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The nt uitari ha 1, up to 'our 'last advices, lrfctle jnorc Uian c immeujcd. The Mao'to congregated together werc^ery much iii the position <if tJlicn- 'paler brethren, \\niting for something to turli up. On'Thtirsuay, the Ngatim.uiinpotos, led by Itewi, "" a war dance. Hon Topu, a chief fioin 'l.iuianya, appears to have , : taken a "huff" at something has taken place, ami ! was to have Left f(>i home jestcrday morning. There arc | about 1500 on the gioimd. Up to the time of ouf i 1 loporter leaving no -speeches been made! Ucwi is,* 1 ami horn all accounts is liktly to remain very reticent. | | He the senso to understand, in common w itft his folj lowers, that tieason to the Queen is by no incuts apajnig j speculation. The native? ycnci.illy.siro TNvsire* the ' I powei to punish and confiscate is in tho hands of the , p.ikeha, and, in pioportion to knowledge, aie c.iv - ' ful liow they act or what tliey say. The meeting is not likely to end hi i anything moic th.uit.ilk, from which we Inveso oFteV anticipated a tangible result and been div ' appointed we have giyou up attaohmg any imp. >i tine c , "whatever to native meetings. We uiulei stand that Llie " Ivmg" io supposed to at hand w ailing a opportunity to appeal on the field It is doubtful, ho\vcve>, if he will do so, unless uieuiiist.mces offer the chaitec ' of aprropriato scenic e/leit. after which all' natives hanker. J'awhtoo is a nati\fe of the old school, an I would ' have relished little the Ilighty in iiuior in which the assem- < Wed natives tieated the old ,md venci.itect cust>m» tit then anccstois. The old war d.-uieo his lest its excitement and the Hakaftf cha injcivili/.vtw.n isgiadnally making its maik in ich as these natives. Jm o e:ido.a\outcd to keep themselves < without the influence- of sentiment and manner-. Manmvhin, wlio holds the same position towards the "king" which Mr Wa'orliouse does to the Governor, thioiighout I the whole performance kept himself carofulh wrapped up m' hi* blanket, ami appeared to t rent I he antic* of his muster's ('-') subjects with supreme lndiu'ereijco. The absence, of tlio , | Defence Minister from the scene must, bc'comiderecl by all i who are acquainted with native eLiraolor :is highh j'klic'ious. If any pood can result from the meeting, it wjl'bo in the shape of a definite pioposition from the assembled natives, which proposition ran Me' dealt "with from a distance with move dignity tlum^ by d!«e«ssions previous to being' «• inputted for tno consuiVrhtion of the government. As we I lire pmiorsly sriid we "anticipate no good result from the ; meeting in consequence of the minds of tlio natives having j been poi-oncd by the emissaries of the "'opposition.' 1 , TJiof'o of ight 1 " surely to be sonfe means of prou>ntin<| amateur j imbassador-, from interfering in native mr.ttors with the sole j i object of attaining personal advantages or of gaining .1 repu- j ; tation of having great nilliipnce witli flic uativos. j j' A jiublie'mei'tingw-iisheid h* tho ttoyal Hotel on Thurs- j . day evening, fqr the pnrpojo of taking into con^ulerat ion the i steps um^sary to be taken towards erecting a wharf on tlio ! east side of the river ut Ha-nikou. Captain dimming was j elected chairman, and rcs\d the a-dverUseiuoiit calling the ] ' peeling, and e\pl<iined tlmfif the fc( tiers here erected a ; wluirf, the Steam Xav.gution Co, had olfered to do 'all the carriage of timber, piles, Ac, iUK I pilc-drner five of charge to the contractor, so it would cost considerably ( less (ban if the carriage hnd to bo paid. 'He had no doubt , if Mibsci iption lists were opened, a sum sufficient for its j erection would soon be collected, as its estimated co<t would 1 not exceed £10. He inviti'd tho-o present to dUoim tlio sttl)jt>ct. The, matter was tlien froeh discussed, and all were ; unanimous in the opinion that i\ wlmrf w;n absolutely i nexessnrw Mr Campbell Hien moved the ft>Tlov\ ing resoliiJ tion — "That this meeting is of opinion that the erection , of a whan at East ]fiiniilton will tend much to facilitate the , receiving and delivery of goods by steamer, and pledges itself I to use its endeavours to got one erected as cirlv as possible " \ Ife remarked Llmt .since the river had fullen'so low ho had | 1 often seen the men employed on board the steamers experienc- ' j ing great difficulty in landing hea\v packages a^ tho\ had j I to roll or carry them up the bank m'lhnt carts could got to ' I them,, which was a ataic of Mi'ngs that ought to be Veimnlied , f»" KOOU !l ? U9>sible [J^ho meu Jie Lclicp.l wo^ working night j nncl Tiny emiea^ufnig tooAortuko the freights, which were I rapidly increasing ]I e suggested t'mt in order to make the wharf a substantial one nothing but good heart of totara be used in its construction, and he hoped >oon to see it erected, lie had therefore pleasure in nuwing tho i resolution. Mr McDonild seconded, a-id in doing so said! that no one here could ho oblivion-, ol the groat want of i ! wharf accommodation on the cist s do of the riroiv and ' | thought the suggestion hf Mr C imply 1, vvilh regr.fd tj tic ! j timber to be used, one whic'i ought 'to he a-tcl upon, uikl ' jiiformod the meting that the "Waikito Stoaii X.pigihouC'i) j ,ivtended, a> soo>i as the wharf was erect oif. to piit uj) a store } n it for roroiving goods in transit, which n- found J of great seniee to settlers ]»ml oilier, not oirh on tLe arrival luf the st can er with goods, but for t he sfonine'of wool , w heat, j iVo v w.hieh might' t» sent m to- await the steamers taking it 1 cither up or dov n river. On the motion being put bv the | c;b:« it was enmed imammoti-l y. The fl)llbvv ing niofjou w.i« then proposed by ])r Oooil-ir:-"-"Tiiat with tlie view of carrying out, the object of orcoti'u^ 'n wlinrf ''on tlu> I'^-wt Hamilton side of the river, a committee be appointed, to consist of Captains Stcele' mid" Cmn-niing-, Messrs Soddon, t'ampbell, and McDonald, with power to collect subscription*." He bad..' great pleasure- in moving the resolution. Though only as he might say a fresh arrival, he had noticed the g-rcat wank of wharf Accommodation on botlt sides of the river, and would cheerfully contribute hid quota tovVanU its wept ion. .Mr Foar-o» seconded, and in dotufe so'aaid, although i be did not got up a grcnt quiuttit v of goods bv steamer, jet j ho know that the want of a proper landing jTluco increased (the price of nil the ardclos consumed bore, md ho hoped, JOOH to sec a snbstautinl wharf erected, suflideut for "the, rapidly increasing require nents of the^ district '"'arried u(,». ' QC-t. A \ole of thanks tot lie chmrmiiu fornunnted the proocedingi. Some of the members of committee met unino-diutc-U after, and determined to open subscription lists nt once. We have received the following fetter from Mr W. Cole- ! man, who requests that wo. will gjve it illation in our j columns. ~\Vc recommend Mr Coleman to act upon it if lie i is clear that the writer Is a reliable authority ; the whole . letter to n«/ however, savor* very strongly of the " Bush- j lawyer element, and wo hn\o more "than one soon ignorant people led into trouble bv follow ing tho advice of such men. "We do not 'know Mr Woodfiold Our remarks, therefore, cannot bo considered personal :— "Mr William GWmnn. Sir,— Tn reply to your question about your pony. The stewards hnd no right to prevent ,iour starting him for the r.u-e ; they should either (hen and there lime brought evidence to prove he was disqualified, nnil if they wore notjn a position to do so iifc that liiffc, he I cjioukl hnve been rfnrlcrt uniTer protest'— -mid if he'wun. the ! mutter could lmve been goi.eintoat n future (lav, nn I before the^fftkes wci-c paid over; they would then ha\o put you in a position of being obliged to prove jour pony was qualified I { before \ou could claim tho «takes, snpposing jou had won Not having allowed \ou to start, it is now for them to prove flic disquajilioulioii. Your only romnly nuw is, to «iic the BtewoKds for 10-s of time and expenses, as it is, of course, impossible to ssiy if *>oitr ponj' oou1(f Jkmc won or j not. fdo not know who th'c stewards were; but there cm ' be i«j question but that tbe\ hnve deiided against all rneiii" ! rules, and I should achi s p you to bring it before the magi 3^ ' tralo, as if this sort of thing is allowed to go on it will put n stop to racing in toto, ns it is open to any one (according Jo this, ruling), to object to r a horse starfcyifcon any plea which he may nofbo in a position to prove You wdfiiavc no diflicuiry in_gc'ting damages, if brought, betore a magis- ■ frato, and even then, if you were confident jour pony could 1 have won, your ease is a hard one as, of course, jour object I waj to race tho pony. Those errors nfl arise from persons I accepting tho office of stewards who kno \ little or nothiti" lof lMcmir matters. As I before sairl, Ido not know who Hie I stewards wore ; or even (till 1 received your letter) that jon i bad races al Xgarnawnhia, mi renvirks' cannot m unj way apply pc^soiiallj .->" our obedient, Kn. Wciodt 11 r,D. The third quarterly prize tiring of the W.iikato Armed Constabulary Kifle.Associatiou took place dmiu" l.ust Week I j at the vanc>HB stahpns, throughout tho district •' the memj hers being divided into two classes by the inai,agiii« comj nnttf c in aceorclance with their previous scores, a'ncf prizes • eivcnto be fit-eel for equal t» the mcmbeis in each class j 'l he ranges m each el.-vss wore 4(lp, ."iflO, and (500 yaids • five shots at each .ange ; kiieolm^aAw yaids ; my position at 500 and 600 yards. The prfzca in the first class were won bv Const. J. Blake. 42 points, "£3 ? Const. U Meeean I 138 points, i"2 ; Const. F. Kitk, 38 points, 't'> 'Const JT* LWcbb, 35 points, £l 10s ; Const. J. K. i:-,y] e , 34 points' I Cl 2sG.l ; Const. W. Murray, 33 points, £ I • ,tWit H I Gordon, H2 i»omts, Cl . In the second class the prbes were ,Hyon by Const. J. Kelly. 42 points, £3 ; Const". AV\ "Wall 3<» points, i' 2 ; Const. J. Hinton, 35 points, i' 2 , Sci"t I?" EUwavds, . o ».'{ pomts, £1 10-i ; Const. X. M'Leod, 3.^ points I _CL;.Con«j\ It ]{<.lton. 3.'( points, I'l ; Const. .1. Coomhcs,' 33 points. 1 1 7s (id. The scoiing, ft will be seen, is much greater tli,;ii has yet been made by the pi i^o w inners at any former competition, proving £hat 'the Association is 1 doing good service in the way of encouraging rifle piactice • I and we hope Mioitly to see the Central Coinmittoe of tbcf ' Waikato l\iflo Association do "oinething by' 1 getting up a match prcv ions to the Imug for the distutt i)ri/.es.° We belice that the <!o\ eminent .ue ]»iepaicd to giant any member of the Association 100 luundd of ball caitiidgc free, and any other iimmuiittioii l icqn'iccd by them for practice at half-puce. Tlio enhance fro is onl\ ss, and quaitcily Mihsn lption 2h fi.l a-voij small mattei indeed 1 to anyone who takes an intncstin seeing goo-l shootui" ! mado in the distiitt. ° \ Tn tiou of ,-,n apprehended diflieulh in the collection of tho IwliiralHin Kate, lopid opuuon lm,l W cu oU.miuml bv the I •Hoard of Twliirahoii, imd Mr Wh.takor basgiScn it as hm ! opinion tint the talc can bo legnlh enforced

The IIIUI4 toi i % li ilj nf i'i>j.>iii il Xo t )ioscut,itives l>e^.iii / at Hamilton under the supjiv MVi of (')liiiu'l Ly>>n — th> oilioor co-mna idinj — m T.ies.liy, lh" '22ml instant. Although scvci il hiil s 11 b 111 their mines as being desirous of coaipeting only tin 00 appeared n-i tho ground tint day, viz • I lent J. X McDo-iaM, Vol \V ( oleuian (\VaiUto Kitle Volunteers)', and J MoUtuthoi (Militiainvi. )"' The , scores male on thifc day, at tho liist sfcige, 200 y.irds, standing, were— Yol W. Colemau, IS points ; I lieutenant McDonald, 15 points; Private Mctiiuthet, 11 points. At the 300 yards, any position, ' Vol \V. Colcrvtn, 18 ; points ; Lieut. McDonald, II points; Private MclTruther, 8 points, (hi Wednesday, Private MoGrutha did not ! ]>ut in an appearance, consequently the competition lav ' between Vol. Cole.aan anil Lieut McDonald, who both succeeded in qualifying as representatives Their scores ■were, at 400, 500, ann 1500 yards Lieut. McDonald, • 17, 13, U: total, 44 points; Vol Colemaii, l."», 12, 15; total) 42 points. So that 'the sfmo representatives who weht to t'hriatclmrch last aio again qualified to rcpies'"nt tho Waikato this yew at 2selson, and we hope ' tliev a\ ill succccd'iu eaiij'ing 6ft' dome of the pii7cs. Vol. Cole nan, at the last competition, curieil otl the tiist pii/e in tho 7th nuteh, by the 1 good score of <»4 points, Lieut. McDonald Scoring GO points on tlio same day ; and, although he won no prize, Ue had the honour of heiiu; one ot the No/th Island ten highest aggregate scoreis,. and tit oil in tLtl twain which lost by 19 pjiuts. ', WiftindoKtmrt that Mr Shanaghan has been compelled' for want of Millieicnt support, to discontinue tho Hamilton j Drum and Vrfc Hand. The greatest difficulty n tutor h*an"fco "j contend "vut'i in the formation of a band of this description , i-. tJinf of get I ing boys adapted for tho piirpusp. 'MrSha- J rig-han seems to bate been singularly fortunife in this respect, ns the bojis w'lo knew absolutely nothing of huiiic a [ low mouths ago, are now quire capable" of delighting. 'our ' \illager with tic martial but swept .strains of dVum and lift munio. It js n pity, now Hiat they ha\e arriiedat tlu-t stn^e of perlVetioß. tliattlie bind should'- be allowed toovpiro ftr want of OukN. If all (he settlements were fo i-oiiibiiiet • form a hand for the district, tiiere should be no ditliculty in r.iitiiig I'unds lor the imiiiit'eiiaiicc of a mint ellicient both of miHicuiiij who would be always ioad\ to render themscUfS : usoflil. • - ' Men in charge of punti mint, or should, be aware that \ they are- compelled to cross passenger* lit nnv hour of the ' night on payment of t lie stipulated fee. Xra bo he who j re gin s'lpreinc at Hamilton; the other c\cning half an hair's c tiling \\a^ not sutßcuMtt to vju^e him from his Hir. The Wangainu Herald h mlormcd that the l[on. I).' McLban mlciids shijing sdinetliing like nit we^ks at I Ouuuako. Kooms have been engaged at Mr Btytlett'*. The hon gentleman is now in Wanganui. If there is any 1 foundation for the report, it 13 clear that ho had- iu> ! intention of taking p.n-t in the farce being pla\ed out at 1 Mtitntgatn'Unri. Signor Ferrari's monkeys haVe met w ith a cordial reception j ■ tTirough'out the di>,trtet, and w ell t hey merited it We remind i all who hn\c not uhendy witnessed what a monkey is capable !<of, to nttcn'd fhitf evening nt v the hospital,' Xgnruawhhin. I 'It will be seen by our advertising eqJmnns^t.hat a ball wilt \ i bo hold in Xgnrunwahifc oij'Thc GOlh' hut. to "celebrate- tho, j anniversary of the provif'co. Mr Shanaghaii will be in attendance, assisted by a competent band. We are informed that evevy eflbrk-will be made t,o keep the ball select, and as I the music is certain to be good we anticipate a large atteuduuee. A mooting of the Central Waikato Agricultural Show will b>> held on the Nth February for the puipo-"o of revising the jirize list. The Dcferiec Minister ha 1 ' forwarded C.jO to be given in pri/.cs for native prodin tions. This should bate the elK'ct of 1 n 'ournging the- natives to show what they can do in competition with Europeans. The Duucdui S/ar sayij: — There wefc imported into Ne.v 1 /Zealand la;»t year 9H,Bfi7 tons of coal, the total value of | wliii'U'tVaa &i2f,\ol. H Tfie oiportS lfiOG tons, rallied j nt-CH?I2. Concidcrirg the fact thr.b coal of a fair, qjiaht.y, and 111 some cases superior, lias been found in almost cv«ry part of the colony, it is singular that tins community should oniiuuoio wnd such large sums out of tho country for an 1 article lying at their doors. ! Mr D. M Luckio who for some years has Wen proprietor j and editor of the Xelvon Coloinsf, has disposed of his interest ( j iii'tbat paper to his partner, Mr fcJolhiK, and 'has also given up the editorship. This gne> color to a rnmor current nome time ago ns to Mr* L/ielie s hfning acceplcil the eflTta#ltrtp of the J*ath/ Son'/iern Cron 111 .'vucklaud. — 11 angaiiw HeraM. " • A piece of diMpicihle mcaimcss is recorded bf llic Rretiiiwj Star of Mr Casey, the owner of two small steamers that ply between Kiipara and" Auckland. This indi\jdiiar,"it appears, j takes advantage' of tile arri\sil of a niafl boafdr any other 1 ' object of moi'panf ile 1 in'terct.'to pliw-p one of !\is\teamer> for ' I hire to the loss and injii4ieo of the licenced boat men. This I 1 fs not only an infringement of 'tho Harbour Lo.'ird fegnlai t^ona, but a manifest roUben of the fight of flu 'watermen, 1 rtfiil onp which should' l.ot be pern J I ted, and it Whines the • rUrboui' l>.»a^.l to move in tlic (ef. ! Tjie [filneafion Ifo.-ird has ponfiiinMl the appointment of \ 1 Mr AViltiiim JolinufDii as sclioolini^'or for Hamilton. j Tlie ruffian Melrinn, who committed outrages on two little girl« at Coroniandel. has given himself into the eu>tod\ of rhe police. No doubt hunger drove him to this step, as ! he had been <!e\ dijs out fn the lim^es at foromaudel. j Tjie man John Malley. wiio his" been uithe'AiU'kland ] ir*l-»pital for some d.{y» pi-t sudering from iTTt ' mVwle on htm at Drun, d*ed on Thur-«dft\ Aoti'i tfieVvoiiiiiN , inflicted on him. It is to be hoped that the seouittlrels engaged in tho outrage will meet with their de-erK On Th'ui'sd'ay a-*raid'\vjl« made by 'the Tnapeetor of*V. eighth and Measures" on the' 'storekeepers in" Hamilton. Hie Inspector objected to a number of the scales used, alfhVmgli he found 'ill tho'weights correct Tv the ease of home bread he fbunfl it to be half an-outuv short to the loaf in four c-ises out of twenty ; the rest were rather over wefght». Th* 1 ' deficiency is easily accounted for b\ tfie loaves Inning been gome hours out of tho oven, an I in breaking asuudfcr a ; little more migJif «ficl"/(o one loaf than propeil^ beloi^M^o | JK We hear that the Inspector purpose* takin«i*prdcccdit.£»s 1 nghn.^t tFie' defaulter. Several new set> of weights and wales ' hare been ordered. ~ 1

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Waikato Times, Volume III, Issue 113, 25 January 1873, Page 2

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The Waikato Times. "OMNE SOLUM FORTI PATRIA." SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 1873. Waikato Times, Volume III, Issue 113, 25 January 1873, Page 2

The Waikato Times. "OMNE SOLUM FORTI PATRIA." SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 1873. Waikato Times, Volume III, Issue 113, 25 January 1873, Page 2


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