The All Black Family.
Everyone knows wbat a really delightful entertainment that given by this talented family is, so that to add to the chorus of praise which goes up from the people of every town they visit would be but “to paint the lily or gild refined gold.” Despite the perfect deluge yesterday afternoon and evening, people attended in goodly numbers at the Alexandra Hall to listen to the programme put forward. At the outset Mr Black apologised for Miss Nellie Black, who was suffering from a very severe cold. This prevented the young lady from singing, bat fortunately did not necessitate her delightful violin solos being omitted. Mr Black, who is a host in himself took Miss Nellie’s share in the vocal line and largely compensated for the lose the audience sustained. The programme presented was in every respect enjoyable, and it would be difficult to find an entire family so gifted. Versatility is the key-note of their entertainment, and it is wonderful how much this happy family can do, for there is not a doll moment from the rise to the fall of the curtain, whilst a charm and colour pervade the whole performance that catches and bolds the audience magnetically. On the whole the Black Family entertainment is one that can be confidently commended to public patronage whenever there is an opportunity of bearing and seeing them.
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Bibliographic details
Woodville Examiner, Volume XXII, Issue 3895, 4 July 1906, Page 3
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The All Black Family.
Woodville Examiner, Volume XXII, Issue 3895, 4 July 1906, Page 3