V Casual Wan teds. "TO" ANTED -- Board and Residence by ' ’ gentleman; homely preferred; permanent. Apply Herald. F23 11 If ANTED to Buy Bungalow on ' ’ Durie Hill, four or five rooms. Particulars to ‘‘Prospect,” Herald. Known White Cotton J Hose, plain, white, and fancy coloured tops, sizes 3 to 9; to dear la pair. At Spillane’s L.O.E. \j\T ANTED Experienced Carter. * ' Apply Thomson and Co., Wanganui East. yy.ANTED~Known Ladies’ Bloc-k ' * ’ Stripe Pyjamas, bed; qualify crepe, all colours, to clear 12s (id suit. At Spillane’s L.O.E. Person to' AdoptaTßaby 1 * ' as soon as possible. Applv Herald. F24 T/tTANTED—Three unfurnished Rooms. ’’ with use of kitchen and conveniences. Apply “Family,” Herald. F25 WANTED iTCooE Apply Bcu ’ ’ Nevis Hotel, Turakina. Y\ r ANTED to Sell Two wooden Bed- ’ ' steads, two Springs, two Mattresses, Doll’s Cot, and Duchess Set; two squares of Marble, Lady’s Bike. F2O r ANTED Known Ladies’ White Cambric Camisoles, very special value; 2s 6d each. At Spillane’s L.O.E. T/yANTED Young Lady as help; ’’ good home; no children. Apply Mrs Young, 21 Hatrick Street. ’Phone 603. Fit yyANTED Known >" " cMmn’e Stock. A few of last season's stocK. Ladies’ Black Stockings, 2s 6d, 2s lid, and 4s 6d pair. At Spillane’s L.O.E. ANTED A goofTWaitress. Apply Piccadilly Tea Rooms. Pl 3 WANTED to Let ’ ' 1 front Rooms. Two furnished Address at Herald. F2O WANTED Known i » t Summer - Ladies’ White Cotton Summer Vests; special prices, from Is lid. At Spillane’s L.O.E. IyWNTED 'to Rent Furnished ' ’ House at Castlocliff, for about five weeks. Write “Careful,” P.O. Box 389. VyANTED Known Goods at less ’’'than manufacturers’ cost. At T. E. Thomas and Co.’s Sale.. Flo WANTED Known Oddments in ' ' Ladies’ Corsets, at less than English prices; lid, 5s lid, 7s lid pair. At Spillane’s L.O.E. \y Cn- ' * ’ furnished Boom, Id or 2d section. Write “ Centrally,” Herald. P94 WANTED Known Smartly cut and 1 ’ ’ good fitting White Pique Costumes, usually 50s; to clear at 21 seach. At Spillaue’s L.O.E. Sale now' on. WANTED Boy for Dairy Farm, ’ ’ near Wanganui; good home. Apply Herald. , B8» WANTED Known Ladies’ Neck--1 ’ * wear at considerably less than halfprice to clear; Is each. At Spillane’a L.O.E. See the windows. ANTED to Let Two Unfurnished Front Rooms, to married couple; no chddren preferred; five minutes from P.O. Apply Herald. 879 yy ANT PE rchljsc House, five '’ ’ or six rooms; spot cash. Write “Central,” this Office. F93 \y ANTED Known —“Ladies’ White ' * Cotton Combinations, otra good qualitv; to clear, 4s (id each. At Spil--1 a tie’s L.O.E. . WANTED *— A siroiqE (Hrf for” Col- ' ’ legiate School; also Housemaid. Apply Steward’s Otlice. WANTED to Sell Piano (by John ' ’ Briuamead), .£25; rder. guaranteed good 121 Guyton Street. PB7 ANTED Known Children's heavy' ' ’ ribbed Wool Stockings, fast black, izes 3 to 6 only; clearing price, Is Gd air. At Spillane’s L.O.E. RANTED Known Steady married ’ ’ Alan wants poosition driving motor »rry; country work preferred. Write Experienced,” Herald Office. F9b ,y ANTED ” Known - White Pique ’ Skirts, 14s lid. At McCarthy’s V ANTED Known Ladies’ extra large size White Cotton Bloomers; te our price, 2s lid pair. At Spiiae’s L.O.E. if ANTED Known Creme Gobi ’ Skirts, O.S.W. only, 15e 6d. At Earthy’s Sale. yANTED -- House . Parlourmaid, * town; 27s Gd; three adult family; Fercnccs required. Write “M.,” Box i, Wanganui. ___ yANTED Known Ladies’ Blouses, ’ all sizes, all colours, plain and rai voiles, plain and stripe crepes; st value in the Dominion; 7s lid each. Spillane’s L.O.E. J ANTED Known White Voile ’ Blouses, 5s Hd, At McCarthy’s Ap» T ANTED to Let Motor Shed. ply 20 River Bank. H ANTED” KnowrT”—~All Wool Col- ’ onial Flannd, in Shetland, navy, rural, and cream; 2s 6d to 3s lid yard Spillane's L.O.E. HANTED House - Parlourmaid; ’ wages 35a. Apply Mrs Russell ioe, “Arles.” B7S WANTED Known Ladies’ striped ’ Washing Cambric Underskirts; a at line; 4s lid each. At Spil lane’s ).B. WANTED Waitress. ’ ’ Hotel Braeburn. Apply sharp, yy ANTED Known Remnaute ot 1 ’ ’ Calicoes, Flannelettes, Laces, Embroideries, etc., all at clearing prices at Spillaue’s L.O.E, yy ANTED Labourers for Concrete' ' ’ ’ Work. Apply on job, River Bank, Upper Aramoho. Brown, Builder. 884 yyANTED A Woman to do Wash” 1 * * ing and Cleaning, two mornings a week. Apply Mrs McGrath, 81 Liverpool Street. yy ANTED A good modern Motor ’’ ’ Bibo and Side-car. Apply Buyer,” 119 Victoria Avenue. Cash Fl3 yy ANTED to Sell 1 ’ Indian, throe speed; in perfect run-j ring older. Apply E. Bidder, Wanganui! East. D9il WANTED Shirt Machinist Begi* ’ ’ ner, .£1 per week; experienced MJ chinists can earn over £2 10s work. Write Box 230, Wanganui. yy ANTED Young Girl to Mi ’ ' Children, mornings only. Appljj Carltton Terraco*
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Bibliographic details
Wanganui Herald, Volume LIII, Issue 16045, 9 February 1920, Page 1
Word Count
763Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Wanganui Herald, Volume LIII, Issue 16045, 9 February 1920, Page 1
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