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Form C. JUNIOE EXAMINATION. We hereby certify that on the day of , 187 , was duly examined according to the provisions of " The Civil Service Act, 1866," and that he has passed his Junior Examination qualifying him for an appointment in the Civil Service of the Colony. Dated at Wellington, this day of , 187 . Chairman of the Board of Examiners. Secretary. Form D. SENIOB EXAMINATION. We hereby certify that on the day of , 187 , was duly examined according to the provisions of " The Civil Service Act, 1866," and that he has passed his Senior Examination qualifying him for promotion in the Civil Service of the Colony. In the First Class of Merit for In the Second Class of Merit for In the Third Class of Merit for Dated at Wellington, this day of 187 . Chairman of Board of Examiners. Secretary. N.B. —No particular Text Books are prescribed; the following arc suggested as useful, but tho Board of Examiners do not bind themselves to their use exclusively:— English Grammar and Analysis—Morell's. Greek and Latin authors—Any good text. Arithmetic —Colenso's or Barnard Smith's. Algebra—Colenso's. Euclid-^Potts', Cambridge. Natural Philosophy—Ward's Elements of Natural Philosophy. Chemistry—Smith's Inorganic Chemistry for Elementary Classes, fourth edition. Zoology—Nicholson's Introductory Text Book for Junior Classes. Botany—Oliver's Lessons on Botany. Geology—Page's Introductory Text Book. English History—Dr. Smith's smaller. Geography—Hughes'. Shorthand —Pitman's.