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(Per United Press Association.) (TITUSTCTIUiiC! 1, July 3. At the Magistrate's Court Andrew Nicol claimed from Harry ’I urner £■!■ Pis, Hi'.’ value of a totali.-alor dividend, the r-mdl of 10s which the defendant had agreed to -nvcf.t for plaint iff at the last race of the trotiLi" meeting at Plumptou Park on June 3rd. Mr fhr-'ter, for phDnliff, raid that Drlatter /.id given defendant. 10-; to invest on Lull*' Arthur on the la A race, "-'he horse. wo-.’ and paid a dividend of 44 Lis. Air f'asrid.y. for (lie defence, said ■.ii-re was a big crush (a, the totalise,'-t. ;:;H whilst the d; fend art was g.-tii'ig < r<y ticket-- a man behind asked defemlrnl fe get a ticket io- him. Defendant foolishly drl i,o, and passed the man ore of !hj ■ throe tickets he gc;. When rPTordaut went to collect the money he found he had giv.-n away ibe wrong t iek->t. His u'orshiy hold hr w;’.* quite sat Hard that a '■■aitimap' mi-take hr 1 been made ■v the defendant, but. of comae, he would luivu io pay for his mistake. Judgment would bo given for plaint iff for liis, Ibe price of the ticket, with oeo (.a (i-r.t amount.

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Bibliographic details

Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXXVI, Issue 13419, 5 July 1911, Page 3

Word Count

TOTE TICKET CASE. Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXXVI, Issue 13419, 5 July 1911, Page 3

TOTE TICKET CASE. Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXXVI, Issue 13419, 5 July 1911, Page 3


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