• On and after Tuesday next, the 2iat jnst.-the Tautanga obaoh willlpave Waihi at 9,16 a.m. Mails will olo:'o on Thursday, and Saturday at 0,5 o,m, * ' "Mr Wnllnutt, Bharebroker and estate t^ent,advertises in this inane some proper: ties for Bale cheap/: He aho states that be libb purchasers for three and four rootaed residences, -.;■ - i : ' ~ :Mr K, Sitnms, arobiteffc, invites tenders for tho erection .of a shop on the vaeiint ipajo between Moasrs Roberts and D. McLean's, tenders to close to-morrow (Friday) at Kp.m. ; ' 1 - Messrs Hazard : and Hassard will re* eeive tenders for the supply and'delivery at |be raino of shaft timbers and slabs for Walker's 'Waihi Gigpntio mine, Speoifioations may be ; seen at the office of Haszard and Hazard, Main-street. ' Horse.owners ate reminded that nominations 'for all, ovents in connection with the Waibi, Haisk Easing Club dose 'tonight at 9 o'olook, The secretary, Mr H. Gartor, will receive; nominations at the Sterling Hotel up to that hour. ' ' The usnnl fortnightly meeting of the Pride of Waihi Lodgo of Druids, held lust, night, : was wfljlv attended. : Two new members.were initiated and several proposed. After the ordinary business was disposed of ladies were asked in, and a most enjoyable social evening was spent. Threo Ohinese women arrived, from Sydney and tho Flowery La:d oh Wednesday by the Monowai. Diminutive and impassive-looking, and deoked out in fantastic finery, they attracted considerable attention when■ they • stepped, ashore, They will nbt b» required to pay the poll,tn, H 8 thejbooomo the wives of Chinese' residents, The three, bridegrooms, who had' awaited ■ the arrival of their finnoes with seeming indifference; were given an enconrsging olieor by a crowd of workman as they left the wharf. j r ;' Mr, %M, Jaokson,, iblioitor, who for some time has been an inmate of an Auckland privotß hospital,/suffering from a sovere'atlaok of appendicitis, returned.yesterday to Waihi, after *n absence of a'Utile ov?r nine weoks, Ho was mat at llie stntioh by a number of his friends, and on I arriving $t his 'hotel- received a warm wpliome and hearty congratulations on his reoovery, Mr Jaokson .is looking remarkably woll considering .(he' severity of his rocont illness, i: James Hanlon; who was sentenced a 4 tho District Court, Thaties, to. one .year's imprisonment with hard labour for stealing, amounts totalling £§4 7s and falsifying cortafo documents, was recommended by. tho jury, to mercy on account of his prevjons good character and tho foot that ho had a wife and four 'children: depending oh him.. In passing sentenoe, His Honor said b was to a cortain extent incliiled to give effect to the reoommondntion, as ho considered that in'passing sentence ho was not only punishing the guilty in the person'of the prisoner, but also the inno. oont the persons of. his, wife and children, He would also take acebunt of the previous good oharacter borne by the prisoner, At the same time he niist do.hia duty to the community. ; : ; , Interesting musioal events are the. oonoerts at tho Aoidemy of Muslo on Monday and Tuesday next, by tho' Westminster Glee and Concert Party, who established suoli a reputation for themselves on the occasion of thoir previous visit to 'the polonies two years ago. The programmes, ■ -whilst similar in character to those given upon their Itot'tour, wjll form an ontirely new.collection from this natio'jal'music of England, Scotland, Irolan'i and Wales in 'the way o( glees, madrigals, catches, ballads, and hufaoroas, lhnslcai sketohei, ft must not be eoneluded that because most of the glee singers in this party are,drawn froti} the famous '.Westminster Abbey, ehoir that the selections they give wo Baorcd, because ' ra&iiy'. of their quartettes, and eitohos are/of a •humorous: charaoter, To meeb ■thorn-,, 'qiiests: from- semi' representative"! .of: chmeh choirs, an unaccompanied Mtbam will&eiDtroducidaianestranaraber,v.
A meeting, of Jlr/'Herrie* 1 general oom- ■ miitoo is convened for ro-inorrow (Friday) ovouing ni the e'otnmittoe roopas, at 7.80, Mr, M, J. Blanohfiold, anotioneer, holds a great snlo of dupery, men's and boys' clothing, onamelwaro. stationery, jowol; lory, eto., at the Academy of Music lo< morrow and Saturday. The Bale commoncos at 11. ' . 1 The following tonra hoi been selected to . represent the Y.M.I.C. Cricket Club in ( tlieir mutch with vVost Juniors at Worth's " Paddook on Saturday, the 18th. inst,:— fi i Beat, Cimpbell, Outhford, Darby, Keller, ■ Morpeth, Pa'tison, Bowe, Southern, Sfcle, Spearing. Emergonoios: Cuthfortb, >' Killeu, atid Williams.
Mr. H.'L. Hoffman;?, in an announce- D menl appearing on our third p&go, given v particulars as to iho means of purchasing, j on iko easiest tormg posjiblo, pianos by the best mnkore in tho wtrld. Ho has opened up in tin promises lately occupied by Air. Noakos and adjojniiii,' Air. Fiiz«* Gerald's, Mr, Hoffmann will bo pleased . to see visitors, Terms may oh sesn tfy rehiring to the udvertiflorneut.
Wo regret to hato to record that Mr •.Roderick JMcOorquodnle who was «o seriously burned at Whangamata last Tuo'day week, died at the hospi al last night, The inoido><t which led to the fatal resnlts has already been ohronioled. The deceiised and Mr W. Nichol, with the intention of entertaining some children in oolebration of Gny Fawkes Day, lighted a quantity of bonsino which they had orapttod over tho Bido of a bout. They wero immodi'ately'enveloped in flames/and both rcceivod terribli burns, the (leoeaaorl being tho groater sufferer. Both men were admittoi to 'ho hospital josterday week, and while Niohol made improvement, McCorqnodale was nnablo to 1 withstand the foorfal injuries, Yesterday i very little hope of his recovery was entertained, and ho succumbed as above.' Great sympathy is felt for his wido<v in hor very sad bereavement An 'inqnest is being , held as wo go to press, Tbo funeral takes , place troin the Hospital at three o'oloek to-morrow afternoon. i
'A half •forgotten New 'Zealand, tagady came upon the Ist. inst. in the .Central Polioe Conrt, Sydney, when a woman; l n4med Graoe Palmer .was before tbt ( Magistrate' on .'/ft charge, of drunkenness Eightneen years ago, tho Pob'io Prose-. ' cutor exclaimed, tho woman was a young girl living with her; father, a farmer, at ' Giieat Barrier Island, Her father objeoi-' ed to her familiarity with two men (Caflory and Ponn)in chargo of a outtcv, tho,' Sovereign of the Seas, and forbade hor to hold communication with"' ihom. The desperadoes shot the oldraan in the girl's pr.oßoaca, and made: off "to Month Wales with the cuttor and the girl, who willingly' accompanied them. In Sydney the, three were charged with murder, bu| the j»irl turned Queen's ovi- : dence. i'ho men wore Vonvioted, sent back to this colony, and henged. Aoonsed' said she was desirous ot joining her husbuml, a creasorinti boatin Now Zealand, and hoi- [statement being confirmed, she was allowed to leave the Court, on the urtderntdhdiog that she wonld go lo Now. Z^iaiuV. An interesting wedding was celebrated at lit. John's Obureh on Tuesday, the contracting parties. being Miss Edith Soy-? rnonr, of Panroa, : and' Mr Frederick Milllinger, of Rem nom, Tito Ecv.'Mr Buckland officiated, The bride; who was given away by hor brother, Mr John Seymour, was aKired in creme silk voilo,trimmed, with ,silk insertion and ruche ribbon, and a handsome wreath and embroidered tulle voii, She carried a beautiful shower bouquet, tho gift of the bridegroom. The ehiof bridesmaid, M'ss Maud Greenland, wo'o a very pretty oreiue yoi!e : dress, trimmod with silk laoe and insertion, and a becoming hat of creme and pale green, Tho two iitilo bridesmaids—nieces of the bride—Miss Duloie .Davison ond Miss Bessie MoGill—were tlrossed in prcrap voilo frookVwlth' fiiqb'ir silk' siish#', and. wore " Beilo of New sork " hats./ Ench carried a pretty, bouquet, the gift'ol the bridegroom. Mr . S.'MdGill nctod as Best man. The'bridegroom's present to the bride consisted of a diamond and emerald ring, and each of tho: bridesmaids was prosentod with a gold brooch soji with pearls and rubies Affcor the ceremony a sumptions, breakfast was pariaken of at the residence of the bride's brother-in-law, Mr. S, McGill, Later the happy, couple left' for Rotorua. The brio's trayellini! dress was a handsome blue cloth costume with handembroidered crome silk vest, and stylish ht.
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Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume V, Issue 1483, 16 November 1905, Page 2
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1,345Untitled Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume V, Issue 1483, 16 November 1905, Page 2
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