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E.—No. 16


[Return to an Order of the House of Reprcxeiitatives, duted July 2Stfi, 1862,]

That there be laid upon the table of this House, a ' Return of all Europeans known to be in occupation of Native Land in each Province of the North Island, specifying as minutely as may be practicable the year when such occupation began, the quantity of Land held by each individual, the Tribe it belongs to, the character of the tenure (whether by sufferance or by positive lease or agreement), the amount of rent or other consideration given, the value of the stock or other property possessed by each occupant, the number of his family, and his trade or profession ; together with a Statement of all Prosecutions instituted by Government under the provisions of the Native Land Purchase Ordinance.' "

(Mr. Jollie.)

AU CKLAND. 1863.

E.—No 16

THK REGISTRAR-GENERAL TO THE HONORABLE THE COLONIAL SECRETARY. Registrar-General's Office, Auckland, Nov. sth, 1863. Sir, — 1 have the honor to forward herewith a Return containing so much as it has been practicable to obtain of the information respecting Europeans in occupation of Native land in the North Island, which was required by an Order of the House of Representatives dated the 28th of July, 1862. In conformity with your instructions, in a minute on the Order (enclosed herewith), I immediately communicated with the Acting Native Secretary, who addressed a letter to the several Resident Alagistrates in the Island, enclosing copy of the Extract from the journals of the House of Representatives, and requesting that the information called for may be supplied with as little delay as possible. We also had forms printed and transmitted to the Resident Alagistrates with a view of obtaining in the way most easy to the persons affording the information—as well as most intelligible and adapted for compilation—the various particulars specified in the Order. One of these forms is also enclosed herewith. I presume it is not expected that the Return (if procurable at all) could be ready before the close of the last session. In point of fact, some of the replies to the circulars to Resident Magistrates were not received till long after its termination. It has now, however, been prepared by an extra clerk employed In this office, under my supervision, for the purpose ; and so far as compilation and copying arc concerned, is, I believe, quite correct, Mr. Halse having examined it to ascertain that the Maori names are given accurately. It will be seen that from a considerable number of districts information, more or less complete, has been supplied. The districts from which none has been forwarded are specified in the margin. With respect to the part of the Order calling for "a statement of all prosecutions instituted by Government under the provisions of the Native Land Purchase Ordinance," the Resident Alagistrate at New Plymouth has given particulars of certain cases (see page 15 of Return). The Magistrates at Auckland, Waimate, and Itussell have respectively stated that no such prosecutions have been instituted in their districts. From the other districts no other information on this point of tho subject has been given. At first I thought that the whole of this information might be obtained from the Attorney-General's office, but on enquiry I find that it is not to be found there. An appendix to the Return contains copies of the letters received from Resident Magistrates, except Avhere they were merely formal transmissions of their returns. I have, &c, John B. Bennett, Registrar-Geners^ The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Auckland.

Mongonui. Auckland. Wanganui. Wellington Manawatu. Wairarapa.


E.—No. 16.



District. Name of the Occupant. •3 El to a j- ► .a The quantity of land held by him. The tribe it belongs to. The character of the' tenure (Avh.ther by sufferance or by positive lease or agreement). The amount of Rent or other consideration given. The value of the Stock or other Property possessed by the Occupant. Number pant's of Occufamily. i The Trade or Profession of the M. F. Occupant. Mongonui — Bay- of Islands — Hundred of Russell No Return. 1861 ' Island at Wan-j William Lloydd ... Ngatiwai, hapu of Ngapuhi Lease 10 years £10 and £2 per Stock £50, and a weatherboard house 3 Trader. garuru, containing 8 annum „ Waimate Domenique Ferraris Richard AVilkinson ... 1853 1860 acres 1 acre Kauri Bush... Ngatiwai Kapetai Sufferance Agreement Per centage of timber cut Stock £5 2 6 Shipwright. Sawyer. 2 Augustus Lemme ... Henry Belmore Josey Spaniard 1862 1850 1860 J acre 1 acre Te Whin Ngatitautaki. Sufferance £5 £10 4 1 1 1, Alaori wife. Sawyer. Blacksmith. Squatter. „ Hokianga William White 1852 3 acres, site of house and garden 3 acres, house, and garden Rarawa n Claim of his wife None House aud furniture £50 Settler. Edward Boyce 1840 >» (None £30 5 Carpenter and Sawyer. >> If William Orr 1860 1 acre >) Sufferance, on account of his Avife & family Claim of his wife None None William Stroud 1852 Site of a house » £10 £10 . 6 3 1 Sawyer. Trader <fc master mariner. Settler. William Brassy 1861 )» >> M . J> None 1 Wangarei — Alarsden Henry Harrison 1855 About 200 Ngapuhi Sufferance None £50 2 Shipwright. 2 Wairoa River Kaipara Gregor Alcgregor [John Wilson 1840 1845 acres 400 acres About 20 acres »> Agreement £26 Cash £5, and goods value £10 £2 per annum £200 Cultivation about £50 £80 3 9 3 2 Farmer. Farmer. >> » t James Jones o acres Sufferance 1 Mariner. Marsden 1849 I.

E.—No. 16.



District. Name of the Occupant. ■2 d a _ 6 S0 The quantity of land held by him. The Tribe it belongs to. The character of the tenure (whether by sufferance or by positive lease or agreement.) The amount of Rent or other consideration given. The value of the Stock or other Property possessed by the Occupant. Number of Occupant's family. The Trade or Profession of the Occupant. AI. F. Ngunguru (Robert Twaites JThomas Stewart 1837 1848 293 acres About 200 Ngapuhi Agreement Sufferance £26cash£100goods None. £100 £700 2 3 1 Sawyer. Mast. Alariner. COBOMANDEL — Waiau acres » Gold Diggers 1862 All Agreement £1 per head per annum. t£l per annum. £5 per annum. 160 [Miners. John Costello John Adams Elias Burns John Douglas Mrs. Timmins N. W. McFadgen ... Hiram Lyons A. McLoughlin H. Naysmith George Parker Mill workman C. and F. Ring 1850 1801 1858 1859 1862 1862 1802 1855 1859 1800 1 acre 4 acres 8 acres 5 acres 15 acres J acre Sufferance Lease j» !£60 5 2 4 4 fi Bushman. >y Sufferance j> j» it Postmaster. Washerwoman Mill man. Mercury Bay — it i> a » » £10 per annum, i i £10 £10 2 1 2 5 2 25 3 1 4 3 ?» >y j» Gold-miner. ?» » 1857 What may be required for millpurposes Patukirikiri Agreement £4,000 5 Timber Alerchant. Alex. McGregor _. 1 C. Broadbent ... { 1862 10 acres Ngatiporou Lease j» £2,000, to be finished 1 6 ) Sawmillpro- > prietors. ) AVorkmen. ) Timber mer- > chant. J Workmen. ") Timber merj chants. COBOMANDEL — Kikowhakarere Thomas Craig and ) Workmen ... j 1862 20 acres » Agreement £10 When finished £4,000 16 John Calloway ... \ John Butland ... f 1840 1859 120 acres Ngatitamatera t> £20 £2,000 6 3

E.—No. 16.



Kikowhakarere Workmen Edward Davis William J. Hirst i P. E. Dillon j Robert Faircloth ... Robert Wheeler 1852 50 acres Ngatitamatera Agreement £20 £100 2 2 ISettler 1862 1 acre „ „ £ 400 1 Merchant. £20 £100 £400 14 2 1 1 1 1860 « _*!__ 1860 1 Settler. Carpenter. Auckland —None ascertained. See Letter from Resident Alagistrate (Appendix A.) igistrate reports —" So far as I can ascertain no Europeans are in occupation of Native Land in this District." Onehunga.— The Resident Ma Waiuku, Drury, & Edward Constable ... Papakura 1860 About 8000 Ngatiteata By agreement for £56 £1500 Farmer acres the food that groAvs on the land 1860 Optional Tainui Sufferance Nothing None 2 Labourer. 1862 Site of house Ngatimahuta „ None £430 2 Stock-keeper. <fe -Ngatimana > r 1860 1 acre Ngatite Whe „ „ £10 Settler Raglan D. Alacnish Aotea Richard Hayes 1860 1862 j William Leo 1860 Kawhia —(see also Samuel Morgan Appendix C.) 1802 6000 acres Ngatihikairo Native gift to wife and chil1«iq * c lren- " £50 2 3 Settler. • 849 5 acres „ Sufferance „ £10 1 Settlel , 1862 9naC,' eS " Agreement £5 per annum £75 Storekeeper. 1862 20 acres „ Sufferance None £12 Labourer 1862 Peter Smith Thos. Tweed Curtoys Waikato— James Clark 1849 1862 1862 2 3 1 Samuel Ferguson ... Thomas Robert Ormsby William Hamilton ... I John Glanville ,18t5 200 acres „ Agreement About £10 £200 2 2 Sailor 857 Unknown „ Unknown Unknown 2 Shoemaker. \lVt ,, » " Sufferance „ 6 j clerk 853 I* aC' eS v £ ■ a " ?0thi "S 3 3 Chemist. iooo £ acre Ngatimamapo- Agreement £2 £40 Sailor to 1843 1857 1848 1845 1853 2 2 6 3 2 1 3 Francis John Cowell ) Willoughby Dixon j John Spencer John Gann 1850 UnkD °Wn " Sufferance Nothing £20 2 3 Shoemaker. 1852 A run Ngatihikairo £450 2 6 Ropemaker. i» w e t, , , , 1 Gentleman. 18^7 D acres Patukoko Agreement £2 £50 1 Blacksmith, i ooo _ acres Mamapoto Sufferance Nothing 1 1 Miller. 1854 1850 1852 1857 1850 2 2 1 1 1 3 6 1

E.—No. 16.



District. The Name of the Occupant. 13 _j A _ The quantity of land held by him. The Tribe it belongs to. The character of the tenure (Avhether by sufferance or by positive lease or agreement). The amount of Rent or other consideration given. The value of the Stock or other Propertj possessed by the Occupant. Number of Occupant's family. The Trade or Profession of the Occupant. AI. V. Waikato — continued. Edward Sine 1862 I House aud garden Not known 1 1 Gentleman. !William Haslett ...I 1846 Alaniapoto Sufferance Nothing Wife am dr. 1 2 chilSawyer. in. George Aliller - Lewis William Nichol Manuel Louis Kettel John Morgan Frederick Chitham ... Dennit Heather Thomas PoAver James Baines Thomas Basel John Minhinnick ... William Alasters Robert Hooper 1856 1852 1854 1842 1860 1862 1857 1818 1850 1845 1810 1845 1S45 House it 40 acres it run 2 or 3 acres A run Ngatikoura Ngatihaua Patukoko Alaniapoto Ngatikoroki Ngatimahanga Ngatihinetu Unknown n Agreement A^erbal „ Sufferance £5 £1 10s. per annum £27 per annum £10 per annum £20 £200 £500 £300 1 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 4 1 6 3 1 2 Tailor. Trader. Coach maker. Sawyer. Settler. Minister. Grazier. Chemist. Labourer. Policeman. Cooper. Labourer. SaAvyer. Medical Student. Sailor. 1 acre 3 acres 1 acre | acre House 2 acres j> n n n n Nothing a £40 £30 1 2 4 1 1 jManiapoto it it a £2 per annum ;l n tt George Gage 1852 !6 acres Patukoko Sufferance, — CroAvu grant promised for children £400 3 3 John Allen Samuel Morgan 1850 1850 5 acres 20 acres n Ngatihikairo Agreement Sufferance £4 Nothing £150 :£32 2 5 Cattle-dealer Settler. Bay of Plenty — Tauranga John Faulkner . . 1842 1 acre Ngaiterangi Property of former native wife Purchased before 1840 £450 5 4 Trader. j» John Farrow 1842 | acre n ; £400 'Trader.

, E.—-No. 16-



Tauranga — Continued Potia ) ,, , , . > IH'enclmien Louis J •J.*Johnson H. Bennett, American Daniel Sellers Thomas Black Edward Insley 1840 1845 1847 1857 1800 1861 ) Small pieces Vfrom i to -£ | acre \ acre £ acre | acre Ngaiterangi a a a Property of wife a i) a ii Purchased Sufferance Property of native Avoman — not married [- None £3 None Raupo house v it n £100 £150 £120 3 6 3 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Shipbuilder. Trader. Carpenter. Mast, mariner. Trader. a Awa-o-te-atua And Rangataiki William Rogers William Davis A. AVarbreck A.B.White B. Savage William M'Dougall... Samuel Mill f acre 2 acres 2 acres 8 acres 10 acres £ acre 5 acres Ngatikoko Ngatiawa a £60 £10 £110 £135 £_50 £15 £50 j* 1801 1854 1858 1858 1800 1800 1862 Sufferance Purchased 1846 Sufferance Lease 1 1 3 4 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 Shipbuilder. Trader. AVhakatane a ii Wife's property Purchased before 1840 Wife's property £2 £2 - it Shipbuilder. Trader. a East Cape — Hundred of TokoWilliam Anderson ... John Fox Robert Waddy (nawa) 1844 I860 1844 | acre 1£ acres j) Titangahauite Verbalagreement' held by right, of native wife One sum in 1859 £10 16s., 2 horses, and 8 cows None £10 £70 None Sailmaker. Trader. Boatbuilder. 1 2 maru Charles Gilman(nawa) 1862 6 acres, and 4 acre run for a few cattle Right of run . not exclusively, over about 500 ii 4 head of cattle 0 2 Joiner. ii Henry Glover (nawa) • Ngatiwhakaueara Verbalagreement till January, 1862, then a Avritten one, signed by two Chiefs, allowing the right of run over several hundred acres, and permitting erection of house and cultivation of garden, by right of native wife and her children 1856 2 sheep ; 1857 £4 ; 1858 £7 ; 1859 £10 and calf; 1860 nothing, because of the slaughter by dogs of many sheep. At present 6d. per sheep on run per annum ; Is. for cattle and horses 400 sheep, 3 cows, 2 horses 1855 2 2 Seaman. V acres

E.—No. 16.



District. Name of the Occupant. a, __ The quantity of Land held by him. The Tribe it belongs to. The character of the tenure (whether by sufferance or by positive lease or agreement.) The amount of 'Rent or other consideration given. The value of the Stock or other Property possessed by the Occupant. Number pant's : I of Occufainily. The Trade or Profession of the F. Occupant. AI. Hundred of Tokomaru — continued ■William Ward (Kaiawa) John Henderson (Awaura) Samuel Deverson ... (Tokomaru) Charles Ryland (Auriuru) 1860 None Ngaitarore Ngaitarore By sufferance None None 1 1 Trader. 1843 ii Ngatiahi Ngatiahi ii a a 4 2 Shoemaker 1859 £ acre Whauauarua Whauauarua Verbal £2 per annum 1 horse 1 _ Trader. George Taylor (Whareponga) 1861 ii Ngatiporou I agreement No agreement; leave to occupy in right of native wife and her children ; leave to run a feAv cattle Written agreement for occupation during life. By sufferance No rent 4 cows, 4 horses 4 cows, 100 sheep 3 I Seaman. i) Waiapu 1847 None )» » William Walters ... (Tupuroa and Te Awanui) Emanuel Josef (Te Awanui) Thomas Atkins (Te AAvanui) 1860 M £5 a-year 4 horses 1 1 Trader. 1861 On which house stands ii n £12 a-year 5 horses I 4 >j 1843 )j ii Written agreement £2 a-year; ditto for leave to graze a horse 4 horses 4 5 Trader. Thomas Alarchant ... (Waikaka) Louis Joseph (Waikaka) 1862 " n Verbal „ None ;5 horses 2 1 Carpenter. 1859 » a By sufferance » 1 8 Trader. I

E.—No. 16.



Hundred of Waiapu — Continued i George Rowland (Horoera) William Hazel (Te Kawakawa) William Collier (Te Kawakawa) James Peachy (Te KawakaAva) John Cassidy (Wharakakika) Carles Francisco (Wharekahika) John Turner (Oreti) Alexander Cuthbert (Raukokore) Henry Pearson (Raukokore) David Bristow (PaooAva) 1859 1 acre Ngatiporou Verbal agreement £2 a-year None 3 1 Trader. 1842 8 acres a Ditto by right of his wife None 1 horse o 4 Alechanic. 1859 9 acres a ii ii a 2 horses, 1 cow 3. ■2 Trader. 1843 On which the house stands a By sufferance ii 1 2 Trader, 1857 li acre f )i None None 1 Trader. 1859 13 acres Whanauamera n £4 10s. in one amount j £5 a year Avhen whaling only M ;_> Settler. 3 1850 Small garden ii 1 horse, 11 goats 2 1 Trader. 1802 On which the house stands a a None 1 horse 1 2 Millwright 1853 ii n ?» £2 a year 20 goats 1 I Trader. 1861 3 acres AVhanauakarautau Written agreement on BristoAv's part to pay the rent specified By Sufferance £2 house. £1 allotment, £1 other allotment 1 horse, 5 pigs 3 3 ShipAvright. [James Hay (Te Kaha) [Thomas B. Smith ... (Te Kaha) 1844 On Avhich the house stands None None Trader.] 1843 • ii 1 ii a Trader.] Taupo— George Law 1862 About ioo: Ngatitepakc By agreement ', signed by the principal men of the tribe, and in the possession of Air. Bell Sufferance No consideration £35 Civil Commissioner and Resident Alagistrate. 2 acres . Thomas Hickie 1 acre ] No rent or consideration 1857 Labourer. Ngatitama eioo N.B. —The names within brackets [ ] are those of Europeans residing at Tekaha proper, just on the boundary line of the Waiapu and Bay of Plent; Districts.

E.—No. 16.



District. Name of Occupant •1 EJ ■_ '« 1 I o The quantity of Land held by him. The Tribe it belongs to. The character of the tenure (whether by sufferance or by positiA'e lease or agreement). The amount of Rent or other consideration. The value of the Stock or other Property Number of Occupant's family. The Trade or Profession of the possessed by the Occupant. Occupant. AI. F. ! Taranaki — Daniel Bishop 1854 46 acres, 37 perches 20 acres Wiremu Te a Puhatapu Roka, widow of Rawiri a Puhatapu Wi Kaumau Ngamotu MartinToPoki Ngamotu Wi Tana Ngamotu Herewini and Ihaia Alataria Ngamotu ■ Lease for 21 yrs. £1 per acre ' £230 4 3 Carpenter. Charles Sampson 1858 _ £ 10 a year 4 5 Farmer. Edwd. W. Stockman 12 „ Sufferance 1 4 Settler. William Hood 1802 50 „ Lease for 21 yrs. £20 „ £50 2 2 Settler. Peter Alarti u 1802 50 „ >» n £20 „ £60 2 2 Settler. George Bates Haigh 1802 "5 „ it ii £25 „ £30 1 Settler. William Helliar ... 1800 50 „ Arrangement Avith the natives — no lease, tho' promised Lease for 21 yrs. £25 „ William Bayley 25 „ Roputa Ngamotu Wi Tana Nga-: Pair bullocks, £5, and plough Farmer. 1852 4 3 Isaac NeAvton Watt... 10 „ (Lease 4 3 Alerchant. motu £45 per annum HIIR1RI — Hundred of Waipukurau Joseph Annabel 1 ... 1860 0000 acres Ngatikahungunu Lease 3 2 Sheep Farmer. £650 Francis Bee Edward Collins George S. Cooper ... Charles G. Cross 1853 1856 1800 1858 „ or 7000 „ GOO acres 350 „ 4000 „ a a Agreement Verbal „ £120 per annum £5 per annum £30 pei annum £00 per annum | £90 per annum j £2070 No return £6898 3 8 4 2 Grazier. Sheep Farmer. a Do. do. to Sept.,, '62, since then, lease 1 3 a » £5000 3 n *

E.—No. 16-



I imdred of Waipuku-j rau — Continued -John Glenny 1801 11200 acres iNgatikahungunu Arerbal agreement ;j£26 per annum £600 1 Sheep farmer. Donald Gollan 1852 70 a Sufferance till 1800, verbal agreement since I ) £21,400 J£l „ £100 „ £2,500 £100 „ £2,000 £45 „ £350 2 ii Alexander Grant ... G. Douglas Hamilton John Morrison 1802 1801 1800 10,000 „ 13,000 „ 0000 „ a Lease 2 1 1 Stockowner. a a Nairn Brothers J. <fe G. PeacockJohn Ray R. Douglas Wallace < 1801 1801 1857 1854 to 1858 1858 Alav, 1801 200 „ 10,000 „ 10,000 „ 1 10,000 acres 1000 „ 12,000 acres a 11 a Agreement Lease £5 £120 „ £1,500 £102 „ £3,500 £75 '£25 „ £4000 £36 £330 £3000 4 2 1 Mast, mariner and sheep farmer. Sheep farmers. Graziers. Civil engineer. a 3 1 n Sufferance f Do. Sept., 1802 ( Lease since Positive lease » 1 1 Grazier. Chapman and Synnot Jasper L. Birrick ... Jan., 1801 From 10,000 to 15,000 Sons of Hapuku and Puhara Ngatiupokoiri Lease £5 per month first £1000 year, to be increased yearly £ 1 per month. £3 per annum None None „ Sheep farmer. a William Ellingham... Thomas Shirley, sen. acres Hapuku By agreement _859 What the house stands on Publican. Farmer. 2 2 2 2 Robert Breingan 1861 9 acres Ngatikahungunu By sufferance £11 10s. per annum About £45, all young stock I John Macarthy Thomas Lowry 1856 None 25,000 acres Ngatiupokoiri and Ngatihine Pari Portion by verbal , agreement, and do. by lease £130 a year to Re- Entire flock nata;" £210 to 9000, entire Paora, and 80 herd, 200 per cent, of ewe lambs for 50 ewes £10 first year, rise £2,400 £ 1 a year Grazier. •Joseph Torr ... ] Alay 10 1861 2,000 acres Ngatikahuugunu Hone, Elisha, and Henry, of Karaitiana' s hapu Agreement 7 4 John Chambers 1857 3,000 and 1200 Positive lease -ci son £1,000 I acres I

E.—No. 16.



District. Name of the Occupant. •1 a H3 as a ,_. >>g The quantity of Land held by him. The Tribe it belongs to. The character of the tenure (Avhether by sufferance, or by positive lease or agreement). The amount of Rent or other consideration. The value of the Stock or other Property possessed by the Occupant. Number pant's of Occufamily. I The Trade or Profession of the AI. F. Occupant. Hundred of Waipukurau — Continued - William Lockwood ... Frederick Reed 1855 1861 1 acre 10 acres Natimaewhare By the year Nataga Agreement £4 a year £150 £5 per annum £100 2 3 2 2 Trader. Ferryman and Trader. Master whaler. AVilliam Bartlett ... 1840 25 acres Ngatikahun- „ gunu One share in 11 of £100 all oil taken 2 Eustice Fannin 1 AVm. Fannin, jun. J William Atward 1800 About 7000 acres ,, Lease £40 per annum About £800 Sheep farmer. 1850 5 acres |Kahukuritawi Lease 10 years £5 per annum 2 steers, 1 horse 1 cow 2 heifers advance £216 1 2 Ropemaker. F. W. E. Sturm ... 1852 Between 3000 and 4000 do Ngatikahun- Agreement gunu Ngaitehuki „ 2 1 None. Frederick Spooner ... 1854 2 acres per annum £4 yearly £150 i 2 Accommodation house keeper and trader. Trader. Alaster whaler and sheepfarmer. Grazier. Joseph Carroll William Alorris I 100 acres About 4000 Taitangatike ,, Ngatikahun- Lease gunu £5 „ 100 head cattle. £70 „ £1000 1854 1841 3 3 4 3 About 1857 acres John Chambers 4200 acres 4 4 Wanganui. —No Return. I anawatu. —See e Letter from Resident Alagistral te (Appendix D.) II W: ELLINGTON. —Se ie Letter from Resident Alagistr; ite (Appendix E.) Wairarapa. —No Return.

E.—No. 16.




Auckland. —The Resident Magistrate (Thomas Beckham, Esq.), states : " There have not been any prosecutions instituted by Government under the provisions of the Native Land Purchase Ordinance, in this Court." Waimate. —The Resident Magistrate (Edward M. Williams, Esq.), states no prosecution has ever been instituted. Russell. —The Resident Magistrate (R. C. Bartstow, Esq.), states no prosecution has ever been instituted. Taranaki. —The Resident Magistrate (Josiah Flight, Esq.), transmits the following list of prosecutions :—

Date. Party Proceeded against. Offence. How Disposed of. 1847. August 16. 1854. John SteelCutting timber on native land Fined £5. February 13. Richard Seccoinbe — Agreeing to purchase an estate or interest in native land ... Fined £10 and costs. November 27. William Henry Honeyfield Depasturing sheep or cattle on native land ... Fined £5 and costs. December 7. Daniel Bishop ... Do. do. Case dismissed. December 7. 1855. April 24. Joseph B. White Do. do. Fined £5 and costs. Richard Brown Do. do. »» >» August 28. 1856. .Peter Imlay .. Do. do. n »» May 20. Joseph B. White Do. do. Fined .£10 and costs. No information relating to prosecutions has been supplied from the remaining districts.

E.—No. 16

APPENDIX A. LETTER FROM THOMAS BECKHAM, ESQ., RESIDENT MAGISTRATE, AUCKLAND. Resident Alagistrate's Court, Auckland, 22nd August, 1862. Sir,— I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of a letter (No. 598) from Air. H. Halse, "Acting Native Secretary," forwarding copy of an Extract from the journals of the House of Representatives, by direction of the Native Alinister, calling for " Return of all Europeans" in occupation of native land in the •" Northern Island of NeAv Zealand," and in reply beg to state that I haA'e no means of ascertaining the particulars required by the first part of the Order, and to suggest for your consideration the expediency of applying to tbe Commissioner of Crown Lauds and tho Registrar-General, who compiles the Census Returns, and arc, I believe, the proper source from whence the information sought can bo obtained. As to the latter part, there have not been any prosecutions instituted by Government under the provisions of the " Native Land Purchase Ordinance" in this Court. T have, &c, Thomas Beckham, Resident Magistrate. The Hon. the Attorney-General.

APPENDIX B. EXTRACT FROM I.ETTEIi OF I). H, MACGREGOR, ESQ., RESIDENT MAGISTRATE, RAGLAN. Air. George Charlton, of Kawhia, who holds, I believe, under a native title, declines to fill up a Return, because, he says, if the land does not belong to him it belongs to Government.

APPENDIX C. LETTER FliOM v. s. COOEEB, ESQ., RESIDENT MAGISTRATE, WAII'UKI HAL. Waipukurau, December 31st, 1862. Sir,— In obedience to the instructions of His Excellency's Government, conveyed to me in your circular letter of the 7th of August last, I have the honor to enclose a return compiled from tinreplies of such occupants as answered my queries—of Europeans in occupation of native lands in the Hundred of Waipukurau. This return is not .so complete as I could wish, though more so than I was at first induced to hope for j fewer persons haying refused the information, and those who gave it having given it much more fully than I had anticipated. I believe the correctness of the return, as far as it goes, may be relied upon. I also enclose a return of the names of persons who, haA'ing been written to, have refused t<» reply. I have, &c, G. S. Cooper, Resident Alagistrate. The Native Secretary, <fee, Auckland.

Return of names of individuals in the Hundred of AVaipukurau who, being believed to be in occupation of native land, Avere Avritten to for information and haA"e not replied to the circulars :— Canning, John Davis, Porangahau. Hargrove, William Frederic, Waimarama. Knight, John, Porangahau. Ormond, John Davies, Porangahau. St. Hill, Henry, Porangahau. G. S. Cooper, R.M December 31st, 1862.



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APPENDIX D. LF.TTEB FROM WALTER BULLEB, ESQ., BESIDENT MAGISTBATE, MANAWATU. R. M. Office, Manawatu, October 23rd, 1862. Sir — I have the honor to acknowledge your circular letter of August 7th, enclosing blank forms, and requesting me to furnish a Return of all Europeans in occupation of native lands in this district, with particulars thereof, in terms of an Order of the House of Representatives (July 28th, 1862). It is a well known fact that almost the whole of the native land lying between the Manawatu and Rangitikei rivers is in the occupation of European stockowners, who hold it under lease from the native owners j but to get at the particulars asked for by the House is simply impracticable. It would be ridiculous to attempt it in a district where both the Europeans and natives concerned would, for obvious reasons, combine to refuse the required information. As I cannot, therefore, hope to furnish a report even approximating to the truth, I trust I may be allowed to return the forms herewith, and to decline the duty. I have, <kc, Walter Buller, R.M. The Native Secretary, Auckland.

APPENDIX E. LETTER FROM HENRY ST. HILL, ESQ., RESIDENT MAGISTRATE, WELLINGTON. Resident Magistrate's Court, Wellington, 10th October, 1862. Sir,— Adverting to your circular letter (612) of the 7th August last, covering Extract from the journals of the House of Representatives for a Return of all Europeans known to be in occupation of native land, and requesting that I would supply the required information in my district, I do myself the honor to report that I am unable to furnish tbe particulars set forth in the tabular statement accompanying your circular. As far as respects this district, I would remark that there are few Europeans holding native lands ; but in the Wairarapa and East Coast (Mr. Wardell's district), as well as on the West Coast (Mr. Buller's district), there may be found several within this category. I have, &_., Henry St. Hill, R.M. H. Halse, Esq., Acting Native Secretary, Auckland.



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RETURN OF EUROPEANS IN THE OCCUPATION OF NATIVE LAND IN THE NORTHERN ISLAND OF NEW ZEALAND,, Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1863 Session I, E-16

Word Count

RETURN OF EUROPEANS IN THE OCCUPATION OF NATIVE LAND IN THE NORTHERN ISLAND OF NEW ZEALAND, Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1863 Session I, E-16

RETURN OF EUROPEANS IN THE OCCUPATION OF NATIVE LAND IN THE NORTHERN ISLAND OF NEW ZEALAND, Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1863 Session I, E-16