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Department of Lands, Wellington, 16th September, 1908. The Hon. the Minister of Lands. Small Grazing-run No. 45, Waingaromia Survey District. In compliance with the instructions contained in your minute of the 31st ultimo, the ValuerGeneral was requested to furnish a report as to the suitability of this run for subdivision and closer settlement, and 1 append his report of the 15th instant. It will be seen that District Valuer Lewis made a careful inspection of the run, and has given a detailed account of the nature of the land, lie is of opinion that it xvould be possible to divide the run into two portions, hut thai such division would not be prudent for the reasons he points out. He is therefore of opinion that subdivision is not advisable. Under these circumstances it would evidently be advisable to grant the present lessee a new lease of the- run at a proper rental, and 1 would respectfully suggest that the Valuer's report be referred to the Hawke's Bay Lai.el Board to enable them to reconsider the matter, and, if they think fit, to rescind their former resolution to divide the run into two portions of 900 acres and 2,483 acres respectively (the latter to be offered to the present lessee under a new lease) and to deal with it under section 209 of "The Land Act, [885." This, however, would he- a matter for them lo consider and decide. Wm .C. Kensington, Under-Secretary. Under-Secretarv. report of Valuer for consideration of Board.—R. McNah 16/9/1908.

Department of Lands. Wellington, 17th September, 1908. The Commissioner of Crown Lands, Napier. Small Grating-run No. £5, Waingaromia Survey District. Wini reference to your memo. S.G.R. 24/20, of the 18th ultimo, I have now been directed by the Hon. the Minister of Lands to enclose for your information report by the District Valuer at Gisborne on the above run and his views on the question of its subdivision. I shall be glad if you will please lay it before the next meeting of the I,ami Board so that the Hoard may be in a better position to judge of its suitability for pastoral purposes, and, if the Hoard thinks fit, to reconsider its previous resolution as conveyed in your memo, under reply. You will notice that the Valuer is of opinion that, though it would be possible to divide the run into two portions, such division would not be prudent for the reasons he points out and, in his opinion, is inadvisable. Explanatory tracing accompanying the Valuer's report is also enclosed, and I shall be glad if you will please return the report and tracing with your memo, conveying the result of the Board's consideration of the case. Wm. C, KbNSINGTON, Under Secretary

SMALL GRAZING-RUN XO. 12a, WAINGAROMIA \ND I'.WVA SURVEY DISTRICTS. Lbssbb, Wilfrto H. Phrbt. Lease No. 44. 4,463 Acres. As the lease over this small grazing-run does not expire until the 28th February. 1911, there has hcen no occasion to deal with it in so far as consideration of a renexval. or otherwise-, is concerned Therefore there is no correspondence as betxveen the Minister and the Land Board, and the Board and a Valuer. Lands Department, Wellington, Ist October. 1908. Approximate Oo»t of Paper.— Preparation, not given . printing, excluding mnps (1,000 copiesi, t'l2 Ho. M.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer. Wellington.—l9oB

Price ls.l