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SA'ITUIXVY. The House tnet -it tuvlve o clock. Replying to Mi .1. 0. BuclJ.iiul whethei l)i. Vmi Ha ist would be the only commis sionei ,ip|ii>iutci! for tin; Colonial Kxlnbi tion in London, Mi Stout -ml the Tie.i siuei luently informed the House I>r. Yon 1 l.i isl would lie tlu only paid commissioner. Tliimo might be several otlii'i tomini—ioiifis who ueie not paid. Tho House went into Committee of Supply for fuitlici coiiiidi ration ot the siippleuientu v estiin itt s. Tin 1 committee ad lowrnod ,it .i ijii n tii past oin 1 until two i) clod* to lunch. Tlio committee lL'-un.od at two (i clock. Koadi to opi'ii up 1 uid-i before -lie, lT_\.si>o. Cmied. Roads on gold fields, i!K*,7.">o. J)i moved to stnke out tlie item l'"> 000 chaigeable on the consolidated fuiirt fm subsidy of poun<l foi pound mi i.itos levied within goldfild counties The amend ineiit wis cat lied bv 21 to '22. Tho vote was reduced "to t'S7.")o.— Mr Lunath moved, " That tho item tl.'OD, ro id thtough Hiutiibai (loige, be struck out." Can led. Mr Sutter moved, "That the item £750, Waitahuna biidpv. 1 , on account of lecon.stiuction, be struck out." Lost by 2!) to 27. Mr Buetham moved to reduce tho item by tJOO. Lost by 2S to 27. Watei woiks on gold fields, £82'J0. Mr Holleston moved, " 'J'liat the \ote bo ledneed by £1000." Lost by M to 2i>. Mi I'u.uson mined a i eduction of tl")00. L >st by 2') to 2S. Mi Luuacli iiioxed, "That the votu be leduced by *-"iOJ ' C'uued. ILnboin Woiks, Hokitika, ITiUO. Mr SiitttM iiio\u<l, "That tin: vote, be stiuck out," butsiilwcquantlv withdieu it. The vote was cirued. Teleprnpli extension, t'(!300. Gamed. Pin chase <if nitixo lmds, t'looo. (,'anied. ltents due on Hiniati.uiff.i block. Thi-> vote elicited a lout; discussion, and was earned by 27 to 22. Aimed Constabulary held force, t':Ti,ooo. Cariied. Tho other amounts under tho heading of unauthorised e\pendihne were agreed to without discussion. A message was received from the Legislative Council insistinsj on their amendments in tho Land Hill. Mi B.illance moved, "That .a conference be appointed, to con«ist of Mr Stout Xl.' Rolleston, Mr Macandrmv, and Mr 15.ila.nce, to draw up reasons for disagreeing with the amendments." Mr Stout moved tho second reading of tho Local Bodies G'ontiactoi,' Bill. Ho said the bill was brought in to lcliovo persons who had inadveitonUy broken the law by supplying local bodies with good-*. As it had been pointed out that mad boards would also be affected by this bill, it was thought advisable to make it applicable to all local bodies'. Agreed to. The Hou»o went into committee on the bill, which passed without amendments, w.w read .i thud time, and lus&cd. Mr Stout moved tho second leading of the Piopeity Ta\ Bill. Ho explained that the bill was meiely to pi o vide for tho incie.ise of tho piopeity tax as stated in the Financial Statement. Agieed to. The bill was committed, re.ida second time, and passed. Mi Stout moved the second leading of the Costley Tiaining Institution Bill. Agieed to. The House went into committee on the bill, which passed with veibal amendment, was hlpoited, read a thud tune, and passed. Mr Stout moved that the House at its rising adjourn till Monday at ten a.m. Agieed to. Tho House rose at half past five, and resumed at eight p.m. The amendments made in the Auckland Harbour Bill by the Legislative Council wero agieed to on a division by 30 to 10 Sir .T. Vogel introduced the Appropiiatmn Bill and linmigi.ition and Public Woiks Appropiiatmn Bill, whirl) wero read a first time. At hilf-pist nine the House adjourned until eleven p.m. for the purpose of receiving the repoit of free conferences on the Land Bill. On tho House meeting at eleven p.m. it was stated that no agreement had been ainvedat lelativo to the amendments, and a further adjournment was made till half-past eleven p.m. On uniting at half-past cloven p.m. the House adjoin nod until a qiiiU tor to twelve, when on resinning it was found the confeienco weio as fai as ever from coming to an agieement, and tho House ioso until Monday at ten a.m. The Houso met at 10 a.m. Mi Richardson stated that the confeienco on the Land Bill had not yet lepmted. Hn .tskeil for an adjournment till 10.30, The House lesunied at that hum. Keplying to Mr (!. J<\ Kich.udson, if the (!ov eminent will instinct then auditois to liy nifoi niatioi* incases of mis.ippiopii.ttion of funds by local bodies, Mr Stout said that in all matters of local govcmiiiont ratepayers should look iftei theii own inteiests, but (Jov eminent would direct the auditor for the <.'o\ eminent to take steps in special cases. Replying^) Air Ross, if (roveinmrnt will cause enquiry to be made into the cucumstancps under which a Chinese inmate of SeiclilF Asylum met his death at tho hands of a patient who, it is slated, has for many years boon a dangprou.B lunatic.

Mi Tole '-aid .in enquiiy would bo made into the matte. . Replying to Mi ({. F. I'lchaidsnn, if (Joy eminent will consider tlio desirability of appointing a select committee next session for tlio pin pose of consideiing all bills ,ui<l matters afFecting govei innent, Mr Stout s.ud the best plan would be to appoint a speenl committee instead of a select committee to consider this question, and the (internment would consider course. Replying to Mr Beetham, if tho (lovpin mnnt will take into consideration the advisability of appointing a loyal commission for the purpose of iiif|iin ing into the po«.i tion of all local bodies in the colony so that a lepoit may be presented to the Legislating in tune to assist mcmbcis of both blanches of the Leciisl ituie in coming to a satisf ictoiy decision on the question of loed government duiing next sesr-ion of Paihament. Mr Stout said the matter would receive consideiation. Koplymg to Mr Hobbs, Mr Stout s iid the member:, of the Legislatne, Council did not leceive the honoraiium when absent fiom the Council. Mr Stout moved the second reading of the Agricultural and Pastoral Societies Act, 1.%7, Amendment Bill. He said tho bill was to en iblo those societies to bin row money for building grand stands, pens, and other buildings necessaiy, and also for buying othei land. Only one society had applied foi the bill to be brought in. Agreed to. The bill was committed, read a thud tune, and passed. Mi L.unach moved that the amondm"nt nude by tho confeienc > on the Mines Act Amendment Bill be agieed to. Mi Seddon asked whethei the Minister accepted the refusal of tho Council to le duce the fee on miners' rights. Mi Larnath said he piefened to accept it, lathei than lose the bill. Mi Seddon mn\ od that the amendments be disagieed with, and a fiesh conference appointed. Mi Stout opposed the amendment, con tending theie wero othei pioMsions in the bill which it was- desiiable should become law. Mes.sis Feigns, Pyke. and Guinness snppoited Mi Seddon's amendment. Sn .1. Vogel hoped tho amendment would not be passed, as it would jeopaidiao a use ful bill. The amendment was lost by 2r( to 2~>. Mr Scobio MeKenzio moved the adjoin n nient of tho debate. Aftei .some discussion the motion for ad joinniupnt was lost, and the ongi' motion w is cairied by HI to '21. Mr Stout said in consequence of the amendment made in the L md Bill requiiing the bill to be repiutted, it was found impossible that the proiogition would tike pi ice today. The < Joveuunent proposed the proiogation foi to m mow at 2.30. It was not intended to pioceed with any other business toiuoiiow, as it \\ is l,o]ied all business would b>> concluded bv to-night. Sn .1. Vogi'l liitniiluc'd as ,i nnttet of in gency tin Ciiston's T.uilf Intoipretation Mill, the objection to winch he explained w is that thi' m uket value on cotton and diess punt should not exceed ."id pei y.ud. M ijoi Vtknison siul he thought the bill wis.iveiy HMson.ible one, and agieed to it. Tho bill was committed, read a thiid time, and passed. Mi Hobbs moved for a return of tho names of all members of the Legislative Council from whose honorxriuiu deductions ha\e been made for 18S4 l.S,s">. Sir -h Vogel objected to the motion, and said it wis very undosiiable. It should be made without notice. He ino\ed the pie \ ions question. Maior Atkinson said lie was surprised at tho Tieasiner's action. Ho s.ud it was ctnrently rumoured, although ho did not behove it, that certain members of the other Chamber had diawn moie hono in mm than they weie entitled to He thought m fairness to those lion, gentlemen that the letmns should be piepued. Su .F Yogol said if possible he would ha\<! the leturn »>iopaied, but he thought it impiopci to put it on tho recoids of the House Aftn fiu thcr debate Sii J. Vogel withdiew his amendment. He yaid if the lesolution weie passed he hoped it would be amended so as to take any special sting out of it by inserting tho names of incinbeis of tho Lower House also. Mr Macandtow moved after the words " Members of the Legislative Council ' to inseit " and Members of tho House of Kepu'sentati\es." Agieed to. Mr Foigm moved as a finthor amendment and " number of days on which each mi'inber attended in each session." Mi Stout hoped this amendment would not be piussed .is they they had no right to coiitiol tho action of the other chamber. Sit .1. Voge) said if the additions weie cii tied it would prevent the letiun being piep.ued this K-ssion. Mr I'Yigiis amendment was earned by 42 to Hand -Mi OCdlaghau moved that such i etui n be laid on the tible the hist day of next session of Paibament. Mi Brown moved that it be laid on the table as near as possible to-nnuiow and tho completed return by next session. Mr Lake suggested that the motion be amended so as to read, ''tho number of days on which tnembeis of both Houses had been ab»ent. ' Mi Blown-, amendment was earned on the voices, and tho oii^mal iesolution as amended agieed to. Su .1. Vogel moved that tho amendment of the Legislative Council on the Jhstnct Railway.s Bill be agieed to. Tli • amendment was a new clause pioviding that no other Distuct Railways should be under taken undui the bill in futuie. The Speakei .said if tins was a money bill the inset tion of this clause intoi feted with the i»riv lieges of the House. After some debate, Mr Stout suggested that tho mattei be postponed till two o'clock, so as to give it fiuther consideiation. Tlio House resinned at 2 p.m. Mr Ballance mo\ ed the adoption of the report on the Land Bill. He esplann d tho amendments made in tho bill, and said the effect of the amendments made as to education reserves would bo to leave those reserves much as they were at piesent. As to tendering for land, it had been decided that if there was only one tender for perpetual leases that tender should bo accepted at upset price. The homestead clause had been restored, with the modification that not more than 3000 acres of land should be taken up in any one district in one year. The purchasing clause in the perpetual lease had been lestoiod but was not to apply to educational reserves. In tho punishment clauses, the imprisonment pin tion had been sttuck out, and the tine of i'2o met eased to £.">O. In reply to Mr Trimble 1 , Mi Stout s.iid ho would move an addition to the, punishment clause that it should only apply when one person set tiro to another pei son's piopeity. The motion was agreed to. Sn .1. Vngel niovud with reference to the amendments of the Council on tho District Railways Bill, " That tho Legislative Council be lequi'sted to appoint a committee to consult with the committee of tho House of Repiescntatives as to whether tho amend ments made in the Distuct Railways Bill is a breach of tho piivilegos of this House, the m magei s of the House of Kepicsentatives to consist of Major Atkinson, Mi Hamlin, and the movei." Mr Montgomery thought this was a most oxtiaordmary course foi the (Jovoinment to luisiio. The Speakei had distinctly given it as his opinion that it was a hi each of the privilege of the House, and now ({ovetnnient pmposed to ask the othei Chamber w bethel this was so or not. He hoped the leaflet of the Opposition would express an opinion on the course proposed to be taken. Mr Keir quite concuned. Ho nunod tint the motion be coiisideied that day six months. Air Fraser seconded the ameudent. He also thought (Jovoinment weie adopting a most oxtramdinary comse in tho face of the Speakci's tilling. Mi Barron objected to tho decision of tho Speaker being over-ndden by any confeienco. Ho said Speaker's decision, and that alone would guide him in Ins vote. Mi Rolleston considered the Speakers ruling should be submitted to the other House without any leason being given. The Speaker >. ml 1«> could only lepoit Ins pi o\ ions ruling, which was that the bill being a money bill, the Legi.slativc Council had no power to alter it. He felt so <tiongly on the mattei that he would rathei .id»ise the Houm; to embody bill in an appioptiation bill, and send it back to the Conned than to foi ego the opinion he h id prey lou-ly gnen, namely, that the Council had no powoi to altei it. Maim Atkinson s.ud the Speaker had distinctly in his opinion an in fiingemect of the puulogo of the House had taken place. That was also his (Majoi Atkinson's) opinion. Aftei giving the mattei some consideiation, he thought tho clause proposed to bo inserted bj tho

Council cloaily violated then ptiv doges. It seemed to him tlicv should not appoint a committee, but the\ should p.iss.iie solution the msi'itioii of tin- cl him 1 was an infringement of thi-ir pi n llogi-s. He would move to ottect as ■.mm as the othui .inn ndinunt> \.oie disposed ■>f Sn .T. Vogel said com so would mean tin owing the bill out. Mr Ken withdiew In-. amendment Ma)or Atkinson nio\ed ''That the in soi turn of the now clause nifiiiiif.*-. the pi IV lieges of till-. HoU-', .111(1 till- Hnlb" tiu-t- th it this v ill b- sufhciLiit lois.mto indiK c the Council to \\ ithdi aw then amend nn'iit. ' Sir J. Yogel said this would tlnow out the bill, and he should press his motion. If the Housij were against him, the u'sponsi bibtv would lost with the House. Mr Wakeheld was s'upused it the di-ie p.ird of tho'iicr for the pnviletros of tho House, :ind his anxiety for the bill, He himself had been a suppoiter of Lhe bill, but he should feel compelled after the Speaker's tiding to vote for Major Atkinson's amendment. Mr Hai per moved the adjournment of the debate foi an hour, but it was lost on tho \ oices Sir J. Voxel's resolution was then put and lost on the \ oice-, and Major Atkinson's amendment was cm lied. Su J Vogol asked leave to introduce forthwith a bill to deal with the Jhstnct Railways Act. Leave was icfiised, and he ga\e notice of the bill for next day. Su J. Vogol moved the second leading of the Appiopnation Bill. Agioed to. Sn J. Yogel moved the rewind reading of the rmnngiation and Public Woiks Api>roiniation Bill. Agreed to. The House went into Committee on the Appiopuntmn Bill. Major Atkinson asked whether theio was anything new in the bill, anything beyond what was usual. Mr Stout said then- was nothing unusual except an amount to k medy a mist ike connected with the Appiopiiation to State Foiests Account. The bill pas-ed with \eilnl amendment-. The House went into Committee on the Tuning! ation and Public Winks Appiopn i turn Bill, which passed without unend nient, was leid a thud tune, and pas-ed. The House rose at .">. l."i ji.m. The Hou-e lcsumed at 7 oO p.m. On the motion for the third leading of the Appiopiiiition Jiill, Majoi Atkinson said he availed himself of the ciistom.u y piivilogi* of cuticisiug the i>olicy of the (Jovernmeiit on the thud r'-ading of tins- bill. He liiviovvofl .it length the histoiy of the spssion, and do lit with each Department of the (Jovernmeiit s^jiiratoly. His t united the Pieiniei with having done all the talk ing, .mil asked whether the or had l>i ought i)io-i>eiitv to the colony, a- he h id piomised He thought the best thing the Pieiniei could do fin the s.ike of Ills own leputitiou would be to lesign, md he hop -d the Tieasinoi would go with him. Mr Stout defended the (!o\ eminent at some length. Mr Wakeheld, Sir J. Vogel and Mi l'i-h.>i followed. The bill was then lead a thud time and passed. A ines-age was lec-ived fiom the Logi* they did not m-i-t on their amendments in the Distuct Hnlw.iy Pin chasing Bill, but in miUine I theii nght to make the amendments. After some other business, Mr Stout movedthat the Hoii-e meet .it 2.M) p.m. tomoiiow foi pioiog.ition. The House lose .it 11 10

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Waikato Times, Volume XXV, Issue 2061, 22 September 1885, Page 2

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HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Waikato Times, Volume XXV, Issue 2061, 22 September 1885, Page 2

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Waikato Times, Volume XXV, Issue 2061, 22 September 1885, Page 2


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