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Return to an Order of the House of Representatives dated 16th May, 18S8. Ordered, " That there be laid before this House a return showing in detail all reductions lately made or now being effected by Education Boards throughout the colony in all salaries or allowances paid to their teachers and other officers, or otherwise, in consequence of retrenchments made in the education vote in the last session of this House."—(Mr. W. P. Reeves.)

Cieculae to Education Boaeds. Education Department, Wellington, 17th May, 1888. The Secretary, Education Board, . I am to ask you to be so good as to supply me as soon as possible with such information with respect to recent alterations of salaries and allowances as will enable me, so far as your district is concerned, to make up the return ordered yesterday by the House of Representatives in the following terms : " That there be laid before this House a return showing in detail all reductions lately made or now being effected by Education Boards throughout the colony in all salaries or allowances paid to their teachers and other officers, or otherwise, in consequence of retrenchments made in the education vote in the last session of this House." Wm. Jas. Habens.

AUCKLAND. Return showing in Detail the Reductions effected in Salaries, or Otherwise, in consequence of Retrenchment made by Parliament during the Session of 1887 in the Education Vote. Office-staff— £ Secretary and Treasurer, salary from £500 to £400 ... ... ... 100 Senior clerk, salary from £225 to £200 ... ... ... ... ... 25 Junior clerk, dispensed with ... ... ... ... ... ... 80 Inspection — Salaries of three Inspectors, £600, £400, and £400, reduced to £350, £350, and £250 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 450 Travelling-expenses, from allowance of £1 a day to actual travelling-expenses (estimated) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 100 Training College — Principal, dispensed with ... ... ... ... ... ... 500 Vice-principal, dispensed with... ... ... ... ... ... 100 Assistant, dispensed with ... ... ... ... ... ... 200 Master of Thames training-classes, dispensed with ... ... ... 100 Allowances to students, &c, discontinued ... ... ... ... 1,350 Visiting teachers—Singing (2), drill and gymnastics (2), dispensed with... ... 850 District High School closed at Cambridge ... ... ... ... ... 100 Grants to Committees —Reduction of scale ... ... ... ... ... 600 Number of teachers—A gradual saving by bringing the number of teachers into conformity with the regulation scale ... ... ... ... ... 2,000 Salaries of teachers —Scale of salaries of female assistant teachers reduced from £150 maximum to £120 maximum ... ... ... ... ... 170 Total ... ... ... ... ... ... £6,725 Auckland, 23rd May, 1888. Vincent E. Rice, Secretary and Treasurer.



TARANAKI. Reductions in Payments made by the Boaed. Salaeies between £50 and £100, 5 per cent.; salaries over £100, 10 per cent.; pupil-teachers, 10 per cent.; bonuses on certificates, 10 percent.; School Committees, 25 per cent., including former reductions; Inspector, £100 a year—present salary and allowances, £350 ; Secretary, £25 a year—present salary, £150; members' travelling-allowances, 25 per cent., or 2s. 6d. a sitting. E. Veale, Secretary.

WANGANUI. Scale of Payments to School Committees. Undee2s scholars, ss. each per annum; 25 to 34 scholars, £7 10s. per annum ; 35 to 50 scholars, £10 per annum ; 51 to 75 scholars, £13 per annum ; 76 to 100 scholars, £16 per annum ; 101 to 150 scholars, £19 per annum; 151 to 200 scholars, £23 per annum; 201 to 250 scholars, £28 per annum; 251 scholars and upwards, 2s. 6d. each per annum. This effects a saving of £482 per annum. Scale op Payments poe Bonuses on Teachees' Ceetificates. Old Scale.—Cla,ss Al, Ist rank, fixed salary; A 2 and 81, 2nd rank, £70; A3, 82, and Cl, 3rd rank, £60; A 4, 83, 02, and Dl, 4th rank, £50; A 5, 84, C 3, D 2, and El, sth rank, £40; 85, C 4, D 3, and E2, 6th rank, £35; 05, D 4, and E3, 7th rank, £30; D 5 and E4, Bth rank, £25; E5, 9th rank, £20. Reduced Scale.— Class A 2, £45: 81, £45; A3, 82, and Cl, £40; 83, 02, and Dl, £35; 03, D 2, and El, £30; D 3 and E2, £25; E3, £20. Class A 4, £25; 84, £20; C 4, £17 10s.; D 4, £15 ; E4, £12 10s. Class A 5, £10; 85, £8 155.; 05, £7 10s.; D 5, £6 55.; E5, £5. A. A. Beowne, Secretary.

Scale of Reductions in Salaries.

Female assistants in the above schools, two-thirds these rates. Other female assistants, £84 per annum, with three-fourths of bonus as per new scale. Pupil-teachers remain as heretofore. Reduction in Secretary's salary, £25 per annum. Scale op Stafp and Salaeies. The Board will grant to any full-time school at which the number of pupils in average attendance is twenty-four or under a salary afc the rate of £3 15s. per annum on the average attendance, provided that the teacher's salary is supplemented to an extent approved by the Board, and that the minimum rate for an uncertificated female head teacher, with an average attendance of over twenty-four, shall not be less than the maximum rate prescribed by this rule. No allowance will be made for certificates in this class of school. Male head teachers shall be paid on the average attendance at their schools on the following scale :24 and under, £3 15s. per head per annum ; 25 to 35,* £105 ; 36 to 45,* £115 10s.; 46 to 55,* £126; 56 to 65,* £136 10s. ; 66 to 75,* £147 ;76 to 85,* 157 10s.; 86' to 95, 162 155.; 96 to 105, £168 ; 106 to 115, £173 55.; 116 to 125, £178 10s.; 126 to 135, £183 15s. Assistant female teachers, £84 per annum. A. A. Beowne, Secretary.

WELLINGTON. Memoeandum for Seceetaby for Education, Government Buildings. I am directed to inform you, in reply to your memorandum of the 17th May, that due notice has been sent to all teachers and other officers of this Board that considerable reductions will be effected to salaries; but the exact nature and extent of the reductions cannot yet be stated. It will probably equal 10 per cent. Capitation grant to Committees has been reduced from 7s. 6d. to 4s. per head of average attendance, Training-college expenditure has entirely ceased, and the scienceteacher has been dispensed with. As soon as I can do so I will furnish you with the fullest particulars. Ist June, 1888. A. Dobset, Secretary.

* With an increase for intermediate attendances of £5 for every five complete.

Attendance. Headmaster. First Assistant Master. Second Assistant Master. Third Assistant Master. £ 185 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 £ 130 130 135 140 150 160 170 180 £ £ .36 to 161 ... .62 to 186 ... .87 to 212 ... 113 to 250 ... [51 to 300 ... !01to350 ... 151 to 400 ... =01 to 450 ... 100 110 120 125 125 130 135 100 105 110 115



HAWKE'S BAY. Sic, — Education Office, Napier, 2lst May, 1888. In reply to your circular letter dated the 17th instant I have the honour to report that no reductions have been made by the Board of this district in the salaries or allowances paid to teachers and other officers in consequence of retrenchment made in the education vote in the last session of Parliament. The scale of salaries paid to the teachers in this district you will find on pages 22 and 23 of the Appendices to the Board's report, a copy of which is posted herewith. The salaries are exclusive of house-allowances, which are paid to all principal teachers, and a few assistant teachers where no house is provided (see page 7, Board's report). In addition to salaries, the Board, with a view to thoroughness in the preparation of the standard work, has hitherto given a bonus to teachers for " work done "in the standard examinations. The bonus has varied in amount from £30 to £10, according to the size of the school and the percentage of standard passes. Although the Board does not guarantee the annual payment of a bonus to teachers, I do not anticipate that any alteration will be made at the close of the present year in consequence of the lowering of the capitation allowance, as the surplus school fund, after payment of all liabilities, estimated on the average attendance for the March quarter, will provide for this special service should the Board decide to continue the practice of paying a bonus, as heretofore. I have, &c, The Secretary, Education Department, Wellington. H. Hill, Secretary.

MAELBOEOUGH. The Board as yet has only reduced salaries when new appointments have been made, as the balance will enable the present salaries to be maintained for a few months, the greatest economy having been practised hitherto. The Secretary, Education Department, Wellington. Jno. T. Eobinson, Secretary.

• • • NELSON. Sm, — Education Office, Nelson, 21st May, 1888. In reply to your circular letter of the 17th instant I have the honour to inform you that the Nelson Board has not deemed it necessary, in consequence of the recent reduction of the education vote, to formulate any general scheme of retrenchment, trusting rather to a judicious lowering of salaries from time to time as vacancies occur. Subjoined is a list of reductions already made in this manner. I have, &c, The Secretary, Education Department, Wellington. Stead Ellis, Secretary.

GEEY. Sm,— Education Office, Greymouth, 28th May, 1888. Herewith please receive statements of the reductions made by the Board. School requisites are still issued to Committees free of charge; and a charge is made to parents to cover cost of fuel, &c. I have, &c, The Secretary, Education Department, Wellington. E. T. Eobinson, Secretary.

Abolishment of all payments and bonuses on account of pupil-teachers—approximate amounts, to take effect from the Ist January, 1888 : J. A. Bromley, head teacher, Hatters' School, £15 ; Leopold De Bakker, head teacher, Notown School, £15 ; James Malcolm, head teacher, Taylorville School, £28; E. A. Scott, head teacher, Dobson School, £28; E. Thornton, head teacher, Greymouth School, 74; Thomas F, O'Day, head teacher, Dunganville School, £15: total, £175. Seduction of Staffs. —Notown School—W. Bundle, pupil-teacher, £30 ; Greymouth School—• Jane Sotheran, removed to Hatters' School, £60; Taylorville School—Eemoval of Miss Harrison to Campbelltown School, replaced by pupil-teacher from Notown School, £40; Dobsou School— Assistant teacher resigned, alteration in staff, £10; Dunganville School—Eemoval of Miss Billett to Westbrook School, replaced by pupil-teacher, £55 : total, £195. Total Seductions, 1888. —Seduction of salaries, £245 ; reduction of staffs, £195 ; abolishment of payments on account of pupil-teachers, £175; abolishment of all grants to Committees, £220: total, £835.

I Former : Present Salaries. Salaries. Mastership, Dovedale Ceachership, Gape Foul wind 3ead-teachership, Denniston 5ead-teachership, Charleston Boys' ilead-teachership, Charleston Girls' Substitution of a probationer for an assistant (transferred to fill a vacancy at Toitoi Valley) at Hardy Street Girls' Assistant in Bridge Street, resigned, not been replaced... salary abolished, and capitation allowance of £4 a head substituted, Fern Flat £ 112 136 170 180 160 100 £ 100 100 150 160 130 18 150 84 56



Statement showing Details of Reduction of Teachers' Salaries, to take effect 1st April, 1888.

WE STL AND. Secretary's Office, Hokitika, 22nd May, 1888. In reply to your circular, I have to inform you that the Board has during the past three years conducted its business so economically that, although the recent retrenchment will necessitate some considerable reduction in its expenditure, yet it has not been thought necessary to act too hastily in this direction. A sub-committee of the Board has been appointed to take the whole question into consideration, and to bring up a recommendation for adoption at the next meeting. As soon as any definite course ha.s been resolved upon you shall be made acquainted with the same. The Secretary, Education Department, Wellington. John Smith.

NOETH CANTEEBUBY. Christchnroh, 22nd May, 1888. As desired in your letter of the 17th instant, I forward particulars of the reductions made by the Board in consequence of retrenchments in the education vote. The Board has also adopted a new scale of staff and salaries, by which, when brought into full operation, some further economy will be effected, mainly by the employment of fewer pupil-teachers and by a decrease in the rates of payment for small schools. Details of these are not given, because the new scale is not a result of the

School. Teacher. Position. Original Salary. J Reduced Rate. Amount of Reduction. Kynnersley Totara Flat Orwell Creek Ahaura Hatter's ... Eed Jack's Notown ... Taylorville Dobson ... Maori Gully Marsden ... Dunganville Cobden J. Dowling T. Thomas E. Eobinson J. Campbell J. A. Bromley E. Batchelor P.Allen D. Corbett Leo. De Bakker ... Wm. Bundle J. Malcolm ... I E. Scott A. Harrison E. Owens ... M. McDonald ... : E. A. Scott Alice White ... ! Eliza Haisty ... I S. A. Coulthard ... W. J. Brassell ... M. A. Pelling ... j T. F. O'Day N. H. Billett Charles Hicks ... Emma Thompson E. Thornton A. A. Adams ... J. H. Malcolm ... j Emma Weaver ... Jane Sotheran ... Florence Lawes Alice Kemple Jeannette Eobinson Florence Brown ... Henry Harrison ... Frederick Gloy ... Christina Blair ... Edith Easson Eva Kilgour Elizabeth Turnbull W. H. A. Craddock* E.N.Gill F. M. Kemple ... W. A. Patrick .. C.J.Patrick Mary Scott T. T. T. T. H.T. A.T. P.T. T. H.T. P.T. H.T. A.T. J.A.T. P.T. P.T. H.T. A.T. P.T. P.T. T. T. H.T. A.T. H.T. A.T. H.T. A.T. A.T. H.M. J.A.T. P.T. P.T. P.T. P.T. P.T. P.T. P.T. P.T. P.T. P.T. '"a 100 108 100 90 155 100 25 90 126 30 200 100 70 30 30 150 100 45 30 90 100 150 75 150 60 300 200 140 200 60 55 55 45 45 30 30 25 25 25 25 250 135 100 117 108 50 £ 90 108 90 90 155 75 25 90 126 30 190 75 70 30 30 150 75 45 30 90 90 150 75 150 60 280 180 140 180 60 55 55 45 45 30 30 25 25 25 25 250 135 75 90 90 50 s 10 I 25 10 25 25 10 Greymouth 20 20 20 ... 'aroa Vestbrook Greenstone 'eremakau H.T. A.T. T. T. T. 25 27 18 of higher class. £200 to £250, accordi ing to receipts. £245 * Teache:



reduction in the education vote, but was resolved upon by the Board in June last, though the actual preparation of it was deferred in view of the possibility of important changes in the educational system being made during the then approaching session of the General Assembly. J. V. Colbokke-Yeel, Secretary. The Secretary, Education Department, Wellington.

(a.) Bonuses. —Akaroa—Nicholls, A., £27. Alford Forest—Wallace, W. G., £31 10s. Amberley —McGregor, Eev. W., £31 10s. Annat—Grant, H. A., £13 10s. Ashburton—Kneen, W. H., £36; Stewart, Jessie, £22 10s. Ashburton Forks—Hale, W., £22 10s. Ashley—Armitage, W. C, £3110s. Barr Hill—Clark, E. H., £13 10s. Bromley — Crockett, G.,£27. Brookside—Thompson, J., £27. Caiietoii—Stirling, W., £18 ; Dohrmann, A., £13 10s. Chertsey- -Todd, D., £27. Christchurch East, Gloucester Street—Scott, J. G. L., £54 ; Just, E. "0., £27 ; Gresham, A., £49 10s.; Eobinson, W. A., £40 10s.; Barker, A., £18; McCormack, A. E., £18; Hamilton, X., £18. Phillipstown—Dunnage, E. S., £18; McCormack, C, £13 10s. Christchurch West—Foster, T. S., £72; Taylor, W., 54; Foster, E. S., £54; Ambrose, I. W., £27; Jack, 8., £36; Owen, S. C, £22 10s.; Menzies, M., £13 10s. ; Kowley, F. J., £6 155.; Harband, A., £36. Side School—Allison, L. M., £22 10s.; Currie, S., £18; Beck, E., £13 10s. Courtenay—Peat, H., £31 10s. Gust—Meredith, E., £27; Douds, M., £13 10s. Dunsandel—Simpson, J., £27. Duvauchelle's Bay —Cheyne, E., £13 10s; Elgin—Bramley, A., £18. Eyreton West—Twosc, E. J., £27. Fendalton—Bullock, S., £27. Fernside—Kime, P., £63. Ferry Eoad—Patterson, J. J., £54; Patterson, A. M., £27. Flaxton, Main— Wilmot, G., £27. French Farm—Knox, J., £22 10s. Gleutunnel—Opie, C. H. A., £27. Halswell—Foster, W. E., £27. Hampstead—Mayne, J. E., £36; Fawcett, L., £18. Harewood Eoad—Cooper, A., £13 10s. Heathcote Valley —Smith-Ansted, E. W., £18. Hinds —Kitchingman, A., £27. Hororata —Carlton, S., £18. Irwell —Tipler, N., £22 10s. Kaiapoi—Anderson, E. J., £27; Young, F. W., £22 10s.; Veysey, M., £22 10s.; Hiatt, M., £18. Kaikoura Town—Eyder, E. 8., £18. Killinchy—Willis, H., £22 10s. Kimberley — Pole, T. L. P., £18. Kirwee— Murdoch, J., £22 10s. Lakeside — Yates, W. M., £13 10s. Lauriston — Lowe, J., £13 10s. Leeston, Main — Mackay, W. 8., £36. Leithfield — Foster, W. H., £18. Lincoln —Banks, W. A., £22 10s. ; Haughton, S., £27. Little Eiver—Gilling, G., £22 10s.; Ansley, A., £13 10s. Loburn —Sloan, W. J., £22 10s. Lyttelton, Main —Dawe, J., £54; Eoss, J., £36; Pitcaithly, G., £27; Deakin, M. L., £6 15s. Lyttelton, Side—Kennedy, E. F., £18. Malvem—Borthwick, J. 8., £22 10s. Mount Somers — Buechler, A., £13 10s. New Brighton — Mclntosh, A., £36. North Eoad, Main—Ferguson, E. H., £22 10s. Opawa—Eitchie, T., £36; Duncan, M., £13 10s. Oxford East—Wilson, H., £54; Seymour, E., £22 10s. Oxford West — Harbidge, J., £22 10s. Papanui—Hughes, T., £27 ; Friar, E., £13 10s. Prebbleton—Low, A. M., £18 ; Eakaia LittleStevenson, A., £18. Eakaia South—Dixon, W., £22 10s. Eangiora—Cumberworth, F. J., £22 10s. Riccarton—Ward, W., £36. Richmond—Howard, C. S., £27; Spence, A. W., £27; Eoss, C. E., £13 10s.; Guiney, S. P., £13 10s.; Craddock, C. E., £4 10s. Eobinson's Bay —Quarterrnain, G., £18. St. Albans,' Main—Speight, J., £27 ; Roberts, M. A., £13 10s.; Weir, M. A., £13 10s. Saltwater Creek—Densham, H. D., £18. Seafield—Herbert, W. H., £58 10s. Sefton—Hammond, H. W., £36. Selwyn—Stewart, D., £36. Southbridge—Gates, T. A., £27. Southbrook—Bingham, T., £22 10s. South Malvern — Nil. Spreydon — Cuthbert, W., £36. Springburn — Tomlinson, T. E., £22 10s. Springston— McCulloch, S., £22 10s. Sydenham—Baldwin, J., £36; Binnie, A.,

Items. Previous Amount. Reduced by Remarks. i rants to Committees £ s. a. 6,650 0 0 3,426 15 Oj & s. a. 1,000 o o; 3,426 15 0! Abolished. For nominal return of teachers who received bonuses see (a.) following. Abolished. For details see (b.) Discontinued. Arrangements are now under consideration by which probably £100 of this will be re-voted. Engagement terminated. Bonuses Drill-instruction school of Art 356 8 8 300 0 0 356 8 8 300 0 0 formal School — Principal First tutor Second tutor ... Kindergarten mistress ... W. P. Bean ... F. J. Atley ... M. deE. Bain M. B. Banks ... Sewing-mistress Two pupil-teachers OfficeSecretary and Treasurer 570 0 0 431 10 0 332 0 01 118 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 117 15 0 96 15 0 12 0 0 80 0 0 570 0 0, 131 10 0 332 0 0 118 0 0 100 0 0| 80 0 0 117 15 0 96 15 0 12 0 0 80 0 O! Engagement terminated. tt it 'i tr ft ii n if if ir 570 0 0 20 0 0 1 tr it Transferred to other schools. Position in Normal School not filled up. Under the new arrangements the Secretary is also required to act as head of the Normal School. First clerk inspection— Three Inspectors at £500 each 250 0 0: 30 0 0 1,500 0 0 300 0 0 The question of the Inspectors' salaries is to be further considered. Total redactions ... 7,071 3 8



£36 ; Bowmaker, J., £27 ; Brock, W., £27 ; Dynes, M., £18 ; McGregor. J. W., £13 10s.; Frizzell, E., £6 155.; Gibson, M. V., £36; Harrison, N., £9. Tai Tapu—Anderson, J., £31 10b. Templeton —Cookson, A., £18. Timvald— Culverhouse, G., £36. Waiau —Marr, T. M., £18. Waikari—Stout, T.; £18. Woodend—Kitchingman, H., £31 10s. Normal School—Wilson, W., £22 10s.; Hardie, C. D., £31 10s.; Hunnibell, F. W., £18 ; Bean, W. D., £13 10s.; Alley, P. J., £4 10s.; Kitchingman, E., £36 ; Baldwin, X., £18 ; Petrie, G., £22 10s. Total, £3,426 15s. (b.) Drill-instruction.— Drill-instructor—Salary, £262 10s. ; forage, £45 ; travelling-expenses, £24 11s. Id.; stationery, gas, and repairs, £24 7s. 7d: total, £356 Bs. Bd.

SOUTH CANTEEBUEY. Sic,— Timara, 22nd May, 1888. I have the honour, by direction of the Board of Education, to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 17th instant, and, in reply, to state that the retrenchments made by the Board in consequence of the reduction made in the education vote in the last session of the House have been— by abolition of bonus, £360; by saving on incidentals, £380 ; by saving on pupil-teachers' salaries, £383 ; by saving on instruction of pupil-teachers, £100; by revision of salaries, £440 : total, £1,663. In accordance with these retrenchments, new scales of salaries, including pupil-teachers', and payments on account of incidental grants, have been prepared, copies of which are herewith forwarded, together with the original scale of salaries and incidentals. I have, &c, The Secretary, Education Department, Wellington. J. H. Bamfield, Secretary.

School Fund. New Scale.

Special Provision fob Schools with an Attendance exceeding 200. Average Bate. Per Annual Payments, Attendance. , ' Annum. Reduced by One-third. 200 to 350 ... 70 6 6 plus 6s. lOd. each ... 121 &5 6 ... 80 16 8 350 „ 500 ... 121 5 0 „ 6s. Bd. „ ... 171 5 0 ... 114 3 4 500 „ 650 ... 171 5 0 „ 6s. 6d. „ ... 220 0 0 ... 146 13 4 650 „ 800 ... 220 0 0 „ 6s. 4d. „ ... 267 10 0 ... 178 6 8 800 „ 950 ... 267 10 0 „ 6s. 2d. „ ... 313 15 0 ... 209 3 4 950 ~1,100 ... 313 15 0 „ 6s. Od. „ ... 358 15 0 ... 239 3 4


Schools with an Lverage Attendance of 24 and under ... 25 to 30 ... 31 „ 40 ... 41 „ 50 ... 51 „ 60 61 „ 70 ... 71 „ 80 ... 81 „ 90 ... 91 „ 100 ... 101 „ 120 ... 121 „ 140 ... 141 „ 160 161 „ 180 ... Per Quarter. £ s. a. 2 15 0 3 2 6 3 10 0 3 17 6 4 5 0 4 12 6 5 0 0 5 7 6 6 2 6 6 17 6 7 12 0 8 7 6 Schools with an Average Attendance Per Quarter. of £ s. a, 181 to 210 ... 9 2 6 211 „ 240 ... 9 17 6 241 „ 270 ... 10 12 6 271 „ 300 ... 11 7 6 301 „ 330 ... 12 2 6 331 „ 360 ... 12 17 6 361 „ 390 ... 13 12 6 391 „ 420 ... 14 7 6 421 „ 450 ... 15 2 6 451 „ 480 ... 15 17 6 481 „ 510 ... 16 12 6 511 „ 540 ... 17 7 6 i Schools with an 'Average Attendance of 541 to 570 571 „ 600 601 „ 630 631 „ 660 661 „ 690 691 „ 720 721 „ 750 751 „ 780 781 „ 810 811 „ 840 841 „ 870 871 „ 900 ! For Quarter. £ s. d. 18 2 6 18 17 6 19 12 6 20 7 6 21 2 6 21 17 6 22 12 6 23 7 6 24 2 6 24 17 6 25 12 6 26 7 6 30 and under ... 31 to 40 41 „ 50 ... 51 „ 60 61 „ 70 ... 3 10 0 4 10 0 5 0 0 5 10 0 6 0 0 Old Scale. 71 to 80 ... 6 10 0 81 „ 90 ... 7 0 0 91 „ 100 ... 7 10 0 101 „ 110 ... 8 0 0 111 „ 120 ... 9 0 0 121 to 130 , 131 „ 1-10 . 141 „ 160 . 161 „ 180 . 181 „ 200 , 9 10 0 10 0 0 10 10 0 11 0 0 11 13 4 * Aided Schools.—The Board wil individual in average attendance from make a grant of 6s. 8d. capitation for incidental expenses, to be paid on each .0 up to 24.

New Scale. Old Scale. <W instruction of pupil-teachers — For the first ... ... £6 per annum For each additional pupil - teacher ... ... £4 „ For instruction of pupil-teachers— For the first ... .. £7 10s. per annum For each additional pupilteacher ... ... £5 Males. Females. Salaries of pupil-teachers— £ £ First year... ... ... 25 20 Second year ... ... 35 30 Third year ... ... 45 '40 Fourth year ... ... 60 50 Males. Females. lalaries of pupil-teachers— £ £ First year ... ... 22 17 Second year ... ... 27 22 Third year ... ... 32 27 Fourth year ... ... 42 37



Scale of Staff and Salaries for Schools with Average Attendance of Twenty-five and Upwards. Old Scale.

New Scale.

Average Attendance. Head Teacher. Increments. 2nd Teacher. 3rd Teacher. 4th Teacher. 51 Teac :h sher. 61 Teai slier. 7ta Teacher. 8th Teacher. 9th Teacher. 10th Teacher. nth Teacher. No. of Teachers. No. of PupilTeachers. Total (exclusive of sewingmistress). 25 to 30 30 „ 34 35 „ 39 40 . 44 45 „ 54 55 „ 64 65 „ 74 75 „ 104 105 „ 144 145 „ 184 185 „ 229 M. £ 130 134 138 142 146 152 158 104 to 176 182 „ 200 206 „ 224 227 „ 233 £ ( By incts. ) \ of £6 / Ditto f By incts. ) 1 of £3 j Ditto M. I F. 12* 12* .. 12* .. ! 12* 75 i 60 80 70 90 80 100 90 110 100 120 | 110 130 120 140 130 150 140 160 j 140 170 i 160 180 170 190 180 195 190 200 j 200 205 | 205 210 210 210 210 210 ' 210 210 ! 210 210 210 M. £ 75 80 P. £ 60 70 M. £ F. £ M. £ F. £ M. £ ■■ I •■ F. £ M. ! F. £ .. I .. I M. £ . F. £ M. 4? F. £ M. I F. £ £ .. .. ■ ■ i * • ■• •• .. . .. .. i .. M. F. £ ! £ *' i ' * .. I .. 1 l I .. .. .. j .. 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 •2 ■2 2 2 3 5 6 230 „ 274 275 „ 319 320 , 364 365 „ 409 410 „ 459 460 „ 509 510 „ 559 560 „ 609 610 , 659 660 „ 709 710 „ 759 760 „ 809 810 „ 859 S60 „ 909 910 „ 959 236 „ 242 245 „ 251 254 „ 260 263 „ 269 272 282 292 302 312 322 332 340 340 340 340 90 100 110 120 130 140 145 150 155 160 165 165 165 165 1 {it: 80 90 100 110 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 150 150 150 75 80 90 100 110 120 130 135 140 145 150 150 150 150 60 70 80 90 100 110 115 120 125 130 135 135 135 135 75 80 90 100 110 120 125 130 135 135 135 135 60 70 80 90 100 105 110 115 120 120 120 120 75 80 90 100 110 115 120 120 120 120 60 70 80 90 100 105 110 110 110 110 75 i 60 80 ! 70 90 : 80 100 90 110 100 110 100 110 100 110 100 .. j .. .. .. - - I .. .. 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 7 8 9 10 1] 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 75 80 90 100 100 100 60 70 80 90 100 100 75 80 90 100 60 70 80 90 75 60 80 70 ■7* fin

30 „ 34 35 „ 39 40 „ 44 45 „ 54 55 „ 64 65 „ 74 75 „ 104 105 „ 144 145 „ 184 185 „ 229 230 „ 274 275 „ 319 320 „ 364 365 „ 409 410 „ 459 460 „ 509 510 „ 559 560 „ 609 610 „ 659 660 „ 709 710 „ 759 760 „ 809 810 „ 859 860 „ 909 910 „ 959 130 133 139 144 150 156 to 168 174 „ 188 195 „ 202 209 216 223 230 237 244 252 260 268 278 284 292 300 800 300 300 3 3 3 3 5 6 6 7 7 7 7 • 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 75 80 90 100 110 120 125 135 145 155 165 170 180 185 190 195 195 195 195 195 195 12* 12* 12* 12* 60 70 80 90 100 105 115 125 135 145 155 165 170 180 190 195 195 195 195 195 195 75 80 90 100 110 115 25 135 140 145 150 155 155 155 155 155 155 60 70 80 90 100 105 115 120 125 130 135 140 140 140 140 140 140 75 80 90 100 110 115 125 130 135 140 140 140 140 140 140 00 70 80 90 100 105 110 115 120 125 125 125 125 125 125 75 80 90 100 110 115 120 125 125 125 125 125 125 60 7080 90 100 105 105 110 110 110 110 110 110 I 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 75 80 90 100 105 110 115 115 115 115 115 60 70 80 90 95 100 105 105 105 105 105 75 80 90 100 105 105 105 105 105 60 70 80 90 95 95 95 95 95 75 80 90 95 95 95 95 GO 70 80 90 95 95 95 75 80 90 95 95 60 70 80 90 95 75 80 90 60 70 80 75 GO 5th A iril, 1888. * Sewing-mistress.



OTAGO. Education Office, Dunedin, 17th May, 1888. In response to the request contained in yours of the 17th instant, I have the honour to forward herewith information with respect to the recent alterations and reductions in salaries and allowances in this district: 1. Teachers' salaries—(a) Eeduction by graduated percentage on salaries over £200 as follows, £800 —1 per cent, on salaries between £200 and £210, 2 per cent, on salaries between £210 and £220, 5 per cent, on salaries between £220 and £240, 7i per cent, on salaries over £240; (6) reduction in classification bonus of £1.0 per rank, £2,800. 2. Training College—■ (a) Abolishment of Model School, reductions in salaries of teachers, and alterations in staff of College and School of Art, £580; (b) lowering bursaries to £35 for males and £20 for females, £244. 3. Office salaries—Eeductions in salaries, and rearrangement of staff, £265. 4. Committee grants—■ Eeduction of grants by one-third, £2,000. Total approximated saving, £6,689. I think the foregoing will furnish you with all the particulars you require. If anything further is found necessary I shall be glad to supply it. The Secretary, Education Department, Wellington. P. G. Pryde, Secretary.

SOUTHLAND. Sir,— Invercargill, 23rd May, 1888. I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your circular of date the 17th instant, asking for detailed information relative to the recent alterations of salaries and allowances payable to teachers and School Committees in this education district in consequence of retrenchments made in the education vote during last session of Parliament, and, in reply, have the honour to enclose a schedule of reductions resolved on by this Board, and brought into operation on the Ist day of March last. The only information other than that contained in the schedule that I think may be of service to you is as follows : —■

In addition to the foregoing I shall be most happy to supply any other information you may desire, if in my power to do so. I have, &c, The Secretary, Education Department, Wellington. John Neill, Secretary.

Education Office, Invercargill, 4th February, 1888. School Committees and teachers in the service of the Board are hereby informed that the following schedule of reductions, to meet the reduced income of the Board, was resolved on at a meeting of the Board held on the 3rd instant. It was further resolved that the reductions take effect on and after the Ist day of March next. By order of the Board, John Neill, Secretary. Schedule op Seductions. 1. Teachers' Salaries. — (a.) Salaries between £150 and £174 (inclusive) to be reduced £3 per cent, (b.) Salaries between £175 and £199 (inclusive) to be reduced £5 per cent, (c.) Salaries between £200 and £249 (inclusive) to be reduced £6 per cent, (d.) Salaries between £250 and £299 (inclusive) to be reduced £8 percent, (c.) Salaries amounting to £300 and upwards to be reduced £10 per ceiat. 2. Bonuses. —All bonuses on teachers' classification to be abolished. 3. Rent-allowances.— (a.) Allowances of £20 per annum to be reduced £25 per cent. (b.) Allowances of £25 per annum to be reduced £40 per cent. (n.) Allowances of £50 per annum to be reduced £50 percent. 4. Uncebtificated Teachers.— (a.) When salary is below £100, the salary payable to each such teacher to be reduced £5 per annum, (b.) When salary is between £100 and £149 (inclusive) the salary payable to each such teacher to be reduced £7 10s. per annum, (c.) When salary is £150 and upwards, the salary payable to each such teacher to be reduced £10 per annum. 5. Female Head Teachers. —Female head teachers in charge of schools to be paid £10 per cent, less than males occupying the same position. 6. Pupil-teachees.—The salaries of pupil-teachers to be reduced £5 per annum in the case of males, and £2 10s. per annum in the case of females. 7. School Committees' Allowances.—Allowances paid to School Committees to be reduced by £10 per cent. [Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, nil; printing (1,300 copies), £G 3s. 6d.]

Authority: Geobgis Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBBB.

Clause of Schedule. Estimated Amount operated on. Estimated Saving effected. 1. Teachers' salaries 2. Bonuses 3. Bent-allowances 4. Uncertificated teachers ... 5. Female head teachers 6. Pupil-teachers ... 7. School Committees'allowances ... £ s. a. 7,852 13 0 408 3 2 340 0 0 43 teachers 1,591 9 2 35 pupil-teachers 1,373 13 10 £ 394 408 105 300 159 105 137 s. a. 6 10 3 2 0 0 0 0 2 11 0 0 7 4 Total estimated saving effectei £1,609 0 3

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Bibliographic details

REDUCTIONS MADE BY EDUCATION BOARDS (RETURN OF), IN SALARIES OR ALLOWANCES TO TEACHERS, ETC., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1888 Session I, E-15

Word Count

REDUCTIONS MADE BY EDUCATION BOARDS (RETURN OF), IN SALARIES OR ALLOWANCES TO TEACHERS, ETC. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1888 Session I, E-15

REDUCTIONS MADE BY EDUCATION BOARDS (RETURN OF), IN SALARIES OR ALLOWANCES TO TEACHERS, ETC. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1888 Session I, E-15