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(By Qra<>e MocGowan Cooke.) Your Hightioss, allow me to Tho man is quite a common person. He ■" "However, 1 shall thank him myself," the haughty young voice cut in 'abruptly. "Common people must bo interesting. Heaven Knows 1 havo a right to anything that can interest me —now! Move out of my way, please, fraulein."' The time was the year of presage that ushered in the world war; a lie place a mountain highway in the Balkans, that seething pot ol petty national strife which has menaced the peace of Mi rope since lirst- its peasant, royalties gathered to them hands of fighting men and staked cut tiny kingdoms to quarrel over among themselves and be quarrelled over by the po\ve:s. Steep, the walls of («od and not of man, the saw-toothed \ aids I'immed the horizon. A white road, cut in living rock, leaped up like a flame through the hills and escaped into the sky live thousand feet above; as man below, the capital city o! I.uxen in its mountain valley showed red roots and smoke, moving trains and trolleys reduced if> toys yet visible, detailed, in the <-'e,ir air. Around the turn a motor u:is stopped, its chauli'eiir and attendants lioiding back ie>peeti ull\, [ hough keenly observant ot the three lcuiinine 11 jtires hy the roadside. Her highness looked a mere hii of n girl, with a little ihrce-eornoi ej kitten lace, pale, lit by great black made human and adorable bv jis uioli 1 ■ rosy mouth; yet t':e small luad in its elite motor hood had mi in'!.. w an ;;ir o. easy command oai:e -eli'-co.'^ci-m., while the inulfiiiig inrs she were niiuli. hitx'o ;?r:tced an < uiiuv-s. she •! wit.b her hack to ihe law wall '-Vai

guarded the road from the mv-i. in it dented, dei'yin .■; pct-ti:v;iw authoii.v in the form <i an ex-':n\erne<-, nnv. . lad> in waiting, \.<ug l. ihe lull he. lit .

of ihos-o oy< s— ,!;•, |), lustrous. "L.w ii,:'. \\ iili rebellious lire that answered '■ > ;lir mi:.:i;i.uis ro(\ mouth sot liko an u i. fin child s Her rd.nod hand oiatHmd a mass ol oid< Iwiiss. This Ijinii Ii of ri'iueis had led to iho pro--in conrontion over iho expressed desire on in.pan oi Soiia of Isle\ na to i hank i ':>■ n,a: 1 who in plain siiriii and at tho risk of Ins liio. had n d ihom 1. r Li r. Van a." Tho third in iho group, an old noman in suporiino pea-am L-a.'h, eiiiisie! tn hor name. Her lull i ussoi ski. i - were silken : tho raw iod-aiHL;. , .iee:i-an I ■_Ci>Ul"M i mLroiderios t! at hunted on , a lit!' or,. ami apron 'i suportilio linen wore silken, too. She stood hoforo ho.' royal nurslins and mistress and iho di •■• tfUsioil alien \\\y> had lico.i givon cliai ;,o n' that mi-rro-s, wrinkle I, uld and u iso, «an bin-; i hoir laco- ;:s lht>y spoke. A i Soiia \ voice i'.i w rinklos all orotic d l'.o;n> Ives inui si, dr. •\arna,'' tho c:irlis!i duolio<s ropeat od, "yoi! 5;,;,! ii.,. 1,.' n w ii,) fjui t! ■. flnwors lor mo \\;rs n.iimu still •■He is waiti: <•. still, hi' In; -." \\ hai is he like, Van;;:, when o. see-, him i lu-, - I woimloiv d »'i i\ mueh uai f'hinv; iiim '.'.(> across the < lilt ;:,-: ■ like a Ay. all i.. :;ot- ■ .mo i! We. s for me' ' Is Ii ■ s.»" clroadiully o men. a ; ii auh in tells us: : ' "Cnmnii n !" Tho old wi man l ufl'lo.l . h r voire :. ;- Miuturaf. J f l::lm. - •holihl see |nr In ; -e!l. I!> i- waiting." •Ti He. 1 s'lOldd si e 1 )' 111} sell, s'i and i'-id . ido iso I raulein. 1 w a'i '. oi'ly Varna v, :i Ii mo. I am .'.eir.'j. dou ~ ihe rna I ;e s;,eali to tliis por.son. 11 ~. n," 1.1 ,'■ yon ami ilie others." 'I lie h."di in had her hands full a-: i she always distrnsto.i tin old nurse, Varll I, ;• IJilSsi.lll l'.i'>;nr v. li.i n;ej.!u wed lii in t ':,■ pav of that c vornmou;. , r Ol Hois hlle':'!:. P/flll-hler ' , 'I nelile (ii riuan lii u-e. she 'had 1.0 i plaeotl ;.' ■■' ' ositien to in ild tho vow .• and s!i-, : „. "ilio dcstiin of ll'.e ro.xa; dm liess '■:' Hlov a. whon diplo ra.-v ejithoro.l her skirt.', and tied io T.o ■■ <:■ neis. w■'■.isn, rin;:;, finding i!:o Haika'.i 11 in' still no iar ;.'or tlmn a man's ha:: : la.kin ■, i':e I'.n'in ol p mailed list. Isle. ■ iw w i - r dot on the map: n-. im; oriauoi: ihan oi a gau'way. not a countr,. I.nxell Was .i>iii'i o mi:!'< . Hill l).!li- oi !.;ln■ ■ll \'..s i l( ih.ssj; a d,'■■-(■. lit. and hi marriayo toSolia ihertloro qtiostionahl in iho eves el iluve wlio had sent tin frail Vie ssjncii t!io tirsi I'rTil iatieiis for a man i.'iue h'twton rhose two jm tty ruefs (v. ho oli'iiK'od in ho, on ill ■ on hand, a inssioii.ito, hoatui'id "ill, .Tin on ihe oi !(•:• a yonti;.' man wl;o had i' l !-- tine;:isi;rl him'stdi in various worth;, wavs- Imt what, cave dipl.'ini'i'ss ir.- s lK 'h (leu,i!s as tlioso?) I'm (ierneie woman had cautiously inl'am rd the i tiud o In-)' n.yal pupil regain-; the Russ. while :, -uinine to he neutral to tho mat all. Tiide" such uvanic:u, the little diic'a•-■.s had refused I ; see tin- formally present, d portrait m Hmis. She hadreturnod u to him wit'; ih.. insuUiny; im -- \so that hor crown, w hicli would aicom him lor n con oi i. had not eves |'o" pictures. • When ilieiv I lid come hack a won! from the mirno «o Limit, so manadatoi'v, as io remind our that ho hob.m_'~,1 'tn m pc mlc with whom marrincro L;■• capture li >d seuocly ras<ed into trade. ti: ii, il-,,- n-aiiloin had ' »> n informed. Tito i-esti ts of her iniudioious common! would h it! draw his proposal—;ha 1 (|i:ii,. overwlielmed lu r. That speeok had >, i little Sofia, to snatching up a liny sum all in haste an I rushing over m her liaueo's domain, incognito.

TVv had found Boris absent from hm capital citv; ami that mi nun . Smia had been like a mad t'uug. Tim fruilein, denied sleep, Imrr'ol from one P"! unity to another, was like a guinea |,i.; attempting io interpret, the courtship oi" :i nair ol eagles. This motor trip, out ou the mountain road, this Midden, ii nine de-ire Ur edelweiss gathered by p wayside tramp. She could only clinj to Sofia's arm hlealin'i. •Tf ii ■-hmild be k'.mv.. u! If it should be found out !" •■You foraei. 1 have em eved up my glories as Jove u>-rd to when he went a-tourting," Sethi reminded her la.iv in waiting, fierce scorn in her voice. "I (Minn to l.uxrn and find tore young man li.'-, iw'-i aw.|\ Tj-om mo. J must amuse myself. Varna tolls me this per--e.n believes me to be the daughter oi a rich brewer. Very good. U will m*. count for mv sables —and it is true; brewing is a. government monopoly in

Blcvna." •Mv dear child—if you will permit me so to call vou"—her wan" eye was on Varn.n—"My dear child, pray think you! Tt may come vo the public carthe princo may hear of it and sir— A woiuan, even a monarch, cannot af. ford 10 _appear bold—least of all, to seem so to a man." ••'Cannot, madam?'' Sofia halted briefly, and one could have s»en the sovereign in her abrupt gesture. "My fatties before mo won their thronesand their wives—so. I am the daughter of their boldness. As for PnucBoris of Lnxen. he has run away from mo and mv boldness. He is gone. T might, dance in bis streets, and he would never bear of it." The fronlein sucked her bus with ? bt tie shocked sound, rather like what one would oxoeot from a frog in deep

grief. "Dance in the streets!" she echoed t-cpub-hrellv. "A reigning duehess! . You have the opportunity, my child, ta show the world a model " . "Oh!" cried Sofia, throwing her hands abroad in exoneration, scattering starry white blossoms that Varna hastily went down on her to pick m>. "Models —manikins of wood! Yarn*, lifted the hem of Sofia's cktak to b«*r lins and wliispored: "He waits, hicness —a fine./stroiw lad—oh, a beautiful lad! Ho followed the carries© down from the* city, pates and Tost bis heart to your eyes—little "dew-one!" , - The had ©ot yet mad©, her w>int, which was to. delay, if not to ;ftiwt>r»*o,, «M**o% tm ?JujL V \ja w h^w' to, .ptnPt ->T^?f*

'•there's nothing so merciful as a bomb watting for me. here in Luxen.'' "The prince"-•■" "Ho is not waiting. There is just the trouble. He leaves me to cool my licol> —as the English say ic —fqc three days, while he listens to prosy paper's on his pet fail at si convention of scientists in Vienna. Very good, head on, Varna." The heels in question were very nice French heels, and they supported extremely pretty feet, hut the little duchess pegged them viciously into the common road as they carried her forward to meet and speak witli a common man, while the fraulein urung impotent hands.

He was standing in ilio middle of theway, facing toward tho turn, a l>strong young fellow with an unusual hreadth ol shoulder that tapered litholv 10 heel. He had the hearing of a soldier, yet he wore tho garh of n peasant in holiday trim, a garh, ho ii said, thai was markedly hreoming. So soon as they rounded the hlufl'.Jie pulled off 1:1- Van with its sinide grouse feather, and Sofia goi ihe glini of sun on his thick, ruddv hair. He did not advance toward them, hut remained whero he was, can off and howing rospectfullv. as Sofia hud never heen howod to hofore in her life.

•■| wanted to thank you for the (lower-.," she -aid. when she eame within sp.-akiiig distance, h was a no\ el i \perioncc to have a man look ~i;aivly into her eyes with Innosi ad-nili-ilioii l>m no deference oilier ilian .',ll ~i hi> - v . must </ive the eternal I'einiuine. "I'm afraid you ran a .r,-,.,,i (,i ii-k in geiiing them." \|,.(hum-ally and from force of ',, :'..- put out her hand for him io Li,-.. The vouim man took it. hut did nut rai-e ii to his lips. He '•hook it

iU -. (inn. deniecratti iJTa-p. j ••Not. at all,'' he a--mod her, in a ~l ea-ant voice thai somehow matched ' his mile and hi- eye; and thai hair oi 1,,, uiili n , id. am- oi red. 'l've : all over these ■ litis. I know • ihe «afe places." •Yi - " -he said -nfily, hn ng the : while Howcr- in hei face. "Do yon i< u ,v.i of anv place safe enough for me in pi.k eideh.vei. -: I have never done 1 I quite 10-m for ihe evporieneo. Tlie voung man looked her over with ii .liiihtlv patronising -mile. She ..eemed to lie :> rhuighter of wealth, denied t\\? healthful outdoor activities ~,.,.' ii.'u. thai hitild ihe health and ,;,-,..■ .-;|i of hnmhler folk. ••Vniir mm her " ho hofnu.

•\lv eil'.rnie-." S'.-fia , -.-.rivet od. "T : ..!,-.!l noi [,.i:o her uiih ii-. It wouh! nui intern-, her. ••| o-." said (ho vr.uie.j. man praVP|v, "Ii is in hi- nil ade, inure " ■•|. i. [o bo an ndvt'iitniv." Ti;,» 111 lie dllc'loss I'M liol lip. bill -]„. ~,.!„•« 1 U\< words hrnvelv. These

common men i ailed a S' ,: *do :i spado '." ilio iuom nonchalant maimer. 'I his J ~,.,-. • n mi'ilii oven suppose ihat 'die j w ;is ninnin'.' :ii lor liiui ■ and so v so. ••Well :hon I know ;i lilll*~- valley , ~|r i| ;i . highway « Mi. Tin- mad is ton J ~., j ~,,. ;, motor- mdv :i Lridle n.iih—--I,'ui ,1 viv. !•;.!,• !n-morrow " | ■•!•:,. ,!!,: : : ' ' sai,! Soil:! ni Mevnn. j ■■! i;i|| mem von hero to-morrow -at ii,i I.mi! and -hall how m.' tlic ;

■• ' i ' Shi- -iivu hod din If.')' hand ntoi'm for | inif.vcll. Tin- viv.mii man took ii. and i.,.|,1 i, h.iH'.rr ihini -oem. '! 'i 1: ><" "ocr*•ai *'. '•|t'< a harfram," he mid. "Vow ~,-,'■ i be hero earlier than to-dav. \V< '1! |,a\e n l.mij ride hftoro Us. I'll Lime -oininliin:. ni eat in mv pockets. Wo ,!.,,!. i •:,) hungry. Rni your piovoriio.--" -lii' returned to the idea ;• - il ~, make -'ir.•-••wiv.dd never be able to

lido i!mi ronuii pad." ■•I shall 1.0 .oinim- done." said Sofia. | •That i- .Varna and I v> ; il oomo alono. j Wr nucii rido -i"> iii iho mountains at j home." I She whs jroius. mil !■•' detained hor. | • : i hen F.i:si'ti is no; vour homo: ••No. ['in onlv ihinkiny; of ';culinn h,T< . (lood-bve." S!io laufchod out suddenly, with a revelation oi small white teeth. Somehinc Loth angry and depressed vanished from her air. Did the man in- j umi.l to hold hor hand all d-iyl- ; •■Co.od-livp." '-he repeated, pulling I

lior I'tnt'er* away. •Yen mr—only thinking--oi soulinc lime ■" He came a stop after her. "1 'iiiuld li!:.- in nilk to voti aboni that. " I'o-moi row- -to-morrow." snid ilie b'tih. (litrhess trayl.v. •To-morrow." echoed ihe common man, howling in pick up a white blos-

som die liar] (In np."d. ••\'o-\ ! wonder." 'aid '-'■oiia of Blcvim. <rs -he hurried hnol- in her retimm. '-'.as ho land in soil mo I- Anyhow ii will be meat fun. Varna, you

vliiill luc i' :i wliiir* niulo 10 rido, if one j can I.'<-• lYiur.i! ii\ Lnxon." 11. Ten o'lioik ol iho noM day --; iv. two ; ti'.niv- on l!io chalk .i.iul i 11..' loads up ! iiij , liio in mi ol iho V;ilil r --onf' nil old iiOicSiiiii woman on a snowy mule, the Oilier ;; sltlldcr fill ill il |)Ol'i'ootly fit Li nil linl'ii. riding a mil hrown horse tlia: tiotied :it the ciiih and pave lior odikiiuiii:v I-, display hor liorsomnnshin.

"Varan." said Sofia of Blovna over her shoulder to her one atteudant. "I had hill a mind to jmi on my uniform us colonel 01 the An*>trifin Hussars. What would he have said to tiia.t our poor, dear common man:" •'Yon are much prettier in this, little queen of the whole earth," said Varna comfortably. "Von arc beautiful enough to ixirn ihe heads ol all ihe men in the world. Ah! Look ahead! lie is waiting for voiu"

They topped an incidental rise am saw, on the heighf beyond, outlined against iJu» sky. the common man on' a big-I.Mied gray horse, standing at rest !ii the middle of the way. a challenging figure, in spite of its jib.soltue repose.

Again he failed to come forward, waiting for Sofia ami her attendant io reach him fully before lie spoke. The v'irl studied the lines of that broadframed body, half turned from her as the common man gave her his shoulder, staring out*over the valley. It was a prospect worth his ' regard—laixeii, rimmed by the Voids, even a glimpse of the peaks of Blovna on the dim blue horizon line; yet at his elbow waited a view that should have

boon oven more attractive to a man r,f his yen in—a very pretty girl superbly mounted, who looked bor Host on horseback, and who was plainly in" i mood of irrcfioonsible gaietv. "Mademoiselle," ho scid, SfCftreejly turning, e;i\inc. the newcomer hut a porfunctorv saline, "will you wheel your horse in beaidei mine - and enjoy the view? It. is worth looking at. T myself have scon it ofen, but I nevei tire of it." "Why do you address me f>s mademoiselle " demanded Sofia. "Are- you a Frenchman ?" "I have studied in that country. The form of address conies natural to mc, 'is I have no name for vo\i. My owp name is—"

"If you please!" Sofia raised an imperative hand. "I have already a title for vou. 1 hope vou will not object to it." "I shall not object. . Let us be moving, if you have seen, all you car© to. My little valley is somo miles beyond." They rounded into the broad highway and travelled for a moment in. silence, the srev awl the bay stepping together marvellously welk the white mule coming on. behind valiantly. "And. your narao for mo i " Sofia's, escorfc finally laquired, ■* "The common man." letnrned w* little duehesa. demurely. "'T hope t gives ufo offence." "It, is not rtifensiTCr Vim von-" ",Whv from: mfr?" susoieionsly. The big man -<m, hia big grey horse turned and looted his exquisite <»«: i iii.l hiil jjitin ffßftCcH. " '"i

you and pSVerty iw me, as tfte title yonjßiro in» juggiits," eyi He looked sidewise at her and laughed slyly. Sdim was speechless. m '•However it is," he added generous* u lv. "let us he sworn comrades for the Mi (by and make .tike most of it." "For the day!" Sofia echoed, half he I minded to drop her mask. v bi | "For the day," repeated the common man with amiable finality. "More J than that might embarrass me." d< "Eihbarrass you!" the duchess to echoed, and to her <r< formula: "Upon my word!" A Alter that they pushed ahead silent- p] lv, and the white road leaped up before them ; but to-day it was a singing flame 0| as it swept high into the hills, and the u bunion of its chant was liberty. After j, all. it. was a beautiful morning, and f | thev wore both voting with the year. Kinallv, "I forgive you," whispered I the little duehess half to herself. "I ani unaware of offense —yet glad r-> lie forgiven, little comrade," came the deep-murmured response. Soli a glanced hastily back at old , Varna on her mule and began to speak louder—of the scenery. Her escort | answered. Mo seemed well informed * for a common person. They had , touched passingly on most- ol tiio J questions of the day when they loft the -> high-way for the bridle path he had mentioned, travelled it a short distaivo, , mir| found themselves >" a high-hung i ■ dell set like a cup on an altar up itr theValds, shut in on all sides save the ,i 'narrow way by which they had come. | vet carpeted with green, it-; v'A s ~ starred to their very liases with eidelweiss. . n i ,' '*01:!" cried Soln, with a cu'cumllex n of rapture "How beauiitul! ,1 She looked gratfully at the common man. when lie came up to help her from her horse; apparently she thought lie had created and prepared the place for her especial diversion. i ] iftinn- her to the ground, ho paused a moment and held her as one might i picture scanning her lace at shoi t nice. His regard was almost sava',Te~ it might well have daunted a Spirit, less hold than little Sofia's. •*Pu t- me down—this minute! she pin red "Von arc presumptuous, sir. '••That is a word not used between cood comrades," said the common man evenlv. "1 wanted to he sure whether vonr eyes said the same thing that your lins do." , ~,ii ••.Vi:d you found them —— ducness challenged. .. , ••Speaking the trnih. he salt, daiiiedv, "and the color of a night sky. luminous, as j; is wlien the star; are ail in ' t '" , ,jc- r "Vam •• Vorv prettv, laughed Mia. _ i"- 1 dmnld have been horn a courtier. •God forbid! •Will it please HIV liule mistress to ■rgther Hewers while Varna spreads ,V lunch r" re krd the old woman. wne,. -.he had returned fom tethering her white mule near the two horses. •• V verv good idea." put m the common in a n before Sofia could offer a deOil. , , • 1 He held out his hand to raise hci | from where she sat on the grass : he ! retained her lingers in his own to help | lflf <IV , r the boulders ol a path tl a. I not a path. They walked ««:<> lkt ' 0 children, hand in hand. And | Varna looked after them, chuckling, ! chinking the g<!d lv.ece- in her pocket lld'i an hour later tnov rHunxd t.) the old worn in and the lurah will hai.dl'uU or eidelweiss. the lure dueh- , .-5 flu died and laughing, her hat ldU<l uiih blossoms and swung in a n v pr her arm. ber dud: hair, whipped from its braid hv 'he mountain wind, blowing about her shoulders, lnyst.liens tires alight in the depth? of ht-i black oves n «,rran:ent.

! Lunch was n tostivai, »»"...!». L m"«io onrtakina. But after it wa, ',,,, n a-d Varna had gone dwrn to tn ;,Mo brook that u#rnuired throug! I;:.', m idai.. of the tiny valley t* ivafcv th< . hoivs Sofia's mood declined. Shi | I,' ;, fiu l 0 show uneasiness, to 100. Omu her r|uesuomngly. ••Surelv nobodv could find ns here' -ho *aid,' nor gaze going far up ;tp ih< ton ol the ciiffliko walls. ' 1 rat - lWu v 1 don't know whether the frtiuW 'is canabio of .appealing to in<

nolioo—but one would leel so aillj to !iv c-atHu. 1 have seen a man pas, t'lv entrance of the valley there sevcI rol times. He seems almost to bo iviciii" like a sentry. P »Be it po«oe," responded the comiron man. ••That is only a good Incnd oi mine who trill see that we are not intruded upon." 0 •You asked him to keep watch. The common, man regarded her for a moment, then admitted, with that directness which is no doubt characteristic of common people: ■•Yes 1 asked him. 1 wished to be undisturbed with you. Are you offended bv rtiatt- You seem troubled.

The common man recarded her for a moment, then admitted, with that directness which i.s no doubt characteristic of common people: ■•Yes 1 asked him. 1 wished to he undisturbed with you. Are you oF ; fouled bv rtiat? You seem troubled. ••Not olfended—no." "Hut troubled:-" ''Ye*." "Concerning me- ' -Oh, certainly not!" with a sudden.

hnunhtv stflVp. "It is a promise that 1 have mane ~ , . ■•And it is the keeping oi that promise that troubles your" Sofia nodded. . ••Contracts and vows are insolent things," she said. "I never want to

do mvthing but break them. "Contracts and vows?" The common man's hisr voice followed hers like an echo. "The only vow.,' a girl of vonr a"o concerns herself over would Ihe marriage vows. You are promised J to a match that does not- command j xour heart- That is it?" ' "It pleases my ambition, said Isotia I of Blovna coolly. The level regard of the commoit man trok in all the shiniug, dimplins love|ine«.s that baked' between child and woman. , . "You hive no business, with ambition," he told her roughly. "I sup-

pos-o you mean that your father is suited—or, no—you said your parents were dead, did you not?'' ••Did I?" questioned Sofia bitterly. •■lt is not so. T have seven fathers ;,)| to he consulted about my mnrrwjre!" "Seven fathers!'!, 'Yo<. One in Germany, and he s not suited: another in Austria, ditto; a

verv different person in England, who thinks well of my fianceo. My iat her in Franco is qnito sentimental over the. matcli; the Russian father is kin to the man, von see; the Italian says he'll do; and the dear, numerous papa at home —whom I dare not disappoint—counts on him. Oh, there's no escape lor mc, though"—her hands clenched; she looked him furiously in the eyes—"l'd like to show that man!" The common man leaned to. his feet, dragging her up with him. A moment they stood confronted, the. two pale young faces close .together. Then he pushed from him and dropped back n step, ejaculating: "Yon openlv taunt fme, Sofia o Rl«vna! Well, then, out with it! Wliat_do you want to show Boris of Her eye*? dilated. They blazed black fire upon him. " "I would show him," she said, ber voice growing lower and lower, tdl it was almost guttural, "that though ho be a sort of twinee* he's no lover—for k woman with blood i» her veins. T would say to But what's all this to yon—common man? let me nasa! Our little play is played out—' Y*>t she dared not look at him as she advanced tow>rd tlie path that? would take her to her horse aid so aw*y. He put out an arm and ft*>PP*d ; her. She drew: back from potable contact with him and stood' looking dswfl at the ground—at his' boots. TheKKwas no ouestioii; tbsit ah©; was frightened. ■■ "You will marry this Boris, of Ltutauv'' tha comtnonm*n acousad her sternly, "to please .the powers, to e*s»jfv yo M r »OW$.-. aceented 1 his proposal with fjoofpi, retitinaad his wCtofcfg, with » ; V* at thow.- .flh, ite toow*. i* u4 i. •'•l* llmij fair 4a*Bflß * . ■

"They say in Litxon, M ho hesitated kwardly, "that your Boris is a boor, queer chap—shy—afraid of women, ivlie that's what's the matter." l'lic little duchess threw , hack her ad and laughed, but the laughter was :cer.., "Afraid? He's contemptuous or me. could not bring him to my kingim —so I got up and l ran after him his. Oh. incognito —yes, but I took >0(1 care that ho know I was hero, nd ho runs away! He leaves ay at. picnic with a common man!" I Tluu'o was- n- sound ot horse's hoois i i the path beyond; they both looked i [>, to see a uniformed figure picking s way toward them among the bowlers. The TOmmoii man's raised hand Muted with a gesture oi anthbritj ack along the trail. The sentry from lie valley mouth dismounted and came n, leading his horse. "But, your majesty " lie began osporatelv. '■(\o hack! Yon had your orders! lo hack!" Rons of Ltixen roared at his •querry —but it was too late. When, laving driven away the intruder, he urned once more to his iiancee, he ound her frantically trying to mount he tall bay horse. '•Wait, V nni " highness! Listen to no!" . She obstinately, but very ineneetuillv, cssaved the stirrup. ' There's nothing to be said between rou and me." Hot words were a muf- | Bed crv. ' 'Sofia " f Thcro wjis n noiablo sljiPKomnji oi effort on the gill's part, yet slw 1 onl\ turned her head a bit, pushing a-ide the vehement 'dark curls that got in the way of her vision. One gteat. lustrous eye stole a doubtful look at the sneaker. "Little comrade!" murmured the penitent. The duchess relinquished her etiorts to mount she turned fully to her companion. . , "Oh," (-ho raid, "you can improve. I listen io you a moment.' "Heart oi my heart, hear what 1 have to tell von." "Xow that'." jeered Sofia, "is cxrictk what your prime minister would advise vou to sny to me. ' _ "Han? mv "orime minister!" "Bv all means! Or >-end him io the mines, as our brother, ot T?u c -1 doe,. Bui how am 1 rvrv to vou when vou have so elahora.eU deceived me? No. 1 cannot listen. Melp me to mv horse, On. I haw lost faith in evcrvihing, having lost my common man!" "You have not lost him. Listen, beloved. ll<- fell in love with your porU The duchess pushed farther beneath the lapel of her riding coat a Mender i gold chain that was the one bit ol ornament about her. "You rvproach ilifir I din not. come to Neva-that 1 offered marriage to n woman I had never seen. I have been in Bievna for the past month, spvmg upon yon. 1 ihr.iuihi 1 vou then, vet 1 was determined to h .iw free speeh you you—as we hay.- had to-day. Varna was in my pay. •■'Traitors evervwhere! cried ihi duches-. with spurious indignation. "Help me 10 my h«u=-t- No. imt U %ie was br-im.r liitrd like a- baby. She struggled in his arms. ~-.r she saw the kiss coming. Held to )vi heart there, loruotiiny kingdoms and ihrones. _ui y t an a III" in her lover's embrace. Son a vol remembered that it was she who bar sought him. She was resolute to or sought—entreated. "1 never guessed that you were i Boris," she protested. And, pushing ' him awav. she snapped the slender "olr ' chain and sent it rattling with its loo- ; kct to the stones of the path He loosed her •> b:i, his ardent conqueror's eyes -till r.n her flushed rbsi arrav. Then he put her m the saddk . and bent to pick up the trinket. •■Tpt cro mv horse: <-nrd th< > duchess, "for he still held the hridh 1 looped over his arm. "The brides oi Luxeu, he said deliberately, "do not give orders to then bridegrooms." . "I am no bride of Luxon. ou hau - received mo. lam " home u Bievna. Cive me my locker. Don dare look into it ! . He h.eld it out—open shov. in_ . . nihvitnre of his own face. _ . -Dearest and mo*> fascinatiu . daughter of a hrewcr-httle of a dav—wiio that is to be. he üb.s- ---: rerod. ■ with rising eyes, "f hac thought, to ask for your forgiveness ! bU "TTorg:ve you," cut in the duches fl °Youth immortal, tint can .nke cweetc of love even fortres-ed rount 'he Harrier, ot royalty, and undei the shadow of the sword

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Waikato Times, Volume 87, Issue 13245, 29 July 1916, Page 2 (Supplement)

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THE LITTLE DUCHESS AND THE COMMON MAN. Waikato Times, Volume 87, Issue 13245, 29 July 1916, Page 2 (Supplement)

THE LITTLE DUCHESS AND THE COMMON MAN. Waikato Times, Volume 87, Issue 13245, 29 July 1916, Page 2 (Supplement)


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