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Lands Hanger, was negotiating for the purchase of this on behalf of the Government, or perhaps it xvould be more correct to say was sounding the owners to find out what they would take for it, as he showed me a letter from Bloomfield Bros, to their manager, Geoffry Mac Lean, saying " that, as it would add materially to the value of the Government property by giving a road frontage, they thought 68 10s. per acre, based on what the Government had given for Kanakanaia, would be a fair price." Mr. Simson afterwards told me the offer was withdrawn, and he was asked to return the letter to Mr. Mac Lean, which he did. Probably the lessee of 45 told them it would lead to his losing his run if the Government got it. My opinion is that, although £8 10s. is in excess of the actual value of the land, as land alone, its position would make it well worth that money to the Government, and 1 do not think you would be able to obtain it for less. T. N. Brodrick, Land Officer.

S.G.R. 24/13. Run 45, Waingaromia S.D. Napier, 12th June, 1908. Sir, — Re Small Grazing-run 45. 1 would respect full) request you to afford me a rehearing under section 52 of the Land Act relative to the renexval of the above section. Yours, <fee, The Commissioner of Crown Lands, Napier. J. A. C*sar.

Extract from Land Hoard Proceedings relating to Small Grazing-run So. 45, Waingaromia Survey District. Napier, 12th June, 1908. Mit. J. A. C.ksaii, lessee of Small Grazing-run No. 45, Waingaromia Survey District, xvaited upon the Board, and, protesting against the decision not to grant him a renewal of his lease, applied for a rehearing to enable him to state his case. Proposed by Mr. Bartram, seconded by Mr. Lane, that this be granted, and Mr. Caesar be heard at the meeting to lie held at Gisborne on the 13th July, 1908.

2459/142, Small Grazing-run. Department of Lands and Survey, District Office, Napier, 20th June, 1908. To the Under-Secretary for Lands, Wellington. Small Grating-run* 43 and 45, Waingaromia Surrey District, Poverty Bay. 1 HAVE the honour to inform you that at the last meeting of the Land Board the following resolutions were passed. Small Grazing-run 4.'i (R. G. Black, Lessee). —Mr. Black, sen., waited upon the Board on behalf of the lessee (his son), and after hearing him the Board decided to recommend for the favourable consideration of the Hon. the Minister of Lands that under the circumstances disclosed the former resolution he rescinded, and that the lessee be now offered a renewal of his lease, as was done in the case of Small Grazing-run 42, adjoining, held by Mr. F. Hall. Small Grazing-run 45 (J. A. Coesar, Lessee). —It was resolved to grant lessee a rehearing at the next meeting of the Land Board, to be held at Gisborne on the 13th proximo. In this instance the lessee waited upon the Board and represented that the circumstances warranted a further hearing, and the Board agreed to grant the same under the provisions of section 52 of " The Land Act, 1892." You xvill please note that in the official report upon the proceedings of the Land Board on the 12th instant a further resolution bearing upon the subject of small grazing-runs was passed. Henry Trent, Commissioner of Crown Lands.

Extract from Land Board Proceedings relating to Small Grazing-run No. 45, Waingaromia Survey District. Gisborne, 13th July, 1908. It having been decided on the 12th ultimo to grant Mr. J. A. Cnosar a rehearing in the matter of a renexval of his lease over Small Grazing-run No. 45, Waingaromia Survey District, Mr. Caesar wrote thereupon. Proposed by Mr. Groom, seconded by Mr. Lane, That Mr. Bartram accompany Mr. Simson and inspect the run, and report to the Board as to its suitability for closer settlement or otherwise.

S.G.R. 24/15. Run 45, Waingaromia S.I) Department of Lands and Survey, District Office, Napier, lxth July, 1908. The Crow.i Lands Banger, Gisborne. Re Small Grazing-run So. > r 'i. Waingaromia Survey District. In accordance with a resolution passed by the Land Board at Gisborne on the 13th instant, I have to ask you to arrange with Mr. Bartram to visit the above in order to ascertain its suitability or otherwise for subdivision. This action is being taken in compliance xvith the lessee's application for a reconsideration of his oase in conformity xvith the provisions of section 52 of "The Land Act, 1892." Henry Trent, Commissioner of Crown Lands.