of 4th March, 1908, and Mr. Black's application for preference over one of the three subdivisions, whether one of the areas of 900 acres or thereabouts could be given him as a small grazing-run. the other two being put up on the optional tenure. Memo, to Commissioner (15th September, 1908) by Under-Secretary, asking whether a lease of 900 acres could be given Mr. Black as a small grazing-run. &c. Memo, from Commissioner (16th September, 1908) to Under-Secretary, submitting suggestions for the proposed subdivision of Run 43. Tracing attached illustrating proposals.




Memo. (22nd September, 1908) from Under-Secretary to Minister, containing summary of Commissioner's report with regard to subdivision. Minute (22nd September, 1908) from Minister to Under-Secretary, asking that proposals be submitted to Board, Mr. Black to receive preference for about 900 acres or thereabouts. Memo. (22nd September, 1908) from Under-Secretary to Commissioner, asking him to place representations before Board, and submit Board's recommendation to Minister for consideration.

CORBSSPONDKNOB, BT( . Extract from Land Board Proceedings relating to Small Grazing-runs Not, '~.', J t J, Wainyaroiimi Survey District. Napier, 14th June, 1907. \ ilubrh were appointed under section 20!) of " The Land Act, 1885," to deal with small grazingruns, the leases of which expire on the 28th February, 1909, as follows: Mr. 11. Martin Smith for Hawke's Bay. and Mr. Lan S. Simson for Poverty Bay. To report exhaustively as to whether runs are suitable for subdivision and as to value of land and improvements. • 5.C.11. 27/3. Hun, 43, Waingaromia S.D. Ist November, Mini. As instructed, I visited the property known as Run 43, containing two lots, viz.: Lot 1, 1,928 acres 2 roods 32 perches, being all that portion of the north side of Tauwhareparae, Waimata, and the main Waimata and Tolaga Bay Road : and Lot 2, containing 2,415 acres '■', roods 8 perches, being all that portion on the south side of the main Tolaga Bay Road, the total acreage being 4,354 acres 2 roods. The land is situated mi both sides of the main road from Cisborne, through the Waimata to Tolaga Bay. The road is well formed, and in summer-time a first-class dray-road. The distance from Tolaga Hay is twenty miles, and from Gisborne thirty-six miles. The road runs through the Wigan Estate and joins Kun 43 very near the middle of the block, and then with a gradual rise of 1,300 ft. until it reaches the road known as the Tauwhareparae-Wainiata Road, and then along a main ridge until it reaches the boundary. The aspect varies on the left-hand side of the road : the land slopes Inwards the Mangaiara Mangamoho streams and tributaries, having a continuation of good sloping ridges and gullies intervening: the balance tailing towards the Whakaurangi Stream, from tlietiec in a straight line to the main road. This part of the run is excellent pastoral land, and of quite as g 1 a quality as the best of Wigan Estate, and would, in my opinion, cut up into five- or six-hundred .nic blocks m advantage, this amount being quite sufficient, as the land is of superior quajity. (In the right-hand side of the mad, sloping down in a creek (no name) on which is marked " waterfall," the land is of the same quality as on the left-hand side, and is of excellent quality; but gets slightly poorer as it runs along the right-hand side of the Tauwhareparae—Waimata Road. The hind from Waterfall Creek to the back boundary is a succession of steep ridges and gullies, and is of fair quality; but, owing to its steepness and not-cleared-off timber, having only been grassed during the last four years, and having no possible building-sites, 1 would suggest that about 900 acres, starting from the back boundary on the north side of the road, be cut out and put into small grazing-run at £•"> It's, per acre unimproved value, and offered to the present tenant for another term of twenty-one years, the balance of both sides of the road be cut up and offered under the optional system. It could lie out up into six sections, giving each section a road frontage and homestead-site. With (he exception of about Km lo 500 acres, the land is first-class pastoral land. The pool' portion lies on tin' west of the road, after passing the Tauwharaeparae-Waimal a Road, and a small portion on the east side. This land, however, can easily be worked in with the better portion, and will assist in giving homesteads to that part when cut up. The 25 acres of bush land in the corner, being completely cut out of the estate, is of no practical use. I recommend it be kept as a seeine reserve. About 350 acres out of the 500 acres of poor land has gone back lo its natural state. and is now in manuka and Qgaio mokomoko. This portion of the land is verj poor. There are no buildings on the run. The present tenant has 400 acres of freehold adjoining the run. and the buildings are all on the freehold. The fences are all in firs! class order, and the land is well grassed ill cocksfoot, perennial, and clover, and the only noxious weeds I saw was about one acre in extent, carrying some Californian thistle. To sum up, I recommend that the land be eiil up into six block., one of 1,000 acres, and the balance as suitable to road frontage and homestead-site. My valuation is as follows: — Lot No. /, on North Sid< of Main Road, containing UK'S arres % roods 32 perches. Improvements, — 928 acres 2 r Is 32 perches of well-grassed land all ori- £ s. d. ginally in bush, now well cleared of timber . .'LOIS 7 6 1,000 acres of hilly bush land, felled and grassed, partly cleared of logs ... ... ... 2,500 0 0 5,518 7 6 Seven miles post and-n ire fencing (seven wires and five postsl 56(1 0 (I 6,07S 7 6



Unimproved value, — £ s. d. 928 acres 2 roods 32 perches ... ... 3,483 -0 0 1,000 acres ... ... ... ... ... ... 3,500 0 0 13,061 7 6 Lot No. 2, South Side of the Road. Improvements, — Grassing, felling, and clearing 2,000 acres : all good pasture 6,600 0 0 75 acres ... ... 225 0 0 Five miles fencing (7 wires, 5 posts) ... ... ... 300 0 0 Eight „ „ „ 640 0 0 7,665 0 0 I'niuipi'oved value, — 2,000 acres ... ... ... ... ... 8,000 0 0 75 acres ... ... ... ... ... ... 225 0 0 350 acres 3 roods 8 perches ... ... ... ... 350 15 0 16,240 15 0 Grand Total. Lot 1, 1,928 acres 2 roods 32 perches ... ... ... 13,061 7 6 Lot 2, 2,425 ~ 3 „ 8 „ ... ... ... 16,240 15 0 29,302 2 6 Capital value, £6 15s. 4d. per acre. I. S. Simson, Valuer.

S.G.R. 27/2. Lands Office, Gisborne, 11th December, 1907. The Commissioner of Crown Lands, Napier. Small Grazing-run 4.5, 4,291 Acres. All but three or four hundred acres of this run is excellent old bush country, in good clean grass, very suitable foi subdivision into smaller holdings—say, into five sections, for which homesteadsites can lie found. As the lessee runs this in connection with other land adjoining, there are few improvements except the clearing and grassing and fencing on the block. I'or lhe same reason the stock reports do not give the carrying-capacity, but I think it may be set down as about two sheep per acre. T. N. Broorick, Land Officer.

Extract from Land Hoard Proceedings relating to Small Grazing-runs Not. 42, 4.3, 44 a, 4&> 66, and (>? , ll \diiigaromxa and Taramaranui Survey Districts. Napier, 13th December, 1907. Tin-: Land Officer, Gisborne, forwarded preliminary reports on Small Grazing-runs 42, 43, 44a, and 45, Waingaromia Survey District, and 46, Tokomaru Survey District, the leases of which expire on the 28th February, 1909, and Mr. Simson, Crown Lands Ranger, waited on the Board ii' connection therewith. The Board went into committee to deal with the above, and also leases-of Small Grazing-runs 66 and 67, Taramai ama Survey District, when it was decided to adopt the Ranger's suggestions and valuations foi recommendation, these to be verified by the Land Officer, Mr. Brodrick.

2459/114. Department of Lands, District Office, Napier, 18th February, 1908, The tinder-Secretary for Lands, Wellington. Small Graziuy-runs. In compliance with your Circular No. 7DB of the 21st December, 1905, 1 have the honour to encloso herewith valuer's reports on and tracings showing localities of the following ten small grazing- , mis : — Sawke's Bay,— a. r. p. Hun No. 24, Pohui ... ... ... ... ... 823 0 0 ~ No. 16, Nuhaka .. ... ... ... ... 1,983 0 0 ~ No. 17, ... ... ... ... 2,263 0 0 Poverty Bay,— Bun No. 66, Taramarama ... ... ... 1,894 0 0 ~ No. 67, „ ... ... ... ... 983 2 0 ~ No. 46, Tokomaru and Uawa ... 5,000 0 0 .. No. 15. Waingaromia ... ... ... ... 3,358 1 20 ~ No. 42, ~ ... ... ... ... 4,195 0 0 ~ No. 13, ~ Lot I ... ... 1,928 2 32 ~ No. 43, ~ Lot 2 ... ... ... 2,425 3 8


The Land Board in each case adopted the reports, and decided to recommend them for the favourable consideration of the Minister. I have enclosed original reports and tracings, and will be glad if you will return these to me after being dealt with ; also, its the time is growing short, please make the matter an urgent one. Henry Trent, Enclosures: Tracings and schedule. Commissioner of Crown Lands.

Small Grazing-runs, Hawke's Bay Land District, Poverty Bay.

• Not suitable tor subdivision. fls suitable lor subdivision. Henry Trent, Lands Department, Napier. Commissioner of Crown Lands. S.G.R. 27/6. Run 43, Waingaromia S.D. Department of Lands and Survey, Gisborne, 18th February, 190*. Mr. B. G. Black, c/o Land Officer, Gisborne. Small Grating-run No. Waingaromia Survey District. Plkasi note that the question of the removal of your lease over the above run has been considered by the Land Board, and it was decided to recommend for the favourable consideration of the Minister of Lands that the run be subdivided for closer settlement, but that you be offered a renewal of that portion lying to the northern side of the road and extending to your back boundary (shown on the enclosed tracing) and comprising an area of about 900 acres, at tin increased rental, and I now give you uoticß accordingly, in conformity with the provisions of section 209 and following sections of " The Land Act, IcS;ss," and when a reply is received from the Minister you will be further comunicated with. Henry, Commissioner of Crown Lands.

2459/115 A, S.G. Runs. (Urgent.) Gisborne, 22nd February, 190*. The Under-Secretary for Lands, Wellington. Be Small Grazing-run*, Waingaromia, Tokomaru, and Uawa Survey Districts. I have the honour to call your attention to the special conditions recommended with respect to the following runs, to which 1 omitted to make special reference in forwarding reports, <fee, but which you will find are embodied in said reports. 1 append copies of the notices thai I have sent to the respective lessees: Small Grazing-run No. 42 ;F. Hall. Small Grazing-run No. 43 ; R. G. Black. Small Grazing-run No. 4G : Fitzgerald Bros. I would respectfully submit that by giving the lessees the option of accepting new leas, proposed, the requirements of closer settlement will be met, and at the same time in all probabilitj it will greatly assist in removing the present discontent displayed by the tenants. Hbnry Trent, Commissioner of Crown Lands. To be considered by Hon. Mr. McNab on return to Wellington.—W.C.K. 26/2/1908. Runs 17, 66, 45, 1 and 2 of 43, to be subdivided and disposed of; Run 46 to be offered on renewal lease to the present occupiers.—R.McNab. 4/3/1908. Department of Lands, Wellington, sth March, 1908. The Commissioner of Crown Lands, Napier. Re Small Grazing-runs. In reply to your 2459/114, of the 18th ultimo, and subsequent correspondence in regard to certain small grazing-runs in the Hawke's Bay and Poverty Bay Districts, the Hon. the Minister of Lands


Lease Run No. No. Survey District. Area. Prairie Value. Improve- i'ropoeed Leeee. mente. kernel. Kemai. Survey District. Alva. Priiiric Value. Hawke's Bay. , 14* 19* 20f 24 Hi 17 A. K. P. ;£ 8. d. £ , £ a. d.i £ s. d. t'olmi .. .. 823 0 0 2,01)4 0 0 405 i 26 0 0 51 12 0 Todd and Griften. Nuliaka .. .. 1,983 0 0 3,02."> 0 0 3,625 40 3 2 90 12 t> 8. and J. A. Blaok .. 2,263 0 0 8,065 0 0 8,200 80 0 2 .. Crone, Barker, and Nelson. Poverty Bay. let 17* 23f 24f 26* 27t 66 67 I 46 45 42 43, Lot 1 43, Lot 2 Taramarama .. 11,894 0 0 2,367 10 0 KM) 23 13 6 .. D. Couper. 983 2 0 1,475 Iβ 0 1,120 12 li 0 4o 0 0 1). E. O'Neill. Tokom.mi and Uawa 5,000 0 0 18,860 0 0 16,230 31 6 0 .. M.M.andG Pitzgerald WaingaromU .. 3,358 120 10,858 0 0 8,826 21 o 0 .. J. A. A. Casar. „ .. 4,195 0 0 13,785 0 0 12,379 20 4 5 344 12 7 F. Ha.ll .. 1,928 2 32 6,983 0 0, 6,078 13 10 0 .. El. G. Blaok. .. 2,425 3 8 8,576 0 0 7,665 16 10 0 27t



has now decided that Small Grazing-runs Nos. 17, 66, 45, ami Lots 1 and 2 of 43, are to be subdivided for closer settlement and disposed of under the optional system. With regard to the runs to be resumed for closer set t lenient, please send me a ccii died gabedule of the improvement values, to be entered upon our estimates for appropriation \>\ Parliament Of course these values will be loaded upon the respective lands resumed. Wm. Kbnbinuton, Under-Secretary.

S.G.R. 27/8. S.G.R. 43, Waingaromia S.D. Department of Lands and Survey. District Office, Napier, 14th May, 1908. Mr. Bobert G. Black, c/o Land Officer, Gisborne. Lots 1 and .'. Run '/-', Blocks XII and XVI, Waingaromia Survey District. Bkferkim: to my memo, to you of the 18th February last, 1 have now to inform yon thai the Hon. the Minister of Lauds has approved the recommendation of the Land Board thai a lease of portion of the above holding, containing about 900 acres, be offered to you for a further term of twenty-one years on the same conditions as your present lease, and at an annual rental of about £79. 1 shall be glad to hear at your early convenience if you will accept this. It has been decided that the balance is to be subdivided for closer settlement and offered under the provisions of " The Land Act, 1892." Due notice fixing the date of opening same for selection, areas, prices, rentals. 4e., will be given in the local newspapers. Sou are required to give up possession of the areas to be subdivided on the 28th February, 1909. The improvements on the whole of the run as ai the 30th .November last were valued at £13,743 7s. 6d., and this is the sum. subject to any necessary deductions or additions at the end of your lease, to which you tire entitled in the event of not accepting the above offer. 11. G. Crick. For Commissioner of Crown Lands.

S.G.R. 27/9. S.G.R. No. 43, Waingaromia S.D. 1), v , Sir, Arakibi, Box 134, Ist June. 1908. Under clause 79 of "The Lands Act, 1885," I wish to appeal against the decision of the Board concerning the lease of my Grazing-run 4.'!, and ask for a rehearing of the case at the next meeting of your Board in Napier on the 12th June. Yours, fas., The Commissioner of Crown Lands. Hawke's Bay. ROBERT G. BLACK.

Extract from Land Hoard Proceedings relating to Small Grating-run No. ',-'>'. Waingaromia Survey District. Napier, 12th June, 1908. Tin. following application fm rehearing under section 59 of 'The Land Act, 1893," was received : — , . • , B C Black: Small Grating-run 13, Waingaromia Survey Distrust. Mr. Black, sen., waited on the Board: and, on the motion of Mr. Hyde, seconded by Mr. Bartrani, it was decided to recODQ mend for the favourable consideration of (he Minister that, under the oiroumstances now disclose,!. the former resolution herein be rescinded, ami that Mr. Black be now offered a renewal of his lease in its entirety, as was done ~, the case of Small Grazing-run 12. Wamgaromis Survey D.stnci. held by Mr Hall.

S.G.R. 27/10. Run 43, Waingaromia S.D. Department of Lands and Survey. District Office, Napier. 12th June, LWJB. Mr, B. G. Bla.k. Bos 134, Gisborne. Small Grating-run So. ' r i. Waingaromia Survey District. Vorn application for a rehearing, dated the Is. instant, herein was granted by the Land Board to-day and, consequent on the representations of your father, who waited on the Board, it was decided to reo mend for favourable consideration that you be offered a renewal oi your leas,, over the whole of the land. .... This recommendation will go forward in due course, and when a reply is received you will be further communicated with. H. G. l'ltlCE. For Commissioner of < rown Lands

2459/142. Department of Lands, Napier. 20th June, 1908. Under-Secretary for Lands, Wellington. Small Grating-run* 43 and 45, Waingaromia, Poverty Bag. I „, VE the honour to inform yon that at the las. meeting of the Land Board the following resolu tions were passed: —



Small Grazing run 13: It. G. Black, lessee: Mr. Black, sen., waited upon the Board on behalf of the lessee (his son), and after hearing him the Hoard decided to recommend for the Favourable consideration of the Hon. the Minister of Lands that, under the circumstances disclosed, the former resolution be rescinded, and that the lessee he now offered ;i renewal of his lease, as was done in the case of Small Grazing run 12, adjoining, held by Mr. Hall. Henry Trent, Commissioner of Crown Lands. Tin- Hem. the Minister of Lands. For your consideration. The papers were before you on previous occasion. I believe the matter came before you at Gisborne.—Wm. C. KenSINQTOH, U.-S. 2 1 (i 1906. Under-Secretary.— Be Hun 42: Does this relate to Lot 1 and Lot 2 of 43. which were reported .is oapabie of subdivision into si\ allotments. I. Mc.Vwi. 25/6/190 S. The Hon. the Minister of Lands.—Yes, it does. See marked papers attached.- Wm. C. Kensington, CJ.-S. 27/6/1908. I'lidor-Secretary. Write Hoard asking for an explanation .if the seeming inconsistency. Do they now Bay it will'not subdivide?—R. McNab. 27/6/190e'.

2459/143. 5.6. R. L. 57766. L.B. 228/772. Department of Lands, Wellington, 29th June, 1908. The Commissioner of Crown Lands, Napier. Small Grating-run No. fS, Waingaromia Survey District (It. ','. Black, lessee). In reply to you memo. No. 2459/142, of the 20th instant, I have to inform you that your statement and report of the meeting of the Land Hoard (as published in the Hawke's Bay Herald) were duly laid before the Hon. the Minister of Lands, who wishes to know if it is a fact that the Hoard, which, according to your previous memorandum of the 18th February last, passed a resolution thai Lots 1 and 2 of Run No. 13 were suitable for subdivision, and recommended the report of the Hanger thereon for the favourable consideration of the Minister, now recommends that the lessee should be granted a new lease of the whole area, and consequently cancels its former resolution. The Minister has so far expressed no opinion on the subject of how the run should be dealt with, beyond agreeing to the Hoard's resolution of February last that the land should be subdivided and disposed of under the optional system (see my memo, of the sth March). This being th e ease, the Minister is at a loss to know why (according to the printed account of the Hoard's meeting) you allowed the statements made by Messrs. Lane and Bartram that it was the Minister who differentiated in the cases of liuns 42 ami 13, and should be called upon for an explanation, to go uncontradicted, as your memo, of the 18th February distinctly states that the Hoard adopted the reports of the Hanger and decided to recommend them for the favourable consideration of the Minister. The reports alluded to were that Hun 12 was not suitable for sub division, whilst Hun -13 was. and all the Minister did was to agree to the Board's recommendation, in consequence of which Mr. Hall has been offered a new lease of Run 42. and Hun 43 was to be cut up for closer settlement. If your reply is correctly reported in the newspaper, it shows an astonishing weakness in dealing with the statements by Messrs. Lane and Bartram. as it was in your power to have pointed these facts out, and to show that tin' Minister has merely approved the Board's action, and not gone contrary to it. as would appear from reatling the report. Incidents such as these are very regrettable, and place the Minister in a false position entirely, through the negligence of the departmental officers in not <_ r iving the true facts of the case. So far as can be gathered from the correspondence, there does not appear to be any valid reason why Lots 1 and 2 and Hun 13 should no* be subdivided, beyond the fact that the present lessee is very much opposed to such a course. The Board apparently do not controvert the Ranger's report that the land is suitable for closer settlement, nor does your covering memo, of the 20th .lune throw any light on this subject. As you are aware, the Government's policy is to settle as many persons on Crown lands as can profitably occupy and utilise the same. and. although it would seem that Hun 43 is capable of being subdivided into three separate areas, ye! 1 now understand that the Board and yourself consider that the claims of settlement are adequately met by allowing i!,e present lessee to retain the whole area in one run. Before the Minister gives any decision on the subject it is essential that you should set forth the full circumstances of the case, which so far you have not done, and give adequate reasons for the Hoard's change of front and desire to cast the onus of refusing to agree thereto upon the Minister. Wm. Kensington. Under-Secretary. 2459/144. S.G.R. Department of Lands and Survey, District Office, Napier, 2nd July, 1908. The Under-Secretary for Lands, Wellington. . Small Grating-run Ifo. ',$, Waingaromia Survey District (ft. Q. Black, lessee). In answer to yours, quoted above. I have to state that at the last meeting of the Land Board, on the 12th ultimo, an application of the lessee for a rehearing under the provisions of section 79 of "The Land Act, 1885 " (under which the lease is held), was heard, and the Board was of opinion that the justice of the case warranted a recommendation for a reversal of its former decision, it



being considered that, seeing the Ranger's report contained alternative proposals, it left it open for the Board to reconsider the circumstances of the case, which were shown to be similar to those connected with Small Grazing-ruri No. 12, adjoining, foi in that instance the same alternative proposals were made in the Ranger's report. The change of front attributed to the Board was considered to be justified by the provisions of the Act. and was not in any win intended to east the onus upon the Minister as inferred. Mr. Lane said he wished to know why the Minister of Lands had approved of the renewal of Small Graziui' run 42, seeing that the report was similar to that on No. 43, and Mr. Bartram expressed the opinion that he considered that they should be treated alike. I took exception to these remarks, stating it was not for the Board to question the decision of the Minister, who -was guided by the reports submitted to him : and I was supported by Messrs. Groom and Hyde therein. T then stated that the Board's proper course was to place before the Minister the fact that, .he circumstances connected with Mr. Black's case being considered similar to those of Mr. Hall's, he should be asked to reconsider tin 1 matter upon the Board's n commendation to that effect. T would here respectfully call your attention to the contents of my memo. 2459/115 a, of the 22nd February, from the latter pa it of which it will be seen that it was considered that Run 43 was referred to as similarly situated to Nor. 42 and 46. With regard to the report of the meeting of the Land Board Cas appeared in the Hawke's Bay Herald) to which you allude, T have to state that in a general way it was correct, but in this case, as frequently occurs, the actual remarks made are misquoted, and the report does not convey the full purport of what transpired. T cannot control the utterances of members, who claim the right to express their opinion upon matters they consider as bearinjr upon the business before the Board, but T am not aware that T have allowed any instance to pass unchallenged where any remarks have been made xvitb regard to the actions of the Hon. the Minister of Lands or any officer of the Department, as can bo borne out'by the members of the Board if needed, so that the charge of negliie on my part, as recorded in your memo, is not justified : and. considering T have served the Department for upwards of forty-five years, and, as far as 1 am aware, no such charge has ever been preferred against me before, I think the opportnnitv of an explanation nvipht have been afforded me in this rase before such an accusation is recorded upon the office files. Henry Trent, Commissioner of Crown Lands.

Department of Lands, Wellington. Bth July. 1908. The Hon. the Minister of Lands. Re Small Grazing-run No. 1,3, Waingaromia. In regard to Small Grazing-run No. 43, Waingaromia Survey District, leased to Mr. R. G. Black, I transmit for your information the reason, as given by the Commissioner of Crown Lands, why 'he Land Board I tided their former resolution recommending that the run should not be re-leased, but should be subdivided for settlement, and now, after again considering the ease, have reversed their former decision. The full explanation now given is in answer to my memo, of tin- 29th ultimo, which is attached below. In memo. 57766/25 (attached), conveying the Board's recommendation, no such explanation is c_riven as to the reason of their ohange of front as it was now submitted. Mr. Trent does not seem even now to apprehend the true position of the case. You were not primarily guided by the report submitted to you, but by the definite resolution of the Land Board itself. This Mr. Trent appears not to be able to comprehend, and his answer to Mr. Lane should have been clear, distinct, and straightforward : ! s the Board's own resolution which the Minister had simply approved. However, with the full explanation now given, 1 beg to recommend that the reversal of the Board's decision, and their present resolution that Mr. 1?. G. Black be offered a renewal of his lease of the run in question, be apprised Wm. C. Kensington, Under-Secretary.

Office of the Minister of Lands and for Agriculture, Wellington, 10th July, 1908 Memo, for the Valuer-General, Wellington. Re Small Grazing-run No. 43, Waingaromia. Wori.n \oit kindly report to me upon the above run now leased to Mr. R. G. Black, and whose leasein the Hawke's Hay District is now about io expire, and I am desirous of knowing from the officers of your Department whether the run is capable of subdivision. Robert McNab. Valuation Department, Wellington, 30th July, 1908. The Hon. Mr. McNab, Wellington. Small Gra-.iny-run 43 (R. G. Black). Referring to your letter of the 10th instant, I have now to forward for your information a report which 1 have received in this matter from District Valuer Lewis, of Gisborne. I ,also attach plan showing the subdivisions. I regret that, owing to the flood* of the rivers in this district, the matter has unavoidably been somewhat delayed. G. F. C. Campbell, Valuer-General. Under-Secretary. Saw Mr. Black this evening. Declined lo agree to renewal. -R. McNab. -in 7 '1908.


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Valuation Department, Gisborne, 24th July, 1908. Sir, — Small Grating-run ' t -i (It. G. Mack, lessee). In accordance with your instructions, 1 have inspected the above run, and submit the following report as to its capability of subdivision. I am of opinion it could be suitably divided into three lots, though the difficulty of obtaining homestead-sites is somewhat perplexing when equally distributing or endeavouring to allocate the poorer portions of the block to each of my proposed subdivisions. This has. I think, been overcome after careful inspection, but in the case of Subdivision No. 2 it will be necessary to form about a mile of road to give access to the only available homestead-site on this subdivision, which may be somewhat costly owing to the formation of the country lo be traversed, but the land is very good generally on this proposed subdivision, so that it will better bear a loading than the other lots for roading. Watering has been given careful consideration in each subdivision. Section 1 : I have been compelled to cover a fairly large area of the run in this subdivision owing to its rough and broken character and the patchy quality, and to obtain sites for yards and homestead, there beinc; no available sites cm the north-east side of the creek dividing this subdivision from the road which goes through the run. It would not, in my opinion, be prudent to cut this portion of the block into smaller areas. Section 2 I propose to cut into a smaller block, as the land with the exception of about 150 acres on the western boundary is of good quality, has a nice homestead-site thereon, and some totara, though, as stated in the first portion of this report, it will be necessary to form about a mile of road from the road at present running through the 1 run to the homestead-site indicated. Section 3 has some indifferent oountry on the south-western portion, having a deal of cedar country on the face. This has recently been cleared ami sown, but the crop of turnips is poor generally. Exclusive of this piece of indifferent land the remainder of this proposed subdivision is pood country. There is a small patch of bush in the western corner of this along the road, which I think should be reserved, as it is practically the only piece of native bush along the road in this locality, and it would be a great pity to allow it to be destroyed. Generally there are no special characteristics in this run. There is an absence of fencingtimber, with the exception of some totara on proposed Section 2; but the present lessee is bent on getting all the available posts and timber of any value off this portion as fast as he can, from observation, to use on his freehold and leasehold lands adjoining this run. I enclose a plan of the run, havinjr marked proposed homestead-sites, pom land, steep faces. present fences, and all other information thereon, T hope, that will give a lucid idea of the property. . Yours, <vc, C. Lewis, The Valuer-General, Wellington. District Valuer.

L. 57766. LB. 1335. 2459/149, S.G.R. Department of Lands. Wellington, Bth August, 1908. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Napier. Re Small Grating-run ',3 (R. G. Black). Referring to your 2459, of the 2nd ultimo, and the resolution of the Land Board in which they reversed their former decision in regard to the subdivision of the above run, the whole matter has been under the consideration of the Hon. the Minister of Lands, and was referred by decision of the Government to the Valuer-General, who has now reported as follows: — "I am of opinion that Small Grazinp-run 43 (R. G. Black, lessee") could be suitably divided into three lots, though the difficulty of obtaining homestead-sites is somewhat perplexing when equally distributing or endeavouring to allocate the poorer portions of the block to each of my proposed subdivisions. This has, I think, been overcome after careful inspection, but in the case of Subdivision No. 2 it will be necessary to form a mile of road to give access to the only available homestend-site on this subdivision, which may be somewhat costly owing to the formation of the oountry to be traversed : but the land is very good generally mi this proposed subdivision, so that il will better hear a loading for roadinp than the other lots. Watering has been given careful consideration in each subdivision. " Section 1 : I have been compelled to cover a fairly large area of the run in this subdivision. owing to its rough and broken character and its patchy quality, and to obtain sites for yards and homesteads, there beinsr no available sites on the north-east side ~f the creek dividing this sub division from the road which poes through the run. It xvould not. in my opinion, bo prudent to cut this portion of the block into smaller areas. "Section 2: T propose to cut this lot into a smaller block, as the land, with the exception of about 150 acres cm the western boundary, is of good quality, has a nice homestead-site thereon. and some totara. thoujrh, as stated in the first portion of this report, it will be necessary to form about a mile of road from the road at present running through the run to the homestead-site indicated. " Section 3 : This section lias some indifferent country on the south-xvestern portion, having a deal of cedar country on the face. This has recently been cleared and sown, but the crop of turnips is poor generally. Exclusive of this piece of indifferent land, the remainder of this proposed subdivision is pood country. There is a small patch of bush in the western corner, along the road. which I think should be reserved, as it is practically the only piece of native bush alonjr the road in this locality, and it xvould be a great pity to allow it to be destroyed. "Generally speaking, there are no special characteristics in this run. There is an absence of fencine-timber. with the exception of some totara on proposed Section 3. but the present lessee

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is evidently bent on getting all the available posts and timber of any value off this portion as fast as he can,'judging by observation, to use on his freehold and leasehold lands adjoining this run. 1 enclose a plan of the run, having marked thereon proposed homestead-sites, poor land, si faces, present fences, and all other information thereon, which, I hope, will give a lucid idea of the property.'' Under these circumstances I have to request you to inform the Land Board that, m view ~t the report by the Valuer-General that the run can be subdivided into smaller areas, the Hon. the Minister of Lands cannot see his way to agree to a renewal of the lease being granted to Mr. R. G. Hlack Wm. Kbnsinoton, Under-Secretary. Enclosure: Tracing.

Extract from Land Hoard Proceeding* rtlative to Small Grazing-run So. J,.',. II aingaromx, Survey District, hehl by Mr. 11. G. Black. Napier. 14th August, 1908. The Board (in committee) considered a letter from the Head Office covering a report by the Valuer General on Small Grazing-rUn No. 43, Waingaromia Survey District, held by b. (.. Hlack. and on the motion of Mr. Bartram. set led by Mr. Groom, this was adopted, with a decision that'the present stock paddock be reserved, and that in all cases where land is being cut up for settlement provision be made for workers' homes. The run to be subdivided into three and offered under the optional system.

sj (' R 27/11 Department of Lands and Survey. Napier. 19th August, 1908. Mr. B, 0. Black, c o Land Officer, Gisborne. Small Grazing-run So. >,■>. Waingaromia Survey District. IN continuation of my memo. S.G.R. 27/10, of the 12th June last, 1 have now to inform you that. consequent on the receipt of an exhaustive report by the Valuer-General, wherein he states the run could be suitably divided into three lots, it has been finally decided that a renewal of the lease cannot be granted to you. i A subdivisions! survey will therefore be earned out, and the land ottered lor selection unde. the optional system in due course. Henry Trent, ' Commissioner of Crown Lands.

2469/150, S.ti. Buns. _ Department of Lands and Survey, District Othce, Napier, 19th August, 1908. The Under-Secretary for Lands, Wellington. Small Grazing-run No. 43, Waingaromia Surrey District (11. G. Mack). 1 N reply to your memo. No. 57766 of the Bth instant, herein 1 have the honour to inform you that t|K . , anil 1,;,,,,,, ,„, the 14th instant, decided to adopt the curse suggested by the report of the Valuer General and approved by the Hon. the Minister of Lands. Mr. Black has been notified A - . Hknry I rent, accordmgly. Commissioner of Crown Lands.

Minister of Lands. Wellington. Napier, Ist September. 1908. NO T,O> re offer '. acres Small Gra/i..g-run 43 issued by Commission,,- on authorUy Under Secretary when in Napier 11th May.

ir, '- l '" t -) . v • Is, September. 1908. Mr. Black, Napier. v Forward at once copy or the original of notice you refer to r. the 900 acres.

0.H.M.5., urgent. w>n 1/9/1908 Iforintt hirll 900 aces ~„ authority of Under-Secretary when ~, Napier eleventh Max. I „n is no memo from you that explains your bavin, sen, such a notice. If such notice sent, please post copy by return mail for Minister's information. Kbnsington , Under-Secretary.

S.G.R. 27 /J5 partment of 1 andg an( , Survey Djstript office Napier) lßt September. 1908. The Under-Secretary of Lands. Wellington. Small Grating-run 43, Waingaromia Survey District. In compliance with your request as contained in your telegram of even date, I now send you a copy of thlTnotice Mr. R G. Black refers to, and, in order to make the matter clear. I wish to place before you the following statement : —



On the 18th February, 1908, a preliminary notice was sent to Mr. Black, informing him as to the Board's recommendation, a copy of which I appended to my letter 2439/115 A of the 22nd February. 1 wrote that with the express intention of directing the Minister's attention to the special circumstances disclosed b\ the Crown Lands Ranger's reports, in cases of the run referred to, and two others, thinking that'in dealing with the proposals contained in the reports they might possibly be missed. I would here remark that the Land Board adopted those proposals and recommended them for approval; and when the Minister's decision, as conveyed in your memo, of the sth March, was received it was construed to be an approval of the Ranger's suggestions, but before sending Mr. Black final notice 1 considered it desirable to assure myself that such was intended, and if you remember 1 pointed out I he matter to you on your visit to this office in May last, when you indorsed my opinion, and. in order lo give it official authority, you noted in margin of report Fes. Do this, and initialled your minute, meaning, include the otter of the 900 acres in notice, the balance of run to be subdivided into five or six portions as proposed by the Hanger. Henry Trent, Commissioner of Crown Lands. Department of Lands, Napier, 14th May, 1908. Mr. Robert G. Black, c o Land Officer, Gisborne. Lots 1 dial ,', Run So. 13, Mocks .Ml and XVI, Waingaromia Surrey District. RbfbbßJNQ to my me to you of the 18th February last, 1 have now to inform you that the Hon. the Minister of Lands has appioved the recommendation of the Land Board that a lease of portion of the above holding, containing about 900 acres, be offered to you for a further term of twenty-one years on the same conditions as your present lease, and at an annual rental of about L7!t. 1 will be glad to hear at your early convenience if you will accept this. It has been decided that the balance is to be subdivided for closer settlement, and offered under the provisions of "The Land Act, 1892." Due notice, fixing the date of opening of same for selection, areas, prices, rentals. 4c, will be given in the local newspapers. You are required to give up possession of the area to be subdivided on the 28th February, 1909. The improvements on the whole of the run as at the 30th November last were valued at £13,743 7s. (id., and this is the sum, subject to any necessary deductions or additions at the end of your lease to which you are entitled in the event of not accepting the above offer. H. G. Price, For Commissioner of Crown Lands.

S.G.R. 27/16. Run 43, Waingaromia. Gisborne, 3rd September, 1908. Dear Sir, Small Grating-run So. 43, II amgaromia Survey District. 1 have to acknowledge your letter of the 19th August, informing me that " it has been finally decided that a renewal of the lease cannot be granted to you." 1 have also your previous letter of the I Ith May. 1908, in which you were good enough to inform me of the Board's earlier determination, and in terms thereof to offer me a part (900 ac of the run for renewal. This letter and otter 1 understand, and still claim, to be a determination by the Board and offer made within its jurisdiction conferred by section 209 of the Act'of 1885. My time for election to accept or refuse the offer does not. I think, lapse until the term of my original lease is within three months of expiry. I prefer to take further time for consideration before exercising my election, as I am not without hope that an approved method of dealing with the run more equitable to me as tenant may yet be found by your Board which would justify me in waiving any rights I may have under the determination and offer intimated to me in May. Yours, &c, The Commissioner of Crown Lands, Napier. Bobert G. Black.

Wellington, 4th September, 1908. The Hon. the Minister of Lands. Small Grazing-run 43, Waingaromia Survey District. With regard to the notice given to Mr. Black, lessee of this run, offering him 900 acres on a newlease, I have the honour to report as folloxvs: — On the 18th February, 1908, the Commissioner of Crown Lands forwarded the report of the Ranger on this run (with'others), and advised that the Land Board had adopted the report and recommended it for approval. On the 22nd the Commissioner forwarded a copy of the notice which he had given to Mr. Black, stating that the Minister bad been recommended to subdivide the run for closer settlement, and lo otter Mr. Black a renewal of 900 acres at an increased rental. On the sth March 1 advised the Commissioner that you had decided that Bun 43 was to be subdivided for closer settlement, and disposed of under the optional system. When I was in Napier in May last the Commissioner asked if Mr. Black was to be notified of the intended subdivision, one portion of which was recommended by the Board to In- re [eased to him. and I authorised him to do so. However, the Commissioner, on the 20th June, stated that in consequence of Mr. Black's father waiting on the Board and making certain representations, the Board decided to rescind the former resolution and to offer Mr. Black a renewal of his whole lease. He was asked on the 29th idem to give reasons for the Board's change of opinion, and on the 2nd .Inly did so. You then instructed thai an independent inspection and report on the land should be obtained, and the District Valuer reported that the run could be subdivided into three portions, which you agreed to. and the Board at its August meeting fell in with your views.



It now appears that the Board, after deciding to rescind their former recommendation of February, 1908, omitted to notify Mr. Black thereof, as should have been done. When in Napier in May I instructed the Commissioner (as above stated) to carry out the necessary steps to give effect to the Board's recommendation and your decision with regard thereto, but next month, the Board having altered its views, the former instructions thereupon fell to the ground, and the Commissioner should have written to the lessee informing him to this end. As you will see by the Commissioner's letter of the Ist instant (below), he apparently did nothing, and allowed Mr. ISlack to continue thinking that he was to obtain a lease in accordance with the Board's recommendations of February and subsequently rescinded. Wμ. C. Kensington, Under-Secretary.

Office of the Minister of Lands, Wellington, Bth September, 1908. Memo, for Under-Secretary for Lands. The accompanying paper came to hand to-day without any letter. It evidently relates to Mr. Black's statement that he received notice of the Ministerial approval to his grant of 900 acres. If this is a correct copy of the letter sent he certainly has done so. Please call on the Commissioner to show the authority for his statement that the Minister approves of the recommendation of the Land Board. You might suspend further action that xvill endanger the carrying-out of this promise, which has been cast upon the Government by the action of the Commissioner. Robert McNab. Enclosure. Department of Lands, Napier, 14th May, 1908. Mr. Robert G. Black, care of Land Officer, Gisborne. Lots 1 and 2, Run So. 43, Blocks XII and SI'J, II ainguromia Survey District. Beferrino to my memo, to you of the 18th February last, 1 have to inform you that the Hon. the Minister of Lands has approved the recommendation of the Land Board that a lease of portion of the above holding, containing about 900 acres, be offered to you for a further term of twenty-one years on the same conditions as your present lease, and at an annual rental of about £79. 1 should be glad to hear at your early convenience if you will accept this. It has been decided that the balance is to be subdivided for closer settlement and offered under the provisions of " The Land Act, 1892." Due notice, fixing the date of opening of same for selection, areas, prices, rental, &c, xvill be given in the local newspapers. You are required to give up possession of the area to be subdivided on the 28th February, 1909. The improvements on the whole of the run as on the 30th November last were valued at £13,743 7s. 6d., and this is the sum, any necessary deductions or additions at the end of your lease, to which you are entitled in the event of not accepting the above offer. H. G. Price. For Commissioner of Crown Lands.

S.G.R. 27/17. (Telegram.) To Commissioner of Crown Lands, Napier. 10th September, 1908. Please refer to your S.G.R. 27/8 of fourteenth May, 1908, written by Mr. Price for you to Robert G. Black. Please shoxv me your authority for the statement that Minister approved of the recommendation of the Land Board, or that the Minister gave any approval to a grant to him of nine hundred acres. Please send me your full explanation, as the matter is very serious. Nowhere in your recommendation do you recommend that Mr. Black should get nine hundred acres, and nowhere have I informed you that the Minister approved of it. If you remember, on the twentieth June you wrote stating that in consequence of Mr. Black's lather waiting on the Board the Board decided to rescind the former resolution, and to offer to Mr. Black a renewal of his whole lease: therefore on your oxvn showing the first proposal was cancelled by the Land Board's subsequent resolution. Your explanation must be very full, and no detail must be kept back. William Kensington, Under-Secretary.

SCR. 27/18. Run 43, Waingaromia S.D. Department of Lands and Survey, District Office, Napier, loth September, 1908. The Under-Secretary for Lands, Wellington. Re Small Grating-run No. 43, Waingaromia Survey Dittrici (B. <■'. Mack, lessee). In reply to your telegram of this date, with reference to the above subject, I have the honour to place the following statement of the case before you : — On the 18th February, 1908, xvith letter 2459/114, the Valuer's reports and tracings of a number of small grazing-runs were sent to you, including the above, and therein I stated the Land Board had in each instance adopted the reports, and had decided to recommend same for the favourable consideration of the Minister. In the report upon No. 43 the Valuer says, " I xvould suggest that about 900 acres, starting from the back boundary on the north side of the road, be cut out and be put into a small grazing-run at. £3 10s. per acre, unimproved value, and offered to the present tenant for another term of twenty-one years, the balance of both sides of the road be cut up and offered under the optional system. It could be out up in six sections, giving each section a road frontage and homestead-site." On the 18th of the same month I notified the lessee as to the Board's recommendation, a copy of which accompanied my memo. 2459/115 ato you



dated the 22nd February. This latter memo, was sent for the express purpose ot drawing alien tion to the special proposals embodied in the reports upon Runs 42, 40', and 40, and the hnai portion of that memo, discloses my reason for so doing, which 1 considered was necessary in face of the agitation that existed as evidenced b> correspondence appearing in the papers. The .Minister's decisions, as conveyed in your memo, of the sth March, were announced to the Land Board on the 13th idem, and in drawing up the several notices tl was . tat certain matters required further explanation, and in the ease of .no. 4a the subdivision for closer settlement was undeistood to refer to the six portions as proposed by me V'aluei and recommended b) the Land Board; but in order to make sure that such was the intention, 1 made a note upon the letter to the following ellec With regard lo Small brazing-run 43 1 intended bringing this point to the notice of the Under-Secretary for Lands on his expected visit on the 11th instant, so that notice had better be held in abeyance meanwhile. 1 brought this matter before you accordingly, explaining my reason for so doing, and you remarked that 1 was right in mj opinion, and you then noted against that portion of the Valuer's report bearing upon that particular proviso the words " Yes. Do this," and initialled same, meaning that the Valuer's proposals were approved as stated. 1 then Mictions for the notice to go forward accordingly (as 1 left for Waikare at daylight the next morning;, and that explains how it was that my signature was not attached to the letter. particulars were given in my letter of the Ist instant. SVith reference to your remarks that the above notice was cancelled by the subsequent action of the Board, tin irrect, Mr. Black having made formal applii rehearing, at which he adduced reasons which the Board considered sufficient lo warrant Ihe recommendation conveyed to you in my memo. No. 24u I J / 142 of the 20th June last. As you say, Mr. Black, in asking for a reconsideration of the case, induced the Boarrescind the previous resolution, consequently the notice hrst given was therein cancelled. 1 have, however, stated the facts relating thereto. I enclose a copy of Mr. R. G. Black's last letter to me upon the subject. IIUNIIY Trent, Commissioner of Crown Lauds. Gisborne, 3rd September, 1908. Dear Sir, — Small Grating-run So. 4-i> Waingaromia. 1 have to acknowledge your letter ol the 19th August, informing me that " it has been finally decided that a renewal of the lease cannot be granted to you 1 have also your previous letter of the 14th May, 1908, in which you were good enough to inform me of the Board's earlier determination, and in terms thereof to offer me part (9UO acres; of the run for renewal. This letter and offer 1 understood, and still claim, to be a determination by the Board an offer made within its jurisdiction conferred by section 2U9 of the Act of 1885. My time tor election to accept or refuse the offer does not, 1 think, lapse until the term of my original lease is within three months of expiry. 1 prefer to take further time for consideration before exercising my election, as 1 am not without hope that an approved method of dealing with run more equitable to me as tenant may yet be found by your Board which would justify me in waiving any rights I may have under the determination and offer intimated to me in May. Yours, Sec., The Commissioner of Croxvn Lands, Napier. Robert G. Black.

Department of Lauds, Wellington, 14th September, 11)08. The Hon. the Minister of Lands. Small Grating-run No. Waingaromia Survey District (R. G. Black). In compliance with the instructions contained in your memorandum of the Bth instant, the Commissioner of Crown Lands, Napier, has been requested to explain the circumstances under xvhich Mr. Black was notified of the approval of the Board and yourself, and the accompanying letter of the 10th instant gives the Commissioner's statement. The explanation is an excessively lame one, as the Commissioner had no authority to make the statement contained in his letter of the 14th May to Mr. Black that you had " approved the recommendation of the Land Board that a lease of portion of the above holding, containing about 900 acres, be offered to you for a further term of twenty-one years," &c. As I stated in my memorandum lo you of the 4th instant, your approval of the first resolution of the Board was to the effect that Run 43 xvas to be subdivided for close settlement, and disposed of under the optional system. The Commissioner appears to have ignored, and continues to ignore, the fact that the Land Board rescinded its resolution of February, 1908, and verbally advised Mr. Black's father that his son would be recommended for a renewal of the whole area of his lease. No written notice was ever sent to Mr. Black of the rescinding of the former resolution of the Board, or of the fact that your approval was only as regards the subdivision of the run for closer settlement until apparently by the Commissioner's lettei of the 19th August, tin Commissioner contends that the verbal notice to Mr. Black's father at the Land Board meeting was sufficient notice to the son. Wm. C. Kensington, Under-Secretary. Under-Secretary.—ln view of the mistaken meaning given to my memo, of 4/3/1908. and Mr. Black's application for preference over one- of the three subdivisions, ascertain whether one of the areas of about 900 acres or thereabouts could be given him as a small grazing-run, and the other two put up on the optional tenure. —R. McNab. 14/9/1908.



Lands Department, Wellington, loth September, 190)The Commissioner of Crown Lands, Napier. Small Grazing-run No. Waingaromia Surrey District. to reply to your memo. No. S.G.R. 27/ 18, of the 10th instant, 1 have' to inform you that, in view of the mistaken meaning given io the Minister's approval of the Board's resolution, as conveyed in my memorandum to you ol the sth March last, and Mr. Black's application for preference over one 0 f the three subdivisions into which the run is to be divided, it is desired to know whether one of these areas, if possible- 900 acres or thereabouts, could be given him as a small grazing-run, and the other two opened for public c petition on the optional system. Please, therefore, report as to the scheme of subdivision, and whether the area on which Mr. Black's homestead stands is of approximately 900 acres. A plan showing the subdivisions should accompany your reply. Kindly furnish the required information as soon as possible. Wm. C. KENSINGTON, Under-Secretary.

Department of Lands, Napier, 10th September, 1908. Under-Secretary for Lands, Wellington. Small Grazing-run No. >,-J. Waingaromia Survey District. In compliance, with your wishes, as conveyed by memo, quoted above-, I have the honour to submit the- following remarks upon the proposed subdivision of the above small grasing-run for consideration. 1 send you a tracing of the run, showing ihe subdivisions as proposed by the Distnol Valuer, and described in his report (referred to in your former memo., of the Bth ultimo,, on which I have drawn the portion recommended by the Crown Lands Ranger m his report on the Ist November, 1907, the western boundary having been sketched in to embrace about 1,000 acres. as enclosed within the green bolder. With regard to your reference to Mr. Black's homestead, 1 have to slate that Ihe homestead ,s situated on Ihe adjoining property (the Arakihi Block), which .s freehold. .The improvements on the small grazing-run consist of clearing, grassing, and fencing only. Ihe three subdivisions suggested by the District Valuer, as defined in red lines, are as follows: No. I. 1,434 acres: No. 2, 1,230 aer.s'; No. 3, 1,070 acres (numbers in red). By outting off the I,oo>i acres it will be observed that a small portion in the south-east corner ~f Subdivision No. 1 is included, as i, is severed by the road. In determining the approximate western boundary it will be seen that advantage has been taken of existing fences and natural features, which are shown to be practicable boundaries. With all due deference to the District Valuer's proposals, I venture lo draw attention to the manner in winch the subdivisiona'l boundaries are laid down, particularly the line between parts I aud 3 whichj bj the waj ii intersects the natural features of the country appears unsuitable or boundary purposes. 1 lid respectfully suggest that if H is Imalh decided that the oountry can only be profitably worked ... three subdivisions, the- boundary between parts 2 and 4 could be mon advantageously 'carried from the pom. marked "A" (in pencil, near Mr. rodd ■ homestead,. thence following road to its junction marked " IS." and thence following exist,,,;: fence to pom. "C " which would still insure an equal distribution of good and indifferent land. I also desire ,„ , h , lw attention to the fact that both the Crown Lauds Ranger and the District Surveyor have expressed the opinio,, that the country could be subdivided into five or six blocks ol from 500 to 600 acres each, for which homestead-sites could be found. The country is considered capable ol oarrvinu two sheep to the acre. Under these circumstances it may be considered desirable to ascertain by survey if this can be earned out, as i. would mean double the number ..I tenants. It Will be noticed that the country is well roaded and watered, and. provided the matter of homestead sues can be arranged as reported, it would seem that further attention might be given to this Question There will probably be two or three short a,-cess roads to construct m order to reach the homestead-sites. 1 trust that these suggestions max be considered worthy of uotioe. Hbnrt Trent, Commissioner of Crown Lands.

Department of Lands. Wellington, 22, id September, 1908. The Hon- the Minister of Lands. Small Grazing-run No. 45, Waingaromia Surrey District. (It. G. Mack., [„ compliance with your minute of the 14th instant (on 61, below,, the Commissioner of Crow., Lands I as been asked to report whether an area of 900 acres or thereabouts could be given to the [o'se'n. lL„- as a small grazing-ru,,, and the other subdivisions put up under the optional Hi, report on the matter is appended, and I will briefly summarise his remarks for your in FOrm The n total area of the run is 4,33 and the Government Valuer recommended its division into three areas of 1,434 acres, 1,230 acres, and 1,670 acres respectively. included in the first subdivision is the area of 1,000 acres that he Commissioner of Crown Lands and The Land Board have selected for the new lease under small-grazing-run conditions to the oresent lessee (Mr. Black), as you directed. P T „■ Commissioner points out that both the Crown hands Ranger am the Land Officer a, GiBborn f 0p,,,,,,,/that the ,„„ could be subdivided into more than he three areas recom l, l,v ,l„- Valuer as the land will carry two sheep to th,- ace. and that tin- boundaries In the VidueV are no, the bes, that c„„hl be chosen. lie thinks that live or six sub divisions could be surveyed off.



The matter is therefore- submitted for your further consideration and direction. By granting a new lease under small-grazing-run conditions to Mr. Black of the 1,000 acres, shown edged in green on the attached tracing, there will still remain 3,334 acres available for disposal under the optional system, and, if the Commissioner and his officers consider that more than the ixvo subdivisions recommended by the' Valuer could be procured out of the balance of the run, it might be considered advisable to leave the matter in their hands to formulate a definite scheme of closer subdivision. Wm. C. Kensington, Under-Secretary. ruder-Secretary. Submit to Board to ascertain if above suggestions can be given effect to. Mr. Black receiving preference for about 900 acres.—R. McNab. 22/9/1908.

Department of Lands. Wellington, 22nd September, 1908. The Commissioner of Crown Lands, Napier. Small Grazing-run So. ',■'•. Waingaromia Surrey District. (R. G. Mack.) I.n reply to your memo. S.G.R. 27/20, of the 18th instant, 1 have lo inform you that the- Hon. the Minister of Lands has earefullx considered your representations, ami will be glad if you will please submit ihe matter to the Land Board at its next meeting, in order to ascertain if the suggestions contained in your letter under replx can be given effect to, and are in accordance with the views of the Board. That is to say. the proposal to allot .Mr. Black an area of about 900 acres within the area edged green in the tracing accompanying your letter on small-grazing-run tenure, and to subdivide the balance of the run into five or six suitable holdings to he- offered for public competition under the optional system. If, therefore, you will follow this course and report what resolution was passed by the Board after consideration of your suggestions, and supply any necessary plan of subdivision in accord ance with tin' Board's views and following a practical scheme of subdivision approved by the Land Officer at Cisborne, 1 will place the Board's recommendations before the Minister for his consideration. Wm. C. Kensington, Under-Secretary.

SMALL GRAZTNG-RUN No. 45, WAINGAROMIA SURVEY DISTRICT. Analysis of Correspondence. 14th June, 1907. —Resolution of Land Board appointing Valuers to report whether small "razingruns. Poverty Bay and Hawke's Bay Districts, are suitable for subdivision. Ist November, 1907.- —Report of Board's Valuer on Run +5. which recommends that run be subdivided into three sections and offered under the optional system, after acquiring Bloomfi land. Value of improvements attached, together with explanatory tracing illustrating Valuer's recommendation. Memo. (11th December, 1907) from Land Officer, Gisborne, to Commissioner, reporting that Run 45 is suitable for subdivision into at least three' sections, ami recommending arc|iiisition of Bloomfields' land for frontage purposes. Resolution (13th December, 1907) of Land Board adopting Valuer's report and valuations respecting Run -15 for Minister's consideration. Letter (18th February. 1908) from Commissioner to .1. A. A. Cesar, less if Run 15. advising him that Board decided to recommend for favourable consideration of Minister that run be subdivided for closer settlement. Memo. (18th February, 1908) from Commissioner to Under-Secretary, forwarding Valuer's reports on runs, which shows that Run 45 is suitable for subdivision, and states Land Board adopted reports and decided to recommend them for favourable consideration of Minister. Schedule giving full particulars of runs reported on. including 45. Memo. (22nd February, 1908) from Commissioner, to Under-Secretary, drawing attention to special conditions embodied iii Valuer's report relating to runs, which includes 43, 42, 46; and minute (4th March) of Minister's decision that runs, including -15. be subdivided and disposed of. Memo. (sth March. 1908) from Under-Secretary to Commissioner, stating that Minister that run may be subdivided and disposed of under optional system, but that the adjoining owners (Messrs. Bloomfield Bros.) should be asked if they are willing to sell their land between the run and road frontage, so as to give better access for the proposed subdivisions. Memo. (19th March) from Commissioner to Under-Secretary, advising that Minister's decision wits conveyed to Land Board, and necessary steps taken with regard to acquisition of Bloomfields' land. Memo, from Commissioner (6th April) to Under-Secretary, advising that Messrs. Bloomfield Bros, state they are willing to sell their land at £8 10s. per acre, which the Commissioner recommends should be purchased.





Letter (3rd April) from Messrs. Bloomfield Bros, to Commissioner, which contains offer to sell their land. Telegram (11th April) from Under-Secretary to Commissioner, asking for area of Bloomfields' land. Commissioner replies, approximate area is 119 acres. Minute (13th April) from Under-Secretary to Minister, asking authority for purchase 119 acres at £1,000. Minister replies to take under Settlements'fAct and incorporate in Run 45. Memo. (22nd April) from Under-Secretary to Commissioner, advising that Minister has approved proposal to purchase 119 acres from Bloomfield Bros., and instructing him to forward tracing to Head Office, with particulars, and at once enter into negotiations with Bloomfield Bros. Memo. (14th May) from Commissioner to Under-Secretary, forwarding tracing with full particulars, and reporting area of land reduced to acres. Tracing attached referred to. Memo. (Bth May) from Commissioner to J. A. A. Caesar, lessee of Run 45, advising him that Minister approved recommendation of Land Board that run be subdivided for closer settlement and opened for selection under provisions Land Act, lessee to relinquish possession on 28th February, 1909 ; also supplying value of improvements. Memo. (4th June) from Under-Secretary to Commissioner, advising that Chairman Land Purchase Board Commissioners requested to enter into negotiations for purchase of Bloomfields' 117J acres, and arrangements to be madeMor subdivision of run with road frontage added, subject to Bloomfields' approval. Memo. (4th June) from (ndci-Secretary to Chairman Land Purchase Commissioners, asking that negotiations may be entered into for purchase of Bloomfields' 117$ acres. Memo. (10th June) from Land Officer, Gisborne, to Chairman Land Purchase Commissioners, stating that Bloomfields' land was worth £8 10s. per acre in view of its position, and could not be obtained on lease. Letter (12th June) from Mr. Caesar, lessee of Run 45, tofCommissioner, asking for a rehearing relative to a renewal of lease. Resolution (12th June) of Land Board Caesar a rehearing at meeting to be held at Gisborne 13th July. Memo. (20th June) from Commissioner to Under-Secretary, advising Board resolved to grant lessee (Mr. Caesar) a rehearing at next meeting of Board. Resolution (13th July) of Land Board that, in view of Mr. Caesar's appeal, it was decided that Mr. Bartram accompany Mr. Simson and inspect the run, and report to the Board as to its suitability for closer settlement or otherwise. Memo. (18th July) from Commissioner to Crown Lands! Banger, Gisborne, instructing him to arrange with Mr. Bartram to visit Run 45 to report whether it is suitable for subdivision, in accordance with Board's decision. Memo. (18th July) front Commissioner to Mr. Bartram, member of Land Board, instructing him to inspect and report on Run 45 in company with Crown Lands Ranger, as decided by Board. Memo. (3rd August) from Land Officer, Gisborne, to Commissioner, advising that owing to re of Mr. Simson, Crown Lands Ranger, he will not accompany Mr.^Bartram. Mr. Brodl ists Mr. Bartram make inspection and report himself. Report (14th August) of Mr. Bartram. recommending that Run 45 be subdivided into two areas. the north-eastern portion of 900 acres to be offered for selection under optional system and a lease ol the balance be offered to Mr. Caesar. The adoption of this dispenses with the necessity of purchasing Bit land. Tracing attached to Mr. Bartram's report. Resolution (14th August) of Land Board adopting Mr. Bartram's report that run be cut in two iribed above. Memo. (18th August) from Commissioner to Under-Secretary, forwarding Mr. Bartram's report on Run 45 for consideration of Minister. Memo. (28th August) from Under-Secretary to Minister, giving position of run from Ranger's recommendation to present report, and recommending that Valuer-General might be asked to obtain a special report on run. Minute (31st August) from Minister to Valuer-General, asking for 'report on question of subdivision of Bun 45. Memo. (Is from Under-Secretary to Valuer-General, trivingfull particulars and asking for report on the position of Run 45. Memo. (15th S | from Valuer-General to Under-Secretary,'embodying District Valuer Lewi on run. which states that" subdivision is not advisable owing to the varying nature of the land, and the difficulty of getting fence-lines and a second building-site. Tracing attached to report showing respective portions of good, indifferent, and poor land. Memo. (16th September) from Under-Secretary to Minister, submitting report of Valuer, and suggesting that whole position be placed before Land Board for them to decide. Minute (16th September) from Minister to Under-Secretary, approving of report of Valuer being submitted for consideration of Board. Memo. (17th September) from Under-Secretary to Commissioner, \ enclosing report of Valuer at Gisborne on Run 45 and his views on the question of subdivision, and asking thai it may be laid before next meeting of Board, Board may be in better position to judge of its suitability for pastoral purposes ; also explanatory tracing of Valuer's report, and asking that Head OfE be supplied with Board's consideration of case.



COKHESI'ONDENCE, ETC. Extracts from Land Board Proceedings relatiny to Small Grazing-runs Nos. 42, 43, 45, Wainyaromia Survey District. Napier, 14th June. 1907. Valuers were appointed under section 209 of " The Land Act, 1885," to deal with small grazingruns. the leases of Which expire on the 28th February, 1909. as follows . Mr. H. Martin Smith for Ilaxvke's Bay, and Mr. Lan S. Simson for Poverty Bay. To report exhaustively as to whether runs are suitable for subdivision and as to value of land and improvements.

S.G.R. 24/3. Run 45, Waingaromia. Gisborne, Ist November, 1907. To the Commissioner of Crown Lauds, Napier. A.s per instructions, I visited and valued Run 15, Waingaromia, which is fourteen miles distant from Te Karaka, on the road known as the Inland YYaiapu Road, and joins the property lately purchased bj the- Crown, and known as Kanakanaia. This property is situated very well, owing to its close proximity to the main road, although it only touches the road in two places. All that portion which is oxvned by Messrs. Bloomfield Bros, can be purchased by the Crown for a very reasonable price. This land comprises all that portion between the boundary of Bun 45 and the main road, and is useless to -Messrs. Bloomfield Bros., but is exceedingly important if it is decided to cut up the run, for the reason that it gives two more homestead-sib The run contains 3,358 acres, and runs down to the Motumuku Stream and Kaitangata River; from thence in a straight line along Tod's and Trafford's boundaries —being portions and subdivisions of Run 43a—to a trig, station; from thence to the Main Inland Waiapu Road. On the opposite side of Kaitangata River is situated Mr. Bruoe's Small Grazing-run 14a, which is owned b the Ciown, and which, although I have not as yet made a valuation of, 1 have been on the property, and know that it will cut up very well. Mr. Brace's lease falls due six months after Bun 45. The aspect of Run 45 is north-east and north-west, with a little south, ami is comprised of broken ridges, gullies, and creeks, all of which are good. About 150 acres of bush, consisting of white-pine, totara. towai. and inatai, is still standing, and about 200 acres of manuka. The fences are all in good order, and an- erected with totara and matai, all obtained on the piopertv. There are seven wires and five posts to each chain of fence. The paddocks are all numbered as per tracing. The soil is fair to good, with a little native grass showing through in places, but the majority of the land is in good English grasses, and in my opinion is in better heart than the adjoining property known as Kanakanaia. The buildings are all in first-class order, and with every convenience, also garden, orchard, sheep and cattle yards, dip, &c. I recommend that the property be cut up into three sections, and offered under the optional system, the present tenant giving me to understand that he did not want any back unless a whole. It must lie understood that to do this successfully tin- land between the road and the boundary must be obtained from Messrs. Bloomfield Bros. I valued the unimproved value of the run at £3 10s. per acre, and the improvements as follow : — Improvements,— £ House ••• ••• 400 Whare ... ... ... •-- 30 Shed ... ... ... ... 10 Woolshed ... ... ... 20 ° (three) ... ... - ••• •■- :,,) Dip ... ■■• ••• 50 Fencing, 16$ miles. ... ... ... ... ■- 1,085 Grassing, 2.000 acres ... ... ... ■-• •■- 6,600 500 „ • 1,000 500 .. 500 8,825 Unimproved value, — 3.000 acres at £3 10s. ... ■- ••■ ••■ 10,500 368 .. £1 ... ... ■ •-• ■•• 358 10,85s Capital value,— Improvements ... ... ... ■•• ••• o,o&o Unimproved value ... ••■ ••• ■•• iv,ow Grand total ... l 9 ' 6s:{ I. S. Simson, Valuer.

3—C. 20.



S.G.R. 2-1/2. Run 45, Waingaromia. Department of Lands and Survey, Gisborne, 11th December, 1907. The Commissioner of Crown Lands, Napier. Report, Small Graziny-run 45; 3,358 acres. This is a wry nice piece- of country, capable of subdivison into at least three sections. It carries about five thousand sheep, and part of it looks as if it would pay to shut it up for cocksfoot-seed. It was originally partly heavy bush and partly scrub and fern. It would be a good thing to acquire the land between the run and the road so as to have a complete frontage. The whole is well improved by grassing, fences, and buildings. T. N. Brodrick, Land Officer.

Extracts from Land Hoard Proceedings relating to Small Grazing-runs Nos. 42, 4&> 4&> 66, and 67, Waingaromia and Taramarama Survey Districts. Napier, 13th December, 1907. Tut: Land Officer, Gisborne, forwarded preliminary reports on Small Grazing-runs 42, 43, 44a, and 15, Waingaromia Survey District, and 46, Tokomaru Survey District, the leases of which expire on the 28th February, 1909, and Mr. Simson, Crown Lands Banger, waited on the Board in connection therew it h. The Board went into committee to deal with the above, and also leases of Small Grazingruns (iC and (17. Taramarama Survey District, when it was decided to adopt the Ranger's suggestions ami valuations for recommendation, these to be verified by the Land Officer, Mr. Brodrick.

S.C.R. 24/6. Run 45, Waingaromia Survey District. Department of Lands and Survey, District Office, Napier, 18th February, 1908. To Mr. J. A. A. Caesar, c/o Land Officer, Gisborne. Small (,'razing-run 4&> Waingaromia Survey District. Please note that the epiestion of the renewal of your lease over the above run has been considered by the Land Board, and it was decided to recommend for the favourable consideration of the Minister of Lands that the run be subdivided for closer settlement. This notice is sent you in conformity with the provisions of section 209 and folloxving sections of "The Land Act, 1885," and when a reply is received from the Minister you will be further communicated with as to improvements, &c. Henry Trent, Commissioner of Crown Lands.

2469 lit. Small Grazing-runs. Department of Lands and Survey, District Office, Napier, 18th February, 1908. The Under-Secretary for Lands, Wellington. Small Grazing-runs. In compliance with your circular No. 708, of the 21st December, 1905, I have the honour to enclose herewith valuer's reports on and tracings showing localities of the following ten small grazingruns : — Hawke's Bay, — a. b. p. Run No. 24, Pohui ... ... ... ... ... 823 0 0 „ No. 16, Nuhaka ... ... ... ... ... 1,983 0 0 ~ No. 17, „ ... ... ... 2,263 0 0 Poverty Bay, — Bun No. 66, Taramarama ... ... ... ... 1,894 0 0 ~ No. 67. „ ... ... 983 2 0 ~ No. 46, Tokomaru and I'awa ... ... ... 5,000 0 0 ~ No. 45, Waingaromia ... ... ... 3,358 1 20 „ No. 42, ~ ... ... ... ... 4,195 0 0 „ No. 43, „ Lot 1 ... ... ... 1,928 2 32 ~ No. 43. „ Lot 2 ... ... ... 2,425 3 8 The Land Board in each case adopted the report, and decided to recommend them for the favourable consideration of the Minister. I have enclosed original reports and tracings, and will be glad if you will return these to me after being dealt with : also, as the time is growing short, please make the matter an urgent one. Henry Trent, Commissioner of Crown Lands. Enclosures : Reports, tracings, and schedule.



Small Grazing-runs, Hawke's Bay Land District, Poverty Bay, the Leases of which expire on the 28th February, 1909.

* Not suitable for subdivision. 11» suitable (or subdivision. Henry Trent, Commissioner of Crown Lands.

2459/1 ISa. S.G. Runs. (Urgent.) (iisbome, 22nd February, 1908. Tin- Under-Secretary for Lands, Wellington. Re Small Grazing-runs, Waingaromia, Tokomaru, and I'awa Surrey Districts. I have the- I in to call your attention to the special conditions recommended with respect to the following runs, to which I omitted to make special reference in forwarding reports. Sue., hut which you will liml are embodied in said reports. I append copies of the notioes that I have sent to the respective lessees. Small Grazing-run No. 42; Y. Hall. Small Grazing-run No. 13; l>. G. Black. Small Grazing-run No. 16; Fitzgerald Bros. 1 would respectfully submit that by giving the lessees the option of accepting new leases as proposed the requirements of closer settlement will be met, and at the same time, in all probability, ii will greatly assist in removing the present discontent displayed by the tenants. Henry Trent, Commissioner of Crown Lands. To be considered by Hon. Mr. McNab on return to Wellington.—W.C.K. 86/2/08. Runs 17, 66, 45, 1 and 2of 48, to be subdivided and disposed of. Hun 16 to he offered on renewal lease to the present occupiers. R. McNab. 4/3/1908. Department of Lands, Wellington, sth March, 1908. Commissioner of Crown hands, Napier. lie Small Grazing-run*. Is reply to your 2459/114, of the 18th ultimo, and subsequent correspondence in regard to cerlain small grazing-runs in the Hawke's Bay and Poverty Bay Districts, the Hon. the Minister of Lands has now decided that Small <. razing-runs Nos. 17, 66, 45, and Lots I ami 2 of 13, are to hesubdivided for closer settlement and disposed of under the optional system. In regard to Small Grazing-run No. 45, already mentioned, it will have to be subdivided for closer settlement, hut you should first apply to Messrs. Bloomfield Bros., and ascertain if they are willing to sell the area which they own between the boundary of the- run and the road through Block VII, Waingaromia Survey District, and, if so. at what price. If they are willing to sell on reasonable terms, we will of course close with then, at once, and then use the road as a frontage for the subdivisions. With regard to the runs to lie resumed for closer settlement, please semi me a certified schedule of the improvement values to be entered upon our estimates for appropriation by Parliament. Of course these values will be loaded upon the respective lands resumed. Wm. Kensington, Under-Secretary. Department of Lands and Survey. District Office, Napier, 19th March, liios. The Under-Secretary for Lands, Wellington. Re Small Grazing-runs. In reply to your letter 57766/10, of the sth instant, 1 have the honour to state- that the Hon. the Minister's decision, as conveyed therein, xvas notified to the Land Board at its meeting on the 13th instant.

4— ('. -20.

■gj itf Value of Prairie Value. ImproyeIllrllts. Present Proposed . _ „ Rental. Rental. Lessee. 14* 24 I'oliui 19* 16 Nuhaka .. 20t 17 A. K. P. 823 0 0 1,983 ii- ii 2,268 0 0 Hawke's Bay. t s. d. I 2,064 0 0 408 8,625 0 0 3,626 8,066 0 0 3,250 E s. d.j £ I. i. -'<■» 0 0 r>1 12 0 Todd and Qriffea 40 :{ 2 DO I--' 8 s. and .J. A. Bkok. 30 0 2 .. Crossc. Barker, and Nelson. Hit titi Taramarama 17* 67 28] 46 Tokomaru and Uawa L'4f 4."i Waiiigaroinia 26* 42 27f 43. Lot 1 27t 43, Lot 2 * 1,894 0 0 983 2 (i 6,000 ii 0 3,368 1 20 1,196 n ii 1,928 2 32 2,425 :i 8 Poverty Bay. 2,867 10 0 LOO 1,475 15 0 1.120 18,860 0 0 16,280 10,858 0 i> S.SL , .-. 13,786 0 0 12,879 0,983 0 0 6,078 23 13 l> .. D. Couper. 12 ti (i t I). K. O'Neill. 31 6 0 .. M. M. and G. Pitagerald. 21 o 0 .. J. A. A. Ceear. 2t> 4 5 344 12 7 F. Hall. 13 10 0 .. R. ajBlaok. Iβ 10 0 8,576 0 0 7,665 -J



With regard to Small Grasing-run Xo. 45, I have written to Messrs. Bloomfield Bros., as suggested, but as yet have not heard from them. Upon receipt of their reply I will let you know their terms. In connection with the proposals made with regard to No. 46, 1 wish, with all due deference to the Minister's decision as therein conveyed, to draw your attention to what appears to be conflicting opinions with respect to the question of exchanging small-grazing-ruiis tenure to renewable leases under "The Land Laws Amendment Act, 11107," for by reference to a former decision conveyed in your memo. 57528, of the 22nd October last, it was stated that the above Act abolishes the exchange of small-grazing-run tenure into lease in perpetuity, and this is confirmed by the provisions of section 50 thereof. Consequently the conversion into renewable leases does not appear feasible. Section 17 of ''The Land Laws Amendment Act, 1907," quoted in your letter, appears to apply to conditions of leases. I therefore respectfully submit that section 50 renders the course now suggested impracticable. Will you kindly advise me as to whether 1 am correct in taking this view of the matter. Henry Trent, Commissioner of Crown Lands.

Department of Lands and Survey, District Office, Napier, 6th April, 1908. The Under-Secretary for Lands, Wellington. Re Small Grazing-runs. Referring to the second paragraph of your memo, of the sth ultimo, I have to inform you that in accordance with your instructions 1 wrote to Messrs. Bloomfield Bros., and I hereto append a copy of their reply to my communication. It xvill be seen that they adduce certain reasons why the acquisition of the piece of land referred to xvill be adverse to their interests, inasmuch as a very considerable amount of additional fencing will he'entailed, the cost of which will be very heavy, owing to the difficulty of obtaining material, and the nature of the ground to be fenced. The price they ask for the land£B 10s. per acre —is the same as their first offer (afterwards withdrawn), which appears to be very high as compared with the- value placed upon the run — i.e., £.3 10s.—unimproved; but, taking into consideration the advantage it xvill be to the disposal of the adjoining land by affording homestead-sites and access to the road, I am of opinion that the offer should be accepted. The price compares favourably with that paid for Kanakanaia, which adjoins this run. I will be pleased to receive notice as to the decision arrived at at your early convenience. Henry Trent, Enclosure : Copy of letter. Commissioner of Crown Lands. Dear Sir, — Auckland, 3rd April, 1908. Your favour of the 10th March has been forwarded here by our manager at To Hau-o-te-apua. We certainly do not look upon this portion of the property as by any means isolated. It is a portion of two huge paddocks, which are fully and expensively fenced. It will be a heavy cost to us to refence, as the road-line is mostly on steep siding, and our fence will be on the low side all the way, with the material thrown over the hank when making formation all on the move, being loose: also the considerable distance to cart material, &c. We estimate it xvill cost us up to £100 per mile for a new fence, and in offering the land at £8 10s. per acre we think xve are well within the value, considering the expense we are put to in refencing. In making this offer of £8 10s. per acre we are actuated b\ a desire to meet your Department on a fair basis, and to give them every facility in our poxver. We would like to know at your early convenience the exact part you wish to acquire. Yours, <fee, Bi,ooMi'ii:i.i) Bros. (W. J. Carter, Secretary). The Commissioner of Crown Lands, District Office, Napier.

Commissioner of Crown Lands, Napier. 11/4/1908. O.H.M.S. Ite your 2459, of the sixth instant, small grazing-i un forty-five: Please wire me how many acres you estimate will require to be purchased from Bloomfield Bros., between boundary of run and road. You do not mention it in your memo., and it is most important part of all. William Kensington, Under-Secretary. (Telegram answered.) Napier, 13th April. 1908. Under-Secretary for Lands, Wellington. Approximate area proposed to be purchased from Bloomfield Bros, between boundary of Run No. 45 and road is 119 acres. H. G. Price, For Commissioner of Crown Lands. The Hon. the Minister of Lands.—This is the area referred to as being requisite to purchase in order to obtain frontage to a road for the new proposed subdivisions. The 119 acres will cost £1,000. This xvill have to be appropriated by Parliament before payment. If you concur, I can so inform the Commissioner. —Wm. C. Kensington. 13/4/1908. Take under the Land for Settlements Act, and then incorporate Run No. 45.— R. McNab. 15/4/1908.



Department of Lands, Wellington, 22nd April, 1908. Commissioner of Croxvn Lands, Napier. Re Small Grazing-run No. 45Kefehrino to your 2459, of the 6th instant, the Hon. the Minister of Lands has approved of the proposal to purchase 119 acres or thereabouts from Messrs. Bloomfield Bros., lying between 45 ami the road : hut, as this area will have to be purchased under the Land for Settlements Act, please send me a tracing on a 20-chain scale showing the boundaries of the run and the road-line, and the area proposed lo he purchased; and the names of the owners should be written clearly on the tracing, so that the Chairman of tin' Land Purchase Board may be requested to at once enter into negotiations with Messrs. Bloomfield Bros, for ihe purchase of the area in question. Wm. C. Kensington, Under-Secretary.

Department of Lands, Napier, 4th May, 1908. The Under-Secretary for Lauds, Wellington. Re Small Graziny-run No. 45. In compliance with request, as contained in your memo. 57766, of the 22nd ultimo, I have obtained from the District Office at Cisborne the enclosed tracing (on a scale of 20 chains to 1 in.), showing .he boundary of the above run and the road-line, and the areas proposed to be purchased from Messrs. Bloomfield Bros., and giving the names of the owners. It will be noticed that the area has been slightly reduced, and the total is calculated to be 117J acres. Henry Trent, Enclosure: Tracing. Commissioner of Crown Lands.

SCR. 24/10. Run 45, Waingaromia S.D. Department of Lands and Survey, District Office, Napier, Bth May, 1908. Mr. Julius Adolph Albert Csesar, c/o Land Officer, Gisborne. Re Small Graziny-run No. 45, Blocks VII, X, and XI, Wainyaromia Survey District. REFERRING to my memo, to you of the 18th February last, I have to inform you that the Hon. the Minister of Lands has approved of the recommendation of the Land Board that the above holding. containing .'1,358 acres 1 rood 20 perches be not renexx'ed for a further term of lease under small-grazing-run conditions, but that it be subdivided for closer settlement and offered for selection under the provisions of " The Land Act, 1892," and its amendments. Due notice fixing the date of opening the same for selection, areas, prices, rentals, Sec., xvill be sent you. You an- required to give up possession of the property on the 28th February, 1909. The value of the improvements which you are entitled to is fixed at £8,825. Henry Trent, Commissioner of Crown Lands.

2459/141, Small Grazing-runs. Department of Lands, Wellington, 4th June, 1908. The Commissioner of Crown Lands, Napier. Subdivision of Small Grazing-ruu No. 45, W aingaromia Survey District. With reference to your memo. No. 2459/136, of the 4th ultimo, I have to inform you that the Chairman of the Board of Land Purchase Commissioners has been requested to enter into negotiations for the purchase of the 117£ acres owned by Messrs. Bloomfield Bros, lying between this run and the road. Will you therefore please make arrangements for the subdivision of the run with the road frontage added thereto, provided of course the Messrs. Bloomfield offer no objection. Wm. C. Kensington, Under-Secretary.

Department of Lands, Wellington, 4th June, 1908. The Chairman, Board of Land Purchase Commissioners, Wellington. Purchase of 117\ Acres from Bloomfield Bros., Block VII, Waingaromia Survey District. I have to inform you that, as it is proposed to subdivide Small Grazing-run No. 45, Waingaromia Survey District, for the purpose of closer settlement, the Hon. the Minister of Lands has approved the purchase of a strip of land (shown on attached tracing) lying betxveen the run and the road so as to enable the run to have better road frontages. Will you therefore please enter into negotiations with the owners of the land, the Messrs Bloomfield Bros., with a view to purchasing the land at an early date. The Commissioner of Crown Lands, Napier, has been instructed to make arrangements to subdivide the run on the understanding that the road frontage xvill be secured. Wm. C. Kensington, Under-Secretary.

Still. 24/10 (Gisborne). Department of Lands and Survey, Gisborne, 10th June, 1908. The Chairman of the Board of Land Purchase Commissioners, Wellington. In reply to your letter of the 6th instant, asking my opinion of the value of 1 t 7.V acres erf Bloomtields' land lying between the road and Small Grazing-run 45, I am aware that Mr. Simson, Crown



Lands Hanger, was negotiating for the purchase of this on behalf of the Government, or perhaps it xvould be more correct to say was sounding the owners to find out what they would take for it, as he showed me a letter from Bloomfield Bros, to their manager, Geoffry Mac Lean, saying " that, as it would add materially to the value of the Government property by giving a road frontage, they thought 68 10s. per acre, based on what the Government had given for Kanakanaia, would be a fair price." Mr. Simson afterwards told me the offer was withdrawn, and he was asked to return the letter to Mr. Mac Lean, which he did. Probably the lessee of 45 told them it would lead to his losing his run if the Government got it. My opinion is that, although £8 10s. is in excess of the actual value of the land, as land alone, its position would make it well worth that money to the Government, and 1 do not think you would be able to obtain it for less. T. N. Brodrick, Land Officer.

S.G.R. 24/13. Run 45, Waingaromia S.D. Napier, 12th June, 1908. Sir, — Re Small Grazing-run 45. 1 would respect full) request you to afford me a rehearing under section 52 of the Land Act relative to the renexval of the above section. Yours, <fee, The Commissioner of Crown Lands, Napier. J. A. C*sar.

Extract from Land Hoard Proceedings relating to Small Grazing-run So. 45, Waingaromia Survey District. Napier, 12th June, 1908. Mit. J. A. C.ksaii, lessee of Small Grazing-run No. 45, Waingaromia Survey District, xvaited upon the Board, and, protesting against the decision not to grant him a renewal of his lease, applied for a rehearing to enable him to state his case. Proposed by Mr. Bartram, seconded by Mr. Lane, that this be granted, and Mr. Caesar be heard at the meeting to lie held at Gisborne on the 13th July, 1908.

2459/142, Small Grazing-run. Department of Lands and Survey, District Office, Napier, 20th June, 1908. To the Under-Secretary for Lands, Wellington. Small Grating-run* 43 and 45, Waingaromia Surrey District, Poverty Bay. 1 HAVE the honour to inform you that at the last meeting of the Land Board the following resolutions were passed. Small Grazing-run 4.'i (R. G. Black, Lessee). —Mr. Black, sen., waited upon the Board on behalf of the lessee (his son), and after hearing him the Board decided to recommend for the favourable consideration of the Hon. the Minister of Lands that under the circumstances disclosed the former resolution he rescinded, and that the lessee be now offered a renewal of his lease, as was done in the case of Small Grazing-run 42, adjoining, held by Mr. F. Hall. Small Grazing-run 45 (J. A. Coesar, Lessee). —It was resolved to grant lessee a rehearing at the next meeting of the Land Board, to be held at Gisborne on the 13th proximo. In this instance the lessee waited upon the Board and represented that the circumstances warranted a further hearing, and the Board agreed to grant the same under the provisions of section 52 of " The Land Act, 1892." You xvill please note that in the official report upon the proceedings of the Land Board on the 12th instant a further resolution bearing upon the subject of small grazing-runs was passed. Henry Trent, Commissioner of Crown Lands.

Extract from Land Board Proceedings relating to Small Grazing-run No. 45, Waingaromia Survey District. Gisborne, 13th July, 1908. It having been decided on the 12th ultimo to grant Mr. J. A. Cnosar a rehearing in the matter of a renexval of his lease over Small Grazing-run No. 45, Waingaromia Survey District, Mr. Caesar wrote thereupon. Proposed by Mr. Groom, seconded by Mr. Lane, That Mr. Bartram accompany Mr. Simson and inspect the run, and report to the Board as to its suitability for closer settlement or otherwise.

S.G.R. 24/15. Run 45, Waingaromia S.I) Department of Lands and Survey, District Office, Napier, lxth July, 1908. The Crow.i Lands Banger, Gisborne. Re Small Grazing-run So. > r 'i. Waingaromia Survey District. In accordance with a resolution passed by the Land Board at Gisborne on the 13th instant, I have to ask you to arrange with Mr. Bartram to visit the above in order to ascertain its suitability or otherwise for subdivision. This action is being taken in compliance xvith the lessee's application for a reconsideration of his oase in conformity xvith the provisions of section 52 of "The Land Act, 1892." Henry Trent, Commissioner of Crown Lands.



S.G.R. 24/14. Run 45, Waingaromia S.D. n IT U ♦ De Pj ftrtme £ Of Lands and Survey, District Office, Napier, LBth July, 1908. U. It,. Bartram, Esq., Hauiti. " Re Small Graziny-run So. 45, Wainyaromia Survey District. In accordance with a resolution paased In the Land Board .„ Gisborne on .1,,- Kith instant I have o ask you to make an inspection of the above a, the first convenient opportunity, in company With the row,, .amis I anger, „, order to ascertain us suitability or otherwise for subdivision. Ihrs actio,, has 1,,,.,, taken ~, compliance- with the lessee's application for a reconsideration of his case- in terms of section 52 of " The Land Act. 1892." The Crown Lands Bang,,- having received orders to proceed to l)„,„ fore the 31st instant he may not he able to attend to this matter, in which case it will be necessary to await the appointment of his successor. Hkni(Y Tr]SNTj ' Commissioner of Crown Lands.

S.G.R. 24/18. Run 45, Waingaromia. Department of Lands and Survey, District Office-. Gisborne, 3rd August 1908 lo the Commissioner of Crown Lands, Napier. Small Grazing-run 45 (Mr. Cursor). Mr, Cbbar has just informed me that Mr. Suns,,,, has advised him that owing to his resignation he cannot carry out the resolution of the Board re accompanying Mr. Bartram over Small Grazingii.ii 10. MrCmr wishes me to impress on you that this is not his fault , indeed, he thinks it a hardship that the matter should remain unsettled so long. He would like some other arrangement made as soon as possible. s 1 should think Mr. Bartram could go over it by himself if we supply him with a tracing of :li.' proposed subdivision. Awaiting your instructions whether lam to supph the- tracing,— I am, 4c, T. N. BitoimicK, Land Officer.

Sm-^ G ' U ' 24/19 ' Napier, 14th August, 190^. As directed by yonr Board to report on Run 1... I inspected this „„ the llth instant, and report as follows: — That the Board take for settlement the north-eastern portion, comprising al 1 900 acres and that the rest ol the run be offered as a grazing-run to the present tenant. By carrying out this ~ ;;, ' """'." 1 I, 1 I : ',', ' "'" "" , '"' n*"""* t(1 acquire the freehold for homestead-sites from Messrs Bloomfield Bros, ami also say,- the tenants ihe expense of shifting the,, fence-line to a veri niddTerent boundary, which would be costh to maintain. I attach a plat, herewith showing the proposed subdivision and homestead-site. I found on inspection that one homestead-site, as before suggested, does not exist, and that the land is in its natural state. The Commissioner of Crown Lands. o.' E. Bartram P.S. It Will be necessary, if this recommendation is carried out, to construct one road to present homestead-site and one to proposed site.—O.E.B.

Extract from Land Board Proceedings relative to Small Grating-run No. 45, Wainyaromia Survey District. ~ n „ _ . ~. Napier, 14th August, 1908. Mr. O. E. Bartram forwarded his report on Small Grazing-run No. 45, Waingaromia Survey District, held by J. A. Caesar, and it was decided to modify the previous resolution herein and recommend the course of action proposed by Mr. Bartram. by which means the acquisition of the adjoining free-hold will be obviated. The recommendation is that the run be cut in two- the north-eastern portion, of about 900 acres, to be offered for selection under the optional system' and a lease of the balance to be offered to Mr. Caesar.

S.G.R. 24/20. Run 45, Waingaromia. Department of Lands and Survey, District Office, Napier. 18th August, 1908 To the Under-Secretary for Lands, Wellington. Small Grazing-run So. !,'>. Waingaromia Survey District. I iiavk the honour to inform you that, as the result of an application b\ the lessee of the above small grazing-run for a rehearing under the provisions of section 52 of "The Land Act 1892 " as was notified in my letter of the 20th June last, the Land Board, at its meeting at Gisborne on the l:!th ultimo, decided to obtain further evidence with regard to the suitability of the country for settlement purposes, and it was resolved that Mr. Bartram. a member of the Board, should inspect it in company with the Crown Lands Banger: hut at the last the Ranger left th. matter in Mr. Bartram's hands, saying thai he was already I'ulh acquainted with the country and he was prepared to indorse any decision arrived at. Mr. Bartram's report was considered by the



Land Board on the 14th instant, xvhen it was decided to submit the case for the Hon. the Minister's reconsideration. It will be observed that one of the most important points in Mr. Bartram's report is in connection with the area which the Crown Lands Ranger recommended should be acquired for tlit* purpose of securing homestead sues and road access. It appears that the land within the area mentioned is quite unfit for homestead purposes, being verj steep and broken; then the cost of removing the existing boundary fences, and fencing along the road, which xvould entail several miles of fencing (the entire cost of which xvould fall upon the tenants, whereas the upkeep of tin- present fences is divided between the adjoining holders) is not desirable. When writing my former Letter, 2549 126, dated (ith April last, 1 commented upon the value placed upon the land referred to as being very high as compared with that placed upon the run: but, taking the report then before the Board, which represented the advantages it offered in affording the necessary sites for homesteads, 4c, it was considered the circumstances warranted the purchase. I am not aware as to the result of the negotiations with the Messrs. Bloomfield, having received no further advice since writing my memo., 2459/136, of the 4th May last. It will be seen by the tracing accompanying this that the present proposal is to subdivide the block into two parts, to which access can be given at a reasonable cost, as shown approximate!} thereon. By this means the present lessee xvill be offered the portion embracing about 2,483 acres, taking in his homestead and improvements, and the balance to he disposed of under the optional By stem. 1 would respectfully ask - you to bring this matter before the lion, the Minister of Lands in order that it may receive reconsideration as recommended by the- Land Board in compliance with the lessee's request. Hkniiy Trent, Commissioner of Crown Lands. K. .closures : Copy of report ; one tracing.

Department ..I' Lands. Wellington, 28th August, l!) 08. The Hon. the Minister of Lands. Small Grazing-run No. 45, Waingaromia Survey District. .\± you xvill see by the accompanying precis of correspondence beneath, this run is at present leased by Mr. .1. A. A.'Ca-sar, whose term is about to expire shortly. The- Land Board in February last adopted the Ranger's report as to the suitability of the run for subdivision, ami recommended such course lor your approval. As the- Banger had reported that a strip of land (119 acres) between part of the run and the' adjoining road was necessary for inclusion with the run so as lo render it suitable for the proposed subdivision, negotiations were opened with the Messrs. Bloomfield (owners of the strip of land), ami they made an oiler to sell at £8 I Os. per acre. As Mr. Caesar had applied for a rehearing of the ease-, the Board appointed Mr. Bartram, a member of the Board, to revise the former report by the Ranger, and after careful inspection he states that the 119 acres in question is quite unsuitable for inclusion with the- run, and that its acquisit ion is unnecessary, Mr. Bartram also recommends that the run be divided into two portions of !!()() acres anil 2,483 acres respectively, that the first area be offered to public competition under the optional tenure, and the larger area offered to the present lessee under a new small-grazing-run lease. The- Land Board has adopted these recoinmendat ions, and now forwards then, for your approval. I think this is a case in which the Valuer-General might he asked to obtain a special report from his officer. Plan and report attached (see Commissioner's letter, 18th August, with Mr. Bartram's report). \V\.. C. Kkxsinoton, Under-Secretary. Valuer-General, For report on question of suitability for subdivision of Run No. 45. R. MoNab. .11/8/1908.

Department of Lands, Wellington, Ist September, 1908. The Valuer-General, Wellington. Small Grazing-run No. 45. Waingaromia Survey District. In accordance with the decision of the lion, the Minister of Lands, 1 enclose for youi information copy of the correspondence which has passed with the Hawke's Bay Land Board in connection with dealing with the above run in the- Gisborne District upon the expiry of the small-grazing-run lease under "The Land Ac. 1885." The Hawke's Bay Land Board on the 18th February, 1908, reported on Small Crazing-run 45 of 3,358 acres as suitable for subdivision. They also stated that it was necessary in connection with the subdivision of this run into suitable portions that two areas, of 10" and 10J acres respectively, should he purchased from Messrs. Bloomfield Bros., in order that each subdivision should have a frontage to a formed road. This proposal is shown on tracing marked "A attached herewith. The Minister agreed that tin- Land Purchase Department should endeavour to negotiate with Messrs. Bloomfield Bros, for the purchase of the 1 17i acres. The lessee of (Inrun (Mr. J. A. A. Caesar) having applied for a rehearing in accordance with the provisions of the



Land Act, the Board met at Gisborne and decided to obtain further evidence in regard to the suitability of the run for settlement, and they appointed Mr. Bartram, a member of the Board to inspect the run in company with the Crown Lands Hanger, but at the last moment the Ranger left the matter in Mr. Bertram's hands, saying that he was already fully acquainted with the oountn and was prepared to indorse any decision arrived at. Mr. Bertram's report was considered In the •and Board on the 14th ultimo, when it was decided to submit the case for the Hon. the Minister of Lands decision. I enclose for your information oopy of the tracing which accompanied \|, Bartram a report, in whioh is shown approximately the two areas into which it is proposed to subdivide the run, together with the proposed road of access thereto, the lessee to be offered area of about 2,483 acres together with homestead, improvements, fro., and the bal.-. tbout 876 acres disposed of on the optional system. The Minister lias decided that this in which you should be asked to get a report from your officer as to the suitability of the run For sub division. In doing so 1 would ask that your Valuer decide whether, in his opinion, it is necessary to purchase a portion of Messrs. Hloomfield's property, as shown on tracing marked " \ " or whether in accordance with the last report from Mr. Bartram it is unnecessary Mr Bartram stales that the land within the area shown on tracing " ,\ " is quite unfit for homestead pin p. being very steep and broken, and the cost of fencing would be considerable and would fall upon the tenants. Please furnish a report on this matter for the Minister's information at your earliest convenience. Wμ. C. Kbnkinuton, Under-Secretai v

Valuation Department, Wellington, 15th September. 1908 Memorandum for the Under-Secretary. Department of Lands. Wellington. Small Grazing-run >,'>, Waingaromia. I APPHND for your information a copy of a report which I have received in this matter ii..,,, District \ aluer Lewis : — " I have carefully gone over the above run. and submit the following report thereon : "This run has a large area of broken, and indifferent oountrv of a pumicy nature while several of the faces are of a slippy nature-, and the altitude 2.000 ft. in parts, and 50,,,,, faces of .In' good land have bad aspect. 'The north-eastern portion which Mr. Bartram proposes to cut into a separate holding is practically the ears and eyes of this run, comprising as it does the major portion of the best land in the run, and it is on this portion, which I may point out is tl„. newer country that the greater carrying-capacity per acre- is shown, it being originally hush land, while the residue was originally fern and manuka land of indifferent quality and the cost of maintenance substantial and at present a fairly large area n-quires clearing of manuka, which is coming away fairly strong 'The- poorer portion of the run (marked 'Sub. No. 1 ' on Mr. Bartram's plan) is carrying practically all the improvements, as it is here where homestead, yards, woolshed, 4c , are situatedconsequently, if subdivided, the poorer portion of the run would be required to carry the gn loading tor improvements, as it would be difficult to avoid this, even if adopting subdivision into two lots, and this in my opinion would not be prudent. "As this run is situated some eighteen to nineteen miles inland from Te Karaka (which ; s nineteen miles from Gisborne) and has a very bad winter road, and as there is no fencing-timbei on the run. it will at once be seen that carriage is a serious item, and the difficulty of getting away small cuts of fat stock as occasion arises is somewhat great. " I may here add that several of the Kanakanaia settlers are already complaining of the cost of carriage. &c, and one settler pointed out to me a small two-roomed house- which had cost him up to the present (it is still incomplete) over £120, and this is some distance nearer Karaka than the run m question, while another states he would gladly walk out for actual cost of the improve ments he has effected. "It is possible to subdivide this run into two. but in my opinion not prudent, owing to the varying nature of the land and the difficulty of getting fence-lines and a second building-site The site proposed by Mr. Bartram would necessitate a road crossing over a broken gully of slippi country, and xvould entail a cost of from £200 to .£250. and it is questionable, from the nature of the country to be traversed, if it would stand long. "To summarise as to suitability of subdivision, I would point out, "(1.) The indifferent nature of the run as a whole as regards quality, cost of maintenance in keeping down manuka, 4c and refer you to the attached tracing, which gives, I think a fair idea of the patchy nature of this run. "(2.) The total absence of fencing-material, and the distance the same xvould have to be caned, or, rather, packed, xvhich is at present being done, for eighteen or nineteen miles (3.) Severance of the 875 acres as per Mr. Bartram's plan would leave almost entirely the poorer country to carry the burden of loading for improvements. " Generally, I am of opinion that subdivision is not advisable. "As regards the 117 acres offered by Messrs. Bloomfield Bros, adjoining this run the price asked is absolutely excessive, and, in my opinion, it is not required. With the exception of a small corner of bush, the area in question is miserably poor manuka land, and would require from four to five miles of fencing on a difficult and expensive line to maintain. "I attach a plan showing the respective portions of good, indifferent, and poor land and also return tracing of Mr. Bartram's proposed subdivision." G. F. C. Campbell, Valuer-General.



Department of Lands, Wellington, 16th September, 1908. The Hon. the Minister of Lands. Small Grazing-run No. 45, Waingaromia Survey District. In compliance with the instructions contained in your minute of the 31st ultimo, the ValuerGeneral was requested to furnish a report as to the suitability of this run for subdivision and closer settlement, and 1 append his report of the 15th instant. It will be seen that District Valuer Lewis made a careful inspection of the run, and has given a detailed account of the nature of the land, lie is of opinion that it xvould be possible to divide the run into two portions, hut thai such division would not be prudent for the reasons he points out. He is therefore of opinion that subdivision is not advisable. Under these circumstances it would evidently be advisable to grant the present lessee a new lease of the- run at a proper rental, and 1 would respectfully suggest that the Valuer's report be referred to the Hawke's Bay Lai.el Board to enable them to reconsider the matter, and, if they think fit, to rescind their former resolution to divide the run into two portions of 900 acres and 2,483 acres respectively (the latter to be offered to the present lessee under a new lease) and to deal with it under section 209 of "The Land Act, [885." This, however, would he- a matter for them lo consider and decide. Wm .C. Kensington, Under-Secretary. Under-Secretarv. report of Valuer for consideration of Board.—R. McNah 16/9/1908.

Department of Lands. Wellington, 17th September, 1908. The Commissioner of Crown Lands, Napier. Small Grating-run No. £5, Waingaromia Survey District. Wini reference to your memo. S.G.R. 24/20, of the 18th ultimo, I have now been directed by the Hon. the Minister of Lands to enclose for your information report by the District Valuer at Gisborne on the above run and his views on the question of its subdivision. I shall be glad if you will please lay it before the next meeting of the I,ami Board so that the Hoard may be in a better position to judge of its suitability for pastoral purposes, and, if the Hoard thinks fit, to reconsider its previous resolution as conveyed in your memo, under reply. You will notice that the Valuer is of opinion that, though it would be possible to divide the run into two portions, such division would not be prudent for the reasons he points out and, in his opinion, is inadvisable. Explanatory tracing accompanying the Valuer's report is also enclosed, and I shall be glad if you will please return the report and tracing with your memo, conveying the result of the Board's consideration of the case. Wm. C, KbNSINGTON, Under Secretary

SMALL GRAZING-RUN XO. 12a, WAINGAROMIA \ND I'.WVA SURVEY DISTRICTS. Lbssbb, Wilfrto H. Phrbt. Lease No. 44. 4,463 Acres. As the lease over this small grazing-run does not expire until the 28th February. 1911, there has hcen no occasion to deal with it in so far as consideration of a renexval. or otherwise-, is concerned Therefore there is no correspondence as betxveen the Minister and the Land Board, and the Board and a Valuer. Lands Department, Wellington, Ist October. 1908. Approximate Oo»t of Paper.— Preparation, not given . printing, excluding mnps (1,000 copiesi, t'l2 Ho. M.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer. Wellington.—l9oB

Price ls.l



PLAN OF RUN 43 Blocks XII and XVI Waingaromia Survey District



PLAN OF RUN 43 Blocks XII and XVI Waingaromia Survey District



PLAN OF RUN 43 Blocks XII and XVI Waingaromia Survey District

C— 20


PLAN OF RUN 43 Blocks XII and XVI Waingaromia Survey District


PLAN OF RUN 45 Blocks VII and XI Waingaromia Survey District

C— 20

11- C. 20


C - 20

Scale of miles.

1000. .yoa_iDso. 13-C.20


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Bibliographic details

WAINGAROMIA SURVEY DISTRICT: CORRESPONDENCE, REPORTS, AND RESOLUTIONS RELATIVE TO SMaLL GRAZING-RUNS NOS. 43, 45, and 42a., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1908 Session I, C-20

Word Count

WAINGAROMIA SURVEY DISTRICT: CORRESPONDENCE, REPORTS, AND RESOLUTIONS RELATIVE TO SMaLL GRAZING-RUNS NOS. 43, 45, and 42a. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1908 Session I, C-20

WAINGAROMIA SURVEY DISTRICT: CORRESPONDENCE, REPORTS, AND RESOLUTIONS RELATIVE TO SMaLL GRAZING-RUNS NOS. 43, 45, and 42a. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1908 Session I, C-20