Bore Bliall tho Pros* tlio Pcoplo's Eight maintain Uiiawed to influenoo and unbrllwd to gain. Here patriot 'froth tier glorious preoopts draw, Fledged to Ecligion, Liberty and Law, <
The impression held by a number of people for a considerable time paßt that the Legislative Council had been practically condemned to death) and that the Chamber would languish and die for the waut o[ members.! has been removed by the ntuvi published yesterday that fourteen appointments had been made to it. With fourteen new members tlu Counoil is again strongly in evidence* and is sure to be a power in the country. On looking down tbe list of new members, all who are free from bias must arriveat the conclusion that the Cabinet has been careful in making the selection, Every important interest has been well considered, and eaoh has its one or two representatives. Both Islands have been fairly treated according to population, eight being called from the North and six from the South, Disappointment will of course be felt by many who have rendered political service to find that their names have been omitted, but we take it that in making the appointments the Government has considered as the chief factor the general interests of the country, and not rewards for political service. In this they haye aoted wisely. The country as a whole jshould be well satisfied with the selection made, and the Premier and his colleagues should have no reason to experience regret in making it, It has been said agaiDßt the Government that the Council has hitherto been packed with political supporters, but the foci that Government measures have been frequently rejected, or amended out of shape, has shown that pressure has never been brought to bear on the members, and has shown also that in previoua appointments there was never a condition imposed hatt support should be given to measures introduced •by the Government and passed through the House by the Government majority. It seems to be the opinion of the present Ministry, judging by the speeches of the Premier, thai a second Chamber is neoessary where party politics are iu vogue, so that important Bills passed in the heat of the moment, and bearing traces oi party oolour, may be oalmly considered by a reflective body, revised if necessary, and even rejeoted if they are thought to bo inimical to the general welfare. It is true a good many Bills—some of them very important oneß—have been disoarded by the Counoil, but it has to be admitted that in the great majority of oases they have been thrown out because there was reason to believe that the country did not particularly desire them, It generally happens that when the Council has found that the Bills it has not approved of are made important questions at the elections, and that the electors declare in their favour, the Bills on ooming up again are passed. All this indioates that the Council deems it to be its duty to await the verdict of the country in rospoct of measures of great interest, rather than to pass them as soon as they have left the Chamber in which party feeling runs high, The Legislative Council has done very good work in the past, and with the present members should do so in the future,
the Waibr Federal Band will give 6 reoitil on the teoreation ground to-mor-row at B o'clock.
The half yearly general meeting of the Wsibi Minors' and Workers' Union will be held on Wednesday, 80th inst. at 8 p.m. Mr J. J, Dowdle, of the Railway Store, Galbraith-street, Intimates that ho has a Urge stook of grooeriea etc, at Auokland prioes.
A Napier telegram stales that at the inquest on tho body of Mrs Mary Simmonds, who did as a result of the administration of chloroform, a vordlot of death from synoopo was returned, with no blame attachable to anyone. At tho last meeting of the Waihl Publio Library Committee the balance-sheet for Ihe year ending 81et December, 1906, was approved and adopted, and it was resolved that the annual meeting of subscribers be held on Thursday, 81st iast, The private psyohologioal research sittings of tho Walhi SpirituolUtio Association will be continued at tho Foresters' Hull on Sunday evening at 7 o'clock sharp, Intending member*'must be personally introduced by a momber of the Association before being admit'ed, Mr, B, B. Young, touring manger for Messrs, Mcynell, Gunn and Varna's English Oomedy Company, wishes us to draw particular attention to the fact that patrons for the reserved seats for Wednesday and Thursday next will receive strict attention, and that on no aocceunt will thero bo any diffionlfcy regarding l scats after once being roserred,
The various portfolios held by the Premier will be administered as follows during his.absence from the colony: Colonial Treasurer, tlie Hon, W. HallJones; Commerce and Tourist, the Hon, J, McGowan; Advances to Settlers, the Hon, J. Carroll; Public Trust and Friendly Societies, the Hon. J, A. Millar; Defence, tho Hon. R. MeNab j Old Ago Pensions, the Hon, G. Fowlds; Post and Telegraph and Electorate, the Hon, Dr. Findlay. Intending Waihi exhibitors at thePaeroa Horticultural Show, on Wednesday, 80th inst., will have all tbeir exhibits oonveyed from the railway free of obarge. The show, despite the handicap of Ihe recent phonomenal rainfall, promises to be a groat sucoess, MrWiD. Nioholas, tbo onergftio scoretsry, and his oomrnittee are doing their levol best to ensnre an cxoellent show.
The commutes of tho Loyal Waihl Lodgo of Oddfellows having in hand the airangemenis for tbe exonrsion to Rotorua on the 9tb February met b>st Dight. It was reported that everything was going satisfactorily, and that there was a good demand for tiokotß, The trtin will leave Weihi at 6,45 a.m., and return, loaving Rotorna at 6.16 p.m. The price of return tickets will be 6s 6d for adults and 2s 3d for children (including admission to tbo ground,)
At ft mooting of the Waihi Federal Band Committee tne phns of the new band room, a building 40 feei by 80 foot, wore submitted, and it was decided that with the addition of a lea>to 10 feet long, to be used bb an orderly room, tbo plans bo adopted. A donation of £2 2s was reooivotl from R, 8.. Ready, eeoretary of the Volunteer Drill Hall Committee and a letter, acoompanied by a cheque for £1 le, accepting the offices of auditor and vicepresident, was raoeivod from Mr J, Livesoy. Hear); votoa of thanks were aooorded to the donors,
Mr Joseph Devlin, M.F. for West Belfast, and a member of the Nationalist Party in the Houso of Commons, will address a meeting in the interests of Home Rule for Ireland in the Aoademy of Mosio on Monday eToning at 8 o'clock, Sir Joseph Ward has described Mr Devlin as tho finest orator he has ever heard, Tho Very Rev. Father Brodie, who hoard him this week,' says he speaks with marvellous' effect, his electrifying oratory arousing wonderful enthusiasm. His Worship tho Mayor, will preside. Provioaa to the address the Weibt Federal Band will play selections ontaido the hall, The price of admission will be'three shillings lor reserved ehairs and two shilliogs to other parts of the hall. An opportunity will i ho be given for all sympathisers to subscribe to the fund, A speoial train will leave Faeroa for Waihi at 6 p.m. and piok. up passengers at Karangahake and Waikino, and return from Waihi at 11,15 p.m. Energetio committees havo been working at Faeroa, Karangahake, and Waikino as well as at Waihi, and a orowded howo is confidently expeoted.
The appearance In tlie town this morning of Professor Bat?s, Captain Reynolds, and tboir Wild West Show contingent, was something of an attraction to those in tbo etroot. They aro to give an exhibition of tboir prowess of horsemaußhlp, etc, for the first time in Walhi this afternoon at 6 o'olook, at Worth's paddook, Professor Bates is a young man of tall and athlotio figure, and wears a pietureaquo Mfxioan garb of loithor vrofusely fringed, Ho docs all his riding feat; with a yard or two of green hide as a Bubaftate for a bridle, and a fow feet of the same material as a saddle. Wih those simple substitutes for bridle and saddle he rides the most strenuous buokjumper proourable. His saddle and bridle was manufactured at a local saddk's this morning in three minutes, at a oost of eighteenpence. The entertainment will be tepeatod at Worth's paddook during most of next week,
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Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume VI, Issue 1849, 26 January 1907, Page 2
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1,442THE Waihi Daily Telegraph. WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE WAIHI MINER. SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1907. Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume VI, Issue 1849, 26 January 1907, Page 2
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