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D.—No. 11

NO. 1. Colonel the Hon. W. Feilding to the Hon. J. Vogel. gIE _ 23, Brook Street, W., 12th May, 1871. With reference to the interviews which I have had with you, on the proposed operations of the Emigrant and Colonist's Aid Corporation in New Zealand, in concert with the Colonial Government, and as it appears that your Government is desirous to encourage an extensive emigration from the United Kingdom in connection with the settlement of its waste lands and the construction of works of public utility, I have the honor to request that you will inform your Government that I am about to visit the Australian Colonies, with full powers to carry out the objects of the Corporation; and that, if agreeable to your Government, I would proceed to New Zealand to open negotiations with them, with the view of making definite arrangements for the attainment of that which tbey so much desire, through the intervention of the Corporation. I expect to be in Queensland about the beginning of July, and to remain there about two months. My address will be, " Government House, Brisbane," where I shall be glad to receive a communication from the Government of New Zealand. , I have, &c, Hon. Julius Vogel, Ac. w- Feilding, Colonel.

No. 2. The Hon. Mr. Vogel to the Hon. Colonel Feilding. Snj _ Charing Cross Hotel, London, 13th May, 1871. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of yesterday's date, in which you refer to the various interviews we have had, and you inform me of the time about which you will be able to visit New Zealand. In reply, I have the honor to state that I will lay before my Government your letter, and 1 do not doubt that they will gladly avail themselves of your offer to visit New Zealand. I have, &c, Colonel the Hon. W. Feilding, Ac. J^itjs Vogel.

No. 3. The Hon. W. Fox to the Hon. Colonel Feilding. Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, New Zealand, g _ 29th August, 1871. Adverting to your letter of the 12th May last to Mr. Vogel, the Colonial Treasurer of New Zealand, and to his reply of the following day relative to the proposed operations of the Emigrant and Colonist's Aid Corporation in New Zealand, I have the honor to state that the Government will be glad to confer personally with you on the subject, and they hope that you will be able to visit New Zealand As^he New Zealand Parliament is now in Session, and as probably the legislation may affect the nower of Government relative to immigration, it would be convenient, if that time should be suitable to yourself, that your visit here should take place in October next, when the Session will probably be closed- ' Ihave.&c., Colonel the Hon. W. Peilding, Government House, Brisbane. William Fox.

No. 4. The Hon. Colonel Feuding to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaey. Magnolia Plantation, near Maryborough, g Queensland, 3rd November, 1871. I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your courteous letter of the 29th of August, which unfortunately has only recently come to hand, owing to my having been absent from Brisbane for more than two months on business.