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D.-No. 11,

and seventy-seven shall be less than two thousand, the Corporation shall pay to Her Majesty the Queen, her heirs or successors, through the Colonial Treasurer, for the Public Service of the Colony of New Zealand, the sum of ten pounds for every emigrant wanting to make up the full one hundred, or two hundred, or two thousand, as the case may be ; such sum to be deemed liquidated and stipulated damages, and not a penalty, or in the nature thereof, and to be paid on the day next succeeding the expiration of the period for which the deficiency occurs. 25. If, on the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine, there shall be a less number than two thousand persons then bond fide residents on the said Settlement, the Corporation shall forthwith pay to Her Majesty the Queen, her heirs and successors, the sum of ten pounds for every person wanting to make up the full two thousand: Provided that, in the computation of such number, children under one year of age shall be excluded, and two persons between one and twelve years of age shall count as one resident. The provisions of the last preceding clause, as to the mode of payment and as to liquidated damages, shall be deemed to be here repeated. 26. If the Corporation shall be wound up voluntarily, or by an order of the Court of Chancery, or under the inspection of the said Court, or if any Principal or Interest Note shall remain wholly or in part unpaid after the due date thereof, the right of the Corporation, their tenants, licensees, and assigns, to occupy the land set apart in pursuance of this agreement, and not then actually paid for in cash by the Corporation, and all interest of the Corporation therein, shall cease.: Provided that if and when, within a period of ten years, by payment by the Corporation or by sale of the land unpaid for and the improvements thereon, the whole of the Principal Notes and Interest Notes herein mentioned, with interest from the time of dishonour, and a further sum of twenty thousand pounds, shall have been realized by the Government of the said Colony, the Corporation shall be entitled to the residue of the said land then undisposed of. 27. If any question or dispute shall arise between the parties hereto concerning these presents, or the construction hereof, or concerning any matter or thing hereby required to be done, the same shall be submitted to two Arbitrators, one to be named by or on behalf of each party. The Arbitrators shall appoint an Umpire before entering upon the reference. The Arbitrators, or, in case of difference between them, the Umpire, shall award as to the matters in difference, and shall determine how and by whom the expenses of the reference shall be paid, and such award shall be binding upon the parties hereto. 28. In the construction of these presents, the word " Emigrant " shall mean either one male or one female of the age of twelve years or upwards, approved by the said Agent-General or other person appointed by the Governor; or two persons so approved, between the ages of one and twelve years, such two persons counting as one for all purposes ; and the word " Emigrant " shall not have any more extended meaning. In witness whereof the Public Seal of the Colony of New Zealand hath been hereunto set, and, on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen, His Excellency Sir George Ferguson Bowen, the Governor of the said Colony, hath hereunto set his hand ; and the Honourable William Henry Adelbert Feilding, on behalf of the said Corporation, under and by virtue of a certain Power of Attorney bearing date the eighteenth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, and in pursuance of every Statute and power enabling him in that behalf as such Attorney, hath hereunto set his hand and seal.

FIRST SCHEDULE. Limits of a block of land situated in the Manawatu and the Manawatu-Eangitikei Blocks, in the Province of Wellington, New Zealand, estimated to contain about one hundred and six thousand acres, bounded as follows :—Southerly by a line bearing 97° 43' passing through the trigonometrical stations called Mount Biggs and Mount Taylor, and produced as far as the Native reserves situated on the banks of the Rangitikei and Oroua Rivers, by the northern boundary of the said Native reserves on the bank of the Oroua River, by a line of railroad running through the Township of Palmerston Block, Manawatu District, by the northern boundary of section number four hundred and eleven, Township of Palmerston Block, and by a line bearing about 135° from the northern extremity of the Ti Wi Native reserve ; Easterly by the Ti Wi Native reserve, by a line bearing about 200° from the Manawatu Gorge, to intersect the southern boundary line bearing about 135° from the northern extremity of the said Ti Wi Native reserve, and by a line drawn from the Manawatu Gorge passing along the lower slopes of the Ruahine Ranges at an average distance of two miles from the Pohangina River; Westerly by the Native reserves along the bank of the Rangitikei River, by the north-western boundary of the Rangitikei-Manawatu Block, and by Native land forming the boundary of the Township of Palmerston Block, Manawatu District ; Northerly by a line commencing about two miles from the mouth of the Waitapu stream, and on the north-west boundary line of the Rangitikei-Manawatu Block", and running in an easterly direction so as to include one hundred and six thousand acres, and the said northern boundary line to intersect the eastern boundary line at a point not less than four miles from the Manawatu Gorge. Limits of a block of land, containing ten acres, to be selected, by some person duly authorized by the Corporation, from the land still unalienated in the Township of Palmerston.