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E.—No. 16.



Hundred of Waiapu — Continued i George Rowland (Horoera) William Hazel (Te Kawakawa) William Collier (Te Kawakawa) James Peachy (Te KawakaAva) John Cassidy (Wharakakika) Carles Francisco (Wharekahika) John Turner (Oreti) Alexander Cuthbert (Raukokore) Henry Pearson (Raukokore) David Bristow (PaooAva) 1859 1 acre Ngatiporou Verbal agreement £2 a-year None 3 1 Trader. 1842 8 acres a Ditto by right of his wife None 1 horse o 4 Alechanic. 1859 9 acres a ii ii a 2 horses, 1 cow 3. ■2 Trader. 1843 On which the house stands a By sufferance ii 1 2 Trader, 1857 li acre f )i None None 1 Trader. 1859 13 acres Whanauamera n £4 10s. in one amount j £5 a year Avhen whaling only M ;_> Settler. 3 1850 Small garden ii 1 horse, 11 goats 2 1 Trader. 1802 On which the house stands a a None 1 horse 1 2 Millwright 1853 ii n ?» £2 a year 20 goats 1 I Trader. 1861 3 acres AVhanauakarautau Written agreement on BristoAv's part to pay the rent specified By Sufferance £2 house. £1 allotment, £1 other allotment 1 horse, 5 pigs 3 3 ShipAvright. [James Hay (Te Kaha) [Thomas B. Smith ... (Te Kaha) 1844 On Avhich the house stands None None Trader.] 1843 • ii 1 ii a Trader.] Taupo— George Law 1862 About ioo: Ngatitepakc By agreement ', signed by the principal men of the tribe, and in the possession of Air. Bell Sufferance No consideration £35 Civil Commissioner and Resident Alagistrate. 2 acres . Thomas Hickie 1 acre ] No rent or consideration 1857 Labourer. Ngatitama eioo N.B. —The names within brackets [ ] are those of Europeans residing at Tekaha proper, just on the boundary line of the Waiapu and Bay of Plent; Districts.