SHEEP VALUES FIRMER. KEEN DEMAND FOR PIGS. WESTFIELD MARKET REPORT. The recent fall in temperature, which has almost completely stopped pasture growth, was reflected at the weekly Westfield fat stock market yesterday, when large offerings in all classes came forward. The yarding o: beef was exceptionally full, being little below record figures. Farmers "ho had held out in the hope of better prices are now selling surplus stock in readiness for winter feed conditions. With the exception of a few first class lines, which made good prices, the quality yesterday in the beef section was patehy, but values for ox beef were maintained at late rates. Cows and heifers were yarded in a greater proportion than usual, and prices for these fell.. Extra choice ox made 20s a 1001 b, prime ox 17s to 19s, and choice and prime cow and heifer beef 15s to 17s. The yarding of sheep was also large and the quality generally of a high * standard. There was a steady demand and prices, which had risen considerably at the 'two previous sales, maintained their level firmly. Lamb? were offered in full numbers, and sold freely at late quotations. Although the yarding of calves was only average, it appeared to be in excess of requirements. Values for extra good quality sorts showed a slight advance, but the demand for all other sorts was poor. There was a small yarding of pigs and in consequence the sale was keen, and prices showed a general improvement on last week’s rates. The quality was average. The following Is a summary of the prices realised for fat stock for the last two weeks at the Westfield fat stock sales: — This Week. Last Week. BEEF (per i001b) Extra choice ox 20/- 20/Cholcc and prime ox .. i~/-tol9/- 17/-to 19/Cnoice and prime cow , and heifer . 15/- to 17/- 16/- to 18/SHEEP (per head) Heavy prime . wethers .. 16/-to 17/- 16/-to 17/6 Med. prime wethers .. 13/- to 15/9 12/6 to 15/6 Unf. wethers 10/6 to 12/6 9/-to 12/Prlme ewes . 9/-to 13/9 f/- to 14/6 Unfln. ewes 6/6to 8/9 6/-to ,/9 Ex. hvv. prime iamhs .... 15/-to 16/9 Prime lambs 9/-to 14/6 9/6 to 14/6 ' Unfin. lambs 4/6 to 8/6 4/- to 9/CALVES (per head)— _ Runners 22/- to 52- 22/- to 59/Vealers .... 10/-to 36/- 10/-to 33/PIGS (per bead)— , Baconers 21/-to 50/- 30/-to 48/Porkcrs 18/- to 35/- 16/-to 35/Weaners ... 3/-to 7/- 3/-to 6/Sllps 8/-to 11/- 8- to - Large stores 13/-to 17/- 10/-to 18/In the beef market a consignment from Mr Chepmell, of Kiwitahi, made up to £7 17? Gd. A truck of prime bullocks from Mr 11. E. Reed, of Waerenga, realised £7 15s, and a line of choice quality cattle from Mrs Main, of Hautapu, was sold up to £7 7s Gd. In the cow and heifer section consignments of choice quality animals from Mr W. J. Corrigan, of Morrinsville, and the Mataroa Land Company, Putaruru, reached up to £5 2s 6d. A line of cows only from the Mataroa Land Company, Putaruru, realised up io £4 10s. DETAILS OF SALE. Loan and Mercantile. The New Zealand Lean and Mercantile Agency Company, Ltd., report: At Westfield to-day beef was penned in large quantities. There • was a steady demand for prime qualities at late rates. Plain and unfinished were dull of sale. Extra choice ox sold to 20s per 100 lb, choice and prime 17s to 19s, secondary and plain 14s to 16s; prime young cow and heifer beef lGs to 19s, secondary 12s to 15s. Extra heavy prime steers ranged in price from £8 to £9, heavy £7 to £7 17s Gd, lighter £G to £6 17s Gd, light £5 to £5 17s Gd, small and unfinished £3 10s to £4 17s 6d; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £5 to £5 10s, heavy £4 to £4 15s, lighter £3 to £3 17s Gd, light £2 to £2 17s Gd, others 15s to 30s. Sheep were yarded in large numbers. There was a steady demand, with value? firm at late quotations. Heavy prime wethers made 15s to lGs and 9d; medium prime wethers, 13s 9d to 14s 9d; light prime wethers, 12s to 13s Gd; small and unfinished wethers, 8s to 11s 9d; maiden and heavy prime ewes, 10s Gd to 12? Gd; medium prime ewes 9s to 10s 3d; light prime ewes, 7s to S? 9d: interiorly fatted ewes, 3s to Gs 9d. Lambs were penned in large numbers and sold readily at late quolations. heavy prime lambs realised 14s to 13s 6d; medium prime, 12? to 13s 9d; light prime. 9s to 11s 9d; unfinished best, 7s to Ss 9d; others, 5s 6d to 6s Gd. A smaller yarding of pigs met with a firmer demand. Values for baconers remained firm, and porkers firmed on last week’s quotations. Choppers sold from £1 5s to £2 2? Gd: heavy and medium baconers. from £1 its to £2 7s; light- baconers and heavy porkers, from £ l 10s to £1 14s; medium porkers, and light porkers, from £1 2s lo £1 Ps. Store pigs sold at. late quotations. Large stores, 12s to 19s; slips, 7s to Us; weaners, 3s to Gs, Calves were penned in large numbers. Values were firm on late quotations, though on late sale calf values were easier. Runners made £1 10s to £2 14s; heavy vealers. £1 10s to £2; medium. £1 3s to £1 Ps; light. 18s to £1 Is; small and fresh dropped, 3s to 10s; rough calves, 3s lo 10s. Datgoty and Company. Dalgety and Company, Limited, report on the weekly Westfield fat stock sale yesterday as follows: — Beef was yarded in large numbe-s. There was no improvement in demand and values for ox show no variation. Cow and heifer beef came forward in big numbers and values for this class were easier. Extra choice ox sold to 20s per 1001 b; choice and prime ox, 17s to 19s; secondary and plain ox. lis to his; prime young cow and heifer beef, 15s to 17s; ordinary cow beef. 9s to t is. Heavy prime steers ranged in price from £7 2s Gd to £7 17s ml: lighter primo steers, £5 17s Gd to £7; light prime steers, £4 15s to £■> l.>s; small and unfinished steers, £2 lOs to £i 12s _ Iml ; extra heavy prime young rows and heifers, £4 15s to £5 os. A lino of .JO extra prime heifers, on account Messrs Holdsworth Bros.. V\ha~ katane, averaged £4 12s 3d. Heavy prime cows and heifers. £3 13s to £4 12s Gd; lighter prime cows and heifers. £2 15s to £3 12s Gd; other killable cows, 32s Gd to £2 12s Gd.
Sheep were penned in full numbers and Ihe quality thoughout, was first-class. The demand was steady and values for all classes ruled at full late rates. Extra heavy prime wethers realised 15s Pd to JGs 9d; heavy prime, 14s Pd to 15s Gd; medium, J 3s 9d to 14s Gd; light and unfinished, 12s Gd to 13s Gd; heavy prime ewes, 11s to 13s Pd; lighter, 9s to 10s 9d; oilier ewes, Gs 9d to 8s 9d. Lambs came forward in well up to average numbers and sold steadily at late values. Heavy prime lamb made 15s Gd to 16s; medium, 13s 9d to 15s; lighter, Us 3d to 13s Gd; light jii'inie, 9s to 11s; small and plain, 8s to 8s 9d.
We offered an exceptionally heavy yarding of calves, composed chiefly of well-bred bust-fed sorts. Prices were erratic at the commencement of the sale and eased generally in the concluding stages. Runners made £1 11s to £2 Gs; heavy vealers, £1 10s to £1 14s; medium, £1 4s to £1 8s; light, 17s to £1 2s; rough, Us to 15s; small, 5s to 11s. A shorter yarding of pigs met with improved competition, prices generally showing an advance on last week’s prices. Choppers sold at £1 4s to £2 Is; heavy boners, £2 6s to £2 10s; medium, £1 17s to £2 2s; light, £1 Is to £1 15s; heavy porkers, £1 7s to £1 9s; medium, £1 3s to £1 Gs; light, 18s to £1 2s; stores, 14s lo lGs; slips, 8s to 10s; weaners, 2s to 7s.
Alfred Buckland and Sons. Messrs Alfred Buckland and Sons, Limited, report on the weekly Westfield stock sale yesterday as follows: Our supply of fat cattle numbered 320 head as against 215 at last Wednesday’s sale, comprising _ 205 steers and 115 cows and heifers. There was a steady demand with little or no variation in the value of ox beef. Cows and heifers were easier in price. Extra choice ox sold to £1 per 1001 b, choice and prime 17s to 19s, secondary and plain 14s to lGs; prime young cow and heifer beef 15s lo 18s, ordinary cow 7s to 14s. Extra heavy prime steers ranged in price from £8 to £8 15s, heavy prime £7 to £7 17s Gd, lighter prime £5 15s to £6 17s Gd, light prim?; £4 to £5 12s 6d, small and unfinished £2 2s Gd to £3 17s 6d; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers £4 15s to £5 2s Gd, heavy prime £4 to £4 12s 6d, lighter prime £2 10s to £3 17s Gd; other killabie cows, £1 to £2 7s Gd. There was a heavy yarding of sheep, and a good demand existed throughout at ruling prices. A total of 1871 sheep was sold. Extra heavy prime wethers made 15s 6d to 16s Gd; heavy prime 14s to 15s 3d, medium to heavy prime 13s lo 13s 9d, light to medium prime Us 9d to 12s 9d, unfinished 10s Gd to Us 6d; extra heavy prime young and maiden ewes 10s Gd to 12s 9d, heavy prime ewes 9s to 10s 3d, lighter prime Ss to 8s 9d, other killabie Gs 6d to 7s 9d. Lambs were also penned in large numbers and sold freely at about last week’s values. A total of 918 lambs was sold. Extra heavy prime lambs realised 15s to lGs 9d, heavy prime 13s to 14s 9d, lighter prime Us Gd to 12s 9d, light prime 9s to 11s 3d, small and plain 5s to 7s 9d. We had an average entry of calves. Values for extra good quality sorts showed a slight advance, but the demand for all other classes was poor. Runners made £1 2s to £2 12s; heavy vealers, £1 12s to £1 lGs, medium £1 5s lo £1 10s, light 17s to £1 Is, small JOs lo 14s, rough and buckct-fcd 3s to 8s; bobby calves, 2s to ss. A total of 135 calves was sold. •Our offeriing of pigs was smaller than usual and hardly sufficient for requirements. Bidding was keen, and our quolations show an improvement. Choppers made £1 to £2 10s; extra heavy prime baconers £2 Gs to £2 10s (one good pig made £2 Us), medium £1 18s to £2 4s, light £1 13s to £1 15s; heavy porkers £1 9s to £1 12s, medium £1 4s to £1 7s, light and unfinished £1 to £1 3s; stores, 13s to 17s; slips, 8s to 10s; suckers and weaners, 3s to 8s; sows due to farrow, £1 5s to £1 15s. A total of 384 pigs was sold.
CAMBRIDGE STOCK SALE. The Farmers’ Co-operative Auctioneering Co., Ltd., report:— At the Cambridge stock sale only a medium yarding of all classes came forward. Beef and store cattle sold at equal to central saleyards’ rates. We quote: Medium fat cows, £2 to £2 lGs; light fat and killabie cows, 20s to 28s; Jersey and Jersey-xu-oss heifer?, r.w.b., £4 to £4 7s Gd; Jerseycross heifers, smaller, r.w.b., £2 10s to £3 10s; Jersey and Jersey-cross heifer calves, 25s to 265; choice dairy cows, close to profit £3 5s to £8; light fat baconers, 31s; store lambs, G? lo 7s Gd. * S IYIATAMATA STOCK SALE. The Farmers’ Co-operative Auctioneering Company, Ltd., report:— At Malamata sale we penned an average yarding of sheep and cattle. Late rates were maintained on sheep,'while lhe easier prices ruling for store cattle were maintained. There was again a full yarding of fat pigs, but a smaller entry of slips and weaners. Values for all classes were on a par with late rates. Quotations : —Fat lambs, heavy, 12s Id to 13s ltd; light fat lambs. 9s to ths: fat ewes. 7s; store ewes. 2s id to is Gd; store wethers, 8s Oil to 9s: store lambs, 5s Gd io 7s 7d; fat heifers, £2 ."is to £3 15s; fat steers. £3: fat cows, £1 tßs in £2 10s; killabie cows, £1 3s to £1 12s Gd: fresh store rows. ltis to £1 2s Gd : honors, <is to J is; choice heifer calves, 32s Gd to 465: others. !7s to 30s; yearling llolslein steers. 9s lo IGs; two-year heifers, running with bull, £3 ss. Pigs; Choppe-s. £1 is to £1 Gs; heavy hacotiers, 3Ss to £2 Is; medium baconers. ,32s to 365: light baconers and heavy porkers, 23s to 30s; medium porkers. 19s lo 235: light and unfinished. 12s to 18s; slips, Gs Gd to 9s; good wcanjrs, 4s to 5s Gd; smaller weaners, is to 3s. HIDES AND SKINS. The weakening tendency in hide prices, which had been shown at previous sales, was continued at this week's sale at Auckland, when hides were easier by about Jd all round. Skins, however, were fairly firm at late rates. There is little demand from overseas and local tanners are the chief operators. Prices ranged as follows; — Sheepskins.— 0”y; Ualfbred, to :Ud per lb: fine crossbred. 3ld: eoarso crossbred, 2 3d: medium crossbred. 2}d; half to three-quarter wool, '.’id: short to half-wool. 2 id: quarterwool, 2 id; lambs, ltd; pells. 2d. Salted: Best, to Is 9d each; good. Is id; medium, 9d.
Hides.—Heavy, to i}d per lb; medium. id: lisrht. .".Id: extra heavy cow. ."Id: heavy, 3 id; medium, 3d; liglil. 3d: jearlings, id; best calf, sid; good, 3d: inferior and damaged, 3d. Tallow.- —Best mixed, 15s: medium, 12s; poor, Si.
PEDIGREE SALES. Mr R. J. Wilson, Putaruru. —Sale of Pedigree Jerseys, Claudelands Wednesday June 1. Ranstead Bros’ Annual Sale Ped. Milking Shorthorns —Thursday, June 2. R. D. Duxfleld’s Annual Sale of Ped. Milking Shorthorns— Friday, June 3. E. c; Banks and Son, Matamata,. Unreserved Sale 100 head Pedigree Friesians —Tuesday, June 21. W. .T. McClure. Edgecumbe—Sale of Pedigree Friesians —Wednesday, June 22 Hamilton Allen, Kihlkihi, Complete Dispersal Sale of Woodcrest Pedigree Jerseys Wednesday. July 27, in conjunction N.Z. Loan Company. Ruakura State Farm Annual Sale of Ped. Jerseys, Shorthorns, Ayrshires and Pigs.—Wednesday, August 10.
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Waikato Times, Volume 111, Issue 18622, 28 April 1932, Page 12
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2,431LATE RATES FOR BEEF. Waikato Times, Volume 111, Issue 18622, 28 April 1932, Page 12
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