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; Flour Mill Machinery for Sale. ' Expected to arrive in November, or December. ... rt PAIBS French Burr Btones, 2ft.bin. diameter, - ,*'.., wiih spindles, &c, complete in every respect, j ; 2 cast iron bevel Pinions for mill stone spindles 2 oast iron bevel wheels, with wooden caps to' drive pinions : 1 horizontal axis for bevel wheels, with east iron ] drum wheel, brass bearings, &c. &c. ! 1 wire cylinder, and nil the iron work, &c., for a dressing machine, with spare brushes, wire-' cloth, &c. , .The whole of the above work will have been enremlly fitted together in London by Messrs. Wm. Dray & Co. -The mill stones will be dressed, the leyel wheels provided with wooden cogs—of which a number of spare ones and mill bills will also b» sent —so that the machinery might be put in use immediately after its arrival; it would be capable of grinding and dressing, on. an average 1 ton of flour in an ordinary day's work. Also, for Sale at the same lime, One new high pressure 'Steam-Engine, about. •six horse power, with boiler, spare brasses, &c. &c.,' complete—intended to drive .the before-mentioned Flour Mill machinery—but which would also be . admirably adapted for working a Saw-Mill, as it ' could he easily removed io the different situations where timber was most abundant. George Moore. : Wellington, Oct. 7, 1854. Wellington Athenaeum and Mechanics' Institute. ORGAN PERFORMANCE. rptlE PUBLIC are respectfully informed that 1 the Oao.iN lately erected in ihe above Institution, by the undersigned, will be opened on Thursday evening next, the 12th October, (the Committee having lent tbe Hall for the occasion.) • I Admission, to members and the ladies accom- j pimying them, on production of their Cards of membership, as usual, nn I to the public, by tickets o-ily, which may be had, on application, to Mr. Lyon. Lambton-quay. Doors open at half-past 7, tj commence at 8 o'clock precisely. W. F. Jones. ' Wellington, October 0, 1854. , - Tan Yard for Sale. nPO be disposed of, tiiose commodious premises, A known as Cookroft. Tannery, situate on Te Aro Flat, with nil the necessary requisites for carrying ou the trade of a Tanner. The present Proprietor wou'd have no objection lo superintend the business for twelve months, if requested to do so, in order to enable any person who may take the business, mid. who may not consider himself snfficieiit'y competent to carry it on, to become complete masters of the trade. Persons wishing to enter into a most lucrative business will lind this a most desirable opportunity for iiivesimeiit. Tbe only reason for the present proprietor selling this property, is that he wishes to retire from business. For further particulars, apply to A. CoCKROiT, Lambton Quay. Wellington, October 7, 1854. NOTICE. f'lIE Bonded Stores hitherto known as •*• " Fitzherbert's " will, from this date, be known as "Hervey's," and accordingly all Rents due on Goods Bunded therein will be payable to the U;ni_i_igned tn-.a the dite hereof. P, M. Hervey & Co. Custom House Buildings, October 2nd, 1854. _________ Thorndon Chapel. TWO Sermons will (D. V.) bejieached in the above Chapel by Chas. D. De-Castbo, Minister, on the subject following : Oct. 15th—The Destination of Man. Divine Service lo commence each Sunday at, 3 p.m. Wellington, September 20, )Rsi. Private Tuition. THE. Rev. Arthur Baker, M.A., Wadham College, Oxford, now resident in the District of Rangitikei, proposes to receive a limited number of Pupils at Christmas next, for Tuition in the several branches of a liberal Education. For particulars a* to terms, &c, apply either to the advertiser, or to any ofthe undermentioned parties, who have kindly consented to act as referees. Rev. R. B. Panl 1 Wm. Fox. Esq. LWellington. Major Baker ( ■\V. M. Baimatyne, Esq. J The Venerable Archdeacon Hadfield, Otaki. The Rev. R. Taylor, Wanganui. Baby Linen Warehouse. AM. PEARCE begs most respectfully to • inform the Ladies of Wellington, and those of tbe Country Districts, that she has received, ex Thomas fy Henry, from Sydney, a new and choice assortment of Baby Linen, together with a varied assortment of General Drapery Goods, which will be ready for inspection in the early pare of the ensuing week, the whole of which will be marked at very low prices, in order to effect an early clearance, so as to make room for a large shipment of Drapery "arid Saddlery Goods per Thetis, from London, particulars of which will appear in future advertisements. A. M. Pearce, Corner of Willis-street, opposite • ■ . , Mr. Luxford's. September 30,1354. ~ " WANTED, : r ' TWO Female Servant.—Cook and Housemaid. Apply to Mbs. Levin, j '' • Tinakori Road. J
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Wellington Independent, Volume IX, Issue 940, 14 October 1854, Page 1 (Supplement)
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756Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Wellington Independent, Volume IX, Issue 940, 14 October 1854, Page 1 (Supplement)
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Wellington Independent, Volume IX, Issue 940, 14 October 1854, Page 1 (Supplement)
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