GOUT GOES GLADLY. nhf'inonnd gon' C'li't bo in the system tii. ,'tli-r. When lib' itnoKoi's in ihe gout f:>«som. .MrF.I) l'l n?.• fIV» liunn, has piovi'd this. Wnt ns.- tin lit july, lie says:—'Kiud ; ' i.u another bottle of your Rhcutnu uixiurs, as I haye had no trouble with gout since 1 have kept it in the liouso. It gives me immediato relief by taking one dose, I can with confidence recommend Kheumo for either gout or rhoumatics." Just one moro proof that Rheumo conquers chronic rheuialisiu. Chemists and stores, 2s Gil and 4s Gd per bottlo.
To successfully introduco a fow welltried remedies, the proprietors, P. Bock and Co., manufacturing chomists ol Adelaide and Auckland, have made arrange" menta with tho leading tradesmen to sell the first trial packet to each customer for approval, giving a priuted guarantee to that effect. Tho price will be refunded in tho event of it not being approved of. One > f these is "Lock's Rhouni l'.ic Powr dor," pneu 3s (id; This is an interna rouiodv ; it expels Iho exflbas of uric acid vor 700 cured cases aro on record for the North Island alono, "Oura-Hypo" is another, being purely herbal and rather pleasant to take; will be much ostoomed as an opening medicine for ohildron as wol as adults, but haS proved an absolute cure for indigestion and all its symptoms. Prico of a large bottle, tmly Is 6d. Another famous medicine w " Bock's Balsam," price Is 6d, for coughs, colds, croup whooping cough, asthma; and bronchitis affords quick roiief and plw'ea pormanen to llie end. As there can lie nothing fairer oi.w 'o refund t*ie wWy w'hyi no! nnprovinKf. w" trust llie puhii" ".>1! ami heuraelves oi .his offel. Don't neglect a coujgb or cold. Count less graves aro filled with those who have done so. (Vds reduco the vital forces of ilio body, and nmko'it easy for tlio germs of consumption to get a foothold in the lungs. TUSSICURA will cure any cough or cold. Stops tho cough entirely—stops it entirely I It is the colony's popular remedy for all Throat Complaints, such as Bronchitis, Asthma, Laryngitis, Tnnsolitis and Winter Colds and Coughs. TUSSI CURA is also a splendid tonic and Blimulantf Obtainable from all'chemists and stores.
MORE PRAISE FOR RQEDMO. Mr, John Stevens, Bulls, writes: " Some months sinco I had a severe attack of rheumatism, and was advised to try the efficacy of Rhenmo, I aid so, with most satisfactory results, After taking two bottlos it has pratically cured inc. I have no hesitation in Baying that your remedy is tho host I have used." _____. Sold by all chemists and * 2s 6d and 4s 6d. Whtffcsa'o Agents, Kempthorno, Prosser J and Co. 4
Mr W. Onliley, painter. Now Brighton writca" I whs suffering from a sovero attack of rbonmntio gout, and got a botile of Rheiimo, After a few doses I was nble to shove mysolf, nlthougli before taking it, I could not uso a ltnile. I will nevor bo without Rhoumo for the future, find will gindly recommend it to my suffering frionds,"
Sold/lJy all chemists nnd storekeepers j/ 2s fid and 4s 6d.
A WONDERFUL REMEDY Among all remadies for ihro»t and lunf? complaints Tussicura holss the first position, for the reason that it not omy affords inmediato relief in tho case of a bud cold or congh, but it likowiao prevents tho doof such monia arid I'hthisjs, which #ftsoro|iiently .the outqomo of those complaints if they tiro neglected, Phpsicians ngroo tlmt this neglect is roaponaihlc for Hourly nil tho ills that assail the human body; but all dangor can lie avoided by a timoly doso of TUBSICUBA. A boon to Humanity—Mountain King Asthma Powder. Gives wonderful and refilling relief iu obstinate and chronic CB^eSi
WAIHI BAPTISE CHURCH,Scrviecs will b/eonduclod in tho morning at 11, anil in t/io ovoningylt 7. Pastor I'orry, preachy riHURCII OF GURIS'MIIet in'the Minors' Union Hnllßti fi p.m. fellowship and brfaking of llmil, Suiubfy school at 2.30 p. Goapjrsci'vico (Hj7 p.m. Scats fro/; nil nrojMjlcouio. youbject: TJiinga pit will cnjiliro, •pEE S B U R OllA-Di vino berv/ce will lw conducted nt tho Presbyterian Chnrcljo-iuorrow— Morning mil; mill in 7, by tho Rev J. Imiitillo, singi/ig. lUHCH( Rev. Edwin .urn, ami 7 [..m, Hearty hem by tfhoir. P/UMIWE METHODIST CHURCH ■y Kejjviy strem,—ll am., Rov J, Mill horn; J. Southern, "Tho Inn GM Needs./ Solo, Miss E. Cooper. r jpiQc Rubjecy of to-monow morning 1 r meetin/ of tho Y.M.I.C, will be ihe'fcotto of /the Club for tho year 1905, "Tnko l'noy downwards and boar fruit upwards,"/ Moot at 10 sharp, WANTIsD, Situation as Housekoeper or Cook, by Widow with child three yours old. Good references. Atilfly M.A., this ofiice, OovernipifTcertilifflftfoyment,—Apply 'io%-A«»14«wl. SR. N, A cate Assnv
o o o h >. 11 .iIIAHEBROKER, LAND AND ESTATE AGENT,, Shaves honght and sold on commission Insurances effected fijjftinar, Fire, Accident, mul Employers' Liability FOR SALE- ] ftCi'o, 4-roomed Houso, closo lo Post Offico, i'lSO 2 acres, ou Consols 1 ncro, noav llailwuy Eosoryo Houses mid factions in nil purls of Wailii Business of restaurant anil fcuitorer, Wuihi fiO aero farm, To Aroha 50 aero farm, Wnilii TO LET—--6 roomed liouso, Waihi South, / Shop, Main-slroat. / A N T ]{ 0 KNOWN THE JAPANESE rjIEA J)OOMS Next Sterling Ilotol, Block a largo assortment of—/Chocolates, fancy and plain ■■ English and Colonial Sweets Nuts, Figs, fte, HEFRHSHMKNIS, DBINKB, &0| 100 Ceeajis,
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Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume V, Issue 1217, 7 January 1905, Page 3
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906Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume V, Issue 1217, 7 January 1905, Page 3
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