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No. Date. From To Subject. Page 12 May, 1871 Hon. Col. Feilding ... Hon. J. Vogel Is willing to open negotiations with Government of New Zealand for bringing out Emigrants Will submit his offer to the Government ... Asking him to visit New Zealand Will visit New Zealand Hon. Col. Peilding will probably establish settlements at Palmerston and Sandon Forwarding copy of Agreement entered into with Hon. Col. Feilding Forwarding copy of Agreement entered into with Hon. Col. Feilding Government will afford facilities for Insuring the Lives of Immigrants brought out under Hon. Col. Feilding's Agreement Will cordially assist Emigrant and Colonist's Aid Corporation's operations ... Hon. Colonel Fielding's Agreement has been ratified by the Board 2 3 4 5 13 May, 1871 29 Aug., 1871 3 Nov., 1871 23 Dec., 1871 Hon. J. Vogel Hon. W. Pox Hon. Col. Peilding ... Hon. W. Gisborne ... Hon. Col. Feilding ... Hon. Col. Peilding ... Hon. W. Pox Agent-General ,-5 3 3 3 6 26 Deo., 1871 Hon. W. Gisborne ... Agent-General 4 1 25 Jan., 1872 Hon. W. Gisborne ... Hon. W. Pitzberbert 4 4 8 16 Mar., 1872 Hon W. Gisborne ... Agent-General 9 23 May, 1872 Agent-General Hon. W. Gisborne ... 8 10 4 April, 1872 Mr. C. Stuart Bailey (Sec. E. and C. A. Corporation) Hon. W. Gisborne ... Mr. C. Stuart Bailey Hon. W. Gisborne ... 9 9 11 12 30 May, 1872 30 May, 1872 Mr. C. Stuart Bailey Hon. W. Gisborne ... Thanking him for letter as above ... Board will avail themselves of offer to insure lives of Emigrants in Government Office... Forwarding Letter from Secretary, Emigrant and Colonist's Aid Corporation, stating that Hon. Col. Feilding's Agreement had been ratified Thanking him for letter from Mr. Stuart Bailey, as above 9 13 10 27 May, 1872 Hon. W. Gisborne ... Hon. W. Fitzherbert 27 May, 1872 Hon. W. Pitzherbert Hon. W. Gisborne ... 10 14 10

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NO. 1. Colonel the Hon. W. Feilding to the Hon. J. Vogel. gIE _ 23, Brook Street, W., 12th May, 1871. With reference to the interviews which I have had with you, on the proposed operations of the Emigrant and Colonist's Aid Corporation in New Zealand, in concert with the Colonial Government, and as it appears that your Government is desirous to encourage an extensive emigration from the United Kingdom in connection with the settlement of its waste lands and the construction of works of public utility, I have the honor to request that you will inform your Government that I am about to visit the Australian Colonies, with full powers to carry out the objects of the Corporation; and that, if agreeable to your Government, I would proceed to New Zealand to open negotiations with them, with the view of making definite arrangements for the attainment of that which tbey so much desire, through the intervention of the Corporation. I expect to be in Queensland about the beginning of July, and to remain there about two months. My address will be, " Government House, Brisbane," where I shall be glad to receive a communication from the Government of New Zealand. , I have, &c, Hon. Julius Vogel, Ac. w- Feilding, Colonel.

No. 2. The Hon. Mr. Vogel to the Hon. Colonel Feilding. Snj _ Charing Cross Hotel, London, 13th May, 1871. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of yesterday's date, in which you refer to the various interviews we have had, and you inform me of the time about which you will be able to visit New Zealand. In reply, I have the honor to state that I will lay before my Government your letter, and 1 do not doubt that they will gladly avail themselves of your offer to visit New Zealand. I have, &c, Colonel the Hon. W. Feilding, Ac. J^itjs Vogel.

No. 3. The Hon. W. Fox to the Hon. Colonel Feilding. Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, New Zealand, g _ 29th August, 1871. Adverting to your letter of the 12th May last to Mr. Vogel, the Colonial Treasurer of New Zealand, and to his reply of the following day relative to the proposed operations of the Emigrant and Colonist's Aid Corporation in New Zealand, I have the honor to state that the Government will be glad to confer personally with you on the subject, and they hope that you will be able to visit New Zealand As^he New Zealand Parliament is now in Session, and as probably the legislation may affect the nower of Government relative to immigration, it would be convenient, if that time should be suitable to yourself, that your visit here should take place in October next, when the Session will probably be closed- ' Ihave.&c., Colonel the Hon. W. Peilding, Government House, Brisbane. William Fox.

No. 4. The Hon. Colonel Feuding to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaey. Magnolia Plantation, near Maryborough, g Queensland, 3rd November, 1871. I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your courteous letter of the 29th of August, which unfortunately has only recently come to hand, owing to my having been absent from Brisbane for more than two months on business.


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I regret extremely that I have been unable to have any personal communication with you whilst the Parliament of New Zealand was still in Session. I hope, however, that this will be no serious obstacle in the way of the Government of that Colony being able to treat definitely through me with the Emigrant and Colonist's Aid Corporation. I intend leaving Sydney for New Zealand by the Californian mail steamer at the end of this month, and I will immediately on my arrival place myself in communication with you. I have, &c, W. Feilding, Colonel, Delegate Director of the Emigrant and Colonist's Aid Corporation. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, New Zealand.

No. 5. Memoeandtjm for the Agent-Geneeal, London. Public Works Office, (No. 71.) Wellington, New Zealand, 23rd December, 1871. In the Parliamentary Papers relating to the mission of the Hon. Mr. Vogel, you will have read a correspondence between that Minister and the Hon. Colonel Feilding, in reference to immigration. At the instance of the Government, Colonel Feilding is now on a visit to New Zealand, and it is probable that arrangements will be entered into with him, as representative of the Colonist's Aid Corporation, to establish a settlement of 2,000 persons on a block of about 100,000 acres situate in the Townships of Palmerston and Sandon, in the Manawatu and Manawatu-Eangitikei Blocks. The arrangements are not, however, sufficiently complete to enable me to indicate their outline at present; but as there will be a supplementary mail made up on the 26th, in the expectation of meeting the San Francisco steamer at Auckland, I hope by it to forward you definite particulars. W. Gisboene.

No. 6. Memoeandtjm for the Agent-Geneeal, London. Public Works Office, (No. 75, 1871.) Wellington, New Zealand, 26th December, 1871. Beeebeing to my memorandum No. 71, of the 23rd instant, in which I informed you that negotiations were in progress with the Hon. Colonel Feilding for the establishment of a settlement in the Manawatu and Manawatu-Eangitikei Blocks, I now enclose copy of the agreement which has this day been entered into, together with a map of the block of land therein mentioned, as having been selected by Colonel Feilding for establishing a settlement under the auspices of the Colonist's Aid Corporation, of which he is the representative. I need scarcely say that the Government are desirous that you should in every possible way facilitate the endeavours of the Corporation to carry out the intentions of this agreement; and Colonel Feilding has been assured that you will cordially place at his disposal all the local knowledge and experience you possess. W. Gisboene. P.S.—Since writing the above I have received the enclosed letter from Colonel Feilding, whose promised exertions you will bo good enough to second in the direction indicated, should occasion arise.—W. G.

Enclosure in No. 6. The Hon. Colonel Feilding to the Hon. J. Vogel. Sic,— Wellington, New Zealand, 26th December, 1871. It is just possible, in the haste with which the arrangements between the Government of New Zealand and the Emigrant and Colonist's Aid Corporation have been concluded, that some slight informality may have crept into the agreements. Tou have my assurance that I will use my utmost personal exertions to see that any such informality is set right, in accordance with the spirit and intention of our agreement. I have, &c, The Hon. Julius Vogel, Colonial Treasurer. W. H. Feilding.

No. 7. The Hon. W. Gisboene to the Hon. W. Fitzheebeet. Sic, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 25th January, 1872. Tour Honor is already aware that, after much consideration and consultation with yourself, an agreement was entered into between Her Majesty and the Hon. Colonel Feilding, as the represen-



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tative of the Emigrant and Colonist's Aid Corporation, for the sale and occupation of a block of one hundred and six thousand acres in the district of Manawatu. As you will probably desire to have a copy of the agreement for official record, I now enclose one for that purpose. I have, &c, His Honor the Superintendent, Wellington. W. Gisboene.

Enclosure in No. 7. Deed of Ageeement entered into between Her Majesty the Queen and the Emigeant and Colonists Aid Coepoeation (Limited). This Deed, made the twenty-sixth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, between Her Majesty the Queen, of the one part, and the Emigrant and Colonists Aid Corporation, Limited, of London, in England, a Company incorporated under " The Companies Act, 1882,"^ and herein tailed the Corporation, of the other part: Witnesseth, that the parties hereto, Her Majesty the Queen—contracting for herself, her heirs and successors,—and the Corporation—contracting for themselves and their successors,—do hereby covenant and contract the one with the other as follows: — 1. The Governor for the time being of the Colony of New Zealand, herein called the Governor, snail reserve and set apart waste lands of the Crown in and about the Township of Palmerston, in the Province of Wellington, to the extent of one hundred and six thousand acres, and waste lands of the Crown in the Township of Palmerston, to the extent of about ten acres; all such lands to be as nearly as practicable within the limits set forth in the First Schedule hereto. 2 The said lands shall be reserved and set apart under the provisions of the Fifth Part of " The Immigration and Public Works Act, 1870," and the Ninth Part of " The Immigration and Public Works Act Amendment Act, 1871," as soon as may be after the signing of these presents. 3. All payments required to be made to the Land Fund of the Province of Wellington, or to any person entitled to compensation, shall be paid by the Governor out of the Public Works Account of the said Colony. , ~ , 4. The Governor shall, as soon as may be, make Regulations for the sale, occupation, and disposaf of the lands so reserved, in such terms as to give to the Corporation the immediate right to occupy the whole thereof (except the bush reserve hereinafter referred to), until disposed of, as hereinafter mentioned or until such right is determined in pursuance hereof. The said Regulations shall also provide that the land so reserved shall be sold absolutely, but only to persons approved by the Corporation under this agreement, upon payment by the Corporation to the Colonial Treasurer for the time being of the Colony of New Zealand, herein called the Colonial Treasurer, of fifteen shillings for every acre sold. _ . .. 5. As to the piece of land containing ten acres before mentioned, the said Regulations shall provide that the same shall be sold to the Corporation, or to some person on their behalf, on payment therefor to the Colonial Treasurer of fifteen shillings for every acre. 0 The Governor may select, out of the land so to be set apart, one or more block or blocks of land, not exceeding in all one thousand acres, having totara timber growing thereon, which shall not be subject to sale or lease under any Regulations made in pursuance of this agreement until all the totara timber shall have been cut and removed therefrom, when the Corporation shall have the right to purchase the same on payment of fifteen shillings per acre, but shall in the meantime remain land of the Crown, subject only to a right in the Corporation to make public roads through the same where necessary for public convenience and the convenience of the Corporation, and, for the purposes of constructing and repairing such roads and the works incidental thereto, to cut and take timber from such land • Provided, however, that no timber on any such land shall be cut by the Government of the said Colony, or by their license, except for use by the Government for public purposes. _ 7 The Honorable William Henry Adelbert Feilding shall, on the execution hereof, for and m the name of the Corporation, sign and deliver to the Colonial Treasurer seventy-five promissory notes, each binding the Corporation to pay to the Colonial Treasurer, or his order, the sum of one thousand pounds, on a day and at a Bank in New Zealand to bo therein stated. The said notes are herein called The Principal Notes." They shall bo numbered in consecutive order, and classified as series A, £S, and b, as set forth in the Second Schedule hereto. 8 The said William Henry Adelbert Feilding shall also, for and m the name of the Corporation, sio-n and deliver to the Colonial Treasurer the several promissory notes mentioned in the same Schedule for the amounts and due at the dates therein mentioned, and numbered as therein stated. All such notes to be payable at a Bank in New Zealand to be therein mentioned. The said notes are herein called "The Interest Notes." The said William Henry Adelbert Feilding shall not be personally responsible in respect of any of the said Principal Notes or Interest Notes. 9 One-third in amount of the said Principal Notes shall be payable on the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven; one-third on the first day of April one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine; and one-third on the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and eig ltr Uv° he Co ation sliall have the r ;ght to pay, from time to time, all or any such Principal Notes on the first day of April or the first day of October in any year upon giving six calendar months written notice to the Governor, specifying the amount intended to be paid : Provided that, after notice is so given, the Corporation shall be bound to pay the amount therein mentioned at the expiration thereof in the same manner as if Principal Notes to that amount had then fallen due. Such payments shall bo made at the place where the Principal Notes are made payable. _ 11 When any Principal Note is paid in pursuance of notice as aforesaid, the Interest Notes,, bearing numbers corresponding with the number of reck Principal Note, and not tnen due, shall be cancelled.



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12. When the Corporation shall have paid any of the said Principal Notes, either upon giving notice as aforesaid, or upon or after the due date thereof, the amount of principal paid shall be taken as a payment in advance of the purchase money thereafter payable for land sold under the said Regulations ; and thenceforth, upon sale of any such land, the Colonial Treasurer shall take, in lieu of cash payment, an order of the Corporation, or their Agent, requiring a Crown Grant to be issued to a purchaser therein named, and shall debit the Corporation with the amount against the purchase money so paid in advance, and so on until the same is exhausted, when payment in cash shall again be required, and so toties quoties. 13. As often as any of the said land is sold in accordance with the said Regulations, and the purchase money is paid otherwise than tyy such order as in the last preceding clause mentioned, one or more Principal Note or Notes shall be cancelled either wholly or in part as the case may require; and as and when the subsequent Interest Notes fall due, the Colonial Treasurer shall provide for payment of a part of such notes at the Bank where they fall due, equal to interest on the amount so paid off, calculated from the time of payment of the purchase money at the rate of seven per cent, interest per annum for the year ending April first, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, and afterwards at the rate of seven and a half per centum, per annum. 14. Whenever any Principal Note or Interest Note is required to be cancelled wholly or in part, and is not in the possession of the Colonial Treasurer, it shall be sufficient if an undertaking by the Colonial Treasurer to cancel such note, wholly or in part as the case may require, or to provide for paying the same wholly or in part as the case may be, be delivered to the Corporation or their Agent. The Principal Notes to be cancelled shall be selected from such class as the Corporation shall think fit. 15. The said land shall be surveyed internally by and at the cost of the Corporation. All such surveys shall be subject to the approval of the Chief Surveyor for the Province of Wellington, or other officer performing the duties at present performed by him ; and, until approved, shall be deemed incompleted : Provided that such approval shall not be unreasonably delayed or refused without sufficient cause. The outside boundaries of the ,said land shall be surveyed by and at the cost of the Provincial Government of the Province of Wellington, or otherwise free of cost to the Corporation. All surveys already made and to be made shall be the property of the Corporation. 16. Every purchaser of land under the said Regulations shall be entitled to a Grant from the Crown of the land upon the Corporation paying the purchase money and the purchaser paying the usual fees for the Grant. The Government of the Colony shall not be answerable for any delay in issuing Grants arising from incompleteness in surveys. 17. When all the said Principal Notes and Interest Notes shall have been paid or cancelled, and all interest thereon, and all sums of money herein declared payable as stipulated damages, shall have been paid, the Corporation shall be entitled to a Grant from the Crown of so much of the said land as shall remain unsold (after providing for all those persons who may be or become entitled to purchase any of the said land under the said Regulations and for roads), without an} r payment, except the usual fees upon the Grant. All roads constructed by the Corporation or otherwise in the Settlement shall be public roads, and the soil thereof shall remain vested in the Crown, except tramways or railroads constructed solely by and at the expense of the Corporation and without any pecuniary aid from the Government, which shall be the property of the Corporation. 18. The Corporation shall place upon the land set apart under this Agreement, hereinafter called "The Settlement'" at least two thousand emigrants before the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven. Not less than one hundred of the number shall be placed on the Settlement during the year ending on the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, and not less than two hundred in any one of the succeeding years. 19. Every emigrant shall be approved by the Agent-General for the time being for New Zealand in the United Kingdom, and shall sail from some port in the United Kingdom ; and no emigrant not so approved shall be deemed an emigrant within the meaning of these presents. 20. The Governor shall provide passages in suitable ships, from the port of shipment in the United Kingdom to the Settlement, for all such immigrants, with their personal effects, if such passage cost no more than fifteen pounds for each emigrant: any excess above that sum shall be paid- by the Corporation. 21. If the Corporation shall find suitable ships for conveying such emigrants, the Governor shall pay to the Corporation, passage money at the then current rates of passage for emigrants, not exceeding in any case fifteen pounds for the whole passage of One emigrant, from the port of shipment to the Settlement; and all emigrants introduced by the Corporation shall be provided with suitable barrack accommodation and provisions during two days after arrival in Wellington. 22. The Governor shall provide employment for each able-bodied male emigrant upon some public or other works in or within ten miles of the Settlement, at such rates of pajrment as will enable each emigrant to earn at least one pound by four days labour in each week: Provided that the Governor shall not be bound to find employment for more than two hundred such, able-bodied emigrants at one time, nor to employ any such emigrant for more than one year; and if a greater number of such emigrants than the Governor is hereby required to find employment for, such as shall require employment, their priority shall be determined by the Corporation. 23. Until the first day of October, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, the Corporation shall have, free of charge, the use of two trucks each way every week along so much of the tramway from Foxton to the Settlement as shall be open for traffic, at such times as the Governor shall from time to time direct, and subject to the general regulations for the management of traffic thereon, the Government of the Colony finding tbe motive power. 24. If a less number in all than one hundred emigrants shall be placed by the Corporation upon the said Settlement before the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, or if the total number of emigrants placed by the Corporation upon the said Settlement during any subsequent year, up to and inclusive of the year ending the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, shall be less than two hundred, and if the total number of emigrants which shall have been so placed during the period ending on the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred



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and seventy-seven shall be less than two thousand, the Corporation shall pay to Her Majesty the Queen, her heirs or successors, through the Colonial Treasurer, for the Public Service of the Colony of New Zealand, the sum of ten pounds for every emigrant wanting to make up the full one hundred, or two hundred, or two thousand, as the case may be ; such sum to be deemed liquidated and stipulated damages, and not a penalty, or in the nature thereof, and to be paid on the day next succeeding the expiration of the period for which the deficiency occurs. 25. If, on the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine, there shall be a less number than two thousand persons then bond fide residents on the said Settlement, the Corporation shall forthwith pay to Her Majesty the Queen, her heirs and successors, the sum of ten pounds for every person wanting to make up the full two thousand: Provided that, in the computation of such number, children under one year of age shall be excluded, and two persons between one and twelve years of age shall count as one resident. The provisions of the last preceding clause, as to the mode of payment and as to liquidated damages, shall be deemed to be here repeated. 26. If the Corporation shall be wound up voluntarily, or by an order of the Court of Chancery, or under the inspection of the said Court, or if any Principal or Interest Note shall remain wholly or in part unpaid after the due date thereof, the right of the Corporation, their tenants, licensees, and assigns, to occupy the land set apart in pursuance of this agreement, and not then actually paid for in cash by the Corporation, and all interest of the Corporation therein, shall cease.: Provided that if and when, within a period of ten years, by payment by the Corporation or by sale of the land unpaid for and the improvements thereon, the whole of the Principal Notes and Interest Notes herein mentioned, with interest from the time of dishonour, and a further sum of twenty thousand pounds, shall have been realized by the Government of the said Colony, the Corporation shall be entitled to the residue of the said land then undisposed of. 27. If any question or dispute shall arise between the parties hereto concerning these presents, or the construction hereof, or concerning any matter or thing hereby required to be done, the same shall be submitted to two Arbitrators, one to be named by or on behalf of each party. The Arbitrators shall appoint an Umpire before entering upon the reference. The Arbitrators, or, in case of difference between them, the Umpire, shall award as to the matters in difference, and shall determine how and by whom the expenses of the reference shall be paid, and such award shall be binding upon the parties hereto. 28. In the construction of these presents, the word " Emigrant " shall mean either one male or one female of the age of twelve years or upwards, approved by the said Agent-General or other person appointed by the Governor; or two persons so approved, between the ages of one and twelve years, such two persons counting as one for all purposes ; and the word " Emigrant " shall not have any more extended meaning. In witness whereof the Public Seal of the Colony of New Zealand hath been hereunto set, and, on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen, His Excellency Sir George Ferguson Bowen, the Governor of the said Colony, hath hereunto set his hand ; and the Honourable William Henry Adelbert Feilding, on behalf of the said Corporation, under and by virtue of a certain Power of Attorney bearing date the eighteenth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, and in pursuance of every Statute and power enabling him in that behalf as such Attorney, hath hereunto set his hand and seal.

FIRST SCHEDULE. Limits of a block of land situated in the Manawatu and the Manawatu-Eangitikei Blocks, in the Province of Wellington, New Zealand, estimated to contain about one hundred and six thousand acres, bounded as follows :—Southerly by a line bearing 97° 43' passing through the trigonometrical stations called Mount Biggs and Mount Taylor, and produced as far as the Native reserves situated on the banks of the Rangitikei and Oroua Rivers, by the northern boundary of the said Native reserves on the bank of the Oroua River, by a line of railroad running through the Township of Palmerston Block, Manawatu District, by the northern boundary of section number four hundred and eleven, Township of Palmerston Block, and by a line bearing about 135° from the northern extremity of the Ti Wi Native reserve ; Easterly by the Ti Wi Native reserve, by a line bearing about 200° from the Manawatu Gorge, to intersect the southern boundary line bearing about 135° from the northern extremity of the said Ti Wi Native reserve, and by a line drawn from the Manawatu Gorge passing along the lower slopes of the Ruahine Ranges at an average distance of two miles from the Pohangina River; Westerly by the Native reserves along the bank of the Rangitikei River, by the north-western boundary of the Rangitikei-Manawatu Block, and by Native land forming the boundary of the Township of Palmerston Block, Manawatu District ; Northerly by a line commencing about two miles from the mouth of the Waitapu stream, and on the north-west boundary line of the Rangitikei-Manawatu Block", and running in an easterly direction so as to include one hundred and six thousand acres, and the said northern boundary line to intersect the eastern boundary line at a point not less than four miles from the Manawatu Gorge. Limits of a block of land, containing ten acres, to be selected, by some person duly authorized by the Corporation, from the land still unalienated in the Township of Palmerston.

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G. F. Bowen, Governor. / Seal of the \ \ Colony. ) The Emigrant and Colonists Aid Corporation (Limited), by their Attorney, W. H. A. Feilding. ( Seal. ) Sealed with the Public Seal of ~) f Signed and sealed by the said the Colony of New Zealand, and signed William Henry Adelbert Feilding, as the by His Excellency Sir George Ferguson Attorney, and on behalf of the said Bowen, the Governor of the said Colony, \- -{ Corporation, in the presence of in the presence pf P. A. Bttckley, Julius Vogel. Barrister-at-Law, i^ Wellington. I, the Honourable William Henry A dolbert Feildin,g, of 23 Lower Brook Street, in Grosvenor Square, Middlesex, in England, but at present residing at Wellington, in the Colony of New Zealand, do solemnly and sincerely declare that, by Deed-poll or Power of Attorney, bearing date the eighteenth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, under the seal of the Emigrant and Colonists Aid Corporation (Limited), and signed by certain of the Directors of the said Corporation, I am their legally appointed Attorney, and, by virtue thereof, I am empowered, on behalf of the said Corporation, to execute the within-written Deed. I have not receiyed any notice of the revocation of the said Power of Attorney in any manner howsoever, and I verily believe the same to be now subsisting and in full force. And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand intituled " The Powers pf Attorney Act,1854." W. H. A. Feilding. Taken and declared at Wellington aforesaid, this ) 26th day of December, 1871, before me ) R. S. Machell, A Justice of the Peace for the Colony of New Zealand. No. 8. Memoeandtjm for the Agent-Genebal, London. (No. 38.) Public Works.Office, Wellington, N.Z., 16th March, 1872. With reference to the Memoranda that have been addressed, to you in connection with the agreement entered into with the Hon. Colonel Feilding on behalf of the Emigrant and Colonist's Aid Corporation, I have now to call your attention to a promise made to Colonel Fielding, that the Government would afford facilities for insuring in the Government Insurance Office the lives of those emigrants to whom the Corporation may make advances. It is understood that the Corporation will require from each intending emigrant a bond fide

Total . , , Number of Amount of Notes. | eachPayable. Numbered. Total Nuntber of Notes. Amount of each. Payable. Numbered. Series A. £ s. PS 11} 25! 1,000 0 . f 25! 35 0 25! 35 0 1 25 35 0 * J 25 1 35 0 g "j 25; 35 0 I ' 25' 35 0 25: 35 0 t 25 35 0 Series B. *S£/}26 1,000 0 f 25 35 0 25 35 0 25 35 0 25, 35 0 t 25 35 0 5 J 25 35 0 I 25 35 0 I 25 35 0 25 37 10 25 37 10 (_ 25 37 10 1st April, 1877 1st October, 1873 1st April, 1874 1st October, 1874 1st April, 1875 1st October, 1875 1st April, 1876 1st October, 1870 1st April, 1877 1st April, 1879 1 to 25 1 to 25-1 1 to 25-2 1 to 25-3 1 to 25-4 1 to 25-5 1 to 25-6 1 to 25-7 1 to 25-8 1 to 25 Series B. Interest )ok Notes. jzo Series G. Principal) t, r Notes. J f 25 25 25 , 25 . 25 25 !: 25 1 J 25 j O fc j 25 I 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 I 25 ID te © U £ s. 37 10 1,000 0 35 0 35 0 35 0 35 0 35 0 35 0 35 0 35 0 37 10 37 10 37 10 37 10 37 10 37 10 37 10 37 10 37 10 37 10 1st April, 1879 |.st April, 1882 1st October, 1873 1st April, 1§74 1st October, 1874 1st April, 1875 1st October, 1875 1st April, 1876 1st October, 1876 1st April, 1877 1st October, 1877 1st April, 1878 1st October, 1878 1st April, 1879 1st October, 1879 1st April, 1880 1st October, 1880 1st April, 1881 1st October, 1881 1st April, 1882 1 to 25-12 1 to 25 1 to 25-1 1 to 25-2 1 to 25-3 1 to 25-4 1 to 25-,5 1 to 25-6 1 to 25-7 1 to 25-8 1 to 25-9 1 to 25-10 1 to 25-11 1 to 25-12 1 to 25-13 1 to 25-14 1 to 25-15 1 to 25-16 1 to 25-17 1 to 25-18 o te u I 1st October, 1873 1st April, 1S74 1st October, 1874 1st April, 1875 1st October, 1875 1st April, 1876 1st October, 1876 1st April, 1877 1st October, 1877 1st April, 1878 1st October, 1878 1 to 25-1 1 to 25-2 1 to 25-3 1 to 25-4 1 to 25-5 1 to 25-6 1 to 25-7 1 to 25-8 1 to 25-9 1 to 25-10 1 to 25-11



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medical certificate and proof of vaccination before they grant a passage ; and if this is done, the Government have for many reasons decided not to require further medical examination, except of course in any particular cases, which in your judgment it may be necessary to consider exceptional. In order to enable you to form such a judgment, and for necessary official purposes, it will be requisite that the enclosed forms of proposal and personal statement be filled up, the one by the Corporation and the other by the person to be insured ; but as I have already said, it is not desired after the receipt of this proposal and statement to subject the person to be insured to any further medical examination, other than in exceptional cases. Tables of the rates of Insurance now in operation are sent herewith; and on the Corporation paying to you one annual premium, you are authorized to issue a receipt in the form enclosed. A policy will be issued in the Colony to the Corporation for the year covered by such payment, renewable year by year in the ordinary way. Should, however, the emigrant die on the voyage the amount insured will be paid to the Corporation. The insurances are to be effected on the lives of male emigrants only, and in no case to a larger amount than one hundred pounds. You will be good enough to forward mail by mail, to the Commissioner of Annuities, a schedule, in the enclosed form, of certificates issued, together with-a draft in favour of the Chief Postmaster, Wellington, for the amount of premiums paid to you. The butts of the receipts are to accompany the schedules to which they relate. W. Gisboene.

No. 9. The Agent-Geneeal to Hon. W. Gisboene. (No. 281.) Sic,— Hamburg, 23rd May, 1872. Adverting to your several letters and memoranda relative to the agreement between the New Zealand Government and the Hon. Colonel Feilding, I beg to assure you that any assistance I can afford to the Association (of which Colonel Feilding appeared as the representative in New Zealand) in carrying out their scheme of a special settlement at the Manawatu, will be most cordially given. I have already had the pleasure of two or three interviews with Colonel Feilding, and have promised at his request to attend the meetings of the Board whenever the directors may desire it. I gather, however, that the details of the scheme are not yet fully matured, and that probably some few months will elapse before any decided action can be taken. I have privately drawn the Secretary's attention to the emigration clauses of the contract, pointing out that while the Company are at liberty to make their own shipping arrangements for the conveyance of the emigrants selected by them, yet that the cost to the Government per statute adult must not exceed the present contract price. I have done this because I had reason to believe that certain shipping firms were under the impression that they might and would obtain from the Association more favourable terms than I am giving. At one time (as I intimated in a telegram), I was rather afraid that the offer by the Association of free passages might naturally interfere with our immigration; but as the Association's offer will necessarily be clogged with conditions of settlement, I am now inclined to believe that it will not sensibly affect the Colonial emigration. I have, Ac, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington, N.Z. I. E. Feathebston.

No. 10. Mr. 0. Sttjaet Bailey to the Hon. W. Gisboene. Emigrant and Colonist's Aid Corporation, Limited, Sic,— 27, Clements Lane, London, E.C., 4th April, 1872. I have the honor, by direction of the Board, to acquaint you, for the information of His Excellency the Governor and the Government of New Zealand, that the contract entered into between the Government of New Zealand and Colonel Feilding, on behalf of this Corporation, on the 26th December last, was ratified by special resolution of special Board, held on the 27th ultimo. I have, Ac, C. Sttjaet Bailey, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington, N.Z. Secretary.

No. 11. The Hon. W. Gisboene to Mr. Sttjaet Bailey. Sib— Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, N.Z., 30th May, 1872. _ I have the honor to acknowledge, with thanks, the receipt of your letter of the 4th April, is which you inform me that the agreement entered into between the Hon. Colonel Feilding, on behalf of the Emigrant and Colonist's Aid Corporation, and the Government of New Zealand, had been ratified. I have, Ac, C. Stuart Bailey, Esq., W. Gisboene. Secretary to the Emigrant and Colonist's Aid Corporation, 27 Clement Lane, E.C., London. 8

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No. 12. Mr. C. Sttjaet Bailey to the Hon. W. Gisboene. Emigrant and Colonist's Aid Corporation, Sic, — 3, Queen's Square, Westminster, S.W., 30th May, 1872. With regard to your Memorandum, No. 78, for the Agent-General in London, relative to the insurance of the lives of emigrants sent out to New Zealand by this Corporation, a copy of which was forwarded from your Department to Colonel Feilding on the 27th December last, I have the honor, by direction of the Board, to inform you that they gladly avail themselves of the consent of the Government of New Zealand to insure the lives of emigrants sent out by the Corporation, and the head of each emigrant family will be called upon to insure his life in the New Zealand Government Insurance Office accordingly, to the extent of not more than £100. I have, Ac, C. Sttjaet Bailey, The Hon. the Minister for Public Works, New Zealand. Secretary.

No. 13. The Hon. W. Gisboene to' the Hon. W. Fitzheebeet. Sic,— Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 27th May, 1872. I have the honor to enclose a copy of a letter received this day from the Secretary of the Emigrant and Colonist's Aid Corporation, in which he states that the contract entered into between the Government of New Zealand and Colonel Feilding, for the colonization of a portion of the Manawatu Block, was ratified at a special Board, held on the 27th March last. I have, &c, His Honor the Superintendent, Wellington. W. Gisboene.

No. 14. The Hon. W. Fitzhebbeet to the Hon. W. Gisboene. Sic, — Superintendent's Office, Wellington, 27th May, 1872. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of this date, enclosing copy of a letter received from the Secretary of the Emigrant and Colonist's Aid Corporation, in which he states that the contract entered into between the Government of New Zealand and Colonel Feilding, for the colonization of a portion of the Manawatu Block, was ratified at a special Board, held on the 27th March last. In reply, I beg to tender my best thanks for the information. I have, Ac, William Fitzheebeet, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Superintendent.

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