It will be saeu, by advemsuineut elsewhere, tlm Air. George i^eou-jibe mid Deeu appointed general iravoihug c.+uvaß3v.r aua collector for the WalKaxo Tliißj. iJi;B atop u*B beou taken to obaaie tuo iucouveuieuoe aiismg Jroiu me aoseuoe ot jir T. (J. ilammjua from HitmiiCyu wuou ho eugagou. (Jnaer tQe uew amusement, ihode uaviug detail mabbera m counucwou wicii th« ouaineas deyarcmeuc of thiaoffioo Co transact, will liau Air i\ t!. Huinmpud m Hamilton. llHßflas for forming and g.avolling abou- u,.i a-miie ot f aotpaoii 81b wide troui Clyde-street to the new i>uolio school,. Hamiitou Ease, will be received by the Haui.ltoa E.T.t£.U.Bj..rd up to 7 p in of ihe 14th inst. Mb, Hugh Kiekwood has been unpointed collector of Katun, aud Mr W G Oollius collector of dog tax, to tue Oarnbiidge North Township Highway Board, PbOSE^BOB HbnMICKIE- AND iVIAOA.aiB Stella will give a farewell pcrlormuuce on tj-morrow and {Saturday night at LeQuesue's dall, Ha...iitou !i/asr.. There will be a change of programme and a •distribution of valuable giiia. The coinpauj, we learn, lihs been pitying to good houses up- country.
Volunteer \ Soaip.— In rep y to a qurstiun from Mr Swauson, the Premier statad tlut the Government were prepared to^ extend the tim& fur exercising it. ' ; * : . . LKASB OF TFIB !• EiURiKI PeMSSIJIAj' Raglan".— The time for receiving tenders' for the lease of '{g* aboveestafceat Kaglan Harbour, has, as" will bo seen by advertiaein nfc ejsewLura, bceu extended until the 3l»si; inst. • La. Crossb. — Elsewhere we publish the principle rules of the above game. We are iufornasd that the sticks with which th. 5 game is, played cost seven shillings and sixpanca e*h; and the balls half-a crown. '* ' NttWOASTLB lIAILWAT STATlON.—Tend'ers for (he construction of a Stationmaster's house at the -Ngaruawahia lfculway dtation,, wiil be recdved by the District Kugineerj, at the Public Works Office, AuoklandJjtMlnoonof Wednesday next, the 15 oh ihsC. • The Cambridge Noeth Township Highway. Boauo are about to commence several much needed, and useful works. Teuders are called for forming and gravelling several roads and streets m tne township, 'and for draining that portion of the town between the Bank of New Zealand ana* Hally 8 store iv Dukestreet., • . . Farm an» Gaw>Sn Seeds. —The time for sorting seeds of' all kind is rapidt} approaohiug, and already our columns are filling with seedamens advertisements. That of & H L*v«rs, seed met chant, of Auakliud^iwilli^e seen elsewhere. Mr G J Neat is nia agent for Cambridge, and Mr U Edgecumbe for Ngaruawahia. FootJball Acoidbnt. —We learn, from a Southern Exchange, that m the receut tootball match, Wellington v Wanganui, Mr Speed, of the .former place, wa» carried irom the field with a btokeu leg and other iv juries, but, is m a fair way of recovery. Mr Speed is a nephew of Mr T. Montgomery, of Hainiltoa. A gentleman writing from Taupo to B*y oi Pioucy rima*,' says :— There is talk of an liamauaa hotel, after thy American style, being about to be erect d at Jt&otorua. It is to contain a hundred rooms, with capaoious .bathing accjiniao datiou, and billiards, croquet, and cricket lawns, for the' comfort and ainusemem of tourists and convalescents; The 'Naval and Military Gazatte' says :— ' The project of an English prmce and .Russian princess occupying the thrown ot Constantinople has, we understand, not found favour with either G-ermaoy or Ausftaia* It would,' iv ail probability, -result m'Ausssian influence predominating over Eughah sympathies.' At a meeting of the Cambridge North Township Highway Board, held yesterday, the Cn airman stated that the B<tnK Manager had consented to grant an overdraft to the extent of £170, to «uab ! e the Board to pay off the legacy of debt left to' them by their pruuecessora, on condition that the sum shouid be reduced to £150 «vhitbiu two muntos, aud not af .erwards to excead thac limit. Tne Cnairm&u was appointed treasureto the board, aud was authorised to pay all present outstanding claims. Various necessary works opou the town road» weie considered, and teuders for several were ordered to be called lor, as will be seeu m our advertisement columns. Thb Atjsibaiilan Cricket TjsalM will visit JNew Zealand m Jauuary. John Ovjnway, writing to the JSew Zjala.nd ' Xiuues' respecting the propouei visit say a z-r- ft You may calcuiatd we shall be iv New Zealand, if negotiations end successfully, early m January. Tht» Auocralian team will, you may rest assured, make heaps of friends m your colony by their good behavour and good cricket playing The matter is all m shape now and n -thing remains but to get leave of übsenca for three months, for three of the team, for twelve months. I expect the article will be signed m the course of the week, then 1 will send you the ua'mes of the full teaui. The twelve, you may state, will be chosen from the following : — Bauuerman, Biackhain, D Gregory, Alan, Jif Thoinpsou, Kendall, Horan, Boym, (Sleight, Uarrett, illurdoch, K^lly, Sp^ffjrth, Uainpbell, and G H Bailey (.Tasmania}. You can imagine what a teini can be select dd from thd above." Id has not yet been decided whether the start will be made from Sydney or Melbourne. *- The End op that Haemonhtm.— The following uddress presented to Mr Maclaunn h&s been forwarded to us for puulioatiou :— To R Maciauriu, Esq, Te Avranvjtu.—Dear Sir,— We have much pledsure m now presenting you with the darmoniuui, which was procure.! exclusively lor tha benefit of your rfuuday services at Alexandra. r Some timo ago tbe great majority of iheHnßscribars to this instrument, expressed a wi*h thut their intereitiuit should be bunded over to you. dome two or three reprehensible people iv tb^t village 'have done all they could do to prevent their wishes from being carried into effect. They, we believe, have little or uo animosity to. you, but tuey cannot abide the place wuere y o u reside, i'he initiated know that nothing can disturb the repose of " Sleepy Hollow" so much us the thought of ttie aggrandisement "of Te Awamutu. And m i his instance, -that hated Jericho was I summoned to surrenier ibi music U treasure by a, bitter blast of a. postman's horn. The wads, however, have nob fallen at tue soiiud, ana the assailant! bive retired discjiitbi-Led with little hope. Iv handing this inabrument to y<m we cauuot refraiu noin expresriug the hope, tuat you will never aiiow its sweet uo.ea feo be heard again m such an uuharmoaioua aud unworthy place as the Alexandra Hall.— vv c remain, dear Sir, your most sincere m^n is and well- wisher j.— William dUJANB, lot subacnbei-s. Te Awamubu, 4oh August, 1877.— [Advt J This is the hght m which a Russian jjunml Jooki tt6 lilugland'a desiro tor .^eace:--" It vre withdraw our troops, wui th.vt brm o u« vne pea^a we <ieii eso mucn, and prevent ou. nuviag to make new aaoniLos ? x 0 tilis qUt)Jtija uur j todiga aiv«3j t . d .gi 7u o VVjuld tuey not iv «uch a case be ihe first to speak ot the impotence and helplessness of tue Colossus, with his te'et of clay ? Would they i?ot triuiupb at seeing Euasia deal a death blow to her mural mid political presage umoug the ijclavumc pcopiea, thereby ueotroying xv a day ail that had been built up m the course of centuries ? England abo^e all would then come forward to play the uoule p*rt of protector of the Sclavs, against further acts of violence, at the sa c time prod tuning, Wtbu greater zd* than ever, the sacreduess oi treaties. 6he would send to Turkey peaceful regiments oi financers, tux collectors, policemen, and other officials, thereby possessing herself of the country without conquest, as she has done m India and is now doing m Egypt. The Sciavs would enjoy the same benefit as the Hindojs, and work hard to enrich business men m the city. Without firing a shot, England would before our eyet convert Const uitinople, tha finest hsrbour m ihe world, into au English uort, uiul ths Eastern Question would be settled In' erer/'
Thr lady correspondent of ih«j ''Aubtraluaian m her letter from London says : — The eldest granddaughter of the Queen hasjubfcbeon betroihod to Frinud bernhardfc. of Saxe Itfeinin en, who is a cousin of her own „ The Princ-ss tlhiirlolte of Germany is. not quite 17, the Pfince Bernhard t. id just 26. The marriage will be one •" of inclination" The young lady is not at all handsome, bu: she has much of tho intelligence: m her face which distinguished her mio her's, and she U highly educated. < She is a great favourite with her grandfather, the Emperor of Germany, who is very proud of her talents, and who was much delighted to receive, among th.B innumerable birthday presents with which be wa3 overwhelmed on his 80th birthday, a very pretty " copy of vewes" from hi 3 granddaughter. Thb Local Option Bill.— The Special Correßpondeut of tho • Herald ' gives the , following synopsis of Mr Fox's Local Option Bill : — " It consists of only 23 clauses. Jt defined every man and woman of the age of 21 to be an adult, within any licensing district. Auy 2 ) adult re sidents may by writing require tha chairman of the Licensing Bench to define a sub-district, and take a vote under the Act. The chairman must forthwith define such sub-district, and fix a day for taking, the vote. Every house licensed, or for which a* license is applied, or renewal or transfer, ia to be deemed the centre of the sub-district m which it ia Bituatad, and if there are two or more houses ia close proximity, the chairman is to appoint Borne intermediate point as the centre. The area of any disirict m a norough is to include all bona fide residents for on» month, within a radius of 100 yards from the centre. If m country districts, the radius is to be two milea. On the day of vote,' a paper is to be delivered at each residence for each rest dent who is to vote yes or no on it, aud sign his or her name. The voting papers are then to be collected. The yes or no is to be m relation to the introduction or not of the prohibitory clauie of the Acs. . On the day after the vote, the chairman ia to declare the result, gazette it, and publish the result m a new«paper. Penalties are imposed for fabric i-tion of voiea or disclosing votes. If tne prorubitory clauses a o adopted, no <ice ise is to be grauted witniu the aub-uis. riot, aod any peraou aelliug, disposing of, or *lio.v-' ing to oe sotd or disposed of, any liquor within the sub- itstr.ot ia to be puuishe I by not less than 14 d»yV nor iuue thau 6 monchs' imprisonment, with.ufc the 'option of a fine. Current licenses to dontiuue for their legal term. Ail expenses of tukiug votej are to be paid out of liOcj'ise ecs m any part of a licensing district not constituted a sub-district, and where no poll shall have been taken, m I m any sub district where a vote adverse to prohibition haa beeu taken, aud fifcy persous resident within the proscribed distance may object to tho issue or renewal of any particular license, and require the chairman to take a vote m regard to the particular license iv question. Medical praotitiouers are to <>c allowe Ito prosed ie, and ctiem.sts to •iispensß, alchjlic liquor for medical pur- . poaes. An Austbali>n Jfvbntle Exhibition is io be held m iJullurat, to bt> opened on the Ist March 1878 The nove.tyofa Juvenile lodiwtrml tixhibi bioa is attracting public -tttentiou m Australia, and esuecinliy Victoria, and since the idea his been mooie I, quite a sensation has been created airuug tie young people.; and doubtless, if properly carried out, will be the means of doing much good. Tho Executive Committee, whosa office is- at No 5, . Stu.t-sireet, B.illaiat, invite the youug people of I oih sexes, all over the "Australasian Colonies, of every nge nnd station, un Jer 2 1 yeara of age, to assist iv making the Exnifcirioa a success. Patents, employers, teach rs, and all who take an interest, m the welfare of the rising ganflration, are invited t<> give their earnest co-operation and countenance to the efforts of the young people, by giving them every facility and encouragetMeni to work industrious iy m preparing some article for exhibition, so tbit m after life they may be able to say they assisted m making the first Juvenile Industrial Exhibition a success ; aad probably have tho honour of showing a medal they worthily earned. Rules, regulations, and explanations of the nature of the articles for exhibit, are m course of preparation, winch, together with a list of the patrons and oificaru. will be publisued at an early date. His Worship— a provincial one— left his home betimes for the avowed purpose of attauding a coursing meeting. When he reached that home ouce more, it was 3 p.m. the following morning, and, terrible to relate, Mrs was sitting up for him. With calm eyes aud ominous quietude, she remarked that It ' mast have been rather difficult for the greyhounds to course m the dark 1' He assented with expressive th'icknesa of utterence. 'John,' she aaid ' you're iutoxioated.'« l Toxic<ited- uothingof theso.t — p^rdy aobsi— goiug skiu this raboife — prove it.' Aud ha hun^ up on the veranda the hare he had prudently saoured m th<» market place of the Great Canter, tie didn't skin the hare. He abandoned the attempt after an hour's effort, aud went to bed anathematising alt haree with skins bo hard to get off. In the morniug a long-sufforiug wonnu dia cover od tue hire with fur aaufflil, but wita tue paint slicad off a verandao post. He said at breakfast that some druuken ruflun must have come m during the I night and done the misohief. And lua wite agreed ith vim — Tub Handicap Walking Match alluded to m our lasb cimo off on Tuesday, chedistauca being trom cue R»y<u Hotel, Hamilton. East, to Kirk wood's .National Hotel, Oamori Igu, an I oack, a distance of tweuby-six measured miiea aud live chains. A. atart was f made by five competitors, at twenty minutes to eleven o'clock on j Tuesday moruin ;, four sta.tiug at che scratch and the fifth being allowed half- ! aa-uour. All startej« eogethir, and arrived at Cambridge, che tirsc maa at thirteen minutes pair, 1 p m., aud the last at thirty two miuites past 1 p.m. The first arrival rested three minutes, and soarted for damLcoa again at sixteen | minutes alter 1 p.m., amvij^ there at 3h. 42in. aud 40^o. p.m., doing the ! distance m su. 2m. 40;.ec. He was uot, however, toe wiuuer of the rao-, for, m m.nutes 35»e03 afi,erw.irds, nearly 8 minutes wi«nm the half-hour-i grace, tue Lumlicapped competitor made his appearance. Two gave iv upon the road back, and a third pub m an appearance al the remarkably good time of sn. 35<n. The time of the wiuuiug man was something really gooJ. The stato of the road was auoh taat fully tweuty minutes were added ta the time which would have been requirel had the Weather been propitious. As it was, tho whole jouruey was performed at a rate considerably over i five miles per hour, and this by an i entirely untrained man Imprisonment f>r Debt.— We do not know, says the « Wellington Argus,' who is to enter the lists this session as the champion of the Deceased Wite'a -Sister ; and, sooth to say, we do not much care, believing that the couutry h s a greic deal of mure important work to get through. We would, hovever, desire to gam the sympathy of some mem') r oa behalf of a class who have few fma^ls, and who, like Oliver Twist, are hit , hard on that very account— *we reftf to
prisoners tot debb. 'A. pure mistake,* the reader remarks, * imprisonment for debt is abolished.' Nay, it is onr reader : who mistakes. Imprisonment for debt, it iti true, was said to be abolished ; that is, legislators noisily pushed it out at the. front door, and quietly re-admitted it at: the back door, so that it not only still exists, but, m point of fact, has becomemore unjust than ever it was — more un-, 'just, because it now only affects the po rer class of debtors and deals entirely witb small sums of m >ney, whereas previously it affected all- classes of debtors alike.- At this moment, the poor, colonist, who cannot pay his butolier or his baker a five-pound note, is a* muoh' und^r the old Roman law — sinon habetin aert, luat m corpore—SH if he were a Ro.nan of the firat oentary. Here is how the present law operates. .A. debtor is summoned to Court.. f of five pounds, and 'the creditor obtains judgment. There are no effects, and by and bye the Utter .returns to Court and claim* a judgments . summons, which- is to the effect that, if the amount, considerably swelled by this time with costs, is not paid within affixed period, the defaulter will be imprisoned. The principle of the procedure, is very muoh that humorously given by Sir . Walter Scott m the ' Antiquary,* where he tells us that a man was not imprisoned for debt, under the old Scotch law, hut. for treason-' in disobeying the royal' "com"- ' mand to ;pay, which was a form of words m the judgment. But whatever the principle or pretence may b>, the prisoner, is not likely to be enamoured of it, and the law m New Zealand is as we- have now represented it. Imprisonment for debt is not abolished, but we submit that the sooner it is so the better. Debt is a bad thing and frequently involves, much of criminality. To look with anything, like sentimental tenderness upon it would be a very serious mUtake. But let us have fair play, and not one law for the big debtor and another for the little debtor. Who will take up the case of the little debtor ? The: romance of astronomony is something simply bewildering to ordinary imagination. The telescopes of half the observatories iv the world are just oow engaged iv watching one of the great catastrophes o: the universe, a sun — a*y a solar sys ! cm, with all the Included planets— wrapped iw flames. v star m the constellation of the Swan has m a few we -ka Uii'lergOue ciimiges which represent an increase to seven or eight hundred times its firmer magnitude and intensity j and this increase ol brilliancy marks the sublime erent of a great orb with its. attendant planets, and all the races and histories of which they may be tt c theatre passing away m fire. Tae event ltu'elf must have happened centuries ago, : ami. the inhabitants of the coaaum d "pianoti are long past praying for. But all these years, along ihe eieo ric pulsations of the light, across the deep bosom of the universe, the tidings have baeu travelling to us ; and now the flime-image of the catastrophe shows on tue glasses of bur telescopes. Au'd this huge cosmic tragedy m which a: system of worlds — it may be all astir with life and vigour— exhales m flimß, is expressed to us by a trivial increase m brilliancy of a particular star ! do much the tragedy may be to. them --. so little to us ! It is portentous to learn mat 10 tue interrogations of the spectrum, the cjnstitujnts of tho burning orb report tliemdeives identical with, those whicu characterise our own sun, .Our sun behaves very well on the. whole,, but indulges now and again m splutters of. heated magnesium, as . though sudeciug from a spasm of solar, colic ; and it has benu noted that these fiery outbursts are attended by great summer heats on bins planet. But some day or other the sun may launch out toward** us some great tongu-i of nydrogen tLnue, and tiien ". liie elements being on fire shall mult witu/. the fervent heat ;" and this woddi with ■ j»ll its histories and ambition, its hatreda und it 3 loves will find its epiupti m a fiiine diao a few decrees more bri Laut cimn ordinary, shining m tbe telescope* ot the astronomers m Uranus,. and a para-' graph by some ' Easy Chair' philosopher m Mature !— X V Z, m " Meloourne Spectator."
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Waikato Times, Volume X, Issue 803, 9 August 1877, Page 2
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3,412Untitled Waikato Times, Volume X, Issue 803, 9 August 1877, Page 2
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