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H.—l 5.



Presented to both Souses of the General Assembly by command of His Excellency.

No. 1. Mr. W. Gisboene to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet. Office of the Civil Service Examination Board, SIR,— Wellington, 12th July, 1873. I have the honor to report that during the last year, 1872-3, twenty-six candidates have been examined by the Board. Of these, twelve have passed the junior, and six the senior examination. During the years 1871 and 1872 the examinations were, by the regulations, fixed for the months of April and October, but it was found impossible to hold the latter examination regularly in consequence of the General Assembly being then in session, of the extra work thrown upon the members and Secretary of the Board, and of tho impossibility of getting the examination papers printed in time. Taking these matters into consideration, the Board recommended that the examinations should be held in June and December, and at the same time suggested some slight alterations in the regulations. The amended regulations were submitted to His Excellency the Governor in Council, approved, and published in the New Zealand Gazette of the 27th February last (copy attached). Copies of these regulations, together with forms of applications to be examined, have been deposited in the offices of the Clerks of the Bench at the chief towns throughout the Colony, for the use of intending candidates, and they are being largely used. The number of candidates examined by the Board is as follows : — January, 1869, to January, 1871 (during which period there was only one class of examination) ... ... 34 examined, 20 passed. January, 1871, to June, 1872 { ~ g - 15 g » J™; July, 1872, to June, 1873 { /; g ■ & » jgjj A nominal return of those who have passed is annexed. There are already several applications for the December examination. Of the sum voted by the General Assembly last year for the purposes of the Board, X'2oo, there has been expended in the purchase of books, preparation of examination papers, fees to local examiners, &c, £114 14s. 9d. This latter amount will most probably be exceeded during the present year, should the number of candidates continue to increase. In begging that you will be good enough to cause a copy of this report, and of the accompanying regulations, to be laid before Parliament, I would respectfully point out that the examination is in no way competitive, but is intended to show that youths who enter the Civil Service have attained a, certain standard of education When the Board was first established there was only one class of examination, but after two years' experience of the working of that system, the Board came to the conclusion that it would be much better to divide the examination into two branches—one, the junior, qualifying for admission into the service ; the other, the senior, qualifying for promotion to any class above the fourth. This system is working well. Many candidates take up the two branches at the same time; while that numerous class of youths who leave school before their education has been completed, have an incentive to pursue their studies in their leisure hours, and so qualify themselves for the higher grades of the Civil Service. I have, &c, W. Gisborne, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, &c, &c. Chairman.





Names. 6 '•u 1 I I 5 8 c 5^ H -4-> & § 3 CD o S o o o H R a M d i 3 ■ s ■f! c o E 5 g CO bo . 3 lore, ft... Vebb, P. 3ross, H. daginity, A. T. ... Pully, J. ilacan, G. H. lackworth, J. B.... Jray, J. W. )imino, S. iibbald, \V. Vard, G. levans, C. ?abuteau, J. M. ... Vincent, R. H. ... Jibbes, E. O. darks, E. i'itzgerald, W. Fitzgerald, R. tiddiford, R. X X x x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x x x x x x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x X X X X X X X X X X I X x X X x X X X X X X X X X X X X X x X X x X X x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x X x=Subj its taki in u Candidates.

Names. Subjects. Jaxwell, A. J. inook, R. A. Jarraud, E. N. Jest, E. )alcott, W. C. }lapham, G. J. Nicholls, A. R. 'ark, R. G. Vebb, C. A. Jovett, R. H. iouter, D. Jlackett, G. )ignan, R. Vitherby, D. W. }hurton, J. F. )ean, J. H. Fitzgerald, G. Cully, C. J. J. H. sfixon, C. S. *<• English, Arithmetic, Geography, History. All compulsory. Senior Examination. Names. d o 2 £ p< ■9 E to o GO O 4a o s 0 a o 3 O 'o E (9 M a 'ft da o a o M s o a o Ph .d BO 1 d hH u o -^ -/; in CD O E o ,d q a i i O a a) E a Nicholls, A. R. Park, R. G. ... Webb, C. A. ... Govett, R. H. Souter, D. Blackett G. ... Nixon, J. H.... Nixon, C. S. ... 1st 3rd 3rd 2nd 3rd 1st 3rd 3rd 2nd 3rd 3rd 1st 3rd 2nd 1st 1st 3rd hH 3rd 1st N.P. 3rd N.P. I—i 2nd 1st 3rd 2nd 3rd 3rd 3rd hH 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd hH hH hH 1st M N.P. N.P. 1st 2nd hh H M H M hH M H N.P. HH 3rd H N.P. i—i N.P. h-H i—i i—i N.P. hH N.P. M I—I hH 2nd I—I hH I—I hH 2nd 1st 1st hH M H r—I hH 2nd 3rd 3rd hH hH hH i—i hH -H r—I 1st 1st hH M hH hH i—i M hH hH M hH hH H hH hH I—I hH hH Note. —N.P.=: tot pas: :d. 1st, 2nd, 3rd=p; issed i: 11st, 2i subject. id, or 3rd Class of Merit. HH =did not take u; the



Enclosure 2 in No. 1. Regulations eespecting Examinations tjndee " The Civil Seevice Act, 1866." 1. No person can enter the Civil Service as a probationer, or a as subordinate of the fifth class, unless he shall be of the full age of seventeen years, and not more than twenty-two years. The Board of Examiners may, however, examine candidates who are not younger than fifteen years. 2. Every candidate for examination must apply to be examined in a form to be prescribed by the Board, such application to be addressed to the Secretary, and to be accompanied by the following certificates: — Age. —Certificate from Registrar of Birth. Any person unable to procure such certificate to account for its non-production, and to prove his age by satisfactory evidence. Health. —A certificate of health signed by some legally qualified Medical Practitioner. Character. —A certificate of general good conduct from some Clergyman or Schoolmaster. 3. The examination shall be divided into two branches, —the one qualifying for appointment, the other qualifying for promotion to any class above the fourth. One branch shall be called the Junior Examination, and the other branch shall be called the Senior Examination. 4. Every candidate must pass the Junior Examination (see section 9) before he shall be eligible far any appointment in the Civil Service. 5. Every person appointed under these regulations must pass the Senior Examination (see section 10) before he shall be eligible for promotion to any class above the fourth. 6. The Board shall have power, subject to the Governor's approval, to vary the optional subjects, and to frame such further rules for the conduct of examinations as they may deem fit,,due notice of which shall be published in the New Zealand Gazette. 7. Every candidate must pass a certain standard of proficiency, to be fixed by the Board of Examiners. The Board, in publishing the result of examinations, shall classify the successful candidates according to merit; but the examination is not competitive for office, the Government being entitled to select any successful candidate for appointment at its discretion. 8. Examinations shall be held at such times and places, and before such persons, as the Board may from time to time appoint. 9. Junior Examination. English. —lncluding dictation, reading, spelling, grammar, and composition. Arithmetic. —Including vulgar and decimal fractions. History and Geography.


Names. Subjects. 5urnett, J. Jlackett, J. W. ... Rickerman, C. R. »ratt, C. E. Vither, F. Juckland, J. Jooper, W. larehant, F. W. ... English, Arithmetic, Geography, History. » All compulsory. . Senior rATio: o C CO eji q 'a CD 9 9 Ph Names. A To § W o s 3 d 1 hH I151 A O o 5 M 0) c o u a B hH d 3 y o 5 5 I 05 E S B < s s o o o I—I CO Ph »d o cS o Ai rickerman, C. R. ilackett, J. W. Surnett, J. Either F. )ean, J. H. larchanc, F. W. 2nd 1st 1st 3rd 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 1st 3rd 3rd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 2nd 2nd 3rd 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd 2nd 1st hH N.P. 3rd 3rd N.P. hH 1st 1st 2nd 1st 3rd N.P. 1st 2nd 3rd 2nd 3rd 3rd hH hH 2nd >-* hH hH hH hH hH hH hH hH N.P. 3rd 3rd hH hH hH hH M M r-i hH hH hH hH hH hH hH 3rd hH M hH hH hH hH hH hH hH hH hH ote. —N.P.=;not pas: led. li it, 2nd, 3rd=; iassed the in 1st, ; subjeci 2nd, or 3rd Clas: of ierit. hH=di id not tal :e up



10. Senioe Examination. Compulsory Subjects. — English, Latin, Arithmetic, and Geography. Optional Subjects. — Greek, French, German, Maori, Algebra, Geometry, Physical Science History, Book-keeping, Shorthand. The candidate must pass in at least two of the optional subjects in addition to the compulsory subjects. _ _ % 11. Any candidate may undergo the Junior and Senior Examinations at the same time; but no candidate shall be eligible for the Senior Examination unless he has passed the Junior Examination. 12. Every passed candidate may receive a certificate, signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Board, on payment of a fee of one pound. 13. A register of candidates who have been examined shall be kept by the Board, and lists of those who pass shall be published from time to time in the New Zealand Gazelle. Rules Peesceibed by the Boaed of Examinees, with the appeoval op His Excellency the Goveenob. [Under Regulation 6 of " Regulations respecting Examinations under ' The Civil Service Act, 1866.' "J I. —Conduct of Examinations. Examinations will be held in June and December. All candidates for examination must make application to the Secretary according to Form A in the Schedule. Applications must be lodged not later than the Ist of May for the June examination, and not later than the Ist of November for the December examination. Notice will be given to candidates by the Secretary to the Board, or by the Local Examiner, of the exact time and place of examination. Further instructions will also be forwarded at the same time. II. —Subjects of Examination. JUNIOB EXAMINATION. Compulsory Subjects. English. —Dictation, reading, spelling, grammar, and composition. Arithmetic. —Including vulgar and decimal fractions. History. —History of England. Geography. SENIOE EXAMINATION. Compulsory Subjects. English. —Dictation, reading, spelling, grammar, and composition (including abstract and precis writing). Latin. —Any one of the following: Sallust. —Catiline and Jugurtha. Virgil. —Any four books of the .ZEneid ; the Board to be informed which books are chosen. Horace. —l. Odes and Epodes; or, 2, Satires and Epistles: the Board to be informed of the selection. Ccesar. —De Bello Gallico. Cicero —Orations. Passages for translation will be set from these authors, and candidates will be required to answer grammatical and historical questions arising out of the passages so set. . Arithmetic. Geography. —Political and Physical. Optional Subjec\s. Any two or more of the following subjects, at the option of the candidate :— Greek. —Any one of the following :— Xenophon. —Anabasis. Homer. —Any one book of the Iliad. jEschylus, Sophocles, or Euripides. —Any ono play. Passages for translation will be set from these authors, and candidates will be required to answer grammatical and historical questions arising out of the passage so set. French. German. Maori. Algebra. —So far as to include the solution of quadratic equations. Geometry. —The first Four Books of Euclid. Physical Science. —Outlines of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, or Geology. History. —History of England, including Colonial History, especially of New Zealand. Book-keeping. Shorthand. lll.—Registee and Cebtificates. Tho Register of Candidates shall be kept according to Form B in the Schedule. Certificates will be issued in the form C in the Schedule to candidates who pas 3 the Junior Examination. Certificates will be issued in the form D in the Schedule to candidates who pass the Senior Examination.



IV. —Classification. Senior Examination. The names of successful candidates in the Senior Examination will be published in the order of comparative proficiency, ascertained by the total number of marks received by each candidate in all the subjects in which he has passed. No marks will be allowed for any subject in which the candidate has not received the minimum number of marks required for passing. Certificates will be issued to passed candidates on the following principle :— First Class. —For each subject in which a candidate shall obtain not less than two-thirds of the maximum number of marks allotted thereto. Second Class. —For each subject in which a candidate shall obtain less than two-thirds, but not less than one-half, of the maximum number of marks alloted thereto. Third Class. —For each subject in which a candidate shall obtain less than one-half of the maximum number of marks alloted thereto.


Eoem A. F0E1I OF APPLICATION TO BE EXAMINED. To le filled up by the Candidate himself. Clsas of Examination (Junior or Senior, or both) Christian Name and Surname (infull) Address to •which the result of the Examination is to be sent... Date of Birth Age last Birthday Place of Birth Father's Name „ Residence „ Profession or Trade (If deceased, give last residence, Afc.) School or Schools at which educated ... Age on finally quitting School Employment since quitting School (Full particulars should be given under this head of your Employers' names, addresses, and business, your position and salary, length of stay, and cause of leaving each situation.) Optional subjects selected in Senior Examination ... Usual signature, and date Fo: of Candidates Examined b 1 im B. the Board of Civil Service Examiners. :oiste: 9 o ,a fa o fa o el O EC I* s ° c) 'a m a .2 a .2 i H M -_ C o i Pi ■A £■ ■s a g t? 5° 1 -g § 3 £ W <) ,_i Cs n : 3 PI bo .2 c h= i , i i % 4 I I § % I a -g i 1 O d 31 c B cS Maximum and Minimum Number of Marks. 1 00 1 H d 6 bo Note.—N.P '. not passe cd. 1st ClasB, 2nd C m =Did Class, 3rd Class=pa not attempt the si pas: bill as6ed in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Class subject. of ar< •il, 2—H. 1 5. I


Form C. JUNIOE EXAMINATION. We hereby certify that on the day of , 187 , was duly examined according to the provisions of " The Civil Service Act, 1866," and that he has passed his Junior Examination qualifying him for an appointment in the Civil Service of the Colony. Dated at Wellington, this day of , 187 . Chairman of the Board of Examiners. Secretary. Form D. SENIOB EXAMINATION. We hereby certify that on the day of , 187 , was duly examined according to the provisions of " The Civil Service Act, 1866," and that he has passed his Senior Examination qualifying him for promotion in the Civil Service of the Colony. In the First Class of Merit for In the Second Class of Merit for In the Third Class of Merit for Dated at Wellington, this day of 187 . Chairman of Board of Examiners. Secretary. N.B. —No particular Text Books are prescribed; the following arc suggested as useful, but tho Board of Examiners do not bind themselves to their use exclusively:— English Grammar and Analysis—Morell's. Greek and Latin authors—Any good text. Arithmetic —Colenso's or Barnard Smith's. Algebra—Colenso's. Euclid-^Potts', Cambridge. Natural Philosophy—Ward's Elements of Natural Philosophy. Chemistry—Smith's Inorganic Chemistry for Elementary Classes, fourth edition. Zoology—Nicholson's Introductory Text Book for Junior Classes. Botany—Oliver's Lessons on Botany. Geology—Page's Introductory Text Book. English History—Dr. Smith's smaller. Geography—Hughes'. Shorthand —Pitman's.


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REPORT OF CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION BOARD., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1873 Session I, H-15

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REPORT OF CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION BOARD. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1873 Session I, H-15

REPORT OF CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION BOARD. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1873 Session I, H-15