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Return to an Order of the Houtt o) Ttepre»tntaUve4 dated the 18th September, 1908. Ordered, " That there be laid upon the t-ible of the House of Representatives all correspondence between the Minister of Lands and the Hawke's Bay Land Board, ard all reports of Valuators and Rungers, and all resolutions of the above Board, relating to Small Grazing-runs Nos. 43, 45, and 42a, Waingaromia Survey District."—(Mr. Herhies.)

SMALL GRAZING-RUN No. 43, WAINGAROMIA SURVEY DISTRICT. n Analysis of Correspondence. Page. 3 14th .June, 1907. —Resolution of Land Board appointing valuers to report whether small grazingruns, Poverty Bay and Hawke's Bay Districts, are suitable tor subdivision. Ist November, 1907.—Report of Board's valuer states Run 43 suitable for subdivision : that 900 acres thereof be offered present tenant, and balance be subdivided and offered under optional system. Two tracings attached illustrating valuer's report. 11th December, 1907. —Memo., Land Officer, Oisborne, to Commissioner, Napier, reporting that Run 43 is suitable for subdivision into five sections. 13th December, 1907.—Resolution of Land Board adopting valuer's suggestions and valuations for recommendation to Minister. 18th February, 1908. —Memo, from Commissioner, Napier, to Under-Secretary, sending valuer's reports, &c, on ten small grazing-runs. including No. 43, and recommending reports approved by Board for favourable consideration of Minister. Schedule showing prairie value, amount of improvements, rentals, name of lessee, and whether suitable for subdivision of runs (inter alia) Lots 1 and 2 of No. 43. 18th February, 1908.—Memo, from Commissioner to Mr. Black, lessee of Run 43, advising him of decision of Land Board to recommend subdivision of 43, and offering him a renewal of 900 acres at increased rental. 22nd February, 1908. —Memo, from Commissioner to Under-Secretary, calling attention to special conditions embodied in valuer's report in reference to Runs U>. 13, and 46. Minute (4th March, 1908). Minister's decision that Kirns 17. 66. 45, Lots ! and 2 of 13, be subdivided and disposed of: Run 46 to be offered on renewal lease to present occupiers. Memo. (6th March, 1908) from Under-Secretary to Commissioner. Napier, advising Ministerdecided that small grazing-runs 17. 66. 45, and Lots 1 and 2 of 43, are to be subdivided for closer settlement, and disposed of under optional system. 14th May, 1908.—Letter from Commissioner to Mr. R. 0. Black, advising him that Minister had approved recommendation of Land Board to grant him a lease of 900 acres for further term of twenty-one years at rental of £79, and that balance of run was to be subdivided for closer settlement, and giving valuations of improvements thereon up to 30th November, 1907. Letter (Ist June, 1908) from Mr. Black to Commissioner, Napier, appealing against decision of Land Board re lease of part of Run 43 offered him, and asking for a rehearing. 12th lime. 1908.—Resolution of Land Board respecting Run 43 leased to R. C. Black : Board decided, after hearing Mr. Black in support of his appeal, to rescind former resolution, and to offer Mr. Black a renewal of his whole lease. Memo. (12th June, 1908) from Commissioner to Mr. Black, advising him of Board's decision to (recommend for Minister's approval that he be offered a lease over the whole of Run 43. Memo. (20th June, 1908) from Commissioner to Under-Secretary, that the Board resolved to rescind its former resolution respecting Run 43, and offer Mr. Black (lessee) a lease of the whole of the land, subject to Minister's approval.

I—C. 20.