?Mr Chick, surgeon dentist, -will be in Woodville on Friday, and may be consulted at MrD. B. Harris'chemist shop. A complete set from three guineas.* The Porte has appealed to Germany to mediate with France over the diplomotic rupture. Mr G. H. Swan, the well-known exMayor of Napier, is to be presented with a purse of sovereigns on the occasion of his departure for the West Coast. A special meeting of the Borough Council will be held on Friday evening to consider the question of the erection of a bridge on Lower Woodlaads Road. Tenders are invited for two contracts in the Kunaeroa ' Road District. Specifications can be seen at The Examiner Office. The Premier stated nt Wellington on Monday night, in connection with the various statements as to the cost of the Contingents, that the total amount was A rain storm flooded the town o Cleveland, Ohio. Hundreds were rescued ,jn boats from the houses, and damage to the extent of millions of dollars occurred to property. A freight train at Montana, U.S.A., broke in halves on a steep gradient. Eighteen trucks ran 16 miles to Nyach station, where they crashed into a passenger train, 36 people being killed. The cars took fire and 28 bodies were cremated. The Columbia' defeated the Constitution in nine out of seventeen trials, including the first formal test, on Saturday. Shamrock on Saturday sailed 14 knots an hour, astonishing the American experts, who consider the Cup endangered. Baden-Powell told Captain Slocum that he adopted the following scheme to prevent the flash of his guns being seen by the enemy:—He fixed blankets in front of hie guns and fired through them. As he stated, "it played blazes with the blankets, but they never could find the guns." Samuel Trudgeoiv has been sentenced at Sydney to three years' penal servitude for the robbery jf a railway station. Fifty pounds were found in Trudgeon's possession. The money was handed over to the Railway Commissioner t) cover the compensation paid to the owner of the stolen property. Burglaries and robberies with violerce are very rife in Sydney and suburbs lately. Yesterday two women were bailed up and threatened with a revolver at Burwood. In another case a man died as the result of garroting in the city, the murder being committed for the sake of a bottle of beer which he was carrying. There died at the residence of his son, Mr Martin Priest, at Edenham station, Hawke's Bay, on Saturday, Mr George Priest, father of Mr J. T. Priest, formerly of Woodville, but now of Ngaturi. Deceased was a native of the Shetland Isles, and owned and skippered a fishing boat there. Twenty-five years ago he emigrated to New Zealand, and settled with his family in Hawke's Bay. The deceased gentleman was 78 years of age. He leaves a widow, five sous and two daughters. The family are all married with the exception of one son, who is in Western Australia. A rerord of fifty . years spent on the stormy seas of journalism is exceedingly rare, says the Daily Chronicle. It is the experience of Sir John Leng, M.P., of the Dundee " Advertiser." Perhaps the secret is incommunicable, though Sir John himself has a theory. "To be temperate in all things," he says, " to follow protracted work by corresponding rest, and ordinary work by cheerful recreation. Another secret is to cultivate a hopeful, truthful, kindly, loving dispositicn. But one is inclined to suspect that the atmosphere of that stronghold of sturdy Liberalism in which Sir John's newspapers flourish has something to do with it. • On Saturday last his beautiful residence on the Fifeshire coast was the scene of a gathering of his employees and their friends, who met to celebrate —by presentations to himself, Lady Leng, and Miss Leng—his jubilee ns editor and managing proprietor. In spite of all temptations, Sir John remains an Englishman, having been born nt Hull seventy-three years ago. The Bulgarian Treasury is so empty that officials are not paid, and the Russian Government has been forced to advance a small sum, about £IOO,OOO, to meet the immediate necessities of (lie Prince's government. She has also promised a further loan, if France will help her, of ,£8,200,000, with which it is supposed all roughness can be smoothed. Of course, Russia demands obedience in return for her money, and the Court of Vienna is growing unenuy. The Hapsburgs are not concerned about Bulgaria, but they see, or think they see, Russin establishing her influence also in Servia, and that kingdom is strictly within their own sphere. There is, therefore, unrest in Vienna, which is not diminished by rumours that Prince Ferdinand will marry a Princess of Montenegro, with, of course, the warmest Russian approval. Altogether, the understanding between Austria and Russia, by which the Balkan Peninsula is kept in a kind of uneasy quiescence, seems to be in danger of cracking. • A certain munber of students (writes the New York correspondent of the Sydr ney Herald) get their" board by serving bs waiters and doing other work about the university, but many more serve also as waiters in the hotels and restaurants of the town, the bureau keeping a special list of those willing to acce; t such work. The gas company employs students to take th« records of thometers; the water company uses them as inspectors to report upon wasta of water cases; six stu r dents. In? ve constant employment as pallbearers for an undertaker ; one is a private dptoeiive; and many others do all sorts of casual work as it offers itself at tha bureau—nighiwatchman, lawn:mo\ving, type-writing, book-keeping, theatre usher, butler for a special party, deliver- | i n K papers, debt collecting, directorymaking.' These are all actual jobs that ftaye been recently accepted; and there is no delicacy felt anywhere in Newhaven in applying for a student to do any conceivable task, and there is just as little false pride felt about saying, "Yes thanks/' to the offer. But European visitors seem unable to believe that such facts are perfectly natural incidents; and it is al*o quite true that two generations ago old-world prejudices against such incongruities were very potent even here. BuUbs democratijsation of the country, which began at the revolution, or even before, hus been steadily progressive and hiis now almost reached the end. But wasn't Andrew Carnegie a common fireman on the locomotive that drew the Prince of Wales' train, and John D. Rockfeller a coachman at lodol a week.
Gaudaur is slightly favourite for the sculling match with Towns. j Sir West Ridgeway, Governor of Ceylon, will be appointed Governor of New South Wales. *? The Huddart Parker Company has ordered from Gourlay's (Dundee) a steamer to replace the Elingamite. •Amerioan millionaires are laying 5 to 3 on the Constitution up to fifty thousand sterling in a single bet with an English sportsman. The Czar, Czaritza, and children have sailed for Copenhagen, and will go shortly to Kiel, the Czar subsequently proceeding alone to Dantzig, rejoining the Czaritza at Kiel, both voyaging to Dunkirk. Russian control of the Customs and other influences in Persia are obstructing the development of the Guetta-Mushki route and feriously injuring the Indian traders. The, Times urges the Government to deal with the question. Complaints have reaohed us tha' sheep ;ire being allowed to lamb in Fountaioe Square. We feel sure that the responsible party only needs to have his attention called to the matter to have it remedied. Tho progress which has been made with the Nile reservoir works is so much greater than was anticipated that there now seerns reason to believe that the undertaking will be completed six months earlier than was thought possible when the contract was signed. The Times' Moscow correspondent saye that a party of Russians (including trained intelligence officers) escorted the Thibetan mission, which recently visited Russia and retumpd home through Mongolia. The difficulties which have hitherto existed in regard to the explorfcaion of Thibet are soon likely to be solved. The most recent triumph of the French postal administration is an ingenious little machine which not only automatically weighs letters and samples but records on an indicator at the side the amount required for stamps. When the article deposited on the balance exceeds the regulation weight the indioator promptly hoists the sign " Too heavy." Mrs Renwick is proseuting Thomson and McNeill in Bow Street London. In July the accused were remanded on a charge of obtaining .£BOO from Mrs Rpnwick and her daughter under promise of marmige. A warder of Bow street secured a letter sent by Thompson to another prisoner in Hollo way gaol suggesting how to get the Renwicks out of the country. The Shah once asked a group of his courtiers whom they thought tho greater man, himself or his father. At first he eould get no reply to so dangerous a question, the answer to which cost the courtiers their heads. At lust A wiiy old courtier said—" Your father, sir; for, although you are equal to your father in all other respect*, in this he is superior to you—that he had a greater son than any you have." The creature most tenacious of life is the common sea polyp. If one be cut in ' two, two creatures are the result. One may be slit into half a dozen sections making as many animals. They may be turned inside out, when they apparently enjoy themselves just as well as before ; if two be divided and placed end to end, the result will be a monster having a head at each extremity. A New York correspondent says that so plentiful has oil become in the newly discovered fields in Texas, that it is being used in different parts of the State for laying the dust on the highways instead of water. Half a barrel a mile is sprinkled each day, and is expelled from the carts hot. It cements the dust without creating any mud, and packs under heavy use, and on properly graded roads acts like the roof of a building, from which all rainfall runs off. A train composed of 12 refrigerator cars recently rolled out of Newton, Kansas, for California, and each car was laden with esgs gathered in the vioinity of that town by one firm (says the Kansas City Journal). The twelve cars contained 144,000 dozen, or nearly two million eggs. The train went as a special, and it is the first instance of a train carrying nothing but eg/?s which has been reported by any road running into California. Some weeks ago MrD. B. Tattersha'll, of Kumeroa, left Wellington for the purpose of paying a surprise visit to his I mother in the Old Country, whom he has not seen for thirty years. Un- j fortunately, Mr Tafctorshall was so ill with sickness on the voyage across to Sydney flint he burst a blood vessel, and a doctor in Sydney refused to allow himto proceed Home, and ordered his immediate return to New Zealand. Mr Tattershall returned to Kumeroa last week, and he expects to be well enough to take the trip in six months' time. Ifc would not surprise me (says Labouchere in Truth) were Osborne soon to come into the market. The King greatly prefers Sandringham as a quasi private residence, and a monarch can no more be in two places at the sanis time than a sparrow. The maintenance of Osborne costs about £15,000 per annum. This is largely due to the great number of roads that have to be kept up. Tho property is a very valuable one, not so much on account of Osborne House as because the entire estate would realise'a great deal for building dtes. Lost night a Morris-tube match was fired in tho Drill Hall between teams selected from the Woodville section of the Mounted Rifles and tho Volunteers. Much to the astonishment of all concerned, the mounted men proved_ the winners by the majority of 5 points. There were 11 men a-side, and tho conditions were five shots each at 500 yards. Tho mounted scored 178, and the Volunteers 173. The return match will be fired next Tuesday evening, when we understand the Volunteers will make a big effort to retrieve their lost laurels. The Daily Mail's Chicago correspondent reports, Jane 11th : —Dr Unger, a physician, and Mr Wayland Brown, a well known businpss man, were convicted at the crirnimil court yesterday for attempting to defraud several insurance companies. The case is most j sensational, and the trial was attended i by several dramatic incidents. On J Saturday last Mr John McDonald, while making an impassioned plea for the defence, compared CJnger to Christ crucified. On uttering these blasphemous wordg Mr McDonald fell on the floor in a faint, and was carried from the court room amid intense excitement. Mr McDonald resumed his speech yesterday afternoon, but before he had finished a violent thunderstorm occurred and a large electric light globe suddenly exploded, leaving the court room almost in darkness. A second later a blaze of lightning and a terrible crash of thunder startled everyone present. Mr McDonald then broke down, and was led out sqbbing loudly. The Court room was crowded, and several women fainted, many weeping. Before tho excitement had subsided the jury returned a verdict of guilty. The two men insured tho life of a young woman named Mary Diefendaoh, who volunteered to annulate in order to defraud the insurance companies. In carrying out the plqt she actually met a strange and agonising death. The authorities say shat Bhe was murdered.
Two women succumbed to injuries i caused by the exploding of a kerosene lamp in Melbourne. ' Fifty. settlers in the MastertonAlfredton districts have petitioned Parliament ogainst the construction of the Masterton-Weber light lins railway. C'jptain Edwin telegraphed to-day : Northeast to north and west gale after 16 hours from now. Glass fall. Indications heavy rain. The football match New South Wales v. Wanganui was played yesterday in glorious weather. The result was a win for the visitors by 9to 8. Taranaki beat Hawke's Bay yesterday by 35 to 3. A clay pigeon match between the Woodville and Kumeroa Clubs is being fired to-dny. The following is representing Woodville :—Messrs Gothard, Nelson, Ormond, Hart&tone, J. G. Wil- ; son and B. M. Grant. With respect to the Siberian railway, j the opinion is becoming general that the utility—commercial, military, or otherwise—of the gigantic undertaking sponsored by the Russian Government, and paid for wiih borrowed money, will scarcely prove commensurate with its colossal proportions. An average inclusive speed of from seven to nine miles an hour is the most the administration of the railway is prepared to guarantee. An important operation—the first of its kind ever made in New Zealandwas performed in Masterton yesterday morning by Mr Brand, Government Veterinarian, upon a horse belonging to Mr Alexander Reside, says the Star. The horse was known as a bad (i roarer." Mr Brand had a silver tube made to order in Christchurch. This morning he opened the horse's neck, severed the windpipe, and inserted the tube. The whole operation took less than a quarter of an hour from the time the horse was thrown. Mr Brand is confident that the effect of the operation will stop the " roaring." He has known horses uron which he has performed similnr operations in the Old Country to have subsequently won important racing events. Messrs D. G. McKibbin & Co. call attention to the fact that they are in r«= ceipt of their new season's seed potatoes ; also, Nimmo & Blair's vegetable and flower seeds. Vegetable seeds 3d per packet, flower seeds Id per packet.—Advt. At the Bon March, Messrs C. Sandford & Co. are holding a special sale of Black French Cashmeres. For quotation see special advertisement over the leader.* THE DEAF HEAR,—No. 073 The Illustrated World of G 26, Chiswick High Road, London, W., England, contains a description of a Remarkable Cure of Deafness a:ul Head Noises which may be carried out at patient's home, and which is siid to be a certain cure. This number will be sent free to any deaf person sending their address to the Editor 620m10/02 On our third page Messrs D. G- MeKibbin & Co. make certain special announcements of interest to the public generally. We would specially drs:w the attention of the dairy farmers to a useful little instrument for which they are sole agents for the district. This is the Duplex Lancet Probe for making cows easy to milk, thereby saving time and labour. We would advise dairy farmers to inspect the instrument and read the testimonials It is having a ready sale. —Advt Anyone in want of bargains in drapery or clothing should visit the Economic, where bargains are the order of the day. We can supply you with a nice macintosh jacket or cape for yourself or children at a very low price, and we are making specinl reductions in Dress Materials, Blankets, Rugs and men's and boys' clothing. The Economic, A Rosenberg & Co. —advt. The Same Old Story. .T. A. Kelly relates an experience similar to that which has happened in almost every neighbourhood in the United States and has been told and retold by thousands of others. He says : "Last summer I had an attack of dysentery and purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which I used according to directions and with entirely satisfactory results. The trouble was controlled much quicker than former attacks when I used other remedies." Mr Kelly is a well known citizen of Henderson, N. C, U. S, A. For sa!e by D. B. Harris, chemist, Woodville. s3O
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Woodville Examiner, Volume XIX, Issue 3303, 4 September 1901, Page 2
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2,944Untitled Woodville Examiner, Volume XIX, Issue 3303, 4 September 1901, Page 2
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