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B. POULSON, | TAILOR AND HA B I T-M AX E 11, LAMBTON-QTJAT. WITH great pleasure informs the Gentlemen of Wellington and surrounding distrieta that he lias OPENED his NEW PREMISES with a NEW AND FASHIONABLE STOCK OF TWEEDS, DOESKINS, FANCY CLOTHS, &c, &c. i j j . i B. P. would take this opportunity of thanking his Patrons for their past kind support J trusting lie may receive a continuance of the same. FOR SALE AM) LEASE. JUST ARRIVED EX CHAPMAN. FOR SALE— Several Allotments of Freehold "1 f\f\ BOXES Belmont sperm candles hand. X\_/\_/ 30 tins raw and boiled linseed oil al-o, bairels erubhid loaf sugar On Lt-nse— Sevoral Valuable Properties, and a 6 eases assorted floor cloth few Houses to Let. 31 bales double and double-doub.'o demy Apply to printing paper 1.) LAIiOWITZKY", 10-i cases galvanized corrugated iron, inIlonsc, Land, and Commission Agent. eluding nails, rain water head_, Oflicc: Odd Fellows' Hall, Chambers. fittings, &c June Slh, ISGS. 393 bars fcrnp iion . 12 bdl_. do do FOR SALE. I — - j | TO ARRIVE PER MARTIN LUTHER. ALT, THAT VALUABLE FiU! KIIOLI") PUO- ! 20 hho\< Whif.hread's porter i'KHTY k.owH a_ tl-o "L'AU II I. HEN IKA U 20 qt-e isles Bruno bilva, & Sons port wine j HOTKI. and Fh-UvV ll_■U rt K , weedier v.-ith tl.o 20 octanes do do oiitbihliiigK,Et!i!.ip--. and sbfiit 300 «l-i. ;s of laud W. B. RHODES <fc CO. more or less. lihodcs' \Yl;a.rf, For nnriieuliuv; apply to Mr 0. I\>TTS on tho bth June, 1865. i.rrmiso.s or to .\i- LAV- M.iN i'O'l i S, lintt. — Fclnsary 0, l«i~>. NEW LANDING EX CHAPMAN. TOTARA ! TOTARA ! ! _Ij*-IO * JAliS . ail(i 6( * bundles 88.11. iron ORDERS taken for Tof.m or at the « warru,ted anvils timber yard of the undesigned, Noah's Ark. J }>^ ?*™»*rt vices JOHN PLLALMEU. * " Olil ™ 5 ,, portable forges « •! Ir , , c T -, 8 kegs Walker's C. S. horsenails _J_L_Z____ 50 do patent nails 1J- to G inch „ ..,-_, 4 doz Lyndon's (J. S. iiotato forks BUSINESS PREMISES EOR SALE B i!o _ P - rkc , ri pa((;|l [ cs> fipadea „. , . , , 0 supti ior chaiV cutters THE underpigniHl aro rcliniiuihhing their branch 1 case Uoward'a plou-hs CBtal.lishi.iont in Willia-streL't, and will bo 2 hhds Aver> .. s coun( ° ci . weighing machines happy to treat ior the oi the premises, j_ caS( . do patent sU-el yards with or without i ho Slock and Good-will. i do Thos. Fiith and Son's C. S circuGILBERT TICKET T & CO., kr saws Lainbton Quay. 2 do do do C. S. pit and March. G, 16C5. cross cut saws 3 casks do do superior edge rjnilK underaigned are prepared to deliver in tools X any part of Wellington, 1 do do do wai ranted files KNCiLIbII COALS, fccrccncd 1 f lo albata and B.M. ciuet.s, spoons, &c. AUSTRALIAN do, do I do JWarlineau's patent T. hinges 10 to J. & T. KEHBELL. 1 £0 inuh May Is., 18G.-,. } crato japanned coa .coops ' . 1 bundle wheat liddlcs mO LET on a Building Leas,,, US feet of valu- 1° f asts blUh lM ? , „ I able fronts. h,vW a depth of 100 feet, 00 drums ca.tor and colza situated oppo-ite Carpenter 1 - Uook More, in Moles. X eo^'J" 0^ hood a " J [ worth-bticet. . KlcHAlnjSoN> 1 patent Hour mill and dressing machine Willis-street, *b^ a l' alcnt Hydrometer specific gravity iy.,, ■(, id,,,- 1 set " Klectuui 1 ' drawing inslrumonts !L__ - — - E " VV - WILLS. i "" June 9, 18C5. |TO LEATHER SELLERS AND UOOT ! I MAKERS. s\ n SALE, EX CHAPMAN. I ■ >»• JOHN SMITH be^'S respectfully to intimate to Shirts, Criineui and white the U-.-le, that he baa cotmnenced business ( g. T. and blue sergo as a Curiicr and Leather Merchant, in those pio- g a c fl| f. uic , am i bi.^ok dofi! mises lately elected in Ghuznec-street, and having Trouj-ers, 'fancy, black and w. cord a thorough practical knowledge of the business Vesta, fancy, doo and black cloth in all its branches, trusts to merit a bhare ot the Blue pilot coats, vests and trouseis patronage of the trade. Sou'westeis coats and trousers A good .lock of English and Foreign butts, (joata, Cheviot tweed be-uds, backs, &C, on hand, and will shoitly be pilot and pea jackets ready for sale a large lot of .hoe middling?, kips, Youth's fancy tweod trousers j calf skins, AC m inverness capes I Tho above goods are the best English tannages. Drawers, white kersey JOHN SMITH, Jumpers, fancy tweed Currier and Leather Aleichant, Pants, men's Bedford cord (Jhuznee-strcet. Te Aro, Knickerbockers, boy's fancy June 9, I8(jy. Suits, Men's blue flannel ~TO^ONIT:ACTORiTN^EULL^"EIRSr j C * lJS ' " ieil> ' black _^ llch P«* T, „__-_,„ ~7 r , f , ENaLISH & COLONIAL COAL ON SALE ENDERS are requued for the enlargement of AT mr™ qj-q yaT?D lit Peters Chureli, ie Aro. Plans and specifications nuiy be scan at Me.-sis Betliunc und BRANSFIELD Hunter's office „,,.„, tTI . Upposite the Post Office. Tenders to bo sent in to Mr Robert Hunter, on j uno ]0 jg 65 ir or before Monday, the '•iOth Inst, addressed to the '. 1— . __ I Cliurchwar_ens St Peiei's To Aro, and endorsed, /^VN SALE IN LOTS TO SUIT BUYERS. tender for enlargemei t of St Peter's Church. \J IS'.B. Tho lowest or any tender will not, nece.- Town Acre, No. 153, &ituated in Cuba and sadly bo accepted. Ingestre-streeta. ROBERT HUNTER, Dc „ 219 Coimcnay Place SAMUEL CARROLL, Do , t> . 105 Hawker-street Churchwardens, St Peter's, Te Aro. Do. n 8 4<j Daniclstreet Wellington, June lii. 1800. Do. „ Bro'J8 r o'J Owcu-street _ ------_-^^— --— —— - - jj o _ „ &S_ Manslield-street JL'Si PUBLISHED ! Apply to MADDOCK'S GENERAL CATALOGUE " I3ETIIUNE & IIUNTEU. of BOOKS in all depaitments of Litera- Exchange Builcl ings, turo, containiiiL; 24u r jii K 0S > demy Svo, with price '3rd Ma}', I BGo. and B i_c of each book, al,o complete index . Price TA TION WANTED in the WAIRARAPA. ls,bypo.sL2s. MAimOCK Apply to tho u.,,1..rsi gI i Ul l WIi.UAM MAIJIJULK, w HoBERTSON, Impoitcr o 1 ..okfi and bra.ion.ry, gloek d g Salos ' ulan . 383 (jcoi^c fclreet, Sydney. IJiv T> l r -!(J') I'OIi^SALE. TV^ 11 P J U-^ER lias great pleasure to anAr.r, ..-,, . -,t^ „. . ,„.,._ „ t .,,,,.., rA . T JjIJL nouiic-c to the genlrv of Wellington that SHEEP AND CAITLE STATION con- ,„, .. at libi . r for a 9 f; ort ,; lne lo Catel .° uul cook .isting o; U-KIU Acres ot La«,d, having mi , y (i i niKMSi p l aill or ball suppers, and wedding nai ural boumlai n-8. A newly built house and all breakrastS) ut pal . des own reß i do ;, cus „„ lhe b h one st requisites for cairying on tho work c( tho ..station „( ltico __ (1 ni()St re ,, sonable te ,. mß 1)Ossi()le . Toßti . wulbciuduucdin the hale. ImmcJmio posses- ni()l iials of th". hi-hest character Address 11. T. mom can lm givi-n. , TT , L. O. UUTMOKIt, office of this paper. For further particulars apply to tho Under- L__ , si S»« d - TTOTELS Mipplied with Bills of Faro in «r v- t omi ,V i«;- ' -t*- kalian. French, and llindo-taueo for Welhngton, 30th May, l__u. CV(liy Aay [n lhe lnolll|lT^~~O 11 S aT~L 'E^- It. T.L. C.BUTNEEU. -*- T „ , „ , "TTTTANTED, Etnployinent in any Mercantile In one or moro lots to suit pmchasers. YY oajiMcity by a young man of business 800 SHEEP 1 Running at hahits. Addre.s— J. Wells, care of Messrs, \- Bethune & Hunter, Wellington. 23 HEAD CATTLE J Ohau. j~ -, EDWARD PEARCE. W"AN TEU a SCauOLMASTER.-Apply at Weliinglon, 89th May, 18(56. YY tho othce ol this paper. WANTED n GOOD COOK. Apply to Mrs PEAiiCE, To Aro 7th June, 1860. "OEATfIS, plums, cherries, gooseberries, currants, — .JL quicks, English laurels, hollies, native 'VXf ANTED, a MEDICAL ATTENDANT sin übs, fruit trees very stiong, grapo vines, pracJi YY for tho Loyal Huso of the Valley Loil^e, trees, and fiff trees, to bu sold cheap, apply to Lower II utt, and also for tho Loyal Rose of Sharon John lloughton, \Villis-strcet, or to Lodge, Upper Jluit. S- STOCKBRIDGE, For further paiticulaid apply to Ohiro Nursery, uear Wellington. WM. PHILPOT, April .'3, 1805. Secretary, — Hutt, May JB, 18G5. O LM.\IKJ/S TOIL XT ViM'liiAli is far superior . A\i to any Kuu cle Cologne, us a tonic aim re- "VrTANTED, a WOMAN as NURSE. Apply ric&liiiig ti.ijimct, to tiie Toilet or Hndi, v reviviug YV to Mrs J. 10. NATHAN, between 9 and perfume, mid n powerful disiiifeotant. lis useful 12 a.m. and sanitary properties render it an indispensable ■ — - — — ___ — _ requisite, especially in warm climates. & MARRIED WOMAN of respectable conothkii articles iiecommendeb— nection, living in one of the healthiest parts ttiMM__ s Lavendeu Wateb, distilled from Mitcham ot - Wuliington, is desirous of having the care of an flowers - infant child. Address A. 8., at the office of this Rimmki. s Jockey Ci.un, Frangipani, &c, of ex p a pmquisitc IVngriui.e. . . Rimmel's Olvcliune, Honey, Windsor, and other BUTTER! BUTTER'! Toilet Soaps. _____ liiMMEii's Lime; .Juice niid Glycerine for beautifying WATSTTTTT* tho Hair. waoxjuu. Riumel'9 rfinruMß Vapobizkh, Perfume fountains . FEW DAIREES 0F GQOJ) FRESH &Ct ' &Cl jC3L BUTTER. Highest market price given oii v ii i. c tr , ah the year round. ' Sold by all I'erf.imery Vendors. CANTON TEA MA"RT E. HIMMEL, Perfumer to H.R.H. the Princes. OAJNIOIM IE A MART, [ of Wales, 9G Strand and 24 Cornhill, London. E. H. CREASE.

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Wellington Independent, Volume XX, Issue 22, 17 June 1865, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Wellington Independent, Volume XX, Issue 22, 17 June 1865, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Wellington Independent, Volume XX, Issue 22, 17 June 1865, Page 4


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