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(Front the Illustrated Neivs.) The Prince of Wales has consented to accept the honorary command of the Civil Service Volunteers.

Wednesday, the 27ih of June, is fixed for the next (the thirtieth) meeting of the British Association for the advancement of Science.

The Duke of Somerset lias bestowed the

Service Pension, vacant by the death of Vice Admiral Sharp, on Admiral Sir J. Lewis.

The freedom of the City of London is to be presented to Sir Leopold M'CHntock, at the Guildhall.

The Queen has given orders for the appointment of Colonel A. H. Horsford, C.B. to be a Knight Commander of the Bath.

President Linares is making great efforts in Bolivia to organise his army in case of a rupture with Peru.

Two new journals have just been established in Savoy — Savoie, at Charabrey, and the Gazette de Savoie, at Annecy. The aunual session of the Combined Court was opened at Demerara on the llth, with the customary formalities.

The foundation stone of a new United Presbjterian Church at Bootle, near Liverpool, was laid yesterday week.

A man was placed in the stocks at Elland last week for six hours, in default of paying a fine for being drunk.

The canonisation of Maria Christina of Savoy was announced in all the churches of Naples on the 22nd ultimo.

Subscriptions hare been opened in various parts of Italy, also in Paris, and in London, in favour of Garibaldi's expedition. On Wednesday week, the bridge of the Newcastle and Carlisle Railway at Scotswood was totally destroyed by fire.

An earthquake has occasioned a great deal of mischief in several parts of Hayti. The soiree of the Society of Arts, at the Kensington Museum, will take place on Saturday next.

Mr. Akennan is retiring from the post of secretary to the Society of Antiquaries on account of failing health.

Mr. William Brown, a well-to-do farmer of Earith, Cainhridgeshire, has been committed on four charges of arson.

We learn from Jamaica the prorogation of the Assembly, after having passed the Post Office Transfer Bill.

One Thousand Jews of Tetuan are stated to have taken passports from the Spanish authorities to establish themselves in Spain. The annual meeting of the Yorkshire • Union of Mechanics' Institutes will take place on the 30th of this month, at Otley, in Wharfedale

The deliveries of tea in London estimated for last week were 995,315 tb^., a decrease of sS63tt>s., compared with the previous statement.

The steamboat A. T. Laey, fro-.n St. Louis to New Orleans, has been burnt. on the Mississipi, and thirteen lives lost.

Tlie members of the Waterfonl Hurit Club hiivu erected a handsome monument to the memory of the late Marquis of Watevford. The Queen has approved of Don Juan Miguel Winder, as Consul at Southampton foi the Republic of Peru.

The Madrid journals state that Q-ieen Isabella ordered 50,000 cigars -to be distributed among tho troops on their arrival in the capital.

Mr. Henry Avovy has bean appointed to fill the oflice of Clerk of the Central Ciimiu&l Court.

. A fire broke out on Sunday morning, in the house of Mr. George Kellet, Parliamentstreet, Dublin, and two persons were burned to death.

Next Tuesday the general meeting of the English. Agricultural Society will beheld in the H .mover-square Rooms for the election of oflice bearers during the ensuing year. No day has yet been fixed for the great volunteer review in Hyde Park by hei Majesty, but is believed that it will take place about the lalter end of June or the early part of July.

On the afternoon of yesterday week a heavy thundeistonn broke over the North East coast. At Ityhope, near Sunderland, two stacks of wheat were destroyed by lightning. The Rev. Joseph Bellamy, late Wesleyan minister, lus received ordination at the hands of the Bishop of the Is'e of Man, and has been licensed to the cuiacy of St. Michael.

The United Service Gazette states that the London Scottish, London Irish, Inns of Court and Queen's Westminster Volunteer Rifles, will meet to-day and manoj.ivre together on Wimbledon Common.

The brig George, of Plymouth, from Perra-n---bueo, with a cargo of sugar, went ashore in Whitesaud Bay yesterday week, and se v eral of tbe crew were drowned.

Sunderland Herald says that " one of the £1000 notes abstracted by Pullinger found its way to Suuderland in May, 1859, when it was paid into one of the banks."

Tbe Suparior Council of Commerce, in Paris which will investigate questions relating to the commercial treaty with England, meet three times a week.

Early in June a grand volunteer demonstration is to be held in Liverpool, on which occa sion a silver bugle will be presented to the Liverpool Volunteer A.tilleiy. Mr. Andrew Murray, junior, Wriler to the Signet has been appointed Crown Agent l'or Scotland, in the room jf the late Sir John Melville. Mr. Muivav passed as Writer to the Signet in 1827.

Mr. Robert Dowdwell has been appointed district engineer of the Magnetic Telegraph Company in L-\nc;>shire and Yorkshire, making Manchester the head-q'iarteers ot the district.

The yacht C issard, built fi.r Prince Napoleon is Icing prepared for sea at Cherbourg". The Prince, it is said, intends visiting in the Cassrrd the seapoits in Canada and those in the United Sntes.

Sir John I igli=, the brave defende- of Licknow, has been appointed to the vacant colonelcy of the distinguished 32ud, with whese ivcenl deeds of valour his name is so memorably associated.

Tne second reading of the Paper Duty Bill will be moved in the House of Lords on Monday next by Earl Granville, when Lord Monteugle will move that it be read a second time that day six months.

James Knowles, Esq ,of Eaglpy Bank, near Bolton, has presented to the Royal National Life-boat Institution £'199, to enable it to place an additional life-boat on some exposed point of Lancashire or elsewhere.

Mr. Henry Hine, solicitor, of Liverpool, has been appointed to the office of Register of the Liverpool County Court, vacated by the dismis. Fa! of Mr Statham.

Dr. Aldis, Medical Officer of Health; delivered a lei tnre at the Pimlico Literary and Scientific Institution on Mor.duy evening, "On the power of individuals to prevent melancholy in themselves.

Advices from Southern Russia give a favourable account of the growing crops. Strong hopes are entertained that the harvest may repair the deficiencies of recent ynurs The Stamford Mercury says the following resolution appears on the books of the Boston Corporation for the yuar 1856: — ''Resolved, that i)3 beer shall he drunk that has not been brewed in the borough."

Owing to provisions of statute of 23 Victoria cap. 15, section 4, a fresh form of affidavit for' the Inland Revenue Office has been adopted in the Court of Probate, which it will henceforth be necessary to follow.

A woman living in Wilton-street, Pirnlico, has been fined ss. for beating a mat in the street to the annoyance of passers-by. AtNorthenden, on Saturday last, Mr. Edward Watkin, on behalf of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Alfred Watkin, presented to the twenty-eighth Cheshire Volunteer Rifles (Sale and Ashton Company) a silver bugle. Last Saturday night and Sunday morning the firemen of the London Brigade were actively engaged in attending fires which occurred in various parts of the metropolis, some of which were attended with great loss of property.

The French Government has forwarded to the Sardinian Government a quantity of arms and ammunition, and above 400 canon, the greater part of which is for the marine service.

The French Ministers at Naples have applied for four steamers to protect Frenchmen there. This looks unhealthy for the King of Naples. General Lamoricierre, commanding the Roman troops, has made a hostile movement, which Sardinia counteracts by embarking 5000 men at Genoa.

The Sardinian fleet has received orders to concentrate itself, ready for all contingencies.

There has been a reactionary movement in Central Italy, several placards having been posted up, " Ferdinand for Ever," by partisans of the ex-Grand Duke.

Great military preparations are being made at Naples.

The latest intelligence received to day, of which I enclose details, is that the utmost consternation exists in the City of Naples, and the most gloomy feeling prevails. 5000 Piedmontese troops have been ordered and have embarked at Genoa for Orbitello and Tuscany, to keep the Roman troops in check. The Austrian Government has ordered a flotilla to cruise off the Island of Sicily, and all the war steamers have been ordered«,to sail ftr Sicily. ■

Lord Malmesbury has taken the deer forest of Glentanner.

The visit of her Majesty to Berlin has now been postponed until the autumn. The Aberdeen Herald states that a contractor on the Fortmantine and Bnchan railway has employed women as navvies. The first State ball of the season will be piven on Wednesday, the 16tb instant at Buckingham palace. The colliers in the Chorley district have struck for an advance of wages. The third meeting of the Fox Club this year took place on Saturday evening at Brookes's. A petition of bankers, merchants and manufacturers is in course of signature in favour of the new bankruptcy Bill.

The saw-mill of Mr. Ludyman, joiner and builder, Ruchdale, was completely gutted on Sunday by fire. The damage is estimated at £2000.

The marriage of Mr. Adeane, and Lady Elizabeth Yorke i> lixed to take place early in June, at Wiinpole Hall, Cambridgeshire.

Mr. Evskine May clerk assistant of the House of Commons, has been made a C.B. in lecognition of his public services.

The Senatus Acacleraius of Glasgow University have elected the Lord Adrocate to the oflice of Dean of Faculties.

The bricklayers' labourers in Leeds have struck for an advance of Is. per week in their wages, wbich^the raasteis refuse to give.

There ate 70 parishes in Pembrokeshire in which there are no church rates levied, and the average time during whick there has been no rate in them is 14 yeais.

Sir Cusack Honey will finally leave the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada on the 30th June next. Mr. J. M. Grant, who is at present the Secretary of the compauy in Canada, succeeds him.

George Harris, an inmate of some Sailors' Alinshouses, at Bristol, has become the possessor of £20,000, owing to the termination in his favour of a long pending suit in the Court of Chancery. In Edinburgh, on Monday night, two men were trying which could twist the other's hand with the greatest force. One fell with his head in front of a cart wheel, which passed over and killed him.

At a public camp-mecling to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the introduction of Primitive Methodism into Barnsley, on Sunday last, 10,000 pevsuns were present.

During 1 the last twelve months the sum of £40,531 15s Bd. has been received by the conservators of tbe River Thames, and the sum of £40,180 17s. 6£d. has been expended on the improvement of the riyer.

The Rev. Joseph Bellamy, late Wesleyan Minister, has received ordination at the hands of the Bisbop of the Isle of Man, and has been

licensed to the curacy of St. Michael,

On Sunday e/ening a most destructive fire broke out on the premioes of Mr. William Thornyctoft, farmer, of the Tidnock Farm, Gawsworth, near Macclesfield, and 24 head of cattle were binned.

On Wednesday evening her Majesty pave a concert at Buckingham Palace, at which the following assisted, viz. Mademoiselle Titiens Mesdames Miolan and Csillag; Mademoiselle Jeny Meyer, Signors Giuglini, Gardoni, Zelger, Belleti, and Stanley.

The Times, in a leader on the correspondence between Earl Grey and Lord John Russeil, states that the Cabinet had been fiercely at variance on the ci mmercial treaty, the budget, the temporary income tax, atad the repeal of the paper duty.

In London a clown named Auriol, has recovered a quarter's salaiy at the rate of £12 a *week, from the proprietor of Macarthy circus who bad terminated the engagement with Auriol on his refusing to go from Manchester to Birmingham to perform for some one else.

A benevolent lady in Ayr has taken 15 young girls from the street, and is, with nssistanls, employed thiee hours every day in teaching them reading and sewing. There is also proTided for them at midday a substantial meal, Neither is their spiritual improvement neg'ected.

The Parliamentary Committee bare decided that the preamble of the Bill for the amalgamation of the North Eastern and Newcastle and Carlisle Railways has not been proted. The Bill is consequently lost. Mr. Henry Watson, rate and tax collector, Ipswich, is in custody as a defaulter. He is deficient of £216 of last yeai's poor rate, and £1000 including former years, and also £'459 of Government taxes.

Mr. B. C. Stephenson, of the Treasury, has been appointed private secretary to the Home Secretaty, Sir G.C Lewis, in the room of Mr. Maurice Drutnmoud, appointed receiver of metropolitan police.

A woman named Catherine Richardson, of Webber-row, B'avkfriars-ioau 1 , London, was

fatally burned last week through her clothes becoming ignited whilst she was sitting a- - sleep. The rate of mortality in London continues to decline, though the corrected average of the last ten years is still slightly exceeded. The births show a decided increase, and last week, were some 600 in excess of the deaths.

Charles Fox Thatcher, rate-collector, Paddington, London, is. a defaulter, so far as is known, to the amount of £1527, and the vestry has directed that he be prosecuted. His income was about £400.

A destructive fire, supposed to have originated with the leakage from a still, was raging all Sunday on the premises of the Patent Ulmate Ammonia and Chemical Working Company, at Grays, Essex.

At the Thames police couit, on Monday, a man, named Corby, was fined 40s. for using violent and offensive language in the neighbourhood of the church of St. George's-in-the East, on Sunday evening.

Mr. Alderman Hatfielcl, the mayor of Dopcaster, has determined to devote 200 guineas, the sura annually allowed to the chief officer of the borough, two the erection of two almahouses,

In a case heard at the Lambeth police court, last week, it appeared that tv/o women who had obtained protective orders under the Matrimonial Causes Act a year ago bad exchanged husbands. The subject of the essay for candidates for/ honours in law at Cambridge is as follows: — ' Should maritime commerce be exempted from.'. 1 the exercise of hostilities ?" Jn Committee ou the Aggravated Assaults Act Amendment Bill. Mr. W. Ewart will move ilie omission of such parts of the bill as impose the punishment of flogging. George Hawarth, corn miller, aged 67, wa3 at work in a corn mill in Clark-street, Bury, on Saturday, when on putting on a strap be was caught by the shaft, and so injured that he died the same day. The Duke of Marlborough has given notice that, on the motion for the second reading of the Chinch Bates Abolition Bill, he will move that the bill be read that day it months.

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Bibliographic details

Wellington Independent, Volume XV, Issue 1443, 3 August 1860, Page 5

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EPITOME OF NEWS. Wellington Independent, Volume XV, Issue 1443, 3 August 1860, Page 5

EPITOME OF NEWS. Wellington Independent, Volume XV, Issue 1443, 3 August 1860, Page 5


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