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■>. ,W- . . _,. — —7——. — Wanganni Djslng and Frenoh 50 Tons Her Cards Are Out ... WorfM And yon are wondering what to PRIME LOCAL AND SOUTHERN r give her to mark yoor apprecia- Uo. $4, GTJYTON STREET. ■ "' . - tion of her friendship. - ; ,• ..—— ____■* , „ ' /^ILEANERS and Dyert of all kind* of fiH AFF VH7 E c° uia Ba gg eBt . dozens of use- \j Curtains, Drapingt, tic., in «11 the >-* ***** *■ ' T? ful articles, but what could be latest shades. Also Dyers i* Fast Blue, more appreciated than a clock ! We Black, and all oilier fast colours. "FOR SALE nave iUBti U8t received some lovely new . • - * 1 marble ones which would be anim-"- Glove cleaning a speciality. provemenb to any mantlepieoe, and •« t w* to aiiit mircliaaerfl have marked them at prices, that, all O. BTJCEEMDAHL, » In lots to suit purchasers. . tMnga consi a e red. makes *them r mar- - . ; vels of cheapness. They are priced as - L" Manager. low as £4, £4 4s, £4 10s, £4 15s, up to ■ ~ ■ j, -■ £5. Off these prices we allow a dis- TO H N AW,N A Bl liIL, • " ' '" . count of I\% to presentation commit- J « JE^ S '<\ HOKSIiET & COY '• •:.£.:-*■•/,"■ „ ; ■■■.■-.itt&iS&r*----:. The Jewellery Importing (Agent for Carolin and Co.'s Boa NORMAN L. REID, Manager. :: v r..' ••«.,-«,£ Opposite English,, Church. • ■"■ ■ ■'• "' r ' FOR FUEL AND PRODUCE. vv Z..M H i'"~ X ■. ''" .- '•• **BTOP IT." ; . il'.'^L : ' J THANKS. \ Qalcketf Toothache Curie. lSf«. \ - — Soa* pellet of wool with %ilfl Gj, McCARTHT b«g» to heartily thank "Stop-it," and put in hoi- ttlßy t all those kind friend* who »o readily low, or rub sore gams. wBW9H| J^ __ _ _ ~. • ,T., T . assisted him' during and »no« the" recent' Stops aching and further de- IrV^fV OHNSO N," " unfortunate fire. .. . cay. Rub gums after ex. VAfl k v ■**• ** w - * He also wishes to intimate that a tern- traction—pain is instantly ■IU f 1 porary bar has been opened in the portion eased. For neuralgia rub over painful ... of tie .old bttiiaing left standing, .where part-lnitant , relief. . Price 1/6. Sole THE LIVE BOOTMAN, BOIC i' h« will be prepared to meet all old friend*. Manufacturer: ft* O. LANB> Chemist • ■ Oaatarn. ■ ■ ' * SYDNEY, '; -,' ' - . '.'. -o = i+ < TO BE PUBLISHED IN, AUGUST, 190f A1BIO,» TJOTiI, QTTI"NrP'CS< XX . aiu«j!iD ..bsol^lowbs,.,;,;^ ■ W - l^S^l P r- WELLINBTON, HMB* BUT » PETER J±AK'laiHJttr| . . TJlDlllAtfl Desires to intimate to his old friends and lAnKnHlvl . the publio generally' that since he has r , rknjrM T3II,V,TAT^T 3ll ,V, TAT^ unuffinJir, i«n . taken the above hotel he has had CoMB^Jg^sv „. + the" preniiaes thoroughly rtnoTated and re- GENERAL DIREOrORY. THE LAST TWO WEEKS OF. THE furnished throughout^ " „ . . i The best Wines and Spirits stocked. - .- --aot-. GREAT MARK-DOWN. SPEIGHT'S. ALE ONLY KEPT ON TAR r^VAT.Avm A NNtfAL. - (Jm.ineaSp^U^tooheonfrcJm^to ]^^ \ 23i^. •' ABSlfc. -' ■- .; Excellent Accommodation for "Boatders. •• * . ' -Every convenience. .■ Telephone: . ■ . ~~~ "." mHE w Me ol tt. S tock ta hand r^M ' TEofe fiiBiBHOBN. P.op«e«,. . .^^ . « pROyiNOIAL TTOTEL, ,' NEW, NOVEL, AND NUMBERLESS .. , . „ - -I* --. - v- * iiiA ""' «— *« : -Ri^inraY fitraet Waiffa'tul; '" ' Demy Bvo. size.i confcaining 1200 pages, toDESIGNS Bidgway Stwet, watiganux. Numen)^ eo^eoted to w -a TUCK ■■ Proprietor, date, the whole handsomely, bound in oloth, w. a. xuva. . gilt lettered, in ©very grade of Footwear to arrive early _- ,- r. • tA - «a in October ' • Prioe : H Ordexed before Ppblioation, 10s 6a > , W.E.T., 1 hkvinf agaim..tafcei otte. the , After Publication's 6d. .. Now is the time to buy. The 1 last two above weltknowiii »»nd popular house of • ~ —" • • weeks at present prices. . . , - ■ 1^ v: call, will br pleaeed to gee all old friend. t Stone, Soil ftlld UO. Ltd,, — — t •' , and to administer to the^ requirements of p rm t e rs and PubUsherai, Crawford and Je««y .. Bts,, Dunedin; and at Grey Bt.; WeUinglon johnson, ; . :- *■**»"'«^"-"p* l - - : , - /•■ -■ •■ THE LIVE BOOTMAN, ' . GOVERNMENT LIFE RIDGWAY STREET^opposite the Post $!£%%? 8~.B ~. U INSURANCE, " Sixty Lofty, Airy; Rooms.— Ladies' Tea . KstABLieHCD - - 1«T«. •■ Room. Large Dining Room, ate. : • — I.— , „ , Hot, Cold, and Shower Bathj. Sample j THIRTY SHILLINGS Sinclair's Tested Seeds.v room*. =?, - ; QUARTER :—: — NEW "SEEDS. J Coffee Pal^e, ' ;_ \ \]~^Z^"~ VEGETABLE EEEDS. . Weiff riymOHlll. " •.. : WVIU. W V 1U . secure, FLOWER SEEDS. ' . . farm seeds. — At age 23, £300, paytble tt Seed Potatoes, leadiog sorts, Se^ Si £c?J& <^J^*&*#.sfo-,- " Ground. " ■ ...■-■ New Potato "Northern Star." A* «k« 1Q £<*C\C\ nauakU •# First-eiass Table. At age 1 8, *300, payable « Onions, v TAißirp-^ir fa and si per day; age 65 Of at prevlbut [IMPROVED OWN SPANISH ; . . Jl.:J 1 .: :' , .>. > ■ [ '' ~ , .- ' .. •' „ xJisftr (Colonial Grown). ADDRESS— Corner Devon and Egmont aßttUl; - v Streets. ... IMPROVED BROWN GLOBE j • - WITH URGE BONUSES ADDED (Colonial Grown). , . 'v> . iN £^(>|| Qhtß. INSECTICIDES. VERMORITR, ' ' ' * •' - ■ - :- 1 .. , . . ■ MONTAUK. - *- mrnw WffO HAT* a , n . . " w THOSE WHO HATE RICHARDSON. FJJL. Improved 1905 Ball-bearing Lawn Mower. . , Comialsslonet, Thorley's Food for Horses and T0 B00T « V • Cattle. v-•v -•■ r ■■ Victoria Avenue Cdal "Depot IMPLEMENTS OF ALL SORTS. . ■**•- *K r « wl *■•* , - ____ : . • (Near NewmaTket Hotel). J.T.SINCLAIR, T HE B ES T LEATHER. F. 1 &*» .Illd 00, SEED MERCHANT andSEED GROWER tHS^EST STYLI!. . . WOODj COAIi> coke ; GBAIN . WANGANTJL » .-;,./:.. , .. MERCHANTS, ■■ THE BEST FIT, » BE Bt j U B^^ f or on delivery— 11 . ■' jtX Newcastle Coal, 32s per ton. ....": THE BEST PRICES, ' ' Puponga and Coalbrookdale, 17. p« JA 'X ■ I "RTF© • W-©;BT. ■T, | c advise our customers to send along X™ ' "'?"'■ « . - iifc x the CASH and talf© advantage of th* re- .' ■ . • Ama.'snm . duced prices. MIDICAL HERBALIST, BOTAHIST, *e M ; ' jl . :^ „. ■ Almvia large stpck'v of Dry Firewood. • r ' ' ' '" ' nOTI^ST" FEED ' Tietoiia Arekue [ : GREATEST SATISFACTION/ .We have a large stock 'of local and (next ioor io Esau and Co.'i Draper; i ; Southern Oats, and ChafE of extra good , . 1 Establishment).. ...--. , . . ;r- . . „ 'quality, and as we intend making a spe-. , •".; x ' ,J Are >: b * I :f on ? din .^!- cialty of. this line, it will therefore pay Cilia the attention, of the Public te his '•■ ■ ~ ■ -•>« ; - : anybody buying Horse Feed to give vi a will-assorted stock of Patent and Proprif. . : ( - ; cs fl., J • . . - taiy Medicines and Druggists' .Sundries, BX)OtS fttlCl' Sllo6B r Oat Crushing done f 6n the premises, stp., and especially to his gteat variety of 1 - -- ' -Telephones-Avenue; 290; Plymouth Street, HERBAL REMEDIES FOR ALL CQl|- * , :1: 1 6,^ . " - : - PLAINTS, including— Liver Tonic, Kidney , - guwßlied by ■••--, '' ! h- J> "" ' :" v •. " „•' ~ ' I"'. -■ '~ ; Cure, Rheumatic Cure, Blood Purifier, Sar- -.■-'■■ **--. *': ' -V f . ' '< - " " '. > »^— laparilla, Pleurisy H\xture, NeuxalgiaCur*, ► ■ -",..;,., • •. ipi'MOll* ' : ir v TIT 1A I CJfeonic Cataarh Cure, Brain and Nerve T mTTfYDT) A» f*C\ VJ ~tJ • YV * ronio, Heart Tonic, Carcwa and JPodophyl- J. IJtUJJXir OC OU „„»•« I^r« Watt La. lin, influenia Mature, Toothache £ufc«, , .: , BARmiSCTR^MD^ BOLICITOB. [ndigestion Cures, Asthma Powder, Com- .. — _ „-/«. . 4 , s-rnfTr »«r* mriimmo »imwiT wjsifton ( Powder, Eesema Lotions, Hair (Opposite English Churoh), '> RUTLAWD CjffAMBEJ« I .^jIDOWAT Ldtion (for falling hair), Nursery Hair Lo- .■. :•■ ; - „ . STREET, WANGANIJI. lion etc eto * ■. . _ .......,-.;, Honar. to L*nd.»i^Lowest iGtfTrent Rat«a. ' CONSULTATIOM FUI. AVENTTI WANGANTJI. Immediate investment for .£3OO required. < " . .- '__ - ]_I__jl_l_:_l .'. ? ' ' ' ''L'-'-'J! '. t '

ST* H ORlf^'O '• fWri'inflllar^UlTlC*" OiIDL The Famoas Remedy . COUGHSi BRONCHITIS, ASTMMA; AND CONSUMPTION. «AB TH^ EABGfSTj BALM aP^H^OHEB«r MEDIOIN jI IN AUSTRALIA . '? ij: / ■ Bewiip^^f ■■ .:•- ■-■'. :\-'/ •#■■-;; •■'•-. Those who have taken thlß.mediofae «c •PwißMl oulty of Breathing, Hoarseness, Pain or Sorenw.^inLthe Jft&J«Qsl^ ™WZ^^ col to Colds on the Ohest it la. invaluable, »a it elffeoVrV«snmeteture-. Itifl most oonftoriing in •Haying irntation.ln the throat and ??Bteengih V&^SS^STS^Snfim Oougt. or lathina. to become ohronic nor cudMDta«» K?OB!SS r been kiown to exist wbW'Ooughs" have been properly treated wiih thia medioine. Nohouar ahonld he without It, M taken at the oning, a doße is generally sufficient, and a Oomplettf Our e te tsMain. •»••,_ '. PBBPARED AND SOLD WHOLE^ALB AND RETAIL BY THE PROPRIETOR, - ' W. G. HEARNE, OhemWt, Geelong, Vioioriai Baujfatas,' 9a Set i Uxjsfe, 4a 6d 6old by Onetotata wd Ttfeci oine Vendor IT t. BBPOT:~O1TIC M • AJTJJ il ifuidfS BTJILBENGi, WIL LIB STMIT, WELLINGTON. ' Sold Wholesale and «etaU-V G. D. HAlteWOpD.'WantfamnW '■! -■-

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Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 11642, 21 August 1905, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 11642, 21 August 1905, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 11642, 21 August 1905, Page 3


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