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TARANAKI. Reductions in Payments made by the Boaed. Salaeies between £50 and £100, 5 per cent.; salaries over £100, 10 per cent.; pupil-teachers, 10 per cent.; bonuses on certificates, 10 percent.; School Committees, 25 per cent., including former reductions; Inspector, £100 a year—present salary and allowances, £350 ; Secretary, £25 a year—present salary, £150; members' travelling-allowances, 25 per cent., or 2s. 6d. a sitting. E. Veale, Secretary.

WANGANUI. Scale of Payments to School Committees. Undee2s scholars, ss. each per annum; 25 to 34 scholars, £7 10s. per annum ; 35 to 50 scholars, £10 per annum ; 51 to 75 scholars, £13 per annum ; 76 to 100 scholars, £16 per annum ; 101 to 150 scholars, £19 per annum; 151 to 200 scholars, £23 per annum; 201 to 250 scholars, £28 per annum; 251 scholars and upwards, 2s. 6d. each per annum. This effects a saving of £482 per annum. Scale op Payments poe Bonuses on Teachees' Ceetificates. Old Scale.—Cla,ss Al, Ist rank, fixed salary; A 2 and 81, 2nd rank, £70; A3, 82, and Cl, 3rd rank, £60; A 4, 83, 02, and Dl, 4th rank, £50; A 5, 84, C 3, D 2, and El, sth rank, £40; 85, C 4, D 3, and E2, 6th rank, £35; 05, D 4, and E3, 7th rank, £30; D 5 and E4, Bth rank, £25; E5, 9th rank, £20. Reduced Scale.— Class A 2, £45: 81, £45; A3, 82, and Cl, £40; 83, 02, and Dl, £35; 03, D 2, and El, £30; D 3 and E2, £25; E3, £20. Class A 4, £25; 84, £20; C 4, £17 10s.; D 4, £15 ; E4, £12 10s. Class A 5, £10; 85, £8 155.; 05, £7 10s.; D 5, £6 55.; E5, £5. A. A. Beowne, Secretary.

Scale of Reductions in Salaries.

Female assistants in the above schools, two-thirds these rates. Other female assistants, £84 per annum, with three-fourths of bonus as per new scale. Pupil-teachers remain as heretofore. Reduction in Secretary's salary, £25 per annum. Scale op Stafp and Salaeies. The Board will grant to any full-time school at which the number of pupils in average attendance is twenty-four or under a salary afc the rate of £3 15s. per annum on the average attendance, provided that the teacher's salary is supplemented to an extent approved by the Board, and that the minimum rate for an uncertificated female head teacher, with an average attendance of over twenty-four, shall not be less than the maximum rate prescribed by this rule. No allowance will be made for certificates in this class of school. Male head teachers shall be paid on the average attendance at their schools on the following scale :24 and under, £3 15s. per head per annum ; 25 to 35,* £105 ; 36 to 45,* £115 10s.; 46 to 55,* £126; 56 to 65,* £136 10s. ; 66 to 75,* £147 ;76 to 85,* 157 10s.; 86' to 95, 162 155.; 96 to 105, £168 ; 106 to 115, £173 55.; 116 to 125, £178 10s.; 126 to 135, £183 15s. Assistant female teachers, £84 per annum. A. A. Beowne, Secretary.

WELLINGTON. Memoeandum for Seceetaby for Education, Government Buildings. I am directed to inform you, in reply to your memorandum of the 17th May, that due notice has been sent to all teachers and other officers of this Board that considerable reductions will be effected to salaries; but the exact nature and extent of the reductions cannot yet be stated. It will probably equal 10 per cent. Capitation grant to Committees has been reduced from 7s. 6d. to 4s. per head of average attendance, Training-college expenditure has entirely ceased, and the scienceteacher has been dispensed with. As soon as I can do so I will furnish you with the fullest particulars. Ist June, 1888. A. Dobset, Secretary.

* With an increase for intermediate attendances of £5 for every five complete.

Attendance. Headmaster. First Assistant Master. Second Assistant Master. Third Assistant Master. £ 185 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 £ 130 130 135 140 150 160 170 180 £ £ .36 to 161 ... .62 to 186 ... .87 to 212 ... 113 to 250 ... [51 to 300 ... !01to350 ... 151 to 400 ... =01 to 450 ... 100 110 120 125 125 130 135 100 105 110 115