EASING AT MORRINSVILLE. FAT PIQS CHEAPER. BEEF MARKET HELD. Another large bench of buyers operated at the weekly Morrinsville sale vesterday, when 18,000 store sheep', mainly East Coast sorts, were on offer. The demand was not as animated as at recent Waikato fixtures and a slower sale resulted in an easing of 3s per head for practically all classes. Fat departments were again well supplied, and while va'ues were generally held for beef and mutton, there was a distinct falling off in pig values, both baconers and porkers receding by 2s and 3s per head. , , A full beef entry comprised only a limited proportion of really prime sorts, and the demand for this class was keen, with values unchanged. The best sale of the day was for a pen of Polled Angus heifers, which was traded at £9 12s. The ox beef offering comprised a pen of lififritweight bullocks which were knocked down at £lO 16s. Plain and secondary cows and heifers ' were forward in full average numbers, and, tng a good inquiry, sold at the slightly lower rates ruling at the central yards last Tuesday. A feature of the sale was the spirited competition from export buyers for the entry of potter bulls, which sold from £3 to £8 »s. these prices representing advanced rates. Sheep and Pigs. The bulk of the fat sheep entry
i . comprised lambs, and for these iHQUiI‘Y i iwas generally unchanged, with values l on a par with those of last Friday. A j small entry of welhcrs comman-ledi snorl competition and sales were made i at late rates. best pens selling: "it 235 sd. Ewes were traded steadily.‘ and the mixed quality entry was on; the whole firm at values currcni lasti week. A pen ni' maiden six—toothSi was traded at 255 nd. i ’l‘hn yarding of hremlin: owes iii—i chided some good two—tooth lines i from the East Coast. but competition i was not as brisk as that which has characterised recent \Vaikato fairs, and although values remained relatively high they were easier on late rates. One line of attractive young Coast sheep sold at 425 3d, another at 41s 9d. and another at its. other less ittractive lines made from 35s 6d to 395 3d. Older sheep were also easier Ind all classes were approximately 35 per head down. As was generally expected, the fat pig market was definitely easier, although values were on a par with last Frankton sale rates. Baconers and porkers were equally affected by the slower sale. and all classes eased.‘ The downward trend was continuedi for a. lighter entry of stores, wesners being cheaper by is per head and large stores by 35 per head. Stoqk summery. The following table is'a summary of ‘ prices realised for fat stock at the iMorrinsville «sale during the past fort- ‘ night:— This week. Last week. on“ -<(per 1001 b) Extra choice young cows and heifers 27/- to 30/- 27/- to 30/Prime cows 22/-t025/6 RBI-109w; Second quality cows Til-to 21/6 i'l/ to 91/6 Light cows and heifers {GI-101776 16/- to 17/MUTTON (per head)— Fst shorn wethers . 28/6 26/6t025/Unnn. w’th’rs 21/6 to 23/- 22/-to 24/ Prime shorn owes 17/6tolß/5 Fat shorn ewes 16/- to 17/- 16/- to 17/Fat lambs 23/40 27/3 iG/- to 26/6 i mos (per head)— iuaconers se/- to 72/- 53/ to 74/‘Porkers .... 30/- to 45/- 33/- to 47/WVeaners 7/-wls/ 8/-tOl6/> ‘Large stores 23/- to 30/- 26/- to 33/- ‘ Formora’ Auctioneerlnu Company. | The 'Farmers‘ Co-operative Aucitioneerlng Company, Limited, report on the sale as follows :—A good yardiins of cattle again came forward. lGood quality beef was in short supg ‘ply and the demand was very keen.i One pen of eight prime Polled Angus ‘heifers sold at £9 12:. while othersi isold at better than as. .A full yarding of second quality and boner cows was in firm demand by the exporters and an excellent yarding of bulls was also in keen demand by exporters Operating fully at advanced rates. A good 1 entry of fat sheep came forward, in—cluding many pens of fat ewes with a good proportion of fat lambs. Competition for all fat sheep remained on a. par with last week and quotations showed no alteration. There was an extra heavy entry of all classes of .store sheep including the advertised lentry of breeding ewes from the East Coast. North Auckland and southern districts. Competition was not so keen as last week and prices all along‘ showed a decline in value, in some cases of older ewes values receded by 45 to 55 per head. There were several pens of well-grown two—tooth ewes and although competition in this class was slightly easier than older sheep. these also showed a decline on last. week‘s prices. There was a goody yarding of store lambs which were‘ excellently competed for by dairyi ifarmcrs and values showed little aiteration from last. sale. Liull ewes} were hard to quit. The following prices were realised for sheep ex ’l‘okomaru Bay and Gis—horne: Best two—tooth ewes. iis to 42s Gd: medium two-tooth owes, 38s M in 395 3d: small. 30s to 325; late shorn. Ills 6d: four—loath ewes. 365: mixed age. 35s in 35s (id: four—year ewes. 295 9d to 32s lid: five—year ewes. ‘29s to 365 (besi): others. 275 to 285; six—year ewes, 25s to 27s 6d; other six-year ewes, 235 (id to 245 9d; local and Norih Auckland six-tooth ewes. 501 d UP 10 355; four and five—year ewes. 2-is to 29s 9d; five-year ewes, “8 10 265 6d: aged ewes, 185 to 205; cull ewes, 12s to Us. A full yam. illß or fat D 135 was penned. values be—ing 25 to 35 down on last week‘s quo-tat-ions. A medium entry of Stores and weaners sold at ruling rates. Quotations :
' Cattle.—Prime m, heifers, 29 12s; prime fat. cows, £8 ‘25 to £8 195; me-
Lllum rat cows and heifers, £6 is h L". 165; lighter, £5 135 10 2G 13.:
heavy boner vows, £3 95 to £1; 115: medium. £2 125 to E 3 is: lighter. 285 to £2 I‘s; heavy potter bulls, £7 103 to £8 95; medium, £7l 135 to £6 135; light. £8 to £34 85 Gd.
Shown—Fat two—tooth \\‘Ml\m‘s_ 2% 3d; medium [at wethers, 2‘25 6d; (at ewes, 19s to 245 9d; medium fat cwvs. Ms to Ms 10d: heavy rat rams. 265 lo 275 3d: medium fat rams. 235 1141 to 24's 10d; lightr , 225 to '23s;\\'oolly ewe lambs up to ‘265 3d: woolly wether lambs. from 225 3d to 245; shorn store lambs. from 185 id to 195 3d; smaller, 145 6d to 155 6d; cull lambs, 145.
'Pigs.—Heavy choppers, £3 to £4 • 6s; light choppers, 35s to £2 ss; j heavy ’baconers, £3 9s to £3 12s; medium, £3 3s to £3 7s; light baconers, £2 16s to £3 2s; heavy porkers, £2 3s to £2 7s; medium, 38s to £2 2s; light, 30s to 365; stores, 23s to 30s; slips, 14s to 20s; weaners, 7s 6d to 12s 6d. Loan and Mercantile Agency. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency, Company, Limited, report on the sale as follows: — A good sale transpired in the cattle seotlon. The offering, however, contained only a sprinkling of quality cows. Medium Jersey beef was entered in large numbers while the yarding of stores and boners too, was heavier than customary. At the ruling 'Frankton realisations a good sale was effected, the demand being keen. A large number of bulls elicited brisk competition, and prices improved. Medium quality shorthorn beef cows brought £5 15s to £7; heavy Jersey cows, £4 12s 6d to £5 10s; unfinished quality, £3 10s to £4 ss; forward store cows, £2 15s to £3 7s 6d; medium store cows, £2 2s to £3 2s 6d; boners up to £2; heavy bulls, £7 to £8 Is; medium, £6 to £7; light up to £5 10s. In line with the general adverse movement in sheep prices at all centres, business was done at slightly reduced values. 'This was more noticeable as regards full-mouth and sound-mouth breeding ewes, the difference on young sheep being only very slight. Notwithstanding the lower standard set, a good clearance was made, practically all vendors accepting the bids forthcoming. Medium fat lambs sold from 22s to 255; forward, 16s to 21s; sound-mouth breeding ewes, 21s to 23s 6d; fullmouth, 18s to 20s; rough aged ewes up to 16s. The range of prices for all classes of pigs was about equal to that of Frankton last Tuesday. At these reduced levels the demand was strong. Few baconers were entered, but a good supply of porkers came forward. Good porkers realised, £2 12s 6d to £2 16s; medium, £2 5s to £2 12s 6d; light, £1 17s 6d to £2 4s; good store pigs, 21s to 265; slips, 18s to 21s; weaners up to 16s 7d. Dalgety and Co. Messrs. Dalgety and Company, Limited, report on the sale as follows : There was a good yarding of both sheep and cattle, and a fair yarding of pigs. There was a good attendance of buyers and a satisfactory clearance was made. The following were the principal sales:— Sheep.—loo four-tooth Romney cross ewes, 41s 6d: 121 four and five-year-old ewes, 38s; 205 four and ilve-year ewes, 30s; 499 five and sixyear, 27s lid; 80 full-mouth ewes, 15s 6d; 238 fat ewes, 15s; 28 small shorn wether lambs, 10s 9d; pen two-tooth wethers, 25s 4d. Cattle.—Pen of fat bullocks, £lO 17s; forward store cows, £4 to £4 18s; fleshy Jersey cows, £3 5s to £3 16s; small do., £2 12s to £3 2s 6d; potter l bulls, £4 16s to £7 13s. Pigs.—Eased in sympathy with the drop in hook prices. Heavy prime baconers made £3 3s to £3 6s; light baconers, £2 15s to £3; heavy porkers, | £2 to £2 4s; medium porkers. 36s to | £2; small, 30s to 365; light do., 26s to 28s; good store pigs, 225. ROMNEY RAM FAIR. Messrs G. W. Vercoe and Company, Limited, in conjunction with Messrs. Wright Stephenson and Company, Limited report having held their sixth annual Romney ram fair at . Claudelands Showgrounds yesterday when a catalogue of 500 rams came forward. There was a large and representative bench of buyers and although bidding was inclined to be erratic a satisfao- I tory sale resulted. Twenty one-shear Romney rams ex Mr D. G. Forlong, of Feilding, sold from 7gns to 16gns; 24 : one-shear Romney rams from Mr F. C. I Johnstone, of Waitetuna, from lligns ; to 18gns; 26 one-shear Romney rams from the same vendor sold from 52gns to 12Jgns; 34 one-shear Romney rams 1 ex Mr J. W. F. Mcßeth, of Puriri, • 4gns to lOgns; 28 one-shear Romney; rams from Mr Wilfred Johnstone, of Tamahere, sold from Bgns to 13gns; 32 one-shear Romney rams ex Mr J. j E. Richardson, of Te Akau, sAgns to I 9£gns; 14 one-shear Romney rams ex i Mr T. S. Mason, of Haleotnbe, Ggns i to BJgns; seven one-shear Romney j rams ex Mr F. Potts, of Te Awamutu, Signs to Ggns: 36 ex Mr B. Johnston, of Feilding, 4igns to lOgns; 42 ex Mr A. F. Waldin, of Feilding, 4Jgns to 7gns; 16 ex Messrs. •Hinton Bros., | of Eureka, 4Jgns to sgns; 40 ex the Short Estate, of Feilding. 4gns to 9gns; 20 ex Mr F. O. Stack, of Feild- i ing, 4Agns to 7?gns; 20 ex Mr G. V. ! Shannon, of Palmerston North, 4igns to lOgns; 10 ex Mrs I. K. Farrer, of Hamilton, 3igns to 7gns. PRODUCE IN SYDNEY. SYDNEY, February 12. AVhcat is weaker in tone. Bagged ! grain is available at 5s 2id. Bulk j wheat in country is quoted at 4s 6d, | which is equal to about 5s Id at Syd- i ney; flour. £l2 15s: bran, £6 ss; pol- ' lard. £6 10s; potatoes. Tasmanian. £7 to £H,"Victorian. £9; onions. Victorian £l2; maize, yellow 5s Bd, white 5s lOd.
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Waikato Times, Volume 121, Issue 20118, 13 February 1937, Page 5
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1,983EWES SLOWER Waikato Times, Volume 121, Issue 20118, 13 February 1937, Page 5
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