Dated (ind tiled with tlio Registrar of Joint Stock Companies on the 23rd day of Juue, 1904. ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS OF 11l fil |# iii ii V'jj Li. I'i V:i ! i;f fj 'b'lr til COsßOk.?sA'? ''Otn; IMI\EE)i" To bo i»e«>.'poi'aUd under " iVo, Com-nimoG' Act. 1903." CAPITAL, £lso,ooo—diviced into 50 000 s!iar?s of So ouch* of which 1000 shares, fully _ paid up, ars to be allotted to tho Vandor; 4000 are resarvid for anbsMtudttt iwuci iov oi biiinisss and building purposes, and tho remaining 28,900 r.iumwi 'ir-i noiv ofcroil in I lie pubi.t for subscription, payable as follows:--£1 por share on application, 31 shave on alki'm >nt. and the balance in oalli of Dot more than £1 per share an may ba required, a;id ar, inioi"/: : .is of not i;;ss than two months. pnOViSsOWAU : CHARLES F. GItEEXSLAbE, Esq.. I>un««li»i (Mjui.i jih- Dir. ■/•>;• ABTHUIt It. V. LOHDEIt, Esq.- Wellmrtou H'lopiM-Ini' City liniiW Hovil. CHARLES H. IZARD, Esq.. Wollin-tun, Hctii ii.u ,!>»•••<•'.* \V, lli'i-i. lhilwuy C'n.v., Ltd.) ALBERT MAIITIX, Jl.i).. Wellington lliir-:-1..r Life A Mimnre KntMjr of U.S.) EDMUND ALI.O, WdHngtun, Klwtrin.) KaviiMrr »>i.| lljdwiilir Ktpit HBRRMAH LEWIS, Esq., Wellington. hiv.*.* ; OHAELES TiUNGIIAM, Esq., Wjiirur.i|isi, Shcc|ifiir rDiWtur 'l'm-!. Loan A Investment Coy,, Ltd.) Who hold office until tho first meeting of shareholders v. lii-h will lis: U>l no! hdir.n one month nor more than three months from the time the Company is entitled lo commence businiw, at which inreting pcrnniiiciit Directors of the Company will bo appointed BANKERS: The National llanl; o( New Zealand, Limited. SOLICITOR: J, J. Di'viuc. l>», l'i...i BROKERS: Burr, Leary & Co., Wellington ; William IL.Turnbull A Co., Wellington : lliuvoiirt A: Co., Wellington ; I'rmviek Bros, Dunedin, It, 0, Duncan, Christchureh; V. J. L;irntT, Aui'kliind; Ilicliiti'l \\ uii'i; Miirk Sprol A' Co., (ireynioiuli A' Itokitika j H. Chadwiek & Co., llawkes Hay ; C. If. Lewis, I'ovcrly liny ; J. F. Clark, Nelson; Dewley & Griffiths, New Plymouth ; E. Brett, South Canterbury ; C. L. Duigan A' Co., Wim^mnii. SECRETARY (>■« km)-. J. S. Schwartz, Colonial Mutual Buildings, Custom House ( v >uay, Wellington.
" Wellington, "March 10th, 1904. " Having been requested to supplement our former report ol the 7th December lust with 11 statement of the receipts of the Empire Hotel for the four months from llic Ist November Inst, we have accordingly made a further examination of the hool;s ol' the Kni|iire lintel, and have lo report Unit the receipts nf the business for the four months from the Ist November to the 29ih t'ebruarj last, inclusive, as shown therein, amount 10 £10,571 ss. 11(1. "This brings the total receipts (or the year ending 31st December, 1903, lo £2rt,t>7] MK 3d. "UADIIAM iV IJISrf. " ProtesEionnl Accountant-.; :md Auditors." It will be seen from the reports that the receipt-: show a marked increase year after year, risin;.: fnmi £11,040 for the year I'JOO, io £28,671 for the year l!IM~au increase of over 100 per cent, or more than double. Compared with 1901, only two years ago, when the new buildings were completed, thj; receipts tor 1903 show an actual increase of ovgc GO per cant. An examination of lli< liuol;s shows thai the receipts for •lanuarv and February. I'.uil. amounted to £5,070 Ills, lid., which isnttheraleol Jj;i.i,l-3 per annum. Tiie present rule of [iioiit nn tb' l Kuipire Hotel alone repre mms iu itself over 8 pm' cent, on the entire capital of the consolidation with.nit takin;; into account at all " The Mansions' and the ■' llcllevue llotil and (lindens." Willi more accomodation available, which the addition of .inoihcr stun- would »ive, coupled Willi the large economies which can undoubtedly lie effected under the consolidation, the net profits should be increased by fully 50 pel' OQilt. HECEII'TS OK "TIIOANSIO.NH." Die receipts ot " The Mansions" amounted for the past eight months, to £2,131195. o<l., and the expenditure to £1,021105. 9d., leaving a surplus o! £513 2s. 3d. It must be borne in mind that the house is a now one, opened on the Ist August, 1903, and that these figures represent the returns for the period in which the house was started, anil before it can be said to have been iu full working order. "'he following is it copy of Messrs. Badham & Inss's report " Wellington, "April Bth, 1904. ■ We hereby certify that, having examined the books in connection with the establishment known as" The Mansions," Gluizucii Street, Wellington, wo tind the receipts for the past eight months, front August Ist, 1903, to March 31st, , 1904, amounted to £2,134 19s, Oil., and the expenditure to £1,021 10s. 9d., leaving a surplus of £513 2s. 3d.but in the above figures no amount has been included for intom! )ti capital invoked in the business 0P "BADHAM k HISS, " Professional Accountant. RECEIPTS OF TIIE "BELLEVUE" HOTEL & GAItDENB. Tho receipts of the" Bellovtio" Hotel and Gardens, from Ist January, 1902, to 29th February, 1904, amounted to £10,2210s 4d, while the expenditure was £8545 7s 7d, leaving ft surplus of £1075 12s !)d. During this period 52,103 visitors paid £1302 lis Gd for ad* mission to tho grounds, and £4lO 9s Od was realised for flowen. In the expenditure is included tho sum of £IOOO 10s lOd, which is an extra outlay incurred in repairs, upkeep, and generally improving the property. « w The Values of the Properties. As to the values o[ the thico properties, reports on have been obtained from the leading valuers of the city, raon who arc well known in Wellington for their absolutely unbiased judgment, skill, and experience in this class of busmess for a long period of years, and generally their " bedrock" valuations. The whole of these three properties have been carefully valuod, and there is no doubt that if sold in the open market to-day they would realise considerably higher prices. Moreover, from tho fact that business in Wellington is expanding enormously, and that the values of these three properties must increase proportionately year by year, it will be admitted by everyone that the possibilities ol the" compauv must be very great indeed, and that its earning facilities, which are already so high, must ho materially enhanced in the immediate future. Early application for shares is invited, and should bo forwarded 'to the brokers, accompanied by a cheque for £1 on wwfc di&is ft; mclicntion ruojw*Copies of Prospectus may bo obtained from tho sovoi ,(l brokers of the Company, or tliegVcndor, Mr|llorrmtin. Tho brokers will bo glad to givo any further inlormatio desired
Thb Company is being lormed [or the purpose oi acquiring, as going concerns, the fushiomiblc and well-known "Empire Hotel," in Willis and Victoria Streets, Wellington; the piotuiesque and far-famed " Bellcvuc Gardons and Hotel," situate Lower Ilutt, and the tine public residence or privilto hotel feiowu as " The Mansions,'' recently erected in Ghuznee Street, Wellington; ami of carrying on, consolidating, and extending their trade or business, mid generally o( currying out tlio objects mentioned in the Memorandum of Association of the Company. The value of the assets to be acquired by the Company uas been fully reported upon by well-known, experienced, and roliablf eiperte, and the following is ut fair summitry of their reports 11 TnE Emwiik Hotei; Land, Buildings, Furnishings and Goodwill £111,200 Stock of Wines, Spirits, A'c 1,000 "The Bkixkvi'k llotki. Jim»" and Furnishings 21,'23J Stook of Wines, Spirits, Ac M 0 "The iIASeioNS," Buildings, Furnishings, &c. 10,040 Total .. .. £144,229 These figures, based on thoroughly reliable estimates, show n iurplus of £14,229 over and above the purchase price to be paid by tlio company, "The Empire Hotel," This palatial hotel, recently built end re-constructed, may now be olassed as equal to any establishment of ils kind which the Southern Hemisphere can boast of. The position of Ibis building may be said to be the inns! valuable in point of situation and ronvunienci- which could In selected for private or public enterprise out uf llie whole of the Capital City of Xew Zealand. The "Umpire" has frontages to two of the must important business streets of Wellington City -Willis Street on lite one side and Victoria Street on the other—ami to each of these streets it presents a handsome and imposing front. The area covered by the hotel represents a length from street to street of 190 feci, and the frontages to Willis and Victoria Streets arc 75 feet and 71 feet respectively. By no possible fluctuation ean such a site as that on which the Empire Hotel stands be otherwise than materially enhanced in •alue in years to tome. i "The Belleyue Hotel and Gardens." At'the present time, a journey of thirty minutes by train am ten minutes' wall; from the Lower Ilutt railway station brings the visitor to the gales of this Hotel and Gardens-a truly ningni ticent property of some sixteen acres, with a frontago of about 1500 feet to the main Wiiiwetn lioad, which is one of the principal thoroughfares of the ilutt Valley. The Hellevue Gardens are unique in Now. Zealand, being as they are, lit,; only private botanical gardens on a large scalo ii/ the Colon). A carriage drive, shsded on either side by lino old trees, and fringed with graceful lerus, leads to the hotel—a vcritnblo old English manor house—standing in the midst of emerald green lawns, llowcr beds resplendent with gorgeous blooms of ovcry shade and hue; shady arbors and quaint summer-houses over which trail sweet-scented roses, interesting avenues of rare trees and shrubs brought from every clinic. Tlicie are nearly all varieties of New Zealand troes in these grounds. The straightening of the Ilutt railway has been agreed to liy l'jirliauient, and this important public work has already begun. The improvement of the Ilutt Bond is a worlt also to be put in hand immediately. It is needless to say that tho Bcllovuc I lotel and Gardens will immensely profit by these improvements. "The Mansions." </.ieof lb.; liiie-t estalilir-hnieiils of ils kind south of the line is tie' handsome new hoarding-house known as " The Mansions," situated in Glmzncc Street. The tine proportions of this building, as it lowers in ils garb of white above those buildings which surround it, immediately arrests the attention in the panorama of Wellington City. The building which is three storeys high, of brick and stucco, hits a froiilnge of 47 feet li inches to Uliiiznco Street, by a depth of iJti feet il inches. The furnishing is of the most palatini character. 4" be 'cell from fact that it lias cost nearly £4,000. > Financial Aspect. TIIH I'lMllllK HOTEL. The fullest investigation of the books and accouma _v (lie Umpire Hotel has been made by Messrs. liadham it Biss, profes•ional accountants and auditors, Wellington. Their report shows that from June, 1899, to October, 1903, the receipts totalled £88,200, against disbursements, £-31,.'171, lcavin? i net profit of £31,835. The following is a copy of a supplementary report from Messrs. liadbain A' Biss, showing the receipts for the four month-' twin the Ist November, 190!!, to the 29th February, 1904
ROS., WOODS' GREAT PEPPERMINT " CURE for Coughs and Colds novo fails, Is (ii), SYMONDS STREET AND KARANGAIIAPE ROAD. REPAIRS IN ALL BRANCHES CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO SIGHT TESTING my specialty Glasses accurately filled. Satisfaction guaranteed, (?. E. READ Consu'ting Optician. B G. M AOH STOCK AND SHAREEROX&R Stoou Esohanoe, Vclogmph address;— Maclty, Sharobrokor Auckland, LottoivI3ox 84, GTO,
wj 1 tei, 1 ffiSs# iswk §fw m* oWv> f M #2VM &- ~ im **■> mll'sP i ! i *s & ® to mPV'sV i it Wfi fst\ ' 1 a« J&&WS m>sww fcdllli |S*B a^l W 4 «i" i! &i* * iii« $ 'O, i ,M ■) p<aW £!S£V»J«» *\fi »' 2,6; aa !Ss'm m © ■vumtrMaacO
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Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume IV, Issue 1042, 16 July 1904, Page 4
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1,913Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Waihi Daily Telegraph, Volume IV, Issue 1042, 16 July 1904, Page 4
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