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E.—No. 16.



Kikowhakarere Workmen Edward Davis William J. Hirst i P. E. Dillon j Robert Faircloth ... Robert Wheeler 1852 50 acres Ngatitamatera Agreement £20 £100 2 2 ISettler 1862 1 acre „ „ £ 400 1 Merchant. £20 £100 £400 14 2 1 1 1 1860 « _*!__ 1860 1 Settler. Carpenter. Auckland —None ascertained. See Letter from Resident Alagistrate (Appendix A.) igistrate reports —" So far as I can ascertain no Europeans are in occupation of Native Land in this District." Onehunga.— The Resident Ma Waiuku, Drury, & Edward Constable ... Papakura 1860 About 8000 Ngatiteata By agreement for £56 £1500 Farmer acres the food that groAvs on the land 1860 Optional Tainui Sufferance Nothing None 2 Labourer. 1862 Site of house Ngatimahuta „ None £430 2 Stock-keeper. <fe -Ngatimana > r 1860 1 acre Ngatite Whe „ „ £10 Settler Raglan D. Alacnish Aotea Richard Hayes 1860 1862 j William Leo 1860 Kawhia —(see also Samuel Morgan Appendix C.) 1802 6000 acres Ngatihikairo Native gift to wife and chil1«iq * c lren- " £50 2 3 Settler. • 849 5 acres „ Sufferance „ £10 1 Settlel , 1862 9naC,' eS " Agreement £5 per annum £75 Storekeeper. 1862 20 acres „ Sufferance None £12 Labourer 1862 Peter Smith Thos. Tweed Curtoys Waikato— James Clark 1849 1862 1862 2 3 1 Samuel Ferguson ... Thomas Robert Ormsby William Hamilton ... I John Glanville ,18t5 200 acres „ Agreement About £10 £200 2 2 Sailor 857 Unknown „ Unknown Unknown 2 Shoemaker. \lVt ,, » " Sufferance „ 6 j clerk 853 I* aC' eS v £ ■ a " ?0thi "S 3 3 Chemist. iooo £ acre Ngatimamapo- Agreement £2 £40 Sailor to 1843 1857 1848 1845 1853 2 2 6 3 2 1 3 Francis John Cowell ) Willoughby Dixon j John Spencer John Gann 1850 UnkD °Wn " Sufferance Nothing £20 2 3 Shoemaker. 1852 A run Ngatihikairo £450 2 6 Ropemaker. i» w e t, , , , 1 Gentleman. 18^7 D acres Patukoko Agreement £2 £50 1 Blacksmith, i ooo _ acres Mamapoto Sufferance Nothing 1 1 Miller. 1854 1850 1852 1857 1850 2 2 1 1 1 3 6 1