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Pctrbleiv-n bulk Atbrca, . iiitd whicli thr.-i' crude oil can be pumped 1 fxom s vts^ete, ttt« ; to-be built in Wellingfon,>pr f dbaWy-?ft ; |»i£ totie." The criidc oU'wifl be refmed-by^otJ^l ' labor. ' ' /• ' . V •.'.. \-Vi l : ''ry v Captain Voss^-ip , dcieJCmined to sec.,' (^ie. wlioie- of the colony -before-' he att«wn^ to cross tjio, Atlantic Ocean ln.the'TUi?. Tkxiiu,' ail 4is now ott liis, way by," pea -to Tlie Pacific cablq. advises ,tl\at tte .l^W: -*, China- ofl]ce notifies. ;that tlv? cable ,'a^. . land liiies of Tonkin arq at^ll interrijptea.., Telegrams arc conveyed by raihvny "be- , ,'tween , Phuly and- Hanoi, are 9«P;j««k , 'to delay. , >. '■>;' ' ," ""," 3' V?t'. , 1 Sir William Russell Ja to ; bc pircseiytt}^ \Yith a very- handsome and -costly >ilv« cnercne, inlaid v^ith. gold, aubacrib*d/»« by his constituents to mark, their §l ation of a, quarter of.accntury:s;pQjiJ|e^. , rcwcsenla'tion *by the member ior'll-atvkdf BaY ■-• ' ''.■-/■' V" I'!' "* A. parrot bclongiiigr to a gentleman t«t Framfiold, Susses, Mras' heard „ exfite*lj--scrccehihg:".Wliat are -you doing,, ym ' eooundrol?' I'll skiH you !" It wa» found-that-A Aog was itrorryiug a valnaMe pigcoff, which was prottintly ' rescued^ owing ;•«*» ' Polly"s timely inteyvcritiuii. .\ " ;■ ~y\ At Hh'ntspUl/ Sbmctsct, one of t*o candidates -for, confirmatp^i .created \s W ,, "prise' ty rising in '"the 'middle irf't^W* ; vice. and asßhg s< *hcn it woiild The diocesan magazine- explains .tjiap,)«a •, cabman .'had -given tho^boya penny >««&&»■> - cigarette 'to do this- ••' -■ ■ -• '-y > Already a very 'large' number .of s^pa- ; tuxtes have becn>ttachcd. to'the' pohtioa - to be presented to Parliament •urj>mg *r.\ eomplocion" <« the' 'lla-GtiMiParaTTOrjß^ToU^j - iuid eondidasAitla interest fe'btfne ta*W>»- ' the public inccWns t'c- lielield m tho Opo^. House on Uovtdaxl ' eveniiigr Tiift; Mayor vtill preside."' 1 '■,' '.'.,„' ■ / '/,\ ' , Nell, a bright-looking. a^ rt A H e ?fii terrier, 18 months old,, has been .mstalMdas collector for the Widows' and Orphans- , Fund of the Great Western at the .parcel* , receiving office of. tho. Company. a% Cttarrtg. Cross- Sheas equipped. with a handtfom© collar, box, and. f inscription, • and htx "takings" have been ..oncouragmg: SO) laf -^ A.t the Police Court' thte njorning' Jath.cs , McCann was convicted of drunkenness . and a prohibition order was issued against htm. James Diggs was- fared iis for assaulting a railway guard "on- the' 'Wanganui. platform on, the- '2lst JUay; and- a- similar penalty ,wa« imposed for using obscene langu-, awe on the same occasion. The- Magistrate (Mr C. C. Kettle) "remarked that it was fho . duty of -the' Cdurt . to 'protect perwms^liC ' charge of trains, ana to iovfc urnm assault^, ou them in a serious light,. \ " ' '; ■ The Fire, Srf^acFe hfid- a ' satisfactory pumpinc td'^l wi^fi .tlieir new ( ejagine, last; evening. The engine" was run dqwn to tlio , wharf, dnd \rate.r pu'mjjcd^froin'vt^e.mer,, ( . Jet3.iot.water wore 'thrown a , able height j*bbv£ . the . Loan and MeTOg,n : tho Gompanjr' buildingpV »«d< the.njiwwtUery, Avofked very < smoothly." ( After <tl|o -pructk-e, the engine >as run throuprl. sevd- r .ral ••streets. The public trial of the motor will be hold on the .afternoon of Thursday, 2,lth June, and ,ftpt' n<&t Thursday, up pioviously^notified'. " . - „' t %\*, Durintr the last ' financial - year , 75^OpObirds were. kiUe^'fdrcsscd.''and i gwaed->,»t tl)»> Government', depots, the majority them, for the ,^6ujth. . African. ' m^Qt/'as^ ■ against ' iJ&.ODO . f o'r fhf^- year. .e,nded „^lsjtr Matt-hJ 1902. In addition to 'the poultry which pkssed,througji the depots - during; > the last . fiiiancial year, several "thdtffcaodtt;,. birdq were ox))ortod. without being. (tfajjUii by tbo Grbvcrnment experts. ,The Aorricujtural t)e\yartwent intend to seek icgisiatiojl^ to prevcrtt the export of any poultry unless. It has been gradid. by a Government offife^ rial. ' " ' M< .'„ . I, ,!_ Mr Carnogie,i iv the'eourso of an .inter-" " view, Jis' reported- to have riatd that"' "^tho Dominion of Canada had no' 1 future' b6f0.r,0 ' it except as, part- of the United- States: ! Mrj ' Carnegie described the- Canadian .steel •industry as a figment, and' declared that tlio ,' whole British 'eoioniiil > Empire waS'^nerWy a catch-word with politicians. • 'Tho Canotr' ' .dians arc highly • indignant at.Mr'Carneu.^terancoi, > an indication 'of "which \n\iay be.,|ound in the- fact that the Mayor 1 - ' of.iSydiipy, in Nova ; Scotia, 1 -declares his'lni'" '. : 4'eri.tion^, of Tet-urning Mr ■ Carnegie's feefc^nt- '. gift of ,7^,000 dollrips 1 for^ the 'c3tablishmeiitV | ! ' -„of a Irec library in that town. " I A sLxtfcen-year-old apprentice from tlic 1 -fillip J9^aci'ilianish, named Ambroso Haryoy,. , . J who left the'siiii) at WeMinston early 'ij^. v ' January, did. not' fall /into' the hands' of/ the.policd till Friday last. He was 'charged with desertion^ pleaded 'gu,iltY* and in now^ anxious to return home. Mr James jj^por©,-.'-of ihe Missions to Seamen,' fiaid that tlwi\ boy had been misled by a man wko' tooKthim to \^ork up country. The. boy's pa**. enti lived in. London, and were very wealthy. Ho' waa a and' at- * ways had boon well behaved at the jnissiok,' " me^tlns* 1 . Arraiigemrats are beyig.^ kiaJo' to j»ct hinl a berth in one of th^.'KcnF.K^^;.-,. , md Sshippiiig Company's boats for hmi'ion."

Commissioner ,,Tunbridgc leaves the col- ' ony on the' 27th inst. Prior to his departure he is tt> be presented wilh a'testimonial subscribed to by the police 1 of 'the colony. • ■ i

The latest additions to the Telephone Exchange arc -No. '^B^, Mr J. L.' StovonB">n's private vesidence, Cauipbelltown, and N* 1 .- 402, Mr J. Truasetl, cabinetmaker, upholsterer, and lindertakcr, Ridgway Street. Mr A. W. Slitart,' of .'the Victorian Cus-toms-Department,, who visited Dunedin at the end of last -^ear, has been promoted from the chief landing waitcrship to the collectorship at Melbourne, at a' salary oi" M7SO a year. -' ' "" ' From tho Daily Mail we cull the following: — "At Amsterdam': 'Schuitanvcrroerderspatrooiißvereeniging' is tl\e name, of a new body. It mpans Society of .Employers of Bargemen.'^ , One might have thought it something iHore ' deadly. Is' tiiia really double Dutch?' 1 ' "■ '■■ ■ ■• • m . . j ,In connectidii r w-itlt 'the new process' of extracting oil 'front' «wamp manorial in. which kauri .gwu. has l?c,en buried->»the Thames Advertise.^ slates, that^sami?l.cs of the oil have been sent to the United States, and Royeral lluitdings 'in' Auckland have J been painted with paint prepared with this oil instead of- Unseed, pif. . > I While a- traiH on the • Baltimore and Ohio railway, . was. travelling at ,tlic rate 1 of a mile a 'minute the driver stuck his head out of tlie cab. 'At the same instant' the tram sptfd by, a signal polo, and the i driver ,wao decapitated. The , train, ran j for twenty mijps 'before the fireman, who , irpa completely ' unneryod, could bring it j to a halt. - ' ' ' | ,' In- East. lndian .iadiool a mental arithmetic is a vastly, more serious matter than it is in the sclioolb of tliis country. Catch questions' are iiU'mcrous in the Orient, and the multiplication table is swollen into a mountain of difficulty by native teachers. Pupils of ten years arc taught to carry the multiplication table up to forty times forty. " ' * '

A Marseilles retired civil servant, Paul MeHiain, 63 yeafe old, 'paid attentions to a fellow-lodger by 1 serenading under. her window. But. .the lacly's., dog always barked so loudly at his music as to bring all the people in the house! to the ' win- • defts". The exasperated Mechaw aimed a bottle at the animal,., but hit the lady, ; who is now id a cri tiesG v 'Condition.'^ j " -< '-| -"-It is' announced that' "the Gorman Gov- i officials who have, been, inspecting *H£ligolaud haye giyen up the. island for lost: Eight Irundicd yeats ago it was five j tinges its' present sine,. and la.tely, consider.spilp"Masses > of lajid have fallen into the sipi Germans^are more than ever of opinion; ; that BismaTck ' made -'a bad bargain wbjVn he took t>ver Heligoland from England. ,'-:'' % ' ' ', ' 'prince Colonna, Mayor of Rome, who rccdiyed the Kinff when he reached the Eternal City, is head of one' of tho -proudest 'of."Roman families.-' There has hardly been a time when 'V Colonna wa& not a power for 'good' or cylT in Rome. From' tho family have .sprang a" 1 . Pope'-.(Oyiartin 'V.., »elected 1417), cardinals, generals, statesmen, and Jnany noted - scholars and writers,, qmorig, tho latter Victoria ,CJolonna , .th? poetrcss» apd friend of -Michael' Angelo- i , ( Birmingham has -an interesting record. The only three "men'who havo*beeh ele'eted fliree-tim*^- to tlie -mayoralty of BirmihgIjam married three sisters ! ' Has it o.vor 'Happened 'before. 'one wonders, that, three w'st^rs liave , each. 'been Jady mayoress <vftbfevgaane city,^ O^tcof the three- was t^c. wtfc of Mr, Chamberlain duriiw? his.,anayoralty: anotker^as-tdc ivifc of -Sir -!Dioma* ,

Madh^iu. was; kiDiyhtofl byQucon | V,i«tajia oti heir visit to I'irmingham dut- i i^gT'llw-tarinj of office; and the t^ird is the ,Y&£e of Mr ! Bealel who was also" three' times elected: jbWf Jii&istratc; d^thd-MM-' land cariital. ■..■'■'' ' Aipbonse Biihamcl,- of Paris; has made a /timepiece 12tt'lugh,' and is composed entirely of bicycles or their comppnent part&. T1 1C framework .is a huge bicycle wheel, around winch are arranged twelve ordinary-sized, -wheels, all' iitted with pneumatic .tyre?., A .rim vri'thin the largp wheel bears the figures ior the hours the figures .thcjnscjves being constrifcted of crank rods./^The Jiands are made of sfeol tubing, which is used for the. framework of bicycles. The minute strokes on the dial - nro small nickel-plated spokes. The top of the clock ia r nu arrangement of twelve Ji3Tuil*>-l;>aTF. The clock ntrikes Ihe hours aiid the tj^axlctß', Mvjvte l>c.Hs, <^f roursp,, making the- chimes.. ■ Tli-e pendulnm. is made of a. bicycle wheel, > and the pendulum rod of various parts of a bicycle frame. It is said' that 1-he clopk,\ besides being a curiosity, is an excellent, timepiece. It is to attorn one of i,hd public buildings ofPari^. ' ' ' ' Nearly 600 delegates from all, parts of the country- -attended * the* Vcierh teen th aunual congress of tlie- IJolgiun L'lbo.ur pnrty, held in Brussels., on April >13 at ttyc-Afai; : eon dv Peup^e. • Ihe inegtfiig alsu included several prpuiineat Socialists from for-

ei#n countrieß^.,,T]jc discussion .turned <?hiefly on tho gnosjion. of univorsg.! suffrage, and whether <iv alliance- .with the Liberal party was desirable in view of the legislative. bl'ectibhs of 1904. 'After a debate lasting, several .hours, a resolution was passed hy aj largo majority which dp-, dared that tho "campaign in favour' of the desired refo'rnY slibuld be carried' on with ' increased enei'gy'j 1 but . independently of any other p'olitu&l .party. It was fiirther resolved^ tlia¥ 'the {iorifvlisis bhonld oj^nin bring in a bjit'ftir'ti'AiVcrsal suffrage hcfoje/''tho 1 election's.' a-nd I>y ' T co-op'crating yitli the- ttacle' unions' should .prcpaTfo 'the way for a universal strike as a means of compelling the Go\erhmeut to pasa the ! 'A. new industry 'in the shape of the manufacture of oar-iabels for aheep is being successfully .'established by a Wellington 'ongiAe,er. \ ■Sy.this.-iJtt'-ehllon a reliable tncUiod w i .provided "of rdcofding the progeny of any particular ram. It coiisis'tß'af an earring on'which is stamped' the name of the breeder and the- pedigree" of the lanib.' The metal 4iscd is a special alloy imported from England. It does not rust and 'will not open out wiien tho sheep is feeding. among logs. Special'- toolß for cutting, stamping, and shaping the rings have been designed. Tho turning machinery, worked .by a- boy. •is capable of. making 2QQO rings per day! Though tho Jndu&try, has- be-eu but recently started, breejdfers^^rom, aJJ rarta of the ooiouy have already, ygivqu.isubftlantial orders for the labehvand,ißome,,krccdQrp havcalsQ adopted the, practice, of using heavier earlabels for cows\ -Tho; question of cheeking stud sheop has., recently' rcceiv^ed .an impetus by thc^actjon. of, thp fijipephreedcrs 1 annyal conference, )?pld..^t PalDi«}rfito«. N. It is proposed, to,, seek an amendment of /thoStock Act. gfviuff the registered Bamo»or design on thc^.lnbcls a'fL.thc. protection, of a copyright. * '„'.,

, What is a • Cough ?— A spap'mrdic effort to erpol the mucus from the -bronchial tubea. A cold causes a, more, abundant secretion of mucus, and when the lungs and bronchial tubes ' are inflamed^ they nro extremely sensitive to "the irritation. Unless care is taken/ the cold may result in pneumonia, whteh' is swift aud,dead}y. If the cold is 'a lingering otic, the more, leisurely but 'equally fatal' consumption may set in. Do 'not neglect a cold' or cough. Take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. .It always eun>3 and 'cur6s rtiiickly^ — United Farmers' Co'.-o-'.' Association sclle' it. ' ! „.> !•!• i I ■'.-->■ /.

Captain telegraphs — Gale after 16 hours fi™n now from between north and* east and south-east, much rain, tides good, glass falling soon.

Captain McNaught is taking charge of a local subscription list, in connection with a movement in . Wcl'ington, headed by Messrs Duthio and Aitkcn. 1'5.H.5., io raise funds for the memorial to be erected to the la'ie Sir Hector Macdon.nld. Captain* MeNaught will- be pleased to accept any' subscriptions in aid of the above object, which will appoal to all "children of the heather." , On Saturday forenoon, Benjamin Salth, a carpenter engaged on ,the grandstand at the Valmeratoii Racecourse, slipped from flic scaffolding and fell a' distance of 35ft. When picked up he was- unconscious. He, had evidently fallen <>:i Ins head, ,aiuj, ine'dical examination discovered that se-vere-coUonssioii of 'th'c' brain'lJecn !lsus.jLainqd. .^fllth'hVod-tefkcn- tft.tlie'Pi'lmoife{pu Hospital an< the .j*mbHlunco,.van,, and, '^n'i'nqu'iryl is|,,ui.^bt it was found tlwt he Vrfs 'still ' lintoiTscious. ' , '; Even a'ncw'bropmV?wceps''not liaTf as clean as aifew'cO'ntnvancc! yttfikbd by the' London. Lancet for ''c^ea-nhig : 'by vacuum."Ordinary methods- of cleaning .merdly, stir up the dust, and down it setiles again, to do ntfssionary duty for microbes. The vacuum method sucks the dust out of the .carpets an<f curtains and carries it through a rubber tnbo to an exhaust cylinder, whence it goes into the furnace and is bnrncd. An incidental advantage is that fresh air is drawn in from outdoors Io replace that which goes into the insatiate tube. v The following missing friends were enquired lor iv Lloyds of April 26: — Edward G-reeii, of Forest Hill, went ,to New Zealand. Sister Louisa aske. — Mosley Ilymah left Manchester for Dunedin about twenty years ago; believed to have gone to ftlashonaland about fifteen years ago. Brother <S. asks. — William Jones was . carpenter's • mate 'on the Alma, wrecked in the mouth of the Hoogly about 1880. He was saved j and taken to Bombay on the Nimrod, of McJbouxne. Brother James asks. — John Wride left Birkenhead in 1881 ; wrote last from Durba.ii, in 1892. _ Mother inquires.

The Duke of Ratibor, president of the German Automobile Club, has issued a public .warning to German automobolists cautioning them against fast and furious driving. A lvelUuiown Gorman automobiiist stated to ■ the J^ew York Herald's Berlin correspondent that lie simply pays .his fine. without demur, and drives as fast as he likes. ' "When I look over my morning 'inail/'.~ he said, "after leaving had a few spins the previous Hay, I always expect line, sand summonses. I'Jind it' not inconvenient to pay these fines, and don't" let it interfere -with mysport.'"' Searching for' "copy" tlie other da" a member of the ' Duucdiu >Star staff" persuaded a leading firm of undertakers to tell him for publication what disinfectant it is they use when coffining the^corpsc of a person who has died f torn infectious disease. Xlio reply was that they use a dilution of formalin for spraying the room and tfie clothing and everything necessary to be -handled. The chief merits of formalin 'arc : First, its pfficacy, since when -using it. -the undertakers have no fear of contagion, however malignant the disease; second, its cheapness, 2s buying a quart of ' the. dilution ; third, its peculiar inoffensivehess, in that it can bo sprinkled, upon fabrics without, destroying their colours. The public are indebted to the firm referred to (who a.=k that their names be not- mentioned) for information as to this valuable germicide.

Ricjiard Harding Davis,' the novelist, malccs no pretence oi'^lioinj? a pianist, Lr,id ho dopff pJay tho guitar and sing well I. ] Having composed a musical setting to i Ipplhi^'a 'Danny Deever,' with ih/it inslru- j ment/ he picked it out, quite in tfrc >«c- i 'cre'ey'of his home, on the, piano. Th,e ac- I comiianimont to his vK>it i e'"-consisCccr w "of' a" few chords, which, from frequent- repetitions, be fixed in his memory. * One night Mr Davis was at .an evening party of musical people, many of them celcbiated composers. As a joke, someone asked him to play one of Ijis own compositions. To ev.eryone's surprise, he consented, and bodily went to the piano, whore he eyed the keys in a puzzled way, Turning to . Padercwski, he said : "I can't find the starting note. I composed my tune on a Steinway, and 1 this is a Weber*. Where would the note-that is under Llie W on a Steinway he on a Weber?"

Mr Kenny, S.M.. at- llic List meeting of tli<? lljnvr.'i Licensing Comwillee, «aitl he had a general ann<uincemput ti> make on behalf of the Committee in regard to ,comc — not all— rof tho country hotels, and that was on the subject of the food supplied, and tho manner' of serving it, both of 'which were open to great excention. Table cloths were dirty. kuives and glasses grimy, and the, food badly cookrtj, and ii was fcerv^d up and given out as if* it were being thrown to a hungry dog. It was no ueo having handsome 'buildings if the ■luonu-was inferior. People were granted the lucrative privilege of supnlving liquor on condition that Ihey also' supplied proper food a:UI accommodation. His roiHtitks- did not' ajjply {<» all the cotttitry hotels, soitic of w-Jiifh w«tr very good. The Committee desired to add that it wj»s the bpundpn duty of ?.. landlord \o visit lm dming-room' from 'time to' time io see thai things were being properly conducted.

( jSome •fiflcs-n years ago Sir liiomas Lipton was a papseuger .on an JCasl Indian htcamcr, bound for, Ceylon. -While in the "Red Sea -the'ljoat was disabled, and it bocamo iK-cossary to throw overboard jiart of 'her cargo. Lipton was an mtcrestcd sp?cLiior yf.lhp ])rppnrai' for ligbioning the fillip. Suddenly Jie bolted frohi t!ip scpkv, nitd liy.a twiity-dolla-r dicken with the. chief engineer -pecurrd 'a sloncii; a paint brush; and a pot of black paint.' Thru, t» the astonishment <tf ,the«. captain • and innssengcrs, he' cheerfully labelled each box. and' 'oale Ihrown overboard "Uhp Lipt^n JB,J 8, Tens." OLlic' carpi, of «onrs.c i ftoaitcd asliore,' i'.jul for luilrw in Araby v and other lauds <lie natives saw that Icgroiid. fcfiUiecqubntly the passongors on the iniured .steamer were compelled to abandon il and take to wii all boats. On reacliinjfj land Sir Thomas was the first to make a cable office, and wire the destruction to London. The message was signed ' "tipton." ' Of co'iirsp his vamp was in every English nowspnper, tlie next morning, "signed to that messago, and he waa the best-adver-tised man in tlie kingdpin.

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Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 10976, 16 June 1903, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 10976, 16 June 1903, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 10976, 16 June 1903, Page 4


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