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IV. —Classification. Senior Examination. The names of successful candidates in the Senior Examination will be published in the order of comparative proficiency, ascertained by the total number of marks received by each candidate in all the subjects in which he has passed. No marks will be allowed for any subject in which the candidate has not received the minimum number of marks required for passing. Certificates will be issued to passed candidates on the following principle :— First Class. —For each subject in which a candidate shall obtain not less than two-thirds of the maximum number of marks allotted thereto. Second Class. —For each subject in which a candidate shall obtain less than two-thirds, but not less than one-half, of the maximum number of marks alloted thereto. Third Class. —For each subject in which a candidate shall obtain less than one-half of the maximum number of marks alloted thereto.


Eoem A. F0E1I OF APPLICATION TO BE EXAMINED. To le filled up by the Candidate himself. Clsas of Examination (Junior or Senior, or both) Christian Name and Surname (infull) Address to •which the result of the Examination is to be sent... Date of Birth Age last Birthday Place of Birth Father's Name „ Residence „ Profession or Trade (If deceased, give last residence, Afc.) School or Schools at which educated ... Age on finally quitting School Employment since quitting School (Full particulars should be given under this head of your Employers' names, addresses, and business, your position and salary, length of stay, and cause of leaving each situation.) Optional subjects selected in Senior Examination ... Usual signature, and date Fo: of Candidates Examined b 1 im B. the Board of Civil Service Examiners. :oiste: 9 o ,a fa o fa o el O EC I* s ° c) 'a m a .2 a .2 i H M -_ C o i Pi ■A £■ ■s a g t? 5° 1 -g § 3 £ W <) ,_i Cs n : 3 PI bo .2 c h= i , i i % 4 I I § % I a -g i 1 O d 31 c B cS Maximum and Minimum Number of Marks. 1 00 1 H d 6 bo Note.—N.P '. not passe cd. 1st ClasB, 2nd C m =Did Class, 3rd Class=pa not attempt the si pas: bill as6ed in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Class subject. of ar< •il, 2—H. 1 5. I