The 'Frisco mail was delivered in Woodville on Wednesday. The Kev. L. M. Isitt, of Wellington, has kmlly consented to lecture in aid of Library. The Education Board has granted an additional L 5 to the Kumeroa School Committee for fencing. The consideration of Mr Cotter's application for a lease of 320 acres at the I’ohangina, has I ecu postponed by the Wellington Land Board. The Secretary of the Woodville Cricket Club has arranged with the Danevirke Club for a iriatcn on the 31st inst, on tiie ground of the latter. ♦ We arc requested to state that members of the Woodville Cricket Cluu should pay in their subscriptions (now due) to the Secretary. We call our readers’ attention to the advertisement of .Mr A. Cower, of the Woodville Me it Bazaar. 11 is branch establishment at I’uhialua is under the management of Mr Treeweek. The Government prize tiring will take place shortly, and the amounts are now gazetted. The Hawke’s Bay Utile companies are allotted t*l7 2s 0.1, about half of wkieh will probably bo allotted to the Wood villi' 1 titles. The follow in • gentlemen have been s"lected to play against h-i all eoinvrson the Woodville e k-10-1 ground on Saturday : Messrs •cnam. Stnniy, .Seymoure, Williams, Vi'.a- 1 , Moiatt, Oldies, i t.i h- e )!•, Holder, NiciioLoii, Colli", and I'.anri.-, (eiuergene\.) Tuesday's Manawalu Standard s\vs; -- We un.ierstan i that the T'-turns of the qua) ti-nshmg 1 esab mg from the s’oie sent to Melbourne hale roue- to hand,but lor v iraitis rea-.on ; have not been ma le piil'li". In the W ediies lay'., i.-sue of the same paper Uie statement was contradieted.
Ui }‘. iTin<,' t<> tlic> neei.lent to Mr Walsh, wMi'ii Mr Ilo;'„' was railed in on Monday eveinno ho stated that tin: liinda of tin- was broken, an I ha rheivupoii bandaged it, until Dr l-'u.>st !! simu! I be a hie to attend the suT-rer. I ’ 1 1. ■ Da-tor hainy mmlili! to attend on I'.ier.d ,y mornino, .Mr Hoy„'. 'van Mr Williams, mid Constable Motley, s-a the le :1 ' himself. Tiie Teh-eraji'i D a curious paper. On severed oeeasion it ini ' ahn-ed the elertor.i u! WalpaVVa fir eieetni,’ II lab.-ral leoreh ntati'. e ovrr the head of a Conservative. N'o.v it makes the remark " The in', • 11 1. o mt portion of the electors -and is always hv fir I le lary-v-n. ' Tnerefore, we suppose, "the largest is always the most in’ediyenl " and as the larp-st number have nlway; be -n opp is<*d to our verv re-,peet" ! eont in or ir r tho To epraphiby it < o ,vn a !;:ii.s>ion, wanting in mteliiyem-e. At the nieetiny of the hi duration Hoard a letter n .1 - rm ivr.l tioin the i’rineipal of til-* Wellington Trusting Cuib-oj-, ; . j>< 11'tHiv' hi'dny u! the Hawke's Day students. Mu, Mary iiity earn • out at the hea-1 at tile iveent test e lamination. Mi .s Carrie Davis was plodding and consejeatioua, an 1 hii ma le I 'o 1 1 progress. Mr.Jo.eeii H. Worboys had done remarkaid v y 00 i Work. lie tie! Win tile -eond pi.iee in the ••xaiuni itioii by hard • :’ liy. At lie- tneetin ; of the H incation Hoard 0,1 Til*- - lay < ’ viitain I -11 1 a- 1 i railed atten- ! 1 ei to tiie non b> I;>t eh iraet.-r of she Da t:m;s M-ho-d bnd an ; i nere \v,v ■i i .v three ;;ah'es, all of dileTt ni an .. .tii di.r rent window;, ulnii tiie timie-r in tiie Ulterior were di.fefi.ntlv arranged, e tmpb-udv destroyimr the uniformity of tii • baddiue. He Ih mdit tii-- ai.-hueet, ivir )i 1:1 .iaa ; a 1 iilrri’i [a exi-.tin r lenidtn d. .aid 1 :i le IV „ :r ; . era. d ■ ef "ne H;: m-w, e ir h.oWkn it'enlaei to the r 'ho -midi. I
Messrs Akers, Wylds, and McMastcrs have applied for gold mining leases. There is a considerable rise in beef in the Auckland market. Captain Edwin wires—Warnings for gales have been sent to all places south of Napier and Wnitara. We understand that a Woodville man has sold out his interests in the Ruahine Gold Mining Company (Ashurst.) The match between the ton picked men and ton from the remainder of the company (volunteers) will be fired tomorrow at 2 p.m. The meeting of the Mannga-atua Road Board which was to have been held on Wednesday, did not eventuate, only two members putting iu an appearance. The wool freights have been considerably reduced. This will be a boon to the wool-growers, seeing that prices for wool are ruling so low. The contractors, for the Tamakl contract continue to make good progress and there are now long stretches of formation hero and there along the line. We would remind our readers that the Rev. James Wrigley will preach at the Free Methodist Church ib.s evening, at half-past seven. Mr Shenviu will preside at the organ. The Tahoraite natives havo about 40 acres in grain this season, and Mr Stewart ol the Tamaki Hotel, has about IS acres. Mr Stewart has effected considerable improvements to the grounds since taking over the Tamaki Hotel. In the Exhibition awards the Hawke’s Bay Education Board has received honorable mention for school appliances and charts. In the Home Industry branch, Mrs J, J. Murphy, of Woodville, secured third prize for leather work ; and Agnes Crawford, of Woodville, won the litst prize for silk work on perforated cardboard. The Herald cm respondent, who is a sham-Liberal, hints that the member for Waipawa is about to displace the member for Napier and such-like rubbish. We ought to know as much about it ns anyone, and wo know that so long as Mr Smith cares to retain a seat in the House, it is Waipawa ho will stand for and no other constituency. At a general meeting of the Waipawa Small Farms Associations the follswing resolution was carried unanimously: "That the secretary bo directed to write to W. C. Smith, Esq., M.H.H., and thank him on behalf of tho Association for his exertions in aiding and advancing its interests while in Wellington.”
We regret to lo.nrn th.vt on Wednesday 'Afternoon, Father Ahern was the victim of an unfortunate accident. When riding over the Oringi station on h'.s wav to Kumeroa, his horse stumbled mil fell on liim, breaking one of his legs at the ankle. Ho manago.l to remount and reach Kumeroa, where ho remained till yesterday, when Mr Heady drove him to Tahoraite, and lie wont to Waipawa by train A missionary meeting in connection with the Primitive Methodist Church, Woodvillo, was hell last night in the Chnrch, Mr John Richards in the chair. There was a very large attendance. The Kov Mr Clover (Foil ling) gave an account ol the progress of the Primitive Methodist mission work, together with interesting statistics in a very appropriate speech. He was followed by the Itov J. Wrigloy (Waipawa) who delighted his hearers with a splendid stinging address on “The Power of the Gospel,” as exhibited in missionary work particularly. The Rev Mr Jones (Wellington) then gave a humorous and earnest Speech showing the progress of Christianity, contrasting the three periods—(i). From the Ist to the 15th century; ph from the loth lathe ISih, and (d) from the LSth to the present time. He said th it 2ao millions of persons h id been brought under tin' influence of the JJihlo during the lost.named period. Dining the mission servi ;es a sum of i’a was collected for the missions. The meeting was interspersed with singing, and concluded by prayer. A meeting of the Committee representing the L'mte l Friendly .S icieties was he! 1 in the Lodge-room on Tim;day evening. There wen* present :—Bros. So wry, Cam.<be!!,P. Motley, M • ir *, llaggmi, Thonns, Williams, Dug', and Hutchins, the Foresters, Oddbdlows, Recimbitcs, and Good Templars being represented. Mr So wry wm voted to (he chair. Mr Moore stated he had been appointed Secret iry in the interim, and had called the meeting. His engagements wan! 1 prevent him continuing the otlice. Mr (lumpb.dl was appointed Secret iry, and an ■v-otlieio neunber of ('oinmittee. Mr Motley w is eicc t **. 1 ii r* i.siu'ur. It was decided to hive a tea and concert on the bib November. The Chairman, Secretary, and Dro. Williams were appointed a sub-com-mittee to arrange for tin* concert, an I Dro-.. Moore, Hutchins, Dailiie, an 1 Motley, a sub-committee to arrange for the lea. It was decided to have tick, t < prinie !, charge to tea and concert to be g. ft I and concert 1■; children under Pi, tea and concert. Is (5 1, concert Is. It was arranged that Ihe tea should be at o p.m., an 1 concert at 7.*»-> p.m. Messrs Thomas. P.eagley. and Use were appointed a decoration committee, and it w as further resdved that there should bi a procession in regalia, and that M-ssn, Stau and McGrath should be asked lor the use 1 of their nur!ion room for the occasion.
Th * Visitin;; CommittPO of the Napier Hospital It > mi. pave a report at tile mectinp n i Vnes lay, of the condition of tie* indigent poor at the H.-fipe, in wideh it was stated inat “after i-e.:--fnl inspection, it is hut t > > appari nt tiiat 111.-s.' old and more or less decrepit :n--n and women d i no’ pet the care or attention that aye I ail chrome invalids re pure at tile nan Is of a humane community. While patients in our iio.pita! for tem_>orary treatment have r: 'htly tie- he;t of care, medicine, fo >d, and attention, and a watchful solidtu le to their want ; and wishes, those in the a Ijoinininp n-f.ipe -the mp-d. the infirm, and the incurable are in a marked depree neybvted. Knynlat i-m rations, it is true, for so many men or women are served to the various ward-, hut dietary rcpinieu such as in the hospital is not attempted, and tie- car • in nnr-m;,' e\pe:i.need hv patients there is ahop..*}|,.r vrantmp to whom clo-inp years mi ;ht easily soothed, hut who are now • oil vno d. Ills a lamentable fact that <eir criminals are much na.r-- com-for'alij-t nu 1 better attended to m prison than tito u.ufor'tlu »te old lueti and wom-ui in th- p-fiye. The;« ia no .ysu-. m■t s- me ii'-a! in-tu >n. an i tin- r-ms-jil ini! - Ilf iiu 111 !! - tint the I.'ii' ;o.:i, siijM-rmtendent of the ii ii ha i no liv-d regulation-. *• dim.; him a and. pi rsenl.e for tii'-m perm ie-al!v -o a !» et-r which, beyond ail, de. th e. e.. of (he Itefu e'.
Charles Eising, formerly boarding house keeper at Mataiwi has filed. The concert to be given at Pahiatna tonight by members of the Masterton Band has been postponed. The land fevor in both Woodville and P.'.hiatua shows signs of abating for the present at all ex-ents. Mrs Brown, charged with the murder of her mother, was committed for trial at Dunedin on Tuesday. The Herald says;—Mr J. D. Oxanond will address the Napier electors as soon as the alterations to the Theatre Royal are completed. The Hon. Mr Ballanco has been appointed to the additional office of Commissioner of State Forests under the Act of last session. Two Chinamen were on Monday, at Dunedin, lined 20s each and costs for being in possession of under-sized llounders. A boy named Cadwell has been lined 5e and costs at Napier, for throwing a rotten egg at a train returning from the Hastings Agricultural Snow. The New Zealand Shipping Company and the Shaw Savill and Albion Company have reduced the wool freight one-eight of a penny on last year’s rates. The Councillors (when elected) of Waipawa and I’alangata will form the Board for the "Waipiwa Hospital District,” which will also have ciiarge of the distribution of the charitable aid. The Hon J. Ballanco has wired to the Chairman of the Woodville-Tiramnea Special Settlement Association that he has given orders to have the valuation made without delay. Mr Angus McMaster, of Woodville, has given inlice of application for it goldmining lease of land at Pohungina. The name of the Company is the Wuodvillo Gold-mining Company. An unemployed meeting was held at Christchurch on Monday morning. Two hundred and fifty men signed a petition to Mr J. Holmes, requesting him to endeavor to find them work. They will bo employed in planting, stone-breaking and trenching the reserves. John Beal, ranger at Featherston, had nearly the whole of his scalp taken off on Tuesday by the horse he was riding stiinipling and throwing a m o!f and then treading on his head. A m m naiii”d Co email was also thrown from uis horse at Featherston and had his snail fractured. Both men are in a precarious c r.idiiion. A man named Hugh Lmrenson fell off the express train on fines lay near the Wailaki bridge. He was standing on the platform, and losing his balance, fell on Ills face and .shoulder clear of the rails. He sustained h slight concussion of the brain, was a good deal cut about the face, and had his shoulder dislocated. The verdict which was passed at the inquest on the body of Mrs Soddon, namely, “ Suicide whilst in a stale of unsound mind by jumping into a boiling spring.” has excited much comment at Rotorua. The hole in winch the body of the unfortunate woman was covered with fern, and she is supposed to have fallen in while wandering about in the dark.
A shocking accident occurred at Wairoa on Tuesday. A half-caste bid, a son of Archie Lewis, residing ot the head i, was found quite dead with the top of his head nearly blown otf with a gum. The deed is supposed to have been done by accident by another half-caste lad named Richardsun, with whom deceased was in company a short time before. Richardson Ims decamped through fright. A man named Graham, who was wanted on a charge of some swindling', was shot dead by the policeman who was after him at Wilcania, South Australia. Graham had been tracked by a con .table and blade tracker, and refused lo eurrender. He attempted three limes to shoot the constable, but the cap; sn ippe I and the policeman then fired an 1 killed him. A verdict of justifiable homicide was returned at the inquest. There is a pretty row on at contra! M ikaretn about the schoolmaster. The committee met on Monday U» investigate a charge of beating a girl, with the result that they prmiibite 1 the teacher by resolution, from thrashing any more children. On being' informe I of tins, I believe, he wrote to the chairman staling that he had closed the school until the matter had been dealt with by tiie K I neat ion D cud ; and if he perseveres in this course the school will continue close 1 for a month I - -Telegraph's correspondent. A la lies' lawn teams club lias been started in Woo iville. Mita Frame p.vho is acting as bun. secret try) has, with the assistance of other ladies, succeeded in obtaining something like LlO as subscriptions towards the preliminary expenses. A level piece t f ground, being a portion of an unoccupied section in Ormond-stroet, near Vogel-street, has been chosen ; and Messrs Ware and Fitch, under Mr Jack Son’s directions, are now engaged in putt, im,' it in order. The tennis ground will measure ‘J7y- Is I»y 1 and will be enclosed uulh wire netting, a barb wire running along lie- top to keep cattle oh’. It is to be sown down in grass, and will be ready for use in a few weeks. We understand the subscription will be (is per annum.
The 1 la wke's Hay County Council i has ro:.olvcti to split up County p ivern- | iu>-nl. th»' following motion havinp been carried at Monday’s m.-ctin;' :--That a!! the t'oimty roads in tho Hentaunpi and Havelock ri-diiips bo declared H.»ad Hoard roads in accordance with section HI, I’nh 1 st- Works Act, iMSp, and that subject t<> reduction fur any public works other than tie- maintenance and imim ruct um of roads, al! tile county funds raised in ill-- a'u e. named ridinps he handed hark to the Hoad Hoards in these n I;:;:'< for e\p.-ndi-hire under sections JHH an 1 Counties Act, ISTti, all <le Indians for the purpose-? above named to he in proportion to (he rateable \ a! ;e of each ridin,; in the count v, and to he made hy direct vote of this Conned. Some d; i n t 0..!; place at the ni'vtm;; of the Napier Hosphai (Vnu. niittee on Tue-i day, on the probable eiiect of the UeW 110-UU’.alM Art coin, in," into force, and after r >n-; i. rald.-d'-ha'e ji moled was cun a-I I i th>- i-fferi that the lii.' he petitioned t . jsirate the h-uptla! a-, a separate in ! itil tlOil. It! comiecllon with this it Wa- also decidi-d that a ‘ule.crijUion h ,t ■.h.,ul<i be pnidi-died, with a vti -.v f i olitain lienames of JO.) p -r - m wmui ; r to h--,~.-no-sub ,cnl«T», as re.pnr<-d hy tie- An. before tile prayer of the pn could he j; anted. It wa-; ni. i iv- .h<- i tiiat id !!-' siiould he I - tj ■ !, e.ilitlm : led !■•; ►. to receive treatment at tie- h.eua-a! to Case of Meknes-.. Mes-.j:. M ir;:ohoiith ant Slit ton s-tiony’v opposed the r<- .-domm. and the i- -njier <ie; n mded a divi o .>n.
Thp Premier is expected to address his constituents on Thursday. 1 here appears to he considerable suhter.anean agitation going on at Lake Rotorua, and it is probably that some permanent alterations will take place with regard to some of the springs. The local journal states that a noticeable feature in the hot lake Knirau, near the Palace Hotel, is that the water is apparently falling, ami some of the ground round the lake is getting very treacherous. We inspected, yesterday, at Mr Montcith s store, Moodville, a new milk strainer, patented by Mr Garland, wholesale tinware merchant, of Wellington. It is about the size ot the ordinary strainer, hut has the advantage of a moveahlc seivc (three are supplied with each) and. the tunnel end hung removeable at pleasure, the new strainer is far more easily cleaned than the common one. The seivc is the weak point in a milk strainer, and it cannot he repaired. The seivc in the patent strainer is moveahlc, and now ones can he obtained at pleasure. There should he a large sale for this newest of dairy utensils, Mr Seavey is the agent tor thia district. Four m milters of ihe Salvation Army m Sydney were recently fined 40s each and costs, for riotous behaviour in the streets of one ot the suburbs. They were i nnning about the streets between 8 and 0 o'clock at night shouting at the top of their voices “ curb him ! stop him 1 hold him” and attracted by so doing a crowd of larrikins. When asked hy the police what they were doing, they replied that they were ” chasing the devil,” explaining that they wanted to got a crowd into the barracks, and were determined to do it one way or another, and “ chasing tho devil was sometimes an etleetive way. Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis. &0., are quickly cured hy using Baxter’s " Lung Preserver.” This old-established medicine is pleasant to the palate, and highly extolled hy members of the medicahml clerical profession. Bead advertisement. Indigestion ami Liver Complaints,— For these complaints Baxter’s Compound thimine Pills have proved a specific, acting powerfully on the liver ami mildly on the stomach. Sold everywhere, or post free from J. Baxter, Chemist, Christ church for ID or 11 stamps. ll'j
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Woodville Examiner, Volume 3, Issue 207, 23 October 1885, Page 2
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3,297Untitled Woodville Examiner, Volume 3, Issue 207, 23 October 1885, Page 2
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