GOOD MUTTON IN DEMAND PIGS INCLINED TO EASE. FAT STOCK AT WESTFIELD. . "% ■ - - The wet weather and North Auckland floods were responsible for very short yardings of cattle and calves at the weekly Westfield fat stock sale yesterday and :the demand was very brisk and a sharp advance in price levels resulted.
, Cattle were yarded to the number of only about 450. The quality was good and competition was very strong, 'prices for all classes improving by from 10s to £1 a head, and up. to 2s per 1001 b. Extra choice ox beef was quoted in all three markets at 26s per 1001 b, the highest price this year. Values for cows and heifers also advanced. . i . '
-The supply Of calves was far below requirements and the few heavy vealers were keenly competed for the exceptional figure of 85s being obtained in two cases for genUine heavy vealers. Bobby calves -sold for as much as 8s arid those .suitable'for the butcher’s trade reached 80s. ■ Sheep were yarded in fair numbers and Jbe demand was brisk for prime wethers and ewes. . All good wethers were disposed of at .prices fully up tp those of a week ago, while there was an improvement in ewe values by Is a head. The only weak sign in'the market was in the case of unfinished wethers, which were, inclined to be a shade .easier. A free sale of /lambs
brought prices equal to those at recent yardings. An average yarding of pigs contained a good proportion of prime baconers. Early in the sale porkers and baconers realised last week’s values, but later price levels receded by fully 2s in ‘the case of porkers, buyers having filled their requirements. Store pigs again met strong competition and prices' made a further advance. The price per, lb. for porkers eased a. fraction to from 5Jd to sfji, while baconers remained at from 5d to 5Jd.
Quotations Compared.
The following is a summary of the prices realised for fat stock for the last two weeks at the Westfield fat stock sales:- —
South' Auckland Consignments.
Top price £ll 2s 6d in the ox beef market.was realised for a small line of very prime steers sold on behalf of Mr J. Scott, of Mangere, for >vell—finished A steers from Messrs Stonex Brothers, Ohinewai, up to £lO 15s was paid. Steers from Mr K. L. Caldwell, of Glen Murray, made to £8 10s! . .
• In the cow and heifer beef market the high price of £9 was paid for each of two very prime Hereford heifers
from Mr G. Booth, of Tuakau, and the best of 'heifers of Mr W. W. Dickie, of Walton, and Mr J. B. Stewart, of Matangi, were disposed of for £7 12s 6d, •the average in the former ease being £6 19s. Up to £7 10s was realised for the heifers of Messrs H. S. and A. E. Holmes, of Onewhero, while a line from Mr J. Hannon, of Cambridge, sold at £6 15s.- For the offering of Mr J. Taylor, of Cambridge, up to £6 12s 6d was obtained, and prices ranged to £6 10s for two trucks from Mr J. Pohlen, of Malamata. For the cows and heifers of Mr A. Miller,- of Hamilton, up to £6 7s 6d was paid, and a line to make up to £6 2s 6d came, from Mr H. Windsor, of Matangi.
Alfred Buckland and Sons.
Alfred Buckland and Sons, Limited, i'reports on the sale as follows: — i We penned fat cattle to the number ! of 136 head, as against 282 head last j week, comprising 45 steers and 91 | cows and heifers. Our yarding of ox | beef was the smallest we have had for some time, with the result that values improved considerably on recent sales, especially light-yveight cattle. Cows and heifers were also yarded In less than average numbers, and they also ! showed a sharp rise. Extra choice ox sold to £1 6s per 1001 b.; ohoice and prime, £1 2s to £1 'ss; secondary and plain, 19s to £1 Is! prime young cow and 'heifer beef, £1 Is to £1 3s; ordinary cow beef, 13s t 5 18s. Extra heavy prime, steers ranged In price from £lO to £ll 2s 6d; heavy prime, £9 5s to £9 15s; lighter prime, £8 10s to £9; light prime, £7 5s to £8; small and unfinished, £4 to £6 ss. Extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £7 to £9; 'heavy prime, £5 5s to £6 10s; lighter prime, £4 to £5; other killable cows, £2 10s to £3 10s. Our offering of calves was again quite insufficient for requirements. A particularly strong demand existed, and our quotations show a further advance. Runners made £2 5s to £4 14s (we yarded no heavy vealers); medium vealers, £2 12s to £3; light, £2 4s to £2 9s; smaller, £1 >6s to £1 14s; un-
finished and bucket-fed, £1 to £1 10s; bobby calves, 2s to 8s (156 calves were sold). Sheep were yarded In good numbers. Competition for both wethers and ewes was keen, and values were firm at late rates (829 sheep were sold). Extra heavy prime wethers, £1 7s to £1 8s; heavy prime, £1 6s to £1 6s 9d; medium to heavy prime, £1 4s to £1 5s 6d; light to medium prime, £1 2s to £1 3s; unfinished, 18s 6d to £1 Is. Extra heavy prime young ewes, £1 to *£l Is 3d; heavy prime, 18s to 19s 6d; lighter prime, 16s 6d to 17s 6d; other killable ewes, 14s to 15s 6d; other ewes, 5s to 1-Os 6d. f Lambs were yarded to the number of 341.” Bidding was free and prjees remain very firm on recent sales. Extra heavy prime lambs, £1 2s to £1 ss; heavy prime, 18s 6d to £1 0s 6d; lighter prime, 17s to 18s; light prime, 15s to 16s 6d; small and plain, 10s 6d to 14s.
We had an Increased yarding of fat pigs, and a smaller supply of stores. In odd Instances values for baconers maintained late rates, but generally an easing tendency was apparent. More porkers were offered’and prices for these were definitely lower. Choppers made £2 to £4 12s, according to weight,; heavy prime baconers, £3 4s to £3 13s; medium, £2 13s to £2 16s; light, £2 8s to £2 11s; heavy porkers, £2 3s to £2 7s; medium, £1 19s $o £2 Is; light, £1 10s to £1 13s; small and unfinished, £1 2s to £1 7s; large stores, £1 3s to £1 7s; smaller,. 18s to £1 Is; slips, 14s to 18s; good weaners, 12s to 15s; others, 9s to 11s; baconers sold at about sd'to per lb. and porkers 5Jd to s|d per lb. (A total of 352 pigs was sold)*.
Loan and Mercantile.
The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Go., Ltd., reports that at Westfield, though the max-ket over all classes was a small one, their entry of beef for the time of-the'year, was nearly an average one under the circumstances. There was a keen demand, and values for all classes improved by 10s to £1 per head. Exti’a choice ox sold to 23s per 100 lb.; choice and prime, 22s to 255; ordinary and plain, 18s to 21s; prime young cow and heifer beef, 21s to 255; ordinary cow, 15s to 20s. No extra heavy prime steers were pened. Heavy realised £9 5s to £10; lighter, £8 5s to £9 2s 6d; light, £7 to £8 2s 6d; small and unfinished, £5 15s to £6 17s 6d; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £6 12s 6d to £7 7s 3d; heavy, £5 15s to £6 '10s; lighter,. £4 15s to £5 12s 6d; light, £3 10s to £4 12s 6d; others, £1 10s to £3 ss.
Calves were penned in small numbers, few extra pi’ime vealers being penned. There was a keen sale with again a sharp rise in values. Runners, £2 lOs to to £4 7s; medium, £3 10s to £3 18s; light, £3 to £3 8s; smaller, £2 to £2 18s; small and fresh-dropped, 5s to £1 16s for butcher calves; rough calves, 10s to £1 ss. Sheep were yarded in smaller numbers. There was a ready demaftd with values for prime wethers firm at late rates* and values for prime ewes about Is better. Heavy prime wethers, £1 7s 6d tb £1 8s 6d; medium primer 6s to £1 7s 3d; light prime, £1 3s to £1 ss'9d ; small and unfinished, £1 to £l. 2s 9d. Heavy prime ewes, 19s 6d to £1 Is; medium prime, 18s to 19s 3d; light prime, 16s to 17s 9d; inferloriy fatted, 8s to 15s. • Lambs were penned in average .numbers arid sold readily at late quotations. Heavy prime lambs, £1 2s to ]£l 3s 9d; medium prime, £1 to £1 Is /9d; light prime, 17s to 1.95; unfinished, 12s to 16s 6d.
Pigs were penned in average numbers. Competition was keen throughout for porkers, values being very firm on last week’s quotations. Baooners also showed an improvement in values. Choppers sold from £2 to £*3 i ßs; heavy and medium baooners, £3 (.to £3, 15s; light baooners and heavy porkers, £2 9s to £2. 17s;-.. medium porkers and light porkers, £2 .to £2 7s; 'small porkers, £1 10s to £1 16s; unfinished, £i 3s to £1 9s. Store pigs were again keenly sought after, values being firm at last week's rates. Light stores, £1 3s to £l. 9s; slips, 16s to £1 2s; weaners, 7s to 18s.
Dalgety and Co., Ltd.
Reporting on yesterday’s Westfield fltock sale, Messrs Dalgety and Company slate: We yarded 142 cattle, including 15 steel’s and‘l27 cows and heifers as against 182 head last week. A good proportion of the offering showed first-class quality and selling under a keen demand, wo recorded an improvement of 2s per IOOIb. on last week’s rates.
Quotations:—tExlra choice ox made to 26s per lOOib.; choice and prime, 23s to: 255; jiist ldllable, 19s to 21s; prime young cow and heifer beef, 21s to 255; just kihabie, 15s, to 20s; heavy prime steers ranged in price from £lO to £lO 15s ;• lighter prime, £8 17s 6d to £9 17s i)d; light pi’ime, £7 12s 6d to £8 15s; small and unfinished, £4 12s Gd to £7';:10s; 'extra heavy prime young co\l's and heifers, £7 12s Gd to £8 ss; heavy prime cows and heifers, £7 12s Gd to £8 5s (Paraenga Estate); 1 lighter prime, £5 to £5 17s Gd; other billable cows, £2 5s to £4 17s Gd. Calves Were' again yarded in short numbers with competition very keen. Values for all classes improved on last week's rates. Quotations: Runners, £3 to £4 Pis; heavy vealers, £3 8s to £4 5s (extra choice entries from E. 11. Rads tree t, of Ohinewai); medium, £2 14s. to £3; light, £2 4s to £2 ss; small, £1 to £1 15s; rough, 12s to 20s; bobby calves, 3s to 6s. Calves were again yarded in short numbers. Competition was very keen and values for all classes improved on last week’s rales. Runners, £3 to £4 14s; heavy vealers, £3 8s to £4 ss, for extra choice vealers from -Mr E. 11. Bradstreel, Ohinewai; medium, £2 14s -to £.'i; light, £2 4s to £2 9s; small, £i to £l 15s; rough yalves, 12s to £1 2s; bobby calves, 3s to Gs. ] Sheep came forward in average j numbers add sold under steady com- j petition at firm late rates for well-, finished wethers. Ewes also sold readily, and'Values for this class show an improvement. Extra heavy prime! wethers, 2Gs fid to 27s 3d; heavy prime, 25s fid to 26s Gd; ’ medium prime, 24s Gd to 25s Gd; light and unfinished, 21s to 245; heavy prime ewes, 19s fid to 21s 3d; lighter prime, 18s to 19s Gd; other ewes, 15s to 17s Gd.
A small yarding of lambs drew ready cuinpclition and late, rates ruled. Heavy prime lambs, 19s 6d In 21s rid; medium, JBs lo 19s 3d; light, 16s lo J7s Oil.
An average yarding of pigs came forward. Haveners' were no| keenly souglii afler and values eased. Porkers were also easier of sale. Heavy baconers, £3 3s lo £3 Ills; medium, £2 I Is lo £2 17s; light, £2 IJs lo £2 12s; heavy porkers, £2 Is lo £2 7s; medium, £1 10s lo £2 Is: light, £l 9s lo £1 12s; small and unfinished, 10s I o £ ! is.
The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, Hamilton, report as follows on a clearing sale held at Korokanui on account of Mr E. J. Fraggatt, on Wednesday. The herd of Shorthorn cows came forward in fair condition. A representative gathering of buyers were competing and a steady sale resulted throughout at satisfactory prices.
We quote: Good Shorthorn dajry cows, -early cal vers, £5 10s to £6 15s; medium quality Shorthorn early calvers, £4 10s to £5 10s; more back,ward and plainer conditioned cows, £3 'ss to £4 ss; inferior up to £3; sundries and pigs sold well. Store pigs,_ 16s to 235; weaners, 9S.
The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, Hamilton, report that at their Otorohanga dairy sate, held yesterday, there were medium numbers of mostly plain sorts of cow® entered. Fairly good competition was forthcoming, anything showing quality and close to profit selling well. . i
We quote: Good Jersey dairy cows, due early, £4 15s to £5 ss: medium Jersey cows, July-August- calvers, £4 to £4 15s; later, £3 to £4; backward and inferior cows, £2 5s to £3.
(By Telegraph.—Press Association.)
HASTINGS, Wednesday
Steady selling was the keynote of the sale In the fat cattlo section at today’s sale at Stortford Lodge, when a smaller entry of Improved quality was offered. Bullocks sold firmly throughout at late rates, while cows and heifers made,improved prices at the commencement, comirig back to parity values in the closing stages. Store cattle were few and.sold at unchanged rates. Fat sheep were in shorter supply and of better quality generally, and values In, corisequence rose, ewes appreciating Is to. Is 6d on butchers’ sorts. Wethers and lambs were firm at late rates. Store sheep were penned in greater numbers, the quality being rather mixed. Breeding' ewes were variable, lower prices obtaining. Hoggets sold well at shortly improved l'ates. - Fat cattle:. Bullocks, medium to pi'ime, heavy, £8 12s 6d to £lO 18s; others,.from' £6 13s; cows, medium to prime, heavy £5 5s to £6 ss; . others, from £4; heifers, medium .to prime, heavy, £5 10s to £7 1,55; others, from £3 15s. Fat sheep: Ewes,-medium to pi’ime, 15s 6d to 225; others, from 13s 6d; wethers, to 235; lflmbs, to 22s Store sheep: Ewes, two-tooth, to 255; four and five-year, to 245; wether hoggets, to 19s 4d; wethers,
This Week. Last week. BEEF (per 1001b) — Ex. choice ox 24/Choice and prime ox .. 22/-to 25/21/- to 23/Choice and 1 prime . cow s and heirer . 21/- to 25/19/- to 23/Boner & rough 13/ J to 20/11/; tIO 18/SHEEP (per head)— Prime -w’tli’rs 23/- to 2S/6 23/- to 30/Unlln. w’th’rS 15/-to 22/9 17/- to 22/9 Prime ewes . 16/6 to 21/3 16/6 to 21/9 Unlln. ewes . 8/- to 16/3 7/- to 16/3 Prime lambs 16/- to 25/15/6 to 25/Unlln. lambs 10/6 to 15/9 10/6 to 16/3 CALVES (per head) — Runners ... 45/- to 97/6 40/- to 103/Vealers .... 26/- to 85/-23/-to 69/PIGS '(per head) — Baconers ... 48/-to 73/50/- to 73/Porkers .. .. 29/-to 47/31/- to 51/Weaners \ .;: 7/- to 18/11/- to 19/Slips 16/- to 22/16/- to 19/Large stores 23/- to 29/20/- to 26/-
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Bibliographic details
Waikato Times, Volume 118, Issue 19637, 25 July 1935, Page 13
Word Count
2,604BEEF PRICES HIGHER Waikato Times, Volume 118, Issue 19637, 25 July 1935, Page 13
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