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'HT^HE Undersigned « ill convey Go ids in conJ_ nection with the \V>ikato S6eam Navigation Company's »te*mers at following i ates :— h. d. Auckland to Rangiriri ... ... . . 05 0 „ „ Ngaruawahia ... . . ... 70 0 „ „ Hamilton or Whuta Whata ..75 0 „ „ Alexandra or ( 'ambridge ... 75 0 Rangiriri . . . to Auckland ..45 0 Ngaruawahia . ... ••• „ ... 50 0 Hamilton or Whata Whata ... ... „ ...55 0 Alexandra or Cambridge .. .. „ .. 55 0 Flax, Gum, and Wool taken by Weight. General Merchandise by Measurement or Weight. Parcels not exceeding one cubic -foot, charged 2& Cd each. All up-river Freight* are henceforth payable here before the Goods leave I'oim. No freight will be charged forward, unless $pp ial an angemenU for munthly accoui.U are entered into. Goods will bo received at my store, Fort-street : — For Alexandra and intermediate Stations— On Saturday and until Noon on Monday, For Hamilton and intermediate Stations — On Tuesday and until noon on Wednesday. For Cambridge and intermediate Stations— On Thursday and until Noon on Friday. Good* not delivered in time will remain in store until next forwarding day. No liability for losses caused by tire or accidents of river navigation. FRANZ SCHERFF. Auckland, February 1, 1872.

REGULAR SALES OF LIVE STOCK AND AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE Are held by the Undersigned as follows :— On each Thursday at Remuera, at twelve o'clock, the Principal Market for Fat Stock of all descnptions. On each Fuday in Aucklaud, at tbe Haymarket, at eleven o'clock, for Horses, Carnages, Harness, Hay, Coin, Soeds, and Agucultural Implements. On tho first Friday in each month, at the Haymarket, for Wool, Flax, Hides, and Sheepskins At Waiuku, Quarteily, in Mr Campbells Yaids, on the third Wednesday in February, May, August, and November, at one o'clock. At Papakura, on the last Wednesday in each month, at half -past twelve o'clock. At Henderson'B Mill on the tlui' 1 v , r e'.nesday in October and April, at one o'clock. Shocp Fairs aro held at tho Remuei* bale Yaids on the second Tuesday in Fcbi vary. Ample accommodation for Live Stock consigned for sale or awaiting delivery at Remueia, Otanuhu, aud Driiiy, where they are well kept at rixed chaiges. Dry and commodious Stores for Wool, Grain, Seeds, or Carriages, at the Haymarket, where the goods in gtoie are insured. ALFRED BUCKLAND. IMPORTANT PUBLIC NO TIC E.— Wolfb'b Abomatic Schiedam Schnapps, Registered under " Trade Marks Act," 28 Vie. No. 9. Tho extraordinary sale, wide-spread popularity, and wouderfid result* of Wolfk's Schnapps prove indisputably that the introduction of a perfectly pure beverage is appreciated by tho Australian public Tho medical proiession being the most competent in science, and responsible in society, of all others to form a correct judgment of the medicinal and salutary properties of an article of this kind would not give their unsolicited testimonials in special commendation oi Sumi> dam Abomatic SciiNAri'b were it a preparation ol doubtful or even ordinary quality, nor unless tney had proved its superior excellence and value in their own practice or experience. As a means of preventing tho disagreeable and often dangerous effect* produced upon the stomach and bowels by a change of water, or iv the use of water containing an miubion of decau'd vegetablo matter which so often produces that obstinate form ot Fever and Ague winch so ircqucQtly undormince the constitution. Tue Scuiedam Abomatic Schnapps wdl be found absolutely infallible, whde in cases of Dropsy , Gravel, Obstructions of the Kidneys, Diseases of the Bludder, Dyspepsia, Flatulency of Ago and Infancy, and General Debility, it is recommended most emphatically by the most distinguished members of the Medical Profession. Tho following reliable testimonials havo been offered by the Australian Press : — " In these days when alcoholic licpiors are so largely consumed, and consumers are so much iv doubt whether their systems are not being gi actually impaired by adulteration, it is wclHjhat one at leaast of the popular beverages of the period is reliable as pure — that is Wolfe's Abomaiic Schiedam Schnapps. It w something to be assured by physicians and other of the scientific cognoscenti that we havo in this article a genuine rxtravt which, taken in moderate quantity and under ordinary healthy conditions of body, ailbrds a beneficial stimulus to the animal {unctions ; and, oven if taken iv excess, leaves but a minimum of the inevitable evds of abuse. If it is necessary in the interests of tho public to denounce the too common pi actice of manufacturing noxious compounds as wines and spirits it seems only just to point to this meritorious exception." — Sydney Morning Herald. " We have in these Schnapps a total absence of fusil oil which, combined with the great purity of all ingredients whence it is extracted, accounts for tke unusually healthy and invigorating quality which have already rendered this latest addition to the alcoholic list so justly celebrated." — Toivn and Country Journal. "Experienco has proved the value of Wolfe's Schiedam Abomatic Schnapps as a stimulant at once invigorating and harmless, and it may be used with much beuelit by thoso requiring a pleasant and effective remedy. The modical officers of the Sydney Infirmary have tested its merits practically in various cases, and bear willing testimony to its excellence, and we, therefore, feel no difficulty in recommending to tho notice of our readers, the Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps, not only as a pure and agrccablo oi cnsional beverage, but, what ii of far more importance, as a ically pleasant medicine. — Bell's Life in Sydney. Impobtant Testimonials. "Syduey Infirmary, Nov. 11, 1870.— 1 beg to state that I have, with the permission of tho Honorary Physicians, given your Schnapps to several patients n our wards. I have no hesitation in stating that I consider your Schnapps a most excellent stimulant and diuretic, and of great value in cardiac and renal affections, and I believo they will eventually supersede all other spirits in the treatment of the above complaints. — Litton Fobbeb, Resident Physician. " Government Analytical Laboratory , Melbourne, Marc'i 15, 1872. — I hnve examined a sample of Wolfe's Aromu.ic Schiedam Schnapps submitted to me for analysis. From tlu examination 1 conclude that this spirit is perf&tly free fwm Fusil Oil, or solid matters ; is distilled from malf only, as a sample of Holland's gin cannut oe narpHssed It wiy therefore bo recommended for us> ir. h"^ ilai jiiu }■: r, iin practice aa a good aromatic stimul-ipt — i- >,pit<\) s \ :llk- . Johnson, Government Analytical tJ,i mvi We have appointed Messrs. L o iV i:u:j &, Co., buo Agents for the sale of Wolfe's Scu.^a'Pt) .n Auckland, Now Zealand.— M. Mobs & Co., Sydney, Solo Agcntu for A ustralia »ud New Zealand. Auckland, New Zealand. — I certify that I havo carefully examined and analysed Wolfe's Aromatic Schnapps, and find the Barnplo given mo to be a very strong, pure spirit, free from adulteration or any deleterious or any offensive matter, nud I believo usoful in all cases where a pure gin is indicated. I have also submitted the sample to patients who havo becu accustomod to this description of stimulant, and it has been universally liked and approved of as a strong, pure, wholesome spirit, and as such I can recommend it.— Chablks F. Goldsbbo', M.D.— Juno 20, 187 a. L. D. NATHAN & Co . Agents, Auckland, Now Zeilnnd.

* I. li. VIALOU, ARCHITECT AND SURVEYOR, llamilton, Waikato, (Temporary Offices, next to the R.M. Court-house.) BEGS to inform the inhabitants of the Waikato that he ha» resumed his profession as above. His large practice in England, and having been architect to the London Armoury Company, together with his colonial experience, he trusts are a sufficient guarantee for his ofliciency in his profession Plani, Specificatncs. wd L'atimatco prepared with 'jfspatcb

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Waikato Times, Volume III, Issue 107, 9 January 1873, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Waikato Times, Volume III, Issue 107, 9 January 1873, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Waikato Times, Volume III, Issue 107, 9 January 1873, Page 1


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