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E.—No 16

THK REGISTRAR-GENERAL TO THE HONORABLE THE COLONIAL SECRETARY. Registrar-General's Office, Auckland, Nov. sth, 1863. Sir, — 1 have the honor to forward herewith a Return containing so much as it has been practicable to obtain of the information respecting Europeans in occupation of Native land in the North Island, which was required by an Order of the House of Representatives dated the 28th of July, 1862. In conformity with your instructions, in a minute on the Order (enclosed herewith), I immediately communicated with the Acting Native Secretary, who addressed a letter to the several Resident Alagistrates in the Island, enclosing copy of the Extract from the journals of the House of Representatives, and requesting that the information called for may be supplied with as little delay as possible. We also had forms printed and transmitted to the Resident Alagistrates with a view of obtaining in the way most easy to the persons affording the information—as well as most intelligible and adapted for compilation—the various particulars specified in the Order. One of these forms is also enclosed herewith. I presume it is not expected that the Return (if procurable at all) could be ready before the close of the last session. In point of fact, some of the replies to the circulars to Resident Magistrates were not received till long after its termination. It has now, however, been prepared by an extra clerk employed In this office, under my supervision, for the purpose ; and so far as compilation and copying arc concerned, is, I believe, quite correct, Mr. Halse having examined it to ascertain that the Maori names are given accurately. It will be seen that from a considerable number of districts information, more or less complete, has been supplied. The districts from which none has been forwarded are specified in the margin. With respect to the part of the Order calling for "a statement of all prosecutions instituted by Government under the provisions of the Native Land Purchase Ordinance," the Resident Alagistrate at New Plymouth has given particulars of certain cases (see page 15 of Return). The Magistrates at Auckland, Waimate, and Itussell have respectively stated that no such prosecutions have been instituted in their districts. From the other districts no other information on this point of tho subject has been given. At first I thought that the whole of this information might be obtained from the Attorney-General's office, but on enquiry I find that it is not to be found there. An appendix to the Return contains copies of the letters received from Resident Magistrates, except Avhere they were merely formal transmissions of their returns. I have, &c, John B. Bennett, Registrar-Geners^ The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Auckland.

Mongonui. Auckland. Wanganui. Wellington Manawatu. Wairarapa.