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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by command of His Excellency. No. 1. Captain Gilbert Mair to the Acting Under Secretary for Defence (per Major Roberts). Sir, — Camp Kaiteriria, 4th June, 1873. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter (No. 88-Ib, 28th April, 1873), and beg to forward the following imperfect report of the amount of road work, &c, performed by the Native Contingent under my command during the years 1871-3. From its formation in March, 1870, to the end of 1872, the Native Contingent was constantly employed on expeditions after Te Kooti and scouting the Kaingaroa and Urewera country. Since that period it has been occupied, except when on expedition, Ist. In widening and improving bridle tracks to Taupo, Niho ote Kiore, Paeroa, Te Teko, Fort Galatea, Rotorua, &c. 2nd, In making road between this post and Tarawera, excavating rock and fixing culverts on main road between Niho o te Kiore and Taupo, and excavating rock and making approaches to Ateamuri Bridge. Attached is a rough recapitulation of work performed and approximate estimate of its value. From the irregular manner in which the work has been done, and the absence of proper measurements, I find it impossible to give the amounts performed during each financial year. The total amount of work will appear very little indeed when contrasted with that perfoimed by Captain Preece's Contingent, but I would here explain that I had the greatest difficulty possible with the Ngatiwhakaue, Ngatitu, Tuhourangi, and other Natives, they being extremely jealous of any road being made through their land, unless thay were employed by Government. I have, &c, The Acting Under Secretary for Defence, Gilbert Mair, Captain N.Z.M., (Militia and Volunteer Branch) Commanding Native Contingent. Wellington.

Enclosure to No. 1. SCHEDULE. APPROXIMATE AMOUNT and ESTIMATED VALUE of ROAD WORK, &c., performed by Captain Gilbert Mair's Native Contingent, from March, 1870 to 1873.

Particulars. Distances, &c. Value. Remarks. L Road between Kaiteriria and Te Wairoa Settlement, Tarawera Lake, 10 feet wide, all side cutting !. Bridle track to Paeroa & Ohaki 3 miles £ s. d. 230 0 0 A gTeat part of this road is very rocky, obsidian and scoria boulders—a road very much used Building crossings over swamps, side cuttings, &c, at OtuteKaiwharawhara Filling up swamps, cutting down ti-tree and fern,and improving old track Making side cutting, crossings to streams at Waipa, &c. Removing fallen trees, widening road, clearing out rocks, &c. Clearing ti-tree and fern, making side cutting up hill to Pakaraka, side cutting at Okaru Lake 2i miles 30 10 0 i. Bridle track between Kaiteriria and Tapahoro 20 miles 35 0 0 :. Bridle track between Kaiteriria and Rotorua i. Tarawera, Rotorua Roads 1 mile 15 0 0 3| miles 12 0 0 !. Kaiteriria and Galatea Bridle Track 10 miles 50 10 0 Carried forward 379 0 0


No. 2. Captain Preece (per Major Roberts) to the Hon. the Native Minister. Sir,— Te Teko, 19th June, 1873. In compliance with instructions contained in a letter from the Under Secretary for Defence, dated 28th April, 1873, No. 87b, I have the honor to forward the following report of all road work done by my Company of Native Contingent for the information of the Hon. the Defence Minister : — In the month of January, 1871, tools having been obtained, a road 14 feet wide was commenced across the Titinaroa swamp the object being to cut off about six miles of the road to Matata by making a more direct line. Great difficulty was experienced in making this road, the swamp being 52 chains across, and being from 3to 9 feet deep, with a strong flow of water in places. Manuka fascines were cut, and laid across the swamp, and the men worked in the water up to their waist, throwing mud on the fascines ; the progress was necessarily very slow and laborious, as all the fascines had to be cut at a distance, and carried by men to the road. During the winter of 1871, the work had to be abandoned, in consequence of the quantity of water in the swamp, and was not again resumed until December, 1871, the men being engaged on a succesesion of expeditions in pursuit of Te Kooti. From December, 1871, to May, 1872, five fresh layers of fascines on one part and two on another part were cut and laid on ; the men were again employed working in the water, throwing clay from the sides to cover the fascines. Timber was squared and floated 20 miles down the Rangitaiki, through rough country, for the purpose of making bridges over places left open to carry off the water. A strong substantial bridge was made over the Titinaroa creek, and three bridge culverts were made in other parts of the swamp. In estimating the value of these bridges, I have only put a small price on them, but would beg to state that great difficulty then existed in getting timber ; the sleepers, sills, ifcc, had to be hewn out of trees (totara), and carried by hand a considerable distance, and then rafted down the river. From January until the 25th May, very few men could be spared for this work, in consequence of other road work and also expeditions after Te Kooti. In the month of May, it was found necessary to hire canoes to convey earth along the ditches on each side of the road to cover the fascines. By this means, the work was pushed on and completed. 39 chains of formation were made 20 feet wide from Titinaroa to Te Teko, over fern and manuka scrub. Side cuttings consisting of 880 cubic yards were made near Tarawera Lake on the road to Kaiteriria. 36 chains of horse track were completed at Ohui to make a short cut for packhorses going to Fort Galatea instead of keeping the cart road. At Ngatamawahine 751 cubic yards of side cutting were removed, and a bridge built 25 x 13, with 4 stringers, 2 sills, planking, totara timber, squared by Native Contingent, and rafted down the river 6 miles, and carried by men 600 yards. At Pokairoa 234 cubic yards of block cutting through clay and 508 cubic yards through cement and rock, 722 cubic yards of clay side cutting, bridge 26 x 13, with 4 stringers, 2 sills, totara planking squared out of solid timber by Native Contingent and carted 12 miles (hire of bullocks paid by Public Works Department.) At Pahekeheke 6960 cubic yards of clay side cutting, 528 cubic yards of rock side cutting, bridge 21 x 12, 3 stringers, hewn timber carted 14£ miles. At Tikitu 2551 cubic yards side cutting clay, 40 chains formation.


iCHEDULE—I hnuei Particulars. Distances, &c. Value. Remarks. Brought forward '. Opening new bridle track to Niho o te Kiore '. Main road to Taupo from Niho o te Kiore Tuahu Cutting, Excavating rock on do do •. Tauranga-Taupo Road, Ateamuri Bridge approaches, side cutting, blasting and removing rock on do £ 379 18 s. d. 0 0 0 0 28 miles Bridging small swamps, &c. 1 mile 100 0 0 Heavy side cutting, culverts, filling up and levelling 800 cubic yards, at2sper cub.yd. 800 cubic yards soft rock and earth 1210 cubic yards of rock, at 4s per cub. yd. 80 36 242 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hard scoria Principally quartz boulders, Aim travertine and conglomerate Very hard indeed ; great difficult] in getting drills hard enougl Building retaining wall, both ends of Bridge .0. Sundry repairs to different roads .1. Cutting lines for Government Surveyors 40 0 0 15 18 0 0 0 0 Clearing off fern, ti-tree, &c. Tikitapu and Rotorua Road surve] 928 0 0 Gilbert ] Coe Hair, Captain N.Z.M., imanding Native Contingent. Kaiteriria, 4th June, 1873.



At Waikowhewhe 2517 cubic yards clay side cutting, 977 cubic yards of stone embankment, 342 cubic yards of rock side cutting. Bridge 26 x 14, 4 stringers, 2 sills, totara timber hewn by Native Contingent and carted 17 miles. In the month of December, 1871, it w<as found necessary to have a packing track cut through the bush to Ahikereru in order to take supplies in for men on expeditions, 480 chains of bush track were cut, and 40 chains of side cutting. The total number of chains of road work done by the Native Contingent from the Ist of January, 1871, to the 31st of May, 1872, was 830, and the number of cubic yards removed 27,381. Timber for planking Titinaroa Bridge, and three bridge culverts, was cut by members of the Native Contingent, and carted from Fort Galatea, a distance of 32 miles. The following road work was done by the Native Contingent from the Ist of June, 1872, to the 31st of May, 1873:— TE TEKO AND OTEKIRI ROAD. The road having been completed across the Titinaroa Swamp, the men were put to work on the other side to continue the road to Tarawera River. At Titinaroa, light swamp embankment, 10,315 cubic yards, 91 chains formation ; at Motukiwi, formation 76 j chains light fern land, embankment 4,081 cubic yards, swamp and heavy manuka and flax land ; at Okameke, 1,397 cubic yards embankment, swamp, fascined with manuka (fascines drawn by bullock dray) 21 chains formation, high manuka land; at Otikiri, 175 cubic yards embankment, swamp land, heavy manuka and flax; Te Tiko, 9J chains formation, grass land. TE TEKO AND FORT GALATEA ROAD. At Ohui, 1,064 cubic yards of clay, block cutting, side cutting clay, 4,920 cubic yards, embankment 1,026 cubic yards ; formation 79 chains, fern land; at Fort Alfred, side cutting, 3,328 cubic yards, granite rock and clay, and 2,129 cubic yards, side cutting clay, formation 34 chains, fern land ; at Te Tiko, 124 chains formation, fern land, with light scrub ; at Kaiwaka, 85 chains formation, light fern land, side cutting, 2,008 cubic yards, clay ; Pahekeheke, block cutting, 37 cubic yards; at Fort Galatea, formation 105 chains, light fern and grass land, side cutting, 2,854 cubic yards, pumice, and 726 cubic yards clay ; at Te Umuhika embankment, 528 cubic yards stone, for approach to bridge ; at Ohui, a dray road 10 feet wide has been made through 49 chains of bush to the sawpit, timber and root's cleared away; Te Tiko and Whakatane, 12 chains of formation through heavy ti-tree and fern was made on this road (but the work was stopped in consequence of the opposition of the Natives. At Te Umuhika. a bridge has been made across the Waikamihi Stream, 27 x 14, 4 stringers heart of rimu, 12 x 9, 4 piles heart of puriri, 12 x 12, and 2 sills, 12 x 9, fastened to stringers and piles with 20-inch iron bolts. The material for this bridge (except the planking, which was sawn by Native Contingent and carted 36 miles) was supplied by the Public Works Department, the labor only being done by members of the Native Contingent. The total number of chains of cart road completed by the men of the force from the Ist of June, 1872, to the 31st May, 1873, is 925, and 12 chains of bridle track; the number of cubic yards of earth removed is 34,588. In conclusion. I beg to state that during the months of January, February, and March, very little road work was done, in consequence of the men being employed at other work, viz., building redoubt, fencing and clearing Government paddock, and other camp duties. I would also call to your attention the amount of heavy work done by the men in forming the Te Tiko and Otekiri Road, nearly the whole of which was swamp work of so bad a nature that it would have been impossible for Europeans to have done the same work ; the men worked for months in water from two to four feet deep, throwing up the mud from the sides to form the embankment. Two applications from the men for extra pay when employed on works of this nature have at different times been forwarded by me, and I would strongly recommend that some encouragement be given them in recognition of the services performed. I may mention that the men are aware that the Armed Constabulary get extra pay for road work, and that they have on several occasions complained of their not being allowed the same. There being no person appointed to estimate the value of work performed, I have put the lowest value possible on it, and would suggest that in future a scale of prices of cuttings, &c, be furnished to me by the resident Engineer of the district. I have, &c, George Preece, Captain, Major Roberts, Commanding District Tauranga. Commanding Native Contingent.




Name of Road. Locality. Nature of country. Description of work. No. of chain** Length. Breadth Depth. No of cubicj yards. Estimated value of work performed Remarks. I reTi-koand 'Sort Galatn wahme it Pumice •iiile cuttiug 2 132 10 6 223 £ s. d. 3 14 4 Bridge, 25 x 13, four stringers, totara timber a it (i (i 9 1 1 594 CG 105 6G 16 16 16 3 6 3 13 528 2.34 146 50S 8 1G 0 5 17 0 2 8 8 25 8 0 u tt Pokairoa Otaj Blo.?k rutting Side cutting Block cuttiug Bridge, 26x13, with four stringers, totara timber ii ii ■i tt it Rock «( ii ii " Side cutting 1 2 6 6 CG 429 132 132 39G 39G 10 16 16 16 16 1G 4 7 3 7 4 5 78 127 111 260 409 586 a is o 2 2 4 1 17 0 4 6 8 7 16 4 9 15 4 tt tt IC . 'lay tt »* II II ii M c* Bridge, 21 x 12, three stringers, totars timber (i si ci <( it ti Pahekeheke ... || (t »i ■I It ci <| II " (( C 7 14 12 34 40 5 2 396 4G2 99 924 792 231 10 16 16 16 16 16 20 16 20 13 8 18 12 in 3 1,525 1,095 528 3,285 2,346 205 25 8 4 18 5 0 26 8 0 54 15 0 39 2 0 3 8 4 20 0 0 4 18 6 48 17 0 • I it ■i it f* ii ft f ( (I Rock b'iay If " it ii rikitu •■ Bridge, 26 x 14, four stringers, totari timber ii ii II CI <• cc t. -Vaikowhewlie Fern ... Hay Stone Formation Side cutting ICmbaukment 330 132 3 ID 293 977 CC II " if Clay Rock Clay Light bush Ulay Fern, clay Pun and manuka scrub Deep swamp ... Side cutting 5 1 7 480 40 40 39 330 G6 462 •20 20 a 6 6 20 M 14 3 1,711 342 513 28 10 4 8 11 0 8 11 0 24 0 0 19 11 0 14 13 4 19 10 0 II II <( II IC Vhikereru andFortOalatf ol ic ic ii Vhikeie-u tt Formation Side cutting Bush only cleared rarawera and Te Teko .. Pe Teko and Otekiri it tt ParaweraLake Te Teko 2640 2640 4 3 1,173 S80 Bridge, 17x14 ii it CI CI ii t* Swamp 6 feet deep ( Swamp 9 feet deep j ile.ivy bush ... Light bu»h Kern and clay ... Formation Embankment and layere fascines Embankment fascincd with manuka Block cutting Formation Side cutting 3 30 19 3 17 16 198 1980 1254 198 20 14 14 8 S G 4 4 6 5 586 4,100 3,901 293 9 0 0 307 19 0 292 11 6 7 6 G 4 5 0 5 17 4 " 13x12 11x12 " 9x12 Pe l'eko and Fort Galatea •c ii )hui ii tt i< 1056 3 352 igatamawahine 'okairoa ... 'ahekeheke itinaroa '... bridge culverts Value i of Bridges. ■ " 25 0 0 30 0 0 25 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 30 0 0 ... 830 27,381 £1,227 7 10 George Preece, Ca] itain Commanding Native Contingent.


No. 3. Captain Preece to Inspector Roberts. Sir,— Te Teko, 19th June, 1873. In accordance with instructions contained in your memo. A.C., 208-73, I have the honor to forward the following report of the duties performed by the Company of Native Contingent under my command from the Ist June, 1872. to the 31st of May, 1873, for the information of the Hon. the Defence Minister:— military duties. Average Strength. —The average strength of the Native Contingent under my command was, until the 31st December, 1 Captain, 1 Lieutenant, 1 Sub-Lieutenant, 1 Sergt.-Major, 4 Sergeants, 4 Corporals, 4 mounted and 77 foot Privates. On the 31st of December Sub-Lieutenant Bluett was transferred to Captain Mair's Company, and the force was reduced to its present strength, viz.—l Captain, 1 Lieutenant, 1 Sergt.-Major, 2 Sergeants, 2 Corporals, 3 mounted and 42 foot Privates. Parades and Drills. —Parades at 8 a.m. for fatigues, viz., road work, fencing, and other camp duties. Inspection parades at each post every Sunday (weather permitting), and monthly muster parade on the last day in each month. Drill with arms and accoutrements in Company and skirmishing drill at each post when not engaged on road work. The Company was put through aiming drill and class firing in January last at this post and Fort Galatea. Operations in the Field. —The force has not been engaged in any operations in the field since the escape of Te Kooti to Waikato in May, 1872. Mails and Despatches. —A mounted orderly leaves Te Teko every Thursday at 4 p.m., to meet the Armed Constabulary orderly at Matata, and waits there until 11 a.m. the next day, in order to bring despatches or telegrams that come by mail from Tauranga. Communication is also kept up between Te Teko and Tauranga, and Te Teko and Fort Galatea, Kaiteriria, and Opepe, by mounted men of the force. One mounted man is stationed regularly at Fort Galatea. There is also one foot private stationed at Ahikereru to convey letters to, and bring letters from the Uriwera. He acts in conjunction with other Uriwera messengers. Escorts and Guards. —One escort was furnished on the sth of December in charge of civil prisoner to Tauranga. A guard of one non-commissioned officer and 3 privates mount daily at each post. Target Ranges. —Good ranges with markers butts have been made at Te Teko and Fort Galatea ; wooden targets have been made at each post; timber sawn by Native Contingent. Erection of Redoubts and Stockades. —From the 27th of December to the 14th of January, the men at Te Teko were engaged in forming a new redoubt, eighty feet (80) square, with two flanking angles ; walls six feet high ; ditch eight feet wide, and banquette two feet wide ; inside supported by sawn slabs. Timber has been cut by members of the Native Contingent for buildings in new redoubt, part of which had to be carted 32 miles, and the remainder 10 miles ; shingles and house blocks have also been split and carted down by Native Contingent. Two men were engaged in squaring pumice for chimnies in redoubt from 7th of April to 10th of May. Tables, shelves, doors, and pigeon holes, have been made for raupo house which is at present used as an orderly room. Kitchens have been made for the men, at a distance of 100 yards from the redoubt, in order to lessen the danger of fire in the raupo houses, which are still in use. The redoubt at Fort Galatea has been repaired, new raupo houses built, and a kitchen has been erected outside the redoubt. CIVIL DUTIES. Information was laid against a Native named Rawiri, for selling spirits without a license. SergeantMajor Hall attended the Resident Magistrate's Court at Maketu to prosecute. On the Ist of December a Native, named Hepeta Tuki Kauri, broke into Mr. Jacobson's store at this post. He was apprehended, and escaped twice, but was captured at Kokohenau by members of the force, and sent to Tauranga for trial. PUBLIC AND USEFUL WORKS. The following road work has been completed, as per annexed schedule : —Te Teko and Otekiri Road, 15,968 cubic yards of embankment, road 20 feet wide through swamp, formation 110 chains through light fern and heavy manuka land ; on Te Teko and Fort Galatea Road 1026 cubic yards embankment, 15,965 cubic yards side cutting, 1101 cubic yards block cutting, and 427 chains formation; Te Teko and Richmond Road, 528 cubic yards embankment; Te Teko and Whakatane, 12 chains formation and 49 chains of road 10 feet wide, was made through bush at Ohui to saw-pit. The total number of chain completed during the year is 937, and the total number of cubic yards, of earth removed is 34,588. During the months of January, February, and March very little road work was done, owing to the men being engaged in building new redoubt, being put through class firing, fencing Government paddock and other camp duties. In addition to the work shown in the Schedule, 40 dray loads of manuka fascines were cut for repairing the Titinaroa swamp road, which had sunk, and required to be raised. On TeTeko and Fort Galatea Road one box culvert has been made, 18 inches by 12, and 26 feet long. At Te Umuhika a bridge has been made across the Waikamihi Stream, which had become dangerous to travellers, owing to a quicksand in the centre of the ford. A substantial bridge has been built; 4 heart of puriri piles, 14 feet long, 12 x 12; 4 stringers, 27 feet long, 12x9, fastened to piles and sills with 20-inch iron bolts ; planking, heart of totara ; —the material, except the planking (which was sawn by the Native Contingent) was supplied by the Public Works Department, the labour only being done by members of the Native Contingent. A quantity of timber has also been sawn for bridges and culverts that has not yet been used.




At Te Teko, a weather-board house is in course of erection inside the new redoubt, 68 feet by 12, with partitions for orderly room, issuer's store, non-commissioned officers' and men's quarters. Also, one weatherboard building, 28 x 12, for guard room, and tools store, and a building 32 feet x 12, outside the redoubt, for officers' quarters, with two partitions. New raupo houses have been built at Fort Galatea. At Te Teko. 29 chains 17 yards of close manuka fence, with ditch and bank 3 feet wide and 3 feet deep, has been made across from one point of the river to the other, enclosing 40 acres of good land. The manuka was cut by the Native Contingent, and carted one mile ; the fence is fastened to the rails by "aka" vine. About 10 acres has been cleared, ready for sowing grass, but owing to great delay in obtaining seed, no grass has yet been sown. Old paddock, containing 12 acres : Manuka fence repaired, and clover seed sown in places where it had not taken before. Manuka dividing fence made in 12-acre paddock. Three strong double gates, 14 feet wide, made and hung to gate-posts with iron hinges; timber sawn by Native Contingent. At Fort Galatea, a manuka fence has been made, enclosing a paddock of 7 acres of land laid down in grass by Native Contingent in 1871. 450 rimu rails and 280 posts have been split at Ohui (10 miles distance), and carted down by dray for new fence on Government boundary of the 12-acre paddock at Te Teko. The erection of this fence was delayed, in order that the correct boundary line might be laid out by Captain Turner, Resident Engineer. This has been done, and the work is now in progress. All timber for use at this post has to carted a distance of 10 miles. A quantity of grass seed has lately been purchased, and will be sown at Te Teko and Fort Galatea early in August, the weather being too cold at present. In addition to the above duties, one Government bullock-dray (team) in charge of the force was engaged up to the 31st of March in conveying rations for the men stationed at Fort Galatea, and bringing timber down from that post for public works and defence purposes. Since the 31st of March the dray has been employed in carting timber from Ohui and Fort Galatea, and drawing fascines and earth for road works. The Government whale-boat at this post is, when required, used for the purpose of conveying Government tools, clothing, and other property, from and to Matata. Men of the Force have on several occasions been employed on road survey works under Captain Simpson and Mr Crapp, of the Public Works Department. In conclusion, I beg to state that the company of Native Contingent under my command is composed of active young men from 18 to 35 years of age, and are well disciplined, and under thorough control. I would suggest that they be allowed a small sum from the Public Works Department for road work, in addition to their ordinary pay. It would give them much greater zeal for their work, and would be beneficial to the public service. In event of the services of the Contingent being required in the field, I would recommend that they be armed with the .Snider carbine, instead of the long rifle, as it is a much more efficient weapon for bush fighting. I have, &c, Major Roberts, Commanding District, George Preece, Captain, Tauranga. Commanding Native Contingent.




Name of Road. Locality. Nature of country. Description of work. No. of chains. Length. Breadth. Depth. No of cubic yards. Kstimated value of work performed Remarks. 'eTekoand Otekiri ... •i ii • ( «t II M II il II (« Titinaroa ... II Motokiwi ii ii Swamp ii ■i Light fern land ii Swamp Fern ... Heary manuka Swamp, heavy manuka Light manuka Swamp Swamp (fascined with manuka) Swamp, heavy manuka and flax Grass .Clay ii Embankment Formation Embankment •i Formation Embankment Formation Embankment 0 23 47 68 39 13 7 15 16.i 21 2 396 3,102 4,488 462 ■Jo ■20 20 JO 20 20 •Jii ■2i) 20 20 20 20 8 2 4 880 4,595 4,840 1,368 £ s. d. 22 0 0 11 10 0 114 17 6 121 0 0 19 10 0 6 10 0 34 4 0 2 5 0 27 10 0 40 6 6 10 10 0 4 17 0 II *i ii M ii " 990 1,089 .1 1,100 1,613 ii it it ■I ti Okauneke Formation Embankment i> II 132 2 195 ii Ii it (I II Otekiri ii 204 1,353 18 3 1,202 90 3 0 ii ii ■i 44 94 1 8 1 14 2 8 2 2 45 2 3 1 1 5 5 6 7 5 12 3 2 297 1G 20 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 18 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 3 175 4 7 6 4 15 0 4 17 6 15 12 8 2 12 0 14 0 0 5 6 0 8 0 0 1 18 5 6 12 0 22 10 0 7 6 6 7 6 6 2 0 8 0 16 0 12 4 4 18 6 6 19 11 0 14 5 0 6 2 0 6 0 0 4 8 8 2 8 8 'e Teko and Fort Galatea ii ii TeTeko Ohui .. ■ I Formation Block cutting :Side cutting (i 66 528 66 5 6 8 195 938 156 ii ii II " it » II Dead timber Clay Dead timber Clay II Formation [Block cutting Formation Sids cutting Block cutting Formation Block cutting Embankment Side catting ii i< ii II 132 4 312 K it II ii ii II 132 132 3 3 117 264 M ii » *i il » Fern Clay il li II 132 198 66 66 330 330 390 402 330 3 2 5 2 6 3 8 5 3 293 293 122 48 733 733 1,173 855 366 ii ii II i« II II II it If II If ii (( ■I it ti li II II Embankment Side cutting ii .. II II u n " l( (i << II II it •• <■ Fern Formation Side cutting ii ii II 198 132 5 3 266 146 ■■ it If ii ii Fort Alfred ... Clay and soft granite rock • ■ ii ii ii 1 1 4 2 1 2 11 3 3 34 264 132 66 132 726 198 198 18 IS 18 18 16 16 IS 20 16 6 16 8 4 8 4 1,408 264 444 352 860 472 264 70 8 0 6 12 0 11 2 0 8 16 0 21 10 0 7 17 4 4 8 0 17 0 0 || ii ii ii II ii ii " • ■ <■ II << ii '• • • (i II ii 11 it ■ • ■■ II Stiff clay If • i • • <i II (i <• i< ft Fern Formation Carried forward ... . 4914 27,042 £844 3 9


jly authority : George Didsbuey, Government Printer, Wellington.


ETURN OP OAD ORK PERFORMED BY iAPTAIN 'KEECES ATIVE lONTINOEKT FROM THE me UNE, I, TO THE RT AY, — com liuued Name of Roac 1. Locality. Nature of country. Description of work. No. of chains. Length. Breadth. Depth. No of cubic yards. Estimated value of work performed Remarks. Brought forward Te Teko and Fort Galatea 1 " (I If . I (C (I (I (t ft M M II M M M M it it ■I II 14 || (i (I Fort Alfred ...Clay ... '" (4 || Te Teko ... Fern, light aoil " Grass Kaiwaka ... Fern Clay II H Pahekeheke ... " Fort Galatea ... Grass " Fern and gross " Pumice it it Side cutting ii Formation it 11 ii Side cutting it Block cutting Formation ii Side cutting ii 4911 4 10 76 38 10 85 17 25 55 3 6 6 20 2 1 4 5 4 1 6 49 12 429 1,122 16 198 396 396 264 660 20 18 '20 20 20 20 16 20 8 20 20 20 IS 20 18 18 18 20 20 20 12 10 S 3 5 6 3 8 4 5 3 27,042 293 1,100 702 1,246 37 293 660 396 £ s. d. 844 3 9 4 17 8 18 6 8 38 0 0 19 0 0 5 0 0 42 10 0 12 14 0 20 15 4 0 18 6 12 10 0 27 10 0 4 17 8 11 0 0 G 12 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 1 2 0 2 0 0 18 6 8 6 15 0 0 10 0 13 4 0 24 10 0 3 0 0 U tt ii i • i< n II Fern " Clay Formation Side cutting ii ■I II «t II 132 06 16 3 660 66 || ti (i (I " Fern " Pumice (i ii Formation Side cutting 330 264 9 4 1,100 405 II (I tl ti Fern Te Umuhika ... Stone Ohui .. .. Heavy bush ... Te Teko ... Heavy fern and titree Formation Embankment Clearing bush Formation Richmond and Te Teko ... Road to saw pit ... Whakatane and Te Teko 396 3 528 Bridges. 27ft x 14ft totara planking, rimu sleepers ... Te Umuhika Te Umuhika ... 10 0 0 54 18 0 Labour only. Timber sawn by Native Ci I I I on tinge tit for bridges, ho., 9,150 feet. 937 34,588 £1,224 1 3 George Preece, Cai itain Commandin Native Contin '■ent,

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THE NATIVE CONTINGENT, (REPORTS FROM OFFICERS OF.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1873 Session I, H-14a

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THE NATIVE CONTINGENT, (REPORTS FROM OFFICERS OF.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1873 Session I, H-14a

THE NATIVE CONTINGENT, (REPORTS FROM OFFICERS OF.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1873 Session I, H-14a